Chirp ошибка radio did not respond

Не запускается CHIRP (отчёты об ошибках включены)

Не запускается CHIRP (отчёты об ошибках включены)

Получил небольшую пачку писем, все с одной проблемой — CHIRP  не запускается. При запуске программы появляется окно отчёты об ошибках включены или на английском error reporting is enabled, нажимаешь OK и программа закрывается. Сначала даже незнал чем помочь людям, у меня то запускается нормально, но это на ноутбуке…. Возникла необходимость установить CHIRP на обычный компьютер. Вот проблема и вылезла.

Стал рабираться. Пробую рекомендацию который сам всем писал имя пользователя должно быть на английском языке. У меня имя действительно на русском, создаю тестового пользователя с именем «1». Запускаю CHIP — не работает. Все тоже самое.

Лезу в google, пишу «chirp error reporting is enabled», в первых ссылках баг репорт на официальном сайте CHIRP — ссылка. Ответ разработчиков : «с CHiRP won´t start on any of my systems на CHiRP won´t start on any of my systems: UTF-8 in path».

Для тех кто попроще перевод с импровизацией автора — «CHIRP не стартует при использовании путей с не англйскими символами».

Пользоватеря переименовал, CHIRP — лежит в C:Program FilesCHIRP. Что не так? Запускаю командную строку и вот она проблема:

Имя компьютера у меня оказывается тоже на русском.

Переименовываю компьютер, запускаю chirp — не запускается. Вроде все рекомендации выполенены. Опять запускаю командную строку и вижу что надпись Игорь-ПК осталась, видимо так создался пользователь. Создаю второго с именем «2». И вот оно счестье — chirp запустился.

Решение проблемы:

1. Смотрим имя пользователя и имя компьютера.

2. Если имя компьютера на англ. языке — создаем нового пользователя на англ языке. Должно заработать.

3. Если имя компьютера на русском языке: переименовываем компьютер и лишь затем создаем пользователя.

ert 2021-01-02 20:20:58

удали chirp. перезагрузи комп. скачай другой chirp и установи




Роман 2019-03-08 21:50:21

Всё сделал. Один фиг не работает. В диспетчере задач появляется и сразу исчезает.




Айдар 2018-02-11 01:00:50

Все сделал, все имена прописал на английском, и даже локальный диск С у меня теперь Local C? все равно не хотит запускаться прога…..(((((




Роман 2019-03-08 21:51:47

Надо пробовать более старые сборки. В новых что-то накосячили.




Владимир 2018-01-21 19:47:58

Две абсолютно одинаковые рации… Одна версия прошивки (BFB297)… Одна радиостанция легко программируется через Chirp. Настройки без проблем скачиваются-заливаются, а вот вторая припопытке скачать-залить сразу ребутится и Chirp выдает: «Radio did not respond». Кто подскажет где копать?




Александр 2018-05-31 15:03:03

Проблема скорее всего в разъеме на рации. У баофенгов такое очень часто. Их контакты немного не достают до контакта на проводе. Решается небольшой напайкой олова на контакт на программаторе




влад 2017-06-23 15:46:48

Сделал все как описали.сменил пользователя-программа загрузилась.Спасибо за статью.Хотя сам пользуюсь баофенговской прогой. Эту воткнул из принципа.  :)




ruslan 2017-06-04 04:35:23

Надо создать нового пользователя с англ. именем, и все получилось




Сергей 2017-01-28 02:31:29

Косорукая китайская софтина, каменный век — может еще отсосать этот кабель? Пошел он нахер, больно много чести юзвера переименовывать и плодить всякую щнягу англицкую…




Admin 2019-09-13 01:29:05

Поддерживаю. Говнософтина написанная быдлокодерами косоухими.




Игорь 2017-01-30 15:11:34

Достаточно создать нового пользователя, например. Попробуйте родной софт для прошивки и chirp вам покажется сказкой.




Игорь 2016-12-06 01:20:31

Здравствуйте, с рации скачивается без проблем, а вот обратно редко когда дойдёт до середины и полоска в CHIRP останавливается, рация перезагружается и всё. После этого с рации не считывает, ошибку порта выдаёт. Только после перезагрузки компа.




Анатолий 2017-03-12 15:01:39

у меня схожая проблема. сначала при загрузки данных с рации доходило до середины и выдавало ошибку, потом один рас всё же получилось загрузить данные на комп но при загрузке обратно прога зависла но данные всё же записались, а теперь chirp вообще не запускается




Костя 2015-11-22 02:53:54

Переустановка Windows с заменой имени ПК и имени пользователя помогла. СПАСИБО! До этого голову ломал.
Ещё раз СПАСИБО! CHIRP рулит.




