Destiny 2 код ошибки arugula

Destiny 2 requires a permanent connection to Bungie’s servers and as a result, there are a lot of things that can break and error codes related to these issues. The Arugula error code is one that we have seen before in Destiny 2, but has increased in frequency particularly with Xbox One and Xbox Series X versions of the game. Here’s what we know about what you can do to fix Destiny 2 Arugula Error Code.

What Does Arugula Error Mean?

Arugula means you’re experiencing a general networking issue. This could be your internet connection, your connection to the Destiny 2 servers, or an issue with your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

How to Fix Arugula Error Code Destiny 2

As Bungie claims this is to do with general networking issues, the best thing you can do is try restarting your router, and then also connecting your console or PC to your router with an Ethernet cable if you’re currently using a wireless connection.

If neither of those things work, it could be an issue with your Internet Service Provider, in which case you’ll just need to sit and wait for them to resolve it on their end. Finally, if the issue is with your connection to the Destiny 2 servers, you may want to check that your NAT Type is set to Open, as Moderate or Strict settings can cause network connection problems.

Obviously, you can also try just reloading, but what myself and others have found is that if you’re getting it then you’re just getting it and it doesn’t really go away.

You might be able to play for a bit longer though before it rears its ugly head, but there’s nothing more frustrating than losing mission progress because of it.

You could also try and a full uninstall and reinstall of Destiny 2: Beyond Light, but there’s no guarantee that will work either.

For now, your best bet for a fix is to stay tuned to the Bungie Blog where they post bug updates and the Bungie Help Twitter as well to see if they give exact instructions how to fix the Arugula error code for Xbox players (and PS4 and PC as well if you’re getting it too).

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.

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Destiny 2 FAQ - ответы на вопросы от новичков

Во время соревновательной игры или выполнения PvE-миссий в Destiny 2 вы сталкивались с кодом ошибки Arugula? Это раздражающий код ошибки, с которым игроки сталкиваются в последнее время. Хотя реальная причина появления этого кода ошибки неизвестна, есть несколько обходных путей. В этой статье мы расскажем вам, как избавиться от кода ошибки Arugula в Destiny 2, чтобы вы могли возобновить миссию, которую выполняли до того, как она была прервана.

Destiny 2 — это научно-фантастический шутер от первого лица, разработанный компанией Bungie, создателем оригинальной франшизы Halo. Для игры требуется активное интернет-соединение, и она доступна на большинстве основных игровых платформ. Тем не менее, Destiny 2 также известна множеством ошибок, одной из которых является код ошибки Arugula. Этот код срабатывает, когда вы участвуете в PVP. Но многие сообщают, что сталкиваются с этой ошибкой и в PVE. Что же вызывает эту ошибку и, самое главное, как ее устранить?

Destiny 2 FAQ - ответы на вопросы от новичков

Компания Bungie уже признала наличие кода ошибки Arugula и заявила, что виной всему сетевые проблемы. Поскольку Destiny 2 требует постоянного подключения к Интернету, даже небольшая заминка в сетевом соединении может привести к появлению этой ошибки. Стоит отметить, что причиной ошибки также может быть недавнее обновление игры или патч. Какова бы ни была причина, попробуйте воспользоваться следующими способами устранения ошибки.

Вот что сказала компания Bungie по поводу ошибки:

Проверьте, стабильно ли ваше интернет-соединение

Сначала необходимо убедиться в отсутствии проблем с подключением на стороне клиента. Выйдите из Destiny 2 и выключите компьютер/консоль. Также отключите WiFi или маршрутизатор. Подождите несколько секунд, перезапустите все указанные устройства и запустите игру. Попробуйте поучаствовать в PVP или PVE. Если вы не получите ошибку, поздравляем! Вы устранили проблему. Если ошибка сохраняется, у нас есть другие способы ее устранения

Обратитесь к своему провайдеру

Попробуйте подключить ваш компьютер/консоль к другому источнику интернет-соединения, например, к мобильным данным (хотя это не рекомендуется) или, что более предпочтительно, к соединению от другого провайдера. Если игра прекрасно работает на другом источнике сети, вам необходимо связаться с вашим интернет-провайдером и спросить его о каких-либо неполадках на его стороне.

Проверьте наличие дополнительных сетевых исправлений и обходных путей
Вы можете зайти на официальный сайт Bungie по устранению сетевых неполадок, чтобы узнать о других способах решения проблемы кода ошибки Arugula, которые включают методы улучшения задержки, переадресации портов и т.д.

Проверьте работоспособность серверов Destiny

И последнее, но не менее важное: вам также следует убедиться, что серверы игры работают нормально. Для этого зайдите на сайт Destiny 2, посвященный обслуживанию и обновлению статуса серверов, чтобы быть в курсе запланированных и незапланированных перебоев в работе серверов. Если серверы действительно не работают, попробуйте повторить попытку через некоторое время.

На этом мы надеемся, что это руководство предоставило вам всю необходимую информацию для решения проблемы кода ошибки Arugula в Destiny 2.

Последнее обновление 31.05.2023

Destiny 2 error code arugula in 2021: How to fix it?

Destiny 2 is a realistic shooter video game developed by Bungie and was released as a pay-to-play service in 2017. It then became free to play in October 2019 followed by its release on PlayStation 5 and Xbox X series and S series. It is the sequel to 2014’s Destiny and its subsequent expansions. In spite of being one of the most played games all over the world, it is enclosed with several errors and glitches. One of the errors in the game is ‘error code arugula’. If you too are facing this error and know how to fix it, we have it all covered in this blog.

Destiny 2 error code arugula in 2021: How to fix it?

About Destiny 2

The game is set in a mythic science fiction world and includes a multiplayer shared-world environment with role-playing game elements. Destiny 2’s activities are divided into two types of games: player versus environment and player versus player.

The three-character classes in Destiny 2 are the same as in the first game. Each class has its own set of upgrades, perks, and special abilities, as well as three sub-classes that allow players to fine-tune their characters for a unique play style. Warlock, Hunter, and Titan are the three classes available.

What is the error code arugula in Destiny 2?

As we mentioned earlier, Destiny 2 is enclosed with several errors and glitches.

The Arugula error code is one that we have seen before in Destiny’s first version but has increased in frequency particularly with Destiny 2 after the 2021 update.

Although the reason and cause of this error are not quite clear, it is said to be one of the errors involving a network connectivity issue with the server of the game or with the local internet. It can result in the loss of saved data within the game and prevent you from entering the game.

Until now there are no official fixes for the error code arugula in Destiny 2. But we do have some steps which will help you fix the error.

Method 1 Clear your Cache and Reboot the Console/PC

If you are facing the error code arugula, completely turn off your system/console and then restart after a few minutes. To Reboot the Xbox / PlayStation 4 follow below mentioned instructions:

For Xbox:

  • Use the Power button to Shut Down
  • Remove Power Brick from Xbox
  • Plugin the Power Brick again
  • Turn on the Xbox

For PS4:

  • Turn off your PlayStation4
  • Remove Power Cord
  • Plugin the Power Cord
  • Turn on the PS4

 Method 2 Reboot your Router

As this error is related to network issues, you should first check your internet connectivity and then reboot the router/modem. To do so follow the steps:

  • Remove the plug of the wired router.
  • Wait for a few minutes for the router to completely drain out.
  • Plug it back in and then connect your system or console.
  • Try launching the game and check if the issue still persists.

