Cheat engine выдает ошибку при установке

Maybe you should think about wasting peoples time and start READING the issues/posts you’re answering to?! Unbelievable.

The whole issue here starts with a user saying that s/he has «let it through my antivirus» and still the problem exists. I posted a solution why this might be happening. I was in the same predicament, I have no antivirus and still there’s that error message. I found out that the installer needs an internet connection (this is not told anywhere on CE webpage, nor have I seen it mentioned in the issues here). If you don’t understand this at all, please stop posting and flooding this issue. It’s should be pretty clear to you by now that this issue doesn’t deal with antivirus engine stopping the install procedure.

But, all you are here for is to whinge about the need for a network connection for the online installer, when you already needed a connection to download the pre installer.

Are you for real? Or you really don’t understand how firewalls work? I’ll spell it out for you then. Most people are content of using firewall so that all outbound connections are allowed by default. Some people don’t like that every program or system processes can connect to internet, so they use a firewall so that by default every outbound connection is blocked, unless it’s been allowed by the user (whitelist). Allowing here means selecting the program executables manually, for example allowing chrome.exe to make an outbound connection. Then when a user downloads the online installer from CE webpage, it’s done by the internet browser (e.g. chrome.exe), which the user have allowed to access internet. After that, when running the online installer from local disk, it creates a copy of itself to a randomly named temp folder (C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalTempis-988FS.tmpCheatEngine74.tmp in my example picture, the is-988FS.tmp part/folder is randomly named every time) and runs from there and tries to connect to internet to download the actual installer. By default if the firewall is set to block all outbound connections that are not whitelisted (and a randomly named file is virtually impossible to whitelist in advance). Thus the online installer is blocked from connecting to the internet and fails with the generic error message.

I haven’t seen an online installer for a long time, and there’s a reason for that, mostly because in general people hate them.

CE author should really tell on the download page, and/or in the installer that it is an online installer and needs an internet connection.

Peak cringe this one, but ok…

The purpose of it being Open Source is to guarantee that provided binaries are equal to builded binaries.

You are delirious. There is no guarantee that the same code compiles to the same binary twice unless you use a compiler that does so.

The whole paradigm of linux’s pakage installer is to compare provided and builded binairies, and this is part of the open source paradigm.

Outright insane. What is «provided» and what is «builded» and whom’st’ve doing the compares, man. Wtf…

There is absolutly no way that the open source aspect of the package authorize you to provide viruses,

Which package? OS refers to code, not packages. There is no OS authorization process, Kevin.

third party softwares or malwares for you own money, this doesn’t exist

The GNU/GPL license is a legal virus. Sure, your self-serving morals could perhaps argue that it is a good thing…

I mean you could go to the higher trash tier like some other open source software, where you pay for binaries or you build them,

Some enterprise software is «trash tier» because, you, that can barely form a coherent sentence, let alone other technicalities and lack of knowledge, says so?

as someone pointed out, CE is not open source

You can see the source code. What do you want? You want something else.

it’s unfair to noobs

Why would someone that cannot operate an antivirus (or a spelling checker, not that it would save the day in your case) even use this software? What makes you feel so entitled? @cheat-engine is someone that lays out their work and you are whining because you cannot click the «Skip All» button.

What’s wrong with the 90s? I mean, for real, why did you just mention the 90s? The 80s weren’t great either. Are you 12? Wait, don’t answer that.

I have nothing to add

goes on to add another blotch of text

sentence form of «If you pay on my patreon, I can guarantee that you will not get bloated», makes CE looks more like

Look, Kevin. I have to be really honest with you here. That response should be understood by you (as it is understood by others that are laughing at you) that if you are unable to click the «Skip All» button when the installer asks to install other software, then maybe you could pay the creator and they might just agree to give you some special cookie treatment (compared to the rest of us that noticed the «Skip» and «Skip All» buttons).

I would even prefer CheatEngine to have it’s own crypto-miner in a freeware package but made by you, be sure of that.

