Dlc daf 2021 ошибка

Играл на связке карт RusMap+SR+SibirMap+Road to Asia. Всё было ок до города Ашхабад — там вылет. Лог после вылета прилагаю. Может кто что подскажет.

************ : log created on : Sunday February 12 2023 @ 20:32:06

00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86_64 / Windows 10 x64 (version 10.0.19044)

00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: C:Euro Truck Simulator 2binwin_x64eurotrucks2.exe

00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~2712MHz.

00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)

00:00:00.000 : [sys] and 3 worker threads for IO.

00:00:00.000 : [sys] plus 3 real-time worker threads.

00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / HPET timer, frequency 10000000Hz

00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 16328M

00:00:00.001 : [mem] physical avail: 12342M

00:00:00.001 : [mem] virtual total: 134217727M

00:00:00.001 : [mem] virtual avail: 134213105M

00:00:00.001 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (2097152K)

00:00:00.001 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)

00:00:00.020 : [xinput] Using XInput version 1.4.0

00:00:00.043 : [hashfs] effect.scs: Created and validated, 15720 entries (871FAF20D71537D38BE6CA6B3B0A9A994E970EC9589162B9AFC939FCA22E6CC7)

00:00:00.043 : [fs] device effect.scs mounted.

00:00:00.157 : [hashfs] base.scs: Created and validated, 160383 entries (10E65692C32313420097FA651DE955F9C4ECF761D6020ABF8C28FA9BB04100DE)

00:00:00.157 : [fs] device base.scs mounted.

00:00:00.158 : [hashfs] core.scs: Created and validated, 9 entries (47424F0C6F1168D51849EA2A0795E71030C209F8223EC12723BAB86155ECF870)

00:00:00.158 : [fs] device core.scs mounted.

00:00:00.601 : [hashfs] def.scs: Created and validated, 34317 entries (C12ED752247967FB0990261DD76E1DBDDBF3E22B99021D4C6ECB5E78BD5DA705)

00:00:00.601 : [fs] device def.scs mounted.

00:00:00.712 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Created and validated, 172 entries (894460CC2434CDD1F23333A9BB0D8D4964DB467FCC4D143FC7A812C4E453A5D6)

00:00:00.712 : [fs] device locale.scs mounted.

00:00:00.713 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Created and validated, 1 entries (47C94EC105503637D6E818B96368EA96112F54280FE7B28A1CECF92F2055BC12)

00:00:00.713 : [fs] device base_cfg.scs mounted.

00:00:00.713 : [ufs] Home directory: ‘C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2’.

00:00:00.713 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2 mounted.

00:00:00.724 : [hashfs] dlc_actros_tuning.scs: Created and validated, 2614 entries (33422FE8ECBE9A53520E7E3D643AE1AB0D0412CF3709A3D4067C9A5BA51BF28D)

00:00:00.810 : [hashfs] dlc_balkan_e.scs: Created and validated, 10413 entries (5067DDBA872F47340A924D4A53CA61056C1DA60CD1C8EF763D45FF2B2B81D426)

00:00:00.869 : [hashfs] dlc_balt.scs: Created and validated, 7787 entries (BD103E855177F3AA514EF147C8D7086B3CA6ED1BE33366ADF3EE52A7FC8503E2)

00:00:00.879 : [hashfs] dlc_christmas.scs: Created and validated, 3167 entries (58ABACB832AD41C9D23015B92D2EDD1A46BD630C62D4C3962E4AE99996319D98)

00:00:00.910 : [hashfs] dlc_daf_2021.scs: Created and validated, 2490 entries (B52DD8A10B3DCA3B579CF9F67E825E626289F80AB1A5B7E927B97BECC7243FF7)

00:00:00.920 : [hashfs] dlc_daf_tuning_pack.scs: Created and validated, 2542 entries (275B98C603F97E67CC67CF4992CFF4A37EFE27004BBB479A2F56123ABD8405A8)

00:00:00.924 : [hashfs] dlc_dragon.scs: Created and validated, 765 entries (D870573D819DFC0159D8F744F702C10952C3277FC186948498AEC28B76E10CDA)

00:00:00.928 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Created and validated, 969 entries (CAF75FB1BD139A91DDC4F1551E37F5DF7B2B027449E5C705E95A8BEA17345C95)

00:00:00.933 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Created and validated, 1862 entries (DC183522D8AF13765AD2D38FEE2A67C4ABACCD4506012E3654E040F762EB9AE3)

00:00:00.938 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_at.scs: Created and validated, 1220 entries (91F9ADCE99C195261EBFD249F3D0D612AF82E027D89BC0AFA511DDB667B1A21F)

00:00:00.942 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_aus.scs: Created and validated, 1419 entries (6877E6B1847EB50CBE169232949D0D8882AEDE8B619681A3A2129A44A460CB53)

00:00:00.948 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_be.scs: Created and validated, 1478 entries (7C76D8FAA50582627D6AB6BF091DC2DFEAE390698C430E9596A34B4C04A18721)

00:00:00.955 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bg.scs: Created and validated, 1183 entries (AC2D890F4D38388D85797CD1733D6E3ED74C625160698F45D0BD078148A84E97)

00:00:00.960 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Created and validated, 1236 entries (672FCFDA4C630B121F96D3FE1BBBB609E1428BF39DE5810D7410EB9ACDE44980)

00:00:00.964 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Created and validated, 1245 entries (88E56422E2517974F7115ACD7983243B73609B5278A71BD8142784F43D07B342)

00:00:00.975 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ch.scs: Created and validated, 1076 entries (BEABE61E07D2F36831E458034DA7C8959D0A5FBC9B65A001E8821ECA0A592D52)

00:00:00.979 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cn.scs: Created and validated, 1130 entries (E8C58A09FF402A60862B656BAEAD17C5B18559A89E4362E20955BF5F02A75D44)

00:00:00.983 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Created and validated, 1233 entries (AC271BC5A4CF0FA7CB10E0B824CC87465A39C9EE63C071D244B51C87300D7BDA)

00:00:00.988 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Created and validated, 1179 entries (92AE58E0DD1FBCC2AE49D9CCD418154BC63FB5222594A80825F29AA57A2B0A49)

00:00:00.992 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_dk.scs: Created and validated, 1169 entries (E783096159D7F4EE63183E8F9FA6A7EA36CF13ACA35771AC3C1668E38DA86AA8)

00:00:01.001 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ee.scs: Created and validated, 1564 entries (396D6D182E51C725C0ED60382A257C8AFF11AAFDEC5F285F420A2BDF3C35BB10)

00:00:01.010 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_es.scs: Created and validated, 1689 entries (2544EC5197FDDC5065108D804A2830B3591E659A7F499D16B2A982D88461B4A1)

00:00:01.014 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fi.scs: Created and validated, 1103 entries (41F22D6F2348772112B947C400D5C15F7B20DA86FFEAB7F695EDCBF9D09A3ED6)

00:00:01.020 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Created and validated, 1219 entries (C2839563D17528D63E39754C85C5B9CA6CEDC1EF590755426828EA139A191DEE)

00:00:01.026 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_hu.scs: Created and validated, 1442 entries (E8408A9C572433F6B79C8572A5240779F631A5CD75E3BC4BBE075A458E58A745)

00:00:01.031 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Created and validated, 1278 entries (E49A0571F66F0C413599603327942E289A9E73076CCE039C8867F820E407602F)

00:00:01.035 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_it.scs: Created and validated, 1158 entries (C6433041FB6C9C39B79496445990BE298C9F199504499FDFCBD5FEE72362E309)

00:00:01.040 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_jp.scs: Created and validated, 1240 entries (2A900C2A65BEB6F13CFCF4E0F9987DFCDD000D796760668539F98E1879DC2331)

00:00:01.045 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_kr.scs: Created and validated, 1444 entries (645470CFA3AD497D05A0A028D1B0F29F7C2CC366F53848977114042B114D45B5)

00:00:01.052 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_lt.scs: Created and validated, 1207 entries (68CD38E0C570511E67EE0AD7F61253CBE7BA09136A8F8815B4065CB0437E4F08)

00:00:01.059 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_lv.scs: Created and validated, 1127 entries (6A776AE882A070635A690EAF8A76E516E486A300DC6E15024972243A8549F80A)

00:00:01.064 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_n.scs: Created and validated, 1178 entries (4E01E873766B696253AB9C4622EA4ADCC2317CF2BE77E3F59971244D43EC3340)

00:00:01.071 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_nl.scs: Created and validated, 1269 entries (C02365E3A189E7823C0B28E43F1C7E06B32316BE0F582AA32716F6F16D746DAC)

00:00:01.075 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Created and validated, 1012 entries (0412028328F6608E0CF1C8221548F227440DD701BA88F20CFE8B7BC7243A8F86)

00:00:01.085 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pt.scs: Created and validated, 1644 entries (6FC72A2D20910DA82C50B94A9E8DB841B40014DFB730BED28C9584004EB9AA37)

00:00:01.089 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ro.scs: Created and validated, 1094 entries (217833E5C89D18FAC0D9586CF9FA5BA67B80FA9CAA87154592BCC3E16480B430)

00:00:01.093 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ru.scs: Created and validated, 1256 entries (28A755FB0C7C771CC902EB3A8D0D69B3BAB7FF5801213C7E750245035D45C173)

00:00:01.098 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_s.scs: Created and validated, 1258 entries (45D2C16EC543179BA50318F840031B9038BC290795CD6A762B02C677B984000B)

00:00:01.103 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Created and validated, 1323 entries (28F02F14EAD6F5A69140E905CD2E89F51B864934CABFD63E6FA056EC5347A8BA)

00:00:01.107 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sk.scs: Created and validated, 1086 entries (147820A47F061B1C3A692E0ACCF69950FA94DC93DD38F231C8AF670262839596)

00:00:01.112 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_tr.scs: Created and validated, 1247 entries (57CFE6E8F5D04C6A3B4EE826B9CC569A5FEED44608ED7289442195459792852E)

00:00:01.116 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Created and validated, 1200 entries (6725F24E35FADBCDF48A7E218FC58BDC73BE5537403707FE4CF3A5A21629EF06)

00:00:01.124 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ukr.scs: Created and validated, 1147 entries (9EB57063E91B0A47285A8B4EDA19786B9FD09713CADEFCE0435F5ED7CC7FDEF1)

00:00:01.128 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Created and validated, 1278 entries (B5F93280346151FBF77C589088D63D33E78A58A9B89F9057F22FFE4D4D6237CD)

00:00:01.150 : [hashfs] dlc_fr.scs: Created and validated, 3242 entries (4FA823271780C41EC83591FBD035957F5CF5EEE4FF702E17E76FA1D9FF7C6AD6)

00:00:01.162 : [hashfs] dlc_goodyear.scs: Created and validated, 1611 entries (FEFB4120D30545909D2EE833956778BE01DC813F6206F7D183717D11A17CFFEB)

00:00:01.188 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Created and validated, 2584 entries (C88986988084C936CC387AB4D509F716A678A1B83C7B9E9F7136ED33313D4EC4)

00:00:01.197 : [hashfs] dlc_heavy_cargo.scs: Created and validated, 1010 entries (944133BEFD3E5318CD6ECBFD7EA2B605E0805FACCC1454917612BFC952556D76)

00:00:01.204 : [hashfs] dlc_hs_schoch.scs: Created and validated, 1532 entries (9AF23BAE0806FF01BF7214C93B28750373B1740808140AEBD841C8073F760F0C)

00:00:01.257 : [hashfs] dlc_iberia.scs: Created and validated, 9517 entries (CAE262B7ADC522E50176C7541C41287551B7CA1FE2C348CB4D14C94B3ABEBA1A)

00:00:01.281 : [hashfs] dlc_it.scs: Created and validated, 3564 entries (B11DA8C0558567D23829416A12A103E042511AE4356875B003C6BF3A951E2BAB)

00:00:01.311 : [hashfs] dlc_krone.scs: Created and validated, 5220 entries (534024189F6A87B0724D937DC9FAA246011AA81584CC7503A322426ADCF7497C)

00:00:01.333 : [hashfs] dlc_lunar_new_year.scs: Created and validated, 7141 entries (7679E1F145721917BDA5DF66E813239D66AC413ED51373A3188D9702F270C7F4)

00:00:01.341 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Created and validated, 642 entries (372CCF3F3C849227BB2E18AD594E329C3EC18474590C00CC85A96105CACCFEDC)

00:00:01.349 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Created and validated, 736 entries (BDC8F5F806BDC0366BDEBBEA0041D22B23B33774ED60F0D3C4A5EE43128B49CE)

00:00:01.363 : [hashfs] dlc_michelin.scs: Created and validated, 2613 entries (E9958DC4F80E1B4F42C3CE3958B90F46A4F3E14C69A186D91C6E8F71F7F9B297)

00:00:01.376 : [hashfs] dlc_mighty_griffin.scs: Created and validated, 2955 entries (1898AC9B63D049FC6B2D7B739C1E2F1F46DF3391858B0C893D1223831DB7F104)

00:00:01.384 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Created and validated, 2701 entries (C502CB8C9806CDE1AEE48143C3BF6D414FB0F2E901AC1B3A0E2B78C60549BAB0)

00:00:01.407 : [hashfs] dlc_north.scs: Created and validated, 3166 entries (0EB4ADBA7311B8C254A99126830BECDB4DD8FB857658FF1CEF6BFD486DCAF167)

00:00:01.414 : [hashfs] dlc_oversize.scs: Created and validated, 704 entries (7D5020E90B509C06E1AA43A643CCB3FC2DC02FEFAF5C1B5A27D4CE2C45F1A577)

00:00:01.416 : [hashfs] dlc_pcg.scs: Created and validated, 173 entries (B6B69601C53AE22CBFBBEE48672DDAF33D88AA03D7A522C7B014C4D5575EBF9D)

00:00:01.531 : [hashfs] dlc_phys_flags.scs: Created and validated, 10558 entries (D802599589185BE8863D468FA7957C6B91F1ACB40F31903F162C98431629D82E)

00:00:01.538 : [hashfs] dlc_pink_ribbon.scs: Created and validated, 970 entries (7C579932E66402CD8E8B49BCDD1B7C716702D8E23CF97A074E9700C85A067262)

00:00:01.548 : [hashfs] dlc_pirates.scs: Created and validated, 2628 entries (033F3087700323B1E93E163D6E2F24CBFAB9939F37FE2DAB3C27D4A708C002A7)

00:00:01.555 : [hashfs] dlc_prehistoric.scs: Created and validated, 2666 entries (1BEAD2C8A6C50ADDDC54DE1798C784A33AFCA73BBC1A2B303306F7FEAC8D3213)

00:00:01.562 : [hashfs] dlc_raven.scs: Created and validated, 1522 entries (4816805C4F7BCECF1D21642D5FB67E071EED1E7A7487683C3B6202E2FAFE9DF5)

00:00:01.575 : [hashfs] dlc_renault_t_tuning.scs: Created and validated, 2835 entries (EEA71A121F76ADFD6236B58ED038FA04F9668D379A4AE02A225D1D5F22F16A98)

00:00:01.578 : [hashfs] dlc_rims.scs: Created and validated, 837 entries (EA7B0523071CC65B1FB93C071D7FAB1C020F95656FA0CA133F7AA3A45A26AB54)

00:00:01.580 : [hashfs] dlc_rocket_league.scs: Created and validated, 142 entries (4280A717367E05EDEB306DC5397C4E5FAFDB5134BCBBE5223CDE8FDF36A9E879)

00:00:01.598 : [hashfs] dlc_schwarzmuller.scs: Created and validated, 3969 entries (7FDD47D8BC5B2C62CC74B48905A4892AAE58D5321F64FAB9BF1765969C09D3D0)

00:00:01.609 : [hashfs] dlc_space.scs: Created and validated, 2382 entries (2DFA55CB832AAC7E643C8748D7410D4C9F02E8109E079C911639E43923738477)

00:00:01.619 : [hashfs] dlc_streetart.scs: Created and validated, 2153 entries (7C89E5AF42E3AF4A0A43FDDDB7F941FCEF46E97B7D1661E2A7BF43D29A8A87E7)

00:00:01.631 : [hashfs] dlc_super_stripes.scs: Created and validated, 3615 entries (9A8A3BDFEA66D0083FC6BFB80B7B8AA279D7491ED65A2A5492F073F9814B2120)

00:00:01.653 : [hashfs] dlc_toys.scs: Created and validated, 2690 entries (52A4B63DAC5B658392392DE08B2C80D1C0F2035E50B8374771F997B6F57A664F)

00:00:01.669 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Created and validated, 2665 entries (785471B772189DEC69BF2DA6796DF786AFCEBB309D2B09D9959320FFFB3CD4C7)

00:00:01.676 : [hashfs] dlc_valentine.scs: Created and validated, 1919 entries (6CECD934B030A2368220C73878F1D2339BC5C2BB0DC94F178775E40CBDE18C28)

00:00:01.682 : [hashfs] dlc_vikings.scs: Created and validated, 1834 entries (57CF5743C5072A18B2DA8C98533B05B77FD1606A93B79143E3522C9FBB526AE5)

00:00:01.699 : [hashfs] dlc_volvo_construction.scs: Created and validated, 2018 entries (989C5A2788461CBCAA1278022A6D450674AC40586C470F79C81061D93E35251D)

00:00:01.711 : [hashfs] dlc_volvo_tuning_pack.scs: Created and validated, 2566 entries (E505820BC633DBC3A7EBA9A4F8681307037F2D3F513CF7627518E9B8CC8B711B)

00:00:01.720 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Created and validated, 2931 entries (791626AB7D339894503D6376DBA81AFDD0E6091A5BCE5C183517B6F5552B985A)

00:00:01.736 : [zipfs] 01_basa_eastern_express.scs: Created, 46133 entries

00:00:01.742 : [zipfs] 02_basa_eastern_express.scs: Created, 15485 entries

00:00:01.745 : [zipfs] 03_basa_eastern_express.scs: Created, 6634 entries

00:00:01.746 : [zipfs] 04_eastern_express.scs: Created, 1835 entries

00:00:01.751 : [zipfs] 05_eastern_express_11_9_143.scs: Created, 16259 entries

00:00:01.752 : [zipfs] 06_fix_ets2_1_43_for_1_43.scs: Created, 268 entries

00:00:01.752 : [hashfs] AZGE146.scs: Created, 2188 entries

00:00:01.753 : [hashfs] AZGESR11RC.scs: Created, 47 entries

00:00:01.753 : [zipfs] ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs: Created, 13 entries

00:00:01.754 : [zipfs] PM263_RM2.46_connect_RusMap_v1.0.scs: Created, 412 entries

00:00:01.767 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia1-6.scs: Created, 28399 entries

00:00:01.782 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs: Created, 33838 entries

00:00:01.789 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models.scs: Created, 13339 entries

00:00:01.790 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs: Created, 795 entries

00:00:01.791 : [zipfs] RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs: Created, 8 entries

00:00:01.802 : [zipfs] RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 21478 entries

00:00:01.803 : [zipfs] RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 1343 entries

00:00:01.808 : [zipfs] RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 9730 entries

00:00:01.817 : [zipfs] RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 20078 entries

00:00:01.827 : [zipfs] sibirmap250allinone.scs: Created, 22427 entries

00:00:01.850 : [zipfs] SRMap_v12.scs: Created, 50218 entries

00:00:01.871 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs: Created, 45989 entries

00:00:01.872 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs: Created, 1139 entries

00:00:01.876 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs: Created, 9087 entries

00:00:01.878 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs: Created, 5864 entries

00:00:01.882 : [zipfs] tzmap.scs: Created, 8650 entries

00:00:01.883 : <WARNING> [unit] Ignored unknown attribute compatible_version[] =

00:00:01.883 : [mod_package_manager] Requesting Steam Workshop content..

00:00:01.883 : exec /home/config.cfg

00:00:01.883 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg …

00:00:01.883 : uset r_show_sun_cascades «0»

00:00:01.883 : uset r_tonemap_debug «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset r_drr_strength «8.0»

00:00:01.884 : uset r_hide_helpers «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_sound_debug «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_intro_music_mute «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_intro_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_ui_music_mute «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_ui_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_master_mute «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_master_volume «0.75»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_output_driver «»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_live_update «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_suspend_sound «1»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_mm_help_shown «1»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_frame_image_fmt «jpg»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_frames_path «»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_editor_zoom_speed «1.0»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_map_note_user_id «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_color_feedback «1»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_disable_hud_activation «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset r_wireframe «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset g_interior_camera_zero_pitch «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_exterior_in_aux «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_interior_in_main «1»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_rotation_aux «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_rotation_right «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_rotation_left «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_rotation_center «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_vert_offset_right «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_vert_offset_left «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_fov_vertical «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_fov_horizontal «50»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_mode «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_use_depth_bounds «1»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_buffer_page_size «10»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_deferred_debug «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_mirror_scale_y «1»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_mirror_scale_x «1»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_scale_y «0.75»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_scale_x «0.75»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_normal_maps «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_sunshafts «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_color_saturation «1.0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_color_yellow_blue «0.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_color_magenta_green «0.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_color_cyan_red «0.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_color_correction «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_light_flares «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_cloud_shadows «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_dof_filter_size «0.5»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_dof_transition «400.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_dof_start «200.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_dof «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_ssao «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_smaa «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_fake_shadows «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size «2048»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mirror_group «3»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mirror_view_distance «80»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_deferred_mirrors «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_nowmi «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_startup_progress «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_setup_done «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_gamma «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale «1.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game «100»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov «80»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game «0.5»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist «0.8»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_minimal_unfinished_frames «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_no_frame_tracking «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_fullscreen «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mode_refresh «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mode_height «1080»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mode_width «1920»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_path «»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_device «dx11»

00:00:01.886 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed «500.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset g_stream_exts «.ogg;.mp3»

00:00:01.886 : uset g_album_image «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset g_thrustmaster «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_tobii «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_trackir «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_lod_factor_pedestrian «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_pedestrian «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_light_span_factor «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_light_distance_factor «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_lod_factor_parked «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_lod_factor_traffic «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_traffic «1.0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_kdop_preview «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug_quality «100»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_shoulder_block_coloring «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_debug_map_limits «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_city_name_move «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_developer «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_semantical_pause_inactivity «120»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_pause_on_disconnect «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_semantical_ff_inactivity «300»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_steam_rich_presence «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_steam_browser «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_steam_screenshots «2»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_artist_id «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_save_format «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_trailer_cables_mode «2»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_intelligent_transmission «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_spec_trans_refill_tank «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_flyspeed «100.0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_online_loading_screens «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_news «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_colbox «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_radio_mode «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_ignore_low_fps «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_truck_light_specular «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_gfx_all_scales «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_gfx_advanced «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_gfx_quality «-1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_hq_3d_scale «0.0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_menu_aa_limit «8»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_additional_water_fov «20.0f»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_water_reflect_actor «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_sensor «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflection «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_reflection_scale «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_reflection «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_grass_density «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_veg_detail «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_save_indicator «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_game_version «»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_force_online_lscrs «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_hw_info «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_glass_debugging_level «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_line_sort «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_cargo_sort «11»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_bloom_standard_deviation «0.5»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_bloom_override «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_bloom «1.0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_global_force_load_selector «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_desktop_fadeout «60»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_suspension_auto_reset «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_upshift_coef «0.3»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_downshift_coef «0.8»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_minicon «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_console_state «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_console «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_texture_usage_stats «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_fps «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset ui_tooltip_delay «0.4»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_imgui_scale «1.0»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_output «-1»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_adapter «-1»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_vsync «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_color_mode «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_anisotropy_factor «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_texture_detail «2»

00:00:01.889 : uset cf_asus_aura «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset cf_razer_chroma «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset v_bug_break «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset t_locked_fps «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset t_averaging_window_length «20»

00:00:01.897 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419

00:00:01.914 : Selected language: ru_ru

00:00:01.914 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. ed5e9fe5b0de)

00:00:01.915 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx11

00:00:01.915 : [gfx] NVAPI not detected. (-2)

00:00:01.940 : [gfx] AGS initialized

00:00:01.940 : [ags] GPU: 0 (AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series)

00:00:01.940 : [ags] AMD EyeFinity disabled

00:00:01.964 : [net] LOG INFO: Started

00:00:01.970 : [fs] device mounted.

00:00:01.971 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440×900…

00:00:01.972 : [dxgi] Detected following adapters:

00:00:01.972 : [dxgi] 0 — AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series (27.20.20912.1002) [4070 MB]

00:00:01.973 : [gfx] Using the DXGI display backend

00:00:02.035 : [dxgi] Using adapter: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series (27.20.20912.1002) [4070 MB]

00:00:02.039 : [dx11] Using SM5X rendering path

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Adapter 0: on DXGI backend

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Output 0 : .DISPLAY1 — CRTC @ (0, 0, 1920, 1080)

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Detected color modes:

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 0 — SDR

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Display MinLum: 0.000000, MaxLum 0.000000, MaxAvgLum: 0.000000

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 0 — 640×480 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 1 — 640×480 (32bpp) [67Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 2 — 640×480 (32bpp) [72Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 3 — 640×480 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 4 — 720×400 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 5 — 720×400 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 6 — 720×400 (32bpp) [70Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 7 — 800×600 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 8 — 800×600 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 9 — 1024×768 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 10 — 1024×768 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 11 — 1280×720 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 12 — 1280×960 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 13 — 1280×1024 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 14 — 1280×1024 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 15 — 1366×768 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 16 — 1366×768 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 17 — 1366×768 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 18 — 1366×768 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 19 — 1440×900 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 20 — 1440×900 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 21 — 1600×900 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 22 — 1600×900 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.097 : [disp] Mode 23 — 1680×1050 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.097 : [disp] Mode 24 — 1920×1080 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.290 : [sound] Available drivers: #1

00:00:02.290 : [sound] Driver 0 = Динамики (Realtek High Definition Audio) (48000 Hz) ({a06ffed1-4d70-4eb1-86b5-ee295dd5dc13})

00:00:02.462 : [sound] Selecting default audio driver (0).

