2144 0001 ошибка switch

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Bug Report

I am getting Error code 2144-0001. I just updated to the latest software of atmosphere

[ If any section does not apply, replace its contents with «N/A». ]

[ Lines between [ ] (square brackets) should be removed before posting. ]

[ * ]

[ Note: If the bug or crash you encountered is related to; ]

[ — software used to make «backups», ]

[ — software explicitly distributed for piracy, etc ]

[ then contributors will not provide support for your issue and your issue will be closed. ]

What’s the issue you encountered?

[ 1- I updated my switch to the latest software. I uploaded the latest atmosphere software. When I clicked on albums, it gave me Error code 2144-0001]

[ Did you make any changes related to Atmosphère itself? I did not make any changes to atmosphere. This was my first time performing the install of a software ]

[ If so, make sure to include details relating to what exactly you changed. ]

How can the issue be reproduced?

[ * ]

[ Include a detailed step by step process for recreating your issue.I followed the steps in downloading the sdsetupzip file and dragging hekate to my dad card and atmosphere, boot loader, sept, switch.

the upload was successful and when going to my album the error occured ]

Crash Report

[ Crash reports can be found under /atmosphere/crash_reports. ]

[ If your issue caused Atmosphère to crash, include the crash report(s) by creating a gist and pasting the link here. ]

[ If you don’t include a crash report in instances of crash related issues, we will ask you one to provide one. ]

System Firmware Version


[ Replace X’s with system firmware version at time of crash. ]

[ You can find your firmware version in the Settings -> System, under «System Update». ]

[ If it says «Update Pending», you can clear the pending update by rebooting to Maintenance Mode. ]


  • What bootloader (fusèe, hekate, etc) was Atmosphère launched by: hekate
  • Official release or unofficial build:
    • [ Official release version x.x.x (or) unofficial build ]
    • [ If using an unofficial build, include details on where/how you acquired the build. ]
      • [ Ex: Self-compilation ]
      • [ Ex: Kosmos’ distribution of Atmosphère ]
  • Do you have additional kips or sysmodules you’re loading:
  • Homebrew software installed: [ * ]
  • EmuMMC or SysNAND:
    • [ If using an EmuMMC, include whether it’s partition-based or file-based. ]

Additional context?

  • Additional info about your environment:
  • [ Any other information relevant to your issue. ]


  1. Служба поддержки Nintendo приветствует вас
  2. Описание:
  3. Необходимые действия:
  4. Появляется ли ошибка после перезапуска консоли?
  5. На вашей консоли установлена новейшая версия системы?
  6. Сохраняется ли ошибка?
  7. Проблема не была решена:
  8. Сохраняется ли ошибка?
  9. Проблема не была решена:
  10. Проблема не была решена:
  11. Поиск в разделе «Поддержка»
  12. Error code 2144-0001 #1511
  14. Bug Report
  15. What’s the issue you encountered?
  16. How can the issue be reproduced?
  17. Crash Report
  18. System Firmware Version
  19. Environment?
  20. Additional context?
  21. Homebrew RetroArch and pFBA: Error 2144-0001 (0x290)
  22. c0dehunter
  23. Error Code: 2144-0001 (0x290) Appears after update
  24. Bug Report
  25. What’s the issue you encountered?
  26. How can the issue be reproduced?
  27. Crash Report
  28. System Firmware Version
  29. Environment?
  30. Additional context?
  31. Atmosphere crashing after update to 1.1.1 Error code 0x290 (2144-0001) qlaunch process
  32. DonKedick

Служба поддержки Nintendo приветствует вас


На консоли Nintendo Switch появляется код ошибки 2144-0001.

Необходимые действия:

  1. Перезапустите консоль Nintendo Switch, удерживая кнопку POWER в течение трех секунд, а затем выберите «Параметры электропитания» > «Перезапустить».
    • Если консоль не отвечает, удерживайте кнопку POWER в течение двенадцати секунд, чтобы принудительно отключить ее, а затем снова включите устройство.