R0RAAD 2015-06-27 22:46:04

Здравствуйте, для решения проблемы создал в корне диска С папку (C:CHIRP SAVES) и все пошло как по маслу, программа очень хороша, главное никакой кириллицы в пути сохранения))))




Сергей 2014-11-20 22:18:01

Нашел ответ. Нужно сохранять файл в ту папку, в которую установлена программа, т.е., например, c:Program FilesCHIRP




Серый 2015-04-11 15:16:39

какой фаил сохранить




Сергей 2014-11-20 22:04:09

Пытаюсь сохранить прошивку в Файл-Save — выдает ошибку file access error. Т.е. не могу сохранить прошивку, в чем проблема?




Игорь 2014-11-20 22:12:04

О такой проблеме ранее не сообщали, на

сайте разработчика

есть тикет с подобной проблемой. Ответа нету…




дМИТРИЙ 2017-06-06 19:28:51

ПРОБЛЕМА решается сохранением конфига в корне диска. Видимо и здесь важна латиница




Денис 2016-02-20 01:25:08

при подключении через чирп для чтения каналов с рации,пишет отказ радио.No response from radio.что не так?




Анатолий 2014-11-08 18:27:15

Была та же проблема. Создал новую учётную запись (на eng), зашёл с неё и CHIRP запустился.   !;)




Олег 2015-03-29 17:59:11

Изменил и имя компа и группу-НИХРЕНА НЕ ЗАПУСКАЕТСЯ…




Олег 2015-03-29 17:44:03

Что значит НОВАЯ УЧЕТНАЯ ЗАПИСЬ? У меня имя на АНГЛ. языке и все равно CHIRP не запускается. В чем причина?




Анатолий 2015-03-30 13:02:30

Имя пользователя и имя компьютера должны быть на англ. языке.
Имя пользователя: Oleg
Имя компьютера: Oleg-PC
Очень часто делают вот так:
Имя пользователя: Oleg
Имя компьютера:


CHIRP ругается именно на






Олег 2015-03-30 20:41:16

Все сделал именно так, запускаю CHIRP-выходит рамка «об отключении ошибок», нажимаю «ОК» и всё… Тишина.. Скажите, как запустить эту заколдованную программу?? Если можно на мой адрес




Юрий 2014-10-13 01:30:51

Сделал все как тут описано!!! По шагова, ничего не пропустил. Все равно не запускается. Драйвер не находит. Короче одни проблемы с такими прогами. Если ломаете, то ломать надо правильно. Что бы люди не ломали себе голову по пол дня!!!




Игорь 2014-10-13 08:33:50

Программа Chirp — Freeware (бесплатная).




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I’m trying to program my Baofeng bf-f8hp with the chirp software, but as I have to do, «Download From Radio», after I choose the appropriate maker, product and model, all I get is an error message which reads, «An Error has occured: The Radio did not respond.»
I’ve unplugged all, restarted computer and plugged all back in, turned on radio, same result.

mike65535's user avatar


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asked Apr 8, 2018 at 7:50

IX Mendoza's user avatar



For me I didn’t have my radio cable fully pushed into my radio. It took some extra pressure and then it snapped in place. I had to press harder than expected.

answered Jan 6, 2021 at 20:57

RayLoveless's user avatar


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The most common error is not selecting the correct COM port for the virtualized USB cable.

answered Apr 8, 2018 at 11:33

Glenn W9IQ's user avatar

Glenn W9IQGlenn W9IQ

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A lot of the USB programming cables are not supported by the new Windows drivers that are installed automatically -specifically those with the Prolific PL-2303 USB chip set. You ‘can’ sometimes use them by downloading and installing an older driver. Better to get a proper cable though.

CHIRP Cable Guide

Glenn W9IQ's user avatar

Glenn W9IQ

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answered May 10, 2018 at 18:40

RoadCaptain's user avatar



Another common error is related to their quality control. I had a unit (UV-5R+) that wouldn’t work, like that.

Contacted the seller and they sent me a new «body» — and it worked.

So in a case where you are really stuck, I suggest you contact the seller.

answered Apr 11, 2018 at 2:32

SDsolar's user avatar


2,0591 gold badge14 silver badges36 bronze badges



the most common problem I have encountered with folks I’ve helped … the connector is not all the way seated in the radio.

answered Jan 15, 2021 at 2:09

sparks's user avatar



The USB -> Baofeng cable can be difficult to seat properly in the radio. If it isn’t making good contact, it can affect whether CHRIP will function correctly or not.

You might check the connection and connect your cable with the radio more tightly.