These 2 methods should help you fix the error code arugula in Destiny 2 in 2021. If not, contact the customer support of the game for further assistance.

Destiny 2 requires a permanent connection to Bungie’s servers and as a result, there are a lot of things that can break and error codes related to these issues. The Arugula error code is one that we have seen before in Destiny 2, but has increased in frequency particularly with Xbox One and Xbox Series X versions of the game. Here’s what we know about what you can do to fix Destiny 2 Arugula Error Code.

What Does Arugula Error Mean?

Arugula means you’re experiencing a general networking issue. This could be your internet connection, your connection to the Destiny 2 servers, or an issue with your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

How to Fix Arugula Error Code Destiny 2

As Bungie claims this is to do with general networking issues, the best thing you can do is try restarting your router, and then also connecting your console or PC to your router with an Ethernet cable if you’re currently using a wireless connection.

If neither of those things work, it could be an issue with your Internet Service Provider, in which case you’ll just need to sit and wait for them to resolve it on their end. Finally, if the issue is with your connection to the Destiny 2 servers, you may want to check that your NAT Type is set to Open, as Moderate or Strict settings can cause network connection problems.

Obviously, you can also try just reloading, but what myself and others have found is that if you’re getting it then you’re just getting it and it doesn’t really go away.

You might be able to play for a bit longer though before it rears its ugly head, but there’s nothing more frustrating than losing mission progress because of it.

You could also try and a full uninstall and reinstall of Destiny 2: Beyond Light, but there’s no guarantee that will work either.

For now, your best bet for a fix is to stay tuned to the Bungie Blog where they post bug updates and the Bungie Help Twitter as well to see if they give exact instructions how to fix the Arugula error code for Xbox players (and PS4 and PC as well if you’re getting it too).

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Just got kicked out of a PvP match by a Pokemon error code. Anyone else get this oogabooga code?

level 1

It’s a vegetable… and yes, I got booted from a match earlier today too.

level 1

Got this right at the end of an empire hunt lmao. Fuck this trash, dude.

level 1

I have been getting this today as well, a couple of times and it happened doing strike

level 2

Glad I’m not the only one it happened to in comp.

level 1

Got it a few times the git a pvp/gambit restriction. I’m getting tired of peer2peer being their choice of connection then blaming us when they lobby everyone from the other side of the nation. We all don’t have military grade hardware.

level 1

got arugula right after finishing the emmisaries on the harbinger mission…solo…

fuck me

level 1

This is still happening to me and they released a hot patch today to fix it. This is very frustrating. I wasn’t playing PVP I was in the forsaken story for my hunter.

level 2

Well I went around checking if I’m the only one dealing with this. Glad I’m not. Seems like it only happens when doing solo content. Wrath born hunts, story missions, solo lost sectors have all been kicking me out still.

level 2

Except they didn’t fix it. I’m still getting it

level 1

I literally got one an hour ago while we were doing Deep Stone Crypt. On the final encounter I was suppressing the boss and it popped up.

level 1

Does it seem to just be happening on Xbox? Cause, i got the Series S for Christmas and I REALLY want to play it on there, but Arugula seems to kill the urge for me.

level 1

I’ve been getting this constantly over the last few days. Playing on Series X

level 1

Played on moon for hours without any problem, last boss in moon dungeon, 20% hp left and i got this vegetable.

level 1

Last hit left, boom! Error code arugula… You hate to see it.

level 2

Just got this today. Five times trying to complete the 1250 lost sector :p

level 1

I just downloaded Destiny on my series S and I got this code 5x today

level 1

Got this error while farming a grandmaster nightfall… 🤬

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Guardians dying to lasers


Crafted IKELOS SMGs w/Voltshot

Стараниями Bungie знаменитая Destiny 2 наконец-то появилась на Steam к общей радости многочисленной армии пользователей сервиса. Но хоть игра по факту и не новая, но первый запуск — это первый запуск. Так что, разнокалиберные проблемы Destiny 2 и в Steam-версии были делом прогнозируемым…

И, само собой, не заставили себя ждать. В общем, рассказать уже есть есть о чем (и наверняка еще будет), потому начнем-с.


проблемы Destiny 2 — ошибка Marionberry

Ошибка Marionberry в Destiny 2 возникает,..

  • либо потому что включен родительский контроль (в настройках роутера и/или консоли)
  • либо из-за глюка или поломки роутера.

Следовательно, надо либо отключать родительский контроль (если есть пароль и это целесообразно), либо перезагрузить или заменить роутер (или обновить ему прошивку).

проблемы Destiny 2 — ошибка Rutabaga

Силами общественности в ПК-версии Destiny 2 выявлен очередной глюк, а точнее эксплойт, который позволяет генерить орбы в ненормальных объемах (и за который Bungie уже банит).

После составления соответствующего обращения в саппорт, внезапно выяснилось, что там уже давно в курсе и усиленно работают над устранением. Однако проблема настолько серьёзная, что раньше декабря (2021 г) забороть её никак не получится.

Не пропустите: Ошибка Boar в Destiny 2 Witch Queen: как обойти

Поэтому разработчики вынуждены ввести в игру ряд временных ограничений, с которыми в ответ на попытки воспользоваться глюком в Destiny 2 будет выдавать ошибку с кодом Rutabaga (в частности в режиме P-v-P).

Более того, как отмечается в официальном сообщении Bungie, если эта ошибка у игрока случается по несколько раз подряд, то ограничений к его аккаунту применяться будет больше, вплоть до бана.

проблемы Destiny 2 в Steam — Battleye не устанавливается

Если после установки Destiny 2 со Steam никак не получается установить лаунчер BattlEye, то сейчас как раз о том, как эту проблему устранить и играть онлайн нормально.

Как установить Battleye в Destiny 2, если прога постоянно выдает ошибку

проблемы Destiny 2 в Steam — не получается зайти в игру

Как известно, компании Activision и Bungie недавно «расстались», после чего последняя начала мега-перенос Destiny 2 из в Steam, по завершению которого игра должна остаться только на Steam.

В этой связи пользователям заблаговременно было предложено провести процедуру подготовки своего игрового аккаунта к этому самому переносу, что с 1 октября все данные игры (включая прогресс, лицензии, покупки, Серебро и все сейвы) благополучно переехали с одного сервиса на другой.

Подготовку, конечно, провели, но с выходом игры на Steam оказалось, что нормально зайти в игру получается не у всех и не сразу. Собственно, это уже сутки как пожалуй самая «популярная» проблема Destiny 2.

Разработчики уже минимум раз проводили emergency maintenance, чтобы её устранить, но, очевидно, быстро с этим разобраться пока не получается.

В общем, если у вас тоже не получается зайти в Destiny 2, то попробуйте:

  • перезайти в Steam (выйти, перезапустить клиент и затем зайти снова) и повторить попытку;
  • запустить стандартную процедуру восстановления файлов игры («Библиотека» -> пкм по названию «Destiny 2» -> «Свойства» -> вкладка «Локальные файлы» -> «Проверить целостность файлов«) и повторить попытку;
  • прост подождать немного и повторить попытку.