I guess the solution is spelled out now. Instead of having the McAfee anti-virus downloaded as extra software, a crypto-miner is much more preferable. The ethics will then be sound.

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Вот у меня такая ситуация, я скачал cheat engine 6.7 и когда начал установку он удалился, это что глюк какой? 

Подскажите что делать?

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1 час назад, Сергей сказал:


Вот у меня такая ситуация, я скачал cheat engine 6.7 и когда начал установку он удалился, это что глюк какой? 

Подскажите что делать?

Попробуйте установить другую версию cheat engine например самую новую на сегодня Cheat Engine 6.8.3 она более стабильная по всем параметрам.

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В 23.03.2019 в 11:38, CheatEngine сказал:

Попробуйте установить другую версию cheat engine например самую новую на сегодня Cheat Engine 6.8.3 она более стабильная по всем параметрам.

Я ее тоже установил

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Скачивай и устанавливай самую новую версию cheat engine и будет все норм.

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level 1

Go to windows security and there find cheat engine which is blocked, and allow it… Name may not be same.

If you cannot find it then disable realtime protection and install and enable realtime protection

level 2

I’ve seen tens of these exact word for word copy paste comments. You guys should go the extra step to include the research and info on how to do this specifically. Because rn they’re all out of context without a google search or previous experience.

level 1

If you didn’t know , the software contain a malware in the program. You need to go to the website and DO Nnot click download cheat engine, just scroll down the website page and it read for the part where you can download without the malware ads. It is ridiculous how you can be fool be it if you don’t read the entire website page. Whatever you do don’t disable or bypass your anti virus for cheat engine. If you follow the steps, you can run the cheat engine perfectly fine.

level 2

I mean, there isn’t really much of a reason to be aggressive about it. Some people aren’t as tech savvy as others.

Plus, honestly, I don’t see what you’re talking about, there is only a link to the guys patreon which you need to pay money to get access to the download

level 2

were does it show that i dont see that

Программа предназначенная для взлома игр. Позволяет искать в памяти многих запущенных приложений какие то конкретные значения (патронов, жизней, очков), изменяя данные значения в памяти — меняем их в игре.
Для удобства позволяет сохранять таблицы адресов таких значений, давая возможность игрокам создавать некое подобие трейнеров в среде Cheat Engine.

1) Распаковать архив.
2) Запустить CheatEngine75.exe и следовать инструкциям установщика.

Установка русификатора:
1) Скопировать содержимое папки «RUS» в корневую папку с установленной программой Cheat Engine
2) При первом запуске Cheat Engine появиться окно с предложением выбрать язык программы.
Выберите «Russian» и нажмите «Ok». Перезапустите Cheat Engine.

Если по каким-либо причинам окно выбора языка не появилось, то зайдите в настройки Cheat Engine.
Выберите меню «Languages», затемы выберите «Russian» и нажмите кнопку «Select Language». Перезапустите Cheat Engine.


Свежие таблицы для игр вы сможете найти здесь.



I’m unable to install Cheat Engine. The Setup just doesn’t launch. I tried disabling all antivirus settings and realtime protections and etc, but nothing works! Can someone please help!


Tried both the normal and lite version?

If neither works, then you may have an anti cheat installed on your system, or something else that doesn’t want cheat engine to run.
do a driverquery /verbose and check for anti cheat drivers


I tried both the normal and lite version. I had League Of Legends installed and I uninstalled it. Still doesn’t work. Nothing came up with the driverquery, couldn’t see any anti cheat drivers.. I also did add exclusions to windows the /temp folder and the folder that the installer is in. Still nothing.


When I try to install Cheat Engine I had to select the file for exclusion, and the destination folder. After I do that I had no problems with install it. Might try disabling Windows Defender, then install Cheat Engine. Exclude the folder, and re-enable Windows Defender.


I did disable and excluded it, but still nothing… still gives me an error


So, when you double click the Cheat Engine icon to launch it nothing is happening? Do you have a virtual machine like VirtualBox?
Could try installing cheat engine on a virtual machine so you can get a look at all the files. See if everything is there on your PC. If everything is there then something is messing with the execution, or the installation.