Появляется ли ошибка после перезапуска консоли?

На вашей консоли установлена новейшая версия системы?

Сохраняется ли ошибка?

Проблема не была решена:

Консоль Nintendo Switch необходимо отдать в ремонт.

Щелкните здесь, чтобы оформить заявку на техобслуживание.

Если ошибка исчезла, вероятно, предыдущие действия способствовали ее устранению.

Продолжайте пользоваться консолью и наблюдайте за ее состоянием.

Сохраняется ли ошибка?

Проблема не была решена:

Если проблема сохраняется, консоль Nintendo Switch необходимо отправить в ремонт.

Щелкните здесь, чтобы оформить заявку на техобслуживание.

Если ошибка исчезла, вероятно, предыдущие действия способствовали ее устранению.

Продолжайте пользоваться консолью и наблюдайте за ее состоянием.

Проблема не была решена:

Если проблема сохраняется, консоль Nintendo Switch необходимо отправить в ремонт.

Щелкните здесь, чтобы оформить заявку на техобслуживание.

Поиск в разделе «Поддержка»

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Error code 2144-0001 #1511

Bug Report

I am getting Error code 2144-0001. I just updated to the latest software of atmosphere

[ If any section does not apply, replace its contents with «N/A». ]

[ Lines between [ ] (square brackets) should be removed before posting. ]

[ Note: If the bug or crash you encountered is related to; ]

[ — software used to make «backups», ]

[ — software explicitly distributed for piracy, etc ]

[ then contributors will not provide support for your issue and your issue will be closed. ]

What’s the issue you encountered?

[ 1- I updated my switch to the latest software. I uploaded the latest atmosphere software. When I clicked on albums, it gave me Error code 2144-0001]

[ Did you make any changes related to Atmosphère itself? I did not make any changes to atmosphere. This was my first time performing the install of a software ]

[ If so, make sure to include details relating to what exactly you changed. ]

How can the issue be reproduced?

[ Include a detailed step by step process for recreating your issue.I followed the steps in downloading the sdsetupzip file and dragging hekate to my dad card and atmosphere, boot loader, sept, switch.

the upload was successful and when going to my album the error occured ]

Crash Report

[ Crash reports can be found under /atmosphere/crash_reports . ]

[ If your issue caused Atmosphère to crash, include the crash report(s) by creating a gist and pasting the link here. ]

[ If you don’t include a crash report in instances of crash related issues, we will ask you one to provide one. ]

System Firmware Version

[ Replace X’s with system firmware version at time of crash. ]

[ You can find your firmware version in the Settings -> System, under «System Update». ]

[ If it says «Update Pending», you can clear the pending update by rebooting to Maintenance Mode. ]


  • What bootloader (fusèe, hekate, etc) was Atmosphère launched by: hekate
  • Official release or unofficial build:
    • [ Official release version x.x.x (or) unofficial build ]
    • [ If using an unofficial build, include details on where/how you acquired the build. ]
      • [ Ex: Self-compilation ]
      • [ Ex: Kosmos’ distribution of Atmosphère ]
  • Do you have additional kips or sysmodules you’re loading:
  • Homebrew software installed: [ * ]
  • EmuMMC or SysNAND:
    • [ If using an EmuMMC, include whether it’s partition-based or file-based. ]

Additional context?

  • Additional info about your environment:
  • [ Any other information relevant to your issue. ]

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:


Homebrew RetroArch and pFBA: Error 2144-0001 (0x290)


Well-Known Member

Hello all,
Here is my dilemma:

When I was on firmware 9.0.1 (using Hekate 5.0.2, and Atmosphere 2018 version (I am not sure about the exact version), both RetroArch and pFBA loaded fine, and I could get all the arcade and SNES/GENESIS ROMs running on the system.