проблемы Destiny 2 в Steam — ошибка Weasel

Данный код ошибки указывает на проблемы с подключением к серверу игры. Поэтому если если зайти в игру никак не получается, то для начала проверяем текущий статус сервера, а также выполняем проверку целостности файлов игры (см. выше).

Далее проверяем, чтобы игру не блокировал антивирус или Защитник Windows (и при необходимости добавляем exe-шник Destiny 2 в «белые списки»).

Если и с этим всё нормально, то можно также применить и один из «народных методов» обхода проблемы. А именно выйти на время из клана и потом присоединится к нему по-новой, попутно удалив все приглашения кланов (если таковые имеются). Есть мнение, что ошибка Weasel частенько возникает из-за какого-то бага с эмблемами кланов в игре, и нередко в такой способ её можно обойти.

проблемы Destiny 2 в Steam — ошибка Squirrel

«Белка» однозначно указывает на то, что сервер игры «лёг». Следовательно, если такая ошибка с этим кодом возникает, то просто проверяем статус сервера (линк см. выше). Кроме того, не лишним будет перезапустить клиент Steam.

проблемы Destiny 2 — ошибка Stork

Ошибка с кодом Stork в Destiny 2 случается, как правило, на этапе загрузки игры. Случается она на всех платформах (PC, PS4 или Xbox One) и однозначно указывает на проблему с подключением к серверу игры. Следовательно, устранить её самостоятельно можно (и нужно) только тогда, когда проблема эта — не на стороне сервера. Потому — вот:


проблемы Destiny 2 в Steam — вылетает на Рабочий стол

… притом без сообщения об ошибке. Частенько такое происходит, когда в списке друзей набирается более 300 человек (какое-то специфическое колдунство, но факт имеет место быть).

В этой связи, первым делом пробуем список друзей как следует почистить, потом выполняем «Проверку целостности файлов» (см. выше), перезапускаем клиент Steam и заходим в игру заново.

проблемы Destiny 2 — ошибка Stingray

Когда в Destiny 2 возникает ошибка Stingray, то игра либо виснет, либо просто выкидывает (точно так же, как с ошибками Beaver, Flatworm и Leopard). Как показывает практика, случается Stingray на всех платформах (ПК, PlayStation и Xbox) и однозначно указывает на проблему с подключением к серверу игры.


проблемы Destiny 2 в Steam — жму кнопку «Играть», но ничего не происходит

Есть и такой баг. Если он не устраняется простым перезапуском клиента, то тогда лечить его рекомендуется путем установки более высокого приоритета для игры.

Для этого открываем Диспетчер задач Windows, переходим во вкладку «Процессы», находим строку destiny 2, кликаем по ней правой кнопкой мыши, в открывшемся меню выбираем «Приоритеты», затем — «Высокий» и перезапускаем игру (приоритет «Реального времени» включать категорически не нужно!).


проблемы Destiny 2 в Steam — загрузка зависает на 96%

Чаше всего виснет примерно на 77GB (+/-). В таком случае перепроверяем жесткий диск, куда Steam по умолчанию качает игру, на предмет наличия места для распаковки файлов игры.

И если места не хватает, то принимаем соответствующие меры. Если же места достаточно, а скачать установить игру не получается, то тогда пробуем устранять проблему методами, которые саппорт Steam приводит в статье «Проблемы с установкой и обновлением игр» (ЗДЕСЬ).

проблемы Destiny 2 в Steam — ошибка обнаружения видеокарты

Она же — graphics runtime detected a crash or loss of device, обычно сопровождается сообщением об ошибке с кодом Broccoli, указывает на проблему с обнаружением видеокарты и обычно возникает, когда драйвер выходит из строя. В таком случае пробуем следующее:

  • перепроверяем комп на соответствие минимальным системным требованиям Destiny 2;
  • проверяем версию драйвера видеокарты и, если доступна более новая, то устанавливаем;
  • если играем на ноутбуке, то подключаем его к блоку питания;
  • выполняем процедуру проверки целостности файлов игры (см. выше) и перезапускаем клиент Steam;
  • перезапускаем игру с правами администратора Windows (клик правой кнопкой мыши по exe-файлу игры -> «Свойства» -> вкладка «Совместимость» -> «Выполнять эту программу от имени администратора» -> «Применить»).
проблемы Destiny 2 в Steam — ошибка при чтении игровых данных

Как правило, данная неприятность устраняется обычной проверкой целостности файлов игры через клиент Steam. В противном случае (и/или когда ошибка начинает возникать часто) придется переустановить игру.

Само собой, предварительно надо создать резервную копию игры, чтобы потом не пришлось все начинать заново.

Пока так. И маленький бонус в тему:

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Since its launch, Destiny 2, the sci-fi shooter by Bungie may not have changed much if you’re coming back to it after a while. This hybrid first-person shooter game mixes different elements from classics and other genres, but little has changed though it has come with some tweaks here and there, and some rebalances.

As with any other game, there’s always those moments where you’ll find errors popping up and you’ve no idea what they mean. The same goes with Destiny 2, whose error codes are quite a number, some are still under review to find fixes.

If you find yourself disconnected from Destiny 2, you’ll get an error message with a code at the bottom. Each of these error codes indicate a different type of disconnection and helps track what is causing you to lose connectivity with your game.

Before you troubleshoot, some of the things you need to check are known service outages that can affect connectivity.

Error codes can be categorized into two:

  • Platform errors, which occur when playing the game or during installation and are indicated by a string of numbers and/or letters
  • Destiny errors, which are encountered during installation or gameplay and are often a single word for an animal, plant or musical instrument as you’ll see below.

We picked the common ones and listed them here so you can know what to do when they show up during gameplay.

How to fix frequent Destiny 2 error codes

  1. Error Multiple disconnects
  2. Error Baboon
  3. Error Weasel/Hawk
  4. Error Bee/Fly/Lion
  5. Error Buffalo
  6. Error Marionberry
  7. Error Chicken
  8. Error Centipede
  9. Error Lettuce and Anteater
  10. Error Cabbage
  11. Error Sheep
  12. Error Chive
  13. Error Beaver/Flatworm/Leopard
  14. Error Termite
  15. Error Broccoli
  16. Error Boar
  17. Error Turtle
  18. Error Mulberry/Toad/Nightingale/Lime
  19. Error Urchin
  20. Error Oyster
  21. Error Canary
  22. Error Honeydew
  23. Error Tapir
  24. graphics runtime detected

1. Multiple disconnects

If you receive the same error code multiple times, it means there’s a single root issue like corrupted data in the Destiny installation or a source of instability in your network setup. In this case, do the following:

  • Close and restart the application
  • Restart and clear cache on your platform
  • Switch to a wired connection if you’re on WiFi
  • Power cycle your network hardware
  • Contact your ISP to troubleshoot potential network traffic, stability or packet loss issues.

