3403d ошибка mac os что это

Тема: iMac не загружается  (Прочитано 10609 раз)

Частый гость

Сообщений: 128

Добрый день.
Дано: iMac 21.5″ Middle 2010, High Sierra.
Где-то 2 недели назад без каких-либо видимых причин перестал загружаться: полоса загрузки доходит до конца и всё, дальше не грузится.

1. Запустить диагностику — выходит ошибка -3403D
2. Переустановить OS X с загрузочного раздела, всё переустанавливается, доходит до загрузки и снова стопорится в конце полосы загрузки
3. Проверял диск на ошибки — проблем не находит
4. На всякий случай доставал и переставлял/убирал разные модули памяти — ничего не меняется

Установочных дисков нет и дисковод уже давно отказывается какие-либо диски принимать.

« Последнее редактирование: 27 Ноября 2017, 13:42 от erema »

Заслуженный участник

Сообщений: 923

Я поменял бы HD. Однако, перед этим установил бы систему на внешний USB-HD. Если с него компьютер грузится — проблема в диске, если та же песня — проблема глубже…


Частый гость

Сообщений: 128

Спасибо за предложение, действительно, в таком виде заработал.
Вопрос — каким софтом можно потестировать диск? Доступ к нему есть, Дисковая утилита по прежнему не выявляет ошибок.


Заслуженный участник

Сообщений: 923

не знаю, никогда не делал. Проблема либо в диске, либо в шлейфе. В любом случае надо вскрывать и менять, а там может возникнуть проблема с датчиком температуры… Не люблю iMac.


Deep Moderator
Заслуженный участник

Сообщений: 9545

Восстанавливаю данные с убитых жестких дисков.


victoria из под виндов, есть на образах XPE загружаемых с флешки.


|Услужливый дурак хуже врага.|
|Сотрудником DeepArtment (DeepApple) не являюсь и никогда таковым не являлся.|


Частый гость

Сообщений: 128

В общем поменял диск, старый без каких-либо проблем на него склонировался, но грузится по прежнему не хочет.
С внешнего диска чистая система грузится без проблем.
Может быть дело в самой OS X?


Deep Moderator
Заслуженный участник

Сообщений: 9545

Восстанавливаю данные с убитых жестких дисков.


вероятно на старом была ошибка, склонировался вместе с ошибкой — вот и виснет.
загрузитесь с установочной флешки и установите систему поверх имеющейся, пользователи и папки все сохранятся.


|Услужливый дурак хуже врага.|
|Сотрудником DeepArtment (DeepApple) не являюсь и никогда таковым не являлся.|


Частый гость

Сообщений: 128

загрузитесь с установочной флешки и установите систему поверх имеющейся, пользователи и папки все сохранятся.

Делал эту операцию изначально. Зависает после 1 перезагрузки во время установки в конце полосы загрузки.


Заслуженный участник

Сообщений: 923

В общем поменял диск, старый без каких-либо проблем на него склонировался, но грузится по прежнему не хочет.
С внешнего диска чистая система грузится без проблем.
Может быть дело в самой OS X?

Для чистоты эксперимента я бы старый диск сунул в USB-коробку и попробовал бы с него загрузиться. Если загрузка без проблем, то следующий этап — шлейф жесткого диска…
Ну а систему можно попробовать «родную» установить — как с ней он будет себя вести.


Частый гость

Сообщений: 128

Для чистоты эксперимента я бы старый диск сунул в USB-коробку и попробовал бы с него загрузиться. Если загрузка без проблем, то следующий этап — шлейф жесткого диска…

Буквально парой сообщений выше я писал о том, что с внешнего диска система грузится.

Вообще вчера вечером проблему решил — вернул изначальный диск, данные (без бекапа самой системы) скопировал на другой диск, полностью очистил диск и на чистый диск поставил 10.13. Всё работает.
Косяк был в самой системе и при клонировании на другой диск он копировался вместе с ней. Т.е. проблема чисто софтовая.
Из профита: почистил от пыли, заменил дисковод на второй диск через Optibay.


Заслуженный участник

Сообщений: 923

Вообще вчера вечером проблему решил

Ну и славненько.


