Do you wear an uniform at your school каждое предложение содержит ошибку

2.Do you wear a uniform at your school? 3.How many school holidays do you have each year? 4. How long is your school day? 5. Must all the pupils learn a foreign language? 6. What are the teachers like in Russia Are they strict? ответить на вопросы: 1)you and your classmates; if you are good friends,what your like to do together 2)what your school building is like; what you have in your school 3) what subjects you do at school;which of them you like and why 4)what your typical day at school is like 5) whether you like your school and what makes you like or dislike it Пмогите пожалуйста))))

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Английский язык для 7-го класса

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Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Описание и ответ на задание[править | править код]

A. In the group of British students we met in summer there were some who wanted to know more about Russian schools. Try to answer some of their questions.

1) How big is a typical Russian school? — Typical Russian school is very big in big cities. There are more than 30 pupils in typical classes. But if you go to some villages, schools are small, there are from 2 to 10 pupils in a class.
2) Do you wear a uniform at your school? — In typical state schools we don’t have uniform.
3) How many school holidays do you have each year? — We have four school holidays periods each year: one in autumn, winter, spring and summer.
4) How long is your school day? — We have classes for 4-5 hours a day.
5) Must all the pupils learn a foreign language? — Yes, all the pupils must learn a foreign language.
6) What are the teachers like in Russia? Are they strict? — It depends from the person and situation, sometimes teachers are very strict and sometimes not.

B. Think of what you can say to a British teenager about your class and your school. You can use these ideas:

1) you and your classmates; if you are good friends, what you like to do together; — Yes, my classmates and me are good friends and we like to play football after school.
2) what your school building is like; what you have in your school; — Our school is three stores building and there are typical classrooms, canteen and gym in our school.
3) what subjects you do at school; which of them you like and why; — I like physical training, it is fun to play different games and go in for sport. And there isn’t any home tasks. I also like biology, it is very interesting to study how life organized on our planet.
4) what your typical day at school is like; — I come at school at 8 o’clock and we have 4-5 classes. In between classes we have so breaks and lunch. I leave my school usually at one o’clock.
5) whether you like your school and what makes you like or dislike it. — I like school, because there are a lot friends and we like to spend time together. I like some subjects, it is very interesting to know something new. I don’t like when we have a lot of home tasks to do. I don’t like when we have to a lot of information to memorize. I think it is very useless.

Перевод задания и ответа[править | править код]

А. В группе британских студентов, которую мы встретили летом, были некоторые, кто хотел узнать больше о русских школах. Попробуйте ответить на некоторые из их вопросов.

1) Насколько большие обычные школы в России? — Типичная русская школа в больших городах очень большая. В типовых классах обучается более 30 учеников. Но если поехать в какие-то села, школы маленькие, в классе от 2 до 10 учеников.
2) Вы носите форму в школе? — В типовых государственных школах формы нет.
3) Сколько у вас школьных каникул в году? — Каждый год у нас четыре периода школьных каникул: по одному осенью, зимой, весной и летом.
4) Как долго у тебя школьный день? — У нас занятия по 4-5 часов в день.
5) Все ли ученики должны изучать иностранный язык? — Да, все ученики должны учить иностранный язык.
6) Какие учителя в России? Они строгие? — Это зависит от человека и ситуации, иногда учителя очень строги, а иногда нет.

Б. Подумайте, что вы можете сказать британскому подростку о своем классе и школе. Вы можете использовать эти идеи:

1) вы и ваши одноклассники; если вы хорошие друзья, чем вам нравится заниматься вместе; — Да, мы с одноклассниками — хорошие друзья, и после школы любим играть в футбол.
2) какое у вас школьное здание; что у вас есть в вашей школе; — Наша школа является трехэтажным зданием, в школе есть обычные классы, столовая, спортзал.
3) какие предметы вы изучаете в школе; какие из них вам нравятся и почему; — Я люблю физкультуру, мне нравится играть в разные игры и заниматься спортом. А домашних заданий нет. Еще мне нравится биология, очень интересно изучать, как устроена жизнь на нашей планете.
4) каков ваш обычный день в школе; — Я прихожу в школу в 8 часов, а у нас 4-5 классов. Между занятиями у нас есть перерывы и обеды. Я ухожу из школы обычно в час дня.
5) нравится ли вам ваша школа и что вам нравится или не нравится. — Мне нравится школа, потому что у нас много друзей, и нам нравится проводить время вместе. Мне нравятся некоторые предметы, очень интересно узнать что-то новое. Не люблю, когда у нас много дел по дому. Я не люблю, когда нам нужно запомнить много информации. Я считаю это бесполезным.

Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

`1)` Peter asked me if I wore a uniform at school.

`2)` The teacher told the children to do those exercises the following day

`3)` His mother told Harry not to play with matches

`4)` Sue said there was a question she wanted to ask

`5)` She said they would have a party the following week

`6)` He said nobody knew the answer

`7)` John asked how many questions there were

`8)` Mr. Jones asked Mary if she had been to Italy

`9)` She ordered Mark not to touch any of his things

`10)` I said it was going to rain soon

`11)` She said she had lost her handbag the day before

`12)` Susan told her friend to listen to those birds in the garden

`13)` Tom asked Susan to do him a favour

`14)` The beggar asked the woman to give him something to eat

`15)` The customer asked me how much that box of chocolates was

`16)` The teacher explained (that) the exercise was a bit difficult but they wouldn’t have any problem if they paid attention

`17)` Susan’s friend asked her to keep that secret

`18)` He wanted to know when I had sold my old car

`19)` She asked the man where the station was

`20)` Sue’s father asked her if that was that day’s newspaper

`21)` The teacher told George  to go to the blackboard and not to be a nuisance

`22)` Mary said those flowers were very nice and she liked them

`23)` My mother asked me to buy the paper on my way to work

`24)` She asked me to buy some bread on my way back home

`25)` She told me not to switch off the radio

`26)` She asked me where I had gone on holiday

`27)` Susan told me to look at him. He was playing the fool again

`28)` His mother told him to open the window because it was hot in that room

`29)` Tom told his mother to give him a sandwich because he was hungry

`30)` My father asked me where I had been all day

`31)` Sheila told her friend not to drop those plates

`32)` He said he knew what I meant

$text{Do bài hơi nhiều nên nếu sai sót mong bn bỏ qua!}$

нужно вставить по смыслу:

have to, don’t have to, can или  can’t.


1)___ you ___ (wear) school uniform at your school or your school or is it optional?

2) ___ you ___ (get married) when  you are 16 years old in our country?

3) Sue ___ (get up) early during the week because she doesn’t  work in the morning.

4) They ____ (wash) the dishes and help prepare the food.
6) They ___ (serve) the customers because they aren’t waiters.
7) You____ (go) driving on your own, it’s too dangerous.

8) You___(have) a partner.

9) You ___(leave) now if you want.

10) You ____(stay) until 5 o’clock, it’s not necessary.

11) » ___ Monica ____ (use) a computer in her new job? «

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно нужно!!! буду очень благодарна!!!

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Какой у тебя вопрос?

5 — 9 классыАнглийский язык 5+3 б

Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

1. where your sister work? 2. I’m go to the cinema tonight. 3. How

much you get for your work? 4. We no wear a uniform at school. 5.

That’s my brother over there. He stands near the window. 6. What you

doing after school today? 7. Sorry. You can’t speak to Jane. She’s

have a bath. 8. We not going to school today. 9. Peter’s a

businessman. He’s working all over the world. 10. At the moment Pe-

ter’s work in Russia.

Отметить нарушение Tanechkafom 15.06.2014


Проверено экспертом

Ответ дан



1. Where does your sister work?

2. I’m going to the cinema tonight.

3. How much do you get for your work?

4. We don’t wear a uniform at school.

5. That’s my brother over there . He is standing near the window.

6. What are you doing after school today?

7. Sorry. You can’t speak to Jane.She is having a bath.

8. We are not going to school today.

9.Peter’s a businessman. He works all over the world.

10. At the moment Peter is working in Russia.

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