— RELATED: Avoid Destiny 2 crashes and bugs by downloading latest NVIDIA and AMD drivers

2. Error Baboon

This error can be caused by packet loss or disconnections between your network and Bungie, such as ISP saturation or internet congestion, WiFi setups, or loss of connection on mobile hotspots. To fix it, switch to a wired connection temporarily to rule out WiFi signal strength/stability. If it recurs, force quit Destiny 2 by doing the following based on your platform type:

Xbox 360:

  • Press the Guide button
  • Press Y button to go back to dashboard

Xbox One:

  • Press Xbox button in the game/app
  • Check that the big app tile is highlighted
  • Press Menu button
  • Select Quit

3. Error Weasel/Hawk

Meaning: This error was previously grouped under Centipede, but is a split-off error. To resolve this issue, switch to a wired connection temporarily to rule out the connection as a possible culprit, then power cycle your console if you cannot launch Destiny 2 by holding the power button down for 5 to 10 seconds until it resets.

— RELATED: Destiny 2’s massive 68GB free space requirement keeps players on edge

4. Error Bee/Fly/Lion

These three errors are caused by general disconnection issues between you and the routes your traffic passes through the internet to connect to Bungie. Such issues include packet loss, disconnections between your home network and bungie like ISP saturation or internet congestion, and faulty connection setup or wiring.

Such disconnections can also be caused by bandwidth claimed by other apps and devices so you can also avoid file sharing, streaming videos or other tasks that use up bandwidth on devices connected to your network, or console apps running in the background.

5. Error Buffalo

This error happens to gamers who haven’t signed in with their platform account, or the platform’s service is under maintenance, or the subscription has expired. The resolution is to sign in with the platform account, and renew subscriptions, otherwise maintenance has to be complete before you can play again.

6. Error Marionberry

This error indicates an issue with your networking setup, when the network or parental control settings change either on the network or game console, or after a WiFi blip. It can also show when your router is connected but is in a bad state – faulty firmware or failing hardware. To fix it, reboot your router by doing the following:

  • Log out our from Destiny 2
  • Turn off your console
  • Power cycle your router or modem by turning each off and wait 30 seconds before turning back on one at a time, starting with your modem
  • Turn on your console and relaunch Destiny once your network is back up

Note: you can also adjust your parental controls on your router to open up player-to-player connectivity. If it recurs, port forwarding and firewall exceptions can alleviate the error.

— RELATED: Windows 10 GameGuard error: What it is and how to fix it

7. Error Chicken

Destiny 2

This happens when you’re accessing an older version of Destiny 2 after a new update has been made available. To fix it, update Destiny to the latest version by doing this on your console:

Xbox One:

  • Power down your console till it turns off
  • Unplug it from the power outlet for five minutes
  • Plug it back in and relaunch Destiny 2. This forces it to check for and download updates
  • Launch Destiny 2 once the update has been downloaded and installed

8. Error Centipede

This is a general networking error caused by loss of server connection. To resolve it, switch to a wired connection, or get your NAT to an Open or Type 1 state.

However, not all NAT type issues can be solved, like if you’re on a corporate or college/campus network, or your ISP limits the traffic you send/receive – this is beyond your control so you cannot resolve it yourself.

9. Error Lettuce and Anteater

If you get both these issues, please note that Bungie is actively tracking it and we will update this once a solution is given.

— RELATED: How to fix ‘Do you own this game’ error code 0x803F8001

10. Error Cabbage

This may happen when your router’s settings block communications to or from Destiny 2 services. To resolve this, you need to inspect your router manual to use the solutions below as some settings pages may have alternate naming conventions based on the device’s manufacturer:

  • Connect your console directly to the router via wired or WiFi connection. You may encounter more issues if you try to connect to Destiny through a router connected to an alternate router. For best results, connect to the router connected to your modem
  • From the router settings page, go to Home > Toolbox > Firewall.
  • Create a new Firewall level within your Router settings. You can call it Destiny 2.
  • From the Router settings page, go to Home > Toolbox > Game & Application Sharingand configure the following settings: Enable UPnP, Disable “Extended Security”, and Disable any “Assigned Games & Applications” settings

11. Error Sheep

This happens when you try to join a fireteam in which a member hasn’t updated to the latest version of Destiny 2. To resolve it, close and restart Destiny to initiate the update.

Note: If the console fails to update Destiny automatically, update it manually. If all players are playing the latest Destiny version, try to resume the game and see if it helps.

12. Error Chive

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

Bungie is trying to find out the main cause of this issue, but if you get it while playing, try and troubleshoot by doing the following:

  • Update your graphics card drivers or re-install them if the error persists. You can also do this manually
  • Use Scan and Repair function to ensure the app is installed properly.

— RELATED: Windows 10 April Update triggers games crashes, stutter and errors [FIX]

13. Beaver/Flatworm/Leopard

These errors are caused by failure to connect your console to another player’s console through the internet. This can be due to connection quality problems like packet loss, ISP saturation, or internet congestion, faulty wiring or Wi-Fi setups, and router/network configuration issues.

They are common when multiple consoles are connecting through one router to the internet, but some solutions for this include:

  • Enabling UPnP on the router
  • Opening your NAT to reduce the frequency of the error
  • Switching to a wired connection from a WiFi connection

14. Error Termite

If you get this error, try resuming your game again or whatever you were doing before the error came up. If it recurs, exit Destiny 2 and relaunch the game.

You can also use Scan and Repair tool after which you can download and install the files at the end of the scan and repair process, then relaunch Destiny 2 and try again.

15. Error Broccoli

These errors mean that there’s an issue detecting the player’s GPU and are caused by a driver crash. To fix this, ensure your operating system and graphics card drivers are up to date with the latest version.

— RELATED: Fix: “For this game you need to be online” Xbox error

16. Error Boar

destiny 2 aim assist turn off

If you get this error, you may be losing connection to Xbox Live while downloading patches or trying to load content. Similarly, if you accidentally cancel the download, you can get the Boar error.

If your install comes to a halt, go to Active Downloads or Download Management window on your system and check the progress bar before you cancel the download.

Boar also comes up when using wireless connections, so you can try using a wired connection because losing it will stop the download with no option to resume. Otherwise delete and restart the download process.

If you’re not downloading a patch or update, you may be having a service issue, which can mean limited or no connectivity to Xbox Live services that causes the error due to failure in loading the content.

Sometimes you can see Boar error in rare cases when there’s a region mismatch between your account and Destiny 2. To fix this:

  • Install Destiny
  • Before launching the game, create a new account and ensure the region of your new account matches that of the game
  • Launch Destiny 2 to download the update
  • After you download it, sign out of your current account and back into the original account and launch Destiny 2

If you continue seeing Boar error, delete and re-install Destiny 2 on your console.

— RELATED: 100+ Best Windows 10 Store Games to Play in 2018

17. Error Turtle

If you’re seeing this error for the first time, try playing again and resume what you were doing before the error came up, otherwise exit and relaunch the game.

If the error recurs, maintain a wired connection, check for packet loss, and clear the cache on your console. Some users have reported that logging into the network from a different device helps resolve the error.

18. Error Mulberry/Toad/Nightingale/Lime

If you receive this error, try playing again or resume what you were doing before it showed up. Otherwise, if it recurs, exit Destiny 2 and relaunch the game.

