Eng 128 фредлайнер ошибка

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Зарегистрирован: 08 июн 2016 08:04
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Сообщение ECU128 SId154

ECU128 SId154 добрый день подскажите что это означает Freightliner Columbia 2008г 14л с егр VIN 1FUJA6CK09DAC0506.

08 июн 2016 08:13

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Александр витальевич

Зарегистрирован: 08 июн 2016 08:04
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Автомобиль/VIN: 1FUJA6CK09DAC0506

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Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

только не давно приобрел авто не совсем ещё разобрался что означает прожиг на месте и как точно посмотреть все ошибки

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты:
ECU128 SId154 noFAULT1 FAIL04

08 июн 2016 11:56

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Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

Этот прожиг, кончит ваш мотор, если DPF и вправду забит и не прожигается.

Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
08 июн 2016 18:27

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    Александр витальевич

    Зарегистрирован: 08 июн 2016 08:04
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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    добрый день подскажите как проверить забит он или нет и как прожечь его. заранее спасибо

    09 июн 2016 15:50

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение


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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    Все должно происходить автоматически, появляется разница в давлении до филтра и после, и включается прожиг. Это работает до момента, пока прожечь его уже не возможно, после чего он снимается, и ставится на спец оборудование, где делается прочиж ( типа муфельной печи ) и после еще импульсная продувка воздухом. Такого оборудования в Росси нет ( или я не знаю где оно есть ). Если фильтр не продуть, вы ездите с закрытым выхлопом, давление и температура в моторе расстет, и он умрет через несколько тысяч км. Мы убили новый Простар за 2 месяца во время тестов.

    Вам надо понять, у вас забит фильтр, или кто то что то там отключил, и выкинул фильтр, и у вас просто код, но самого фильтра уже например нет.

    Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
    Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
    τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
    09 июн 2016 17:55

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    Александр витальевич

    Зарегистрирован: 08 июн 2016 08:04
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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    уменя на панели моргает лампа DPF и горит желтый индикатор check engine

    09 июн 2016 18:18

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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    Если горит лампа проверь мотор, значит есть АКТИВНЫЙ КОД, его надо снять, но и так ясно что проблема с фильтром.

    ПС Я кстати описал более подробно Вашу ситуацию, но вы видно не хотите сами ее решить.

    Cамый лучший способ усвоить истину – это подвергнуть ее сомнению.
    Чтобы не получать глупые ответы, не надо задавать глупые вопросы.
    τὸ αὐτεξούσιον
    09 июн 2016 18:21

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    Александр витальевич

    Зарегистрирован: 08 июн 2016 08:04
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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    Понял щас вскрою фильтр. Посмотрю

    10 июн 2016 05:48

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    Зарегистрирован: 16 дек 2018 16:21
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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    Добрый день мужики! Помогите пожалуйста, выскакивает периодически ошибка ENG 128 на работу ДВС не влияет, остаётся выключить зажигание пару секунд жду включаю зажигание и ее нет! Иногда пропадает с второй попытки ! Что это может быть? Инфы не нашел в интернете (

    21 дек 2018 09:22

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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    Это у тебя какая то ошибка по двигателю, должен быть полный код : 128 sid/mid — fmi — , тогда и узнаем причину.

    Если я не побуксую, значит день прошёл в пустую.
    21 дек 2018 12:12

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    Зарегистрирован: 16 дек 2018 16:21
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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    А как мне тогда узнать Sid, mid, fmi? Диагностика мне ошибок не выдает, код 25 -нет активных ошибок. Вот вспомнил ещё, что после крутого подъёма с 24 мя тоннами примерно, на 4-5 передаче еду и уже когда вытянул подъем надо же больше газа дать да бы переключить передачу выше есть некое прерывание в тяге как будто турбо резко выключилась и резко выключилась( это все мгновенно и быстро происходит) по эффекту похоже на то, если бы при разгоне после подъёма и гружонный выжать и отпустить сцепление при этом не отпуская газа !!! Я связываю эти события с этим кодом eng128( очень странно, что то подсказывает что это ЕГР мозги делает ! Что скажете товарищи?

    21 дек 2018 13:52

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Аватара пользователя

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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    Что, диагностический аппарат не показывает ошибки? Странно….

    Если я не побуксую, значит день прошёл в пустую.
    21 дек 2018 16:55

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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    Ошибка появлялась редко и тогда не было возможности продиагностировать ! Видимо из-за того что она не в активных и не видит ее. Аппарат работает хорошо, сейчас ошибок нет славу богу . Выскакивала в неожиданный момент. А приблизительно можно сказать на что ссылается этот код eng 128?

    21 дек 2018 17:09

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    128 — это код двигателя.
    Ошибку тогда надо смотреть в архиве, если она была, то она есть.

    Если я не побуксую, значит день прошёл в пустую.
    21 дек 2018 17:36

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    Зарегистрирован: 16 дек 2018 16:21
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    Сообщение Re: ECU128 SId154

    По самодиагностике проверить , должна быть в архиве?

    21 дек 2018 17:54

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    Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2011 17:21
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    Сообщение ECU 128 и не едет…

    Добрый день.
    Машина завелась нормально, после того как заглушили и опять завели, стал срабатывать клапан сброса давления воздуха на компрессоре (солдатик), после чистки всех воздушных шлангов к влагоотделителю, клапан перестал сбрасывать давление, но воздух не качает в систему, также появляятся CheckEngine и ошибка ECU128… Что это за ошибка и в чем проблема?
    Freightliner Columbia Detroit S60 12,7 EGR

    22 июл 2011 10:29

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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    ошибка ECU128 говорит что что то с двигателем, а что конкретно, надо прочесть дальше ошибку, на коламбии, обычно, диагност только может прочесть.

