Dism ошибка 1812 указанный файл образа не содержит секции ресурсов

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  • I am running WDS for deployment of windows 10 and I would like to keep the wim files up to date with windows updates.  When I mount the file using the following command I get the following results.  I have looked up error 1812 and what I am finding
    it is telling me that my file is damaged.  I know this is not the case because I just created the file using the capture in WDS.  Also when I look in the folder that the file is suppose to mount to it is empty.  If I try to mount again it state
    that something is already mounted in the folder.

    DISM.EXE /MOUNT-WIM /WIMFILE:E:RemoteInstallImagesSX2019-q370.wim  /INDEX:1 /MOUNTDIR:e:MOUNT

    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.14393.3750

    Mounting image

    Error: 1812

    The specified image file did not contain a resource section.

    The DISM log file can be found at C:WindowsLogsDISMdism.log


    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, October 29, 2020 6:13 PM

Код ошибки 1812 (0x00000714) : Указанный файл образа не содержит секции ресурсов


 Во время установки «Драйверов Рутокен» возникает ошибка «Код ошибки 1812 (0x00000714) : Указанный файл образа не содержит секции ресурсов».


В системе остался файл от очень старой версии «Драйверов Рутокен», который невозможно удалить стандартными методами.


Скачайте и разархивируйте содержимое архива «1,41», запустите SetupDrv.exe:

Запустите установку драйвера,
Затем удалите его этим же файлом. 
После чего установите последнюю версию драйверов с нашего сайта.

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • I am running WDS for deployment of windows 10 and I would like to keep the wim files up to date with windows updates.  When I mount the file using the following command I get the following results.  I have looked up error 1812 and what I am finding
    it is telling me that my file is damaged.  I know this is not the case because I just created the file using the capture in WDS.  Also when I look in the folder that the file is suppose to mount to it is empty.  If I try to mount again it state
    that something is already mounted in the folder.

    DISM.EXE /MOUNT-WIM /WIMFILE:E:RemoteInstallImagesSX2019-q370.wim  /INDEX:1 /MOUNTDIR:e:MOUNT

    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.14393.3750

    Mounting image

    Error: 1812

    The specified image file did not contain a resource section.

    The DISM log file can be found at C:WindowsLogsDISMdism.log


    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, October 29, 2020 6:13 PM

LoadResource: Указанный файл образа не содержит секции ресурсов

Тема в разделе «WASM.WIN32», создана пользователем vladqq, 28 май 2009.

  1. vladqq


    New Member



    24 мар 2009

    хай всем

    пишу стаб для своего pe-компрессора, в образовательных целях :)
    сделал для теста простой загрузчик, который распакованный в память exe приводит в порядок (за счёт секции релоков) и передаёт ему управление.
    всё сделал, всё работает, за исключением одного момента — ресурсы.

    ресурсы обрабатываю таким образом — выделяю память по адресу >ImageBase текущего процесса (стаба), туда копирую секцию ресурсов от сжатого екзе. для текущего процесса (стаба) в хедерах прописываем VA новой секции ресурсов:

    our_data_directory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE].VirtualAddress = NewResourcesVA; // NewResourcesVA = NewResources-ImageBase
    our_data_directory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE].Size = NewResourcesSize;

    после правлю VA для всех найденных в ресурсах IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY.
    после когда уже всё готово для передачи управления entry point-у, ради теста написал такой вот код (в память загружался пустой скомпиленый билдером екзе):

    HRSRC rs = FindResource(hInstance, «TFORM1», RT_RCDATA); // тут получаем правильный адрес, NewResources+0x130
    DWORD cbRes = SizeofResource(hInstance, rs); // тут 0
    HGLOBAL glb = LoadResource(hInstance, rs); // тут NULL
    LPVOID pResData = LockResource(glb); // тут NULL
    ShowError(); // тут — указанный файл образа не содержит секции ресурсов

    Вопрос — что я забыл сделать ?

  2. AndreyMust19


    New Member



    20 окт 2008

    Значит ты неправильно восстановил секцию ресурсов. Я не помню — какие — VA или RVA адреса в директории ресурсов, но

    даст тебе RVA-адрес. Может ты хотел VA?

    Сначала проверь тест на нормальных файлах (то есть неупакованный тест-файл). Если он сработает, значит 100% дело в ошибке упаковщика, а не в самом тесте. Тогда выложи сам упаковщик, а именно — ту часть, к-я работает с ресурсами.

