Eoferror ran out of input ошибка

Short answer: The simplest solution is to write the complete list to file using pickle.dump(). There’s no need to write all objects one by one in a loop. Pickle is designed to do this for you.

Example code and alternative solutions:

Below is a fully working example. Some notes:

  • I’ve updated your __init__ function a bit to make the initialization code a lot easier and shorter.
  • I’ve also added a __repr__ function. This could be used to print the record details to screen, which you also asked. (Note that you could also implement a __str__ function, but I chose to implement __repr__ for this example).
  • This code example uses standard Python coding styles (PEP-8).
  • This code uses a context manager to open the file. This is safer and avoid the need to manually close the file.

If you really want to write the objects manually, for whatever reason, there are a few alternatives to do that safely. I’ll explain them after this code example:

import pickle

class CarRecord:

    def __init__(self, vehicle_id, registration, registration_date, engine_size, purchase_price):
        self.vehicle_id = vehicle_id
        self.registration = registration
        self.registration_date = registration_date
        self.engine_size = engine_size
        self.purchase_price = purchase_price

    def __repr__(self):
        return "CarRecord(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r)" % (self.vehicle_id, self.registration,
                                                  self.registration_date, self.engine_size,

def main():
    cars = [
        CarRecord("CD333", "17888", "18/2/2017", 2500, 22000.00),
        CarRecord("AB123", "16988", "19/2/2017", 2500, 20000.00),

    # Write cars to file.
    with open('Cars.TXT', 'wb') as car_file:
        pickle.dump(cars, car_file)

    # Read cars from file.
    with open('Cars.TXT', 'rb') as car_file:
        cars = pickle.load(car_file)

    # Print cars.
    for car in cars:

if __name__ == '__main__':


CarRecord('CD333', '17888', '18/2/2017', 2500, 22000.0)
CarRecord('AB123', '16988', '19/2/2017', 2500, 20000.0)

Instead of dumping the list at once, you could also do it in a loop. The following code snippets are alternative implementations to «Write cars to file» and «Read cars from file».

Alternative 1: write number of objects to file

At the start of the file, write the number of cars. This can be used to read the same amount of cars from the file.

    # Write cars to file.
    with open('Cars.TXT', 'wb') as car_file:
        pickle.dump(len(cars), car_file)
        for car in cars:
            pickle.dump(car, car_file)

    # Read cars from file.
    with open('Cars.TXT', 'rb') as car_file:
        num_cars = pickle.load(car_file)
        cars = [pickle.load(car_file) for _ in range(num_cars)]

Alternative 2: use an «end» marker

At the end of the file, write some recognizable value, for example None. When reading this object can be used to detect the end of file.

    # Write cars to file.
    with open('Cars.TXT', 'wb') as car_file:
        for car in cars:
            pickle.dump(car, car_file)
        pickle.dump(None, car_file)

    # Read cars from file.
    with open('Cars.TXT', 'rb') as car_file:
        cars = []
        while True:
            car = pickle.load(car_file)
            if car is None:

Eoferror: ran out of input” is an error that occurs during the programming process. It generally happens because the file is empty and has no input.the eoferror ran out of input

Thus, instead of finishing the program the usual way, it shows an eoferror error message. In this guide, directions and solutions to troubleshoot this issue have been discussed.


  • Why Does an Eoferror: Ran Out of Input Error Occur?
    • – The File Is Empty
    • – Using Unnecessary Functions in the Program
    • – Overwrite a Pickle File
    • – Using an Unknown File Name
    • – Using an Incorrect Syntax
  • How To Fix Eoferror: Ran Out of Input Error?
    • – Use an Additional Command To Show That the File Is Empty
    • – Avoid Using an Unnecessary Function in the Program
    • – Avoid Overwriting a Pickle File
    • – Do Not Use an Unknown Filename
    • – Use the Correct Syntax
  • FAQs
    • 1. How To Fix Eoferror Eof When Reading a Line in Python Without Errors?
    • 2. How To Read a Pickle File in Python To Avoid an Eoferror Error?
  • Conclusion

Why Does an Eoferror: Ran Out of Input Error Occur?

The eoferror ran out of input error occurs mainly because a program calls out an empty file. Some other causes include:

  • The file is empty.
  • Using unnecessary functions in the program.
  • Overwrite a pickle file.
  • Using an unknown filename.
  • Using an incorrect syntax: df=pickle.load(open(‘df.p’,’rb’))

– The File Is Empty

When a file is empty and has no input details in it, the program error occurs when that file is called out. It is also known as a pickle.load eoferror error.

Given below are a quick program and its output that explains the cause of the error.


