Critical error receiving profile data escape from tarkov ошибка

Fix Tarkov Critical Error In Receiving Profile Data: Battlestate Games’ Escape From Tarkov is an online first-person game. Unfortunately, users who have access to Escape From Tarkov have been reported to have received an error that is critical to getting profile information during Escape From Tarkov.

 Today, we’ll look at whether there’s a solution to correct the issue so that you can play the game in complete silence.

Escape from Tarkov Critical Error in Receiving Profile Data Correction

The Tarkov critical error when receiving the profile data isn’t an entirely new problem. 

It is believed to be by server issues on Battlestate Games’ side. Although there is no solution to the problem made public, is there any way to correct the issue?

 Let’s take a examine some options to correct the error. These are all solutions that have been tried in the community of Tarkov; they don’t come from official sources.

  1. Temp Folder

One solution to fix the Tarkov critical error causing the profile information is to clear the temp folder on your PC. There’s an easy method of doing this.

  • Start the Run application.
  • Enter temp into the bar of search.
  • Click OK.
  • This will lead you into the Temp folder.
  • You can delete all Temp Files here.
  • Rerun the game to determine whether the issue resolve.
  1. Clear Cache

Another method to correct the issue is to clear the cache folder from Escape From Tarkov.

 This has been successful for a few users in previous games. Following the instructions below, you can clear the EFT cache.

  • Open the game’s download directory on your PC. It’s generally within the C Drive unless you’ve edited the folder’s location.
  • Open Battlestate Games.
  • Select EFT.
  • Click to access your Cache folder.
  • Remove the cache. It is hoped that this will fix the problem.
  1. Run As Admin

A few players have also stated that playing the game as admin has solved the Tarkov receiving crucial error in profile data for the players.

 To start EFT in admin mode, follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to the folder of the game.
  • Right-click EscapeFromTarkov.exe.
  • Select Properties.
  • Click on Compatibility to open the menu.
  • Select ‘Execute this application as administrator.’
  • Make the changes. Then, you can restart the game with no problems.
  1. Reset Your Profile

If all else fails, then you may rest your profile using the profile option available on the Escape From Tarkov website.

But, be aware that this resets the whole game’s progress, including loot, experience, money, and other items. So, you’ll need to wait for 21 days after resetting your profile to reset it again.

These are just a few solutions to fix the problem of the profile data error within the game.

Learn more about troubleshooting issues in EFT by reading How to fix Error 106015 in 2022. 

Find out More about Survival Class in EFT by reading What is the Survival Class in Escape from Tarkov?


Battlestate Games’ Escape From Tarkov is a multiplayer first-person game. Players with access to the game have reported receiving a critical error receiving profile data in Escape From Tarkov. Today, we will discuss if there is a way to fix the error so you can enjoy the game uninterrupted.

How To Fix Escape From Tarkov Critical Error Receiving Profile Data?

The Tarkov critical error receiving profile data isn’t a new one. It seems to be caused due to server errors on Battlestate Games’ side. While there has been no official fix to the situation, is there a way to fix the error? Let us look at some possible ways to fix the error below. These are all fixes that have been tried by the Tarkov community but do not come from official sources.

E-currency exchanger

1. Temp Folder

One fix to solve the Tarkov critical error receiving profile data is to clear out your PC’s temp folder. There is a simple way to do this.

  • Start the Run application.
  • Type temp in the search bar.
  • Click Ok.
  • This will take you to the Temp folder.
  • Delete the Temp files here.
  • Rerun the game to check if the problem is fixed.

Escape From Tarkov Critical Error Receiving Profile Data

2. Clear Cache

Another way to fix the error is by clearing out the cache folder in Escape From Tarkov. This method has worked for some players in the past. Follow the steps below to clear the EFT Cache.

  • Go to the game’s downloaded folder on your computer. By default, this is in the C Drive unless you’ve edited the location.
  • Open Battlestate Games.
  • Select EFT.
  • Click to open the Cache folder.
  • Clear the cache. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue.

3. Run As Admin

Some players have also reported that running the game as admin has helped fix the Tarkov receiving profile data critical error for them. To run EFT as admin, just follow the steps listed below.