    Умничая, надо быть готовым к тому, что ты облажаешься.

    22 июл 2011 10:38

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    Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2011 17:21
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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    Значит только в сервис?
    А что значит ECU??

    22 июл 2011 10:48

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    Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2011 17:21
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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    Похож трабла с ECU128 была в контактах.. перетряхнули провода, предохры и ошибка пропала…
    Теперь проблема с вентилятором… не включается, даже при принудиловке… :cry:
    А можно где посмотреть схему воздушной разводки Фреда, типа аксонометрии?..

    22 июл 2011 13:09

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    Если воздушная схема нужна из за неработ. вентилятора, то не надо ее смотреть. По этому вопросу на форуме очень много тем, поищи через «поиск». Обычно на Детройтах воздух идет на муфту вентилятора — крутится свободно, клапан перекрыл воздух — вентилятор включился. Открути трубку от электроклапана, если будет свободно крутится смотри фрикционный диск на муфте — обычно выкрашивается.

    Умничая, надо быть готовым к тому, что ты облажаешься.

    22 июл 2011 14:12

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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    скорее всего из-за того что нет воздуха клапан управления трубиной не активирует турбину у меня такая хрень если мотор на круизе и 1000оборотов чуть скинул и ошибки нет. Так что так:)

    все что нас не убивает,делает нас сильнее….

    22 июл 2011 16:00

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    Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2011 17:21
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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    Дотащили машину потихонечку… стали разбираться… диск выкрошился… но проблема образовалась в следуюещем — при рабочем двигле, на холостых уходит воздух в районе турбины, даш 700-800 — накачивает, отпускаешь газ — стравливает, на заведенном слышится утечка в районе турбины, а при выключенном вообще ничего не слышно, но воздух уходит… :evil:

    26 июл 2011 09:44

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 01 июн 2011 07:38
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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    На турбине хнюшка стоит со штоком идущим к улитке вот там пистец диафрагме а на заглушенный мотор туда воздух и подаетсят все норм. Меняй диафрагму и в путь:-)

    все что нас не убивает,делает нас сильнее….

    26 июл 2011 10:13

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2011 17:21
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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    там две диафрагмы… одна легко снимается (которая с улитки), и ее проверили — она вроде путем, воздух держит.. а вторая идет дальше.. это она??

    26 июл 2011 10:18

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



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    Зарегистрирован: 01 июн 2011 07:38
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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    ты имееш в виду второю такую хреновину которая стоит ближе к помпе на уровне тепло обменника? Она похожа на ту которая на турбине?

    все что нас не убивает,делает нас сильнее….

    26 июл 2011 10:30

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2011 17:21
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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    ну да… до которой просто так не долезешь..

    26 июл 2011 10:38

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    она тоже запросто может но если мотор минут 10 погонять на холостых то оттуда должно перестать шипеть и зашипит только после того как хорошо прогазуеш

    все что нас не убивает,делает нас сильнее….

    26 июл 2011 11:58

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    валера 002


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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    Роман78893 писал(а):
    ты имееш в виду второю такую хреновину которая стоит ближе к помпе на уровне тепло обменника? Она похожа на ту которая на турбине?

    эта хреновина легко проверяетса на заглушином двигателе откручиваеш от нее трубку и подаеш в нее воздух если диафрагма плохая она сразу зашипит

    27 июл 2011 09:18

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    Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2011 17:21
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    Сообщение Re: ECU 128 и не едет…

    Вообщем все дело было в компрессоре…. был весь забит грязью… вскрыли его… просто ужос.. сейчас вроде все работает, компрессор дает нормально давление и даже держится, но все таки где-то есть небольшая утечка, надо будет проверить вторую диафрагму…
    респект, уважуха и огромное спасибо, за советы!!!!!!!!!!

    28 июл 2011 12:40

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение


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    Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 23, 2010 3:24 pm
    Откуда: Россия, Липецк

    Freightliner мотор Catepilar заглох на ходу

    Здравствуйте! Проблема в том, что TEXA не стыкуется с блоком управления двигателем. Другие системы видит. На панели приборов высвечивается следующая ошибка «ECU 128». Подскажите, в чём может быть загвоздка.

    Аватара пользователя


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    Зарегистрирован: Вс авг 24, 2008 9:34 pm
    Откуда: Россия. Санкт-Петербург
    Контактная информация:


    acckiy » Пт сен 03, 2010 12:01 am

    А головой подумать?
    128-й блок просто не включается, или не присутствует в сети.


    Сообщения: 213
    Зарегистрирован: Ср апр 28, 2010 3:10 pm
    Откуда: россия,краснодар
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    alek310 » Сб сен 04, 2010 11:05 am

    питаеие проверь,все ли приходит на блок.отдельный плюс идет с аккумов,бывает протираеться и сгнил.и преды там же на аккумах проверь


    Сообщения: 5
    Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 06, 2011 11:24 pm
    Откуда: Россия, Уфа-Пермь
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    albert_ufa » Вт фев 01, 2011 3:45 pm

    128 блок это ECM Двс, Для начала надо посмотреть, питание на ECM? если оно есть, то подключать Cat ET, и смотреть в чем дело.