I know this is a bit complicated by when you install programs there is stuff put in several different places. Like %USERPROFILE%AppData, %PROGRAMDATA%, and the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareCheat Engine. Could try checking all of those places and doing a complete wipe of Cheat Engine, and reinstall it.


There is nothing about cheat engine in those places. When I run it, it shows the load bar, then after like 5-10 mins it loads up the installer and when I click next it loads up some stuff and ends up at thisimage


Sounds like you are disconnecting from the internet before running the installer.


How so? My internet is stable


Okay, try creating the folder for Cheat Engine first and exclude it from Windows Defender, and the installation file. Then try installing it.

This will take time but if you have a key to windows you can try installing it on virtual machine.


I’m not able to reach the point in which I select a place to install it at.. might try the virtual one in ab 10 mins and Ill u[date



It sounds like something in the background is intercepting and blocking the installation.


Are you using a VPN — you may have to disable it to complete installation.



Installing CE is a multistep process.

  1. Download the installer from the CE website.
  2. Run the installer.
  3. The installer connects to a second web address ( to download more files, after which the installation process continues.

Situations that might cause the problem you are experiencing.

  • You have disconnected from the internet before step 2.
  • You are using a VPN, proxy or a PiHole.
  • Your ISP is blocking your connection to the second web address.

See #1954 and #2099. If you suspect your ISP, and your PC has wi-fi, try using a mobile hotspot to download and install.


None of these happen. Before I re-installed my PC I had Cheat Engine and it was working without any issues.


I’m unable to use Virtual Boxes apparently. So that won’t do


I’m unable to use Virtual Boxes apparently.


So, you are not using a VPN, a proxy or a PiHole on your clean Windows install, and as you have had CE installed on the previous setup, it seems unlikely that that your ISP is blocking the connection to complete installation (but the only way to prove that is try connecting to a mobile hotspot if your PC has Wi-Fi and have a phone with a data connection, and try installing using that).

Other than that, do you happen to be using a 3rd part antivirus like McAfee? Also, you could try disabling your firewall to make sure there’s no outbound rule blocking the connection.


Nope no 3rd parties. I tried disabling it, that didn’t work. I made an online windows servers, installed it and transferred the installation folder and now it works. But BRUH, why doesn’t it just install normally….


It really does sound like your ISP is the problem.


But how did it work like 10 days ago and now it doesn’t? Really doesn’t make sense. Also our ISPs here do not block anything LOL


Not even torrent downloading xD


can you post your driverlist here ? Perhaps you have overlooked one anti cheat driver with a non-normal name

(driverquery /verbose > filename) and post the filename here



can you post your driverlist here ? Perhaps you have overlooked one anti cheat driver with a non-normal name

(driverquery /verbose > filename) and post the filename here

Anything out of the pastebin I sent?


nothing i can see. But it’s possible it hides itself from querying in the driverlist

Did you restart your computer after disabling your AV ? (not shut down and back on, else the av would still be blocking)

the copied files from the online windows server do work when executing?


Yep, I did all that. Not shutdown, but actual restart. Nothing happens. I don’t have an AntiVirus. All I got is windows defender. Which was fully disabled + firewall shutdown. When I installed on a Virtual Windows I copied the folder and it is now working fine. But installing it, doesn’t.


Before I re-installed my PC I had Cheat Engine and it was working without any issues.

When you re-installed Windows, was it a clean install or was it a repair install? If it was a repair install, I wonder if there are any old CE temporary installation files left in your temp directory — C:Users<username>AppDataLocalTemp — that could be interfering.

They will all start with is- and will look something like this…


If you find any, delete them all and try again.

Maybe you should think about wasting peoples time and start READING the issues/posts you’re answering to?! Unbelievable.