Open(target, ‘c’).close()

scores = {};

with open(target, “rb”) as file:

unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(file);

scores = unpickler.load();

if not isinstance(scores, dict):

scores = {};


Traceback (most recent call last):

File “G:pythonpenduuser_test.py”, line 3, in :

save_user_points(“Magixs”, 31);

File “G:pythonpenduuser.py”, line 22, in save_user_points:

scores = unpickler.load();

EOFError: Ran out of input

Now, the reason why this error occurred was that the program called an empty file, and no other command was given.

– Using Unnecessary Functions in the Program

Sometimes, using an unnecessary function in the program can lead to undefined behavior in the output or errors such as EOFError: Ran out of the input.

Therefore, avoid using functions that are not required. Here’s the same example from above for avoiding confusion:

Open(target, ‘c’).close()

scores = {};

with open(target, “rb”) as file:

unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(file);

scores = unpickler.load();

if not isinstance(scores, dict):

scores = {};

– Overwrite a Pickle File

Sometimes, an empty pickle file can come as a surprise. This is because the programmer may have opened the filename through ‘bw’ or some other mode that could have overwritten the file.Eoferror Ran Out of Input Causes

Here’s an example of overwritten filename program:

filename = ‘do.pkl’

with open(filename, ‘bw’) as g:

classification_dict = pickle.load(g)

The function “classification_dict = pickle.load(g)” will overwrite the pickled file. This type of error can be made by mistake before using:

open(filename, ‘rb’) as g

Now, due to this, the programmer will get an EOFError because the previous block of code overwrote the do.pkl file.

– Using an Unknown File Name

This error occurs when the program has a filename that was not recognized earlier. Addressing an unrecognized filename in the middle of the program can cause various programming errors, including the “eoferror” error.

Eoferror has various types depending on the programming language and syntax. Some of them are:

  • Eoferror: ran out of input pandas.
  • Eoferror: ran out of input PyTorch.
  • Eoferror: ran out of input yolov5.

– Using an Incorrect Syntax

When typing a program, one has to be careful with the usage of the syntax. Wrong functions at the wrong time are also included in syntax errors. Sometimes overwriting filenames can cause syntax errors. Here’s a quick example of writing a pickle file:


However, if the programmer copied this code to reopen it but forgot to change ‘wb’ to ‘rb’, then that can cause overwriting syntax error:


There are multiple ways in which this error can be resolved. Some common ways to fix this issue include using an additional command to show that the file is empty, avoiding unnecessary functions in the program and refraining from overwriting the pickle file.

A well-known way to fix this issue is by setting a condition in case the file is empty. If the condition is not included in the coding, an eoferror error will occur. The “ran out of input” means the end of a file and that it is empty.

– Use an Additional Command To Show That the File Is Empty

While typing a program and addressing a file, use an additional command that does not cause any error in the output due to an empty file. The error “eoferror ran out of input” can be easily fixed by doing what is recommended.

Let’s use the same example given above at the start. To fix that error, here’s how the program should have been written:

import os

scores = {}

if os.path.getsize(target) > 0:

with open(target, “cr”) as h:

unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(h)

# if the file is not empty, scores will be equal

# to the value unpickled

scores = unpickler.load()

– Avoid Using an Unnecessary Function in the Program

As the heading explains itself, do not use unnecessary functions while coding because it can confuse the programmer, thus causing eoferror error in the output.

The top line containing, the “Open(target, ‘a’).close()” function is not necessary in the program given in the section “using unnecessary function in the program”. Thus, it can cause issues or confusion to programmers while typing codes.

– Avoid Overwriting a Pickle File

Another way to remove the program’s eoferror errors is by rechecking and correcting the overwritten pickle file. The programmer can also try to avoid overwriting files using different techniques.Eoferror Ran Out of Input Fixes

It is recommended to keep a note of the files the programmer will be using in the program to avoid confusion. Previously, an example was given in the section, “Using an incorrect syntax”, so keeping that in mind, be careful with the overwriting of files.

Here is the example with the correct syntax to avoid overwriting:



This has caused an overwriting issue. The correct way is:


– Do Not Use an Unknown Filename

Before calling out any filename, it must be registered in the library while programming so that the user may have desired output when it is called. However, it is considered an unknown filename if it is not registered and the file has been called out.

Calling an unknown filename causes an eoferror error message in your developing platform. The user will be unable to get the desired output and will end up stuck in this error. For example, the user entered two filenames in the program, but only one is registered, and the other isn’t.