If I updated my Atmosphere / Hekate, both pFBA and RetroArch would generate 2144-0001 (0x290) , as soon as I launched them.

So, I decided to have TWO different miniSD cards:

— One miniSD card with the latest Atmosphere / Hekate, for Switch games (you know, modern, recent games)

— The other miniSD card with the initial versions of Atmosphere / Hekate (when I jailbroken my Switch, back in 2018), for running pFBA and (RetroArch (basically old school retro games)

This dual setup worked really well, until some newer games forced me to upgrade firmware from 9.0.1 to the latest 12.0.3 (as of 06/22/2021 that is).

Now here is the issue:

When I insert my original miniSD card (with 2018 versions of Atmosphere / Hekate), the Switch does not boot at all (blank screen, but I know it is ON).

If I run the Hekate_ctcaer_5.0.2 payload, I get to the Hekate screen, but when I click on any of the three boot options, screen goes blank, and I get back to the main Hekate screen.

How can I run RetroArch and pFBA without the getting the error 2144-0001 (0x290) .


Error Code: 2144-0001 (0x290) Appears after update

Anakin072 opened this issue a year ago · comments

Bug Report

Error Code: 2144-0001 (0x290) Will not let me launch any homebrew applications. I have tried to reinstall atmosphere, my sigpatches, specific homebrew applications that don’t work to no avail.

What’s the issue you encountered?

I was attempting to update Pokemon Brilliant Diamond until Tinfoil failed to launch. I then noticed no other homebrew programs were working either.

How can the issue be reproduced?

I updated my Switch firmware and my atmosphere and I can no longer do any homebrew-related tasks. It does boot into atmosphere though, just nothing homebrew related is usable.

Crash Report

System Firmware Version


I have been using the latest version of atmosphere, replacing the files and sigpatches don’t see, to work.

Additional context?

None of this happened before updating to, no apps installed through homebrew will launch or will say there is an error.

Piracy is not supported

  1. Piracy/signature patches not supported.
  2. 2345-0007 from hbloader means sd card corruption, not an atmosphere issue.

There is no piracy involved. I own Brilliant Diamond but cant update through nintendo online as my switch is banned.


Atmosphere crashing after update to 1.1.1 Error code 0x290 (2144-0001) qlaunch process



Atmosphere crashing after update to 1.1.1.

Atmosphere was updated from 0.19.3 to 1.1.1. After updating, Atmoshpere was working and booting into CFW just fine but after switching games the system crashed and I got error code Error code 0x290 (2144-0001). Full error report pasted below. After performing the 30 second power reset the switch rebooted into the stock mode. I was then able to enter RCM and injected fusee.bin via TegraRcm (the fusee.bin associated with the Atmoshpere 1.1.1 release. The switch booted, passed the first two atmosphere splash screens, got to the switch splash screen then had another fatal error 0x1B5C02 (2002-3502). I am using FW 11.0.1. Please help!

First crash while loading a game:
Atmosphère Fatal Report (v1.1):
Result: 0x290 (2144-0001)

Program ID: 0100000000001000
Process Name: qlaunch
Firmware: 11.0.1 (Atmosphère 1.1.1-master-99c74469e)
General Purpose Registers:
Start Address: 00000039be600000
Stack Trace:
ReturnAddress[00]: 00000039be80e098
ReturnAddress[01]: 00000039be68c7b4
ReturnAddress[02]: 00000039be8e61b0
ReturnAddress[03]: 00000039be8e629c
ReturnAddress[04]: 00000039be8e5d30
ReturnAddress[05]: 00000039bef51264
ReturnAddress[06]: 00000039bef28788
ReturnAddress[07]: 00000039be93c9b0
ReturnAddress[08]: 00000039be93c1dc
ReturnAddress[09]: 00000039be7f1618
ReturnAddress[10]: 00000039be7f4884
ReturnAddress[11]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[12]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[13]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[14]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[15]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[16]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[17]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[18]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[19]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[20]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[21]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[22]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[23]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[24]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[25]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[26]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[27]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[28]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[29]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[30]: 0000000000000000
ReturnAddress[31]: 0000000000000000