    1. I just got in a 04 Columbia today. On the first trip I am broke down. It has a Detroit with a Lightning 10 speed. Pulling out of a rest area, the rpm would not go past 1500 and the light on the side of the shifter came on. Display reads ecu 128. I’m currently on the side of the road posting from my iPhone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      Edit: another code just popped up- Pld 084
      Edit #2: pld 084 just went away and was replaced by sld 216

      Last edited: Oct 28, 2011

    2. Truckers Report Jobs

      Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds

      Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport.

    3. 128 is engine.
      PID84 is vehicle overspeed. Flash code 72.
      SID216 ???

      What are the flash codes and which lights are they on? Red =active. Amber = historic.

    4. Just had a look in another manual. PID84 is also faulty Vehicle Speed Sensor, Code 54.
      When this code is active on a truck with Road Speed Limiting turned on, your engine revs will be limited to what they would be in top gear at the speed limit. This is to prevent drivers disconnecting the VSS to go faster than the RSL.

      SID216 is code 55, missing J1939 data from another ECM. Is the gearbox a straight manual or has it got electronics?

    5. Ok the speed sensor makes sense. I noticed the speedo dropping a couple times on the trip up. The trans is a lightning series 10 speed.

    6. Think I traced it down to loose battery connections. Got her moved down the road to the dealer. Cleared codes and test drove. No more codes.

    7. I had the exact same problem in the 04 Columbia I drive. Since my truck isn’t governed I didnt run into the RPM limit but I’d lose cruise control, no speedometer and sometimes wouldn’t shift from 6th to 7th or from 9th to 10th since it has the top 2 auto shift. The lightning transmission computer had to be replaced, for some reason it was not getting the speed sensor reading consistently. Later on I lost all power and it was due to a defective battery cable connected to the starter. I have a feeling the voltage fluctuation probably fried the computer. Since the battery cable was fixed I’ve had none of the electrical gremlins that had popped up from time to time.

      If the problem comes back it may be the transmission computer is defective. The one in my truck was a recent replacement that was swapped under warranty.

    8. FWIW, when my problem came up I got ECU 128 and ECU 130, which means an engine AND transmission code.

    9. Plz full codes MID 128 SID PID PSID PPID FMI

    10. well it didnt last long. problems came back with a solid service light on the shifter. Got it towed in to the dealer. Lightning ECU is getting replaced.

    11. ECU 128 try to check fault codes on this pdf(internet downloaded)

      Attached Files:

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  • What are the fault codes for Freightliner engines?

    Engine Fault codes (MID, PID, SID, FMI) FREIGHTLINER. Component Codes (MID) MID / Description / Old Text Message / New Text Message * 128 Engine # 1 ENGINE ENG 130 automatic transmission – † Trans 136 Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) TRCTR BRK Brake 140 Panel, Left INSTRCLST Instr 142 Panel, Right # 1 INSTRCLST MGMT 172 Diagnostic System DIAGNOSTC DIAG

    What is the oil temp on a Freightliner?

    TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP 178 Front Axle Load FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt. 179 Rear Axle Load REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt. * On March 7, 1997. 185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG.

    Which is the SID number for Freightliner 7?

    Only the SID number will display. 7 ABS modulator, 1st Axis, Left (front) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve a1l 8 ABS Modulator, 1st Axis, Right (front) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve a1r 9 ABS modulator, 2nd Axis, Left (middle) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod.

    When did the mid code go out for Freightliner?

    * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the MID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. 154 Auxiliary IN / OUT Status # 2 AUX INP / OUTP # 2 Aux. In / Out # 2 155 Auxiliary IN / OUT status # 1 AUX IN / OUT # 1 Aux.

    Engine Fault codes (MID, PID, SID, FMI) FREIGHTLINER. Component Codes (MID) MID / Description / Old Text Message / New Text Message * 128 Engine # 1 ENGINE ENG 130 automatic transmission – † Trans 136 Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) TRCTR BRK Brake 140 Panel, Left INSTRCLST Instr 142 Panel, Right # 1 INSTRCLST MGMT 172 Diagnostic System DIAGNOSTC DIAG

    What are the critical codes for Detroit Diesel?

    Codes 43, 44,45,51 and 53 are critical codes and if they are shown; the Stop Engine Light will come on which causes the engine protections to engage and your engine may shut down. All other codes will cause the Check Engine Light to come on which will not engage the engine protections and will allow the engine to continue running;

    Is the ECM dead on a Freightliner Columbia?

    Discussion in ‘ Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum ‘ started by bruce25, May 19, 2017 . I have tried everything checked fuses pdm box battery fuses. Checked cables i am oit of ideas is the ecm dead? Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport. Please Select…

    What is the OBD2 code for OBDII Freightliner?

    OBDII Freightliner Code Definitions. Be sure to double check the codes. Anything P1000 to P1999 or P3000 to P3400 will be Manufacturer specific and may not match the ones listed here. Check specific manufacturer pages on the site, as some of them, we list the OBD2 codes on those pages for those specific vehicles.

    What are the ABS codes for Freightliner M2?

    Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – ABS System Troubleshooting Meritor WABCO Pneumatic Antilock Braking System (ABS) – Table of DTCs Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001) MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action 136 001 01 Incorrect sensor air gap 1. Adjust the sensor.