00:00:02.579 : Game is running on Steamdeck: no, g_steam_steamdeck_mode 0

00:00:02.581 : [mod_package_manager] Received list of the steam workshop subscribed mods. (received 0 mods total, 0 loaded, 0 scheduled for download)

00:00:02.581 : [di8] Initializing device ‘@@keyboard@@’ as ‘keyboard’

00:00:02.582 : [di8] Initializing device ‘@@i_mouse@@’ as ‘mouse’

00:00:02.711 : Banlist loading…

00:00:02.712 : === BAN LIST ===

00:00:02.712 : ================

00:00:02.717 : dispatch

00:00:02.717 : exit

00:00:02.878 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet

00:00:04.695 : mm_flush_repeatedly

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] 01_basa_eastern_express.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] tzmap.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] SRMap_v12.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] sibirmap250allinone.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia1-6.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] PM263_RM2.46_connect_RusMap_v1.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [hashfs] AZGESR11RC.scs: Unmounted.

00:00:04.698 : [hashfs] AZGE146.scs: Unmounted.

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 06_fix_ets2_1_43_for_1_43.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 05_eastern_express_11_9_143.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 04_eastern_express.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 03_basa_eastern_express.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 02_basa_eastern_express.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.703 : [fs] device dlc_actros_tuning.scs mounted.

00:00:04.703 : [fs] device dlc_balkan_e.scs mounted.

00:00:04.703 : [fs] device dlc_balt.scs mounted.

00:00:04.703 : [fs] device dlc_christmas.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_daf_2021.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_daf_tuning_pack.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_dragon.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_east.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_fantasy.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_at.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_aus.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_be.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_bg.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_bz.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ca.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ch.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_cn.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_cz.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_de.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_dk.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ee.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_es.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_fi.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_fr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_hu.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ie.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_it.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_jp.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_kr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_lt.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_lv.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_n.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_nl.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_pl.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_pt.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ro.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ru.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_s.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_sc.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_sk.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_tr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_uk.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ukr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_us.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_fr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_goodyear.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_halloween.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_heavy_cargo.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_hs_schoch.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_iberia.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_it.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_krone.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_lunar_new_year.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_metallics.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_metallics2.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_michelin.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_mighty_griffin.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_nature.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_north.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_oversize.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_pcg.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_phys_flags.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_pink_ribbon.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_pirates.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_prehistoric.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_raven.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_renault_t_tuning.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_rims.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_rocket_league.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_schwarzmuller.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_space.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_streetart.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_super_stripes.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_toys.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_trailers.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_valentine.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_vikings.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_volvo_construction.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_volvo_tuning_pack.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_winter.scs mounted.

00:00:04.775 : uset s_cbeffects_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_voiceover_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_intro_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_ui_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_ui_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_navigation_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_radio_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_interior_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_ambient_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_world_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_traffic_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_trailer_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_noise_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_effects_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_turbo_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_exhaust_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_engine_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_master_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_cbeffects_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_voiceover_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_intro_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_ui_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_ui_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_navigation_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_radio_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_interior_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_ambient_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_world_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_traffic_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_trailer_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_noise_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_effects_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_turbo_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_exhaust_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_engine_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_master_volume «0.75»

00:00:04.777 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion «0.09»

00:00:04.777 : uset i_oculus_eye_height «0.15»

00:00:04.777 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction «0.1»

00:00:04.777 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction «0.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset r_interior «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset r_steering_wheel «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_5 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_4 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_3 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_2 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_1 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_enable «0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_cam_window_block «0.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_toy_physics «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_cam_steering_reverse «1.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_cam_steering_value «1.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_cam_steering «0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range «1.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_brake_intensity «3»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_steer_anim_range «1950»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_steer_autocenter «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_clutch_brake «0.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_hshifter_synchronized «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_hshifter_split «3»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_hshifter_layout_shifting «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_hshifter_layout «splitter»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_trans «0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_baked_vehicle «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_force_economy_reset «0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_input_configured «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_reverb_world «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_reverb_cabin «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_noise_aero «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_noise_windows «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_rumble_enabled «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_reverse_enabled «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_type «roger01»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_own «0»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_enabled «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_cb_radio_noise_enabled «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_mp_name_tags «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_fade_out_timer «5»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_partial_fade_out «0»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_on_navigation «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_activate «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_close_automatic «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_disable_beacons «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_show_game_blockers «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_show_game_elements «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_eye_pause_gaze «3000»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_eye_pause «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cam_blinker «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_camera_horizon_lock «0.5»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cam_physics_value «1.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cam_physics «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_max_traffic_jam_speed «0.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_acc_sens «20»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_emergency_mode «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_emergency_brake «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_acc «0.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_blinker_auto_off «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cruise_control_smart «5.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cruise_control_grid «5.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_adaptive_shift «0.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_fuel_simulation «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hardcore_simulation «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_reg_setting «»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_brake_light_all «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_use_speed_limiter «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hud_speed_warning «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hud_speed_limit «2»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_axle_drop_auto «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_engine_start_auto «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_motor_brake_auto «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_retarder_auto «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cabin_suspension_stiffness «1.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_suspension_stiffness «1.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_trailer_stability «0.5»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_driveshaft_torque «0.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_truck_stability «0.495»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_mpg «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_gallon «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_fahrenheit «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_pounds «kg»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_mph «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_road_events «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_detours «1.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_online_billboards «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_name_localization_secondary «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_name_localization «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_lang_set «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_lang «ru_ru»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_cutscenes «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_phys_mirrors «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_world_map_zoom «5»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_cargo_load_require_park_brake «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_cargo_load_require_engine_off «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_event_desktop_bcg_change «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_event_desktop_bcg_restore «config»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_last_event_desktop_bcg_change «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_show_always_wotr_event «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_last_wotr_event_start «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_multiplayer_backup_index «-1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_force_load_selector «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_start_in_truck «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_park_brake_init «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_trailer_advanced_coupling «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_parking_difficulty «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_simple_parking_doubles «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_speed_warning «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_voice_navigation_pack «»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_voice_navigation «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_job_distance «1.06649»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_job_distance_limit «-1.0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_income_factor «1.0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_currency «9»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_bad_weather_factor «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_truck_analysis_fold «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_desktop_rnd «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_desktop_bcg «config»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_save_idx «3»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_ui_map_align «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_gps_routing_mode «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_gps_navigation «3»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_heavy_cargo_popup «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_mirrors «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_adviser_eta «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_adviser_running_message «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_adviser_auto_parking «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_adviser_keep_hidden «0»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_adviser «2»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_desktop_tutorial «1»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_tutorial «1»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_fatigue «0»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_time_zones «2»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_police «1»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_subtitles «0»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_clock_24 «1»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_cbeffects_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_voiceover_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_intro_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ui_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ui_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_navigation_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_radio_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_interior_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ambient_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_world_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_traffic_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_trailer_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_noise_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_effects_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_turbo_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_exhaust_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_engine_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_master_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_cbeffects_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_voiceover_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_intro_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ui_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ui_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_navigation_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_radio_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_interior_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ambient_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_world_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_traffic_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_trailer_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_noise_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_effects_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_turbo_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_exhaust_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_engine_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_master_volume «0.75»

00:00:04.782 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion «0.09»

00:00:04.782 : uset i_oculus_eye_height «0.15»

00:00:04.782 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction «0.1»

00:00:04.782 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction «0.0»

00:00:04.782 : uset r_interior «1»

00:00:04.782 : uset r_steering_wheel «1»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_5 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_4 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_3 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_2 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_1 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_enable «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_cam_window_block «0.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_toy_physics «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_cam_steering_reverse «1.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_cam_steering_value «1.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_cam_steering «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range «1.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_brake_intensity «3»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_steer_anim_range «1950»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_steer_autocenter «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_clutch_brake «0.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hshifter_synchronized «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hshifter_split «3»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hshifter_layout_shifting «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hshifter_layout «splitter»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_trans «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_baked_vehicle «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_force_economy_reset «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_input_configured «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_reverb_world «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_reverb_cabin «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_noise_aero «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_noise_windows «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_rumble_enabled «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_reverse_enabled «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_type «roger01»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_own «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_enabled «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_cb_radio_noise_enabled «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_mp_name_tags «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_fade_out_timer «5»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_partial_fade_out «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_on_navigation «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_activate «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_close_automatic «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_disable_beacons «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_show_game_blockers «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_show_game_elements «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_eye_pause_gaze «3000»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_eye_pause «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_cam_blinker «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_camera_horizon_lock «0.5»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cam_physics_value «1.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cam_physics «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_max_traffic_jam_speed «0.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_acc_sens «20»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_emergency_mode «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_emergency_brake «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_acc «0.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_blinker_auto_off «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cruise_control_smart «5.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cruise_control_grid «5.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_adaptive_shift «0.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_fuel_simulation «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_hardcore_simulation «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_reg_setting «»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_brake_light_all «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_use_speed_limiter «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_hud_speed_warning «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_hud_speed_limit «2»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_axle_drop_auto «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_engine_start_auto «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_motor_brake_auto «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_retarder_auto «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cabin_suspension_stiffness «1.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_suspension_stiffness «1.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_trailer_stability «0.5»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_driveshaft_torque «0.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_truck_stability «0.495»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_mpg «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_gallon «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_fahrenheit «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_pounds «kg»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_mph «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_road_events «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_detours «1.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_online_billboards «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_name_localization_secondary «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_name_localization «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_lang_set «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_lang «ru_ru»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cutscenes «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_phys_mirrors «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_world_map_zoom «5»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cargo_load_require_park_brake «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cargo_load_require_engine_off «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_event_desktop_bcg_change «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_event_desktop_bcg_restore «config»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_last_event_desktop_bcg_change «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_show_always_wotr_event «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_last_wotr_event_start «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_multiplayer_backup_index «-1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_force_load_selector «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_start_in_truck «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_park_brake_init «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_trailer_advanced_coupling «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_parking_difficulty «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_simple_parking_doubles «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_speed_warning «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_voice_navigation_pack «»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_voice_navigation «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_job_distance «1.06649»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_job_distance_limit «-1.0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_income_factor «1.0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_currency «9»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_bad_weather_factor «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_truck_analysis_fold «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_desktop_rnd «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_desktop_bcg «config»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_save_idx «3»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_ui_map_align «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_gps_routing_mode «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_gps_navigation «3»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_heavy_cargo_popup «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_mirrors «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser_eta «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser_running_message «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser_auto_parking «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser_keep_hidden «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser «2»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_desktop_tutorial «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_tutorial «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_fatigue «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_time_zones «2»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_police «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_subtitles «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_clock_24 «1»

00:00:04.818 : New profile selected: ‘:no_cloud/yuraxa1’

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active 19 mods (local: 19, workshop: 0)

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active local mod sibirmap250allinone (name: SibirMap 2.5.0, version: 2.5.0 VERSION, author: 10avoid)

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active local mod The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0 (name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral — model2, version: 2.0, author: 09_KZ, adp.Vell MayDay)

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active local mod The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0 (name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral — model, version: 2.0, author: 09_KZ, adp.Vell MayDay)

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active local mod The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0 (name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral — map, version: 2.0, author: 09_KZ, adp.Vell MayDay)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0 (name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral — def, version: 2.0, author: 09_KZ, adp.Vell MayDay)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod SRMap_v12 (name: SRmap v.12.0, version: 12.0, author: SimKA)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod Road_to_Asia_Models_2 (name: Road to Asia Models 2, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod Road_to_Asia_Models (name: Road to Asia Models, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod Road_to_Asia_Assets (name: Road to Asia Assets, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod Road_to_Asia1-6 (name: Road to Asia by TerraMaps Def/Map, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC (name: Dalian-Valencia Ferry Connection, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RusMap-def_v2.46.1 (name: RusMap-def_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, author: aldim@tor)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RusMap-model2_v2.46.1 (name: RusMap-model2_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, author: aldim@tor)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RusMap-model_v2.46.1 (name: RusMap-model_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, author: aldim@tor)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RusMap-map_v2.46.1 (name: RusMap Map_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, author: aldim@tor)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod AZGE146 (name: AZGE add-on 1.46, version: 3.0, author: Arayas)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod AZGESR11RC (name: AZGE-SR11 RC, version: 1.46, author: Arayas)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod ETS2_Map v1.6.1 (name: ETS2_Map v1.6.1, version: 1.6.1, author: surga)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod tzmap (name: prefabs_packed, version: 32.1, author: FLD)

00:00:12.867 : [zipfs] sibirmap250allinone.scs: Created, 22427 entries

00:00:12.867 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/sibirmap250allinone.scs mounted.

00:00:12.867 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «SibirMap 2.5.0» has been mounted. (package_name: sibirmap250allinone, version: 2.5.0 VERSION, source: User mods)

00:00:12.945 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs: Created, 5864 entries

00:00:12.946 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs mounted.

00:00:12.946 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «The Great Steppe incl. Aral — model2» has been mounted. (package_name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0, version: 2.0, source: User mods)

00:00:13.076 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs: Created, 9087 entries

00:00:13.076 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs mounted.

00:00:13.076 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «The Great Steppe incl. Aral — model» has been mounted. (package_name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0, version: 2.0, source: User mods)

00:00:13.096 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs: Created, 1139 entries

00:00:13.096 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs mounted.

00:00:13.096 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «The Great Steppe incl. Aral — map» has been mounted. (package_name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0, version: 2.0, source: User mods)

00:00:13.695 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs: Created, 45989 entries

00:00:13.695 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs mounted.

00:00:13.695 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «The Great Steppe incl. Aral — def» has been mounted. (package_name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0, version: 2.0, source: User mods)

00:00:14.363 : [zipfs] SRMap_v12.scs: Created, 50218 entries

00:00:14.363 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/SRMap_v12.scs mounted.

00:00:14.363 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «SRmap v.12.0» has been mounted. (package_name: SRMap_v12, version: 12.0, source: User mods)

00:00:14.372 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs: Created, 795 entries

00:00:14.373 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs mounted.

00:00:14.373 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Road to Asia Models 2» has been mounted. (package_name: Road_to_Asia_Models_2, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:14.561 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models.scs: Created, 13339 entries

00:00:14.561 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Models.scs mounted.

00:00:14.561 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Road to Asia Models» has been mounted. (package_name: Road_to_Asia_Models, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:14.990 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs: Created, 33838 entries

00:00:14.990 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs mounted.

00:00:14.990 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Road to Asia Assets» has been mounted. (package_name: Road_to_Asia_Assets, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:15.406 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia1-6.scs: Created, 28399 entries

00:00:15.406 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia1-6.scs mounted.

00:00:15.406 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Road to Asia by TerraMaps Def/Map» has been mounted. (package_name: Road_to_Asia1-6, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:15.406 : [zipfs] RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs: Created, 8 entries

00:00:15.407 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs mounted.

00:00:15.407 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Dalian-Valencia Ferry Connection» has been mounted. (package_name: RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:15.684 : [zipfs] RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 21478 entries

00:00:15.684 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs mounted.

00:00:15.684 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «RusMap-def_v2.46.1» has been mounted. (package_name: RusMap-def_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, source: User mods)

00:00:15.815 : [zipfs] RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 9730 entries

00:00:15.815 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs mounted.

00:00:15.815 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «RusMap-model2_v2.46.1» has been mounted. (package_name: RusMap-model2_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.084 : [zipfs] RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 20078 entries

00:00:16.085 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs mounted.

00:00:16.085 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «RusMap-model_v2.46.1» has been mounted. (package_name: RusMap-model_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.111 : [zipfs] RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 1343 entries

00:00:16.111 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs mounted.

00:00:16.112 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «RusMap Map_v2.46.1» has been mounted. (package_name: RusMap-map_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.112 : [hashfs] AZGE146.scs: Created, 2188 entries

00:00:16.112 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs mounted.

00:00:16.112 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «AZGE add-on 1.46» has been mounted. (package_name: AZGE146, version: 3.0, source: User mods)

00:00:16.112 : [hashfs] AZGESR11RC.scs: Created, 47 entries

00:00:16.112 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGESR11RC.scs mounted.

00:00:16.112 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «AZGE-SR11 RC» has been mounted. (package_name: AZGESR11RC, version: 1.46, source: User mods)

00:00:16.113 : [zipfs] ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs: Created, 13 entries

00:00:16.113 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs mounted.

00:00:16.113 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «ETS2_Map v1.6.1» has been mounted. (package_name: ETS2_Map v1.6.1, version: 1.6.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.237 : [zipfs] tzmap.scs: Created, 8650 entries

00:00:16.237 : <WARNING> [unit] Ignored unknown attribute compatible_version[] =

00:00:16.237 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/tzmap.scs mounted.

00:00:16.237 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «prefabs_packed» has been mounted. (package_name: tzmap, version: 32.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.256 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rusmap_cities.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.260 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rtasia.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.260 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rtasia_cargo.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.261 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.srmap_cities.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.261 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.srmap_viewpoint.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.263 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tgs.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.263 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tgs_viewpoints.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.265 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.dlc_sum.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.265 : <WARNING> [app_lcl] Failed to add token ‘tz_yekt’ from localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’! Localization with that token already defined.

00:00:16.266 : <WARNING> [app_lcl] Failed to add token ‘tz_aqtt’ from localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’! Localization with that token already defined.

00:00:16.266 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.287 : game

00:00:16.439 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet

00:00:16.635 : Loaded trailers: 115

00:00:16.652 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘truck_semi’: 31

00:00:16.654 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘truck_long’: 0

00:00:16.656 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘train_cargo’: 11

00:00:16.658 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘car’: 2

00:00:16.659 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘bus’: 1

00:00:16.663 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘truck’: 13

00:00:16.666 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘tram’: 36

00:00:16.671 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘train’: 70

00:00:16.674 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘special’: 11

00:00:16.691 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘car’: 93

00:00:16.695 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘car_custom’: 35

00:00:16.702 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck’: 38

00:00:16.708 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_light’: 41

00:00:16.715 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_medium’: 10

00:00:16.717 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_heavy’: 7

00:00:16.719 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_long’: 0

00:00:16.722 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_custom’: 7

00:00:16.726 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘bus’: 24

00:00:16.728 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘bus_custom’: 9

00:00:16.732 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘tram’: 39

00:00:16.735 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘train’: 14

00:00:16.740 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘train_wire’: 27

00:00:16.742 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘train_custom’: 1

00:00:16.752 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘police’: 64

00:00:16.756 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘fire’: 23

00:00:16.759 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘medical’: 20

00:00:16.761 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘escort_front’: 1

00:00:16.763 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘escort_back’: 1

00:00:16.765 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘special’: 6

00:00:16.773 : Loaded addon hookups: 170

00:00:16.775 : Loading resource server data ….

00:00:16.775 : Loading condition data ….

00:00:16.776 : Loading vegetation data ….

00:00:16.797 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs | >/def/world/vegetation.rus.sii’, line 4:

00:00:16.797 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘veg.5000’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘vegetation_data’).

00:00:16.798 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/vegetation.rus.sii)

00:00:16.798 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/vegetation.sii)

00:00:16.806 : Loading traffic rule data ….

00:00:16.810 : Loading traffic semaphore data ….

00:00:16.814 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.814 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.815 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.815 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.815 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.815 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.823 : Loading road data ….

00:00:16.849 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs | >/def/world/road_look.template.fld_rta.sii’, line 4:

00:00:16.850 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘road.tmp00fld’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘road_look’).

00:00:16.850 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/road_look.template.fld_rta.sii)

00:00:16.863 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/road_look.sii)

00:00:16.864 : Loading terrain data ….

00:00:16.868 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs | >/def/world/terrain_material.rtaral.sii’, line 7:

00:00:16.868 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘terrain_mat.3tkmmap’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘material_def’).

00:00:16.868 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/terrain_material.rtaral.sii)

00:00:16.869 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/terrain_material.sii)

00:00:16.877 : Loading railing data ….

00:00:16.880 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs | >/def/world/railing.fld_rta.sii’, line 4:

00:00:16.881 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘railing.180fld’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘railing_model’).

00:00:16.881 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/railing.fld_rta.sii)

00:00:16.882 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/railing.sii)

00:00:16.882 : Loading building data ….

00:00:16.926 : Loading model data ….

00:00:16.964 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs | >/def/world/model.fld_rta.sii’, line 3:

00:00:16.964 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘model.fld23’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘model_def’).

00:00:16.964 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/model.fld_rta.sii)

00:00:16.970 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs | >/def/world/model.busstop.sii’, line 11:

00:00:16.970 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘model.busstop’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘model_def’).

00:00:16.970 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/model.busstop.sii)

00:00:16.972 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘distance_type’ of unit ‘model.dlc_sm_566’ (of type ‘model_def’).

00:00:16.985 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/model.sii)

00:00:16.995 : Loading prefab data ….

00:00:17.068 : <ERROR> Missing prefab descriptor: /prefab/gas/benzin_dummy.ppd

00:00:17.088 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs | >/def/world/prefab.fld_rta.sii’, line 4:

00:00:17.088 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘prefab.09fld’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘prefab_model’).

00:00:17.088 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/prefab.fld_rta.sii)

00:00:17.137 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/prefab.sii)

00:00:17.141 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/fork/road_sidewalk_end_walker.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.142 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/fork/road_1x_sidewalk_end_4m_walker.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.143 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/fork/road_sidewalk_end_4m_walker.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.144 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/fork/road_1x_sidewalk_end_walker.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.174 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_bi1/gas_big.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.174 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/tollgate/tollgate_m1_russia/tollgate.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.175 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_bi3/gas_big.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.175 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_bi1/gas_big_3lane.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.195 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_med_4c_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.195 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_med_4d_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.196 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4b.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.196 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4c.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.196 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_t_med_3b_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.197 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4d.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.197 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_t_med_3c_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.197 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_t_med_3b.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.198 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_t_med_3d_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.198 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_t_med_3c.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.198 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4b_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.199 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_t_med_3d.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.199 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4c_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.200 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4d_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.200 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_med_4b_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.206 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_staion/gas_station.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.210 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/parking/trucks_parking_fkssm.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.282 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/tradeaux_warehouse_alt/tradeaux_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.282 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.282 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/warehouse_orange_alt/warehouse_orange_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.282 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_expensive_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/warehouse_small_alt/warehouse_small_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/truck_dealer_alt/truck_dealer_02_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/truck_dealer_small_alt/truck_dealer_small_02_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/warehouse_grey_alt/warehouse_large_grey_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/warehouse_grey_v2alt/warehouse_large_grey_v2alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/sellplan_alt/sellplan_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/service_alt/service_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/recruitment_agency_alt/recruitment_agency_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.288 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/parkingg//car_fkssm.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.343 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_10.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.344 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_01.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.344 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_11.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.346 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_02.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.346 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_12.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.347 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_03.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.347 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_13.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.349 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_04.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.349 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_14.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.350 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_05.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.350 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_15.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.351 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_06.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.352 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_07.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.354 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_08.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.355 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_09.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.361 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_expensive_garage.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.368 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_expensive_shed.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.392 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/truck_dealer_alt/truck_dealer_02_nopark.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.392 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/truck_dealer_small_alt/truck_dealer_small_02_nopark.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.393 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/service_alt/service_nopark.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.397 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/depots/live_stock_farm/live_stock_farm.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.408 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_small_road/gasstation_small_road_ru_2.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.411 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_expensive_gas.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.421 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_poor_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.421 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_stations/dystrybutor_diesel.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.539 : Loading sign data ….

00:00:17.616 : Loading sign template data ….

00:00:17.622 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs | >/def/sign/boards.rtaral.sii’, line 3:

00:00:17.622 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘sign_board.rtaralt_1’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘sign_board_def’).

00:00:17.622 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/sign/boards.rtaral.sii)

00:00:17.632 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/sign/boards.sii)

00:00:17.643 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs | >/def/sign/templates.rtaral.sii’, line 3:

00:00:17.643 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘sign_templ.rtaralt_1’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘sign_template_def’).

00:00:17.643 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/sign/templates.rtaral.sii)

00:00:17.652 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/sign/templates.sii)

00:00:17.658 : Loading city data ….

00:00:17.725 : Loading country data ….

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs | >/def/country/azerbaijan/traffic.sii’:

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit ‘_nameless.1b6.82ec.8f40’ of type ‘country_traffic_info’ has dangling pointer (to ‘traffic.ural_next’) in the attribute named ‘object’.

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs | >/def/country/azerbaijan/traffic.sii’:

00:00:17.754 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to ‘traffic.ural_next’ looks like dangling pointer.

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs | >/def/country/azerbaijan/traffic.sii’:

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit ‘_nameless.1b6.82ec.8c70’ of type ‘country_traffic_info’ has dangling pointer (to ‘traffic.p_3204_1’) in the attribute named ‘object’.

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs | >/def/country/azerbaijan/traffic.sii’:

00:00:17.754 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to ‘traffic.p_3204_1’ looks like dangling pointer.

00:00:17.761 : Linking cities with countries ….