Second Crash when loading fusee.bin via Tegra
Atmosphère Fatal Report (v1.1):
Result: 0x1B5C02 (2002-3502)

Program ID: 0100000000000024
Process Name: ssl
Firmware: 11.0.1 (Atmosphère 1.1.1-master-99c74469e)
General Purpose Registers:
Start Address: 0000006f23000000
Stack Trace:
ReturnAddress[00]: 0000006f23008d58
ReturnAddress[01]: 0000006f23036bac
ReturnAddress[02]: 0000006f2306a99c
ReturnAddress[03]: 0000006f23069a78
ReturnAddress[04]: 0000006f23069878
ReturnAddress[05]: 0000006f23061388
ReturnAddress[06]: 0000006f2322bda4
ReturnAddress[07]: 0000006f2322b9e4
ReturnAddress[08]: 0000006f231c57a4
ReturnAddress[09]: 0000006f231bac54
ReturnAddress[10]: 0000006f231baee8
ReturnAddress[11]: 0000006f231ce184
ReturnAddress[12]: 0000006f231cda74
ReturnAddress[13]: 0000006f231d66c8
ReturnAddress[14]: 0000006f231bc630
ReturnAddress[15]: 0000006f231bc3ac
ReturnAddress[16]: 0000006f231740d0
ReturnAddress[17]: 0000006f23171f0c
ReturnAddress[18]: 0000006f2316f898
ReturnAddress[19]: 0000006f231596e0
ReturnAddress[20]: 0000006f2315939c
ReturnAddress[21]: 0000006f2315cda8
ReturnAddress[22]: 0000006f230cce1c
ReturnAddress[23]: 0000006f230cd620
ReturnAddress[24]: 0000006f230c7fc4
ReturnAddress[25]: 0000006f230d83fc
ReturnAddress[26]: 0000006f2304b93c
ReturnAddress[27]: 0000006f2304baec
ReturnAddress[28]: 0000006f2304b9b0
ReturnAddress[29]: 0000006f2304bc10
ReturnAddress[30]: 0000006f23043150
ReturnAddress[31]: 0000006f2306482c


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You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.

Hacking (Atmosphere) Error when trying to run anything from album — Error code 2144-0001 (0x290)

  • Thread starter


  • Start date

    May 24, 2021

  • Views

  • Replies

  • #1


I switched from SXOS to Atmosphere recently because SXOS is not supporting FW after 11.0.0, so i needed to start using Atmosphere to be able to update to 12.0.2 and play newer games like Miitopia, but now i’m facing a problem when i try to run anything from the album, like ChoiDuJourNX for example. I tried running ChoiDuJourNX on SXOS and it works perfecly, but on Atmosphere it gives this error, both on the same FW (11.0.0). I don’t know if i’m missing a file or doing something wrong, i just don’t want to have to downgrade to 11.0.0 every time i need to update the firmware of my Switch using SXOS. I tried FW 10.2.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0 and 12.0.2. All of them give the same error when trying to run anything from the album using Atmosphere. I even bought a brand new Micro SD card but the problem persists.

Last edited by Sagarc,
May 24, 2021


  • #2

First of all, use daybreak for updating
Second, start homebrew via title redirection (hold r while starting a game) to use full ram memory. Album has only a few 100 mb’s.

  • #3

First of all, use daybreak for updating
Second, start homebrew via title redirection (hold r while starting a game) to use full ram memory. Album has only a few 100 mb’s.

Ok, i did the title redirection and the Atmosphere error didn’t show, but now the switch gives me another error when i try to launch from the album: «The software was closed because an error occurred» I tried 5 different softwares, the only one that didn’t crash was daybreak

Last edited by Sagarc,
May 24, 2021

  • #4

Ok, i found out the problem. My homebrews were outdated, i downloaded the latest version and now it works. Thank you.

