200 type set to a 227 entering passive mode ошибка при попытке ftp

I am trying to connect to my FTP server via File Explorer. I am sure I configured my settings and passive mode correctly, but I still get this error message:


I am not sure why this happens so I am asking for some advice

Edit: I was able to connect using command prompt and download, upload, and delete files

asked Jul 16, 2018 at 18:00

mathmaniac88's user avatar


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See picture:

Use the following IP

I guess this is the problem that the file manager does not automatically convert to an external IP. So if you want to solve this problem, set it directly to the external IP directly on the FTP server.If you use the filezilla server, you can direct setting this blank(your external ip. If you don’t know public ip, you can use this URL http://www.whatismyip.com.tw/ to get external ip)

marsh-wiggle's user avatar


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answered Nov 20, 2018 at 5:03

Overcomer's user avatar


The problem was that my NAT Router field was set to the ip address of my router page, all I had to do was change it to the public ip of my website and it works :)

answered Jul 17, 2018 at 4:47

mathmaniac88's user avatar


1111 gold badge1 silver badge8 bronze badges

FileZilla Server Version 0.9.33 beta
I took my job recently. the former guy sat up FTP server (FileZilla)
it used to work until today, last night we had an intrrupt in our network and after that FTP is not working. (Firewall has separate UPS and nothing happend on it)

Now all of my FTP users disappeared (Not a big deal)

I found that XML files are cruptted (FileZilla Server, FileZilla Server Interface). somebody recommand to delete the xml files and launch the application. it works now.

I already tested it from inside of the network, it is working

But I cannot connect to my FTP from outside. I can see my user can logon, but the message below will appear after logon:

200 Type set to A
227 Entering Passive Mode(192,168,200,2,199,92)

Although the windows firewall is off, I set an exception for FileZilla
I enclosed two screenshot fro your information

Please Advise


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FTP error 200 Type set to A

Hi guys,

Can some one pin point what is causing this error to show up when logging to qnap ftp server via window os through dydns domain?

An error occured opening that folder on the FTP Server. Make sure you have permission to acccess that folder.
200 Type set to A
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0.10, 218, 101)

-I’ve used another qnap same issue;
-Attempted to disable and enabled the qnap FTP service same issue;
-Revert back to my previous modem, the ftp is working.

This error show up after I changed over to a new adsl2+ modem «port 21 pointed to my qnap» but when I’m accessing via internal IP it seems ok with no error.

With my previous Netgear modem I can access into the ftp with out any issue. FYI im using a dydns service and all the port forwardings has been done correctly. Any idea what is causing this? Thanks :(


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Re: FTP error 200 Type set to A


by pwilson » Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:11 pm

Gum wrote:Hi guys,

Can some one pin point what is causing this error to show up when logging to qnap ftp server via window os through dydns domain?

An error occured opening that folder on the FTP Server. Make sure you have permission to acccess that folder.
200 Type set to A
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0.10, 218, 101)

-I’ve used another qnap same issue;
-Attempted to disable and enabled the qnap FTP service same issue;
-Revert back to my previous modem, the ftp is working.

This error show up after I changed over to a new adsl2+ modem «port 21 pointed to my qnap» but when I’m accessing via internal IP it seems ok with no error.

With my previous Netgear modem I can access into the ftp with out any issue. FYI im using a dydns service and all the port forwardings has been done correctly. Any idea what is causing this? Thanks :(


Did you remember to setup the Port-Range Forwarding in your Router for Passive-FTP as well?


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Re: FTP error 200 Type set to A


by Gum » Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:25 pm

Pat, I did enabled the passive port range in qnap and port forwarded in the new modem, same issue. The moment i swap it back to the old modem, the error is gone.

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Re: FTP error 200 Type set to A


by schumaku » Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:20 pm

Testing from inside of the LAN? New DSL router (not modem only…) might not support NAT loopback.

Consider testing with a more sophisticated ftp client like FileZilla — and post the connection log.


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Re: FTP error 200 Type set to A


by Gum » Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:34 pm

Here is the log from filezilla

Internal IP work
External IP/Ddyns domain don’t work. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:21 / xxxxxx.dyndns-server.com:21

Status: Resolving address of xxxxxx.dyndns-server.com
Status: Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:21…
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
Response: 220 NASFTPD Turbo station 1.3.2e Server (ProFTPD) []
Command: USER admin
Response: 331 Password required for admin
Command: PASS **********
Response: 230 User admin logged in
Command: SYST
Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
Command: FEAT
Response: 211-Features:
Response: MDTM
Response: MFMT
Response: MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
Response: MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
Response: LANG en-US*
Response: SIZE
Response: 211 End
Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters.
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing…
Command: PWD
Response: 257 «/» is the current directory
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Type set to I
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,10,220,210).
Status: Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.
Command: MLSD

I have tested from inside and outside of the LAN using the dyndns domain , port is on 21.
I have also checked with http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ the port 21 is open.