00:00:17.761 : <ERROR> City ‘kutaisi’ cannot be linked with country ‘georgia’. Country of given name does not exists.

00:00:17.761 : <ERROR> City ‘tbilisi’ cannot be linked with country ‘georgia’. Country of given name does not exists.

00:00:17.762 : Loading stamp data ….

00:00:17.768 : Loading sound item reverbs ….

00:00:17.769 : Loading sound item data ….

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.veter_3’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.veter_3’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.igle’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.igle’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.syrasy’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.syrasy’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.efty’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.efty’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.aday’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.aday’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : Loading sound ambient ….

00:00:17.774 : Loading live stream data ….

00:00:17.776 : Loading movers data ….

00:00:19.135 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model/panorama/ca_la/shift.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.135 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model/props/street/start_gate.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.136 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model/props/street/airdancer01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.137 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model/props/street/info_tube.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.137 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model2/mover/flags/country/flag_indonesia.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.138 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model2/mover/flags/country/flag_indonesia_long.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.145 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/characters/animations/man/idle/cros_hand_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.149 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/walk/walk_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.153 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle/cros_hand_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.160 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle/angry_man.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.166 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle/hand_back_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.171 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle/leaning_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.176 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle_sitting/sitting_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.181 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle_sitting/sitting_02.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.185 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/woman/walk/walk_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.186 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/woman/idle/idle_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.190 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/woman/idle_sitting/sitting_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.194 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/flags/landmark/flag.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.196 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/aircraft/747/b747_landing.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.196 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/aircraft/747/b747_takeoff.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.197 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/aircraft/747/b747_lod.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.202 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekg/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.210 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekw/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.219 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policetj/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.227 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policetm/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.232 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policecn/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.238 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekr/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.246 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policeuz/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.255 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policepk/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.260 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekp/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.278 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policecn2/animations/idle_with_mirror_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.291 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policetd/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.298 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policeir/animations/crosshand_idle_anim.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.309 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekg2/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.313 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/traffickp/idle_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.320 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policeaz/animations/crosshand_idle_anim.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.516 : Loading ferry data ….

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Unable to find unit: ferry.jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Cannot find source ferry data: jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Unable to find unit: ferry.jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Cannot find source ferry data: jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Unable to find unit: ferry.jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Cannot find source ferry data: jakarta

00:00:19.531 : <ERROR> Unable to find unit: ferry.salvador

00:00:19.531 : <ERROR> Cannot find source ferry data: salvador

00:00:19.531 : Loading hinges data ….

00:00:19.533 : Loading trigger action data ….

00:00:19.536 : Loading cutscene data ….

00:00:19.540 : Loading routes data ….

00:00:19.543 : Loading overrides ….

00:00:19.545 : Loading cargo data ….

00:00:19.660 : Loading company cargo data ….

00:00:22.830 : Loading unlock data ….

00:00:22.834 : Loading oversize offer data ….

00:00:23.092 : Map ‘/map/europe.mbd’ loading started ….

00:00:23.308 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘traffic_rule.car_srm’ for ‘Traffic area’ 0x33E3D1B830C042DA

00:00:23.308 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.minvodu’ for ‘City’ 0x33E3D1B84CC05805

00:00:23.308 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647BCA45D000000

00:00:23.308 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647BD4CA0000001

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075401C007DE

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075406402038

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075407001267

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07540C002013

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075414C01FAE

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075416801160

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07541D402006

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07541E801FC1

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075421801FB8

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07542300204B

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754274010E5

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075428401FD8

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07542B001FF1

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075437401FFD

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07543AC01FBE

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07543AC0200A

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07543EC0203C

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075442000C7F

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075450802009

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075452801FCB

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075458801FF5

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075459000C77

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075459001FCD

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075465002023

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075468C01FBF

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07546A401FF7

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07546C801FD7

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075470C01FCE

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07547B401FAF

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07548140113C

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075482C01FC5

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07548AC01FF0

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075490800652

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075491001FF4

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075499802017

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754A54010E4

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754A6C01FE2

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754B2001FB9

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754B8C01FC6

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754B9C02069

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754BF402033

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754C1802063

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754C600113B

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754C8800653

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754CA801FE3

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754CCC01F9E

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754CFC01FC4

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754D080200E

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754D5802055

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754DE401F9D

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754DE802005

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754E3002044

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754E8400C76

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754F2401FF6

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754F4001FCA

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754FB402066

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x340269B01D800073

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x340269B0ABC00071

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x340269B0EE400077

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x340269B0F7400084

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E8485A000000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E88878C00001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E90CEF400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E9D89FC00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E9D89FC00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AEE410400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AEE410400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AF2022400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AF2022400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AF48B0000000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AF48B0000000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4634C15836800001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4634C15836800001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4634C16473000001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4634C16473000001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E51427400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E51427400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E5C4ADC00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E5C4ADC00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E98476C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646EB589D800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646EC6829000001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646EFFC65800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646EFFC65800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36473A18F2800001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364756D00A400001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364759C0F6C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364759C0F6C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476244CE800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476244CE800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364767FCE3C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364767FCE3C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364768D89F000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364768D89F000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476BCCA3800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476BCCA3800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476C3C1BC00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476C3C1BC00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476C8C72C00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476C8C72C00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476DA861C00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36477090ECC00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36477110FD000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364772F8DB800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647733C3A800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36477388CF000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364773CC26800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364774245BC00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364774541B400000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647749CBE400000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36477544EE000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364775DCED400000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647D850EF800001

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C701B000061

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C702F000134

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AE84C70444002C5

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AE84C70CD8002C6

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AE84C70CE0002C3

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC27C0037A

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC28C00310

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x364351AC298000FA

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC32C00252

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC38C00001

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC38C00001

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC3F8002C3

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC5200000A

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x364351AC588000EB

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC6E800337

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC7D4002C2

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC9180028D

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x364351ACB600012A

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351ACBC000253

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351ACC0C003B5

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x364351ACEC000112

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351ACEDC001BD

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36436ADC55800000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36437678E7C00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3643802853800000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364381E4FAC00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364383942BC00001

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36438394DFC00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364384E0A6C00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3643852064400000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646CAF412800001

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646CAF412800001

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E0E013C00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E0E013C00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E210C1000000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E210C1000000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E2B02F400001

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E2B02F400001

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara5’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C700AC00094

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700DC003DE

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C700F0001A3

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara13’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C701180037A

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara0’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C703180001B

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara18’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C7035000221

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara18’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C7042C00032

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C704D8001BA

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C705CC000B6

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara5’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C706D0001D8

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709A8003E9

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C70B04001E1

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70CD40040C

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C70DC00014A

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C70E34001F9

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70EB00037B

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647666422000000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647666422000000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364766C050800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364766C050800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4498E9C02B400001

00:00:23.315 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.poty’ for ‘City’ 0x449C827414800001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.aysflo1171’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44A40E68A4000001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44AC9764A8800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile0aara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACB19490800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile2ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACB19490800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile0aara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACCF2CA5800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile0aara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACCF6C99000001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile2ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACCF6C99000001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44AD8AA8CB800001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44AD8DF417800001

00:00:23.315 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.zugdidi’ for ‘City’ 0x44AEBB4827C00001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.01ays’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44B8D6C8C9400001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FEBCCC400001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FEBCCC400001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FEDC08000001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FEDC08000001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FF10BFC00001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FF10BFC00001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile17ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44FB4EB09B000000

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700280088C

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7003400539

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700380042B

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7003C0046C

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7004C0056F

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7005C00511

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700900052F

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700C00055E

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700DC00314

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700F00040D

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700F80080E

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700F80081E

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700FC00702

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7012000766

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7012C00509

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7013000477

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7015400486

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7017C0049E

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C701B800834

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C701D000701

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7020000761

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70208006C6

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7020C00765

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7023000720

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70234004AB

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70234005F9

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7025800422

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70264007D6

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C702C8007C9

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C702E00067B

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C702E0007B5

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7030C0089B

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703240065D

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7039C005FB

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703A400864

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703C400421

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703F80077C

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara22’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C7047C00415

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C704800078C

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70480007DF

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7049800841

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C704A4004AE

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C704D4004E4

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C704E400787

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70518004B1

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C705200053B

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7053800476

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7054000452

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7058C00508

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C705D4004AC

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C705DC006A6

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C705EC007D4

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7062000659

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C706580053D

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C706700070C

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70698007F5

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C706B800691

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7070000708

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7070C00739

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7070C00839

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7071800535

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7072C00536

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7072C00613

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7073C0044F

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7073C00485

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7076C004B2

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707880044E

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707BC007BF

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707D0007A7

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707E400649

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707F0007FB

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7082C0076D

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7083C00784

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C708400070B

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70864005FE

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C708E0005F4

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7090C006A2

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709700053E

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7097C004FB

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7098C006B5

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709980049D

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7099C0042D

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709E0004F7

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A28007C3

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A3000735

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A3400530

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A54004F9

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A640075F

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A7C00425

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A94006C0

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70AB4004E3

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B0000650

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B10007C8

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B20004D6

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B600040E

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B800062B

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BAC007FC

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BB400897

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BB800832

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BBC0067A

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BD80071B

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BE800654

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70C580052E

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70C7400510

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70C9C0070D

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70CC0006AD

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70CC800835

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70D18004F8

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70D5C00796

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70D78006DD

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DA80080F

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DB0007CE

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DD800653

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DD8007A8

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DEC007C5

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70E280046B

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70E3400778

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70E3800716

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70ED800863

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70F0000731

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70F340088B

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70F6400760

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70F900079B

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70FB000555

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AE84C70FE800887

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC2E800360

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCFA800409

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700A8008DB

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703D0008DA

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C706E0008A0

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C708D0008C7

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70904008DC

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709FC008C8

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70AB4008D5

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BEC0088D

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70CD4008DF

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70D90008E5

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70EB8008D6

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70FB8008E2

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara0’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC0940073A

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECC0F4001DE

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara2’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC49000120

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara15’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC714003D2

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC8E000399

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECC94800101

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCB4400213

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCC8800754

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCD5800102

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCDE800755

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCE0800214

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara18’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara2’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCEF000757

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara15’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2B0291C4AA400001

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2B0291EC61000001

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41C8000BE

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45CC000FC

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4618000E4

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47F4000E3

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A88000D1

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4ACC000D3

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B6C000D2

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4CF0000CD

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F00000CE

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara0’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2BA3076CC9800001

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA30878ACC00000

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x363DB8FC56800001

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E404C00513

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E40C4004BA

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E40F40014B

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E413C00564

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E415400693

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4198002D4

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41A40011E

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41B00051C

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41B400176

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41B8002C6

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41B8004B5

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41C4001B7

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E42300062A

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E423C0069F

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E42C800465

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E43040011C

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E434C00447

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E438C0065D

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E43A800155

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E43C400490

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E43E4003B7

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4408005A1

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4410004FE

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E447C0014C

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E44A80046F

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E44D000236

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E44D0002F0

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4508000A9

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E450800226

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E450C006B0

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45340012D

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4574006B1

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45A000198

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45AC0067F

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45CC0067E

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45F000442

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E466000135

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E466C0069D

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E46A8004B4

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E470000433

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47080065E

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E471000387

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4728003B6

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47640026A

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E479000525

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E479800216

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47B00065C

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47C800295

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47EC004B2

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47FC00451

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E485400388

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E487C0029E

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E487C003F3

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E487C0048A

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E487C006A0

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E48CC0069E

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E48DC00239

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E48E400683

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4974003F5

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4984006B2

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E49AC00434

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E49C00038A

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A1000514

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A1C0064C

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A5800109

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A6C002D0

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A7C004D0

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4AAC00217

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4AE0003AA

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4AEC003D2

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B000046E

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B84002F1

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B880011B

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B880013F

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B8800218

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B9800505

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4BF400391

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4C64002A9

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4CE4003AB

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4CEC00476

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4D04003C5

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4E90001A4

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F000013A

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F04006C0

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F100058D

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4FD400577

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FD5619CA5C00001

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD563940F800001

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FD563B0B9000000

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FD566E87D400000

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FD56A94B6000000

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD574BC0B800001

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD5876C1C800001

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD5C8F8A5800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD5C8FC46000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FA0DDC00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FA4E0400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FA866000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FB026800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FBCC4000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FC06A400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FDC8C000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FE464C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB20481A800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FDB20D4A9000000

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB22E02FC00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FDB22FC9B400000

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB24DCFC800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB27004F800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB285460400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB28EC14800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB28F095C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB28F4A5C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B0815800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B14FFC00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B1C6A800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B34EC400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B3896C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B3C06000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B4C67800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B5033C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B542F800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B5862000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2C7CFFC00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FDB2CE055C00000

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2DC0B0C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2DC8E6000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2DD0AD400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FDB2E389B000000

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE858307880033C

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E40E8006C8

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E463C006CB

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E471C006C9

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F04006C3

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA3178CA0400000

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA317C045800000

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara1’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2B88D1D43E400001

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD007000A9E

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD065400C76

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD06700096F

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD087000430

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD0D08009F4

00:00:23.507 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x40157DE4E5400001

00:00:23.507 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x401580A0BF400001

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475DA1CCF6800000

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475DA1DCC6800000

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475DA2002E000000

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475DA20433400000

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4966FA18CBC00000

00:00:23.514 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x476FEF68A6800001

00:00:23.515 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475CC31C3C400001

00:00:23.515 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475CC3406B800001

00:00:23.516 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4483E9BC02800001

00:00:23.516 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4483F7D08C000001

00:00:23.517 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x4488EB50B4400001

00:00:23.517 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.qorakol’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA750BDC00001

00:00:23.517 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.olot’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA85400400001

00:00:23.517 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.farap’ for ‘City’ 0x473CCDA078400001

00:00:23.520 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.olot’ for ‘City’ 0x473D401CDC400001

00:00:23.520 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.olot’ for ‘City’ 0x473D405CDB000000

00:00:23.520 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x43D0CFE448400001

00:00:23.520 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x43F6CA78E5800001

00:00:23.520 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x457BE838D7000003

00:00:23.521 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.kogon’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA3584F400001

00:00:23.521 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x42ECDA0094C00001

00:00:23.522 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x43532B4C1AC00001

00:00:23.522 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4619DDD4F6000001

00:00:23.522 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.qarshi’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA104B9000001

00:00:23.522 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.koson’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA284C8C00001

00:00:23.523 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.koson’ for ‘City’ 0x473D3D94DF000001

00:00:23.523 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x3FCC770085000001

00:00:23.524 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x3FCCA778DCC00001

00:00:23.524 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x45189B1C1F400001

00:00:23.525 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4722E248F8000001

00:00:23.525 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.guzar’ for ‘City’ 0x473C9F5852800001

00:00:23.525 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x424A053C09400001

00:00:23.525 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x424A070CC9C00001

00:00:23.526 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x424A08B8E9800002

00:00:23.526 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x424A09100F400001

00:00:23.526 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4265FBD85F800001

00:00:23.527 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x425F7EF462800001

00:00:23.527 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.baysun’ for ‘City’ 0x473CC9642E800001

00:00:23.527 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.sherabad’ for ‘City’ 0x473D4AA0F9C00000

00:00:23.527 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.derbent’ for ‘City’ 0x473D4DB4F9400000

00:00:23.529 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.sherabad’ for ‘City’ 0x473CC9141AC00001

00:00:23.531 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4318FF681DC00001

00:00:23.532 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4376CA80BA800001

00:00:23.532 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4376CB38F0000001

00:00:23.532 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x437EC54820400001

00:00:23.532 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x437EC5642FC00000

00:00:23.533 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x43A31F78CF400000

00:00:23.533 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44166F2C55000001

00:00:23.533 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44166F4C76C00000

00:00:23.541 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x479E2B10F0400001

00:00:23.541 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x479E2F184EC00000

00:00:23.542 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x48A780745B800001

00:00:25.055 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x33E3D1B830C042DA has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.056 : <ERROR> Missing data for ferry item! (ferry.poty, uid: 0x449C6DB08E400001)

00:00:25.071 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x497022B89F400002 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.071 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x497022F4C6C00001 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.071 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x49A4B3E417400001 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.072 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x497021D883C00002 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.072 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x4970227050400001 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.073 : <ERROR> Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.buy_garage.guzar (given link already exists)

00:00:25.073 : <ERROR> Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.garage.guzar (given link already exists)

00:00:25.085 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x46C8463C95000001 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.171 : Map base sectors successfully loaded.

00:00:25.195 : <ERROR> Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.songkhla)

00:00:25.196 : <ERROR> Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.songkhla)

00:00:25.197 : Map loaded

00:00:25.213 : Loading save ‘/home/profiles/79757261786131/save/quicksave/game.sii’

00:00:25.404 : Route data generation started.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C702AC00A34 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7072C00A78 is referencing item 0x2AE84C702F000134 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C707F000A3B is referencing item 0x2AE84C702F000134 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C709B00097D is referencing item 0x2AE84C701B000061 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70A9C00A33 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70DE80097E is referencing item 0x2AE84C701B000061 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70E5000B38 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70ED000997 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC3A00054E is referencing item 0x364351ACEC000112 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC3DC00530 is referencing item 0x364351AC298000FA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC4000050F is referencing item 0x364351AC298000FA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC6D40050E is referencing item 0x364351AC588000EB however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACA4C004B6 is referencing item 0x364351ACEC000112 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACB800051E is referencing item 0x364351AC588000EB however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACC4C0056C is referencing item 0x364351ACB600012A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACD94004D3 is referencing item 0x364351ACB600012A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7007800B12 is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C700A000932 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7042C00032 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7013400B8D is referencing item 0x2AE84C7035000221 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7013800AEF is referencing item 0x2AE84C700F0001A3 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C701AC00D0C is referencing item 0x2AE84C701180037A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7031400D0D is referencing item 0x2AE84C701180037A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7037400B34 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703800092B is referencing item 0x2AE84C703180001B however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703BC009DB is referencing item 0x2AE84C705CC000B6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703D800B39 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C704B800AF0 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700F0001A3 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C704F400944 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7042C00032 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7050C00A9F is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7056C009B8 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7065C00B62 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70E34001F9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706AC00B44 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70B04001E1 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706E0009B7 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706F400A92 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7071400A91 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C708F800B3A is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7092C0092A is referencing item 0x2AE84C703180001B however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70960009A2 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7099800B13 is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70C980094E is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70CC8009BE is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70CD0009E0 is referencing item 0x2AE84C705CC000B6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70DA800B63 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70E34001F9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70F2000B7E is referencing item 0x2AE84C7035000221 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70F4800B45 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70B04001E1 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7018C00DAD is referencing item 0x2AE84C7047C00415 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706EC00DA3 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7047C00415 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC25400C0E is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA800409 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC3E400AE5 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC68C00B70 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC2E800360 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC9E800994 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCA5000AE4 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBF000992 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD4800A92 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA800409 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCF5400B40 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC2E800360 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70B14012C5 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC0940073A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC06C00BAB is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC1540093A is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC19800AEE is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC26C007CB is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC26C00983 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC3D400938 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC4D800FA3 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCEF000757 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC548009A2 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC68800F88 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC0940073A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC824009EE is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC8DC00816 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC9F800818 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCA80009A3 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCAFC00978 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCB18009A4 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBE0008F0 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC49000120 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBF0007ED is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCC2400F9C is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCEF000757 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCC50009ED is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD1800984 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD9400A12 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCEAC00C9D is referencing item 0x2BA3076CC9800001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFC00092B is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFD400BE1 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFE400982 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA3076C88400002 is referencing item 0x2BA3076CC9800001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E44C400B85 is referencing item 0x2FDB22FC9B400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E456C00B7B is referencing item 0x2FDB20D4A9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E460400961 is referencing item 0x2FD566E87D400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4A4400868 is referencing item 0x2FD563B0B9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4A7C008E1 is referencing item 0x2FD56A94B6000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4FCC00BE4 is referencing item 0x2FDB2CE055C00000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD5619C30800002 is referencing item 0x2FD5619CA5C00001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD563B02C000002 is referencing item 0x2FD563B0B9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD564D4CD800000 is referencing item 0x2FD5619CA5C00001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD566E872000002 is referencing item 0x2FD566E87D400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD56A9480C00002 is referencing item 0x2FD56A94B6000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB20D45D000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB20D4A9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB22FCB9000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB22FC9B400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2C880EC00000 is referencing item 0x2FDB2E389B000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2CE0CF400002 is referencing item 0x2FDB2CE055C00000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2E38EA000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB2E389B000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.793 : <ERROR> Node 0x2B88D1BC27C00000 is referencing item 0x2B88D1D43E400001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.793 : <ERROR> Node 0x2B88D1D49C400002 is referencing item 0x2B88D1D43E400001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:26.629 : Route data generation finished.

00:00:26.646 : <ERROR> Company item without company assignment! (234488;139.734;-23329.7)

00:00:26.646 : <ERROR> Company item without company assignment! (234744;139.488;-23336.4)

00:00:26.646 : <ERROR> Company item without company assignment! (229061;216.086;-15155.3)

00:00:26.646 : <ERROR> More companies without company assignment (set g_developer to 2 to reveal all).

00:00:26.842 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Denov! (237256 91.8477 -13219.6)

00:00:26.862 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Mangystau! (160285 -0.0976563 2740.92)

00:00:26.949 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Стерлитамак! (147632 140.664 -54434)

00:00:26.991 : Road network navigation caching started.

00:00:27.975 : Cached navigation loaded

00:00:29.334 : Garage update started.

00:00:29.412 : <ERROR> Garage prefab not found! (bishkek)

00:00:29.942 : Garage update finished.

00:00:30.064 : Sector force started.

00:00:30.205 : Sector force finished.

00:00:30.518 : [actor] Initialized at [202846.7;91.0;16445.5]

00:00:30.618 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rusmap_cities.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.622 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rtasia.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.622 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rtasia_cargo.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.623 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.srmap_cities.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.623 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.srmap_viewpoint.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.624 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tgs.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.625 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tgs_viewpoints.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.627 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.dlc_sum.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.627 : <WARNING> [app_lcl] Failed to add token ‘tz_yekt’ from localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’! Localization with that token already defined.

00:00:30.627 : <WARNING> [app_lcl] Failed to add token ‘tz_aqtt’ from localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’! Localization with that token already defined.

00:00:30.627 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:37.435 : Forcing sector data!

00:00:37.435 : Sector force started.

00:00:38.200 : Sector force finished.

00:00:42.329 : <WARNING> [tobj] Sanitized ‘<MEMFILE><UNKNOWNFS>/model.rtasia3/billboard/uz/sign/uz_store_sign5.tobj’ functionality — found 0x00, expected 0x01.

00:00:42.329 : <WARNING> [tobj] Sanitized ‘<MEMFILE><UNKNOWNFS>/model.rtasia3/billboard/uz/sign/uz_store_sign4.tobj’ functionality — found 0x00, expected 0x01.

00:01:10.250 : go to adjen

00:01:10.250 : <ERROR> [cmd] ‘go to adjen’ — unknown command

00:01:24.452 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:01:24.452 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >S</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Q</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:01:31.417 : go to tejen

00:01:31.418 : <ERROR> [cmd] ‘go to tejen’ — unknown command

00:01:31.604 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:01:31.604 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >V</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:01:47.305 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:01:47.305 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >I</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Y</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >L</font></align></nowrap>’

00:01:50.751 : go to Tejen

00:01:50.751 : <ERROR> [cmd] ‘go to Tejen’ — unknown command

00:02:00.335 : goo Tejen

00:02:00.335 : <ERROR> [cmd] ‘goo Tejen’ — unknown command

00:02:04.018 : goto Tejen

00:02:04.041 : Forcing sector data!

00:02:04.041 : Sector force started.

00:02:05.048 : Sector force finished.

00:02:13.787 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.787 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >J</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >H</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >V</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >L</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >G</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >N</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >N</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.789 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >O</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.820 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.820 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:14.520 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:14.520 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:14.637 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:14.637 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >G</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >M</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:15.486 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:15.486 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:15.586 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:15.586 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:15.703 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:15.703 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >G</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >M</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:15.836 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:15.836 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >M</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:16.019 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:16.020 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >H</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:16.354 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:16.354 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:16.769 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:16.769 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:25.505 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:25.505 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:25.554 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:25.554 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >V</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >L</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:25.621 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:25.621 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >F</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:25.821 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:25.821 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Y</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:27.437 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:27.438 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >F</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:30.004 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:30.004 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Y</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:32.920 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:32.921 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >U</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >F</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >M</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:51.469 : screenshot

00:02:52.486 : Screenshot written: ‘C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/screenshot/ets2_20230212_203458_00.png’.

00:02:52.520 : Position : < 214003 91.4453 12178.1 >

00:02:57.918 : pause

00:05:26.275 : goto Tejen

00:06:46.461 : screenshot

00:06:47.555 : Screenshot written: ‘C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/screenshot/ets2_20230212_203853_00.png’.