David Hoelzer's user avatar

answered Sep 4, 2021 at 6:11

user20574's user avatar




I found this question while troubleshooting my own problem. Chirp on Arch Linux. There were over 32 COM ports labeled tty0-tty32 that were all throwing errors. Here is what I had to do:

  1. Run chirp as root so that I did not run into permission issues using the COM ports. You can get around this by adding your user to the dialout group, but as I did not have this group, I just run as root.
  2. Use a USB port that plugs directly into the motherboard, not the front panel, since those function as a hub.
  3. Use a legacy 2.0 (not 3.0) USB port
  4. Reboot the machine with the USB cable plugged in (not sure if this step is necessary, but I did it during my testing).
  5. Now at the very bottom of the list there was a /dev/ttyUSB0 that was not there before.
  6. Select a compatible radio from the list. In my case, using Radioddity UV-5RX3 for Baofeng UV-S9PLUS

answered Sep 8, 2022 at 1:04

Ben Mordecai's user avatar


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Baofeng UV-5r An Error has Occured the radio did not respond

Model affected:

Baofeng UV-5R


I do the following:

In the GUI I select Radio > Download from Radio
I select /dev/ttyUSB0 (The only USB device) Baofeng UV-5r
The program looks for input from the radio for a second or two and then spits a dialog box which says: An Error has Occured the radio did not respond

The terminal displays the following:

Clone thread started
— Exception: —
Traceback (most recent call last):
File «~/Downloads/chirp-daily-20120630/chirpui/», line 223, in run
File «~/Downloads/chirp-daily-20120630/chirp/», line 262, in sync_in
self._mmap = _do_download(self)
File «~/Downloads/chirp-daily-20120630/chirp/», line 180, in _do_download
data = _do_ident(radio)
File «~/Downloads/chirp-daily-20120630/chirp/», line 136, in _do_ident
raise errors.RadioError(«Radio did not respond»)

RadioError: Radio did not respond¶

Clone failed: Radio did not respond
Clone thread ended
— Exception Dialog: Radio did not respond —


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This means that chirp was able to open the serial port and the radio didn’t respond. There are a number of possible reasons for this, and I would recommend you look through the archives of the UV-5R for details. Here are a few common ones:

  1. Cable not fully inserted (this affects a ton of folks)
  2. Bad cable (most of them available now are knock-off USB chips with major problems)
  3. The radio is not on, or is locked into transmit mode

I used the vendor software once and then tried Chirp. I get the same error using chirp.
I went back to the vendor software and it doesn’t find the radio either.
How can we confirm that the USB cable is still working?

Also, radio seems to reset after the read is tried. So it would appear that data is getting to the radio
but not back to the program.


One more observation. If I use GTKterm to talk to the radio when I send a break I get the LED on the radio to flash RED and I get a bunch
of binary characters back. Doesn’t appear that they are the same each time.

If I send the 50 bb ff 01 25 98 4d init string I see a brief blink of the RED led but no characters appear in the GTKterm window.


Sorry for so many posts. I keep giving up and then thinking of «one more thing» to try.
So, I shorted from the Ring of the 2.5mm to the Sleeve of the 3.5 mm connector
which according to the web is TX to RX.
When I open the port with GTKterm I see what I type echoed back on the screen. Echo goes away
when I loose the short.
At one point with GTKterm I started getting the 0x06 answer back from the radio then it went
away and I have not been able to get it back.

Maybe a bad connection to the sleeve on the connector or ??

Gave up, unplugged everything, turned off radio. Tried again in the morning and it worked first time,
reading and writing.

Unplugged and tried again and couldn’t read. Re-plugged and all was good.


Better late than never:
On Windows 7 , using a cheap knock-off cable, I found that the cable used a (probably fake) Prolific PL2303 USB-to-Serial adapter. Windows installed the latest driver, but I had to manually install an older version of the driver (v. in order to get the software to communicate with the radio. Once I manually installed the software, everything worked fine.

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Chirp Version changed from 0.2.2 to daily
  • Model affected changed from (All models) to Baofeng UV-5R

Issues seem to have been resolved. No more traffic on this ticket.

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Chirp: «Failed to communicate with radio: Radio did not respond»

I’ve been trying to load a new config onto my FT-60r and I keep getting this error for some reason. I can download the radio’s current config just fine, but I can’t upload anything to it. Has anyone else had trouble with this issue that might be able to offer some help?

Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

  • To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM’s we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM’s are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there’s a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don’t be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

  • Thread starter


  • Start date

    Oct 16, 2017

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  • #1

Last night I tried to program the UV-5R-3 (tri-bander: 144, 220, 440 Mhz) radio with Chirp. Was not able to get the radio to talk to Chirp. Did confirm that my older UV-5R did allow Chirp to read the program I have in it.

So Chirp can read the older radio just fine.
I did the radio side plug mod of trimming the edge that plugs into the radio.
I tried to see if the UV-5X would read and it did not.
I tried a different brand and saw a mesage that the radio sent to much information, more than the make/model I selected should have. That tells me that the radio is trying to communicate with Chirp.

Any suggestions or is it that Chirp just does not have the software updated for this newer model?