The whole issue here starts with a user saying that s/he has «let it through my antivirus» and still the problem exists. I posted a solution why this might be happening. I was in the same predicament, I have no antivirus and still there’s that error message. I found out that the installer needs an internet connection (this is not told anywhere on CE webpage, nor have I seen it mentioned in the issues here). If you don’t understand this at all, please stop posting and flooding this issue. It’s should be pretty clear to you by now that this issue doesn’t deal with antivirus engine stopping the install procedure.

But, all you are here for is to whinge about the need for a network connection for the online installer, when you already needed a connection to download the pre installer.

Are you for real? Or you really don’t understand how firewalls work? I’ll spell it out for you then. Most people are content of using firewall so that all outbound connections are allowed by default. Some people don’t like that every program or system processes can connect to internet, so they use a firewall so that by default every outbound connection is blocked, unless it’s been allowed by the user (whitelist). Allowing here means selecting the program executables manually, for example allowing chrome.exe to make an outbound connection. Then when a user downloads the online installer from CE webpage, it’s done by the internet browser (e.g. chrome.exe), which the user have allowed to access internet. After that, when running the online installer from local disk, it creates a copy of itself to a randomly named temp folder (C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalTempis-988FS.tmpCheatEngine74.tmp in my example picture, the is-988FS.tmp part/folder is randomly named every time) and runs from there and tries to connect to internet to download the actual installer. By default if the firewall is set to block all outbound connections that are not whitelisted (and a randomly named file is virtually impossible to whitelist in advance). Thus the online installer is blocked from connecting to the internet and fails with the generic error message.

I haven’t seen an online installer for a long time, and there’s a reason for that, mostly because in general people hate them.

CE author should really tell on the download page, and/or in the installer that it is an online installer and needs an internet connection.

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Cheat Engine — это программа, которая позволяет изменять параметры и скорость работы других программ, используя технологию внедрения. Нередко при установке возникают ошибки, которые могут быть связаны с разными причинами. Наиболее распространенные ошибки при установке Cheat Engine и способы их решения, можно найти ниже.

Ошибка «Failed to download the cheat engine»

При установке Cheat Engine нередко возникает ошибка «Failed to download the cheat engine». Это может быть связано с неправильным подключением к интернету. Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, необходимо проверить подключение к интернету, убедиться, что подключение чистое и надежное.

Ошибка «система не может найти указанный путь»

Другая распространенная ошибка в ходе установки Cheat Engine — «система не может найти указанный путь». Это может быть связано с несоответствующей версией операционной системы, с ошибками драйверов, а также с наличием антивирусных программ на компьютере. Исправить эту ошибку можно, установив правильную версию программы, обновить драйверы, а также настройки антивирусных программ.

Ошибка «Cheat Engine не найден»

Еще одна распространенная ошибка в ходе установки Cheat Engine — «Cheat Engine не найден». Эта ошибка может возникнуть, если пользователь пытается запустить программу на версии операционной системы, которая не поддерживается. Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, нужно обратиться к разработчикам программы и узнать, какую версию нужно установить на конкретном компьютере.

Ошибка «Не удалось загрузить дешифратор»

Иногда во время установки Cheat Engine может появиться ошибка «Не удалось загрузить дешифратор». Эта ошибка может быть связана с неправильной установкой дополнительных средств, необходимых для запуска программы. Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, необходимо повторить установку программы, обязательно убедившись в том, что все необходимые дополнительные средства установлены правильно.

Ошибка «Не удалось запустить Cheat Engine»

Часто пользователи при установке Cheat Engine сталкиваются с ошибкой «Не удалось запустить Cheat Engine». Эта ошибка может возникать, когда программы, необходимые для запуска Cheat Engine, не активированы. Для того чтобы исправить эту ошибку, необходимо активировать нужные программы и драйверы на компьютере.


При установке Cheat Engine могут возникать различные ошибки, связанные с неправильной работой различных компонентов и драйверов. Чтобы избежать этих ошибок, необходимо знать, какие программы и компоненты необходимы для работы, и правильно устанавливать их. Если ошибки подобного рода все же возникают, необходимо обратиться к специалистам или к сообществу разработчиков для получения рекомендаций по их устранению.

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