00:07:04.211 : pause

00:08:39.944 : Loading save ‘/home/profiles/79757261786131/save/2/game.sii’

00:08:40.170 : Route data generation started.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C702AC00A34 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7072C00A78 is referencing item 0x2AE84C702F000134 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C707F000A3B is referencing item 0x2AE84C702F000134 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C709B00097D is referencing item 0x2AE84C701B000061 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70A9C00A33 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70DE80097E is referencing item 0x2AE84C701B000061 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70E5000B38 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70ED000997 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC3A00054E is referencing item 0x364351ACEC000112 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC3DC00530 is referencing item 0x364351AC298000FA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC4000050F is referencing item 0x364351AC298000FA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC6D40050E is referencing item 0x364351AC588000EB however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACA4C004B6 is referencing item 0x364351ACEC000112 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACB800051E is referencing item 0x364351AC588000EB however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACC4C0056C is referencing item 0x364351ACB600012A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACD94004D3 is referencing item 0x364351ACB600012A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7007800B12 is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C700A000932 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7042C00032 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7013400B8D is referencing item 0x2AE84C7035000221 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7013800AEF is referencing item 0x2AE84C700F0001A3 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C701AC00D0C is referencing item 0x2AE84C701180037A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7031400D0D is referencing item 0x2AE84C701180037A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7037400B34 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703800092B is referencing item 0x2AE84C703180001B however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703BC009DB is referencing item 0x2AE84C705CC000B6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703D800B39 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C704B800AF0 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700F0001A3 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C704F400944 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7042C00032 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7050C00A9F is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7056C009B8 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7065C00B62 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70E34001F9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706AC00B44 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70B04001E1 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706E0009B7 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706F400A92 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7071400A91 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C708F800B3A is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7092C0092A is referencing item 0x2AE84C703180001B however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70960009A2 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7099800B13 is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70C980094E is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70CC8009BE is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70CD0009E0 is referencing item 0x2AE84C705CC000B6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70DA800B63 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70E34001F9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70F2000B7E is referencing item 0x2AE84C7035000221 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70F4800B45 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70B04001E1 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7018C00DAD is referencing item 0x2AE84C7047C00415 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706EC00DA3 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7047C00415 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC25400C0E is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA800409 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC3E400AE5 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC68C00B70 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC2E800360 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC9E800994 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCA5000AE4 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBF000992 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD4800A92 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA800409 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCF5400B40 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC2E800360 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70B14012C5 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC0940073A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC06C00BAB is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC1540093A is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC19800AEE is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC26C007CB is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC26C00983 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC3D400938 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC4D800FA3 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCEF000757 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC548009A2 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC68800F88 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC0940073A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC824009EE is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC8DC00816 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC9F800818 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCA80009A3 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCAFC00978 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCB18009A4 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBE0008F0 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC49000120 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBF0007ED is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCC2400F9C is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCEF000757 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCC50009ED is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD1800984 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD9400A12 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCEAC00C9D is referencing item 0x2BA3076CC9800001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFC00092B is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFD400BE1 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFE400982 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA3076C88400002 is referencing item 0x2BA3076CC9800001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E44C400B85 is referencing item 0x2FDB22FC9B400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E456C00B7B is referencing item 0x2FDB20D4A9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E460400961 is referencing item 0x2FD566E87D400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4A4400868 is referencing item 0x2FD563B0B9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4A7C008E1 is referencing item 0x2FD56A94B6000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4FCC00BE4 is referencing item 0x2FDB2CE055C00000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD5619C30800002 is referencing item 0x2FD5619CA5C00001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD563B02C000002 is referencing item 0x2FD563B0B9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD564D4CD800000 is referencing item 0x2FD5619CA5C00001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD566E872000002 is referencing item 0x2FD566E87D400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD56A9480C00002 is referencing item 0x2FD56A94B6000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB20D45D000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB20D4A9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB22FCB9000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB22FC9B400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2C880EC00000 is referencing item 0x2FDB2E389B000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2CE0CF400002 is referencing item 0x2FDB2CE055C00000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2E38EA000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB2E389B000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2B88D1BC27C00000 is referencing item 0x2B88D1D43E400001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2B88D1D49C400002 is referencing item 0x2B88D1D43E400001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:41.356 : Route data generation finished.

00:08:41.469 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Denov! (237256 91.8477 -13219.6)

00:08:41.469 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Mangystau! (160285 -0.0976563 2740.92)

00:08:41.469 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Стерлитамак! (147632 140.664 -54434)

00:08:41.507 : Road network navigation caching started.

00:08:42.538 : Cached navigation loaded

00:08:42.538 : Garage update started.

00:08:42.538 : <ERROR> Garage prefab not found! (bishkek)

00:08:42.670 : Garage update finished.

00:08:42.681 : Sector force started.

00:08:42.845 : Sector force finished.

00:08:43.001 : [actor] Initialized at [185819.1;91.6;18053.4]

00:08:44.695 : Forcing sector data!

00:08:44.695 : Sector force started.

00:08:45.605 : Sector force finished.

00:08:51.017 : quit

00:08:51.025 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/79757261786131/save/autosave/game.sii) …

00:08:51.124 : quit

00:08:51.307 : [sound] Sound library — shutdown.

00:08:51.307 : [sound] Sound system — shutdown.

00:08:51.618 : [sound] FMOD libraries released.

00:08:51.933 : [gfx] AGS deinitialized

00:08:51.940 : [net] LOG INFO: Stopped

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_volvo_tuning_pack.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_volvo_construction.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_vikings.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_valentine.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_toys.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_super_stripes.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_streetart.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_space.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_schwarzmuller.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_rocket_league.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_rims.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_renault_t_tuning.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_raven.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_prehistoric.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_pirates.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_pink_ribbon.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_phys_flags.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_pcg.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_oversize.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_north.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_mighty_griffin.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_michelin.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_lunar_new_year.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_krone.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_it.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_iberia.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_hs_schoch.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_heavy_cargo.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_goodyear.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_fr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ukr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_tr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sk.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_s.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ru.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ro.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pt.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_nl.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_n.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_lv.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_lt.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_kr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_jp.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_it.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_hu.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fi.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_es.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ee.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_dk.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cn.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ch.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bg.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_be.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_aus.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_at.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_dragon.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_daf_tuning_pack.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_daf_2021.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] dlc_christmas.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] dlc_balt.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] dlc_balkan_e.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] dlc_actros_tuning.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] def.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] core.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] base.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.948 : [hashfs] effect.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.948 : [zipfs] tzmap.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.949 : [zipfs] ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.949 : [hashfs] AZGESR11RC.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.949 : [hashfs] AZGE146.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.949 : [zipfs] RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.949 : [zipfs] RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.952 : [zipfs] RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.953 : [zipfs] RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.956 : [zipfs] RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.956 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia1-6.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.960 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.966 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.968 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.968 : [zipfs] SRMap_v12.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.979 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.985 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.986 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.987 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.988 : [zipfs] sibirmap250allinone.scs: Unmounted

00:08:52.625 : [sys] Process manager shutdown.


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Mismatch dlc? unable to join convoy

im having troubles joining a convoy. It says mismatch dlc. Unknown dlc — not found DLC-DAF2021 -absent on server. docent let me join convoy as all is like that. And no one can join my convoy too. I’m on latest version of experimental beta 1.41.
I don’t know how to upload photos here, so here is an Imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/qMoaJuv
I believe this is a bug, if it is not, pls help me along. thx.

Last edited by ExaShark on 12 Jun 2021 20:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mismatch dlc? unable to join convoy



by bobgrey1997 » 12 Jun 2021 20:09

Looks quite obvious.
The server host is missing a DAF DLC.
If you have this DLC, anyone joining you will also need it.
I don’t play ETS2, so I’m not sure what this DLC is. I assume it is a truck, which are free. Maybe whoever else you are trying to join has it disabled for some reason?
It might be a tuning pack. I think they recentpy made those optional (everyone doesn’t have to have the same tuning DLCs), but not sure.


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Re: Mismatch dlc? unable to join convoy



by ExaShark » 12 Jun 2021 20:14

bobgrey1997 wrote: ↑12 Jun 2021 20:09
Looks quite obvious.
The server host is missing a DAF DLC.
If you have this DLC, anyone joining you will also need it.
I don’t play ETS2, so I’m not sure what this DLC is. I assume it is a truck, which are free. Maybe whoever else you are trying to join has it disabled for some reason?
It might be a tuning pack. I think they recentpy made those optional (everyone doesn’t have to have the same tuning DLCs), but not sure.

my friend who has the same dlc as me can join other people fine. And btw its not just 1 session. Its all. Pls see attached link for screenshot.


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Re: Mismatch dlc? unable to join convoy



by Manuelly » 13 Jun 2021 08:54

As we had the same kind of a problem yesterday:
Both were able to join but when seeing each others DAF the game crashed…

For us the following was working:
— Uninstall the DAF DLC in steam
— Install the DAF DLC in steam again

Its working fine for us now :D

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Re: Mismatch dlc? unable to join convoy



by plykkegaard » 13 Jun 2021 09:18

Verify game files in your steam client should be the first choice

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Re: Mismatch dlc? unable to join convoy



by ExaShark » 13 Jun 2021 11:45

Manuelly wrote: ↑13 Jun 2021 08:54
As we had the same kind of a problem yesterday:
Both were able to join but when seeing each others DAF the game crashed…

For us the following was working:
— Uninstall the DAF DLC in steam
— Install the DAF DLC in steam again

Its working fine for us now :D

Tried. But I’ll try again

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Отправлено 04 Сентябрь 2022 — 11:18

Всем привет. Версия Настройка дальности рейса не работает. Что на максимуме, что на минимуме одинаковые по максимальной дальности рейсы выпадают. Как пример — из Осло, Норвегия в Катанию, Италия. И на основном, с модами, профиле и на чистом, без модов такая петрушка. У всех сломалось или мне только повезло?

  • 0



Отправлено 04 Сентябрь 2022 — 13:39

DimanUSA, Оно не сразу же работает. Нужно, чтобы грузы обновились (по дефолту — от 3 до 30 часов игрового времени).

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Отправлено 04 Сентябрь 2022 — 18:08

Нужно, чтобы грузы обновились (по дефолту — от 3 до 30 часов игрового времени).

В ATS достаточно было выйти из игры и войти, что бы изменения произошли. Но это было в начале лета.

  • 0



Отправлено 04 Сентябрь 2022 — 19:09

В ATS достаточно было выйти из игры и войти, что бы изменения произошли. Но это было в начале лета.

Не в курсе, как там ныне, но до недавнего времени все контракты (что, откуда, куда, когда истекает срок, и т.д.) хранились в сейве. Посему хоть заходи, перезаходи в игру — ничего не изменится. Конечно, если каким-то контрактам «жить» оставалось секунды или минуты реального игрового времени (а таких обычно хватает), то после выхода и входа в игру, на месте «трупа» (контракта) генерировался новый — на уже новых настройках дальности рейса. Вот и получается: вышел, зашёл — и новые установки дальности «как бы» сработали.


К слову, можно попробовать сделать принудительный сброс экономики — в консоли набрать g_force_economy_reset 1, а затем выйти из профиля и снова зайти. При этом нужно быть «свободным, как ветер» :)

Сообщение отредактировал knox_xss: 04 Сентябрь 2022 — 19:16

  • 4



Отправлено 05 Сентябрь 2022 — 19:14


Настроение: Не выбрано

Всем доброго времени суток. Подскажите пожалуйста как исправить баг с случайными событиями? Не отображаются битые машины,машины остановленные для проверки документов и т.д. Спец транспорт отображается(полиция,пожарные,верталет). На месте ДТП пустое место только дымок видно а ТС нет. Заранее благодарен

  • 0



Отправлено 05 Сентябрь 2022 — 21:55


    Кислотный DJ

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Настроение: Не выбрано

При этом нужно быть «свободным, как ветер»

Я сбрасывал экономику и при активном рейсе. То есть, ехал, остановился на стоянке, вышел из игры, на следующий день (реальный) опять зашёл, сбросил экономику, меня перекинуло в гараж с отменой доставки, взял новый заказ и поехал. Если, конечно, не было жалко терять текущую доставку. Уже не помню зачем я это делал, но, вроде, срабатывало.

На месте ДТП пустое место только дымок видно а ТС нет

За всё время никогда такого не встречал. Скорее всего какие-то моды косячат.

Хотя… Кажется, что-то такое попадалось, но это было настолько давно, на каком-то из старых патчей, что я сейчас уже не уверен что это было на самом деле.

Сообщение отредактировал Y@mm: 05 Сентябрь 2022 — 22:05

  • 0



Отправлено 06 Сентябрь 2022 — 08:58


Настроение: Не выбрано

За всё время никогда такого не встречал. Скорее всего какие-то моды косячат. Хотя… Кажется, что-то такое попадалось, но это было настолько давно, на каком-то из старых патчей, что я сейчас уже не уверен что это было на самом деле. Сообщение отредактировал Y@mm: Вчера, 22:05

Нашел в ВК похожий пост, там человек пишет, что на форумах ему сказали, это косяк карты Южный регион( пока именно на этой территории) . Проверю на территории России и Европы 

  • 0



Отправлено 27 Сентябрь 2022 — 15:03


Настроение: Volvo FH 2013 v5

Доброго времени суток товарищи)))

Очень давно не заходил на сайт, как с января месяца…

Подскажите пожалуста на счет карт.

Вот такой пропуск должен быть?

— удалено —

Вот такие карты установлены:

— удалено —

Спасибо за внимание :Big-Grin:  :Big-Grin:  :Big-Grin:

wik412 (27 Сентябрь 2022 — 17:05):
Максимальный размер превью 400×300 пикселей.

ИзображениеВы получили предупреждение!
Обратите внимание на ПРАВИЛА ФОРУМА во избежание новых наказаний.

Сообщение отредактировал wik412: 27 Сентябрь 2022 — 17:05

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Отправлено 27 Сентябрь 2022 — 15:29



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Настроение: Logitech G27

Александр(Мstar425), Сибирь нужно вам обновить.

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Agent 47

Отправлено 12 Октябрь 2022 — 18:43

Agent 47

Настроение: Пират

Приветствую, товарищи-дальнобойщики.

Может, кто знает, в какой пак трафика или в какой мод карты встроен пожарный ЗИЛ 131, раньше мне он попадался в трафике на территории СНГ, а сейчас что-то не могу его найти.

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 08:24


  • Страна: Country Flag

  • Версия ETS2:1.10.1
  • Грузовик в ETS2:vol

Настроение: Не выбрано


Катался на версии 1.45, горя не знал. Сегодня запускаю стим, а там наливается обновление — некий граффити пак. С обновлением до После обновления перестали загружаться сохранения — требует обязательный dlc DAF 2021, который, внезапно, стал отсутствовать. При этом в доп. контенте DAF XG/XG+ есть, а в dlc про даф ничего.

Как победить?

Чехи подобными финтами, мягко говоря, утомили.

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 08:40



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Настроение: Рожден в СССР

требует обязательный dlc DAF 2021

А оно (дополнение) точно было? :Smug: :Big-Grin:

Проверьте целостность игровых файлов в Стиме, возможно не докачалось..

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 09:31


  • Страна: Country Flag

  • Версия ETS2:1.10.1
  • Грузовик в ETS2:vol

Настроение: Не выбрано

А оно (дополнение) точно было?

хороший вопрос))

Проверьте целостность игровых файлов в Стиме, возможно не докачалось..

В Доп. контенте есть DAF XG/XG+. В профиле во вкладке «дополнения (dlc)» — нет.

Что за DLC DAF 2021 — понять не смог, поиском пришел на страницу с dlc DAF XG/XG+. Установить не получилось — всё установлено.

upd. в логе следующее:

00:00:01.373 : <ERROR> [hashfs] dlc_daf_2021.scs: Failed to verify content
00:00:01.373 : [hashfs] dlc_daf_2021.scs: Unmounted.
00:00:01.373 : <ERROR> [package] Unable to mount package ‘dlc_daf_2021’

upd2: в доп. контенте размер dlc daf xg/xg+ 79 мегабайт, размер файла dlc_daf_2021.scs на диске — 132 мегабайта. Что это было?(с)

Сообщение отредактировал parandroid: 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 09:39

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 09:45



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Настроение: Рожден в СССР

В профиле во вкладке «дополнения (dlc)» — нет.

Его там и не будет, там только КУПЛЕННЫЕ DLC отображаются.

Что за DLC DAF 2021 — понять не смог

Посмотрите по пути

Steam -> steamapps -> common -> Euro Truck Simulator 2 -> dlc_daf_2021.scs

Что это было?(с)

Вот это оно и есть.

Проверьте целостность

В клиенте Стим Библиотека -> Euro Truck Simulator 2 -> Свойства -> Локальные файлы -> Проверить целостность игровых файлов…

  • 1



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 10:02


  • Страна: Country Flag

  • Версия ETS2:1.10.1
  • Грузовик в ETS2:vol

Настроение: Не выбрано

В клиенте Стим Библиотека -> Euro Truck Simulator 2 -> Свойства -> Локальные файлы -> Проверить целостность игровых файлов…

Обнаружилось 7 битых файлов, перекачалось, заработало. Спасибо.

Так понимаю, криво встало обновление, либо само обновление кривое?

Его там и не будет, там только КУПЛЕННЫЕ DLC отображаются.

Я вообще подумал, что это какое-то новое дополнение, которое надо докупить/установить.

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 10:04



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Настроение: Рожден в СССР

parandroid, скорее всего

криво встало обновление

Последнее время это часто происходит, поэтому лучше после каждого обновления запускать проверку. Времени займёт не много, а невры сбережет… :Big-Grin:

  • 3



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 12:28


  • Страна: Country Flag

  • Версия ETS2:1.10.1
  • Грузовик в ETS2:vol

Настроение: Не выбрано

Последнее время это часто происходит, поэтому лучше после каждого обновления запускать проверку. Времени займёт не много, а невры сбережет…

Я бы предпочёл вообще отключить обновления и ставить их тогда, когда мне нужно, а не когда считают нужными чехи с их «Мы припарковали ваш грузовик в безопасном месте», censored гнойные.

В достимовую эпоху, собсна, так и делал. Три года без апдейтов катался и ни единого разрыва. Потом случился стим, пришлось переезжать на стим-версию и не сказать, чтобы случился вау-эффект от нововведений в игре.

Вот, например, каталог для Volvo FH — двигатели, коробки, колёсные базы.

Что из этого реализовано в игре? Даже как-то и спрашивать про такое неловко. Паровозы? До сих пор нет, пользуюсь сторонним модом. Зато помои в виде идиотских ливрей выпускаю регулярно. Ай *махнул рукой*

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 12:43



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Настроение: Рожден в СССР

ставить их тогда, когда мне нужно

Это не даёт 100%ной гарантии, что обновление встанет «как надо»… :Big-Grin:

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 12:46


  • Страна: Country Flag

  • Версия ETS2:1.10.1
  • Грузовик в ETS2:vol

Настроение: Не выбрано

Это не даёт 100%ной гарантии, что обновление встанет «как надо»

Не, ну раз в год-два-три можно себе позволить и повозиться))))

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 12:53



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Настроение: On The Road

Так понимаю, криво встало обновление, либо само обновление кривое?

это претензия не к Разработчикам, а к вашему Провайдеру. Ошибки при установке обновлений из-за недокачанных пакетов трафика — это к ним. 

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 16:47


  • Страна: Country Flag

  • Версия ETS2:1.10.1
  • Грузовик в ETS2:vol

Настроение: Не выбрано

это претензия не к Разработчикам, а к вашему Провайдеру. Ошибки при установке обновлений из-за недокачанных пакетов трафика — это к ним.

Тогда, по идее, обновление должно прерываться с ошибкой, не?

  • 0



Отправлено 08 Ноябрь 2022 — 16:49



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Настроение: On The Road

parandroid,нет, не обязательно и вот это самое печальное..

  • 0



Отправлено 09 Ноябрь 2022 — 12:21



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Настроение: Не выбрано

напомните, как отлючить эту байду с адаптивным круизом, а то вводил какую то команду в консоли а какую забыл (старею типа). Покатал вчера на выходе 1.46 атску-то что чехи с кк исполнили, жуть полная.

  • 0



Отправлено 09 Ноябрь 2022 — 13:15



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Настроение: Wreckfest


g_acc 0,по-моему.. И меняется в профильном конфиге,если что..

Сообщение отредактировал Dimmu: 09 Ноябрь 2022 — 13:29

  • 1

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Отправлено 30 Ноябрь 2022 — 13:58



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Настроение: OMSI Ikarus

Ребят, если у кого имеются дефолтные def.scs и base.scs от 1.44 (когда появилось dlc тюнинга на Рено Т), поделитесь, пожалуйста.

  • 0

Обновлено: 20.06.2023

На сколько я понимаю у тебя пиратка. Зайди в папку с игрой, там будут все длс, найди файлы dlc_east и т.д., после чего измени их название например на dlc_east1 и т.п.

Владислав Кошлань

Владислав Кошлань ответил Сообществу

Mr.BoS and friends SpinTires ETS2 ATS, читал такое, но еще читал, что их можно удалить. Удалил. Но игра грузится с Европейской картой.

Владислав, возможно неправильно установлена карта. Я так понимаю ты хочешь установить суровую Россию

Игра была куплена с паком в котором DLC и куплены другие дополнения в стим. Недавно вышло бесплатное дополнение где был добавлен Daf 2021. Машина очень понравилась, захотел накопить, захожу в игру, и о чудо, несовместимо с текущей версией игры и будет отключено. Целостность игры проверял, пишет что всё ок, но ошибка всёровно есть. Пк я естественно перезагружал.

Низкий FPS, Euro Truck Simulator 2 тормозит, фризит или лагает

Современные игры крайне ресурсозатратные, поэтому, даже если вы обладаете современным компьютером, всё-таки лучше отключить лишние/ненужные фоновые процессы (чтобы повысить мощность процессора) и воспользоваться нижеописанным методами, которые помогут избавиться от лагов и тормозов.

  • Запустите диспетчер задач и в процессах найдите строку с названием игры (Euro Truck Simulator 2). Кликайте ПКМ по ней и в меню выбирайте «Приоритеты» , после чего установите значение «Высокое» . Теперь остаётся лишь перезапустить игру.
Лучшие видеокарты для комфортной игры в 1080p

Пусть 4K доминирует в заголовках и привлекает многих техноблоггеров, сейчас большинство игроков предпочитает Full HD и будет это делать еще несколько.

Распространённые сетевые ошибки

Решение распространённых ошибок при запуске игр или в играх на Windows 7, 8, 10

Не вижу друзей / друзья в Euro Truck Simulator 2 не отображаются

Неприятное недоразумение, а в некоторых случаях даже баг или ошибка (в таких случаях ни один способ ниже не поможет, поскольку проблема связана с серверами). Любопытно, что с подобным сталкиваются многие игроки, причём неважно, в каком лаунчере приходится играть. Мы не просто так отметили, что это «недоразумение», поскольку, как правило, проблема решается простыми нижеописанными способами:

  • Убедитесь в том, что вы вместе с друзьями собираетесь играть в одном игровом регионе, в лаунчере установлен одинаковый регион загрузки.

Создателю сервера нужно открыть порты в брандмауэре

Многие проблемы в сетевых играх связаны как раз с тем, что порты закрыты. Нет ни одной живой души, друг не видит игру (или наоборот) и возникают проблемы с соединением? Самое время открыть порты в брандмауэре, но перед этим следует понимать как «это» работает. Дело в том, что программы и компьютерные игры, использующие интернет, для работы требуют не только беспроблемный доступ к сети, но и вдобавок открытые порты. Это особенно важно, если вы хотите поиграть в какую-нибудь сетевую игру.

Часто порты на компьютере закрыты, поэтому их следует открыть. Кроме того, перед настройкой нужно узнать номера портов, а для этого для начала потребуется узнать IP-адрес роутера.

Закрытые порты, или что делать, если игр не видно/не подключается?

Если вы заметили, что в Tunngle/Hamachi никого нет, да и в игре тоже различные косяки с соединением, то есть большая вероятность что у вас просто.

  • Открываете окошко с командной строкой (открывается командой «cmd» в Пуске).
  • Прописываете команду «ipconfig» (без кавычек).
  • IP-адрес отобразится в строчке «Основной шлюз» .

Решение распространённых ошибок при запуске игр или в играх на Windows 7, 8, 10

  • Открываете командную строку с помощью команды «cmd» в Пуске.
  • Вновь прописываете команду «ipconfig » без кавычек.
  • Запускаете команду «netstat -а» , после чего отобразится полный список с номерами портов.

Решение распространённых ошибок при запуске игр или в играх на Windows 7, 8, 10

  • Обязательно следует убедиться в том, что вы обладаете правами администратора Windows.

FAQ по ошибкам Euro Truck Simulator 2: не запускается, черный экран, тормоза, вылеты, error, DLL

FAQ по ошибкам Euro Truck Simulator 2

Иногда при запуске Euro Truck Simulator 2 появляются ошибки. Неприятно, но установленная вами игра может не запускаться, вылетая, зависая, показывая чёрный экран и выдавая ошибки в окнах. Поэтому возникают вполне логичные вопросы: «Что делать?», «Из-за чего это происходит?» и «Как решить проблему?». Мы постарались собрать всю необходимую информацию с универсальными инструкциями, советами, различными программами и библиотеками, которые призваны помочь решить наиболее распространённые ошибки, связанные с Euro Truck Simulator 2 и другими играми на ПК.

Необходимое ПО для Euro Truck Simulator 2

Мы настоятельно рекомендуем ознакомиться со ссылками на различные полезные программы. Зачем? Огромное количество ошибок и проблем в Euro Truck Simulator 2 связаны с не установленными/не обновлёнными драйверами и с отсутствием необходимых библиотек.

Последняя версия драйвера Nvidia GeForce .
Последняя версия драйвера AMD Radeon .
Пакет DirectX .

Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2015
Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2013

  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (64-бит)
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (32-бит)
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64-бит)
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (32-бит)
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1

Ошибка DirectX в Euro Truck Simulator 2

  • Первым делом необходимо установить «чистую» версию драйвера вашей видеокарты (то есть не стоит сразу спешить устанавливать тот же GeForce Experience, ничего лишнего от AMD и аудио).

Появляется цветной экран

Появление цветастого экрана часто связано с тем, что используются сразу две видеокарты. Если в материнской плате присутствует встроенный графический процессор, но играете на дискретном, игра в любом случае запустится на встроенном. Поэтому и возникают «цветные» проблемы, поскольку монитор подключён по умолчанию к дискретной видеокарте.

Не менее часто цветной экран появляется в том случае, если появились проблемы с выводом изображения. Подобное вызывает самые разные причины, но существуют две наиболее распространённые: 1 – стоят устаревшие драйвера; 2 – ваша видеокарта не поддерживается. Поэтому рекомендуем обновить в первую очередь драйвера.

Появляется чёрный экран в Euro Truck Simulator 2

Появление чёрного экрана часто связано с конфликтом видеодрайверов и ПО. И реже всего с определёнными файлами Euro Truck Simulator 2. Впрочем, существует довольно много других причин, связанных с появлением «чёрного экрана смерти».

Первым делом при появлении проблемы следует обновить видеодрайвер. Многие пренебрегают этим совсем, но мы настоятельно рекомендуем сделать это, потому что для многих современных игр следом выходят и важные обновления, которые помогают запустить ту или иную игру.

FAQ по ошибкам Euro Truck Simulator 2

Изображение в Euro Truck Simulator 2 мерцает

Как правило, проблема связана с перегретой видеокартой. Первым делом следует проверить провода, вдруг они перекрыли вентиляторы системы охлаждения, но если там полный порядок, тогда самое время сбросить разгон видеокарты: нужно войти в приложение MSI Afterburner (или подобное) и нажать на «Reset» .

Звук в Euro Truck Simulator 2 отсутствует или пропадает в заставках

Чаще всего проблема связана с высоким звуковым разрешением в параметрах Windows, а именно – с частотой разрядности и дискретизации. Поэтому избавиться от проблемы можно лишь одним способом – понизить это разрешение.

  • В трее нажмите ПКМ по значку динамика;
  • В открывшемся меню необходимо выбрать пункт «Звуки» ;
  • Следом необходимо выбрать устройство (это могут быть либо динамики, либо наушники) и нажать на «Свойства» ;
  • Перейти на соседнюю вкладку «Дополнительно» ;
  • Отыщите меню под названием «Формат по умолчанию» , чтобы задать значение, но оно должно быть ниже текущего;
  • Нажмите «Применить» , откройте Euro Truck Simulator 2 и проверьте результат проделанной работы.

Проблему, которая связана с отсутствием звука в заставках, решить первым способом не получится, поэтому сделайте следующее:

  • Вновь в трее ПКМ по значку динамика;
  • В меню отыщите функцию под названием «Пространственный звук» , чтобы отключить;
  • Остаётся лишь перезапустить Euro Truck Simulator 2 и проверить результат.

FAQ по ошибкам Euro Truck Simulator 2

Ошибка 0xc000007b в Euro Truck Simulator 2

В худшем случае ошибка 0xc000007b или «This application was unable to start correctly» связана с повреждёнными системными файлами ОС, а в лучшем – с драйверами видеокарт от Nvidia.

    Самый очевидный и наиболее простой способ разобраться с ошибкой – переустановить драйверы для видеокарты, а после запустить игру от имени администратора.
    После установки Dependency Walker 64bit , запускайте утилиту и переходите по следующему адресу: «View» «Full Patch» «.exe-файл проблемной игры» (в некоторых случаях после это появляется окно с ошибками, но на него не стоит обращать внимания, просто закройте окно). Переключитесь на раздел «Module» , крутите до конца ошибки, смотрите на значения в столбиках.

Общий FAQ: Ошибка (0xc0000142), (0xe06d7363), (0xc0000906)

Ошибка 0xc0000142 / 0xe06d7363 / 0xc0000906

Эти ошибки относятся не только к одним из наиболее часто встречаемых проблем, но и к наиболее сложным в процессе исправления. Потому что никогда сразу непонятно, почему они появляются. С другой стороны, известно, что подобное происходит только в двух случаях: 1 – в процессе запуска какой-нибудь программы или игры, 2 – буквально сразу после того, как удалось войти в систему.

Причём в первом случае чаще всего это касается недавно установленного приложения, поскольку ни одна из этих ошибок никогда сама по себе не появляется. В любом случае существует несколько способов, которые помогают избавиться от них. Рекомендуем внимательно ознакомиться с каждым.

Отключите антивирусную программу

Ни для кого не секрет, что часто всему виной является антивирус. Только вот в случае с перечисленными ошибками лучше программу не просто отключить, а временно удалить. После чего попробовать запустить приложение. Однако если это не поможет, тогда сделайте следующее:

  • Полностью удаляете приложение, чтобы не осталось никаких папок и остаточных файлов.

Отключите «Защитник Windows»

Помимо антивирусной программы, также следует попробовать отключить «Защитник Windows». Поскольку он тоже запросто может быть причиной появления этих ошибок. Для этого нужно сделать следующее:

  • Открыть «Центр безопасности Защитника Windows» выбрать настройки нажать на раздел «Защита от вирусов и угроз».

Общий FAQ: Ошибка (0xc0000142), (0xe06d7363), (0xc0000906)

Проверьте путь на наличие кириллицы

Обязательно проверьте, что путь к приложению не содержал наличие кириллицы. Причём стоит отметить, что наличие в адресе «Пользователи» никак не влияет на это. Так что если после «Пользователи» идёт кириллица, тогда придётся создавать нового локального пользователя, у которого имя будет иметь латинские буквы. В таком случае также, возможно, придётся переустановить и само приложение на новом пользователе.

Воспользуйтесь чистой загрузкой

Решить проблему в таком случае можно чистой загрузкой. Как правило, это помогает в тех случаях, когда ошибка появляется при запуске Windows 10. Поскольку причина практически всегда связана с какой-то определённой программой или службой, что находятся в автозагрузках.

  • Открываете в Windows 10 окно «Параметры», используя меню

или сочетание клавиш

Проверьте целостность файлов

Вполне возможно, ошибка возникает из-за того что была повреждена целостность системных файлов. И для их проверки у Windows 10 существа два инструмента – DISM.exe с командой Repair-WindowsImage для PowerShell и SFC.exe. Мы рекомендуем воспользоваться последним, поскольку он наиболее привычный и простой. А осуществить проверку можно следующим образом:

  • Откройте «Командную строку» от имени администратора (для этого в поиске просто введите «Командная строка).

все найденные ошибки будут автоматически исправлены.

Общий FAQ: Ошибка (0xc0000142), (0xe06d7363), (0xc0000906)

Измените значение в реестре

Реестр в операционной системе Windows 10 – это большая база данных. И именно эти данные определяют свойства и поведение системы. Поэтому редактирование в нём иногда помогает избавиться от ошибок. Только вот без должного опыта или надёжной инструкции лезть туда самостоятельно крайне не рекомендуется.

Поэтому предлагаем воспользоваться нижеописанной инструкцией. Только перед тем, как начнёте что-то менять, убедитесь в наличие нужного раздела. Сделать это можно следующим образом:

в окне «Выполнить» введите команду regedit нажмите

после чего в окне «Редактор реестра» отыщите раздел, представленный ниже.

Общий FAQ: Ошибка (0xc0000142), (0xe06d7363), (0xc0000906)

Запустите восстановление системы

Это касается тех случаев, когда игра работала адекватно, но в определённый момент начала неожиданно появляться ошибка. Хотя игра не подвергалась никаким посторонним действиям. К примеру, не устанавливались моды, патчи и многое другое. В общем, тогда можно запустить процесс восстановления системы.

Другие способы

  • В обязательном порядке попробуйте вручную установить драйверы для графического процессора. Причём это касается не только интегрированной видеокарты, но и дискретной.

Руководство как получить DLC бесплатно на лицензии v0.1 для Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.40.x)

Руководство как получить DLC бесплатно на лицензии v0.1 для Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.40.x)

Небольшое руководство как получить DLC бесплатно на лицензии. В архиве русская и английская версии и папка bin.

1.Узнаём какая у вас версия игры в стиме сделать это можно зайдя в игру и в правом нижнем углу увидеть. В моём случае
2. Скачиваем эту версию игры со всеми DLC
4. Заходим в папку Steam/Steamapps/Common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/выбираем разрядную систему и видим там steam_api64.dll в конце добавляем _o

О должна быть англ!

У нас должно получится steam_api64_o.dll

5. После того как скачали открываем архив и там будет папка bin,заходим выбираем свою разрядную систему в моём случае x64 и все файлы кидаем
в папку с игрой по пути Steam/Steamapps/Common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/выбираем разрядную систему,и кидаем в нужную 3 файла. Подтверждаем замену.
7. Кидаем все DLC с скачаной игры в папку с игрой, всё!

Ошибка «Недостаточно памяти»

Возникает ошибка, связанная с недостатком памяти, практически по десятку причин. Конечно, наиболее распространённые – это либо нехватка оперативной памяти «железа», либо маленький размер файла подкачки. В последнем случае, даже если вы ничего настраивали, всё запросто мог испортить сторонний софт или банальное отключение файла подкачки.

  • Необходимо попробовать увеличить файл подкачки ( «Пуск» «Параметры системы» в строке наверху вводите «Производительность» выбирайте «Настройку представления и производительности системы» «Дополнительно» «Изменить» убираете галочку с функции «Автоматически выбирать…» выбираете размер ).

FAQ по ошибкам Euro Truck Simulator 2

Отсутствует DLL-файл или ошибка DLL

Для начала следует объяснить, как вообще возникают ошибки, связанные с DLL-файлами: во время запуска Euro Truck Simulator 2 обращается к определённым DLL-файлам, и если игре не удаётся их отыскать, тогда она моментально вылетает с ошибкой. Причём ошибки могут быть самыми разными, в зависимости от потерянного файла, но любая из них будет иметь приставку «DLL» .

Для решения проблемы необходимо отыскать и вернуть в папку пропавшую DLL-библиотеку. И проще всего это сделать, используя специально созданную для таких случаев программу DLL-fixer – она отсканирует вашу систему и поможет отыскать недостающую библиотеку. Конечно, так можно решить далеко не любую DLL-ошибку, поэтому ниже мы предлагаем ознакомиться с более конкретными случаями.

Ошибка d3dx9_43.dll, xinput1_2.dll, x3daudio1_7.dll, xrsound.dll и др.

Все ошибки, в названии которых можно увидеть «d3dx» , «xinput» , «dxgi» , «d3dcompiler» и «x3daudio» лечатся одним и тем же способом – воспользуйтесь веб-установщиком исполняемых библиотек DirectX .

Ошибка MSVCR120.dll, VCRUNTIME140.dll, runtime-x32.dll и др.

Ошибки с названием «MSVCR» или «RUNTIME» лечатся установкой библиотек Microsoft Visual C++ (узнать, какая именно библиотека нужна можно в системных требованиях).

Избавляемся от ошибки MSVCR140.dll / msvcr120.dll / MSVCR110.dll и других DLL раз и навсегда

Очень часто стал замечать, что люди плачут об ошибках «запуск программы невозможен, так как на компьютере отсутствует MSVCR120.dll». Это встречается.

Не работает мышь, клавиатура или контроллер

Чаще всего, если такие проблемы и возникают, то строго на стороне игрока. В процессе подключения нового девайса ОС моментально пытается установить необходимый пакет драйверов, но проблема в том, что он стандартный, а значит, будет совместим далеко не с каждым устройством, поэтому проверьте наличие необходимых драйверов. Кроме того, на управление могут повлиять вирусы, так что обязательно проверьте систему.

Эмуляция джойстика Xbox 360

Каждый из нас хотел бы спокойно и с комфортом поиграть используя любой геймпад, не забивая кастомные раскладки.

Свежее видео на канале Coop-Land:

Euro Truck Simulator 2 вылетает в случайный момент или при запуске

Ниже приведено несколько простых способов решения проблемы, но нужно понимать, что вылеты могут быть связаны как с ошибками игры, так и с ошибками, связанными с чем-то определённым на компьютере. Поэтому некоторые случаи вылетов индивидуальны, а значит, если ни одно решение проблемы не помогло, следует написать об этом в комментариях и, возможно, мы поможем разобраться с проблемой.

  • Первым делом попробуйте наиболее простой вариант – перезапустите Euro Truck Simulator 2, но уже с правами администратора.
Как увеличить объём памяти видеокарты? Запускаем любые игры

Большинство компьютеров и ноутбуков имеют интегрированную (встроенную) графическую карту. Но для работы видеоадаптера используется лишь часть.

Читайте также:


  • Rage 2 почему мерцает экран

  • Gears of war 4 сколько весит

  • Сколько стоит car mechanic simulator 2018 на ps4

  • Как сделать 1000000 хп в майнкрафт

  • Humankind как основать город

Играл на связке карт RusMap+SR+SibirMap+Road to Asia. Всё было ок до города Ашхабад — там вылет. Лог после вылета прилагаю. Может кто что подскажет.

************ : log created on : Sunday February 12 2023 @ 20:32:06

00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86_64 / Windows 10 x64 (version 10.0.19044)

00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: C:Euro Truck Simulator 2binwin_x64eurotrucks2.exe

00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~2712MHz.

00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)

00:00:00.000 : [sys] and 3 worker threads for IO.

00:00:00.000 : [sys] plus 3 real-time worker threads.

00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / HPET timer, frequency 10000000Hz

00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 16328M

00:00:00.001 : [mem] physical avail: 12342M

00:00:00.001 : [mem] virtual total: 134217727M

00:00:00.001 : [mem] virtual avail: 134213105M

00:00:00.001 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (2097152K)

00:00:00.001 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)

00:00:00.020 : [xinput] Using XInput version 1.4.0

00:00:00.043 : [hashfs] effect.scs: Created and validated, 15720 entries (871FAF20D71537D38BE6CA6B3B0A9A994E970EC9589162B9AFC939FCA22E6CC7)

00:00:00.043 : [fs] device effect.scs mounted.

00:00:00.157 : [hashfs] base.scs: Created and validated, 160383 entries (10E65692C32313420097FA651DE955F9C4ECF761D6020ABF8C28FA9BB04100DE)

00:00:00.157 : [fs] device base.scs mounted.

00:00:00.158 : [hashfs] core.scs: Created and validated, 9 entries (47424F0C6F1168D51849EA2A0795E71030C209F8223EC12723BAB86155ECF870)

00:00:00.158 : [fs] device core.scs mounted.

00:00:00.601 : [hashfs] def.scs: Created and validated, 34317 entries (C12ED752247967FB0990261DD76E1DBDDBF3E22B99021D4C6ECB5E78BD5DA705)

00:00:00.601 : [fs] device def.scs mounted.

00:00:00.712 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Created and validated, 172 entries (894460CC2434CDD1F23333A9BB0D8D4964DB467FCC4D143FC7A812C4E453A5D6)

00:00:00.712 : [fs] device locale.scs mounted.

00:00:00.713 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Created and validated, 1 entries (47C94EC105503637D6E818B96368EA96112F54280FE7B28A1CECF92F2055BC12)

00:00:00.713 : [fs] device base_cfg.scs mounted.

00:00:00.713 : [ufs] Home directory: ‘C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2’.

00:00:00.713 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2 mounted.

00:00:00.724 : [hashfs] dlc_actros_tuning.scs: Created and validated, 2614 entries (33422FE8ECBE9A53520E7E3D643AE1AB0D0412CF3709A3D4067C9A5BA51BF28D)

00:00:00.810 : [hashfs] dlc_balkan_e.scs: Created and validated, 10413 entries (5067DDBA872F47340A924D4A53CA61056C1DA60CD1C8EF763D45FF2B2B81D426)

00:00:00.869 : [hashfs] dlc_balt.scs: Created and validated, 7787 entries (BD103E855177F3AA514EF147C8D7086B3CA6ED1BE33366ADF3EE52A7FC8503E2)

00:00:00.879 : [hashfs] dlc_christmas.scs: Created and validated, 3167 entries (58ABACB832AD41C9D23015B92D2EDD1A46BD630C62D4C3962E4AE99996319D98)

00:00:00.910 : [hashfs] dlc_daf_2021.scs: Created and validated, 2490 entries (B52DD8A10B3DCA3B579CF9F67E825E626289F80AB1A5B7E927B97BECC7243FF7)

00:00:00.920 : [hashfs] dlc_daf_tuning_pack.scs: Created and validated, 2542 entries (275B98C603F97E67CC67CF4992CFF4A37EFE27004BBB479A2F56123ABD8405A8)

00:00:00.924 : [hashfs] dlc_dragon.scs: Created and validated, 765 entries (D870573D819DFC0159D8F744F702C10952C3277FC186948498AEC28B76E10CDA)

00:00:00.928 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Created and validated, 969 entries (CAF75FB1BD139A91DDC4F1551E37F5DF7B2B027449E5C705E95A8BEA17345C95)

00:00:00.933 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Created and validated, 1862 entries (DC183522D8AF13765AD2D38FEE2A67C4ABACCD4506012E3654E040F762EB9AE3)

00:00:00.938 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_at.scs: Created and validated, 1220 entries (91F9ADCE99C195261EBFD249F3D0D612AF82E027D89BC0AFA511DDB667B1A21F)

00:00:00.942 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_aus.scs: Created and validated, 1419 entries (6877E6B1847EB50CBE169232949D0D8882AEDE8B619681A3A2129A44A460CB53)

00:00:00.948 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_be.scs: Created and validated, 1478 entries (7C76D8FAA50582627D6AB6BF091DC2DFEAE390698C430E9596A34B4C04A18721)

00:00:00.955 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bg.scs: Created and validated, 1183 entries (AC2D890F4D38388D85797CD1733D6E3ED74C625160698F45D0BD078148A84E97)

00:00:00.960 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Created and validated, 1236 entries (672FCFDA4C630B121F96D3FE1BBBB609E1428BF39DE5810D7410EB9ACDE44980)

00:00:00.964 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Created and validated, 1245 entries (88E56422E2517974F7115ACD7983243B73609B5278A71BD8142784F43D07B342)

00:00:00.975 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ch.scs: Created and validated, 1076 entries (BEABE61E07D2F36831E458034DA7C8959D0A5FBC9B65A001E8821ECA0A592D52)

00:00:00.979 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cn.scs: Created and validated, 1130 entries (E8C58A09FF402A60862B656BAEAD17C5B18559A89E4362E20955BF5F02A75D44)

00:00:00.983 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Created and validated, 1233 entries (AC271BC5A4CF0FA7CB10E0B824CC87465A39C9EE63C071D244B51C87300D7BDA)

00:00:00.988 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Created and validated, 1179 entries (92AE58E0DD1FBCC2AE49D9CCD418154BC63FB5222594A80825F29AA57A2B0A49)

00:00:00.992 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_dk.scs: Created and validated, 1169 entries (E783096159D7F4EE63183E8F9FA6A7EA36CF13ACA35771AC3C1668E38DA86AA8)

00:00:01.001 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ee.scs: Created and validated, 1564 entries (396D6D182E51C725C0ED60382A257C8AFF11AAFDEC5F285F420A2BDF3C35BB10)

00:00:01.010 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_es.scs: Created and validated, 1689 entries (2544EC5197FDDC5065108D804A2830B3591E659A7F499D16B2A982D88461B4A1)

00:00:01.014 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fi.scs: Created and validated, 1103 entries (41F22D6F2348772112B947C400D5C15F7B20DA86FFEAB7F695EDCBF9D09A3ED6)

00:00:01.020 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Created and validated, 1219 entries (C2839563D17528D63E39754C85C5B9CA6CEDC1EF590755426828EA139A191DEE)

00:00:01.026 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_hu.scs: Created and validated, 1442 entries (E8408A9C572433F6B79C8572A5240779F631A5CD75E3BC4BBE075A458E58A745)

00:00:01.031 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Created and validated, 1278 entries (E49A0571F66F0C413599603327942E289A9E73076CCE039C8867F820E407602F)

00:00:01.035 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_it.scs: Created and validated, 1158 entries (C6433041FB6C9C39B79496445990BE298C9F199504499FDFCBD5FEE72362E309)

00:00:01.040 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_jp.scs: Created and validated, 1240 entries (2A900C2A65BEB6F13CFCF4E0F9987DFCDD000D796760668539F98E1879DC2331)

00:00:01.045 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_kr.scs: Created and validated, 1444 entries (645470CFA3AD497D05A0A028D1B0F29F7C2CC366F53848977114042B114D45B5)

00:00:01.052 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_lt.scs: Created and validated, 1207 entries (68CD38E0C570511E67EE0AD7F61253CBE7BA09136A8F8815B4065CB0437E4F08)

00:00:01.059 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_lv.scs: Created and validated, 1127 entries (6A776AE882A070635A690EAF8A76E516E486A300DC6E15024972243A8549F80A)

00:00:01.064 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_n.scs: Created and validated, 1178 entries (4E01E873766B696253AB9C4622EA4ADCC2317CF2BE77E3F59971244D43EC3340)

00:00:01.071 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_nl.scs: Created and validated, 1269 entries (C02365E3A189E7823C0B28E43F1C7E06B32316BE0F582AA32716F6F16D746DAC)

00:00:01.075 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Created and validated, 1012 entries (0412028328F6608E0CF1C8221548F227440DD701BA88F20CFE8B7BC7243A8F86)

00:00:01.085 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pt.scs: Created and validated, 1644 entries (6FC72A2D20910DA82C50B94A9E8DB841B40014DFB730BED28C9584004EB9AA37)

00:00:01.089 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ro.scs: Created and validated, 1094 entries (217833E5C89D18FAC0D9586CF9FA5BA67B80FA9CAA87154592BCC3E16480B430)

00:00:01.093 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ru.scs: Created and validated, 1256 entries (28A755FB0C7C771CC902EB3A8D0D69B3BAB7FF5801213C7E750245035D45C173)

00:00:01.098 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_s.scs: Created and validated, 1258 entries (45D2C16EC543179BA50318F840031B9038BC290795CD6A762B02C677B984000B)

00:00:01.103 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Created and validated, 1323 entries (28F02F14EAD6F5A69140E905CD2E89F51B864934CABFD63E6FA056EC5347A8BA)

00:00:01.107 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sk.scs: Created and validated, 1086 entries (147820A47F061B1C3A692E0ACCF69950FA94DC93DD38F231C8AF670262839596)

00:00:01.112 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_tr.scs: Created and validated, 1247 entries (57CFE6E8F5D04C6A3B4EE826B9CC569A5FEED44608ED7289442195459792852E)

00:00:01.116 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Created and validated, 1200 entries (6725F24E35FADBCDF48A7E218FC58BDC73BE5537403707FE4CF3A5A21629EF06)

00:00:01.124 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ukr.scs: Created and validated, 1147 entries (9EB57063E91B0A47285A8B4EDA19786B9FD09713CADEFCE0435F5ED7CC7FDEF1)

00:00:01.128 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Created and validated, 1278 entries (B5F93280346151FBF77C589088D63D33E78A58A9B89F9057F22FFE4D4D6237CD)

00:00:01.150 : [hashfs] dlc_fr.scs: Created and validated, 3242 entries (4FA823271780C41EC83591FBD035957F5CF5EEE4FF702E17E76FA1D9FF7C6AD6)

00:00:01.162 : [hashfs] dlc_goodyear.scs: Created and validated, 1611 entries (FEFB4120D30545909D2EE833956778BE01DC813F6206F7D183717D11A17CFFEB)

00:00:01.188 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Created and validated, 2584 entries (C88986988084C936CC387AB4D509F716A678A1B83C7B9E9F7136ED33313D4EC4)

00:00:01.197 : [hashfs] dlc_heavy_cargo.scs: Created and validated, 1010 entries (944133BEFD3E5318CD6ECBFD7EA2B605E0805FACCC1454917612BFC952556D76)

00:00:01.204 : [hashfs] dlc_hs_schoch.scs: Created and validated, 1532 entries (9AF23BAE0806FF01BF7214C93B28750373B1740808140AEBD841C8073F760F0C)

00:00:01.257 : [hashfs] dlc_iberia.scs: Created and validated, 9517 entries (CAE262B7ADC522E50176C7541C41287551B7CA1FE2C348CB4D14C94B3ABEBA1A)

00:00:01.281 : [hashfs] dlc_it.scs: Created and validated, 3564 entries (B11DA8C0558567D23829416A12A103E042511AE4356875B003C6BF3A951E2BAB)

00:00:01.311 : [hashfs] dlc_krone.scs: Created and validated, 5220 entries (534024189F6A87B0724D937DC9FAA246011AA81584CC7503A322426ADCF7497C)

00:00:01.333 : [hashfs] dlc_lunar_new_year.scs: Created and validated, 7141 entries (7679E1F145721917BDA5DF66E813239D66AC413ED51373A3188D9702F270C7F4)

00:00:01.341 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Created and validated, 642 entries (372CCF3F3C849227BB2E18AD594E329C3EC18474590C00CC85A96105CACCFEDC)

00:00:01.349 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Created and validated, 736 entries (BDC8F5F806BDC0366BDEBBEA0041D22B23B33774ED60F0D3C4A5EE43128B49CE)