    What does the ecu128 code on Freightliner mean?

    freightliner ecu128 code, what does this mean? It means that the engine ECU has a code in it. ECU 128 only identifies the module, it is not a fault code.

    * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the MID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. 154 Auxiliary IN / OUT Status # 2 AUX INP / OUTP # 2 Aux. In / Out # 2 155 Auxiliary IN / OUT status # 1 AUX IN / OUT # 1 Aux.

    Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – ABS System Troubleshooting Meritor WABCO Pneumatic Antilock Braking System (ABS) – Table of DTCs Left Front Wheel Sensor Troubleshooting (SID 001) MID SID FMI Problem Test Test Result Action 136 001 01 Incorrect sensor air gap 1. Adjust the sensor.

    What does the p0477 code mean on a PCM?

    The P0477 code means that the PCM has detected an abnormally low voltage reading from the exhaust back pressure control valve circuit. This code may be stored along with other codes that relate to the exhaust back pressure control system, such as the P0478 and P0479 codes. The exhaust back pressure valve controls the exhaust back pressure.

    Only the SID number will display. 7 ABS modulator, 1st Axis, Left (front) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. Valve a1l 8 ABS Modulator, 1st Axis, Right (front) PRSMOD VLV A1R Mod. Valve a1r 9 ABS modulator, 2nd Axis, Left (middle) PRSMOD VLV A2L Mod.

    How to repair a Freightliner Century class truck?

    Freightliner (FL50-60-70-80-106-112, MB50-60-70-80) BUSINESS CLASS TRUCKS Workshop Service Repair Manual Freightliner CENTURY CLASS C112, C120, CORONADO Trucks Workshop Service Repair Manual Freightliner Shuttle Bus FB65 MB45 MB55 MBC XBP XBR XBS Chassis Workshop Service Repair Manual

    Which is propane Gen 2 engine does Freightliner use?

    PSI Power Solutions International 8.8L Propane Gen II Engine Service and Diagnostic Manual Freightliner Business Class FL50 FL60 FL70 FL80 FL106 FL112 MB50 MB60 MB70 MB80 Trucks Maintenance Manual

    When did the mid number go out for Freightliner?

    If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the MID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997. * On March 7, 1997.

    What kind of engine does a 2000 Freightliner have?

    2000 Freightliner FL112 Tandem Axle Water Truck, Cummins ISM 11L Engine, 100,880 Miles, 64K GVWR 18/46K, Diff Lock, Engine Brake, Hendrickson Rubber… 2005 Freightliner M2, CAT C11, 305HP, Allison 6 Speed Automatic, Jakes, Diff Lock, 56K GVWR 16/40K, 11R24.5 Tires On Steel Wheels, Spring Suspension,

    Where can I find a Freightliner Maintenance manual?

    Get to know your Freightliner truck by accessing our Driver and Maintenance Manuals, your source for technical and operational information by model. Additional video resources are available to optimize your Freightliner truck, and provide you with convenient overviews specific to the components of your vehicle by VIN.

    What do you need to know about a Freightliner truck?

    The better you know your Freightliner, the better equipped you are to maximize its profitability. Get to know your Freightliner truck by accessing our Driver and Maintenance Manuals, your source for technical and operational information by model.

    What kind of truck is the 2010 Freightliner?

    2010 FREIGHTLINER, CASCADIA 125, Heavy Duty Trucks – Conventional Trucks w/ Sleeper, Detroit DD15, Manual, 70″ Sleeper Tractor, Single Straight Stack,… 2005 FREIGHTLINER, COLUMBIA 112, Heavy Duty Trucks – Van Trucks / Straight Trucks – Dry, Mercedes , Automatic, Supreme 26L x 97H x 96W Lube Truck Dry

    TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP 178 Front Axle Load FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt. 179 Rear Axle Load REAR AXLE WT Rear Axle Wt. * On March 7, 1997. 185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG.

    freightliner ecu128 code, what does this mean? It means that the engine ECU has a code in it. ECU 128 only identifies the module, it is not a fault code.

    What is the fault code for a mid 128 engine?

    Engine ECU Faults (MID 128) Fault Code Description FMI Codes MID 128 PID 26 Engine Fan Speed Percent 3,8 MID 128 PID 27 EGR Valve #1 Position Sensor 3,4,5 MID 128 PID 45 Preheater Relay Status 3,4,5 MID 128 PID 81 Particulate Filter 0,2,3,5,12

    What was the problem with my 2006 Freightliner C15 engine?

    Hi I just had my 2006 freightliner with the c15 with only 484000 km into the shop about 6 times in the last 2 months, dam neer every part of the cooling system was replaced.

    What is the cat code for a C13 engine?

    J1939 Code and Description CDL Code and Description CAT C13, C15, and C18 Tier 4 Final Engine Fault Codes 108-21 3528 -21 Barometric Pressure : Calibration Required Atmospheric Pressure Sensor : Calibration Required 109-3 2302-3 Engine Coolant Pressure : Voltage Above Normal Engine Coolant Pump Outlet Pressure Sensor : Voltage Above Normal

    What are the fault codes for a caterpillar?