Jun 12, 2018


United States

  • #5

How do I fix this error 2144?

——————— MERGED —————————

I am getting the same error, how do I fix this, I see this when I try to run Goldleaf.


  • 20210604_154929.jpg

  • #6

How do I fix this error 2144?

——————— MERGED —————————

I am getting the same error, how do I fix this, I see this when I try to run Goldleaf.

TinWoo or Awoo-Installer are recommended instead of Goldleaf.

Jun 12, 2018


United States

  • #7

TinWoo or Awoo-Installer are recommended instead of Goldleaf.

Could the issue be that my game backup is an xci file?

  • #8

Could the issue be that my game backup is an xci file?

Modern NSP installers can also install XCI files, so that is unlikely the issue.

  • #10

This is the error I get. Also How do I remove Applet Mode?

To avoid applet mode, use a game title to launch homebrew instead of the photo album. By default on Atmosphere, holding R on a game will launch the homebrew launcher in title override, which will give homebrew more memory to function.

You need to make sure you have the proper signature patches on your SD card. You can find the proper patches here:

Use the fusee patches if you launch Atmosphere with fusee-primary. If you are using Hekate, and you aren’t using it to chainload fusee-primary, use the hekate patches instead.

Jun 12, 2018


United States

  • #11

ok, I have both files, do I put them on my sd card? and I only have an xci file in my NSP folder on my switch
Last edited by GSR325,
Jun 5, 2021

Jun 12, 2018


United States

  • #12

ok, I used Atmosphere, went to Awoo, it still shows Applet Mode, but when I tried to install the game from my sd card, I got an NCA signature error, I let it installl the game anyway to see if it works. but once the game is installed, what do I use to play the game?

——————— MERGED —————————

ok, I used Atmosphere, went to Awoo, it still shows Applet Mode, but when I tried to install the game from my sd card, I got an NCA signature error, I let it installl the game anyway to see if it works. but once the game is installed, what do I use to play the game?

Nevermind, I just went to the home menu, and the game was there.

Mar 10, 2020



  • #13

May I know how you solve this? I got the same issue

  • #14

May I know how you solve this? I got the same issue

Reading the complete post the instructions are there:

  • Always use title redirection to run homebrew loader (not applet mode)
  • Use daybreak to update firmware
  • Update all your homebrew
  • And if you use it, upgrade all sigpatches


  • #15

May I know how you solve this? I got the same issue

What homebrew application is causing the issue?

——————— MERGED —————————

Apr 10, 2020


United States

  • #16

Ditto, I just started having this same issue


  • #17

Ditto, I just started having this same issue

What homebrew application is causing the issue?

Apr 10, 2020


United States

  • #18

I think it was the old Amiigo (not mod, 1.6.0) and 1 or 2 others. I essentially removed any new ones I added, within the last 24 hours, and rebooted, did maintenance mode, and rebooted again, and haven’t had another issue.

What I read was that the applet form only has 100mb of memory so having multiple things running in the background would make it crash

  • #19

I am having the same issue.
I installed a game and when i try to load with atmoopshere it says cant start software.
When i go to album its in applet mode but i cant get out becuase i have no games working

  • #20

I am having the same issue.
I installed a game and when i try to load with atmoopshere it says cant start software.
When i go to album its in applet mode but i cant get out becuase i have no games working

This is likely due to not having the most recent sigpatches. Accessing the homebrew launcher through the album will always result in applet mode (limited memory). What you need to do is holding R button while launching a game, which should bring you to the homebrew launcher with full memory access (no applet mode displayed on your screen).


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    Yesterday at 10:06 PM

    Bug Report

    I am getting Error code 2144-0001. I just updated to the latest software of atmosphere

    [ If any section does not apply, replace its contents with «N/A». ]

    [ Lines between [ ] (square brackets) should be removed before posting. ]

    [ * ]

    [ Note: If the bug or crash you encountered is related to; ]

    [ — software used to make «backups», ]

    [ — software explicitly distributed for piracy, etc ]

    [ then contributors will not provide support for your issue and your issue will be closed. ]

    What’s the issue you encountered?