00:00:01.363 : [hashfs] dlc_michelin.scs: Created and validated, 2613 entries (E9958DC4F80E1B4F42C3CE3958B90F46A4F3E14C69A186D91C6E8F71F7F9B297)

00:00:01.376 : [hashfs] dlc_mighty_griffin.scs: Created and validated, 2955 entries (1898AC9B63D049FC6B2D7B739C1E2F1F46DF3391858B0C893D1223831DB7F104)

00:00:01.384 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Created and validated, 2701 entries (C502CB8C9806CDE1AEE48143C3BF6D414FB0F2E901AC1B3A0E2B78C60549BAB0)

00:00:01.407 : [hashfs] dlc_north.scs: Created and validated, 3166 entries (0EB4ADBA7311B8C254A99126830BECDB4DD8FB857658FF1CEF6BFD486DCAF167)

00:00:01.414 : [hashfs] dlc_oversize.scs: Created and validated, 704 entries (7D5020E90B509C06E1AA43A643CCB3FC2DC02FEFAF5C1B5A27D4CE2C45F1A577)

00:00:01.416 : [hashfs] dlc_pcg.scs: Created and validated, 173 entries (B6B69601C53AE22CBFBBEE48672DDAF33D88AA03D7A522C7B014C4D5575EBF9D)

00:00:01.531 : [hashfs] dlc_phys_flags.scs: Created and validated, 10558 entries (D802599589185BE8863D468FA7957C6B91F1ACB40F31903F162C98431629D82E)

00:00:01.538 : [hashfs] dlc_pink_ribbon.scs: Created and validated, 970 entries (7C579932E66402CD8E8B49BCDD1B7C716702D8E23CF97A074E9700C85A067262)

00:00:01.548 : [hashfs] dlc_pirates.scs: Created and validated, 2628 entries (033F3087700323B1E93E163D6E2F24CBFAB9939F37FE2DAB3C27D4A708C002A7)

00:00:01.555 : [hashfs] dlc_prehistoric.scs: Created and validated, 2666 entries (1BEAD2C8A6C50ADDDC54DE1798C784A33AFCA73BBC1A2B303306F7FEAC8D3213)

00:00:01.562 : [hashfs] dlc_raven.scs: Created and validated, 1522 entries (4816805C4F7BCECF1D21642D5FB67E071EED1E7A7487683C3B6202E2FAFE9DF5)

00:00:01.575 : [hashfs] dlc_renault_t_tuning.scs: Created and validated, 2835 entries (EEA71A121F76ADFD6236B58ED038FA04F9668D379A4AE02A225D1D5F22F16A98)

00:00:01.578 : [hashfs] dlc_rims.scs: Created and validated, 837 entries (EA7B0523071CC65B1FB93C071D7FAB1C020F95656FA0CA133F7AA3A45A26AB54)

00:00:01.580 : [hashfs] dlc_rocket_league.scs: Created and validated, 142 entries (4280A717367E05EDEB306DC5397C4E5FAFDB5134BCBBE5223CDE8FDF36A9E879)

00:00:01.598 : [hashfs] dlc_schwarzmuller.scs: Created and validated, 3969 entries (7FDD47D8BC5B2C62CC74B48905A4892AAE58D5321F64FAB9BF1765969C09D3D0)

00:00:01.609 : [hashfs] dlc_space.scs: Created and validated, 2382 entries (2DFA55CB832AAC7E643C8748D7410D4C9F02E8109E079C911639E43923738477)

00:00:01.619 : [hashfs] dlc_streetart.scs: Created and validated, 2153 entries (7C89E5AF42E3AF4A0A43FDDDB7F941FCEF46E97B7D1661E2A7BF43D29A8A87E7)

00:00:01.631 : [hashfs] dlc_super_stripes.scs: Created and validated, 3615 entries (9A8A3BDFEA66D0083FC6BFB80B7B8AA279D7491ED65A2A5492F073F9814B2120)

00:00:01.653 : [hashfs] dlc_toys.scs: Created and validated, 2690 entries (52A4B63DAC5B658392392DE08B2C80D1C0F2035E50B8374771F997B6F57A664F)

00:00:01.669 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Created and validated, 2665 entries (785471B772189DEC69BF2DA6796DF786AFCEBB309D2B09D9959320FFFB3CD4C7)

00:00:01.676 : [hashfs] dlc_valentine.scs: Created and validated, 1919 entries (6CECD934B030A2368220C73878F1D2339BC5C2BB0DC94F178775E40CBDE18C28)

00:00:01.682 : [hashfs] dlc_vikings.scs: Created and validated, 1834 entries (57CF5743C5072A18B2DA8C98533B05B77FD1606A93B79143E3522C9FBB526AE5)

00:00:01.699 : [hashfs] dlc_volvo_construction.scs: Created and validated, 2018 entries (989C5A2788461CBCAA1278022A6D450674AC40586C470F79C81061D93E35251D)

00:00:01.711 : [hashfs] dlc_volvo_tuning_pack.scs: Created and validated, 2566 entries (E505820BC633DBC3A7EBA9A4F8681307037F2D3F513CF7627518E9B8CC8B711B)

00:00:01.720 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Created and validated, 2931 entries (791626AB7D339894503D6376DBA81AFDD0E6091A5BCE5C183517B6F5552B985A)

00:00:01.736 : [zipfs] 01_basa_eastern_express.scs: Created, 46133 entries

00:00:01.742 : [zipfs] 02_basa_eastern_express.scs: Created, 15485 entries

00:00:01.745 : [zipfs] 03_basa_eastern_express.scs: Created, 6634 entries

00:00:01.746 : [zipfs] 04_eastern_express.scs: Created, 1835 entries

00:00:01.751 : [zipfs] 05_eastern_express_11_9_143.scs: Created, 16259 entries

00:00:01.752 : [zipfs] 06_fix_ets2_1_43_for_1_43.scs: Created, 268 entries

00:00:01.752 : [hashfs] AZGE146.scs: Created, 2188 entries

00:00:01.753 : [hashfs] AZGESR11RC.scs: Created, 47 entries

00:00:01.753 : [zipfs] ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs: Created, 13 entries

00:00:01.754 : [zipfs] PM263_RM2.46_connect_RusMap_v1.0.scs: Created, 412 entries

00:00:01.767 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia1-6.scs: Created, 28399 entries

00:00:01.782 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs: Created, 33838 entries

00:00:01.789 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models.scs: Created, 13339 entries

00:00:01.790 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs: Created, 795 entries

00:00:01.791 : [zipfs] RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs: Created, 8 entries

00:00:01.802 : [zipfs] RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 21478 entries

00:00:01.803 : [zipfs] RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 1343 entries

00:00:01.808 : [zipfs] RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 9730 entries

00:00:01.817 : [zipfs] RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 20078 entries

00:00:01.827 : [zipfs] sibirmap250allinone.scs: Created, 22427 entries

00:00:01.850 : [zipfs] SRMap_v12.scs: Created, 50218 entries

00:00:01.871 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs: Created, 45989 entries

00:00:01.872 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs: Created, 1139 entries

00:00:01.876 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs: Created, 9087 entries

00:00:01.878 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs: Created, 5864 entries

00:00:01.882 : [zipfs] tzmap.scs: Created, 8650 entries

00:00:01.883 : <WARNING> [unit] Ignored unknown attribute compatible_version[] =

00:00:01.883 : [mod_package_manager] Requesting Steam Workshop content..

00:00:01.883 : exec /home/config.cfg

00:00:01.883 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg …

00:00:01.883 : uset r_show_sun_cascades «0»

00:00:01.883 : uset r_tonemap_debug «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset r_drr_strength «8.0»

00:00:01.884 : uset r_hide_helpers «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_sound_debug «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_intro_music_mute «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_intro_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_ui_music_mute «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_ui_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_master_mute «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_init_master_volume «0.75»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_output_driver «»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_live_update «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset s_suspend_sound «1»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_mm_help_shown «1»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_frame_image_fmt «jpg»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_frames_path «»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_editor_zoom_speed «1.0»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_map_note_user_id «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_color_feedback «1»

00:00:01.884 : uset g_disable_hud_activation «0»

00:00:01.884 : uset r_wireframe «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset g_interior_camera_zero_pitch «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_exterior_in_aux «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_interior_in_main «1»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_rotation_aux «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_rotation_right «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_rotation_left «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_rotation_center «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_vert_offset_right «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_vert_offset_left «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_fov_vertical «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_fov_horizontal «50»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_multimon_mode «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_use_depth_bounds «1»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_buffer_page_size «10»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_deferred_debug «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_mirror_scale_y «1»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_mirror_scale_x «1»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_scale_y «0.75»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_scale_x «0.75»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_normal_maps «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_sunshafts «0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_color_saturation «1.0»

00:00:01.885 : uset r_color_yellow_blue «0.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_color_magenta_green «0.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_color_cyan_red «0.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_color_correction «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_light_flares «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_cloud_shadows «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_dof_filter_size «0.5»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_dof_transition «400.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_dof_start «200.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_dof «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_ssao «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_smaa «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_fake_shadows «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size «2048»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mirror_group «3»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mirror_view_distance «80»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_deferred_mirrors «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_nowmi «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_startup_progress «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_setup_done «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_gamma «1»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale «1.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game «100»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov «80»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game «0.5»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist «0.8»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_minimal_unfinished_frames «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_no_frame_tracking «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_fullscreen «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mode_refresh «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mode_height «1080»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_mode_width «1920»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_path «»

00:00:01.886 : uset r_device «dx11»

00:00:01.886 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed «500.0»

00:00:01.886 : uset g_stream_exts «.ogg;.mp3»

00:00:01.886 : uset g_album_image «0»

00:00:01.886 : uset g_thrustmaster «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_tobii «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_trackir «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_lod_factor_pedestrian «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_pedestrian «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_light_span_factor «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_light_distance_factor «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_lod_factor_parked «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_lod_factor_traffic «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_traffic «1.0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_kdop_preview «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug_quality «100»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_shoulder_block_coloring «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_debug_map_limits «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_city_name_move «0»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_developer «1»

00:00:01.887 : uset g_semantical_pause_inactivity «120»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_pause_on_disconnect «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_semantical_ff_inactivity «300»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_steam_rich_presence «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_steam_browser «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_steam_screenshots «2»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_artist_id «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_save_format «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_trailer_cables_mode «2»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_intelligent_transmission «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_spec_trans_refill_tank «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_flyspeed «100.0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_online_loading_screens «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_news «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_colbox «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_radio_mode «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_ignore_low_fps «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_truck_light_specular «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_gfx_all_scales «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_gfx_advanced «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_gfx_quality «-1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_hq_3d_scale «0.0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_menu_aa_limit «8»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_additional_water_fov «20.0f»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_water_reflect_actor «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_sensor «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_rain_reflection «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_reflection_scale «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_reflection «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_grass_density «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_veg_detail «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_save_indicator «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_game_version «»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_force_online_lscrs «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_hw_info «1»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_glass_debugging_level «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_line_sort «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_cargo_sort «11»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_bloom_standard_deviation «0.5»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_bloom_override «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_bloom «1.0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_global_force_load_selector «0»

00:00:01.888 : uset g_desktop_fadeout «60»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_suspension_auto_reset «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_upshift_coef «0.3»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_downshift_coef «0.8»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_minicon «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_console_state «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_console «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_texture_usage_stats «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset g_fps «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset ui_tooltip_delay «0.4»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_imgui_scale «1.0»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_output «-1»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_adapter «-1»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_vsync «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_color_mode «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_anisotropy_factor «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset r_texture_detail «2»

00:00:01.889 : uset cf_asus_aura «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset cf_razer_chroma «1»

00:00:01.889 : uset v_bug_break «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset t_locked_fps «0»

00:00:01.889 : uset t_averaging_window_length «20»

00:00:01.897 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419

00:00:01.914 : Selected language: ru_ru

00:00:01.914 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. ed5e9fe5b0de)

00:00:01.915 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx11

00:00:01.915 : [gfx] NVAPI not detected. (-2)

00:00:01.940 : [gfx] AGS initialized

00:00:01.940 : [ags] GPU: 0 (AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series)

00:00:01.940 : [ags] AMD EyeFinity disabled

00:00:01.964 : [net] LOG INFO: Started

00:00:01.970 : [fs] device mounted.

00:00:01.971 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440×900…

00:00:01.972 : [dxgi] Detected following adapters:

00:00:01.972 : [dxgi] 0 — AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series (27.20.20912.1002) [4070 MB]

00:00:01.973 : [gfx] Using the DXGI display backend

00:00:02.035 : [dxgi] Using adapter: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series (27.20.20912.1002) [4070 MB]

00:00:02.039 : [dx11] Using SM5X rendering path

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Adapter 0: on DXGI backend

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Output 0 : \.DISPLAY1 — CRTC @ (0, 0, 1920, 1080)

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Detected color modes:

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 0 — SDR

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Display MinLum: 0.000000, MaxLum 0.000000, MaxAvgLum: 0.000000

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 0 — 640×480 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 1 — 640×480 (32bpp) [67Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 2 — 640×480 (32bpp) [72Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 3 — 640×480 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 4 — 720×400 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 5 — 720×400 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 6 — 720×400 (32bpp) [70Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 7 — 800×600 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 8 — 800×600 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.095 : [disp] Mode 9 — 1024×768 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 10 — 1024×768 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 11 — 1280×720 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 12 — 1280×960 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 13 — 1280×1024 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 14 — 1280×1024 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 15 — 1366×768 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 16 — 1366×768 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 17 — 1366×768 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 18 — 1366×768 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 19 — 1440×900 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 20 — 1440×900 (32bpp) [75Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 21 — 1600×900 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.096 : [disp] Mode 22 — 1600×900 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.097 : [disp] Mode 23 — 1680×1050 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.097 : [disp] Mode 24 — 1920×1080 (32bpp) [60Hz]

00:00:02.290 : [sound] Available drivers: #1

00:00:02.290 : [sound] Driver 0 = Динамики (Realtek High Definition Audio) (48000 Hz) ({a06ffed1-4d70-4eb1-86b5-ee295dd5dc13})

00:00:02.462 : [sound] Selecting default audio driver (0).

00:00:02.579 : Game is running on Steamdeck: no, g_steam_steamdeck_mode 0

00:00:02.581 : [mod_package_manager] Received list of the steam workshop subscribed mods. (received 0 mods total, 0 loaded, 0 scheduled for download)

00:00:02.581 : [di8] Initializing device ‘@@keyboard@@’ as ‘keyboard’

00:00:02.582 : [di8] Initializing device ‘@@i_mouse@@’ as ‘mouse’

00:00:02.711 : Banlist loading…

00:00:02.712 : === BAN LIST ===

00:00:02.712 : ================

00:00:02.717 : dispatch

00:00:02.717 : exit

00:00:02.878 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet

00:00:04.695 : mm_flush_repeatedly

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] 01_basa_eastern_express.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] tzmap.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.696 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] SRMap_v12.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] sibirmap250allinone.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.697 : [zipfs] RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia1-6.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] PM263_RM2.46_connect_RusMap_v1.0.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [zipfs] ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.698 : [hashfs] AZGESR11RC.scs: Unmounted.

00:00:04.698 : [hashfs] AZGE146.scs: Unmounted.

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 06_fix_ets2_1_43_for_1_43.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 05_eastern_express_11_9_143.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 04_eastern_express.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 03_basa_eastern_express.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.699 : [zipfs] 02_basa_eastern_express.scs: Unmounted

00:00:04.703 : [fs] device dlc_actros_tuning.scs mounted.

00:00:04.703 : [fs] device dlc_balkan_e.scs mounted.

00:00:04.703 : [fs] device dlc_balt.scs mounted.

00:00:04.703 : [fs] device dlc_christmas.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_daf_2021.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_daf_tuning_pack.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_dragon.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_east.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_fantasy.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_at.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_aus.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_be.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_bg.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_bz.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ca.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ch.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_cn.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_cz.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_de.scs mounted.

00:00:04.704 : [fs] device dlc_flags_dk.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ee.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_es.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_fi.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_fr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_hu.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ie.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_it.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_jp.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_kr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_lt.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_lv.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_n.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_nl.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_pl.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_pt.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ro.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ru.scs mounted.

00:00:04.705 : [fs] device dlc_flags_s.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_sc.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_sk.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_tr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_uk.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_ukr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_flags_us.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_fr.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_goodyear.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_halloween.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_heavy_cargo.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_hs_schoch.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_iberia.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_it.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_krone.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_lunar_new_year.scs mounted.

00:00:04.706 : [fs] device dlc_metallics.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_metallics2.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_michelin.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_mighty_griffin.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_nature.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_north.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_oversize.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_pcg.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_phys_flags.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_pink_ribbon.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_pirates.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_prehistoric.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_raven.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_renault_t_tuning.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_rims.scs mounted.

00:00:04.707 : [fs] device dlc_rocket_league.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_schwarzmuller.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_space.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_streetart.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_super_stripes.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_toys.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_trailers.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_valentine.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_vikings.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_volvo_construction.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_volvo_tuning_pack.scs mounted.

00:00:04.708 : [fs] device dlc_winter.scs mounted.

00:00:04.775 : uset s_cbeffects_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_voiceover_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_intro_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_ui_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_ui_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_navigation_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.775 : uset s_radio_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_interior_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_ambient_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_world_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_traffic_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_trailer_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_noise_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_effects_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_turbo_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_exhaust_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_truck_engine_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_master_mute «0»

00:00:04.776 : uset s_cbeffects_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_voiceover_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_intro_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_ui_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_ui_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_navigation_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_radio_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_interior_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_ambient_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_world_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_traffic_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_trailer_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_noise_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_effects_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_turbo_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_exhaust_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_truck_engine_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.777 : uset s_master_volume «0.75»

00:00:04.777 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion «0.09»

00:00:04.777 : uset i_oculus_eye_height «0.15»

00:00:04.777 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction «0.1»

00:00:04.777 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction «0.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset r_interior «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset r_steering_wheel «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_5 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_4 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_3 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_2 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_preset_1 «»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_eye_enable «0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_cam_window_block «0.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_toy_physics «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_cam_steering_reverse «1.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_cam_steering_value «1.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_cam_steering «0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range «1.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_brake_intensity «3»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_steer_anim_range «1950»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_steer_autocenter «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_clutch_brake «0.0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_hshifter_synchronized «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_hshifter_split «3»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_hshifter_layout_shifting «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_hshifter_layout «splitter»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_trans «0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_baked_vehicle «1»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_force_economy_reset «0»

00:00:04.777 : uset g_input_configured «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_reverb_world «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_reverb_cabin «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_noise_aero «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_noise_windows «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_rumble_enabled «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_reverse_enabled «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_type «roger01»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_own «0»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_enabled «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset s_cb_radio_noise_enabled «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_mp_name_tags «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_fade_out_timer «5»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_partial_fade_out «0»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_on_navigation «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_activate «1»

00:00:04.778 : uset g_chat_close_automatic «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_disable_beacons «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_show_game_blockers «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_show_game_elements «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_eye_pause_gaze «3000»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_eye_pause «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cam_blinker «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_camera_horizon_lock «0.5»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cam_physics_value «1.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cam_physics «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_max_traffic_jam_speed «0.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_acc_sens «20»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_emergency_mode «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_emergency_brake «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_acc «0.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_blinker_auto_off «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cruise_control_smart «5.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cruise_control_grid «5.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_adaptive_shift «0.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_fuel_simulation «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hardcore_simulation «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_reg_setting «»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_brake_light_all «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_use_speed_limiter «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hud_speed_warning «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_hud_speed_limit «2»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_axle_drop_auto «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_engine_start_auto «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_motor_brake_auto «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_retarder_auto «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_cabin_suspension_stiffness «1.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_suspension_stiffness «1.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_trailer_stability «0.5»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_driveshaft_torque «0.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_truck_stability «0.495»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_mpg «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_gallon «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_fahrenheit «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_pounds «kg»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_mph «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_road_events «0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_detours «1.0»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_online_billboards «1»

00:00:04.779 : uset g_name_localization_secondary «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_name_localization «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_lang_set «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_lang «ru_ru»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_cutscenes «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_phys_mirrors «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_world_map_zoom «5»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_cargo_load_require_park_brake «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_cargo_load_require_engine_off «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_event_desktop_bcg_change «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_event_desktop_bcg_restore «config»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_last_event_desktop_bcg_change «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_show_always_wotr_event «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_last_wotr_event_start «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_multiplayer_backup_index «-1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_force_load_selector «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_start_in_truck «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_park_brake_init «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_trailer_advanced_coupling «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_parking_difficulty «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_simple_parking_doubles «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_speed_warning «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_voice_navigation_pack «»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_voice_navigation «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_job_distance «1.06649»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_job_distance_limit «-1.0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_income_factor «1.0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_currency «9»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_bad_weather_factor «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_truck_analysis_fold «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_desktop_rnd «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_desktop_bcg «config»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_save_idx «3»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_ui_map_align «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_gps_routing_mode «0»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_gps_navigation «3»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_heavy_cargo_popup «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_mirrors «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_adviser_eta «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_adviser_running_message «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_adviser_auto_parking «1»

00:00:04.780 : uset g_adviser_keep_hidden «0»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_adviser «2»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_desktop_tutorial «1»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_tutorial «1»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_fatigue «0»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_time_zones «2»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_police «1»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_subtitles «0»

00:00:04.781 : uset g_clock_24 «1»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_cbeffects_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_voiceover_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_intro_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ui_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ui_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_navigation_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_music_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_radio_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_interior_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ambient_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_world_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_traffic_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_trailer_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_noise_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_effects_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_turbo_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_exhaust_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_engine_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_master_mute «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_cbeffects_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_voiceover_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_intro_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ui_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ui_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_navigation_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_music_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_radio_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_interior_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_ambient_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_world_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_traffic_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_trailer_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_noise_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_effects_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_turbo_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_exhaust_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_truck_engine_volume «0.5»

00:00:04.782 : uset s_master_volume «0.75»

00:00:04.782 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion «0.09»

00:00:04.782 : uset i_oculus_eye_height «0.15»

00:00:04.782 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction «0.1»

00:00:04.782 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction «0.0»

00:00:04.782 : uset r_interior «1»

00:00:04.782 : uset r_steering_wheel «1»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_5 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_4 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_3 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_2 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_preset_1 «»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_eye_enable «0»

00:00:04.782 : uset g_cam_window_block «0.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_toy_physics «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_cam_steering_reverse «1.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_cam_steering_value «1.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_cam_steering «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range «1.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_brake_intensity «3»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_steer_anim_range «1950»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_steer_autocenter «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_clutch_brake «0.0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hshifter_synchronized «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hshifter_split «3»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hshifter_layout_shifting «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hshifter_layout «splitter»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_trans «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_baked_vehicle «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_force_economy_reset «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_input_configured «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_reverb_world «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_reverb_cabin «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_noise_aero «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_noise_windows «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_rumble_enabled «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_reverse_enabled «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_type «roger01»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_own «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_cb_radio_beep_enabled «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset s_cb_radio_noise_enabled «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_mp_name_tags «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_fade_out_timer «5»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_partial_fade_out «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_on_navigation «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_activate «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_chat_close_automatic «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_disable_beacons «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_show_game_blockers «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_show_game_elements «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement «1»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_eye_pause_gaze «3000»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_eye_pause «0»

00:00:04.783 : uset g_cam_blinker «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_camera_horizon_lock «0.5»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cam_physics_value «1.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cam_physics «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_max_traffic_jam_speed «0.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_acc_sens «20»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_emergency_mode «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_emergency_brake «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_acc «0.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_blinker_auto_off «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cruise_control_smart «5.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cruise_control_grid «5.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_adaptive_shift «0.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_fuel_simulation «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_hardcore_simulation «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_reg_setting «»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_brake_light_all «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_use_speed_limiter «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_hud_speed_warning «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_hud_speed_limit «2»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_axle_drop_auto «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_engine_start_auto «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_motor_brake_auto «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_retarder_auto «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cabin_suspension_stiffness «1.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_suspension_stiffness «1.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_trailer_stability «0.5»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_driveshaft_torque «0.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_truck_stability «0.495»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_mpg «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_gallon «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_fahrenheit «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_pounds «kg»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_mph «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_road_events «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_detours «1.0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_online_billboards «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_name_localization_secondary «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_name_localization «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_lang_set «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_lang «ru_ru»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cutscenes «1»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_phys_mirrors «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_world_map_zoom «5»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cargo_load_require_park_brake «0»

00:00:04.784 : uset g_cargo_load_require_engine_off «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_event_desktop_bcg_change «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_event_desktop_bcg_restore «config»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_last_event_desktop_bcg_change «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_show_always_wotr_event «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_last_wotr_event_start «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_multiplayer_backup_index «-1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_force_load_selector «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_start_in_truck «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_park_brake_init «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_trailer_advanced_coupling «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_parking_difficulty «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_simple_parking_doubles «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_speed_warning «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_voice_navigation_pack «»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_voice_navigation «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_job_distance «1.06649»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_job_distance_limit «-1.0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_income_factor «1.0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_currency «9»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_bad_weather_factor «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_truck_analysis_fold «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_desktop_rnd «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_desktop_bcg «config»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_save_idx «3»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_ui_map_align «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_gps_routing_mode «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_gps_navigation «3»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_heavy_cargo_popup «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_mirrors «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser_eta «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser_running_message «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser_auto_parking «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser_keep_hidden «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_adviser «2»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_desktop_tutorial «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_tutorial «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_fatigue «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_time_zones «2»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_police «1»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_subtitles «0»

00:00:04.785 : uset g_clock_24 «1»

00:00:04.818 : New profile selected: ‘:no_cloud/yuraxa1’

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active 19 mods (local: 19, workshop: 0)

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active local mod sibirmap250allinone (name: SibirMap 2.5.0, version: 2.5.0 VERSION, author: 10avoid)

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active local mod The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0 (name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral — model2, version: 2.0, author: 09_KZ, adp.Vell MayDay)

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active local mod The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0 (name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral — model, version: 2.0, author: 09_KZ, adp.Vell MayDay)

00:00:12.570 : [mods] Active local mod The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0 (name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral — map, version: 2.0, author: 09_KZ, adp.Vell MayDay)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0 (name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral — def, version: 2.0, author: 09_KZ, adp.Vell MayDay)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod SRMap_v12 (name: SRmap v.12.0, version: 12.0, author: SimKA)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod Road_to_Asia_Models_2 (name: Road to Asia Models 2, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod Road_to_Asia_Models (name: Road to Asia Models, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod Road_to_Asia_Assets (name: Road to Asia Assets, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod Road_to_Asia1-6 (name: Road to Asia by TerraMaps Def/Map, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC (name: Dalian-Valencia Ferry Connection, version: 1.6, author: TerraMaps Team)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RusMap-def_v2.46.1 (name: RusMap-def_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, author: aldim@tor)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RusMap-model2_v2.46.1 (name: RusMap-model2_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, author: aldim@tor)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RusMap-model_v2.46.1 (name: RusMap-model_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, author: aldim@tor)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod RusMap-map_v2.46.1 (name: RusMap Map_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, author: aldim@tor)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod AZGE146 (name: AZGE add-on 1.46, version: 3.0, author: Arayas)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod AZGESR11RC (name: AZGE-SR11 RC, version: 1.46, author: Arayas)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod ETS2_Map v1.6.1 (name: ETS2_Map v1.6.1, version: 1.6.1, author: surga)

00:00:12.571 : [mods] Active local mod tzmap (name: prefabs_packed, version: 32.1, author: FLD)

00:00:12.867 : [zipfs] sibirmap250allinone.scs: Created, 22427 entries

00:00:12.867 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/sibirmap250allinone.scs mounted.

