Did he played tennis yesterday где ошибка

Найди и исправь ошибки.

Запиши предложения без ошибок.

1. Did he played tennis yesterday?

— ___________________________________________________ 2.

I has written a test.

— _____________________________________________________________ 3.

She has already dance on the concert.

________________________________________________ 4.

Did my mother read a book?

– Yes, he did.

— __________________________________________ 5.

Has it drunk milk?

– No, it have not.

— _______________________________________________ 6.

Have you done your homework?

– No, you have not.

— __________________________________.

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Найди и исправь ошибки. Запиши предложения без ошибок.

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Найди и исправь ошибки. Запиши предложения без ошибок.

Роберт Рипоненков

Вопрос задан 1 октября 2019 в

5 — 9 классы,  

Английский язык.

  • Комментариев (0)



  • 1
    Ответ (-а, -ов)

    • По голосам
    • По дате

    • 0

    1)Did he play tennis yesterday?
    2)I have written a test
    3)She has already danced on the concert
    4)- Yes, she did
    5)No. It hasn’t
    6)No. I haven’t


    Никита Ставенов

    Отвечено 1 октября 2019

    • Комментариев (0)



  • Ваш ответ

    Возмите красную ручку и исправте ошибки. Подчеркнутые слова осавте без изменений.

    1. Was he play tennis last week? 2. Did you see Tom at an end of the month? 3. Did he played tennis Yesterday? (yesterday подчеркнута) 4. Did (подчеркнуто Did) she likes to swim? 5. Did she be in London last week (last week подчеркнуто) ? 6. Do they celebrated the holiday last year. 7. Did they can swim well? 8. They couldnot (подчеркнуто) come, did they? 9. He was (подчеркнуто) busy, didnot he? 10. She got up at 7 o, сlock, did she?

    Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Возмите красную ручку и исправте ошибки. Подчеркнутые слова осавте без изменений. 1. Was he play tennis last week? 2. Did you see Tom at an …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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    Главная » Английский язык » Возмите красную ручку и исправте ошибки. Подчеркнутые слова осавте без изменений. 1. Was he play tennis last week? 2. Did you see Tom at an end of the month? 3. Did he played tennis Yesterday? (yesterday подчеркнута) 4.

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    Найди и исправь ошибки. Запиши предложения без ошибок. 1. Did he played tennis yesterday? — ____________________________________

    Найди и исправь ошибки. Запиши предложения без ошибок.
    1. Did he played tennis yesterday? — ___________________________________________________
    2. I has written a test. — _____________________________________________________________
    3. She has already dance on the concert. ________________________________________________
    4. Did my mother read a book? – Yes, he did. — __________________________________________
    5. Has it drunk milk? – No, it have not. — _______________________________________________
    6. Have you done your homework? – No, you have not. — __________________________________

    2 ответа:



    1)Did he play tennis yesterday?
    2)I have written a test.
    3)She has already danced on the concert.
    4)Did my mother read a book?-Yes,she did.
    5)Has it drunk milk?-No it has not.
    6)Have you done your homework? -No I have not.



    1. Did he play tennis yesterday? — 
    2. I have written a test. 
    3. She has already danced on the concert. 
    4. Did my mother read a book? – Yes, she did. 
    5. Has it drunk milk? – No, it has not. 
    <span>6. Have you done your homework? – No, I have not. </span>

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    2. won’t like

    3. will

    4.will take

    5. shall I phone


    7. won’t

    8. Shall

    9. will

    10. shall

    11. won’t

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    <span>Green greeted Mr. Basov and asked him how he was getting on.
    Basov greeted  Mr. Green too and replied that he was very well and thanked him.He told him to take a seat. He asked him if he liked a cigarette.
    Green agreed and explained that they had studied his quotation and the terms of the contract. He continued that he had to say that his prices were not attractive to them. He added that they were too high.He wondered if he could  give them a discount for a large order.
    Basov replied that was a problem. He explained that was their usual price. The quality of their  motors was very high and they were heavy with orders at this price. He said that  as they had done a lot of business with him they were able to give him a small discount.
    Green said that  they would like to have a discount of 7%.
    Basov replied that was impossible and added that they could offer him a 2% discount. He wanted to know if he could accept it.
    Green said that he thought so,but in that case they  asked him to agree to FOB terms.
    Basov agreed and said that they could do it if that suited you.
    Green thanked him.</span>

    Возмите красную ручку и исправте ошибки. Подчеркнутые слова осавте без изменений.       1. Was he play tennis last week? 2. Did you see Tom at an end of the month?3. Did he played tennis Yesterday? (yesterday подчеркнута) 4. Did(подчеркнуто Did) she likes to swim? 5. Did she be in London last week(last week подчеркнуто) ? 6. Do they celebrated the holiday last year. 7. Did they can swim well? 8. They couldnot(подчеркнуто) come, did they? 9. He was(подчеркнуто) busy , didnot he? 10. She got up at 7 o,сlock, did she?

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