    Caterpillar Fault Codes PID/SID FMI Fault Description 1 11 injector solenoid cyl#1 current below normal or open 2 11 injector solenoid cyl#2 current below normal or open 3 11 injector solenoid cyl#3 current below normal or open 4 11 injector solenoid cyl#4 current below normal or open

    Hi I just had my 2006 freightliner with the c15 with only 484000 km into the shop about 6 times in the last 2 months, dam neer every part of the cooling system was replaced.

    J1939 Code and Description CDL Code and Description CAT C13, C15, and C18 Tier 4 Final Engine Fault Codes 108-21 3528 -21 Barometric Pressure : Calibration Required Atmospheric Pressure Sensor : Calibration Required 109-3 2302-3 Engine Coolant Pressure : Voltage Above Normal Engine Coolant Pump Outlet Pressure Sensor : Voltage Above Normal

    What does a diagnostic code mean on a Caterpillar engine?

    CAT Fault Codes | Caterpillar Engine Errors And Trouble Codes Cat Diagnostic codes are used by the electronic system in order to alert the operator that a problem exists. A diagnostic code also indicates the nature of the problem for you, and you can see what is the code meaning with CatFaultCodes.com service.

    What to do if your cat C15 engine is leaking?

    Air might also be found on the return line to the tank, but be careful as some bubbles in the fuel is normal. Try pressurizing your fuel supply lines/fittings with shop air and check for leaks with soapy water. No codes or engine light (even intermittently)……. right?

    When did the SID number go blank on Freightliner?

    If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997.

    What is the PID number on a Freightliner?

    248 Total Power Pickup Hours TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the PID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. 43 AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act. 44 Low Gear Regulator AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.

    If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997.

    248 Total Power Pickup Hours TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the PID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. 43 AUTOSHFTHI GR HIGH Gear Act. 44 Low Gear Regulator AUTOSHFTLO GR Low Gear Act.

    What kind of transmission does Freightliner M2 106 have?

    Upon starting truck in morning, very rarely it will not engage into “DRIVE” but will indicate “RANGE INHIBIT” in red on the dashboard cluster. Also, when descending a steep hill, the truck will “jump” and catch a lower gear.

    Why does my Freightliner have a check trans light?

    In September of 2016 (1 year ago) I brought my truck into a local Freightliner shop for a PM service. They recommended I flush and fill the transmission. I approved. Upon leaving the shop, I received a “CHECK TRANS” light in orange on the dashboard. I brought the truck back to the same shop, and they said it was due to the engine running rough.

    How do you shift a Freightliner from first to second gear?

    Push the accelerator gradually with the right foot. Accelerate the Freightliner until the truck needs to be shifted from first to second gear. The shift point will be dictated by the type of engine installed in the Freightliner. Refer to the engine manufacturer’s operating instructions for optimal engine operating rpm ranges.

    What kind of engine does a Freightliner Columbia have?

    I have a 2006 freightliner Columbia with mbe4000 engine and 12 speed smart shift. 48,000 miles. Going down highway check engine light came on,cruise kicked out, trans stuck in 12th gear. Pulled off ro…

    How to find fault code 35 on Freightliner?

    Code 35 and CA Technician: Don, Mechanic replied 11 years ago Try this Fault Codes Retrieval/ClearingRetrieving Fault Codes1. Place the shift lever in neutral. 2. Set the parking brake. 3. Turn the ignition key ON but do not start the engine.

    What does the code ca mean on a Freightliner?

    Rec ently when backing (particularly alley dock w/ tight turns) it bounces, bucks, and evfentually a code “CA” with a be…  read more spankyjr1 Retired

    What do the text messages on a Freightliner truck mean?

    89 Status of Power Capture Boxes PTO STATUS PTO Status 91 Position of the Throttle Pedal (Percent of Full Run) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal 95 Difference of Pressure through the Fuel Filter FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter 97 Indicator of Water in Fuel WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.

    What are the error codes for Freightliner Trucks?

    FREIGHTLINER Truck Error Codes DTC SPN Component Codes (MID) – MID Description Old – Text Message – New Text Message * 128 Engine №1 – ENGINE – ENG 130 Automatic transmission – Trans 136 Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) – TRCTR – BRK Brake 140 Panel, Left – INSTRCLST – Instr 142 Panel, Right № 1 – INSTRCLST – MGMT

    How to troubleshoot a cat check engine light?

    Diagnose and Fix Cat Trouble Codes and Check Engine Lights. – YouTube Troubleshoot A Cat Check Engine Light. Diagnose and Fix Cat Trouble Codes and Check Engine Lights. If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV’s watch history and influence TV recommendations.

    89 Status of Power Capture Boxes PTO STATUS PTO Status 91 Position of the Throttle Pedal (Percent of Full Run) ACCEL PDL POS% Throttle Pedal 95 Difference of Pressure through the Fuel Filter FUEL FILTER Fuel Filter 97 Indicator of Water in Fuel WATER IN FUEL Water In Fuel The new text messages appear on vehicles built on or after March 7, 1997.

    Is the ECU 128 code a fault code?

    Yes, let employers and TruckersReport text me with new opportunities, job alerts and other career information to the number I provided. There is no charge for this service, but standard message and data rates may apply. It means that the engine ECU has a code in it. ECU 128 only identifies the module, it is not a fault code.

    What do you need to know about an ECU fault?

    You should also get a PID/SID and FMI number, which is the actual fault code, the only thing I can tell you is that you have a fault in the engine ECU, I need more info. Different trucks display faults in different ways.

    What does Flash code 34 on engine mean?

