Dhcp discover has been sent from wan1 ошибка


Здравствуйте.Первым делом нужно замерить пинг и скорость на компьютере и на других устройствах. Это можно сделать по инструкции: Как проверить скорость интернета на компьютере, смартфоне, планшете? Результатами поделитесь в комментариях.

Хотелось бы более подробно узнать, как именно проявляется нестабильное подключение к интернету на компьютере. На Ютубе не успевает загружаться видео? В программе Discord обрывается связь? Что происходит в онлайн играх?

Нам сказали, что у сети есть две линии, что ли, в общем — GPON и GPON5.

Я так понимаю, это две Wi-Fi сети в разных диапазонах 2.4 ГГц и 5 ГГц. Так как компьютер вы подключаете по Wi-Fi к роутеру и он не видит сеть «GPON5», то скорее всего причина в том, что Wi-Fi адаптер на компьютере не поддерживает диапазон 5 ГГц. Подробнее в статье почему ноутбук, смартфон, или планшет не видит Wi-Fi сеть 5 GHz. Конечно, если роутер у вас раздает сеть в диапазоне 5 ГГц, то лучше подключать компьютер именно к этой сети (тем более, для ваших задач). Так как стабильность соединения и скорость там будет выше. Я не знаю, какой у вас сейчас Wi-Fi адаптер, но скорее всего его придется менять. На новый, который поддерживает Wi-Fi 5 GHz (802.11ac). Больше информации здесь: Как выбрать Wi-Fi адаптер для ПК.

Соединение роутера с компьютером — через Wi-Fi, не кабельное.

нашел «Сетевые адаптеры» — «Realtek Gaming GbE Family Controller»

Realtek Gaming GbE Family Controller – это сетевая карта (подключение по кабелю). У вас подключение через беспроводной (Wireless) адаптер. Он тоже должен быть в диспетчере устройств. Система практически всегда будет писать, что драйвер в обновлении не нуждается. Его нужно загружать с сайта производителя (в вашем случае адаптера) и устанавливать вручную.



Автор вопроса: Георгий

Presently we’re experiencing failed DHCP lease renewals with our ISP1 on WAN1. We have the following general configuration:

WAN1:  connected to a Cisco Switch (owned by ISP1) where the fiber line (100/100 Mbit) is connected to. IP address will be obtained by DHCP.

WAN2: connected to a router (owned by ISP2) where DSL (50/10 Mbit) is connected to. Fixed IP is set at USG and assigned fixed IP from ISP2 is set at Fritzbox.

WAN2 should work as failover line only, means without configuring any BWM.

Further we have a WAN trunk failover procedure in place:

And finally the failover will be triggered by a regular connectivity check on WAN1 as follows:

In general it works fine, but during the last days our WAN1 connection gets regularly lost. It has been turned out, that we could make a manual RENEW to get back our IP address and the connection. That’s why we know that there is something wrong with the DHCP conversation.

Our ISP says, the problem is on our side. In general, and allthough we got a fix IP address, this IP has to be renewed regularly by DHCP about every 2h. Configuring the fix IP in our USG doesn’t work. Not nice, but OK. It’s a requirement of the ISP.

But often the ISP DHCP Server returns a DHCP_NAK to our DHCP_REQUEST. And on a NAK packet the USG should normally start a complete new DHCP_DISCOVER. But it doesn’t. And in that case we lost our connection. This has been checked by WireShark from ISP side.

Unfortunately this cannot be intentionally reproduced. Mostly the DHCP server is returning a DHCP_ACK to our DHCP_REQUEST to renew the lease. But even sometimes also a DHCP_NAK without further reaction from USG.

Has anybody experienced similar problems with DHCP?

We also thought about our WAN1 connectivity check. Could it interfere the DHCP renewal process when a simultaneously made connectivity check failed while the DHCP server is responding a NAK and thatswhy WAN1 is loosing its IP for a short time? In that case the USG failover procedure might switching-over to WAN2 and the IP renewal on WAN1 could not be finished. I know it’s far-fetched.

Any ideas?

роутер beeline smartbox pro, ipoe соединение, с l2tp такая же шляпа(сейчас вырублен, не конфликтует).
с январьских тех.работ постоянно прерывается интернет на 2-5 минут каждые 1-2 дня.
техподдержка говорит, что у них все норм, обрывов нет, это все роутер.
А роутер говорит, что не может получить айпи от DHCP (наверное).
Когда пропадает- тыкаю шнуром в комп с тем же маком- есть инет, тыкаю затем в роутер- нет. Через некоторое время появляется.
Перезагрузки роутера не помогают. Новой прошивки не существует. Нервный тик прогрессирует.
Логи прилагаю, может разгадка в них?

Скрытый текст

[DNS] 2020-03-04 17:40:52 DNS relay failed, invalid DNS reply length
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:43:59 WAN Intranet-DHCP has been stopped, please check your PHY link
[System] 2020-03-04 17:44:01 Stopping IGMP Proxy OK.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:44:01 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:44:01 Redirect start check, internet_status 128
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:44:01 Redirect started!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:44:02 WAN Intranet-DHCP is down.
[DNS] 2020-03-04 17:44:09 DNS query failed, no active DNS server
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:07 WAN Intranet-DHCP has been started, PHY link up
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:07 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:07 Redirect start check, internet_status 64
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:07 Redirect started!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:09 WAN Intranet-DHCP is down.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:09 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:14 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:21 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:45:30[Dhcp]: мак роутера Request
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:45:31[Dhcp]: мак роутера Request
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:36 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[System] 2020-03-04 17:47:06 User ‘SuperUser’ login successfully from
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:08 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:08 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:13 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:20 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:35 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:49:07 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:49:12 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:49:19 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
{System} 2020-03-04 17:50:30 Requested to reboot by web client
{System} 2020-03-04 17:51:05 Boot up successfully, duration is 12 seconds.
[USB] 2020-03-04 17:51:05 Device ‘xHCI Host Controller xhc_mtk’is plugged into port 1.
[USB] 2020-03-04 17:51:05 Device ‘xHCI Host Controller xhc_mtk’is plugged into port 2.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:08 Starting DNS proxy Server OK.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:10 Starting DHCP Server OK.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:11 Starting HTTP OK.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:11 Redirect start check, internet_status 64
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:11 Redirect started!
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:13 Stopping Media Server OK.
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:14[Dhcp]: мак компа 2 Request
[DNS] 2020-03-04 17:51:14 DNS query failed, no active DNS server
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:15[Dhcp]: мак компа 3 Request
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:16 Starting UPnP OK.
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:17[Dhcp]: мак компа 1 Request
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:18 WAN Intranet-DHCP has been started, PHY link up
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:19 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:19 Redirect start check, internet_status 64
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:19 Redirect started!
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:22 Starting WiFi interface OK.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:22 WAN Intranet-DHCP is down.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:22 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:27 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:28[Dhcp]: мак компа 3 Request
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:28[Dhcp]: мак компа 2 Request
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:29[Dhcp]: мак компа 1 Request
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:34 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:49 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[System] 2020-03-04 17:52:00 User ‘SuperUser’ login successfully from
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:52:09 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:52:14 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:52:21 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:52:36 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:08 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:13 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:20 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:35 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:35 DHCP offer  has been received on WAN Intranet-DHCP [server ip:{10.14.75.**}  server ID:{}]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:35 DHCP request  has been sent from WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:85.249.215.**]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN Intranet-DHCP [server ip:{10.14.75.**} server ID:{10.14.75.**}]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 No address conflict detected,WAN Intranet-DHCP begin to use this ip address [85.249.215.**]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 WAN Internet-L2TP is down.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 WAN Intranet-DHCP is down.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 WAN Intranet-DHCP is up, mode is DHCP, IP is 85.249.215.**.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 WAN Internet-L2TP is up, mode is L2TP, IP is 32.208.96.**.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:42 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:42 Redirect start check, internet_status 2
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Stopping NTP Client OK.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Starting NTP Client OK.
{System} 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Sync up with NTP Server successfully, 2020-03-04 17:54:43.
[NTP] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Connects to server ntp.corbina.net successfully, time has been synced up.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Starting TR069 OK.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Starting IGMP Proxy OK.
[IPTV] 2020-03-04 17:54:44 LAN send out a general query.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:46 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:46 Redirect start check, internet_status 2
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:58 User logout via HTTP from