  3. vladqq


    New Member



    24 мар 2009

    В общем оказалось надо устанавливать в заголовках PE SizeOfImage = NewResourcesVA+NewResourcesSize, тк функция которая резолвит ресурсы проверяет не вылезли ли они за пределы размеров образа PE, и если вылезли — заканчивает резолвинг с ошибок что образ не содержит ресурсов (эту ошибку он выдаёт в разных случаях, не обязательно файл должен не содержать ресурсов).

  4. AndreyMust19


    New Member



    20 окт 2008

    SizeOfImage — это размер виртуального образа. Должен определяться так:

    1. SizeOfImage = RVAадрес_последней_секции + Виртуальный_размер_последней_секции

    Секция ресурсов необязательно должна быть последней (н-р, после упаковки AsPack’ом после ресурсов появляется еще 2 секции).
    Если (Виртуальный_размер_последней_секции == 0), то он определяется как физический размер, выровненный на выравнивание секций в памяти (SectionAligment).

  5. vladqq


    New Member



    24 мар 2009

    Дело в том что после того как я её распакую вслед за стабом она станет последней в любом случае. Я просто сразу не обратил внимания на SizeOfImage в заголовке, а текст сообщения об ошибке сбил с толку.


Windows 10: DISM Error: 1812 — Can’t run DISM or SFC, Win apps won’t open

Discus and support DISM Error: 1812 — Can’t run DISM or SFC, Win apps won’t open in Windows 10 Support to solve the problem; Hello,

I’ve run into a problem where my windows apps will not open.
Calc opens with a gray screen just showing the calculator logo…calendar opens…
Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Support’ started by nuclearmage, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. DISM Error: 1812 — Can’t run DISM or SFC, Win apps won’t open


    I’ve run into a problem where my windows apps will not open.
    Calc opens with a gray screen just showing the calculator logo…calendar opens to a blue screen only showing the calendar logo, etc.

    I can’t run SFC /scannow due to error «Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service»

    To fix SFC, I’ve tried to run DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    I’ve also tried: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:J:sourcesinstall.wim:1 /limitaccess

    this gives me «Error: 1812 An initialization error occurred, for more info review the log»

    I ran a chkdsk /r earlier today, but didn’t stick around for the results — did not resolve the issue
    Using an 840 EVO SSD which makes me slightly skeptical for any disk errors, but tried it anyway

    Windows 10 64 bit [10.0.10240]

    I’ve researched the this error as much as I can to no avail. All I’ve found is a Microsoft employee stating to reinstall windows…and that is currently not an option for me.

    Thank you for your help


  2. Windows Update failing

    slight update:

    while tinkering around I also noticed in Windows Store I have this «App Connector» which fails to update with error 0x8003f7000.. don’t know if this is related.

    also in case I have not mentioned this earlier — trying Dism command fails with error 1812 and SFC won’t work either.

  3. Can’t run sfc or dism

    A repair install would be best to fix this issue which installs Windows keeping everything of yours.

    How to do a Repair Install using a Windows 10 ISO to fix broken windows


    Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade

  4. DISM Error: 1812 — Can’t run DISM or SFC, Win apps won’t open

    You can try image — health in my sig below..

    Run option 1 and follow through

  5. Hi nuclearmage, welcome to Ten Forums.A repair install /in place upgrade may be the fastest way to fix the problem. This is from the tutorial forum. Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade — Windows 10 Forums. This is not a clean install it is like the upgrade process. You can choose to keep your programs and files.

  6. I don’t have 10 running right now so I don’t remember the exact message, but did you run SFC in an Administrative command prompt?

    Why are you still on 10240? Have you run any registry cleaners?

    Problems have been seen with some apps if there was a problem with the configuration settings… Namely, a few weeks ago the MSN Weather app had the same type of situation. I will have to check your two apps to see if they have the same type of configuration. Until then, if you can uninstall the apps you might try that. They should reinstall normally and if you try this, keep track of what happens on the first time you try to run the app.

  7. Kyhi,

    Thank you for the quick reply.

    I’ve extracted it to c:image_health
    mounted the ISO, and I also happen to have a USB drive plugged in with a bootable windows 10 ISO installed on it
    there is no unblock option for me on image_health
    right-click->run as admin->1

    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.10240.16384

    error: 1812

    An initialization error occurred
    for more info, review the log file

    log file is the same as provided in original help request. I found your post on someone else’s thread and attempted this same fix

    Thank you for the idea, JohnC.
    I will look into the repair install (in-place upgrade) right now

  8. DISM Error: 1812 — Can’t run DISM or SFC, Win apps won’t open

    I’m not sure why I’d be on 10240…I’ve run every update Microsoft has offered me, including manually ran an update check.