    [ 1- I updated my switch to the latest software. I uploaded the latest atmosphere software. When I clicked on albums, it gave me Error code 2144-0001]

    [ Did you make any changes related to Atmosphère itself? I did not make any changes to atmosphere. This was my first time performing the install of a software ]

    [ If so, make sure to include details relating to what exactly you changed. ]

    How can the issue be reproduced?

    [ * ]

    [ Include a detailed step by step process for recreating your issue.I followed the steps in downloading the sdsetupzip file and dragging hekate to my dad card and atmosphere, boot loader, sept, switch.

    the upload was successful and when going to my album the error occured ]

    Crash Report

    [ Crash reports can be found under /atmosphere/crash_reports. ]

    [ If your issue caused Atmosphère to crash, include the crash report(s) by creating a gist and pasting the link here. ]

    [ If you don’t include a crash report in instances of crash related issues, we will ask you one to provide one. ]

    System Firmware Version


    [ Replace X’s with system firmware version at time of crash. ]

    [ You can find your firmware version in the Settings -> System, under «System Update». ]

    [ If it says «Update Pending», you can clear the pending update by rebooting to Maintenance Mode. ]


    • What bootloader (fusèe, hekate, etc) was Atmosphère launched by: hekate
    • Official release or unofficial build:
      • [ Official release version x.x.x (or) unofficial build ]
      • [ If using an unofficial build, include details on where/how you acquired the build. ]
        • [ Ex: Self-compilation ]
        • [ Ex: Kosmos’ distribution of Atmosphère ]
    • Do you have additional kips or sysmodules you’re loading:
    • Homebrew software installed: [ * ]
    • EmuMMC or SysNAND:
      • [ If using an EmuMMC, include whether it’s partition-based or file-based. ]

    Additional context?

    • Additional info about your environment:
    • [ Any other information relevant to your issue. ]

    You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly.
    You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.

    • #1

    Hello Everyone,

    Just wanted to know if anyone has received error code 2144-0001? I was playing Harvest Moon Light of Hope, closed out the game, left switch in sleep mode for about an hour and when I picked it back up and tried to enter the Album I was thrown onto the black screen with the error code which forced me to restart the switch. I’ve since tried the album and loaded up a game and everything seems fine now, does anyone know why I got this error? I’ve never done any other modification to the switch (Only SX OS with autoRCM) and I ‘ve never been online since I used SX OS (Always in Airplane). I’m trying my best not to get banned and I’m patiently waiting for a way to update my games with something like emuNAND so I’m assuming I would want to remain offline especially now since I got this error code? Thanks.

    Jul 2, 2018



    United States

    • #2

    Hello Everyone,

    Just wanted to know if anyone has received error code 2144-0001? I was playing Harvest Moon Light of Hope, closed out the game, left switch in sleep mode for about an hour and when I picked it back up and tried to enter the Album I was thrown onto the black screen with the error code which forced me to restart the switch. I’ve since tried the album and loaded up a game and everything seems fine now, does anyone know why I got this error? I’ve never done any other modification to the switch (Only SX OS with autoRCM) and I ‘ve never been online since I used SX OS (Always in Airplane). I’m trying my best not to get banned and I’m patiently waiting for a way to update my games with something like emuNAND so I’m assuming I would want to remain offline especially now since I got this error code? Thanks.

    Pictures please you could be another troll saying the SX os bricked your device. Second is it a black or purple screen and does the device still boot and such? Any other info would be helpful. Also have you googled switch error codes?

    • #3

    Pictures please you could be another troll saying the SX os bricked your device. Second is it a black or purple screen and does the device still boot and such? Any other info would be helpful. Also have you googled switch error codes?