• error code -3403D simply means your computer won’t run the internet-based AHT or the Command+D one because it’s too old. 

Apple Hardware Test (AHT)


Apple computers ship with a pre-installed suite of hardware diagnostic tools, known as Apple Hardware Test (AHT). In principle you can start them by holding the d key while booting. Newer models support holding option d to load AHT over the internet. Refer to the official Apple documentation for details: Using AHT on Intel-based Macs, Mountain Lion, Mavericks and Yosemite. Apple redesigned the AHT, now called Apple Diagnostics, for Macs introduced after June 2013. Consult the reference codes to interpret the results.

If however, you reinstalled an older computer from scratch, the diagnostic tools might no longer be available. Unless you have the original disks that came with your computer, there seems to be no way to restore the AHT.

It happens that Apple provides disk images with AHT for most computers, but does not make the links publicly available. Various blogs and forums, mostly Riven by Five and MacForum.ro have gathered a list of download links. The rest were obtained by scraping http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Hardware_Test/ for all the links of the form 0(18|22)-d{4}-A.dmg.

Even though there’s no guarantee that this list is correct or complete, some links can come in very handy to whoever is trying to debug hardware problems.

You can use the following terminal commands to determine the model and board ID of your computer:

sysctl hw.model | awk ‘{ print $2 }’

ioreg -l | awk -F» ‘/board-id/ { print $4 }’

Download the AHT for your computer model and use the contents to restore the /System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics folder, then reboot while holding d to start the diagnostic tools. Alternatively you may try with a bootable USB stick, as described below. This is also the preferred way on OS X 10.11 or later, where the System Integrity Protection (SIP) no longer allows writing to system folders.

When trying to open an old dmg you may get the error ‘legacy image should be converted’. To convert it to a newer format, open Disk Utility, in the menu Images click on Convert and select the dmg to convert and save it under a new name.

Note that there is no one-to-one correspondence between hardware model and AHT. For some models no hardware test could be found, while others seem to have multiple AHT. As the differences are not clear, feel free to try them out, to see which one works best for your hardware.


  • #1


I’m currently trying to run an apple hardware test on a mid 2010 21.5″ iMac running osX Mavericks as the iMac is running very slowly so I suspect a HDD failure is imminent.. Upon pressing (option + D) on start-up i’m greated by the image of a globe with it trying to connect and download. then being displayed with the error code -3403d. I have already searched the forums for this error and no one has gotten a reply, so I thought i’d start a new thread and get it to the top of list. I have made sure i am connected to my network, i am using an ethernet cable to do this. I can boot into recovery mode with (command + option + R). I have tried running first aid on both the HDD itself and the partition that MacOS is installed on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2

I think that error code means that AHT can’t be located. You need to run AHT from the 10.6 Applications Install Disc 2 that came with your iMac.
Here are some instructions:
Here are some step from the above link:
Using Apple Hardware Test on computers with OS X v10.7 and earlier:
1. To start AHT on these computers make sure the Applications Install Disc 2 is inserted into the built-in optical drive

2. Shut down your computer. Then, press the power button to turn it back on.

3. Press and hold the D key before the gray startup screen appears.

4. It takes a minute or so for AHT to start up and inspect your hardware configuration.

5. When the process is complete, select your language and click the right arrow. If you aren’t using a mouse, you can use the up and down arrows to select a language and then press the Return key.

6. The AHT console appears. You can choose which sort of test or tests to perform:
To perform all of the basic tests, click the Test button or press the «T» key or the Return key.
To perform a more thorough diagnostic test, select the «Perform extended testing» checkbox under the Test button before you click the Test button.
Note: Your test results will appear in the window in the bottom-right of the console.

7. To exit AHT, click Restart or Shut Down at the bottom of the window.

Apple Diagnostics: Reference codes:

Last edited: Nov 19, 2015

  • #3

Hi Coastal,

Thanks for your prompt reply. Unfortuantely for me I no longer have the discs that came with the iMac. Is there anywhere i can download the discs or a copy of the Apple Hardware test that can be ran standalone? I’m not sure if this exists. If worst comes to worst I’ll have to flatten and reinstall. It’s just annoying as I think there maybe an underlying issue with the hardware. I’m experciancing some serious stability issues. I have other diagnostics software for normal PC’s but unfortunately it doesn’t run on Mac’s.