Ничего, только модем

Сейчас вот выключил-включил роутер, зашел с нетбука, тоже ошибка появилась

Jan 1 06:00:02 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.27.2
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.27.2 ()
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Linux version (sfstudio_at_mail.ru@wive-ng.sf.net) (gcc version 4.8.5 (GCC) ) #1 Thu Nov 30 21:35:33 +05 2017
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: MediaTek SoC: MT7620N, RevID: 0206, RAM: DDR1, XTAL: 20MHz
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: CPU/OCP/SYS frequency: 580/193/193 MHz
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: CPU revision is: 00019650 (MIPS 24KEc)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Determined physical RAM map:
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: memory: 04000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Primary instruction cache 64kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Zone PFN ranges:
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Normal 0x00000000 -> 0x00004000
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Movable zone start PFN for each node
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Early memory PFN ranges
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00004000
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 16256
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,57600n8 root=/dev/mtdblock4 rootfstype=squashfs
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PID hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Writing ErrCtl register=0005504c
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Readback ErrCtl register=0005504c
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Memory: 61784k/65536k available (2401k kernel code, 3752k reserved, 497k data, 172k init, 0k highmem)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled *very* early, fixing it
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NR_IRQS:40
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: console [ttyS0] enabled
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Calibrating delay loop… 385.02 BogoMIPS (lpj=192512)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 16
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Switching to clocksource MIPS
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 1
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 2
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP: reno registered
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Load Ralink WDG Timer Module
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: msgmni has been set to 120
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: io scheduler noop registered (default)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 1 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: serial8250: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x10000c00 (irq = 20) is a 16550A
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Ralink gpio driver initialized
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Ralink SPI flash driver, SPI clock: 48MHz
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: W25Q64BV (ef 40170000) (8192 Kbytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Creating 7 MTD partitions on «raspi»:
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000030000 : «Bootloader»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000030000-0x000000040000 : «Config»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000040000-0x000000050000 : «Factory»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000050000-0x000000155b29 : «Kernel_stub»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000155b29-0x000000760000 : «RootFS_stub»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000760000-0x000000800000 : «RW-FS»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000050000-0x000000760000 : «Kernel_RootFS»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Ralink APSoC Ethernet Driver v3.2.4 (raeth)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: raeth: PDMA RX ring 256, PDMA TX ring 512. Max packet size 1536
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: raeth: NAPI support, weight 128
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: raeth: Byte Queue Limits (BQL) support
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPP vpn led has gpio 39
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPP MPPE Compression module registered
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 24
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPTP driver version 0.8.5
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 32768 max)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP: cubic registered
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 10
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: L2TP core driver, V2.0
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NVRAM: Kernel NVRAM start init.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NVRAM: Particion 0 CRC 25006e2 OK.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:4.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: mount /proc file system ok!
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: mount /sys file system ok!
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: mount /dev file system ok!
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: mount /var file system ok!
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 172k freed
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Build the /dev/console node.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
Jan 1 06:00:02 sysctl: Tune kernel with sysctl.
Jan 1 06:00:02 pass: Set current password
Jan 1 06:00:02 syslog: password for ‘yashin’ changed
Nov 30 21:47:00 hotplug: Set mdev as kernel hotplug helper and enable device autoprobe.
Nov 30 21:47:00 hotplug: Refresh dev nodes.
Nov 30 21:47:00 lo: Start loopback interface.
Nov 30 21:47:00 lan: Start LAN network interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:00 ESW: Double vlan tag disabled.
Nov 30 21:47:00 ESW: ROOT_MACADDR F8:F0:82:56:96:61
Nov 30 21:47:00 ESW: Add vlans interfaces
Nov 30 21:47:00 kernel: raeth: HW IP/TCP/UDP checksum RX/TX offload enabled
Nov 30 21:47:00 kernel: raeth: HW VLAN TX offload enabled
Nov 30 21:47:00 kernel: raeth: HW Scatter/Gather TX offload enabled
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: eth2.1 MACADDR F8:F0:82:56:96:61 txqueuelen 80
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: eth2.2 MACADDR F4:EC:38:C7:CA:EB txqueuelen 80
Nov 30 21:47:01 kernel: device eth2 entered promiscuous mode
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: Restore internal switch mode to dumb mode
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: Reset WAN port phy
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: Reset LAN ports phys
Nov 30 21:47:02 ESW: Config internal vlan parts switch mode WLLLL, masklan:01111011,maskwan:10000011,pvids:2 1 1 1 1
Nov 30 21:47:02 lan: Add bridge in the system
Nov 30 21:47:02 lan: br0_MACADDR F8:F0:82:56:96:61
Nov 30 21:47:02 lan: Up bridge interface
Nov 30 21:47:02 lan: Add LAN1 Mode is 1 lan iface br0, adress
Nov 30 21:47:02 resolv: Generate resolv DNS1: DNS2:
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsserver: Generate /etc/hosts file.
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsserver: Starting DNSMASQ
Nov 30 21:47:02 inetd: Starting inetd
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: started, version 2.78 cachesize 512
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN no-DHCP no-scripts no-TFTP no-conntrack no-ipset no-auth no-DNSSEC no-loop-detect inotify
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: read /etc/hosts — 4 addresses
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:47:02 2nd_stage: Switch to 2nd boot stage and start webui.
Nov 30 21:47:03 reconfig: Reload modules.
Nov 30 21:47:03 modules: link wifi down first
Nov 30 21:47:03 modules: Shutdown all wireless interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Load conntrack helpers modules.
Nov 30 21:47:04 kernel: ESW: WAN Link Status Changed — Port4 Link Up
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Load application depended modules.
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Prepare wifi config.
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Load wireless modules.
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Load wifi AP module.
Nov 30 21:47:04 kernel: MT76x2 AP Driver version:
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: WiFi ra0 interface up with txqueuelen 50.
Nov 30 21:47:05 kernel: MT7620: 2.4GHz iPA/iLNA used.
Nov 30 21:47:05 reconfig: Reconfigure lan.
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Stop LAN network interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Start LAN network interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Add bridge in the system
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: br0_MACADDR F8:F0:82:56:96:61
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Up bridge interface
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Add LAN1 Mode is 1 lan iface br0, adress
Nov 30 21:47:06 reconfig: Gateway OperationMode: 1
Nov 30 21:47:06 reconfig: Readd eth2.1 in br0
Nov 30 21:47:06 kernel: device eth2.1 entered promiscuous mode
Nov 30 21:47:06 kernel: br0: port 1(eth2.1) entered forwarding state
Nov 30 21:47:06 reconfig: Readd ra0 in br0
Nov 30 21:47:06 kernel: device ra0 entered promiscuous mode
Nov 30 21:47:07 kernel: MT7620: 2.4GHz iPA/iLNA used.
Nov 30 21:47:07 kernel: br0: port 2(ra0) entered forwarding state
Nov 30 21:47:08 wan: Start WAN config
Nov 30 21:47:08 wan: Allow forward for eth2.2
Nov 30 21:47:08 wan: Start DHCP client at eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:47:08 udhcpc[1583]: started, v1.27.2
Nov 30 21:47:08 ESW: Restore internal switch mode to dumb mode
Nov 30 21:47:08 ESW: Reset WAN port phy
Nov 30 21:47:08 udhcpc: All deconfig eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:47:08 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:08 kernel: ESW: WAN Link Status Changed — Port4 Link Down