If it persists, then Bungie is probably testing something on their servers so you can check their official sites or pages for updates.

If it doesn’t go away, delete and reinstall the game. If deleting and reinstalling doesn’t help, there may be damaged or malfunctioning hardware.

19. Error Urchin

This error means you cannot launch Destiny 2 due to a restriction placed on your account. To fix this, choose a different activity or go to Destiny Account Restrictions and Banning Policies page.

Note: This error may appear to players trying to access The Reef, and have characters below level 20, yet only those with 20 or higher can access it.

20. Error Oyster

This happens when content patches or updates don’t download. To fix it, power cycle your network hardware and ensure you’re on a wired connection when downloading and installing updates. Otherwise, try deleting and re-installing the Destiny 2 app.

— RELATED: How to fix EasyAntiCheat error messages in Ubisoft games

21. Error Canary

This error means that Destiny 2 cannot detect a connection to your network, which may indicate a possible problem with your console or network hardware. You can also get it if multiple instances of Destiny 2 are running simultaneously, so you may have to end all instances via Task Manager prior to relaunching the game so as to fix it.

Switch from WiFi to wired connection temporarily to rule out connectivity issues, then cold reboot your console and networking hardware such as router, modem, or others.

Note: A temporary drop in your network connection will disconnect you from Destiny 2, but may not disconnect you from other services such as Xbox Live.

22. Error Honeydew

This happens if public access to an activity has been overridden manually by Bungie, especially if an issue has been found, or an activity is taken offline before a Destiny 2 update. Check for any updates from Bungie’s official pages and sites.

23. Error Tapir

Error Tapir usually occurs on gaming consoles. The quickest way to fix is to restart your console. If the issue persists after rebooting your device, try to install the latest system and game updates. Hopefully, these two methods will fix the problem.

Is there a Destiny 2 error code you’re experiencing that hasn’t been listed here? Let us know in the comments section below.


  • Fix: Windows 10 Game bar not opening
  • Full Fix: Windows 10 keeps installing Candy Crush games
  • 5 of the best flight simulator games for PC

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by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Updated on July 19, 2022

fix Destiny 2 errors


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Since its launch, Destiny 2, the sci-fi shooter by Bungie may not have changed much if you’re coming back to it after a while. This hybrid first-person shooter game mixes different elements from classics and other genres, but little has changed though it has come with some tweaks here and there, and some rebalances.

As with any other game, there’s always those moments where you’ll find errors popping up and you’ve no idea what they mean. The same goes with Destiny 2, whose error codes are quite a number, some are still under review to find fixes.

If you find yourself disconnected from Destiny 2, you’ll get an error message with a code at the bottom. Each of these error codes indicate a different type of disconnection and helps track what is causing you to lose connectivity with your game.

Before you troubleshoot, some of the things you need to check are known service outages that can affect connectivity.

Error codes can be categorized into two:

  • Platform errors, which occur when playing the game or during installation and are indicated by a string of numbers and/or letters
  • Destiny errors, which are encountered during installation or gameplay and are often a single word for an animal, plant or musical instrument as you’ll see below.

We picked the common ones and listed them here so you can know what to do when they show up during gameplay.

How to fix frequent Destiny 2 error codes

  1. Error Multiple disconnects
  2. Error Baboon
  3. Error Weasel/Hawk
  4. Error Bee/Fly/Lion
  5. Error Buffalo
  6. Error Marionberry
  7. Error Chicken
  8. Error Centipede
  9. Error Lettuce and Anteater
  10. Error Cabbage
  11. Error Sheep
  12. Error Chive
  13. Error Beaver/Flatworm/Leopard
  14. Error Termite
  15. Error Broccoli
  16. Error Boar
  17. Error Turtle
  18. Error Mulberry/Toad/Nightingale/Lime
  19. Error Urchin
  20. Error Oyster
  21. Error Canary
  22. Error Honeydew
  23. Error Tapir
  24. graphics runtime detected

1. Multiple disconnects

If you receive the same error code multiple times, it means there’s a single root issue like corrupted data in the Destiny installation or a source of instability in your network setup. In this case, do the following:

  • Close and restart the application
  • Restart and clear cache on your platform
  • Switch to a wired connection if you’re on WiFi
  • Power cycle your network hardware
  • Contact your ISP to troubleshoot potential network traffic, stability or packet loss issues.

— RELATED: Avoid Destiny 2 crashes and bugs by downloading latest NVIDIA and AMD drivers

2. Error Baboon

This error can be caused by packet loss or disconnections between your network and Bungie, such as ISP saturation or internet congestion, WiFi setups, or loss of connection on mobile hotspots. To fix it, switch to a wired connection temporarily to rule out WiFi signal strength/stability. If it recurs, force quit Destiny 2 by doing the following based on your platform type:

Xbox 360:

  • Press the Guide button
  • Press Y button to go back to dashboard

Xbox One:

  • Press Xbox button in the game/app
  • Check that the big app tile is highlighted
  • Press Menu button
  • Select Quit

3. Error Weasel/Hawk

Meaning: This error was previously grouped under Centipede, but is a split-off error. To resolve this issue, switch to a wired connection temporarily to rule out the connection as a possible culprit, then power cycle your console if you cannot launch Destiny 2 by holding the power button down for 5 to 10 seconds until it resets.

— RELATED: Destiny 2’s massive 68GB free space requirement keeps players on edge

4. Error Bee/Fly/Lion

These three errors are caused by general disconnection issues between you and the routes your traffic passes through the internet to connect to Bungie. Such issues include packet loss, disconnections between your home network and bungie like ISP saturation or internet congestion, and faulty connection setup or wiring.

Such disconnections can also be caused by bandwidth claimed by other apps and devices so you can also avoid file sharing, streaming videos or other tasks that use up bandwidth on devices connected to your network, or console apps running in the background.

5. Error Buffalo

This error happens to gamers who haven’t signed in with their platform account, or the platform’s service is under maintenance, or the subscription has expired. The resolution is to sign in with the platform account, and renew subscriptions, otherwise maintenance has to be complete before you can play again.

6. Error Marionberry

This error indicates an issue with your networking setup, when the network or parental control settings change either on the network or game console, or after a WiFi blip. It can also show when your router is connected but is in a bad state – faulty firmware or failing hardware. To fix it, reboot your router by doing the following:

  • Log out our from Destiny 2
  • Turn off your console
  • Power cycle your router or modem by turning each off and wait 30 seconds before turning back on one at a time, starting with your modem
  • Turn on your console and relaunch Destiny once your network is back up

Note: you can also adjust your parental controls on your router to open up player-to-player connectivity. If it recurs, port forwarding and firewall exceptions can alleviate the error.

— RELATED: Windows 10 GameGuard error: What it is and how to fix it

7. Error Chicken

Destiny 2

This happens when you’re accessing an older version of Destiny 2 after a new update has been made available. To fix it, update Destiny to the latest version by doing this on your console:

Xbox One:

  • Power down your console till it turns off
  • Unplug it from the power outlet for five minutes
  • Plug it back in and relaunch Destiny 2. This forces it to check for and download updates
  • Launch Destiny 2 once the update has been downloaded and installed

8. Error Centipede

This is a general networking error caused by loss of server connection. To resolve it, switch to a wired connection, or get your NAT to an Open or Type 1 state.

