Could not create merged face blender ошибка


I asked a similar question here Part of mesh goes outside but the solution for merging the faces doesn’t work on this model. The model is here:

Basically, the problem with the turtle is in the picture: enter image description here

The right leg of the turtle gets distached from the main body of the turtle. I tried joining the faces of the turtle like the recommendation in the earlier question I posted the link to, but I get the error message of «could not create merged face». So I need to find what’s causing this.

Also on another note, the left leg while it doesn’t get detached from the mesh, it still gets deformed in not a nice way.

Thank you in advance! :)

Community's user avatar

asked Jul 8, 2016 at 18:59

Xiggi's user avatar




Instead of creating new faces I used the merge vertices function of blender, here’s the final result:
No destroyed faces
I noticed where the leg of the turtle meets the body of the turtle they are not connected.
All the vertices looked like the second vertex down, on both sides.

How to fix

First of all go to where the right leg and body meet, in edit mode.
From their select one vertex attached to the body. Then select the corresponding vertex on the leg like this:
Selected vertices

Once there press Alt + M and finally press A. Once completed do the same to all the vertices, on both sides of the leg.

If you play the animation now the leg will be deformed, to fix this simply re-set the parent of the mesh to the armature. I did this using automatic weights.

Happy Blendering!

answered Jul 8, 2016 at 21:26

Unnamed Sentient Being's user avatar



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Error: could not create merged face

r/blender - Error: could not create merged face

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level 1

If you haven’t solved it yet,

hit «m», merge by distance

then try «f» again

level 2

I did solve it, by simply redoing the structure. The program must have messed up something while I created it.

level 1

What am I supposed to do?

level 2

If you want to create a face press F if you want to merge faces try merging the vertices. Blender has some bugs from time to time.

level 2

You could start by saying what you were trying to do.

level 1

AHHH I know you have a vert in the bottom line get rid of that vert first.

level 2

What vert are you talking about?


the trick with

Code: Select all

# *********
plane = Part.Plane(pts[0],pts[1],pts[2])
face=Part.Face(plane, wire)
# *********

doesn’t work for me, it takes no Effekt

i have testet some Units for my coordinates
mm = Works

Code: Select all

pts.append(App.Vector (-1.79257, -5.1184234, 0.7619588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (0.6, -1.6411502, 4.9060116) )
pts.append(App.Vector (2.99257, -5.1184234, 0.7619588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (6.65, -5.1184234, 0.7619588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (6.65, -1.3, 5.3125786) )
pts.append(App.Vector (-6.65, -1.3, 5.3125786) )
pts.append(App.Vector (-6.65, -5.1184234, 0.7619588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (-1.79257, -5.1184234, 0.7619588) )

cm = Works

Code: Select all

pts.append(App.Vector (-17.9257, -51.184234, 7.619588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (6.0, -16.411502, 49.060116) )
pts.append(App.Vector (29.9257, -51.184234, 7.619588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (66.5, -51.184234, 7.619588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (66.5, -13.0, 53.125786) )
pts.append(App.Vector (-66.5, -13.0, 53.125786) )
pts.append(App.Vector (-66.5, -51.184234, 7.619588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (-17.9257, -51.184234, 7.619588) )

dm and up = NOT Works

Code: Select all

pts.append(App.Vector (-179.257, -511.84234, 76.19588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (60.0, -164.11502, 490.60116) )
pts.append(App.Vector (299.257, -511.84234, 76.19588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (665.0, -511.84234, 76.19588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (665.0, -130.0, 531.25786) )
pts.append(App.Vector (-665.0, -130.0, 531.25786) )
pts.append(App.Vector (-665.0, -511.84234, 76.19588) )
pts.append(App.Vector (-179.257, -511.84234, 76.19588) )

i can’t belive it



I asked a similar question here Part of mesh goes outside but the solution for merging the faces doesn’t work on this model. The model is here:

Basically, the problem with the turtle is in the picture: enter image description here

The right leg of the turtle gets distached from the main body of the turtle. I tried joining the faces of the turtle like the recommendation in the earlier question I posted the link to, but I get the error message of «could not create merged face». So I need to find what’s causing this.

Also on another note, the left leg while it doesn’t get detached from the mesh, it still gets deformed in not a nice way.

Thank you in advance! :)

Community's user avatar

asked Jul 8, 2016 at 18:59

Xiggi's user avatar




Instead of creating new faces I used the merge vertices function of blender, here’s the final result:
No destroyed faces
I noticed where the leg of the turtle meets the body of the turtle they are not connected.
All the vertices looked like the second vertex down, on both sides.

How to fix

First of all go to where the right leg and body meet, in edit mode.
From their select one vertex attached to the body. Then select the corresponding vertex on the leg like this:
Selected vertices

Once there press Alt + M and finally press A. Once completed do the same to all the vertices, on both sides of the leg.

If you play the animation now the leg will be deformed, to fix this simply re-set the parent of the mesh to the armature. I did this using automatic weights.

Happy Blendering!

answered Jul 8, 2016 at 21:26

Unnamed Sentient Being's user avatar



<div class=»IPBDescription»>Unable to select 4 lines to and create face</div>I’m working on building module level parts, what this is would be say a hallway that I can just copy and paste, and well sort of use the fulling furnished hallway as one large prop. for fast level creation, and to eliminate a lot of small detail work. The way I make these modules is one line at a time in grid 32, Then I select say a wall that would consist of 4 lines and create face. nice and simple right, WRONG! for some reason I can’t create face.