Nov 30 21:47:08 ESW: Reset LAN ports phys
Nov 30 21:47:09 ESW: Config internal vlan parts switch mode WLLLL, masklan:01111011,maskwan:10000011,pvids:2 1 1 1 1
Nov 30 21:47:09 advanced: Tune wifi advanced parametrs for ra0.
Nov 30 21:47:09 services: Restart needed services and scripts. Mode all
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Add netfiler rules
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Allow established/related in input
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Service limit set
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: DHCP server allow
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Dnsproxy allow to connect
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Remote managment web limit
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Remote managment ssh limit
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Remote managment telnet limit
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Allow rate limited ping from all interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Set forward rules
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Allow forward from LAN to any
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Add SNAT from to at eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Call to add VPN netfilter rules.
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Allow established/related in forward
Nov 30 21:47:10 ipv6: Deconfigure ipv6 interfaces/route.
Nov 30 21:47:10 resolv: Generate resolv DNS1: DNS2:
Nov 30 21:47:11 kernel: ESW: call DHCP client for renew address.
Nov 30 21:47:11 udhcpc[1583]: performing DHCP renew
Nov 30 21:47:11 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:11 kernel: ESW: WAN Link Status Changed — Port4 Link Up
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsserver: Generate /etc/hosts file.
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsserver: Send HUP to dnsmasq.
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsmasq[896]: read /etc/hosts — 5 addresses
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: Nat mode Linux Hybrid
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: NAT Offload mode complex, enable hw_nat and selected software fastpaths.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: NAT fastpath enabled.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: Route fastpath enabled.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: Netfilter fastpath enabled.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: hw_nat: load driver with options wifi_offload=1 udp_offload=1 ipv6_offload=0 ttl_regen=1
Nov 30 21:47:13 kernel: Ralink HW NAT v2.52.0 Module Enabled, FoE Size: 16384
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: hw_nat: set binding threshold to 50.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: Enable multicast to unicast conversion for ra0
Nov 30 21:47:13 lld2d: Starting LLD2D
Nov 30 21:47:13 inetd: Stopping inetd
Nov 30 21:47:13 inetd: Starting inetd
Nov 30 21:47:14 dhcpd: Configure dhcpserver
Nov 30 21:47:14 dhcpd: Start dhcpserver
Nov 30 21:47:14 udhcpd[2965]: started, v1.27.2
Nov 30 21:47:15 2nd_stage: Copy web pages to tmpfs.
Nov 30 21:47:16 2nd_stage: Start WEB Managment Server.
Nov 30 21:47:16 goahead[3235]: Listening for HTTP requests at address
Nov 30 21:47:16 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:16 goahead[3235]: version 2.1.10 started
Nov 30 21:47:21 kernel: br0: port 1(eth2.1) entered forwarding state
Nov 30 21:47:21 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:22 kernel: br0: port 2(ra0) entered forwarding state
Nov 30 21:47:26 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:31 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:36 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:47:42 kernel: ASSOC — Assign AID=1 to 2.4GHz STA 48:5d:60:0f:80:5f
Nov 30 21:47:42 kernel: Legacy STA ASSOC — MODE=1, MCS=0
Nov 30 21:47:43 kernel: ASSOC — Assign AID=2 to 2.4GHz STA a8:fa:d8:32:78:37
Nov 30 21:47:43 kernel: Legacy STA ASSOC — MODE=1, MCS=0
Nov 30 21:47:44 udhcpd[2965]: sending OFFER of
Nov 30 21:47:44 udhcpd[2965]: sending ACK to
Nov 30 21:47:46 udhcpd[2965]: sending OFFER of
Nov 30 21:47:48 udhcpd[2965]: sending ACK to
Nov 30 21:47:56 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:01 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:06 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:11 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:16 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:22 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:48:35 goahead[3235]: Access Denied — Requires User ID from
Nov 30 21:48:42 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:47 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:52 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:57 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:02 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:08 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:49:28 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:33 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:38 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:43 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:48 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:53 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:50:13 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:18 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:23 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:28 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:32 vpnhelper: Start vpnhelper
Nov 30 21:50:32 vpnhelper: PPPOE calling.
Nov 30 21:50:33 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:35 vpnhelper-pppoe: ==================START-PPPOE-CLIENT=======================
Nov 30 21:50:35 vpnhelper-pppoe: PPPOE connect over eth2.2 to
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: Plugin /lib/rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.12 compiled against pppd 2.4.7
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: pppd 2.4.7 started by yashin, uid 0
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: PPP session is 2604 (0xa2c)
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: Connected to 00:90:1a:a3:7a:64 via interface eth2.2
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: Using interface ppp0
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: Connect: ppp0 <—> eth2.2
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: PAP authentication succeeded
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: peer from calling number 00:90:1A:A3:7A:64 authorized
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd[3530]: local IP address
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd[3530]: remote IP address
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd[3530]: primary DNS address
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd[3530]: secondary DNS address
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: No dgw stored.
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: Replace default route to ppp0
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: Replace DNS from pppd
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: Flush route cache
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: Restart dns server, dyndns, ntp sync and rebuild shaper and iptables rules
Nov 30 21:50:36 services: Restart needed services and scripts. Mode pppd
Nov 30 21:50:36 QoS: Stopping SHAPER
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Add netfiler rules
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Allow established/related in input
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Service limit set
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: DHCP server allow
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Dnsproxy allow to connect
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Remote managment web limit
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Remote managment ssh limit
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Remote managment telnet limit
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Allow rate limited ping from all interfaces.
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Set forward rules
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Allow forward from LAN to any
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Add SNAT from to at eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Call to add VPN netfilter rules.
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Allow established/related in forward
Nov 30 21:50:37 resolv: Generate resolv DNS1: DNS2:
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsserver: Generate /etc/hosts file.
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsserver: Send HUP to dnsmasq.
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsmasq[896]: read /etc/hosts — 5 addresses
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:50:39 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:50:40 pppd: Enable forwarding for ppp0 interface
Nov 30 21:50:59 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:04 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:09 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:14 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:19 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:24 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:51:45 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:50 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:55 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:00 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:05 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:10 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:52:30 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:35 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:40 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:45 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:50 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:55 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:53:15 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:53:20 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover


dhcp failed - discover sent, no offer received

dhcp failed – discover sent, no offer received

A computer or any device that wants to connect to a local area network or a wide area network needs an IP address to do so. An IP address is like an anchor, a lighthouse, a key, which allows a network packet to reach its destination. Without an IP address, your network device will not be able to send a data packet, and not doing so will effectively cut your internet. Because your internet connection is just a connection formed from sending and receiving billions of data packets.

A Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is the device that assigns IP addresses to several devices connected within a LAN or a WAN. An IP address within a network system that has a working DHCP is called a dynamic IP address. Because unlike a static IP address that is user-generated, the dynamic IP address is automatically assigned by the DHCP working within that network.

So what does it mean when your computer shows you an error related to the DHCP, particularly the error that is the title of this article?

If you had read the error statement, it says, your computer has sent a request but it has not received a reply from your internet service providers’ DHCP. This can mean a lot of things, but for the sake of simplicity, we have divided it into two categories, user problems, and ISP problems.

User Problems

  1. ISP supported modem

If you look through your ISPs’ website or call their customer service, you will get the information that big-time internet service providers support a select few models of modems and routers.

The network companies also claim that using their network supported modems can lead to better network performances.

Sometimes a DHCP error can occur due to the incompatibility between your modem/router and the router placed within your ISP. So try using the modem given to you by your ISP to make sure it’s not an incompatibility problem.

  1. Power cycle and reset

Run your modem/router and all other network-connected devices through a power cycle. Check for the DHCP error after your modem/router restarts.

If a power cycle of your network device doesn’t work, try resetting your router/modem. After the reset, reconfigure your router/modem settings according to the ISP instructions.

If even resetting doesn’t work and you’ve looked through the wiring and had found no faults, then replacing your router/modem for a new one is the only option left.

ISP problems

  1. Wiring

A lot of times a DHCP error can occur due to wire maintenance within your housing block. Try checking with your ISP about scheduled wire maintenance within your area.

A faulty network wire (DSL/Optical) from your ISP can cause a DHCP error. Call your ISP and notify them about the error, they will most probably send a few technicians to check the wiring.

  1. Outdated network infrastructure

An outdated network infrastructure problem is too expensive to solve. Because if there was a cheap alternative that allowed them to upgrade the switches, CMTS, wires, within your area, they might have done so already.

If you find out that the DHCP problem is due to your ISP having outdated network infrastructure, the only option left is changing your ISP for a better one.

Presently we’re experiencing failed DHCP lease renewals with our ISP1 on WAN1. We have the following general configuration:

WAN1:  connected to a Cisco Switch (owned by ISP1) where the fiber line (100/100 Mbit) is connected to. IP address will be obtained by DHCP.

WAN2: connected to a router (owned by ISP2) where DSL (50/10 Mbit) is connected to. Fixed IP is set at USG and assigned fixed IP from ISP2 is set at Fritzbox.

WAN2 should work as failover line only, means without configuring any BWM.

Further we have a WAN trunk failover procedure in place:

And finally the failover will be triggered by a regular connectivity check on WAN1 as follows:

In general it works fine, but during the last days our WAN1 connection gets regularly lost. It has been turned out, that we could make a manual RENEW to get back our IP address and the connection. That’s why we know that there is something wrong with the DHCP conversation.

Our ISP says, the problem is on our side. In general, and allthough we got a fix IP address, this IP has to be renewed regularly by DHCP about every 2h. Configuring the fix IP in our USG doesn’t work. Not nice, but OK. It’s a requirement of the ISP.

But often the ISP DHCP Server returns a DHCP_NAK to our DHCP_REQUEST. And on a NAK packet the USG should normally start a complete new DHCP_DISCOVER. But it doesn’t. And in that case we lost our connection. This has been checked by WireShark from ISP side.

Unfortunately this cannot be intentionally reproduced. Mostly the DHCP server is returning a DHCP_ACK to our DHCP_REQUEST to renew the lease. But even sometimes also a DHCP_NAK without further reaction from USG.

Has anybody experienced similar problems with DHCP?

We also thought about our WAN1 connectivity check. Could it interfere the DHCP renewal process when a simultaneously made connectivity check failed while the DHCP server is responding a NAK and thatswhy WAN1 is loosing its IP for a short time? In that case the USG failover procedure might switching-over to WAN2 and the IP renewal on WAN1 could not be finished. I know it’s far-fetched.

Any ideas?

роутер beeline smartbox pro, ipoe соединение, с l2tp такая же шляпа(сейчас вырублен, не конфликтует).
с январьских тех.работ постоянно прерывается интернет на 2-5 минут каждые 1-2 дня.
техподдержка говорит, что у них все норм, обрывов нет, это все роутер.
А роутер говорит, что не может получить айпи от DHCP (наверное).
Когда пропадает- тыкаю шнуром в комп с тем же маком- есть инет, тыкаю затем в роутер- нет. Через некоторое время появляется.
Перезагрузки роутера не помогают. Новой прошивки не существует. Нервный тик прогрессирует.
Логи прилагаю, может разгадка в них?

Скрытый текст

[DNS] 2020-03-04 17:40:52 DNS relay failed, invalid DNS reply length
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:43:59 WAN Intranet-DHCP has been stopped, please check your PHY link
[System] 2020-03-04 17:44:01 Stopping IGMP Proxy OK.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:44:01 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:44:01 Redirect start check, internet_status 128
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:44:01 Redirect started!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:44:02 WAN Intranet-DHCP is down.
[DNS] 2020-03-04 17:44:09 DNS query failed, no active DNS server
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:07 WAN Intranet-DHCP has been started, PHY link up
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:07 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:07 Redirect start check, internet_status 64
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:07 Redirect started!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:09 WAN Intranet-DHCP is down.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:09 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:14 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:21 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:45:30[Dhcp]: мак роутера Request
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:45:31[Dhcp]: мак роутера Request
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:45:36 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[System] 2020-03-04 17:47:06 User ‘SuperUser’ login successfully from
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:08 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:08 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:13 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:20 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:47:35 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:49:07 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:49:12 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:49:19 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
{System} 2020-03-04 17:50:30 Requested to reboot by web client
{System} 2020-03-04 17:51:05 Boot up successfully, duration is 12 seconds.
[USB] 2020-03-04 17:51:05 Device ‘xHCI Host Controller xhc_mtk’is plugged into port 1.
[USB] 2020-03-04 17:51:05 Device ‘xHCI Host Controller xhc_mtk’is plugged into port 2.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:08 Starting DNS proxy Server OK.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:10 Starting DHCP Server OK.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:11 Starting HTTP OK.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:11 Redirect start check, internet_status 64
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:11 Redirect started!
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:13 Stopping Media Server OK.
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:14[Dhcp]: мак компа 2 Request
[DNS] 2020-03-04 17:51:14 DNS query failed, no active DNS server
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:15[Dhcp]: мак компа 3 Request
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:16 Starting UPnP OK.
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:17[Dhcp]: мак компа 1 Request
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:18 WAN Intranet-DHCP has been started, PHY link up
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:19 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:19 Redirect start check, internet_status 64
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:19 Redirect started!
[System] 2020-03-04 17:51:22 Starting WiFi interface OK.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:22 WAN Intranet-DHCP is down.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:22 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:27 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:28[Dhcp]: мак компа 3 Request
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:28[Dhcp]: мак компа 2 Request
[SC] 2020-03-04 17:51:29[Dhcp]: мак компа 1 Request
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:34 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:51:49 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[System] 2020-03-04 17:52:00 User ‘SuperUser’ login successfully from
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:52:09 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:52:14 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:52:21 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:52:36 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:08 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:13 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:20 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:35 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:35 DHCP offer  has been received on WAN Intranet-DHCP [server ip:{10.14.75.**}  server ID:{}]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:35 DHCP request  has been sent from WAN Intranet-DHCP [requested ip:85.249.215.**]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN Intranet-DHCP [server ip:{10.14.75.**} server ID:{10.14.75.**}]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 No address conflict detected,WAN Intranet-DHCP begin to use this ip address [85.249.215.**]
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 WAN Internet-L2TP is down.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 WAN Intranet-DHCP is down.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 WAN Intranet-DHCP is up, mode is DHCP, IP is 85.249.215.**.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:41 WAN Internet-L2TP is up, mode is L2TP, IP is 32.208.96.**.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:42 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:42 Redirect start check, internet_status 2
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Stopping NTP Client OK.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Starting NTP Client OK.
{System} 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Sync up with NTP Server successfully, 2020-03-04 17:54:43.
[NTP] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Connects to server ntp.corbina.net successfully, time has been synced up.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Starting TR069 OK.
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:43 Starting IGMP Proxy OK.
[IPTV] 2020-03-04 17:54:44 LAN send out a general query.
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:46 Redirect stopped!
[WAN] 2020-03-04 17:54:46 Redirect start check, internet_status 2
[System] 2020-03-04 17:54:58 User logout via HTTP from