00:00:12.867 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «SibirMap 2.5.0» has been mounted. (package_name: sibirmap250allinone, version: 2.5.0 VERSION, source: User mods)

00:00:12.945 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs: Created, 5864 entries

00:00:12.946 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs mounted.

00:00:12.946 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «The Great Steppe incl. Aral — model2» has been mounted. (package_name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0, version: 2.0, source: User mods)

00:00:13.076 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs: Created, 9087 entries

00:00:13.076 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs mounted.

00:00:13.076 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «The Great Steppe incl. Aral — model» has been mounted. (package_name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0, version: 2.0, source: User mods)

00:00:13.096 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs: Created, 1139 entries

00:00:13.096 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs mounted.

00:00:13.096 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «The Great Steppe incl. Aral — map» has been mounted. (package_name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0, version: 2.0, source: User mods)

00:00:13.695 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs: Created, 45989 entries

00:00:13.695 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs mounted.

00:00:13.695 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «The Great Steppe incl. Aral — def» has been mounted. (package_name: The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0, version: 2.0, source: User mods)

00:00:14.363 : [zipfs] SRMap_v12.scs: Created, 50218 entries

00:00:14.363 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/SRMap_v12.scs mounted.

00:00:14.363 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «SRmap v.12.0» has been mounted. (package_name: SRMap_v12, version: 12.0, source: User mods)

00:00:14.372 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs: Created, 795 entries

00:00:14.373 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs mounted.

00:00:14.373 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Road to Asia Models 2» has been mounted. (package_name: Road_to_Asia_Models_2, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:14.561 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models.scs: Created, 13339 entries

00:00:14.561 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Models.scs mounted.

00:00:14.561 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Road to Asia Models» has been mounted. (package_name: Road_to_Asia_Models, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:14.990 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs: Created, 33838 entries

00:00:14.990 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs mounted.

00:00:14.990 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Road to Asia Assets» has been mounted. (package_name: Road_to_Asia_Assets, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:15.406 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia1-6.scs: Created, 28399 entries

00:00:15.406 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia1-6.scs mounted.

00:00:15.406 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Road to Asia by TerraMaps Def/Map» has been mounted. (package_name: Road_to_Asia1-6, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:15.406 : [zipfs] RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs: Created, 8 entries

00:00:15.407 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs mounted.

00:00:15.407 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «Dalian-Valencia Ferry Connection» has been mounted. (package_name: RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC, version: 1.6, source: User mods)

00:00:15.684 : [zipfs] RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 21478 entries

00:00:15.684 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs mounted.

00:00:15.684 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «RusMap-def_v2.46.1» has been mounted. (package_name: RusMap-def_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, source: User mods)

00:00:15.815 : [zipfs] RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 9730 entries

00:00:15.815 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs mounted.

00:00:15.815 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «RusMap-model2_v2.46.1» has been mounted. (package_name: RusMap-model2_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.084 : [zipfs] RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 20078 entries

00:00:16.085 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs mounted.

00:00:16.085 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «RusMap-model_v2.46.1» has been mounted. (package_name: RusMap-model_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.111 : [zipfs] RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs: Created, 1343 entries

00:00:16.111 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs mounted.

00:00:16.112 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «RusMap Map_v2.46.1» has been mounted. (package_name: RusMap-map_v2.46.1, version: 2.46.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.112 : [hashfs] AZGE146.scs: Created, 2188 entries

00:00:16.112 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs mounted.

00:00:16.112 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «AZGE add-on 1.46» has been mounted. (package_name: AZGE146, version: 3.0, source: User mods)

00:00:16.112 : [hashfs] AZGESR11RC.scs: Created, 47 entries

00:00:16.112 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGESR11RC.scs mounted.

00:00:16.112 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «AZGE-SR11 RC» has been mounted. (package_name: AZGESR11RC, version: 1.46, source: User mods)

00:00:16.113 : [zipfs] ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs: Created, 13 entries

00:00:16.113 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs mounted.

00:00:16.113 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «ETS2_Map v1.6.1» has been mounted. (package_name: ETS2_Map v1.6.1, version: 1.6.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.237 : [zipfs] tzmap.scs: Created, 8650 entries

00:00:16.237 : <WARNING> [unit] Ignored unknown attribute compatible_version[] =

00:00:16.237 : [fs] device C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/tzmap.scs mounted.

00:00:16.237 : [mod_package_manager] Mod «prefabs_packed» has been mounted. (package_name: tzmap, version: 32.1, source: User mods)

00:00:16.256 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rusmap_cities.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.260 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rtasia.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.260 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rtasia_cargo.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.261 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.srmap_cities.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.261 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.srmap_viewpoint.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.263 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tgs.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.263 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tgs_viewpoints.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.265 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.dlc_sum.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.265 : <WARNING> [app_lcl] Failed to add token ‘tz_yekt’ from localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’! Localization with that token already defined.

00:00:16.266 : <WARNING> [app_lcl] Failed to add token ‘tz_aqtt’ from localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’! Localization with that token already defined.

00:00:16.266 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:16.287 : game

00:00:16.439 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet

00:00:16.635 : Loaded trailers: 115

00:00:16.652 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘truck_semi’: 31

00:00:16.654 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘truck_long’: 0

00:00:16.656 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘train_cargo’: 11

00:00:16.658 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘car’: 2

00:00:16.659 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘bus’: 1

00:00:16.663 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘truck’: 13

00:00:16.666 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘tram’: 36

00:00:16.671 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘train’: 70

00:00:16.674 : Loaded traffic trailers of type ‘special’: 11

00:00:16.691 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘car’: 93

00:00:16.695 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘car_custom’: 35

00:00:16.702 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck’: 38

00:00:16.708 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_light’: 41

00:00:16.715 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_medium’: 10

00:00:16.717 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_heavy’: 7

00:00:16.719 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_long’: 0

00:00:16.722 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘truck_custom’: 7

00:00:16.726 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘bus’: 24

00:00:16.728 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘bus_custom’: 9

00:00:16.732 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘tram’: 39

00:00:16.735 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘train’: 14

00:00:16.740 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘train_wire’: 27

00:00:16.742 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘train_custom’: 1

00:00:16.752 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘police’: 64

00:00:16.756 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘fire’: 23

00:00:16.759 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘medical’: 20

00:00:16.761 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘escort_front’: 1

00:00:16.763 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘escort_back’: 1

00:00:16.765 : Loaded traffic vehicles of type ‘special’: 6

00:00:16.773 : Loaded addon hookups: 170

00:00:16.775 : Loading resource server data ….

00:00:16.775 : Loading condition data ….

00:00:16.776 : Loading vegetation data ….

00:00:16.797 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs | >/def/world/vegetation.rus.sii’, line 4:

00:00:16.797 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘veg.5000’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘vegetation_data’).

00:00:16.798 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/vegetation.rus.sii)

00:00:16.798 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/vegetation.sii)

00:00:16.806 : Loading traffic rule data ….

00:00:16.810 : Loading traffic semaphore data ….

00:00:16.814 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.814 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.815 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.815 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.815 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.azerbaijan’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.815 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_r.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.816 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘state_collision’ of unit ‘tr_sem_mdl.crossing_l.thailand’ (of type ‘tr_semaphore_model’).

00:00:16.823 : Loading road data ….

00:00:16.849 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs | >/def/world/road_look.template.fld_rta.sii’, line 4:

00:00:16.850 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘road.tmp00fld’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘road_look’).

00:00:16.850 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/road_look.template.fld_rta.sii)

00:00:16.863 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/road_look.sii)

00:00:16.864 : Loading terrain data ….

00:00:16.868 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs | >/def/world/terrain_material.rtaral.sii’, line 7:

00:00:16.868 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘terrain_mat.3tkmmap’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘material_def’).

00:00:16.868 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/terrain_material.rtaral.sii)

00:00:16.869 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/terrain_material.sii)

00:00:16.877 : Loading railing data ….

00:00:16.880 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs | >/def/world/railing.fld_rta.sii’, line 4:

00:00:16.881 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘railing.180fld’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘railing_model’).

00:00:16.881 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/railing.fld_rta.sii)

00:00:16.882 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/railing.sii)

00:00:16.882 : Loading building data ….

00:00:16.926 : Loading model data ….

00:00:16.964 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs | >/def/world/model.fld_rta.sii’, line 3:

00:00:16.964 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘model.fld23’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘model_def’).

00:00:16.964 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/model.fld_rta.sii)

00:00:16.970 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs | >/def/world/model.busstop.sii’, line 11:

00:00:16.970 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘model.busstop’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘model_def’).

00:00:16.970 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/model.busstop.sii)

00:00:16.972 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘distance_type’ of unit ‘model.dlc_sm_566’ (of type ‘model_def’).

00:00:16.985 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/model.sii)

00:00:16.995 : Loading prefab data ….

00:00:17.068 : <ERROR> Missing prefab descriptor: /prefab/gas/benzin_dummy.ppd

00:00:17.088 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs | >/def/world/prefab.fld_rta.sii’, line 4:

00:00:17.088 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘prefab.09fld’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘prefab_model’).

00:00:17.088 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/world/prefab.fld_rta.sii)

00:00:17.137 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/world/prefab.sii)

00:00:17.141 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/fork/road_sidewalk_end_walker.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.142 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/fork/road_1x_sidewalk_end_4m_walker.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.143 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/fork/road_sidewalk_end_4m_walker.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.144 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/fork/road_1x_sidewalk_end_walker.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.174 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_bi1/gas_big.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.174 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/tollgate/tollgate_m1_russia/tollgate.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.175 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_bi3/gas_big.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.175 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_bi1/gas_big_3lane.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.195 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_med_4c_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.195 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_med_4d_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.196 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4b.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.196 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4c.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.196 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_t_med_3b_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.197 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4d.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.197 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_t_med_3c_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.197 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_t_med_3b.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.198 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_t_med_3d_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.198 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_t_med_3c.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.198 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4b_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.199 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_t_med_3d.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.199 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4c_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.200 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road1_med_4d_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.200 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/roundabout/road2_med_4b_tex.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.206 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_staion/gas_station.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.210 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/parking/trucks_parking_fkssm.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.282 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/tradeaux_warehouse_alt/tradeaux_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.282 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.282 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/warehouse_orange_alt/warehouse_orange_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.282 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_expensive_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/warehouse_small_alt/warehouse_small_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/truck_dealer_alt/truck_dealer_02_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/truck_dealer_small_alt/truck_dealer_small_02_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/warehouse_grey_alt/warehouse_large_grey_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/warehouse_grey_v2alt/warehouse_large_grey_v2alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/sellplan_alt/sellplan_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/service_alt/service_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.283 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/recruitment_agency_alt/recruitment_agency_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.288 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/parkingg//car_fkssm.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.343 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_10.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.344 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_01.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.344 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_11.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.346 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_02.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.346 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_12.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.347 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_03.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.347 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_13.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.349 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_04.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.349 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_14.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.350 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_05.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.350 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_15.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.351 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_06.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.352 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_07.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.354 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_08.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.355 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/customs/rtasia_company_09.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.361 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_expensive_garage.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.368 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_expensive_shed.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.392 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/truck_dealer_alt/truck_dealer_02_nopark.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.392 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/truck_dealer_small_alt/truck_dealer_small_02_nopark.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.393 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/service_alt/service_nopark.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.397 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/depots/live_stock_farm/live_stock_farm.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.408 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_small_road/gasstation_small_road_ru_2.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.411 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_expensive_gas.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.421 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/garage_alt/garage_poor_alt.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.421 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/gas_stations/dystrybutor_diesel.ppd’ version 22 to current version (23)

00:00:17.539 : Loading sign data ….

00:00:17.616 : Loading sign template data ….

00:00:17.622 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs | >/def/sign/boards.rtaral.sii’, line 3:

00:00:17.622 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘sign_board.rtaralt_1’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘sign_board_def’).

00:00:17.622 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/sign/boards.rtaral.sii)

00:00:17.632 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/sign/boards.sii)

00:00:17.643 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs | >/def/sign/templates.rtaral.sii’, line 3:

00:00:17.643 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name ‘sign_templ.rtaralt_1’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘sign_template_def’).

00:00:17.643 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() — Failed to load units from file (/def/sign/templates.rtaral.sii)

00:00:17.652 : <ERROR> Data error. (/def/sign/templates.sii)

00:00:17.658 : Loading city data ….

00:00:17.725 : Loading country data ….

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs | >/def/country/azerbaijan/traffic.sii’:

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit ‘_nameless.1b6.82ec.8f40’ of type ‘country_traffic_info’ has dangling pointer (to ‘traffic.ural_next’) in the attribute named ‘object’.

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs | >/def/country/azerbaijan/traffic.sii’:

00:00:17.754 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to ‘traffic.ural_next’ looks like dangling pointer.

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs | >/def/country/azerbaijan/traffic.sii’:

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit ‘_nameless.1b6.82ec.8c70’ of type ‘country_traffic_info’ has dangling pointer (to ‘traffic.p_3204_1’) in the attribute named ‘object’.

00:00:17.754 : <ERROR> [unit] File ‘<C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/AZGE146.scs | >/def/country/azerbaijan/traffic.sii’:

00:00:17.754 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to ‘traffic.p_3204_1’ looks like dangling pointer.

00:00:17.761 : Linking cities with countries ….

00:00:17.761 : <ERROR> City ‘kutaisi’ cannot be linked with country ‘georgia’. Country of given name does not exists.

00:00:17.761 : <ERROR> City ‘tbilisi’ cannot be linked with country ‘georgia’. Country of given name does not exists.

00:00:17.762 : Loading stamp data ….

00:00:17.768 : Loading sound item reverbs ….

00:00:17.769 : Loading sound item data ….

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.veter_3’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.veter_3’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.igle’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.igle’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.syrasy’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.syrasy’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.efty’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.efty’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘sound_is_3d’ of unit ‘sound.aday’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : <WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute ‘min_dist’ of unit ‘sound.aday’ (of type ‘sound_item_data’).

00:00:17.772 : Loading sound ambient ….

00:00:17.774 : Loading live stream data ….

00:00:17.776 : Loading movers data ….

00:00:19.135 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model/panorama/ca_la/shift.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.135 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model/props/street/start_gate.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.136 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model/props/street/airdancer01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.137 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model/props/street/info_tube.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.137 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model2/mover/flags/country/flag_indonesia.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.138 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model2/mover/flags/country/flag_indonesia_long.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.145 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/characters/animations/man/idle/cros_hand_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.149 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/walk/walk_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.153 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle/cros_hand_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.160 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle/angry_man.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.166 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle/hand_back_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.171 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle/leaning_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.176 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle_sitting/sitting_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.181 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/man/idle_sitting/sitting_02.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.185 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/woman/walk/walk_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.186 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/woman/idle/idle_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.190 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/people/characters/animations/woman/idle_sitting/sitting_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.194 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/flags/landmark/flag.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.196 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/aircraft/747/b747_landing.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.196 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/aircraft/747/b747_takeoff.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.197 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/aircraft/747/b747_lod.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.202 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekg/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.210 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekw/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.219 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policetj/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.227 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policetm/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.232 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policecn/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.238 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekr/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.246 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policeuz/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.255 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policepk/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.260 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekp/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.278 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policecn2/animations/idle_with_mirror_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.291 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policetd/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.298 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policeir/animations/crosshand_idle_anim.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.309 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policekg2/animations/handback_idle_rta3.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.313 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/traffickp/idle_01.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.320 : <WARNING> [model] Model animation ‘/model.rtasia3/mover/policeaz/animations/crosshand_idle_anim.pma’ has incorrect file version 4 — expected version 5. Converting…

00:00:19.516 : Loading ferry data ….

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Unable to find unit: ferry.jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Cannot find source ferry data: jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Unable to find unit: ferry.jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Cannot find source ferry data: jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Unable to find unit: ferry.jakarta

00:00:19.530 : <ERROR> Cannot find source ferry data: jakarta

00:00:19.531 : <ERROR> Unable to find unit: ferry.salvador

00:00:19.531 : <ERROR> Cannot find source ferry data: salvador

00:00:19.531 : Loading hinges data ….

00:00:19.533 : Loading trigger action data ….

00:00:19.536 : Loading cutscene data ….

00:00:19.540 : Loading routes data ….

00:00:19.543 : Loading overrides ….

00:00:19.545 : Loading cargo data ….

00:00:19.660 : Loading company cargo data ….

00:00:22.830 : Loading unlock data ….

00:00:22.834 : Loading oversize offer data ….

00:00:23.092 : Map ‘/map/europe.mbd’ loading started ….

00:00:23.308 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘traffic_rule.car_srm’ for ‘Traffic area’ 0x33E3D1B830C042DA

00:00:23.308 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.minvodu’ for ‘City’ 0x33E3D1B84CC05805

00:00:23.308 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647BCA45D000000

00:00:23.308 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647BD4CA0000001

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075401C007DE

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075406402038

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075407001267

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07540C002013

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075414C01FAE

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075416801160

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07541D402006

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07541E801FC1

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075421801FB8

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07542300204B

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754274010E5

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075428401FD8

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07542B001FF1

00:00:23.309 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075437401FFD

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07543AC01FBE

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07543AC0200A

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07543EC0203C

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075442000C7F

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075450802009

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075452801FCB

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075458801FF5

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075459000C77

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075459001FCD

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075465002023

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075468C01FBF

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07546A401FF7

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07546C801FD7

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075470C01FCE

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07547B401FAF

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07548140113C

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075482C01FC5

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA07548AC01FF0

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075490800652

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075491001FF4

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA075499802017

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754A54010E4

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754A6C01FE2

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754B2001FB9

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754B8C01FC6

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754B9C02069

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754BF402033

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754C1802063

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754C600113B

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754C8800653

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754CA801FE3

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754CCC01F9E

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754CFC01FC4

00:00:23.310 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754D080200E

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754D5802055

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754DE401F9D

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754DE802005

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754E3002044

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754E8400C76

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754F2401FF6

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754F4001FCA

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x33DA0754FB402066

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x340269B01D800073

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x340269B0ABC00071

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x340269B0EE400077

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x340269B0F7400084

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E8485A000000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E88878C00001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E90CEF400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E9D89FC00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4550E9D89FC00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AEE410400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AEE410400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AF2022400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AF2022400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AF48B0000000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4552AF48B0000000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4634C15836800001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4634C15836800001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile16ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x4634C16473000001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x4634C16473000001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E51427400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E51427400000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E5C4ADC00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E5C4ADC00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E98476C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646EB589D800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646EC6829000001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646EFFC65800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646EFFC65800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36473A18F2800001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364756D00A400001

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364759C0F6C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364759C0F6C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476244CE800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476244CE800000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364767FCE3C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364767FCE3C00000

00:00:23.311 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364768D89F000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364768D89F000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476BCCA3800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476BCCA3800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476C3C1BC00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476C3C1BC00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476C8C72C00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476C8C72C00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36476DA861C00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36477090ECC00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36477110FD000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364772F8DB800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647733C3A800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36477388CF000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364773CC26800000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364774245BC00000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364774541B400000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647749CBE400000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x36477544EE000000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364775DCED400000

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647D850EF800001

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C701B000061

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C702F000134

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AE84C70444002C5

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AE84C70CD8002C6

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AE84C70CE0002C3

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC27C0037A

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC28C00310

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x364351AC298000FA

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC32C00252

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC38C00001

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC38C00001

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC3F8002C3

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC5200000A

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x364351AC588000EB

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC6E800337

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC7D4002C2

00:00:23.312 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351AC9180028D

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x364351ACB600012A

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351ACBC000253

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351ACC0C003B5

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x364351ACEC000112

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364351ACEDC001BD

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36436ADC55800000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36437678E7C00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3643802853800000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364381E4FAC00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364383942BC00001

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x36438394DFC00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364384E0A6C00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3643852064400000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646CAF412800001

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646CAF412800001

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E0E013C00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E0E013C00000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E210C1000000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E210C1000000

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E2B02F400001

00:00:23.313 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3646E2B02F400001

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara5’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C700AC00094

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700DC003DE

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C700F0001A3

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara13’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C701180037A

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara0’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C703180001B

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara18’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C7035000221

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara18’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C7042C00032

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C704D8001BA

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C705CC000B6

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara5’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C706D0001D8

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709A8003E9

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C70B04001E1

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70CD40040C

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C70DC00014A

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C70E34001F9

00:00:23.314 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70EB00037B

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647666422000000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x3647666422000000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile5ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x364766C050800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x364766C050800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4498E9C02B400001

00:00:23.315 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.poty’ for ‘City’ 0x449C827414800001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.aysflo1171’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44A40E68A4000001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44AC9764A8800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile0aara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACB19490800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile2ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACB19490800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile0aara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACCF2CA5800000

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile0aara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACCF6C99000001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile2ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44ACCF6C99000001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44AD8AA8CB800001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44AD8DF417800001

00:00:23.315 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.zugdidi’ for ‘City’ 0x44AEBB4827C00001

00:00:23.315 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.01ays’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44B8D6C8C9400001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FEBCCC400001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FEBCCC400001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FEDC08000001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FEDC08000001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FF10BFC00001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.19ara’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44D9FF10BFC00001

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘terrain.profile17ara’ for ‘Road’ 0x44FB4EB09B000000

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700280088C

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7003400539

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700380042B

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7003C0046C

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7004C0056F

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7005C00511

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700900052F

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700C00055E

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700DC00314

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700F00040D

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700F80080E

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700F80081E

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700FC00702

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7012000766

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7012C00509

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7013000477

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7015400486

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7017C0049E

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C701B800834

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C701D000701

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7020000761

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70208006C6

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7020C00765

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7023000720

00:00:23.316 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70234004AB

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70234005F9

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7025800422

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70264007D6

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C702C8007C9

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C702E00067B

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C702E0007B5

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7030C0089B

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703240065D

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7039C005FB

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703A400864

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703C400421

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703F80077C

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara22’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84C7047C00415

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C704800078C

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70480007DF

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7049800841

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C704A4004AE

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C704D4004E4

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C704E400787

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70518004B1

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C705200053B

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7053800476

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7054000452

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7058C00508

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C705D4004AC

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C705DC006A6

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C705EC007D4

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7062000659

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C706580053D

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C706700070C

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70698007F5

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C706B800691

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7070000708

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7070C00739

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7070C00839

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7071800535

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7072C00536

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7072C00613

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7073C0044F

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7073C00485

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7076C004B2

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707880044E

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707BC007BF

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707D0007A7

00:00:23.317 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707E400649

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C707F0007FB

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7082C0076D

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7083C00784

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C708400070B

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70864005FE

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C708E0005F4

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7090C006A2

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709700053E

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7097C004FB

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7098C006B5

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709980049D

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C7099C0042D

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709E0004F7

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A28007C3

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A3000735

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A3400530

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A54004F9

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A640075F

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A7C00425

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70A94006C0

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70AB4004E3

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B0000650

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B10007C8

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B20004D6

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B600040E

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70B800062B

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BAC007FC

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BB400897

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BB800832

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BBC0067A

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BD80071B

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BE800654

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70C580052E

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70C7400510

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70C9C0070D

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70CC0006AD

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70CC800835

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70D18004F8

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70D5C00796

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70D78006DD

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DA80080F

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DB0007CE

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DD800653

00:00:23.318 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DD8007A8

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70DEC007C5

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70E280046B

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70E3400778

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70E3800716

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70ED800863

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70F0000731

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70F340088B

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70F6400760

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70F900079B

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70FB000555

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AE84C70FE800887

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC2E800360

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCFA800409

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C700A8008DB

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C703D0008DA

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C706E0008A0

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C708D0008C7

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70904008DC

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C709FC008C8

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70AB4008D5

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70BEC0088D

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70CD4008DF

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70D90008E5

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70EB8008D6

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84C70FB8008E2

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara0’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC0940073A