However, not all NAT type issues can be solved, like if you’re on a corporate or college/campus network, or your ISP limits the traffic you send/receive – this is beyond your control so you cannot resolve it yourself.

9. Error Lettuce and Anteater

If you get both these issues, please note that Bungie is actively tracking it and we will update this once a solution is given.

— RELATED: How to fix ‘Do you own this game’ error code 0x803F8001

10. Error Cabbage

This may happen when your router’s settings block communications to or from Destiny 2 services. To resolve this, you need to inspect your router manual to use the solutions below as some settings pages may have alternate naming conventions based on the device’s manufacturer:

  • Connect your console directly to the router via wired or WiFi connection. You may encounter more issues if you try to connect to Destiny through a router connected to an alternate router. For best results, connect to the router connected to your modem
  • From the router settings page, go to Home > Toolbox > Firewall.
  • Create a new Firewall level within your Router settings. You can call it Destiny 2.
  • From the Router settings page, go to Home > Toolbox > Game & Application Sharingand configure the following settings: Enable UPnP, Disable “Extended Security”, and Disable any “Assigned Games & Applications” settings

11. Error Sheep

This happens when you try to join a fireteam in which a member hasn’t updated to the latest version of Destiny 2. To resolve it, close and restart Destiny to initiate the update.

Note: If the console fails to update Destiny automatically, update it manually. If all players are playing the latest Destiny version, try to resume the game and see if it helps.

12. Error Chive

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

Bungie is trying to find out the main cause of this issue, but if you get it while playing, try and troubleshoot by doing the following:

  • Update your graphics card drivers or re-install them if the error persists. You can also do this manually
  • Use Scan and Repair function to ensure the app is installed properly.

— RELATED: Windows 10 April Update triggers games crashes, stutter and errors [FIX]

13. Beaver/Flatworm/Leopard

These errors are caused by failure to connect your console to another player’s console through the internet. This can be due to connection quality problems like packet loss, ISP saturation, or internet congestion, faulty wiring or Wi-Fi setups, and router/network configuration issues.

They are common when multiple consoles are connecting through one router to the internet, but some solutions for this include:

  • Enabling UPnP on the router
  • Opening your NAT to reduce the frequency of the error
  • Switching to a wired connection from a WiFi connection

14. Error Termite

If you get this error, try resuming your game again or whatever you were doing before the error came up. If it recurs, exit Destiny 2 and relaunch the game.

You can also use Scan and Repair tool after which you can download and install the files at the end of the scan and repair process, then relaunch Destiny 2 and try again.

15. Error Broccoli

These errors mean that there’s an issue detecting the player’s GPU and are caused by a driver crash. To fix this, ensure your operating system and graphics card drivers are up to date with the latest version.

— RELATED: Fix: “For this game you need to be online” Xbox error

16. Error Boar

destiny 2 aim assist turn off

If you get this error, you may be losing connection to Xbox Live while downloading patches or trying to load content. Similarly, if you accidentally cancel the download, you can get the Boar error.

If your install comes to a halt, go to Active Downloads or Download Management window on your system and check the progress bar before you cancel the download.

Boar also comes up when using wireless connections, so you can try using a wired connection because losing it will stop the download with no option to resume. Otherwise delete and restart the download process.

If you’re not downloading a patch or update, you may be having a service issue, which can mean limited or no connectivity to Xbox Live services that causes the error due to failure in loading the content.

Sometimes you can see Boar error in rare cases when there’s a region mismatch between your account and Destiny 2. To fix this:

  • Install Destiny
  • Before launching the game, create a new account and ensure the region of your new account matches that of the game
  • Launch Destiny 2 to download the update
  • After you download it, sign out of your current account and back into the original account and launch Destiny 2

If you continue seeing Boar error, delete and re-install Destiny 2 on your console.

— RELATED: 100+ Best Windows 10 Store Games to Play in 2018

17. Error Turtle

If you’re seeing this error for the first time, try playing again and resume what you were doing before the error came up, otherwise exit and relaunch the game.

If the error recurs, maintain a wired connection, check for packet loss, and clear the cache on your console. Some users have reported that logging into the network from a different device helps resolve the error.

18. Error Mulberry/Toad/Nightingale/Lime

If you receive this error, try playing again or resume what you were doing before it showed up. Otherwise, if it recurs, exit Destiny 2 and relaunch the game.

If it persists, then Bungie is probably testing something on their servers so you can check their official sites or pages for updates.

If it doesn’t go away, delete and reinstall the game. If deleting and reinstalling doesn’t help, there may be damaged or malfunctioning hardware.

19. Error Urchin

This error means you cannot launch Destiny 2 due to a restriction placed on your account. To fix this, choose a different activity or go to Destiny Account Restrictions and Banning Policies page.

Note: This error may appear to players trying to access The Reef, and have characters below level 20, yet only those with 20 or higher can access it.

20. Error Oyster

This happens when content patches or updates don’t download. To fix it, power cycle your network hardware and ensure you’re on a wired connection when downloading and installing updates. Otherwise, try deleting and re-installing the Destiny 2 app.

— RELATED: How to fix EasyAntiCheat error messages in Ubisoft games

21. Error Canary

This error means that Destiny 2 cannot detect a connection to your network, which may indicate a possible problem with your console or network hardware. You can also get it if multiple instances of Destiny 2 are running simultaneously, so you may have to end all instances via Task Manager prior to relaunching the game so as to fix it.

Switch from WiFi to wired connection temporarily to rule out connectivity issues, then cold reboot your console and networking hardware such as router, modem, or others.

Note: A temporary drop in your network connection will disconnect you from Destiny 2, but may not disconnect you from other services such as Xbox Live.

22. Error Honeydew

This happens if public access to an activity has been overridden manually by Bungie, especially if an issue has been found, or an activity is taken offline before a Destiny 2 update. Check for any updates from Bungie’s official pages and sites.

23. Error Tapir

Error Tapir usually occurs on gaming consoles. The quickest way to fix is to restart your console. If the issue persists after rebooting your device, try to install the latest system and game updates. Hopefully, these two methods will fix the problem.

Is there a Destiny 2 error code you’re experiencing that hasn’t been listed here? Let us know in the comments section below.


  • Fix: Windows 10 Game bar not opening
  • Full Fix: Windows 10 keeps installing Candy Crush games
  • 5 of the best flight simulator games for PC

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Код ошибки Destiny 2 Cabbage: возможные исправления, обходные пути и многое другое  

Игроки Destiny 2, похоже, получают известную ошибку в начале восьмого уик-энда вместе с Испытаниями Осириса. Наряду с множеством других ошибок и ошибок в сезоне 19 игроки сталкиваются с новой волной кодов ошибок при загрузке внутри PvE- или PvP-активности. Рассматриваемые здесь коды включают капусту, смородину и кокос.