Ничего, только модем

Сейчас вот выключил-включил роутер, зашел с нетбука, тоже ошибка появилась

Jan 1 06:00:02 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.27.2
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.27.2 ()
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Linux version (sfstudio_at_mail.ru@wive-ng.sf.net) (gcc version 4.8.5 (GCC) ) #1 Thu Nov 30 21:35:33 +05 2017
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: MediaTek SoC: MT7620N, RevID: 0206, RAM: DDR1, XTAL: 20MHz
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: CPU/OCP/SYS frequency: 580/193/193 MHz
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: CPU revision is: 00019650 (MIPS 24KEc)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Determined physical RAM map:
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: memory: 04000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Primary instruction cache 64kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Zone PFN ranges:
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Normal 0x00000000 -> 0x00004000
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Movable zone start PFN for each node
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Early memory PFN ranges
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00004000
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 16256
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,57600n8 root=/dev/mtdblock4 rootfstype=squashfs
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PID hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Writing ErrCtl register=0005504c
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Readback ErrCtl register=0005504c
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Memory: 61784k/65536k available (2401k kernel code, 3752k reserved, 497k data, 172k init, 0k highmem)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled *very* early, fixing it
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NR_IRQS:40
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: console [ttyS0] enabled
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Calibrating delay loop… 385.02 BogoMIPS (lpj=192512)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 16
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Switching to clocksource MIPS
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 1
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 2
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP: reno registered
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Load Ralink WDG Timer Module
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: msgmni has been set to 120
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: io scheduler noop registered (default)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 1 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: serial8250: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x10000c00 (irq = 20) is a 16550A
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Ralink gpio driver initialized
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Ralink SPI flash driver, SPI clock: 48MHz
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: W25Q64BV (ef 40170000) (8192 Kbytes)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Creating 7 MTD partitions on «raspi»:
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000030000 : «Bootloader»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000030000-0x000000040000 : «Config»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000040000-0x000000050000 : «Factory»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000050000-0x000000155b29 : «Kernel_stub»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000155b29-0x000000760000 : «RootFS_stub»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000760000-0x000000800000 : «RW-FS»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 0x000000050000-0x000000760000 : «Kernel_RootFS»
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Ralink APSoC Ethernet Driver v3.2.4 (raeth)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: raeth: PDMA RX ring 256, PDMA TX ring 512. Max packet size 1536
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: raeth: NAPI support, weight 128
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: raeth: Byte Queue Limits (BQL) support
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPP vpn led has gpio 39
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPP MPPE Compression module registered
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 24
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPTP driver version 0.8.5
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 32768 max)
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: TCP: cubic registered
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 10
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: L2TP core driver, V2.0
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NVRAM: Kernel NVRAM start init.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: NVRAM: Particion 0 CRC 25006e2 OK.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:4.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: mount /proc file system ok!
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: mount /sys file system ok!
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: mount /dev file system ok!
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: mount /var file system ok!
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 172k freed
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Build the /dev/console node.
Jan 1 06:00:02 kernel: Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
Jan 1 06:00:02 sysctl: Tune kernel with sysctl.
Jan 1 06:00:02 pass: Set current password
Jan 1 06:00:02 syslog: password for ‘yashin’ changed
Nov 30 21:47:00 hotplug: Set mdev as kernel hotplug helper and enable device autoprobe.
Nov 30 21:47:00 hotplug: Refresh dev nodes.
Nov 30 21:47:00 lo: Start loopback interface.
Nov 30 21:47:00 lan: Start LAN network interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:00 ESW: Double vlan tag disabled.
Nov 30 21:47:00 ESW: ROOT_MACADDR F8:F0:82:56:96:61
Nov 30 21:47:00 ESW: Add vlans interfaces
Nov 30 21:47:00 kernel: raeth: HW IP/TCP/UDP checksum RX/TX offload enabled
Nov 30 21:47:00 kernel: raeth: HW VLAN TX offload enabled
Nov 30 21:47:00 kernel: raeth: HW Scatter/Gather TX offload enabled
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: eth2.1 MACADDR F8:F0:82:56:96:61 txqueuelen 80
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: eth2.2 MACADDR F4:EC:38:C7:CA:EB txqueuelen 80
Nov 30 21:47:01 kernel: device eth2 entered promiscuous mode
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: Restore internal switch mode to dumb mode
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: Reset WAN port phy
Nov 30 21:47:01 ESW: Reset LAN ports phys
Nov 30 21:47:02 ESW: Config internal vlan parts switch mode WLLLL, masklan:01111011,maskwan:10000011,pvids:2 1 1 1 1
Nov 30 21:47:02 lan: Add bridge in the system
Nov 30 21:47:02 lan: br0_MACADDR F8:F0:82:56:96:61
Nov 30 21:47:02 lan: Up bridge interface
Nov 30 21:47:02 lan: Add LAN1 Mode is 1 lan iface br0, adress
Nov 30 21:47:02 resolv: Generate resolv DNS1: DNS2:
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsserver: Generate /etc/hosts file.
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsserver: Starting DNSMASQ
Nov 30 21:47:02 inetd: Starting inetd
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: started, version 2.78 cachesize 512
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN no-DHCP no-scripts no-TFTP no-conntrack no-ipset no-auth no-DNSSEC no-loop-detect inotify
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: read /etc/hosts — 4 addresses
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:47:02 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:47:02 2nd_stage: Switch to 2nd boot stage and start webui.
Nov 30 21:47:03 reconfig: Reload modules.
Nov 30 21:47:03 modules: link wifi down first
Nov 30 21:47:03 modules: Shutdown all wireless interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Load conntrack helpers modules.
Nov 30 21:47:04 kernel: ESW: WAN Link Status Changed — Port4 Link Up
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Load application depended modules.
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Prepare wifi config.
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Load wireless modules.
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: Load wifi AP module.
Nov 30 21:47:04 kernel: MT76x2 AP Driver version:
Nov 30 21:47:04 modules: WiFi ra0 interface up with txqueuelen 50.
Nov 30 21:47:05 kernel: MT7620: 2.4GHz iPA/iLNA used.
Nov 30 21:47:05 reconfig: Reconfigure lan.
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Stop LAN network interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Start LAN network interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Add bridge in the system
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: br0_MACADDR F8:F0:82:56:96:61
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Up bridge interface
Nov 30 21:47:06 lan: Add LAN1 Mode is 1 lan iface br0, adress
Nov 30 21:47:06 reconfig: Gateway OperationMode: 1
Nov 30 21:47:06 reconfig: Readd eth2.1 in br0
Nov 30 21:47:06 kernel: device eth2.1 entered promiscuous mode
Nov 30 21:47:06 kernel: br0: port 1(eth2.1) entered forwarding state
Nov 30 21:47:06 reconfig: Readd ra0 in br0
Nov 30 21:47:06 kernel: device ra0 entered promiscuous mode
Nov 30 21:47:07 kernel: MT7620: 2.4GHz iPA/iLNA used.
Nov 30 21:47:07 kernel: br0: port 2(ra0) entered forwarding state
Nov 30 21:47:08 wan: Start WAN config
Nov 30 21:47:08 wan: Allow forward for eth2.2
Nov 30 21:47:08 wan: Start DHCP client at eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:47:08 udhcpc[1583]: started, v1.27.2
Nov 30 21:47:08 ESW: Restore internal switch mode to dumb mode
Nov 30 21:47:08 ESW: Reset WAN port phy
Nov 30 21:47:08 udhcpc: All deconfig eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:47:08 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:08 kernel: ESW: WAN Link Status Changed — Port4 Link Down