  • Go to the game’s folder.
  • Right-click EscapeFromTarkov.exe.
  • Select Properties.
  • Go to the Compatibility menu.
  • Select ‘Execute this program as an administrator.’
  • Apply the new settings. This should let you resume the game successfully.

4. Reset Your Profile

If nothing else is working, you can rest your profile with the profile option on the Escape From Tarkov website. However, you should keep in mind that this will reset the entire game progress including earned experience, loot, money, etc. You will have to wait 21 days after resetting the profile in order to do it again.

Escape From Tarkov Critical Error Receiving Profile Data 1

These are some of the solutions that can help solve the profile data error in the game. Find out more about troubleshooting in EFT with How To Fix Error 106015 In 2022. Learn more about the Survival Class in EFT with What Is Survival Class In Escape From Tarkov?

На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 935 Опубликовано 31 декабря, 2021


  1. Невозможно воспроизвести EFT из-за критической ошибки при получении данных профиля или внутренней ошибки сервера HTTP/1.1 500? Изучите это руководство, чтобы узнать, почему вы получаете ошибку и ее исправление.
  2. Как исправить критическую ошибку при получении данных профиля Ошибка HTTP/1.1 500
  3. Почему вы получаете Критическую ошибку при получении данных профиля в Escape from Tarkov?

Невозможно воспроизвести EFT из-за критической ошибки при получении данных профиля или внутренней ошибки сервера HTTP/1.1 500? Изучите это руководство, чтобы узнать, почему вы получаете ошибку и ее исправление.

Игроки Escape from Tarkov получают критическую ошибку при получении данных профиля или внутреннюю ошибку сервера HTTP/1.1 500, а также нужно исправить. EFT — это шутер от первого лица для Windows, разработанный Battlestate Games. В игру регулярно играют многие игроки, которые не могут играть сейчас из-за вышеупомянутой ошибки. Итак, в этом руководстве давайте посмотрим, почему вы получаете эту ошибку и как ее исправить.

Как исправить критическую ошибку при получении данных профиля Ошибка HTTP/1.1 500

Есть два способа исправить эту ошибку.

  • Сброс учетной записи: сбросьте настройки своей учетной записи EFT и попробуйте снова сыграть в игру. Спасибо пользователю u/ KAID3N на Reddit за то, что поделился этим исправлением. Вы можете просмотреть всю ветку Reddit здесь.
  • Вход с помощью VPN: Вход с помощью VPN может помочь вам играть в игру. В качестве альтернативы, если вы используете VPN, вы можете попробовать войти в систему, не используя ее, и посмотреть, поможет ли это. Это исправление сработало для пользователя u/ Ranezu .на Reddit. Хотя в этом исправлении пользователь мог только войти в игру и не играл в нее.

Это два обходных пути, с помощью которых вы можете попытаться исправить ошибку. Если оба из них не работают, у вас нет другого выбора, кроме как подождать, потому что это проблема с их серверами. Как только серверы будут правильно настроены и заработают, вы снова сможете играть.

Почему вы получаете Критическую ошибку при получении данных профиля в Escape from Tarkov?

Вы получаете эту ошибку, когда игра делает дропы Twitch. Пока это не официальная причина, а довольно сильные домыслы сообщества. Это связано с тем, что серверы не могут обрабатывать игроков после события перетаскивания.

Это руководство о том, как исправить критическую ошибку при получении данных профиля & amp; HTTP/1.1 500 внутренняя ошибка сервера для Escape from Tarkov (EFT). Если игра начала работать для вас, вам следует ознакомиться с нашими руководствами по как играть с друзьями и списком консольных команд .

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When I attempted to launch the game, I got stuck at «Profile Data Loading», eventually I received the following error message:
«Critical error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at forum. 1000 — Backend error»

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Same Issue here. This happened to me after i had to forcibly shut down the game. After I had died my character still remained in raid and I could hear things even though I was dead. I was never taken to the post death screen.

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Just now, StalfoHunter said:

Same Issue here. This happened to me after i had to forcibly shut down the game. After I had died my character still remained in raid and I could hear things even though I was dead. I was never taken to the post death screen.