    Thanks for the information.Flash Code 34 indicates that the engine Turbo Boost Sensor input to the ECM has dropped below 5% (normally < 0.25 volts) of the sensor supply voltage. ? This diagnostic condition is typically:? Plugged or restricted air filter. What sensors did you replace.

    How are Freightliner codes recorded in the ECM?

    The engine control module, or ECM, constantly tracks voltage signals and records codes when values do not meet with the standard set for a specific system or part. Freightliner codes are categorized as inactive or active. If an error occurs but does not take place during diagnostic testing, it is referred to as an inactive fault.

    When do I get my Freightliner Sid number?

    * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

    * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display. * On March 7, 1997. If there is no text message, the display area will be blank. Only the SID number will display.

    What are the trouble codes on a Freightliner M2 106?

    Can anyone decode a Freightliner M2 106 w/MBE 900 trouble codes SID 025 & FAIL 07 ?? You have only posted 2/3 of the code. bh 164, trucks not starting, like its losing its prime…

    Why is the ignition not working on my Freightliner?

    If all the items that normally operate only with the ignition ON don’t operate, the likely suspect is the IGNITION SOLENOID. Likely in the dash or basement compartment in front of driver’s wheel.

    How to tell if a Freightliner chassis is dead?

    Freightliner Chassis Dead No Power, Wont Start! Hi, Folks. I am stuck here in the Easton MD area. My Journey 2002, Freightliner CCC, *** ISB 8.3, Allison 2000, pulled up to a stop light and without warning stalled, dead. The engine stopped like the key was turned off. No dash lights, no head lights, nothing that I can find on the chassis has power.

    Where is the parking brake light on a Freightliner?

    I discovered that there is a Green Wire running from the front panel (under drivers window) to the rear panel (last bay on passenger side) that connects to a solenoid. It was barely holding on and came off when I pulled on it. I reattached it and tested the slides. They worked fine.

    What does the VIN number on a Freightliner car mean?

    Every Freightliner car has a unique identifier code called a VIN. This number contains vital information about the car, such as its manufacturer, year of production, the plant it was produced in, type of engine, model and more.

    What does the VIN number on a Freightliner mean?

    The VIN code of the Freightliner contains the information about the technical aspects of the engine, the chassis and the equipment. You can use this information for several purposes. The first is defining that this very truck belongs to you.

    What are the codes on a Cummins ISX?

    I have code 285 and code 241 active and I dont have any throttle response when the engine is idling. It’s a cummins ISX I have code 285 and code 241 active and I dont have any throttle response when the engine is idling.

    What kind of engine does a cat 3176 have?

    You are right, it is 10 ltr, it also has a two piece engine block (top,bottom) that has been somewhat problematic for cat. They only made the 3176 for appx.3-4 yrs, it was replaced by the C-10, A much more reliable, (1 piece block) engine that made up to 370 hp and 1100 lbft tq.

    CAT Fault Codes | Caterpillar Engine Errors And Trouble Codes Cat Diagnostic codes are used by the electronic system in order to alert the operator that a problem exists. A diagnostic code also indicates the nature of the problem for you, and you can see what is the code meaning with CatFaultCodes.com service.

    What is the Flash code for a caterpillar truck?

    Flash Code 55 signals No Detected Faults have occurred since the ignition key switch was turned ON. For further information, assistance for repairs, or troubleshooting, refer to the Service Manual or consult an authorized Caterpillar dealer. The following chart lists and describes electronic diagnostic codes.

    Flash Code 55 signals No Detected Faults have occurred since the ignition key switch was turned ON. For further information, assistance for repairs, or troubleshooting, refer to the Service Manual or consult an authorized Caterpillar dealer. The following chart lists and describes electronic diagnostic codes.

    How many hours does a Freightliner engine work?

    185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG. Fuel econ 239 Vehicle Position (GPS) by VEHICLE POS Veh. Position 246 Total Working Hours Machine TOTAL VEH HRS Total Veh Hrs. 247 Total Engine Hours TOTAL ENG HRS Total ENG Hrs. 248 Total Power Pickup Hours TOTAL PTO HRS Total PTO Hrs. * On March 7, 1997.

    Which is ABS modulator does Freightliner A2R 11 use?

    Valve a2r 11 ABS modulator, 3rd Axis, Left (rear) PRSMOD VLV A3L Mod. Valve a3l 12 ABS Modulator, 3rd Axis, Right (Rear) PRSMOD VLV A3R Mod.

    What are the fault codes for Detroit Diesel engines?

    DETROIT DIESEL Engine Fault Codes list DTC Code Description DDEC V Circuit 11 P 187 4 Chain PTO. Short circuit in the power 11 P 187 7 control system PTO wrong answers 12 P 187 3 Chain PTO. Short circuit in the ground 13 P 111 4-level circuit antifreeze. Short circuit in the ground 13 P 111 6 second-level circuit antifreeze.

    What should I do if my cat C7 loses power?

    It should bring up a code, loss of power, diagnostic usually starts, low boost, test the CAC, low fuel pressure, change the filters and be sure they are on properly, and the right ones, and proper pressure. The air system filter plugged, or exhaust. Turbo seized or malfunctioning, Valve set to tight.

    When did Freightliner start making Hood and cables?

    Founded as Freightliner Inc. in the year 1942. It produces both hood and cabless trucks using, as a rule, diesel engines from Cummins, Caterpillar and Detroit Diesel, also part of Daimler AG.