Any further help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #4

Hi Coastal,
Thanks for your prompt reply. Unfortuantely for me I no longer have the discs that came with the iMac. Is there anywhere i can download the discs or a copy of the Apple Hardware test that can be ran standalone? I’m not sure if this exists. If worst comes to worst I’ll have to flatten and reinstall. It’s just annoying as I think there maybe an underlying issue with the hardware. I’m experciancing some serious stability issues. I have other diagnostics software for normal PC’s but unfortunately it doesn’t run on Mac’s.
Any further help would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I understand AHT can be downloaded from github. I have not done this or downloaded from them before so you are on your own, but it is the only download option that I know about.

Question: Q: Error code 3403D on iMac

iMac 21.5″ Mid-2010 Model 11,2 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 Yosemite 10.10.5

This thing has been a terrific workhorse for nearly 7 years. Only thing I’ve had done was a new power supply in 2013.

It’s freezing intermittently — I can move the cursor but that’s all — it doesn’t activate anything. I have to restart.

So I tried to run AHT but it won’t run. Tried to run it from the internet (Command D) but again no luck — except this time it gave me that error message. Does anybody know what it means? And what I should do about it — and about the freezing?

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)

Posted on Apr 5, 2017 10:51 AM

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Please post an EtreCheckreport of your system. We can then look for obvious issues. Please click the link, download the app and run the report. Once you have the report, please copy and paste it as your reply to this post.

If you would like more info on what EtreCheck is, simply click the link and you will find a description of the app.

Apr 5, 2017 10:55 AM

EtreCheck version: 3.1.5 (343)

Report generated 2017-04-05 11:09:33

Runtime 3:35

Performance: Good

Click the [Support] links for help with non-Apple products.

Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.

Problem: Other problem


freezing requiring manual restart, and when I try to run AHT I get error code -3403D

Hardware Information:

iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2010)

iMac — model: iMac11,2

1 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 (i3) CPU: 2-core

4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok

4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok

4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok

4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok

Bluetooth: Old — Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported

Wireless: en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n

Video Information:

ATI Radeon HD 4670 — VRAM: 256 MB

System Software:

OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 (14F2109) — Time since boot: less than an hour

Disk Information:

ST3500418AS disk0 : (500.11 GB) (Rotational)

[Show SMART report]

EFI (disk0s1) : 210 MB

Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 499.25 GB (179.34 GB free)

Recovery HD (disk0s3) [Recovery]: 650 MB


USB Information:

Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub

Apple Inc. Apple Keyboard

Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub

Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller

Apple Internal Memory Card Reader

LaCie LaCie Device 640.14 GB

disk1s1 (disk1s1) : 32 KB

La Cie (disk1s3) /Volumes/La Cie 2 : 640.00 GB (49.06 GB free)

Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver

Apple Inc. Built-in iSight

Configuration files:

/etc/sudoers, File size 2299 but expected 1275


Mac App Store and identified developers

Kernel Extensions:


[not loaded] com.bresink.driver.BRESINKx86Monitoring (8.0 — 2012-03-31) [Support]

System Launch Agents:

[not loaded] 5 Apple tasks

[loaded] 145 Apple tasks

[running] 62 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons:

[not loaded] 47 Apple tasks

[loaded] 134 Apple tasks

[running] 81 Apple tasks

Launch Agents:

[not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (2014-05-05) [Support]

[failed] com.adobe.ARMDCHelper.cc24aef4a1b90ed56a725c38014c95072f92651fb65e1bf9c8e43c37a2 3d420d.plist (2017-01-10) [Support]

[running] com.brother.LOGINserver.plist (2016-11-27) [Support]

[loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist (2017-01-13) [Support]

Launch Daemons:

[loaded] com.adobe.ARMDC.Communicator.plist (2017-01-10) [Support]