    ——————— MERGED —————————

    Firstly I’m not a troll, ain’t nobody got time for that. Second is it a black screen, see picture above. The device still boots and such as mentioned in my original post, I can load games, etc. I have googled the error code and haven’t really found anything which is why I decided to make a post. In regards to other info ask all you want, I forgot to mention I am on firmware 5.1.0.

    Jul 2, 2018



    United States

    • #4

    Well good news is it doesn’t look like a brick. Have you tried removing the game and installing it again? Does everything else work? And finally Do you have backups of your orig. switch files to reflash everything back to it’s origanl state?

    Thanks made this before I read the second post. I would try removing all the game data and starting over again. Might be able to back up your saves and keep those.

    And also was just making sure you aren’t one of them, I have no idea who you are or anything like that and I’ve seen trolls all over trying to scare people but when you ask them for a pic of the error they give some reason like oh I sent it to Nintendo and they fixed it or my friend removed the chip and hacked it so it works now or they just stop replying

    • #5

    Well good news is it doesn’t look like a brick. Have you tried removing the game and installing it again? Does everything else work? And finally Do you have backups of your orig. switch files to reflash everything back to it’s origanl state?

    Well I know it isn’t a brick since I was able to get back in and everything seems normal. I don’t know what you mean by install.. I just load XCI files via SD card. Everything is working as usual, I’m just looking to see if this error has happened to anyone else…

    I rather not do anything at this point as it may have been a fluke or an issue with the SX OS code which they may be aware. If anyone has received this error let us know how it happened, maybe there is some common denominator,

    Jul 2, 2018



    United States

    • #6

    Well I know it isn’t a brick since I was able to get back in and everything seems normal. I don’t know what you mean by install.. I just load XCI files via SD card. Everything is working as usual, I’m just looking to see if this error has happened to anyone else…

    What I am asking is have you tried to delete the game files that the error is happing for and put them back on the SD card if it’s still giving it. https://www.nintendo.com.au/help/switch-error-codes

    • #7

    What I am asking is have you tried to delete the game files that the error is happing for and put them back on the SD card if it’s still giving it. It looks like a title ID error by it’s string

    I got this error when I pressed on the album so I can’t say if it’s any individual game causing the problem. I don’t really have anything other than the xci(s) and boot on my sd card so I can try to delete and re-copy everything back to see if it makes a difference but I’ve opened and closed the album many times since and I can’t re-produce the error.. I’m tempted to wait and see if it comes back or not first.

    Jul 2, 2018



    United States

    • #8

    I would just wait then, but if you do get it again, stop and write down everything that happened up to the error, the more error codes we can figure out the better we can all understand what’s happening leading to better patch fixes on cfw

    • #9

    This is a problem with libnx which is in sx os. This has happened to me and other people multiple times. It is caused only in docked mode. To fix it just launch the album in handheld mode and mount the game you want then put your switch in docked mode and load the game from the switch homemenu.

    • #10

    I would just wait then, but if you do get it again, stop and write down everything that happened up to the error, the more error codes we can figure out the better we can all understand what’s happening leading to better patch fixes on cfw

    Will do, if I see this error again I will post back here. If anyone else gets this error please do the same.

    ——————— MERGED —————————

    This is a problem with libnx which is in sx os. This has happened to me and other people multiple times. It is caused only in docked mode. To fix it just launch the album in handheld mode and mount the game you want then put your switch in docked mode and load the game from the switch homemenu.

    I have never played my switch in docked mode, only handheld.. my dock is still in the box lol

    • #11

    Will do, if I see this error again I will post back here. If anyone else gets this error please do the same.

    ——————— MERGED —————————

    I have never played my switch in docked mode, only handheld.. my dock is still in the box lol

    Weird… The other cause I have heard of is a badly formatted SD card. Try reformating it…

    Jul 2, 2018



    United States

    • #12

    He said it only happend once and self corrected. I would not have him do anything unless it continues to happen

    • #13

    From what i read here, that is a common error when accessing album w/ sd card even even ofw switch (not been hacked) still get this error.