  • #2

Make sure you have the latest version of Chirp.
Index of /chirp_daily/LATEST

As far as I know there are no Baofeng tri-band radios.
Do you have a BTECH UV-5X3? That’s not the same as a Baofeng UV-5R.
Are you selecting the right radio in the Chirp menu?

  • #3

Bought it Saturday from Main Trading Company. I will work on posting a picture of the front of it.
Yes I was using the latest Chirp build, the UV-5R-3 was not on the Baofeng list.

Sent from my SM-G930U using Tapatalk

Last edited: Oct 16, 2017

  • #4

Here is the picture.


Sent from my SM-G930U using Tapatalk


  • #6

CHIRP may not support the model yet. The UV-5R-3 does not show up in the supported models list.

  • #7

There is no UV-5R-3 on MTC’s web site. It must be something new. Contact them and see if they have software for it.

  • #8

They had quite a few for sale Saturday during their yearly big outdoor event.

I am surprised that I have actually bought something very new on the market, I am one who usually waits a while before buying new type of gear.

Hopefully Chirp will have the update for this radio soon.

  • #9

OK… if this is a tri-band radio… just for funsies…. In Chirp, select BTECH>UV-5X3 as your radio model number and give that a shot. You really have nothing to lose.

  • #10

OK… if this is a tri-band radio… just for funsies…. In Chirp, select BTECH>UV-5X3 as your radio model number and give that a shot. You really have nothing to lose.

Tried that and the statement was «Error reading data from radio: not the amount of data we want.»

  • #11

Same issue…

I’m having the same issue. Both CHIRP and BaoFeng UV-5R Series Program Software won’t communicate with the radio.

Tried all the BaoFeng and BTECH radios listed in CHIRP.


  • #12

I sent this issue to Baofengtech website support team and I am waiting for their response.

  • #13

Just sent them pictures that they requested (front and back) of the radio.

  • #14

Well no help from Baofengtech, their reply to me was: «This is not a radio we sell or support; as well knowing the chipsets in place there would be a very unlikely chance that the receiver performs on 220 if it all «

So I double checked with my frequecy counter and verified that it does indeed transmit on 223.500.

I then called MTC and was told to use Chirp and the Baofeng BF-888 as the radio. Well as some one else also pointed out that did not work.

Finally I did find the OEM website and here is their page but still no software support: Home_BAOFENG official

I have found written instructions on how to manually program the radio, looks that is the only way to program it for now.

  • #15

Offset does not manually save either

I can program a channel in frequency mode and it works. However, when saving to a memory channel the offset shows «000.000» when looking at the settings. It does not seem to save the offset.

As for the suggestion of using BF-888, I get a message of «No response from Radio».

I am starting to feel like MTC sold a bad batch of radios.

  • #16

I can program a channel in frequency mode and it works. However, when saving to a memory channel the offset shows «000.000» when looking at the settings. It does not seem to save the offset.

Which model are you referring to?
This is normal operation for the UV-5R/UV-82 type radios. You don’t use an offset for memory channels.
First you program the receive frequency and then you program the transmit frequency.

  • #17

UV-5R-3… In the memory options, number 25 is the direction of frequency shift and number 26 is the offset (frequency shift as in 000.600). It works fine in the frequency mode but when you save it to a memory channel, it saves everything except the Offset. The Frequency Shift shows to be 000.000 instead of 000.600.

The UV-5R-3 is a tri-band radio. It works fine if I want to program a frequency in frequency mode… one at a time but all info does not save to memory channel.

Last edited: Oct 22, 2017

  • #18

UV-5R-3… In the memory options, number 25 is the direction of frequency shift and number 26 is the offset (frequency shift as in 000.600). It works fine in the frequency mode but when you save it to a memory channel, it saves everything except the Offset. The Frequency Shift shows to be 000.000 instead of 000.600.

That’s normal and the UV-5R-3 programs exactly like the other radios then. You don’t understand how to program it.

The offset and shift direction (menus 25 and 26) are ONLY for frequency (VFO) mode. You can’t save the offset to memory channels. Many hams have only learned how to program Yaecomwoodco Japanese rigs and for some reason are incapable of understanding this.

You have to program the tx and rx frequencies separately.

  • #19

OK, I see what you mean. Thanks for the clarification. My other radio does it all in one step. I did a quick search and found the other steps here:…rogram_the_baofeng_uv-5r_from_the_keypad.aspx

You get what you pay for… It worked with the extra steps… 12-15..

Now, we wait for Chirp to update and be able to communicate with the radio. Currently, Chirp says the radio does not respond.

Last edited: Oct 22, 2017

  • #20

I was able to program the local repeaters and my most used simplex channels into my UV-5R-3 this morning.

I sent messages to the the OEM Baofeng and to Chirp as well over the weekend, waiting on their reply’s.

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