[loaded] com.adobe.ARMDC.SMJobBlessHelper.plist (2017-01-10) [Support]

[loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist (2017-02-28) [Support]

[running] com.easeus.dataprotectbackup.plist (2016-11-07) [Support]

[loaded] com.google.keystone.daemon.plist (2017-01-23) [Support]

[loaded] com.microsoft.autoupdate.helper.plist (2017-02-12) [Support]

[loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist (2010-08-25) [Support]

[loaded] com.tclementdev.timemachineeditor.scheduler.plist (2016-11-04) [Support]

[failed] com.trusteer.rooks.rooksd.plist (2012-02-03) [Support] — /Library/Rapport/bin/rooksd: Executable not found!

User Launch Agents:

[loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (2014-11-01) [Support]

[failed] com.adobe.ARM.[. ].plist (2015-09-01) [Support] — /Applications/Adobe Reader.app/Contents/MacOS/Updater/Adobe Reader Updater Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Reader Updater Helper: Executable not found!

[failed] com.adobe.ARM.[. ].plist (2015-02-01) [Support] — /Volumes/La Cie 2/Adobe Reader.app/Contents/MacOS/Updater/Adobe Reader Updater Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Reader Updater Helper: Executable not found!

[running] com.amazon.music.plist (2015-05-10) [Support]

[loaded] com.divx.agent.postinstall.plist (2012-01-16) [Support]

[loaded] com.wondershare.mobilegodaemon.plist (2015-03-29) [Support]

[not loaded] jp.co.canon.Inkjet_Extended_Survey_Agent.plist (2010-03-29) [Support]

[loaded] uk.co.canimaansoftware.clamxav.clamscan.plist (2016-04-23) [Support]

[loaded] uk.co.canimaansoftware.clamxav.freshclam.plist (2016-04-23) [Support]

User Login Items:

ClamXav Sentry Application

Microsoft Database Daemon Application

(/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Database Daemon.app)

BOINCManager Application Hidden

Internet Plug-ins:

Default Browser: 600 — SDK 10.10 (2015-07-16)

AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 15.023.20056 — SDK 10.11 (2017-01-19) [Support]

FlashPlayer-10.6: — SDK 10.9 (2017-03-14) [Support]

QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (2016-12-13)

Flash Player: — SDK 10.9 (2017-03-14) [Support]

PepperFlashPlayer: — SDK 10.9 (2017-03-14) [Support]

iPhotoPhotocast: 7.0 (2010-09-03)

AdobePDFViewer: 15.023.20056 — SDK 10.11 (2017-01-19) [Support]

SharePointBrowserPlugin: 14.7.1 — SDK 10.6 (2016-12-16) [Support]

User internet Plug-ins:

CitrixOnlineWebDeploymentPlugin: 1.0.105 (2013-04-25) [Support]

Safari Extensions:

3rd Party Preference Panes:

Time Machine:

Skip System Files: NO

Mobile backups: OFF

Volumes being backed up:

Macintosh HD: Disk size: 499.25 GB Disk used: 319.91 GB

Total number of backups: 18

Oldest backup: 1/3/16, 4:35 PM

Last backup: 12/18/16, 8:21 AM

Size of backup disk: Too small

Top Processes by Memory:

1.30 GB Google Chrome Helper(7)

986 MB kernel_task

229 MB Google Chrome

Virtual Memory Information:

11.72 GB Available RAM

3.09 GB Cached files

Diagnostics Information:

Apr 5, 2017, 10:26:34 AM Self test — passed


Question: Q: -3403D error

Id like to run an Internet AHT (no DVD with me)on my mid-2010 MacBook Pro but this message always appears:

Anyone knows about this error?

Thanks for your help

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Yosemite (10.10)

Posted on Oct 21, 2014 11:48 AM

All replies

Try booting the MBP with the OPTION+D keys. It may work.

If you had the original install DVDs, you would not have this problem. Duplicates can be obtained from Apple Customer service.