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Re: FTP error 200 Type set to A


by schumaku » Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:03 pm

Passive ftp mode is required — the ftp passive-port range as configured on the NAS ftp server page under the advanced settings is mandatory, too.

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Re: FTP error 200 Type set to A


by pwilson » Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:56 am

Gum wrote:Here is the log from filezilla

Internal IP work
External IP/Ddyns domain don’t work. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:21 / xxxxxx.dyndns-server.com:21

I have tested from inside and outside of the LAN using the dyndns domain , port is on 21.
I have also checked with http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ the port 21 is open.

That is awesome. Have you also verified that the Passive FTP Port-Range is also forwarded? I’m sure I provided a listing for it several messages ago.

You also find the ports listed on the FTP Server Setup screen.

Perhaps this will help:


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Re: FTP error 200 Type set to A


by Gum » Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:35 pm

Hi Patrick,

Unfortunately I have done the above steps open the ports for PFTP, and I’m still getting the same error. The modem I have is an iinet bob2 modem and it does not have the option to input the port range but I can only input a single port entry.

This what I have done:

1. I have changed the passive ftp port range to 55536 to 55537 in QNAP/Network Services/FTP Services/under Advance section
2. Open port for 55536 and 55547 point to my local qnap machine

I have also assigned the into DMZ. What else could it be causing this issue?



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Re: FTP error 200 Type set to A


by NMGMarques » Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:44 am

Having the same issue. Filezilla connects without a hitch, using myqnapcloud address. Windows fails with the same error message as reported by OP whenever mapping the drive. FTP is on port 2121 and I have redirected the port range as well. No joy.

Anyone have a solution?

пробовал, ничего не меняется. кидаю ссылку, можете проверить?

вход без логина и пароля (анонимка)

putty.zip я у вас скачал :)

заходил через линуксный ftp клиент.

через far почему-то не соединилось, причем проскакивало что-то на русском языке

через несколько минут

╔══════════════════════ FTP «anonymous:» ══════════════════════╗

║ <- 257 «/» is current directory. ║

║ -> PASV ║

║ <- 227 Entering Passive Mode (31,28,7,7,216,242) ║

║ -> TYPE A ║

║ <- 200 Type set to A. ║

║ -> <ABORT> ║

║ <- 500  Ї ЄABOR: command not understood. ║


с 3 или 4 попытки far все же залогинился, но да, файлы не скачиваются с подобным же сообщением, что сервер не понимает какую-то команду


Вопрос: Есть файловый сервер WIN server 2012 R2 (Доменный), на котором у меня лежат бэкапы. Для создания бэкапов внешнего ресурса мне требуется поднять на нем ФТП. Ничего сложного, но!

Установил ФТП, в фаерволе включил правила, относящиеся к работе ФТП.

Создал ФТП в IIS 8, на требуемую папку выдал права для пользователей IUSR и IIS_IUSRS на запись и чтение.

В Биндингах выставил внешний адрес сервера.

Для теста включил анонимный доступ.

Все как по мануалу.

И дальше я впал в ступор: ФТП открывается только по внешнему адресу и только с самого сервера. Извне, стандартная страница IIS стартовая открывается.

При попытке подключиться через FileZilla:

Статус: Соединяюсь с…
Статус: Соединение установлено, ожидание приглашения…
Статус: Небезопасный сервер, не поддерживает FTP через TLS.
Статус: Соединение установлено
Статус: Получение списка каталогов…
Команда: PWD
Ответ: 257 «/» is current directory.
Команда: TYPE I
Ответ: 200 Type set to I.
Команда: PASV
Ответ: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,10,4,196,190).
Команда: LIST
Ответ: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection.
Ошибка: Соединение прервано после 20 секунд неактивности
Ошибка: Не удалось получить список каталогов
Статус: Отключен от сервера

При попытке подключиться через CMD:

Связь с
220 Microsoft FTP Service
Пользователь ( anonymous
331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
230-Directory has 143,821,565,952 bytes of disk space available.
230 User logged in.
ftp> dir
200 PORT command successful.
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
10-08-2015  01:14PM       <DIR>          Backup_***************
226-Directory has 143,821,565,952 bytes of disk space available.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 59 байт получено за 0,00 (сек) со скоростью 59000,00 (КБ/сек).

По сессиям на ФТП Зилла отшибается на команде LIST, обычный обозреватель отшибается на команде PASV.

ОДНАКО, если отключить фаервол на сервере вообще, система начинает пускать на фтп.

Понятно что проблема похоже в фаерволе, однако я не нашел ни одного решения этой проблемы. Судя по мануалам все должно работать «Из коробки». Да и поднимая ФТП на более ранних версиях IIS у меня проблем
не возникало.

Есть идеи? Если надо, могу скинуть настройки фаервола.

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    9 октября 2015 г. 6:27

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