    What’s the problem with the ECM on a Freightliner Columbia?

    So ecm is getting power but dash is not reading anything from it shows 0 volts no eng with alot of faults and also check eng and protect is constantly on once you turn the key. Also dash shows option with EC with lines across seems like there is nothing coming out of ecm.

    What are the components of a Freightliner truck?

    Component Codes (MID) – MID Description Old – Text Message – New Text Message * 51 Position of the throttle pedal – THROTTLE POS – Throttle Pos 55 Position of the Control Shift Finger – SHFT FNGR POS – Shift FNGR Pos 56 Status of the range – SWITCH RANGE – Switch

    How does the front axle of a Freightliner work?

    75 Front Axle Oils Temperature – STRNGAXLTEMP – Str. Axle TEMP 81 Pressure in the Particle Trap PARTTRAPINLPRS PartTRAP Press 82 Pressure of the Pneumatic Starter System AIRSTARTPRESS Air Start Pres 83 Status Movement Speed Limits ROADSPDLIMITST ROAD SPEED Lim 89 Status of Power Capture Boxes PTO STATUS PTO Status

    Every Freightliner car has a unique identifier code called a VIN. This number contains vital information about the car, such as its manufacturer, year of production, the plant it was produced in, type of engine, model and more.

    When does the fault code flash on an Eaton transmission?

    Turn the key off and on 4 times within five seconds ending with the key in the on position. After 5 seconds, the Service light begins flashing two-digit fault codes. If no faults are active, the service light will flash code 25 (no codes). Two digit fault codes will be displayed in the gear display.

    How to know if you have a transmission fault?

    Any code within this range point to a transmission related fault.. CV (constant-velocity) axles, (also known as half-shafts), are used in front-wheel drive vehicles to transfer the engine’s power from the transaxle to the two drive wheels. When working on or around any vehicle injuries can and do occur.

    How to find a Stoltz service case fault code?

    Stoltz Sales & Service has spent months going through service manuals to compile one of the most complete lists of Service Case IH Fault Codes. If you can not find your Fault Code try Search All under Controller, if you still can’t find it please contact our Service Department.

    What is the diagnostic code for a C13 engine?

    Troubleshooting, “Sensor Calibration Required – Test” The Forced regeneration switch is installed and the disable regeneration switch is held for longer than 1 minute or the Forced regeneration switch is NOT installed and the disable regeneration input through the Datalink is received for longer than 1 minute.

    Can anyone decode a Freightliner M2 106 w/MBE 900 trouble codes SID 025 & FAIL 07 ?? You have only posted 2/3 of the code. bh 164, trucks not starting, like its losing its prime…

    What is the maintenance manual for a Freightliner truck?

    Freightliner Heavy-Duty Trucks Maintenance Manual. Models – FLA COE, FLB COE, FLC 112 Conventional, FLD Conventional, FLL COE.pdf Freightliner Trucks – the largest manufacturer of tractors and trucks from the US, part of the corporation Daimler. The motto of the brand is “Run smart!”. Founded as Freightliner Inc. in the year 1942.

    What is the code for the cat engine?

    A fault serious enough to turn on the A fault serious enough to turn on the Cat C15 Intake Valve Actuation Pressure Sensor I mean the one on the Cat Engine Code 385-1 Ask Your Own Medium and Heavy Trucks Question Customer: replied4 years ago. Is that thru different

    What’s the problem with my Cat C15 engine?

    Its a Inside here is where you can see Cat Intake Valve Actuator the problem. It’s possible that they are Intake Valve Actuator Oil Pressure Voltage Fault Before troubleshooting the engine, look at the release Audi Code P0441 – overturzb.link hp blink code 5 pdf PDF cat c15 engine code gave you would have changed over to the new one.

    What does a b5R fault code mean on a caterpillar truck?

    This code indicates that Cat ET is not communicating on the J1939 data link. Cat ET must be communicating on the J1939 data link and the ATA data link in order to fully service the engine. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tools” for additional information on establishing communication on both data links.

    What kind of truck is the Freightliner Century?

    See More Details 2002 Freightliner Century 112, Cummins ISM motor, 750,000 miles, very good running truck. Sold By: BASKIN TRUCK SALES LLC. Fleet Maintained – 2004 Freightliner – Century CST 112 – Mercedes Engine – MBE 4000 – 435 Horsepower – 535k miles – 10 Speed FRO13210B Transmission – Fuller Transmission – Airliner Air Suspension -…

    What kind of engine does Freightliner Detroit Series 60 have?

    Equal opportunity lender. Detroit Series 60 14.0L engine, engine brake, 455 hp, Eaton 10 speed trans, 3.70 ratio, 224″ wheelbase, odometer shows 323,676 miles, truck runs good, no check engine lights on, very nice.

    Are there any Freightliner Toter trucks on the market?

    Advantage Truck Group was recently named the winner of the 2020 Successful Dealer Award during a virtual award presentation. The new motor will be available in over-the-road Freightliner Cascadia trucks and in vocational Western Star 49X trucks built for construction and municipal projects. …

    What kind of engine does a Freightliner Century have?