Nov 30 21:47:08 ESW: Reset LAN ports phys
Nov 30 21:47:09 ESW: Config internal vlan parts switch mode WLLLL, masklan:01111011,maskwan:10000011,pvids:2 1 1 1 1
Nov 30 21:47:09 advanced: Tune wifi advanced parametrs for ra0.
Nov 30 21:47:09 services: Restart needed services and scripts. Mode all
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Add netfiler rules
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Allow established/related in input
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Service limit set
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: DHCP server allow
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Dnsproxy allow to connect
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Remote managment web limit
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Remote managment ssh limit
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Remote managment telnet limit
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Allow rate limited ping from all interfaces.
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Set forward rules
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Allow forward from LAN to any
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Add SNAT from to at eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Call to add VPN netfilter rules.
Nov 30 21:47:10 iptables: Allow established/related in forward
Nov 30 21:47:10 ipv6: Deconfigure ipv6 interfaces/route.
Nov 30 21:47:10 resolv: Generate resolv DNS1: DNS2:
Nov 30 21:47:11 kernel: ESW: call DHCP client for renew address.
Nov 30 21:47:11 udhcpc[1583]: performing DHCP renew
Nov 30 21:47:11 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:11 kernel: ESW: WAN Link Status Changed — Port4 Link Up
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsserver: Generate /etc/hosts file.
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsserver: Send HUP to dnsmasq.
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsmasq[896]: read /etc/hosts — 5 addresses
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:47:11 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: Nat mode Linux Hybrid
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: NAT Offload mode complex, enable hw_nat and selected software fastpaths.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: NAT fastpath enabled.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: Route fastpath enabled.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: Netfilter fastpath enabled.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: hw_nat: load driver with options wifi_offload=1 udp_offload=1 ipv6_offload=0 ttl_regen=1
Nov 30 21:47:13 kernel: Ralink HW NAT v2.52.0 Module Enabled, FoE Size: 16384
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: hw_nat: set binding threshold to 50.
Nov 30 21:47:13 kext: Enable multicast to unicast conversion for ra0
Nov 30 21:47:13 lld2d: Starting LLD2D
Nov 30 21:47:13 inetd: Stopping inetd
Nov 30 21:47:13 inetd: Starting inetd
Nov 30 21:47:14 dhcpd: Configure dhcpserver
Nov 30 21:47:14 dhcpd: Start dhcpserver
Nov 30 21:47:14 udhcpd[2965]: started, v1.27.2
Nov 30 21:47:15 2nd_stage: Copy web pages to tmpfs.
Nov 30 21:47:16 2nd_stage: Start WEB Managment Server.
Nov 30 21:47:16 goahead[3235]: Listening for HTTP requests at address
Nov 30 21:47:16 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:16 goahead[3235]: version 2.1.10 started
Nov 30 21:47:21 kernel: br0: port 1(eth2.1) entered forwarding state
Nov 30 21:47:21 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:22 kernel: br0: port 2(ra0) entered forwarding state
Nov 30 21:47:26 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:31 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:47:36 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:47:42 kernel: ASSOC — Assign AID=1 to 2.4GHz STA 48:5d:60:0f:80:5f
Nov 30 21:47:42 kernel: Legacy STA ASSOC — MODE=1, MCS=0
Nov 30 21:47:43 kernel: ASSOC — Assign AID=2 to 2.4GHz STA a8:fa:d8:32:78:37
Nov 30 21:47:43 kernel: Legacy STA ASSOC — MODE=1, MCS=0
Nov 30 21:47:44 udhcpd[2965]: sending OFFER of
Nov 30 21:47:44 udhcpd[2965]: sending ACK to
Nov 30 21:47:46 udhcpd[2965]: sending OFFER of
Nov 30 21:47:48 udhcpd[2965]: sending ACK to
Nov 30 21:47:56 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:01 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:06 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:11 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:16 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:22 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:48:35 goahead[3235]: Access Denied — Requires User ID from
Nov 30 21:48:42 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:47 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:52 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:48:57 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:02 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:08 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:49:28 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:33 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:38 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:43 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:48 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:49:53 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:50:13 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:18 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:23 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:28 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:32 vpnhelper: Start vpnhelper
Nov 30 21:50:32 vpnhelper: PPPOE calling.
Nov 30 21:50:33 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:50:35 vpnhelper-pppoe: ==================START-PPPOE-CLIENT=======================
Nov 30 21:50:35 vpnhelper-pppoe: PPPOE connect over eth2.2 to
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: Plugin /lib/rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.12 compiled against pppd 2.4.7
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: pppd 2.4.7 started by yashin, uid 0
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: PPP session is 2604 (0xa2c)
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: Connected to 00:90:1a:a3:7a:64 via interface eth2.2
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: Using interface ppp0
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: Connect: ppp0 <—> eth2.2
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: PAP authentication succeeded
Nov 30 21:50:35 pppd[3530]: peer from calling number 00:90:1A:A3:7A:64 authorized
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd[3530]: local IP address
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd[3530]: remote IP address
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd[3530]: primary DNS address
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd[3530]: secondary DNS address
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: No dgw stored.
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: Replace default route to ppp0
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: Replace DNS from pppd
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: Flush route cache
Nov 30 21:50:36 pppd: Restart dns server, dyndns, ntp sync and rebuild shaper and iptables rules
Nov 30 21:50:36 services: Restart needed services and scripts. Mode pppd
Nov 30 21:50:36 QoS: Stopping SHAPER
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Add netfiler rules
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Allow established/related in input
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Service limit set
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: DHCP server allow
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Dnsproxy allow to connect
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Remote managment web limit
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Remote managment ssh limit
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Remote managment telnet limit
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Allow rate limited ping from all interfaces.
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Set forward rules
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Allow forward from LAN to any
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Add SNAT from to at eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Call to add VPN netfilter rules.
Nov 30 21:50:37 iptables: Allow established/related in forward
Nov 30 21:50:37 resolv: Generate resolv DNS1: DNS2:
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsserver: Generate /etc/hosts file.
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsserver: Send HUP to dnsmasq.
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsmasq[896]: read /etc/hosts — 5 addresses
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:50:38 dnsmasq[896]: using nameserver
Nov 30 21:50:39 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:50:40 pppd: Enable forwarding for ppp0 interface
Nov 30 21:50:59 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:04 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:09 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:14 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:19 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:24 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:51:45 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:50 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:51:55 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:00 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:05 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:10 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:52:30 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:35 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:40 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:45 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:50 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:52:55 udhcpc: Lease fail eth2.2.
Nov 30 21:53:15 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover
Nov 30 21:53:20 udhcpc[1583]: sending discover