If you are having a hard time understanding what I am talking about here is a little picture of one module built and the second needing its faces.

<a href=»» target=»_blank»><img src=»» border=»0″ class=»linked-image» /></a>
So you can see a hallway section I made it has its faces and it works.

<a href=»» target=»_blank»><img src=»» border=»0″ class=»linked-image» /></a>
Another Angle

<a href=»» target=»_blank»><img src=»» border=»0″ class=»linked-image» /></a>

Here as you can see, Create face doesn’t work, no matter what side I look it from it doesn’t have a face.

The last picture is made of lines I copied, from the first picture. If this matters please let me know why.

The problem is the method NewFloor doesn’t match the floor type that you passed in.

The floor type you passed in («BaseSlab»)  is the slab floor type, it cannot work with the NewFloor method. If you replace the type name by Generic 300mm, that will work well on your project model.

If you want to create a slab with the «BaseSlab» type , please use NewSlab() method. 

Here is the code to create a normal floor.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.IO;

using System.Reflection;

using Autodesk.Revit.DB;

using Autodesk.Revit.UI;

using Autodesk.Revit.Attributes;

using Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices;

namespace GGYM



  publicclassImportIFCGeomGym : IExternalCommand


    publicResult Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData,

      refstring message, ElementSet elements)


      Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

      Application app = commandData.Application.Application;

      Transaction trn = newTransaction(doc, «ggTest»);


      CurveArray ca = newCurveArray();

      double d = 16.404199500;

      XYZ p1 = newXYZ(-d, -d, 0), p2 = newXYZ(-d, d, 0),

        p3 = newXYZ(d, d, 0), p4 = newXYZ(d, -d, 0);

      ca.Append(app.Create.NewLine(p1, p2, true));

      ca.Append(app.Create.NewLine(p2, p3, true));

      ca.Append(app.Create.NewLine(p3, p4, true));

      ca.Append(app.Create.NewLine(p4, p1, true));

      ElementClassFilter filter = newElementClassFilter(typeof(Level));

      FilteredElementCollector coll = newFilteredElementCollector(doc);


      System.Collections.IEnumerator i = coll.GetElementIterator();


      Level l = null;

      while (i.MoveNext())


        l = i.Current asLevel;

        if (l != null)





      FloorType ft = null;

      foreach (FloorType t in doc.FloorTypes)


        if (t != null && string.Compare(t.Name, «Generic 300mm», true) == 0)


          ft = t;




      Floor f = doc.Create.NewFloor(ca, ft, l, false);








If my post answers your question, please click the «Accept as Solution» button. This helps everyone find answers more quickly!

  February 17, 2009, 01:24

Gambit error creating face


Haridas Attur


I am trying to create the geometry of an aerofoil with coods. after creating edges to all the vertices, went to the create a face from wireframe. i selected all the edges and i click apply it says —

«ERROR: ACIS error 18016: A face with null geometry created. ERROR: Cannot ceate ACIS frame from wireframe. Turn on the toggle to create planar tolerant face if such a face is required.»

Y isnt it creatin a face? what is a planar tolerant face?

lookin forward to an answer at the earliest. thank you, haridas.

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I try the two kind of opencv-contrib-python, and two kind version can run successful.

Windows 10 Pro
VSCode: 1.41.0
python: 3.6.6

pip install —force-reinstall opencv-contrib-python==
pip install —no-cache —force-reinstall opencv-contrib-python==

qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "cocoa" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: cocoa, minimal, offscreen.

Installing back to version 4.1 solves this «platform» problem but it gives out the 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'face' as described in the issue. And simply pip installopencv-contrib-python does not sovle this problem. Have to use pip install --force-reinstall opencv-contrib-python== to solve it.

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  • 10.05.2016 в 11:35


    Добрый день.

    Имеется Face (1), который изначально треугольной формы. Для создания четырехугольной фигуры добавил Edge (2).

    При изменении положения одной из вершин (3), четырехугольник получается не совсем правильным.

    Ошибка в данном случае моя? Я получается создал не корректный четырехугольник? Или глюк в редакторе? Не могу понять как исправить. Была подобная ошибка с другим фесом подобной формы, я долго с ним мучился, удалял, перестраивал пешины в итоге сам не понял как, но получилась нужная форма.

    10.05.2016 в 13:00


    Ошибка твоя :) Несчастный Blender тут не при чем.

    У тебя там две грани в одном месте. И 4-ю вершину ты добавил не тому фейсу, о котором подумал.

    10.05.2016 в 13:28


    Предположил, что так и есть. Зашел, и не могу выделить грань про которую. ты говоришь.
    Пробовал по разному выделять.


    17.05.2016 в 20:13


    Соедините вершину 3 с правой нижней вершиной Фейса 1.
    Это не глюк, просто любой полигон состоит из трианглов — плоскости состоящей из 3 вершин, даже если ребра не разделят этот полигон внутри него. Все равно в 3д пространстве он состоит из трианглов и делиться автоматически как ему вздумается, В Вашем случае он и поделился как ему вздумалось))) Нужно ему помочь, явно указав каким образом ему нужно делиться.

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