I received mine while I was in the character screen outside of a raid. Got a 1000 backend error. When I rebooted, I received the aforementioned error, and I’m unable to play.

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This has happened to me too just now. I haven’t opened the game in about 6 hours and the last thing I did was force quit the game when the game wasn’t bringing me out of an offline raid. 

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День добрый.

Same problem:

«Critical error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at forum. 1000 — Backend error»

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I have the exact same message and error at the moment. I was grabbing a Swala kit i had made in my stash out and my game crashed and had this error twice now on load up.

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I have the same issue. Haven’t done anything to make this happen that i know of, will try to verify game files and see if that fixes it.

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guess im hoping on this thread to say the same, 1000 backen error when trying to get out an offline raid

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Same here. got it while making flea market trades.

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The 1000 backend error just happened about 5 min ago for me too. Was in the extract screen when it gave the error message. Unable to launch the game again at this stage.

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Just tried to reboot the game, no luck. I guess servers might be down?

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Global, as this is OCE also

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I’ve just had this happen to me also as i was loading a Scav run now getting a Banner stating


Object Reference not set to an instance of an object.

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4 minutes ago, StalfoHunter said:

Same Issue here. This happened to me after i had to forcibly shut down the game. After I had died my character still remained in raid and I could hear things even though I was dead. I was never taken to the post death screen.

Yea had the same thing happen to me, just bought the game and i thought i had to wait but after about 10 mins i just close it manually. then got error 1000 and here i am now. This was after i died in my FIRST GAME EVER. lmao

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Just got this message whilst fighting Glukhar for the Jaeger quest. Got like 3-4 stutters in a row and died to a scav and then never made it to the death screen. Tried restarting 2-3 times and same error keeps popping up.

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Same Issue

6 minutes ago, StalfoHunter said:

Same Issue here. This happened to me after i had to forcibly shut down the game. After I had died my character still remained in raid and I could hear things even though I was dead. I was never taken to the post death screen.

This^^ Exactly what happened. 

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4 minutes ago, RalphieW said:

I have the same issue. Haven’t done anything to make this happen that i know of, will try to verify game files and see if that fixes it.

Tried checking files, it didn’t work. But it seems this is a global issue and i see several more threads about it on the forum. My guess is profile servers are down or something. We’ll just have to wait for BSG to fix it.

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I have the same issue, what do we have to do to fix this?

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same same, my game is now trying to reconnect tho…. now a server connection lost issue. 

Edited August 25, 2020 by headhunter101

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same to me,this happened after character died but still remain in raid, I closed the game with force and when I launch again, I receive error 1000

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Just now, IRyanJohnson said:

I have the same issue, what do we have to do to fix this?

It appears to be on BSG’s end. No fix for us. Go to bed lmao

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I was able to get back on and I have all of my gear from the raid i just died in???

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I was able  to get back on but everything from the scav run is gone. I never got to the loot screen but I extracted, fair and square. This sucks…

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    • #1

    First time writing a thread, please don’t dump on me. Pardon me if I messed up any of the log files. 11/10/2021 at 4 AM I went into a Customs raid with the 10mm MP5 and the weird gimp looking hood with NVG (don’t remember the name). Got kills, got fat loot, extracted then the error happened. It said

    «Critical Error Receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at forum»

    «In response to An item with the same key has already been added.»

    «Key: d20c1ecdb4766f0b2058c663»

    I’ve read the FAQ but I don’t see anything related to critical error blah blah (the issue I’m having», only other people from years back having this problem. I don’t know if its a problem with a mod or a problem with the server, so please be kind. Thank you.

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    • #2

    the random password i wrote for the log is pepe

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    • #3

    Looks like you have 2 items in your inventory with the same ID d20c1ecdb4766f0b2058c663

    You need to edit your profile and delete duplicated item — there can be only one!

    • #5

    OK WTF I deleted random stuff in the file and fixed it. Shows over guys.

    • #6

    For those that want to know what I did exactly.

    D: > EFT folder > user > profiles > ( find the one you’re using )

    then ctrl + f and find what the error says

  • Andrudis Oct 11th 2021

    Closed the thread.

  • SPT Team Nov 17th 2021

    Set the Label from In progress to Solved

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