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECC0F4001DE

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara2’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A

00:00:23.319 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC49000120

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara15’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC714003D2

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECC8E000399

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECC94800101

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara8’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCB4400213

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara25’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCC8800754

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCD5800102

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCDE800755

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE84ECCE0800214

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara18’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara2’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCEF000757

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara15’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2B0291C4AA400001

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2B0291EC61000001

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41C8000BE

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45CC000FC

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4618000E4

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47F4000E3

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A88000D1

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4ACC000D3

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B6C000D2

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4CF0000CD

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F00000CE

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara0’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2BA3076CC9800001

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA30878ACC00000

00:00:23.320 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x363DB8FC56800001

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E404C00513

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E40C4004BA

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E40F40014B

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E413C00564

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E415400693

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4198002D4

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41A40011E

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41B00051C

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41B400176

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41B8002C6

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41B8004B5

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E41C4001B7

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E42300062A

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E423C0069F

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E42C800465

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E43040011C

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E434C00447

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E438C0065D

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E43A800155

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E43C400490

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E43E4003B7

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4408005A1

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4410004FE

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E447C0014C

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E44A80046F

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E44D000236

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E44D0002F0

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4508000A9

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E450800226

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E450C006B0

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45340012D

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4574006B1

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45A000198

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45AC0067F

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45CC0067E

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E45F000442

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E466000135

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E466C0069D

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E46A8004B4

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E470000433

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47080065E

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E471000387

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4728003B6

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47640026A

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E479000525

00:00:23.321 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E479800216

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47B00065C

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47C800295

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47EC004B2

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E47FC00451

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E485400388

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E487C0029E

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E487C003F3

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E487C0048A

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E487C006A0

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E48CC0069E

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E48DC00239

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E48E400683

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4974003F5

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4984006B2

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E49AC00434

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E49C00038A

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A1000514

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A1C0064C

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A5800109

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A6C002D0

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4A7C004D0

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4AAC00217

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4AE0003AA

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4AEC003D2

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B000046E

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B84002F1

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B880011B

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B880013F

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B8800218

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4B9800505

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4BF400391

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4C64002A9

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4CE4003AB

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4CEC00476

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4D04003C5

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4E90001A4

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F000013A

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F04006C0

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F100058D

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4FD400577

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FD5619CA5C00001

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD563940F800001

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FD563B0B9000000

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FD566E87D400000

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FD56A94B6000000

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD574BC0B800001

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD5876C1C800001

00:00:23.322 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD5C8F8A5800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FD5C8FC46000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FA0DDC00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FA4E0400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FA866000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FB026800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FBCC4000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FC06A400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FDC8C000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB1FE464C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB20481A800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FDB20D4A9000000

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB22E02FC00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FDB22FC9B400000

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB24DCFC800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB27004F800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB285460400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB28EC14800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB28F095C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB28F4A5C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B0815800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B14FFC00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B1C6A800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B34EC400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B3896C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B3C06000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B4C67800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B5033C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B542F800001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2B5862000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2C7CFFC00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FDB2CE055C00000

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2DC0B0C00001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2DC8E6000001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2FDB2DD0AD400001

00:00:23.323 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.b_1_way_r’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2FDB2E389B000000

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2AE858307880033C

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E40E8006C8

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E463C006CB

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E471C006C9

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA300E4F04006C3

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA3178CA0400000

00:00:23.324 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘road_mat.ara42’ for ‘Road’ 0x2BA317C045800000

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.ara1’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x2B88D1D43E400001

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD007000A9E

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD065400C76

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD06700096F

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD087000430

00:00:23.326 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘sign.tur5’ for ‘Sign’ 0x2AEEACD0D08009F4

00:00:23.507 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x40157DE4E5400001

00:00:23.507 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x401580A0BF400001

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475DA1CCF6800000

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475DA1DCC6800000

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475DA2002E000000

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475DA20433400000

00:00:23.513 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4966FA18CBC00000

00:00:23.514 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x476FEF68A6800001

00:00:23.515 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475CC31C3C400001

00:00:23.515 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x475CC3406B800001

00:00:23.516 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4483E9BC02800001

00:00:23.516 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4483F7D08C000001

00:00:23.517 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x4488EB50B4400001

00:00:23.517 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.qorakol’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA750BDC00001

00:00:23.517 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.olot’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA85400400001

00:00:23.517 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.farap’ for ‘City’ 0x473CCDA078400001

00:00:23.520 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.olot’ for ‘City’ 0x473D401CDC400001

00:00:23.520 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.olot’ for ‘City’ 0x473D405CDB000000

00:00:23.520 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x43D0CFE448400001

00:00:23.520 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x43F6CA78E5800001

00:00:23.520 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x457BE838D7000003

00:00:23.521 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.kogon’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA3584F400001

00:00:23.521 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x42ECDA0094C00001

00:00:23.522 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x43532B4C1AC00001

00:00:23.522 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4619DDD4F6000001

00:00:23.522 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.qarshi’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA104B9000001

00:00:23.522 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.koson’ for ‘City’ 0x473CA284C8C00001

00:00:23.523 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.koson’ for ‘City’ 0x473D3D94DF000001

00:00:23.523 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x3FCC770085000001

00:00:23.524 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x3FCCA778DCC00001

00:00:23.524 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x45189B1C1F400001

00:00:23.525 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4722E248F8000001

00:00:23.525 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.guzar’ for ‘City’ 0x473C9F5852800001

00:00:23.525 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x424A053C09400001

00:00:23.525 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x424A070CC9C00001

00:00:23.526 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x424A08B8E9800002

00:00:23.526 : <ERROR> [trigger_item] No actions set for item 0x424A09100F400001

00:00:23.526 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4265FBD85F800001

00:00:23.527 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x425F7EF462800001

00:00:23.527 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.baysun’ for ‘City’ 0x473CC9642E800001

00:00:23.527 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.sherabad’ for ‘City’ 0x473D4AA0F9C00000

00:00:23.527 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.derbent’ for ‘City’ 0x473D4DB4F9400000

00:00:23.529 : <WARNING> Unable to find ‘city.sherabad’ for ‘City’ 0x473CC9141AC00001

00:00:23.531 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4318FF681DC00001

00:00:23.532 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4376CA80BA800001

00:00:23.532 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x4376CB38F0000001

00:00:23.532 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x437EC54820400001

00:00:23.532 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x437EC5642FC00000

00:00:23.533 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x43A31F78CF400000

00:00:23.533 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44166F2C55000001

00:00:23.533 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x44166F4C76C00000

00:00:23.541 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x479E2B10F0400001

00:00:23.541 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x479E2F184EC00000

00:00:23.542 : <ERROR> Unable to find ‘prefab.rtasia9x’ for ‘Prefab’ 0x48A780745B800001

00:00:25.055 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x33E3D1B830C042DA has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.056 : <ERROR> Missing data for ferry item! (ferry.poty, uid: 0x449C6DB08E400001)

00:00:25.071 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x497022B89F400002 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.071 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x497022F4C6C00001 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.071 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x49A4B3E417400001 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.072 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x497021D883C00002 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.072 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x4970227050400001 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.073 : <ERROR> Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.buy_garage.guzar (given link already exists)

00:00:25.073 : <ERROR> Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.garage.guzar (given link already exists)

00:00:25.085 : <ERROR> [traffic_area] Traffic area with uid 0x46C8463C95000001 has no valid attributes set!

00:00:25.171 : Map base sectors successfully loaded.

00:00:25.195 : <ERROR> Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.songkhla)

00:00:25.196 : <ERROR> Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.songkhla)

00:00:25.197 : Map loaded

00:00:25.213 : Loading save ‘/home/profiles/79757261786131/save/quicksave/game.sii’

00:00:25.404 : Route data generation started.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C702AC00A34 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7072C00A78 is referencing item 0x2AE84C702F000134 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C707F000A3B is referencing item 0x2AE84C702F000134 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C709B00097D is referencing item 0x2AE84C701B000061 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70A9C00A33 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.788 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70DE80097E is referencing item 0x2AE84C701B000061 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70E5000B38 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70ED000997 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC3A00054E is referencing item 0x364351ACEC000112 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC3DC00530 is referencing item 0x364351AC298000FA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC4000050F is referencing item 0x364351AC298000FA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC6D40050E is referencing item 0x364351AC588000EB however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACA4C004B6 is referencing item 0x364351ACEC000112 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACB800051E is referencing item 0x364351AC588000EB however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACC4C0056C is referencing item 0x364351ACB600012A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACD94004D3 is referencing item 0x364351ACB600012A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7007800B12 is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C700A000932 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7042C00032 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7013400B8D is referencing item 0x2AE84C7035000221 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7013800AEF is referencing item 0x2AE84C700F0001A3 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C701AC00D0C is referencing item 0x2AE84C701180037A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7031400D0D is referencing item 0x2AE84C701180037A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7037400B34 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703800092B is referencing item 0x2AE84C703180001B however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703BC009DB is referencing item 0x2AE84C705CC000B6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703D800B39 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.789 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C704B800AF0 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700F0001A3 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C704F400944 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7042C00032 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7050C00A9F is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7056C009B8 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7065C00B62 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70E34001F9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706AC00B44 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70B04001E1 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706E0009B7 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706F400A92 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7071400A91 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C708F800B3A is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7092C0092A is referencing item 0x2AE84C703180001B however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70960009A2 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7099800B13 is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70C980094E is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70CC8009BE is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70CD0009E0 is referencing item 0x2AE84C705CC000B6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70DA800B63 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70E34001F9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70F2000B7E is referencing item 0x2AE84C7035000221 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70F4800B45 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70B04001E1 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7018C00DAD is referencing item 0x2AE84C7047C00415 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.790 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706EC00DA3 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7047C00415 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC25400C0E is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA800409 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC3E400AE5 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC68C00B70 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC2E800360 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC9E800994 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCA5000AE4 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBF000992 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD4800A92 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA800409 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCF5400B40 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC2E800360 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70B14012C5 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC0940073A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC06C00BAB is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC1540093A is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC19800AEE is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC26C007CB is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC26C00983 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC3D400938 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC4D800FA3 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCEF000757 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC548009A2 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC68800F88 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC0940073A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC824009EE is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC8DC00816 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC9F800818 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCA80009A3 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.791 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCAFC00978 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCB18009A4 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBE0008F0 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC49000120 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBF0007ED is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCC2400F9C is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCEF000757 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCC50009ED is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD1800984 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD9400A12 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCEAC00C9D is referencing item 0x2BA3076CC9800001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFC00092B is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFD400BE1 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFE400982 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA3076C88400002 is referencing item 0x2BA3076CC9800001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E44C400B85 is referencing item 0x2FDB22FC9B400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E456C00B7B is referencing item 0x2FDB20D4A9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E460400961 is referencing item 0x2FD566E87D400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4A4400868 is referencing item 0x2FD563B0B9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4A7C008E1 is referencing item 0x2FD56A94B6000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4FCC00BE4 is referencing item 0x2FDB2CE055C00000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD5619C30800002 is referencing item 0x2FD5619CA5C00001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD563B02C000002 is referencing item 0x2FD563B0B9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD564D4CD800000 is referencing item 0x2FD5619CA5C00001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD566E872000002 is referencing item 0x2FD566E87D400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD56A9480C00002 is referencing item 0x2FD56A94B6000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB20D45D000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB20D4A9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB22FCB9000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB22FC9B400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2C880EC00000 is referencing item 0x2FDB2E389B000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2CE0CF400002 is referencing item 0x2FDB2CE055C00000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.792 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2E38EA000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB2E389B000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.793 : <ERROR> Node 0x2B88D1BC27C00000 is referencing item 0x2B88D1D43E400001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:25.793 : <ERROR> Node 0x2B88D1D49C400002 is referencing item 0x2B88D1D43E400001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:00:26.629 : Route data generation finished.

00:00:26.646 : <ERROR> Company item without company assignment! (234488;139.734;-23329.7)

00:00:26.646 : <ERROR> Company item without company assignment! (234744;139.488;-23336.4)

00:00:26.646 : <ERROR> Company item without company assignment! (229061;216.086;-15155.3)

00:00:26.646 : <ERROR> More companies without company assignment (set g_developer to 2 to reveal all).

00:00:26.842 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Denov! (237256 91.8477 -13219.6)

00:00:26.862 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Mangystau! (160285 -0.0976563 2740.92)

00:00:26.949 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Стерлитамак! (147632 140.664 -54434)

00:00:26.991 : Road network navigation caching started.

00:00:27.975 : Cached navigation loaded

00:00:29.334 : Garage update started.

00:00:29.412 : <ERROR> Garage prefab not found! (bishkek)

00:00:29.942 : Garage update finished.

00:00:30.064 : Sector force started.

00:00:30.205 : Sector force finished.

00:00:30.518 : [actor] Initialized at [202846.7;91.0;16445.5]

00:00:30.618 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rusmap_cities.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.622 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rtasia.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.622 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.rtasia_cargo.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.623 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.srmap_cities.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.623 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.srmap_viewpoint.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.624 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tgs.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.625 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tgs_viewpoints.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.627 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.dlc_sum.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:30.627 : <WARNING> [app_lcl] Failed to add token ‘tz_yekt’ from localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’! Localization with that token already defined.

00:00:30.627 : <WARNING> [app_lcl] Failed to add token ‘tz_aqtt’ from localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’! Localization with that token already defined.

00:00:30.627 : [app_lcl] Localization module ‘/locale/ru_ru/local_module.tz_sum.sii’ has been applied.

00:00:37.435 : Forcing sector data!

00:00:37.435 : Sector force started.

00:00:38.200 : Sector force finished.

00:00:42.329 : <WARNING> [tobj] Sanitized ‘<MEMFILE><UNKNOWNFS>/model.rtasia3/billboard/uz/sign/uz_store_sign5.tobj’ functionality — found 0x00, expected 0x01.

00:00:42.329 : <WARNING> [tobj] Sanitized ‘<MEMFILE><UNKNOWNFS>/model.rtasia3/billboard/uz/sign/uz_store_sign4.tobj’ functionality — found 0x00, expected 0x01.

00:01:10.250 : go to adjen

00:01:10.250 : <ERROR> [cmd] ‘go to adjen’ — unknown command

00:01:24.452 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:01:24.452 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >S</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Q</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:01:31.417 : go to tejen

00:01:31.418 : <ERROR> [cmd] ‘go to tejen’ — unknown command

00:01:31.604 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:01:31.604 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >V</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:01:47.305 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:01:47.305 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >I</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Y</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >L</font></align></nowrap>’

00:01:50.751 : go to Tejen

00:01:50.751 : <ERROR> [cmd] ‘go to Tejen’ — unknown command

00:02:00.335 : goo Tejen

00:02:00.335 : <ERROR> [cmd] ‘goo Tejen’ — unknown command

00:02:04.018 : goto Tejen

00:02:04.041 : Forcing sector data!

00:02:04.041 : Sector force started.

00:02:05.048 : Sector force finished.

00:02:13.787 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.787 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >J</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >H</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >V</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >L</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >G</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >N</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >N</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.788 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.789 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >O</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:13.820 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:13.820 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:14.520 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:14.520 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:14.637 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:14.637 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >G</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >M</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:15.486 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:15.486 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:15.586 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:15.586 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:15.703 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:15.703 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >G</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >M</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:15.836 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:15.836 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >M</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:16.019 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:16.020 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >H</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:16.354 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:16.354 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:16.769 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:16.769 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >T</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:25.505 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:25.505 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Z</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >K</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >9</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:25.554 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:25.554 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >V</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >7</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >L</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:25.621 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:25.621 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >F</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:25.821 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:25.821 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Y</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:27.437 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:27.438 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >F</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >A</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >2</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >4</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >D</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:30.004 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:30.004 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >Y</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >W</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >1</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >3</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >B</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:32.920 : <WARNING> [pml] Font stack is not empty, did you forgot to put </font>?

00:02:32.921 : <WARNING> [pml] Source: ‘<nowrap><align hstyle=center vstyle=center><color value=FF000000><font face=/font/license_plate/turkmenistan.font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >U</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >F</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >8</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >5</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >6</font><font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >0</font> <font xscale=0.9 yscale=0.9 >M</font></align></nowrap>’

00:02:51.469 : screenshot

00:02:52.486 : Screenshot written: ‘C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/screenshot/ets2_20230212_203458_00.png’.

00:02:52.520 : Position : < 214003 91.4453 12178.1 >

00:02:57.918 : pause

00:05:26.275 : goto Tejen

00:06:46.461 : screenshot

00:06:47.555 : Screenshot written: ‘C:/Users/admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/screenshot/ets2_20230212_203853_00.png’.

00:07:04.211 : pause

00:08:39.944 : Loading save ‘/home/profiles/79757261786131/save/2/game.sii’

00:08:40.170 : Route data generation started.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C702AC00A34 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7072C00A78 is referencing item 0x2AE84C702F000134 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C707F000A3B is referencing item 0x2AE84C702F000134 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C709B00097D is referencing item 0x2AE84C701B000061 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70A9C00A33 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.578 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70DE80097E is referencing item 0x2AE84C701B000061 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70E5000B38 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70ED000997 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70C7C000FD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC3A00054E is referencing item 0x364351ACEC000112 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC3DC00530 is referencing item 0x364351AC298000FA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC4000050F is referencing item 0x364351AC298000FA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351AC6D40050E is referencing item 0x364351AC588000EB however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACA4C004B6 is referencing item 0x364351ACEC000112 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.579 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACB800051E is referencing item 0x364351AC588000EB however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACC4C0056C is referencing item 0x364351ACB600012A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x364351ACD94004D3 is referencing item 0x364351ACB600012A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7007800B12 is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C700A000932 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7042C00032 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7013400B8D is referencing item 0x2AE84C7035000221 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7013800AEF is referencing item 0x2AE84C700F0001A3 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C701AC00D0C is referencing item 0x2AE84C701180037A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7031400D0D is referencing item 0x2AE84C701180037A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7037400B34 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703800092B is referencing item 0x2AE84C703180001B however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703BC009DB is referencing item 0x2AE84C705CC000B6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C703D800B39 is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.580 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C704B800AF0 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700F0001A3 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C704F400944 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7042C00032 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7050C00A9F is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7056C009B8 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7065C00B62 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70E34001F9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706AC00B44 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70B04001E1 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706E0009B7 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706F400A92 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7071400A91 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C708F800B3A is referencing item 0x2AE84C706D0001D8 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7092C0092A is referencing item 0x2AE84C703180001B however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70960009A2 is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7099800B13 is referencing item 0x2AE84C704D8001BA however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70C980094E is referencing item 0x2AE84C700AC00094 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70CC8009BE is referencing item 0x2AE84C70DC00014A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70CD0009E0 is referencing item 0x2AE84C705CC000B6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70DA800B63 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70E34001F9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70F2000B7E is referencing item 0x2AE84C7035000221 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70F4800B45 is referencing item 0x2AE84C70B04001E1 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.581 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C7018C00DAD is referencing item 0x2AE84C7047C00415 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C706EC00DA3 is referencing item 0x2AE84C7047C00415 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC25400C0E is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA800409 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC3E400AE5 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC68C00B70 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC2E800360 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC9E800994 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCA5000AE4 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA0002DD however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBF000992 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8D8001A9 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD4800A92 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFA800409 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCF5400B40 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC2E800360 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84C70B14012C5 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC0940073A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC06C00BAB is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC1540093A is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC19800AEE is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC26C007CB is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC26C00983 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC3D400938 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC4D800FA3 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCEF000757 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC548009A2 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC68800F88 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC0940073A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC824009EE is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC8DC00816 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECC9F800818 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCA9C00083 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCA80009A3 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCAFC00978 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC6C8002E6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCB18009A4 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBE0008F0 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC49000120 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCBF0007ED is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCFC4001B7 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCC2400F9C is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCEF000757 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCC50009ED is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCE40001F6 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD1800984 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCD9400A12 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC21C0025A however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCEAC00C9D is referencing item 0x2BA3076CC9800001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFC00092B is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC8E000399 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFD400BE1 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECC714003D2 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2AE84ECCFE400982 is referencing item 0x2AE84ECCC4C0019E however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA3076C88400002 is referencing item 0x2BA3076CC9800001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.582 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E44C400B85 is referencing item 0x2FDB22FC9B400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E456C00B7B is referencing item 0x2FDB20D4A9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E460400961 is referencing item 0x2FD566E87D400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4A4400868 is referencing item 0x2FD563B0B9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4A7C008E1 is referencing item 0x2FD56A94B6000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2BA300E4FCC00BE4 is referencing item 0x2FDB2CE055C00000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD5619C30800002 is referencing item 0x2FD5619CA5C00001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD563B02C000002 is referencing item 0x2FD563B0B9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD564D4CD800000 is referencing item 0x2FD5619CA5C00001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD566E872000002 is referencing item 0x2FD566E87D400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FD56A9480C00002 is referencing item 0x2FD56A94B6000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB20D45D000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB20D4A9000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB22FCB9000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB22FC9B400000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2C880EC00000 is referencing item 0x2FDB2E389B000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2CE0CF400002 is referencing item 0x2FDB2CE055C00000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2FDB2E38EA000002 is referencing item 0x2FDB2E389B000000 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2B88D1BC27C00000 is referencing item 0x2B88D1D43E400001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:40.583 : <ERROR> Node 0x2B88D1D49C400002 is referencing item 0x2B88D1D43E400001 however that item is not referencing the node. Expect navigation issues.

00:08:41.356 : Route data generation finished.

00:08:41.469 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Denov! (237256 91.8477 -13219.6)

00:08:41.469 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Mangystau! (160285 -0.0976563 2740.92)

00:08:41.469 : <ERROR> Missing truck dealer brand definition for Стерлитамак! (147632 140.664 -54434)

00:08:41.507 : Road network navigation caching started.

00:08:42.538 : Cached navigation loaded

00:08:42.538 : Garage update started.

00:08:42.538 : <ERROR> Garage prefab not found! (bishkek)

00:08:42.670 : Garage update finished.

00:08:42.681 : Sector force started.

00:08:42.845 : Sector force finished.

00:08:43.001 : [actor] Initialized at [185819.1;91.6;18053.4]

00:08:44.695 : Forcing sector data!

00:08:44.695 : Sector force started.

00:08:45.605 : Sector force finished.

00:08:51.017 : quit

00:08:51.025 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/79757261786131/save/autosave/game.sii) …

00:08:51.124 : quit

00:08:51.307 : [sound] Sound library — shutdown.

00:08:51.307 : [sound] Sound system — shutdown.

00:08:51.618 : [sound] FMOD libraries released.

00:08:51.933 : [gfx] AGS deinitialized

00:08:51.940 : [net] LOG INFO: Stopped

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_volvo_tuning_pack.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_volvo_construction.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_vikings.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.940 : [hashfs] dlc_valentine.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_toys.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_super_stripes.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_streetart.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_space.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_schwarzmuller.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_rocket_league.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_rims.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_renault_t_tuning.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_raven.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_prehistoric.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.941 : [hashfs] dlc_pirates.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_pink_ribbon.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_phys_flags.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_pcg.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_oversize.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_north.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_mighty_griffin.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_michelin.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_lunar_new_year.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.942 : [hashfs] dlc_krone.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_it.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_iberia.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_hs_schoch.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_heavy_cargo.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_goodyear.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_fr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ukr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.944 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_tr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sk.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_s.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ru.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ro.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pt.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_nl.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_n.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_lv.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_lt.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_kr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_jp.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_it.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_hu.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fi.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_es.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.945 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ee.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_dk.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cn.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ch.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bg.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_be.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_aus.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_at.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_dragon.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_daf_tuning_pack.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.946 : [hashfs] dlc_daf_2021.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] dlc_christmas.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] dlc_balt.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] dlc_balkan_e.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] dlc_actros_tuning.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] def.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] core.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.947 : [hashfs] base.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.948 : [hashfs] effect.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.948 : [zipfs] tzmap.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.949 : [zipfs] ETS2_Map v1.6.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.949 : [hashfs] AZGESR11RC.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.949 : [hashfs] AZGE146.scs: Unmounted.

00:08:51.949 : [zipfs] RusMap-map_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.949 : [zipfs] RusMap-model_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.952 : [zipfs] RusMap-model2_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.953 : [zipfs] RusMap-def_v2.46.1.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.956 : [zipfs] RTASIA-VALENCIA-FC.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.956 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia1-6.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.960 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Assets.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.966 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.968 : [zipfs] Road_to_Asia_Models_2.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.968 : [zipfs] SRMap_v12.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.979 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-def v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.985 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-map v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.986 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model-v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.987 : [zipfs] The Great Steppe incl. Aral-model2 v.2.0.scs: Unmounted

00:08:51.988 : [zipfs] sibirmap250allinone.scs: Unmounted

00:08:52.625 : [sys] Process manager shutdown.

  • Djvu ошибка access violation at address 00000000 read of address 00000000
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