    I have not run any registry cleaners — does this appear to be a registry issue?

    I will try a reinstall of the apps after I give the previous suggestion of an upgrade install a try

  9. you need one 1 source — either mounted ISO or USB media…. Not both….

    right-click the .cmd file and unblock

    follow last few pages of topic

  10. Just before 10586 came out folks were having a problem with Bing Weather and a couple of other apps. You might check the following path and see if you have anything in the LocalState folder. If you find some type of configuration.sqlite, let us know. The AppData folder is a hidden folder, so you could just copy the path and then paste in Explorer. You will need to change YourUser to your actual user folder name.


    If you are not being offered the update to the next release, it might be you have recently upgraded from Windows 8.1 or 7 to 10. If that is not the case, something may be blocking your updates and you may need to work on that.

  11. Saltgrass, LocalState is an empty folder, that includes no hidden items in said folder.

    kyhi, Great program — was looking at how it works — but the sad news is…no change. Hope the screenshot can give you some info

    DISM Error: 1812 - Can't run DISM or  SFC, Win apps won't open [​IMG]

  12. Downloaded windows 10, English, x64 from the source you provided.

    Burned the image to a USB drive

    Using image_health under c:image_health as administrator

    Option 1 -> does not run, error 1812
    Option 2 -> does not run, error 1812
    Option 3 -> no change from previous screenshot

    Did not run further tools from your program.

    I downloaded win 10, burned it to a flash drive, attempted to run setup->install->and do the in-place instal…at 38% in I get «Windows 10 installation has failed»
    I did notice some fancy new $SysReset, $WINDOWS.~BT, and $Windows.~WS folders if that means anything….Read in a post somewhere about a problem in ~BT causing their installation to fail

    cleaned up dism.log

    Thanks for the suggestions

  13. DISM Error: 1812 — Can’t run DISM or SFC, Win apps won’t open

    Dism is reporting it can not determine your OS version..

    Error DISM OS Provider: PID=2268 TID=6684 Failed trying to determine the OS Version. HRESULT=0x80070714

    the program is finding the install.wim, mounting the install.wim, Dism fails with error restoring health, unmounts install.wim..
    so the program is doing what it was designed to do..

    Dism can not run the required repair on your OS… So you surely have OS issues.. I would now suggest a clean install…

    and in a prior dsim.log — the DVDPlayer App is the issue

    Code: 2015-11-12 16:55:52, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=5672 TID=6304 Failed to open ‘C:Program FilesWindowsAppsMicrosoft.WindowsDVDPlayer_2019.6.11761.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbweAppxMetadataAppxBundleManifest.xml’. — CPackageAdapter::CreateForRemove(hr:0x80070003) 2015-11-12 16:55:52, Warning DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=5672 TID=6304 (hr:0x80070003) Failed to remove lower package version Microsoft.WindowsDVDPlayer_2019.6.11761.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe — CDismRequest::CheckForExistingMainPackageAndRemove 2015-11-12 16:55:52, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=5672 TID=6304 Failed to remove existing package version for ‘Microsoft.WindowsDVDPlayer_2019.6.13291.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe’. — CDismRequest::AddPackage(hr:0x80070003) 2015-11-12 16:55:52, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=5672 TID=6304 Failed to add main bundle package for provisioning. — CDismRequest::CreateFromPackageSource(hr:0x80070003) 2015-11-12 16:55:52, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=5672 TID=6304 Failed to initialize package adapter. — CPackageAdapter::CreateFromPath(hr:0x80070003) 2015-11-12 16:55:52, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=5672 TID=6304 Failed to create adapter for ‘C:WINDOWSTEMPInstallDVDAppxPackage50ea4d02e68f4217869d054e06374b74.appxbundle’. — CDismRequest::AddMainAppxPackage(hr:0x80070003) 2015-11-12 16:55:52, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=5672 TID=6304 Failed to add package ‘C:WINDOWSTEMPInstallDVDAppxPackage50ea4d02e68f4217869d054e06374b74.appxbundle’ to adapter set for processing. — CAppxManager::AddAllUserAppxPackage(hr:0x80070003)[/quote]

  14. Any chance that at the very least you think I can get away with a «reset» rather than a clean install?

  15. A Reset applied under windows 10 is like doing a clean install

    I just booted into windows 10 — you can RESET and keep your files and program..

    So worth a try.. Since everything else has failed…

    Fingers crossed..


DISM Error: 1812 — Can’t run DISM or SFC, Win apps won’t open

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