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  • Pip

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Отправлено 27 October 2013 — 16:51

Я не товарисч из Дюны, но могу в режиме Ванги предположить (в порядке вероятности):

1. Роутер далеко

2. Большая зашумленность эфира

3. Бракованный экземпляр

Похоже зашумленность эфира, включил нетскремблер обнаружил 28 сетей вокруг :-) ни одного канала свободного, выбрал самый не занятый, пока встроенный WiFi работает!

  • Наверх





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  • Pip

  • 3 сообщений

Отправлено 10 December 2013 — 00:08

Такая же проблема ! Воткнул в УСБ Д-линковский свисток, Wi-Fi заработал стабильно!

Та же проблема. Модель вашего свистка не подскажите?

  • Наверх




  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Харьков
  • Interests:Техноманьякбездефисовипауз

Отправлено 10 December 2013 — 00:21

Та же проблема. Модель вашего свистка не подскажите?

Проблема? http://forum.hdtv.ru…?showtopic=4456

Аудиофильный звук — это набор хорошо подобранных искажений под себя любимого (с) toyo
Техноманьякбездефисовипауз. Помогаю тем, кто хочет. Адекватным людям — помощь «абсолютного альтруиста»
Координаты для троллей и любителей «тыкать»: 49.948070, 36.212298
Необучаемые белковые системы фагоцитом не обслуживаются …

  • Наверх





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  • Pip

  • 3 сообщений

Отправлено 10 December 2013 — 12:30

Проблема? http://forum.hdtv.ru…?showtopic=4456

Да, этот список смотрел, но все равно спасибо.

Здесь спросил, так как хотелось бы узнать с какой конкретной моделькой в данном случае удалось решить проблему.

  • Наверх



Отправлено 31 December 2013 — 15:52

Похоже зашумленность эфира, включил нетскремблер обнаружил 28 сетей вокруг :-) ни одного канала свободного, выбрал самый не занятый, пока встроенный WiFi работает!

А какоей скермблер ? Достала эта проблема, поменял два роутера, ничего не помогает, одно мучение.

  • Наверх




  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Харьков
  • Interests:Техноманьякбездефисовипауз

Отправлено 31 December 2013 — 16:05

Аудиофильный звук — это набор хорошо подобранных искажений под себя любимого (с) toyo
Техноманьякбездефисовипауз. Помогаю тем, кто хочет. Адекватным людям — помощь «абсолютного альтруиста»
Координаты для троллей и любителей «тыкать»: 49.948070, 36.212298
Необучаемые белковые системы фагоцитом не обслуживаются …

  • Наверх




  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Россия

Отправлено 10 January 2014 — 16:44

Скачал/установил/запустил — 3 сети вокруг.

Почитал help, но так и не понял, какой канал указать, ибо, как понял, по 2 канала «слева» и справа» от указанного будут тоже «использоваться». Хитрые соседи заняли чуть ли не все пространство)))

TP-Link TD-W8951ND — Dune H1(130515_2104_b6) Сист.флешка присутствует — Philips32PFL7404 — Acer5560G

  • Наверх



Отправлено 10 January 2014 — 17:24

Со своей стороны могу «частично» подтвердить.

У меня ИНОГДА происходит ожидание аи-пишки, когда 5-7 секунд, когда больше, но пока всегда получет и стартует нормально, что касается холодного старта.

Разок-другой было и по горячему (из стэндбая).

Не часто, но бывает, у меня эта железка недавно, посему о длительной статистике относительно данной проблемы не скажу.

Выскажу мнение — прошивка/дровишки относящиеся к внутреннему чипу, ну и сам чип.

Мнение выразил по своей специфике работы, тоже имеется такое. ;)


Решил жестко прописать DNS рутера, в настрийках сети поменял:

Режим: Авто (DHCP), DNS вручную

Настройки TCP/IP: DNS1 — айпишка рутера, DNS2 — пусто

Настрийки Wi-Fi: не изменял, всё осталось по-прежнему…

«Настройки» обновил

Кроме того выставил постоянное аи-пи для плеера в роутере.

Несколько раз стартовал с холодного, вроде пока всё пучком, стартует без ожидания аи-пишки.

Dune HD TV-303D (190919_0242_r11) + сист. SD-Card + HDD

Dune HD Connect (170519_1353_r11) + сист. microSD

  • Наверх



Отправлено 11 January 2014 — 23:19

Кстати, а пробовал кто нибудь прикрутить к плееру «другую/посильнее» антенну ?

К примеру на 9…12dBi ?  ну там от фирм CSL, COMFAST, TP-Link и т.д…

Понятно, те кто беспроводным соединением пользуется.

Dune HD TV-303D (190919_0242_r11) + сист. SD-Card + HDD

Dune HD Connect (170519_1353_r11) + сист. microSD

  • Наверх



Отправлено 21 January 2014 — 22:24

Я менял свою антенну Дюны на антенну от ТР-Link

Эффект того стоил — качество и скорость выросли

Скорости примерно в полтора два раза

  • Наверх



Отправлено 22 January 2014 — 15:57

Я менял свою антенну Дюны на антенну от ТР-Link

Эффект того стоил — качество и скорость выросли

Скорости примерно в полтора два раза

Если не секрет, то какой TP-Link брал? TL-ANT2405C или TL-ANT2408C, или без подставки версию CL ?

Dune HD TV-303D (190919_0242_r11) + сист. SD-Card + HDD

Dune HD Connect (170519_1353_r11) + сист. microSD

  • Наверх



Отправлено 27 February 2014 — 13:09

Всем добрый день!

Тоже имеется проблема с WiFi — самопроизвольно отключается и все  :(

Вспомнил, что когда я брал приставку (август 2013) проблем с WiFi у меня не было и линки просто так не отрубались. Так и есть, откатился на прошивку 130515_2104_b6, линк отваливаться не стал. Вот уже 4 часа линк держится даже в режиме Stand by. Ранее на 131213_0131_b6, 131224_0132_b8 при переходе в Stand by — сразу шел дисконнект. Посмотрим что дальше будет  :mellow:

ASUS RT-N16 (, Dune HD TV-303D (150721_0135_b9), Системная флешка + 3Тб

  • Наверх



Отправлено 09 May 2015 — 11:22

День добрый всем. Имею такой же неудобняк с той же ДЮной, как и у топикстартера. 

  Дюна теряет Wifi, после чего помогает только рестарт по питанию. Откатывался на старую прошивку, менял роутер, менял провайдера — не помогает, явно проблема в Дюне. Кто-то осилил, как вылечить?

Dune TV 303D (150721_0135_b9)  системная флэшка присутствует

  • Наверх



Отправлено 09 May 2015 — 14:12

Выставить на роутере канал с 1 по 11

Ничто так не укрепляет веру в человека, как предоплата.

  • Наверх



Отправлено 10 May 2015 — 10:04

Увы, не в этом дело. Был 4й канал, InSSIDer рекомендовал первый — ничего не изменилось.

Dune TV 303D (150721_0135_b9)  системная флэшка присутствует

  • Наверх




  • Gender:Male
  • Location:СПб

Отправлено 10 May 2015 — 11:28

Провайдера Вы наверно напрасно меняли :D

Вряд ли дело в канале. Но информации, для того что бы лечить по фотографиям маловато. Для начала добавьте скрин настроек сети ПОСЛЕ потери связи. Посмотрите логи роутера за соответствующие интервалы времени.

Dune Magic 4K (221231_0257_r21) ══> Panasonic TX-P50ST60

Dune Magic 4K (221231_0257_r21) ══> Panasonic TX-PR37C10

  • Наверх



Отправлено 10 May 2015 — 12:52

в логах что-то конкретное искать? там много всякого. Обратил внимание на «Illegal characters found in the XML».

Dune TV 303D (150721_0135_b9)  системная флэшка присутствует

  • Наверх




  • Gender:Male
  • Location:СПб

Отправлено 10 May 2015 — 12:59

в логах что-то конкретное искать? там много всякого. Обратил внимание на «Illegal characters found in the XML».

Это не то.

Да хз. Знал бы, что искать, сказал.

Искать что что то подозрительное, могущее иметь отношение к дюне и вай фаю.

Советы конечно, те ещё….

Но скрин выложите.

Dune Magic 4K (221231_0257_r21) ══> Panasonic TX-P50ST60

Dune Magic 4K (221231_0257_r21) ══> Panasonic TX-PR37C10

  • Наверх



Отправлено 10 May 2015 — 13:22

Это не то.