    Fleet Maintained – 2004 Freightliner – Century CST 112 – Mercedes Engine – MBE 4000 – 435 Horsepower – 535k miles – 10 Speed FRO13210B Transmission – Fuller Transmission – Airliner Air Suspension -… See More Details

    Equal opportunity lender. Detroit Series 60 14.0L engine, engine brake, 455 hp, Eaton 10 speed trans, 3.70 ratio, 224″ wheelbase, odometer shows 323,676 miles, truck runs good, no check engine lights on, very nice.

    What kind of engine does Freightliner CST 112 have?

    FREIGHTLINER CST 112 2012 DETROIT DD13 450HP, 18 SPEED MANUAL, MERITOR RT40/145 DIFFS WITH CROSSLOCKS ON AIRLINER AIRBAG SUSPENSION. GREAT LIGHT TARE PRIME MOVER. ORIGINAL 768,087KLMS. SOLD WITH… See More Details 2012 Freightliner CST112. Detroit DD13 Engine @ 450 HP, 18 Speed manual Transmission. 34 Integrated low roof sleeper.

    Advantage Truck Group was recently named the winner of the 2020 Successful Dealer Award during a virtual award presentation. The new motor will be available in over-the-road Freightliner Cascadia trucks and in vocational Western Star 49X trucks built for construction and municipal projects.

    What are the volts on a Freightliner ECM?

    Series 60 12.7 year 2003 i checked harness pins for volts and the big pin close to cab has 4 pins with 12 volts and a 5 large pin cable above it has two pins with 12 volts. So ecm is getting power but dash is not reading anything from it shows 0 volts no eng with alot of faults and also check eng and protect is constantly on once you turn the key.

    Series 60 12.7 year 2003 i checked harness pins for volts and the big pin close to cab has 4 pins with 12 volts and a 5 large pin cable above it has two pins with 12 volts. So ecm is getting power but dash is not reading anything from it shows 0 volts no eng with alot of faults and also check eng and protect is constantly on once you turn the key.

    What causes a series 60 engine to fail?

    This separation allowed the connecting rod to disconnect as well, and one of the loose components would then damage the engine block, often by creating a hole through it. This issue did not affect all pre-2002 Series 60 engines, but it was a problem that occurred and could cause catastrophic engine failure.

    Why are my Detroit Diesel Series 60 brakes not working?

    These brakes could require different programming than what is standard on the Series 60, and the disconnect could cause a loss of throttle. If this is not the issue and you’re still experiencing throttle issues, you’ll probably want to take a look at your TPS (throttle position sensor).

    What is the trouble code for a Freightliner?

    Freightliner Codes; Trouble Code Fault Location Probable Cause; P1000 – P1099 (Fuel and air metering and auxiliary emission control) P1000: Ignition coil, 5 -primary circuit range/performance: Wiring, connectors, ignition coil 5, ECM: P1001: Ignition coil, 5 -primary circuit high: Wiring, connectors, ignition coil 5, ECM: P1002

    What is the code for cylinder 8 misfire?

    Ive also had a cylinder 8 misfire code… ” May 26, 19:44 Nathaniel Olson on P0340 – Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A, bank 1 circuit malfunction: “ One. The pcm driver. Two the ignition. A terminal at the pcm should be a ground for the crank sensor,…

    What is the diagnostic code for fuel injector problems?

    The injector can face problems due to a contamination of the inlet filter on the injector. It is also possible for this problem to arise because of a dirty or clogged fuel filter or a defective fuel pump. P0253 is widely known as the diagnostic trouble code for “Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control A Low (Cam/Rotor/Injector.”

    What does a faulty fuel injector code mean?

    Some of them include: faulty fuel injector, loose or corroded fuel injector connector, dirty fuel injector supplying the number one cylinder, plugged fuel injector, and open or short in the fuel injector harness etc. You must be curious to understand what this particular code indicates.

    What does it mean when a fuel injector is clogged?

    A fuel injector is considered to be clogged if the amount of debris or gunk inside the injector or filter basket has built up to such an extent that it does not allow fuel to flow through. Once the injectors itself or the filter basket becomes clogged, no amount of intake or fuel rail induced injector cleaner will resolve the problem.

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    Сообщения: 9
    Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 23, 2010 3:24 pm
    Откуда: Россия, Липецк

    Freightliner мотор Catepilar заглох на ходу

    Здравствуйте! Проблема в том, что TEXA не стыкуется с блоком управления двигателем. Другие системы видит. На панели приборов высвечивается следующая ошибка «ECU 128». Подскажите, в чём может быть загвоздка.

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 2166
    Зарегистрирован: Вс авг 24, 2008 9:34 pm
    Откуда: Россия. Санкт-Петербург
    Контактная информация:


    acckiy » Пт сен 03, 2010 12:01 am

    А головой подумать?
    128-й блок просто не включается, или не присутствует в сети.


    Сообщения: 213
    Зарегистрирован: Ср апр 28, 2010 3:10 pm
    Откуда: россия,краснодар
    Контактная информация:


    alek310 » Сб сен 04, 2010 11:05 am

    питаеие проверь,все ли приходит на блок.отдельный плюс идет с аккумов,бывает протираеться и сгнил.и преды там же на аккумах проверь


    Сообщения: 5
    Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 06, 2011 11:24 pm
    Откуда: Россия, Уфа-Пермь
    Контактная информация:


    albert_ufa » Вт фев 01, 2011 3:45 pm

    128 блок это ECM Двс, Для начала надо посмотреть, питание на ECM? если оно есть, то подключать Cat ET, и смотреть в чем дело.

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