Хотя упомянутые выше коды ошибок часто определяются как проблемы со стороны игрока, в некоторых случаях ответственность может быть возложена на сервер. Однако Cabbage, Coconut и Currant можно исправить, просто настроив подключение пользователя, включая аппаратное обеспечение, такое как маршрутизаторы, или связавшись с интернет-провайдерами, чтобы сообщить о потерях пакетов.

В следующей статье перечислены возможные исправления этих ошибок, так как Bungie также недавно решила эту проблему, объявив о расследовании со своей стороны.

Отказ от ответственности. Очки, упомянутые в этой статье, основаны на официальном сервере Bungie.

Сервера Destiny 2 обращены к Cabbage, Currant и Coconut. коды ошибок во время выходных Trials of Osiris

После волны кодов ошибок в сообществе официальная учетная запись службы поддержки Bungie в Твиттере загрузила следующее, решив проблему:

Мы изучаем проблемы, из-за которых игроки Destiny 2 сталкивались со следующими ошибками: КОКОС, СМОРОДИНА, КАПУСТА.

Как упоминалось ранее, все эти три кода довольно хорошо известны, поскольку игроки могут часто получать их во время игровых сессий. Coconut может возникать из-за проблем с интернет-провайдером, потери пакетов, проблем с сетевым оборудованием, сбоев Wi-Fi и многого другого.

У Bungie есть статья о кодах ошибок, в которой игрокам рекомендуется убедиться, что их сетевые подключения работают должным образом. Если ошибка не устранена, игроки должны следовать официальному руководству компании по устранению неполадок в сети, как указано на их официальном сайте.

Currant также затрагивает вопросы, касающиеся интернет-провайдеров, аппаратного обеспечения и многого другого. Игроки могут использовать тот же подход, что и Coconut, когда дело доходит до исправления, в то время как суть проблемы иногда заключается в основных серверах Bungie. Следовательно, всегда полезно следить за учетной записью @BungieHelp в Твиттере во время этих простоев.

Код ошибки Destiny 2 Cabbage: возможные исправления, обходные пути и многое другое  

Наконец, код ошибки Cabbage, как известно, возникает в основном, когда маршрутизатор пользователя закрывает любую связь с официальным сервером игры. Следующие пункты могут помочь игрокам решить эту проблему:

  • Подключите консоль напрямую к маршрутизатору через проводное или Wi-Fi соединение.
  • Примечание. Попытка подключиться к Destiny через маршрутизатор, подключенный к альтернативному маршрутизатору, может привести к увеличению количества проблем. Для достижения наилучших результатов попробуйте подключиться к маршрутизатору, подключенному к вашему модему.
  • На странице настроек маршрутизатора перейдите на Главную > Панель инструментов > Брандмауэр.
  • Создайте новый уровень брандмауэра в настройках маршрутизатора.
  • Игроки могут назвать его «Destiny 2».
  • Из Страница настроек маршрутизатора, перейдите на Главную страницу > Панель инструментов > Игра и усилители Общий доступ к приложениям и настройте следующие параметры:
  • Включить UPnP.
  • Отключить «Расширенную безопасность».
  • Отключить все «Назначенные игры и приложения». » настройки.

Если код ошибки сохраняется, игрокам рекомендуется дождаться дальнейших объявлений от службы поддержки Bungie в Твиттере или опубликовать сообщение о проблеме на официальных форумах.

Самая последняя волна кодов ошибок Destiny 2 от 28 января, по-видимому, исходит от сервера, а не от игроков. Тем не менее, рекомендуется, чтобы все попробовали все шаги, упомянутые выше.

КатегорииГайды и прохождения

Разработчики из студии Bungie известны своеобразным чувством юмора, поэтому все ошибки в Destiny 2 обозначаются названием фруктов, животных, либо иных существ из мира «Судьбы».

Перечислю основные баги и прочие недостатки, выраженные соответствующими кодами (в алфавитном порядке). Значительная часть проблем касается серверной архитектуры и инфраструктуры, поэтому универсальное решение проблемы – подождать, пока система начнёт функционировать.

Падение во время выпуска апдейтов считается нормой, а сам материал актуален и для бесплатной версии New Light, вышедшей в октябре.

  • Baboon. При пересылке пакетов от клиента к серверу часть из них теряется. Перезагрузите роутер, либо смените беспроводную сеть на проводное соединение;
  • Banjo. Не идёт поиск матчей, произошёл случайный выход из профиля. Иногда потребуется удалить свой аккаунт и ввести его данные заново, но обязательно убедитесь в сохранности информации и прогресса;
  • Blackbird. Повторите попытку подключения и перезагрузите клиент, если первое не помогает;
  • Broccoli. Сбой графического драйвера, обновите его до актуальной версии;
  • Bull. Случайный вход в другую учётную запись, перезайдите в игру;
  • Buzzard. Выбранный режим или сервис не функционирует без онлайн-подписки (PS Plus, Xbox Live Gold);
  • Buffalo. Сервер Bungie перегружен, или зафиксировано использование стороннего ПО, влияющего на геймплей;
  • Camel. См. пункт Blackbird, ситуация идентичная;
  • Canary. Интернет-соединение не функционирует, проверьте модем;
  • Cattle. Трудности с матчмейкингом. Иногда необходимо осмотреть открытые порты и протестировать скорость соединения;
  • Chicken. Ведутся внутренние работы (идёт тестирование). Сделайте перерыв, сходите за кофе, помогите маме дома, вымойте посуду и сделайте уроки;
  • Flatworm. Могут быть дефекты с профилем NAT, если участники боевого отряда располагаются на значительном расстоянии;
  • Fly. Ваш персональный интернет-канал перегружен. Проверьте, например, не работает ли фоном Skype;
  • Guitar. Общесетевая неполадка, которая может быть как на вашей стороне, так и у девелоперов. Распространена при использовании Wi-Fi, поэтому смените точку доступа, либо подключите провод.

destiny 2 вылетает

Как исправить ошибки в Destiny 2? Оставшийся список:

  • Marionberry. Перегрузка сетевого «железа», включая маршрутизатор. Она встречается при одновременном коннекте большого числа девайсов;
  • Nightingale. Неполадки с кэшированием. Очистите кэш устройства и удостоверьтесь, что свободной памяти на HDD есть хотя бы 20-25 GB;
  • Pear. Эксклюзивное сообщение на Xbox One, вызванное использованием совместных тусовок и чатов;
  • Pelican. Из-за настроек родительского контроля часть контента от вас закрыта. Обратитесь к высшим силам: мамке или папке;
  • Penguin. Не работает голосовой чат (только для PS4);
  • Quail. Перезагрузите лутер-шутер, это стандартный сетевой баг;
  • Stingray. Выполните вход в аккаунт PSN или XB Live;
  • Squirre. При вводе никнейма используются Unicode-символы. Рекомендуется писать имя латинскими буквами;
  • Turtle. Пакеты передаются с черепашьей скоростью, беда исключительно у вас;
  • Urchin. Вы нарушили пользовательское соглашение, получив Mute, временную, или постоянную блокировку в мультиплеерных режимах;
  • Viper. Трудности сортировки и передачи информации устраняются перезагрузкой;
  • Vulture. Срок действия подписки прекращён, или же следует перезайти в аккаунт;
  • Weasel. Ещё одна проблема с Интернетом. Выключите и включите модем спустя 15 секунд простоя.