Oct 28, 2014 1:33 PM

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This is the same message that I received . My Thunderbolt port doesn’t work and I did test system for that reason.
MacBook Pro Mid 2010
I was trying to connect My Passport Pro 4TB

Oct 12, 2015 8:56 AM

Same here. MacBook Pro mid-2010. Having problems since Yosemite install a month or two ago. Nothing happens when I try to boot holding down the d key. The system just sits until I release the d key, at which time it reboots in normal mode. Option-d causes the error everyone else is getting here.

Nov 30, 2015 5:53 PM

To use the internet for the apple hardware test, your Mac had to ship with at least Lion. Otherwise you have to have the install dvd that came with the Mac. Not a retail version, but the machine specific software. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201257

Nov 30, 2015 6:06 PM

This is straight from someone at Apple, » That -3403D code actually means there was an issue with your Mac software configuration «

Feb 4, 2016 10:07 PM

To all that get that code. It means your Mac cannot do the hardware test from the internet. You need the install disk that has the hardware test on it. Then you boot it and hold down D or Command D at startup.

Feb 4, 2016 10:29 PM

Very strange i am having the same today? Coincidence?! I am trying internet recovery.

my ginger’s solution is what worked for me. I can’t do internet recovery on my mac—it’s a bit too old. I used the dvd that came with the mac and that worked fine. Showed no hardware errors, but worked. The overall problem I was having was with the video card. Got that replaced and I’m back in business.

Created bootable El Capitan USB / Installed fresh version of El Capitan / Restored data with Time Machine / Voila

Feb 7, 2016 12:09 PM

I have this same issue but mine has lines on it won’t let me boot up regarly any more.

Feb 25, 2016 11:06 PM

I first also had trouble. Funny thing was that with the power connected the led in the connector near the laptop was not green or range but not doing anything. Then I disconnected the connector to the white square block (with power still connected) and the led was again green. Very strange! Then the laptop booted and I could do the restore process ( Created bootable El Capitan USB / Installed fresh version of El Capitan / Restored data with Time Machine ).

Feb 26, 2016 2:46 AM

While this may be true, it is odd that the machine appears to attempt to load the hardware test (it goes through all the correct motions before bringing us to the -3404D error). Further, why not simply give a message like, «Sorry, hardware test via the internet is not supported on this Mac,» rather than some unhelpful, cryptic message?

Finally, determining if your computer supports loading Apple Hardware Diagnostics over the internet isn’t necessarily easy to do using the info from Apple. Quoted from their webpage, » Some Macintosh computers that shipped with OS X Lion and later support the use of Apple Hardware Test over the Internet. These computers will start up to an Internet-based version of AHT if the hard drive does not contain AHT. «

Some? How helpful is that? Why don’t we throw in «may» and «possibly» and how about «we don’t really know» for good measure.

I have an early 2011 MBP 13 that does do the AHT over the internet, and a Mid 2010 that doesn’t, so for the 13s that appears to be the cutoff. How hard was that, Apple? FFS


What is Apple support 3403D? 

Error code -3403D simply means my computer won’t run the internet-based AHT or the Command+D one because it’s too old. Install the latest macOS that was installed on your Mac. Upgrade to the latest macOS compatible with your Mac. Install the macOS that came with your Mac, or the closest version still available.

How do I run Apple Hardware Test from USB? 

Run AHT from bootable USB stick

  1. Let’s assume the USB stick is mounted under /Volumes/USBstick .
  2. Download the AHT for your computer model from the list below.
  3. Mount the AHT dmg. Let’s refer to the mount point as /Volumes/AHT .
  4. Copy the AHT to the USB stick and flag it as bootable.

How do I install Apple Hardware test? 

Start up from it as you would any other bootable disc:

  1. Insert the Apple Hardware Test disc that came with your Mac into your Mac’s optical drive.
  2. Restart your Mac by either: Selecting Restart in the Apple menu. Pressing the Command-Control-Eject keyboard shortcut.
  3. Immediately press and hold the C key on your keyboard.

How do I run a diagnostic on my Macbook Pro 2012? 

Using Apple Hardware Test on computers with OS X 10.7 or later

  1. Press the power button to turn on your computer.
  2. Press and hold the D key before the gray startup screen appears.
  3. It takes a minute or so for AHT to start up and inspect your hardware configuration.

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