    • #14

    I got this error twice so far on SX while in handheld mode also, but when launching a backup, not from the album menu. I’m not 100% sure if it was the same number but the same message showed up.

    EDIT: Looking up it seems my error code was 2162-0002, but it had the same message and effect. Probably those are common crash erros

    Last edited by lukhart,
    Jul 2, 2018

    • #15

    I got this error 2 times, always used SX OS offline with «send data» disabled and without updating any game.
    Today I decided to connect back to OFW to see if I got banned and so far no. I didn’t use the clear logs thingy neither. So I’m not sure if I’m safe, but just wanted to let you know I got this error 2 times and I’m still not banned.

    • #16

    I’m pretty sure 2144-0001 is related with your network, it’s not really a problem.

    Jul 1, 2018




    • #17

    I’ve had this error a couple of times (so far always when docked).

    • #18

    This is a problem with libnx which is in sx os. This has happened to me and other people multiple times. It is caused only in docked mode. To fix it just launch the album in handheld mode and mount the game you want then put your switch in docked mode and load the game from the switch homemenu.

    Thanks for the clarification, I had the same issue when trying to access the album in docked mode. It’s always reassuring to know that you’re not the only one, haha. Hopefully TX will fix this in a future update.

    • #19

    I’ve only had this issue when trying to boot a game after loading it in the album… odd. It was doom and I noticed that the game ended up not transferring all the way, so I just recopied it over and I’ve never had the error again. Even in docked mode with what everyone else is saying. So try, yes this is going to be a pain, backing up your sd card and formatting it again? Or try another sd card? Are you using FAT32 or Exfat?

    • #20

    Bad cheap media that’s why your switch is throwing out an error, your either using a dupe or something really cheap and nasty! whatever you do don’t use the same micro sd card to go online with your games. What are you using out of curiosity and the truth please?

    Last edited by Reecey,
    Jul 2, 2018

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      Updated my Nintendo Switch and Atmosphere Files on my Nintendo Switch and downloaded the updated version on Checkpoint and every time I go to Album on my Nintendo Switch to open up the Homebrew menu I then go to Checkpoint and I get this error code. I looked up how to fix it and nothing is making any sense. Can anyone help me fix this issue?

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      7 minutes ago, Gajeel said:

      Updated my Nintendo Switch and Atmosphere Files on my Nintendo Switch and downloaded the updated version on Checkpoint and every time I go to Album on my Nintendo Switch to open up the Homebrew menu I then go to Checkpoint and I get this error code. I looked up how to fix it and nothing is making any sense. Can anyone help me fix this issue?

      I don’t think Checkpoint has updated in a while, especially not with recent Atmosphere changes.

      You may have to stop using Checkpoint for the time being. (I switched over to JKSV a while back)

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      Just now, theSLAYER said:

      I don’t think Checkpoint has updated in a while, especially not with recent Atmosphere changes.

      You may have to stop using Checkpoint for the time being. (I switched over to JKSV a while back)

      Okay so do you recommend I look up a video on how to use JKSV with Pkhex?

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      9 minutes ago, Gajeel said:

      Okay so do you recommend I look up a video on how to use JKSV with Pkhex?

      Yes and no.

      It’s rather simple. Just load the homebrew, and dump the save.
      Then you’ll get the same save format as the one checkpoint would have provided.
      I would think you should be able to figure it out by performing trial and error on it for a small bit :3

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      Bug Report

      Error Code: 2144-0001 (0x290) Will not let me launch any homebrew applications. I have tried to reinstall atmosphere, my sigpatches, specific homebrew applications that don’t work to no avail.

      What’s the issue you encountered?

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      Crash Report


      System Firmware Version|AMS 1.2.5|S


      IMG_9300 24595

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