Да хз. Знал бы, что искать, сказал.

Искать что что то подозрительное, могущее иметь отношение к дюне и вай фаю.

Советы конечно, те ещё….

Но скрин выложите.

Это не то.

Да хз. Знал бы, что искать, сказал.

Искать что что то подозрительное, могущее иметь отношение к дюне и вай фаю.

Советы конечно, те ещё….

Но скрин выложите.

Это лог попыток получить IP для Дюны по Wifi. Попытки завершились тем, что 9.05 Дюна получила IP на мак-адрес ЮСБ-свистка (последние символы мака 82-2А). мак Дюны — 3f:28. По всей видимости, Дюна даже запрос на получение IP не отправляет.

{System} 2015-05-04 06:18:29 Boot up successfully, duration is 15 seconds.
{System} 2015-05-04 06:20:02 Sync up with NTP Server successfully, 2015-05-04 06:20:13.
{System} 2015-05-07 12:13:51 Sync up with NTP Server successfully, 2015-05-07 12:13:56.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:04:28 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:04:28 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WIFI] 2015-05-09 11:04:50 Station: 14-99-e2-cb-ec-91 associated to Reserv, link speed 2 Mbps
[WIFI] 2015-05-09 11:04:50 Station: 14-99-e2-cb-ec-91 connects to Reserv successfully
[System] 2015-05-09 11:04:52 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:04:52 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:05:17 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:05:17 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:05:41 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:05:41 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:05:53 WAN HSI has been restarted, client has aborted with fatal error
[System] 2015-05-09 11:05:55 Stopping IGMP Proxy OK.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:05:56 Stopping DHCPV6 Client OK.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:05:57 WAN HSI is down.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:05:58 DHCP discover has been sent from  WAN HSI
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:05:58 DHCP offer  has been received on WAN HSI
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:05:58 DHCP request  has been sent from WAN HSI
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:05:58 DHCP request  has been sent from WAN HSI
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:05:58 DHCP request  has been sent from WAN HSI
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:05:58 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN HSI
[System] 2015-05-09 11:05:59 Starting DHCPV6 Client OK.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:06:01 WAN HSI is down.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:06:01 WAN HSI is up, mode is DHCP, IP is
[Firewall] 2015-05-09 11:06:03 DMZ Rules has been flushed on WAN 0.
[Firewall] 2015-05-09 11:06:03 PortMapping Rules have been flushed on WAN 0.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:06:03 Stopping NTP Client OK.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:06:03 Starting NTP Client OK.
{System} 2015-05-09 11:06:04 Sync up with NTP Server successfully, 2015-05-09 11:06:03.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:06:06 Starting IGMP Proxy OK.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:06:08 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:06:08 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:06:09 LAN send out a general query.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:06:32 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:06:32 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:07:00 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:07:00 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WIFI] 2015-05-09 11:07:01 Station: 10-3b-59-f4-07-57 associated to Reserv, link speed 2 Mbps
[WIFI] 2015-05-09 11:07:01 Station: 10-3b-59-f4-07-57 connects to Reserv successfully
[System] 2015-05-09 11:07:23 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:07:23 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[DNS] 2015-05-09 11:07:47 DNS relay failed, DNS reply error
[System] 2015-05-09 11:07:48 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:07:48 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:08:12 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:08:12 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:08:13 LAN send out a general query.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:08:32 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN HSI
[System] 2015-05-09 11:08:38 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:08:38 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:09:02 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:09:02 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:09:26 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:09:26 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:09:52 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:09:52 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:10:16 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:10:16 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:10:18 LAN send out a general query.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:10:39 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:10:39 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:11:02 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:11:02 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:11:04 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN HSI
[System] 2015-05-09 11:11:25 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:11:25 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:11:49 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:11:49 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:12:13 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:12:13 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[Firewall] 2015-05-09 11:12:17 MAC=00:30:88:20:01:fe,SRC= DST= PROTO=ICMP TYPE=3 CODE=1 [SRC= DST= PROTO=UDP SPT=6881 DPT=35083 ]  ACCEPT
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:12:23 LAN send out a general query.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:12:39 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:12:39 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[Firewall] 2015-05-09 11:12:50 MAC=00:30:88:20:01:fe,SRC= DST= PROTO=ICMP TYPE=3 CODE=3 [SRC= DST= PROTO=UDP SPT=42956 DPT=53 ]  ACCEPT
[System] 2015-05-09 11:13:02 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:13:02 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:13:26 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:13:26 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:13:35 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN HSI
[System] 2015-05-09 11:13:50 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:13:50 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:14:14 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:14:14 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:14:28 LAN send out a general query.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:14:38 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:14:38 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:15:02 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:15:02 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[DNS] 2015-05-09 11:15:25 DNS relay failed, DNS reply error
[System] 2015-05-09 11:15:27 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:15:27 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:15:50 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:15:50 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:16:06 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN HSI
[System] 2015-05-09 11:16:15 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:16:15 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:16:33 LAN send out a general query.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:16:39 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:16:39 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:17:03 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:17:03 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:17:27 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:17:27 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:17:51 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:17:51 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:18:16 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:18:16 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:18:38 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN HSI
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:18:38 LAN send out a general query.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:18:40 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:18:40 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:19:03 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:19:03 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:19:27 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:19:27 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:19:50 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:19:50 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:20:14 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:20:14 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:20:40 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:20:40 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:20:43 LAN send out a general query.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:21:04 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:21:04 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:21:09 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN HSI
[System] 2015-05-09 11:21:29 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:21:29 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[Firewall] 2015-05-09 11:21:46 MAC=00:30:88:20:01:fe,SRC= DST= PROTO=ICMP TYPE=3 CODE=3 [SRC= DST= PROTO=UDP SPT=42956 DPT=53 ]  ACCEPT
[Firewall] 2015-05-09 11:21:50 MAC=00:30:88:20:01:fe,SRC= DST= PROTO=ICMP TYPE=8 CODE=0 ID=44294 SEQ=1  ACCEPT
[System] 2015-05-09 11:21:52 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:21:52 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:22:19 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:22:19 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:22:43 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:22:43 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:22:48 LAN send out a general query.
[Firewall] 2015-05-09 11:23:05 MAC=00:30:88:20:01:fe,SRC= DST= PROTO=ICMP TYPE=3 CODE=1 [SRC= DST= PROTO=UDP SPT=6881 DPT=53743 ]  ACCEPT
[System] 2015-05-09 11:23:08 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:23:08 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:23:34 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:23:34 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:23:40 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN HSI
[System] 2015-05-09 11:23:58 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:23:58 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:24:22 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:24:22 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:24:45 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:24:45 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[IPTV] 2015-05-09 11:24:53 LAN send out a general query.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:25:10 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:25:10 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:25:34 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:25:34 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:25:58 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[System] 2015-05-09 11:25:58 Illegal characters found in the XML.
[WAN] 2015-05-09 11:26:11 DHCP ack  has been received on WAN HSI
[WIFI] 2015-05-09 11:26:20 Station: 00-26-5a-68-82-2a associated to Reserv, link speed 2 Mbps
[WIFI] 2015-05-09 11:26:21 Station: 00-26-5a-68-82-2a connects to Reserv successfully

Dune TV 303D (150721_0135_b9)  системная флэшка присутствует

  • Наверх




  • Gender:Male
  • Location:СПб

Отправлено 10 May 2015 — 13:52

Извините, но в таком количестве не нужных букв увидеть что то сложно…

Dune Magic 4K (221231_0257_r21) ══> Panasonic TX-P50ST60

Dune Magic 4K (221231_0257_r21) ══> Panasonic TX-PR37C10

  • Наверх

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