Напишите в комментариях, какие задокументированные неполадки возникали лично у вас.

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Destiny 2 is a popular online multiplayer game developed by Bungie that has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. However, like any online game, Destiny 2 is not immune to technical issues that can disrupt your gaming experience. One such issue is the Error Code Arugula, which can be frustrating to encounter. In this article, we will explore various methods to resolve the Destiny 2 Error Code Arugula.

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If you’re encountering the Destiny 2 Error Code Arugula, there’s no need to worry! Fortunately, there are several effective methods you can try to resolve this issue. Let’s explore some of the ways you can fix this problem:

Connect to an Alternate Internet Source

The first step in troubleshooting the Error Code Arugula is to ensure that the issue is not related to your current internet connection. Sometimes, the problem might lie with your ISP or network configuration. To rule out this possibility, try connecting your gaming device to an alternate internet source, such as a mobile hotspot or a different Wi-Fi network. If the error persists even on a different network, it is likely that the issue lies elsewhere.

Consult the Official Guide by Bungie

Bungie, the developer of Destiny 2, understands that technical issues can arise during gameplay. To assist players in resolving such problems, they have provided an official guide that offers network-related troubleshooting tips. It is advisable to consult this guide, as it provides specific instructions and solutions tailored to Destiny 2.

The guide may suggest steps such as resetting your network hardware, configuring port forwarding, or ensuring that you have the latest firmware updates installed on your router. By following the instructions in the official guide, you may be able to identify and fix any network-related issues that are causing the Error Code Arugula.

Check Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Sometimes, security software like firewalls or antivirus programs can interfere with the connectivity of online games. These programs might mistakenly block the necessary ports or protocols required for Destiny 2 to function correctly, leading to the Error Code Arugula. To resolve this issue, temporarily disable or configure your firewall and antivirus settings to allow Destiny 2 full access to the internet. Remember to re-enable your security software once you have determined whether it was the cause of the error.

Update Network Drivers and Game Patches

Outdated or incompatible network drivers can often cause connectivity issues in online games. Similarly, if your game client is not up to date, it might encounter compatibility issues with the servers, leading to the Error Code Arugula. To address this, make sure you have the latest network drivers installed for your network adapter. You can usually find these drivers on the manufacturer’s website.

Additionally, ensure that Destiny 2 is updated with the latest patches and fixes. Game developers frequently release updates to address bugs and improve performance. Launch the game’s launcher or platform (such as Steam, Epic Games Store, or Bungie’s own launcher) and check for any available updates. Installing these updates might resolve the Error Code Arugula.

Uninstall and Reinstall Destiny 2

If you have exhausted all networking-related solutions without success, a complete uninstallation and reinstallation of Destiny 2 might be necessary. This step should be considered as a last resort when all other methods have failed. While there is no guarantee that this step will resolve the error, it can sometimes help fix any corrupted game files or configuration issues.

Clear Cache and Temporary Files

Cache and temporary files can sometimes become corrupted or outdated, causing connectivity issues in Destiny 2. Clearing these files can help resolve the Error Code Arugula. The process of clearing cache and temporary files varies depending on your gaming platform and operating system.

For PC players, you can start by closing Destiny 2 and navigating to the game’s installation folder. Look for a folder named “Cache” or “Temp” and delete its contents. Additionally, you can clear your system’s temporary files by typing “Disk Cleanup” in the Windows search bar and selecting the appropriate option.

Console players can clear cache by performing a power cycle on their console. Simply turn off the console, unplug it from the power source, wait for a few minutes, and then plug it back in and turn it on again. This clears the temporary cache and can potentially resolve the Error Code Arugula.

Disable VPN or Proxy Connections

If you are using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or a proxy connection while playing Destiny 2, it can sometimes interfere with the game’s network connectivity and trigger the Error Code Arugula. To check if this is the cause, temporarily disable your VPN or proxy and try connecting to the game again. If the error no longer occurs, you may need to adjust the settings of your VPN or proxy to allow Destiny 2 to connect properly.

Check for Network Congestion

Sometimes, network congestion can lead to connectivity issues in online games. During peak usage times or in areas with a weak network infrastructure, the bandwidth available for gaming can be limited, resulting in the Error Code Arugula. If you suspect network congestion, try playing Destiny 2 during off-peak hours or consider upgrading your internet service to a higher bandwidth plan.

If you have tried all the troubleshooting steps mentioned above and are still experiencing the Error Code Arugula, it might be worth reaching out to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for assistance.

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Do you want to know how to Fix Destiny 2 Error Code Arugula. Destiny 2 needs a constant link to Bungie’s servers, so there are a lot of things that can go wrong and a lot of error codes that go with them. The Arugula problem code has happened before in Destiny 2, but it’s happening more often now, especially on Xbox One and Xbox Series X. Arugula means you’re having a problem with your network in general.

This could be a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP), your link to the Destiny 2 servers, or both. Destiny 2 error numbers show up sometimes when you try to play the game. These error numbers mean that you can’t get to your character or enter the Tower because of a technical problem.

Bungie gives them cute names like cat, chicken, or the always-present cabbage. Behind those cute names, though, is the real reason you can’t just run around with your friends and shoot enemies. Destiny 2 has a lot of mistake codes. Some of them were coded by Bungie as animal or fruit names so they could find them quickly. For more fixes visit their official site.

How To Fix Destiny 2 Error Code Arugula

How To Fix Destiny 2 Error Code Arugula

Connect To A Different Internet

If the error still happens, try connecting to the internet through a different link. If you have another wifi link, try connecting to that one. But not everyone has more than one WiFi connection nearby. If you don’t, we recommend connecting through a mobile hotspot.

  • If the problem goes away when you connect to a different internet, call your ISP to report the problem.
  • If the mistake still happens on the other internet, it is clear that the problem is not with your internet.

Check For Internet Issues

  • Just restart your wifi router and see if the problem is still there. Along with restarting the router, you should also restart the device you are using to play the game.
  • You can also try connecting your device with an Ethernet cable if you are using a wireless link.

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:

  • CPU: Intel – Core i3-3250 / AMD – FX-4350
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • GRAPHICS CARD: Nvidia – GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD – Radeon HD 7850 2GB
  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit or Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit

Recommended Requirements

  • CPU: Intel – Core i5-2400 / AMD – Ryzen R5 1600X
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4GB or GTX 1060 6GB / AMD – Radeon R9 390 8GB
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit


What is error code arugula Destiny 2?

Arugula means you’re having a problem with your network in general. This could be a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP), your link to the Destiny 2 servers, or both.

What is Bungie broccoli error?

BROCCOLI mistakes mean that the player’s GPU could not be found, and they are usually caused by a driver crash. To try to avoid this mistake, players should always make sure they have the latest versions of their Operating System and Graphic Drivers.

Michael Smith

Michael Smith

Michael Smith is the Phones Editor for Bollyinside, which means that he covers all topics linked to mobile devices. Jordan has been writing about phones for more than six years, and his interests in the subject have ranged from a preoccupation with Android to an obsession with the most recent iPhones, as well as a satirical take on the near-uselessness of gaming phones.

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