Let’s take “gd” as a registered filename and “ar” as a non-registered filename (unknown). Therefore:

import os

scores = {} # scores is an empty dict already

if os.path.getsize(target) > 0:

with open(target, “ar”) as g:

unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(g)

# if the file is not empty, scores will be equal

# to the value unpickled

scores = unpickler.load()

As seen above, the filename used here is unknown to the program. Thus, the output of this program will include errors. So, make sure the file is registered.

– Use the Correct Syntax

This is another common reason for the eoferror input error while typing a program in the python programming language. Therefore, an easy way to resolve this is by taking a few notes.

Before starting the coding process, search and note down the basic syntaxes of that particular program, such as Python, Java and C++ etc.

Doing so will help beginners and make it significantly easy for them to avoid syntax errors while coding. Make sure to enter the correct syntax and do not overwrite, as that too can cause syntax errors.


1. How To Fix Eoferror Eof When Reading a Line in Python Without Errors?

The most common reason behind Eoferror is that you have reached the end of the file without reading all the data. To fix this error, make sure to read all the data in the file before trying to access its contents. It can be done by using a loop to read through the file’s contents.

2. How To Read a Pickle File in Python To Avoid an Eoferror Error?

The programmer can use the pandas library to read a pickle file in Python. The pandas module has a read_pickle() method that can be used to read a pickle file. By using this, one can avoid the eoferror empty files issue.

This is because the pandas library in Python detects such errors beforehand. Resulting in a much smoother programming experience.


After reading this article thoroughly, the reader will be able to do their programming much more quickly because they’ll know why the eoferror ran out of input error messages. Here is a quick recap of this guide:

  • The eoferror error usually occurs when the file is empty or the filename is accidentally overwritten.
  • The best way to avoid errors like eoferror is by correcting the syntax
  • Ensure that before calling the pickled file, the program should also have an alternative command in case the pickled file is empty and has no input in it.
  • When working in Jupyter, or the console (Spyder), write a wrapper over the reading/writing code and call the wrapper subsequently.

The reader can now tactfully handle this error and continue doing their programming efficiently, and if you have some difficulty, feel free to come back to read this guide. Thank you for reading!

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When we are using python pickle to load an object, we may get this error: EOFError: Ran out of input. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to fix it.

fix pickle.load() EOFError Ran out of input

Why does this error occur?

We can load an object from a file as follows:

with open("binary_list.bin","rb") as f:
    car_obj_2 = pickle.load(f)

However, if the file binary_list.bin is damaged or empty. We will get this error.

How to fix this error?

You have to remove binary_list.bin and save python object using python pickle again.

Best Practice to Save and Load Python Object From a File with Pickle – Python Tutorial

Answer by Emerson Lim

Most of the answers here have dealt with how to mange EOFError exceptions, which is really handy if you’re unsure about whether the pickled object is empty or not.,

Yes, I made the same mistake and all the results are ruined which had to rerun all the previous calculations and wait for one day to get the results. What a pity!

– sikisis

Sep 7 ’20 at 23:15


Unpinning the accepted answer from the top of the list of answers

,Please be sure to answer the question. Provide details and share your research!

for example:

filename = 'cd.pkl'
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    classification_dict = pickle.load(f)

This will over-write the pickled file. You might have done this by mistake before using:

open(filename, 'rb') as f:

Answer by Mikaela Moyer

import pickle
amount_of_accounts = pickle.load( open( "savek.p", "rb" ) )

Error:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Python.py", line 4, in (module)
    amount_of_accounts = pickle.load( open( "savek.p", "rb" ) )
EOFError: Ran out of input

Answer by Miles Shepard

When pickling functions, cloudpickle will try to ensure a de-pickler imports any package child-modules that are needed by the function by iterating over sys.modules:
,A worker is trying to export a remote function. It will use cloudpickle to serialize the function.,An import thread is trying to a execute remote function, it could import a new module.,right after pickle.dumps, then it fails right there (because pickled_function is b’x80x04′). So the error is happening with the call to pickle.dumps.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ray/import_thread.py", line 131, in fetch_and_register_remote_function
    function = pickle.loads(serialized_function)
EOFError: Ran out of input

Answer by Wrenley Pena

A typical construct for reading from an Unpickler object would be like this ..,As you see, that’s actually a natural error ..,EOFError is simply raised, because it was reading an empty file, it just meant End of File ..,I am getting an interesting error while trying to use Unpickler.load(), here is the source code:

I am getting an interesting error while trying to use Unpickler.load(), here is the source code:

open(target, 'a').close()
scores = {};
with open(target, "rb") as file:
    unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(file);
    scores = unpickler.load();
    if not isinstance(scores, dict):
        scores = {};

Here is the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "G:pythonpenduuser_test.py", line 3, in <module>:
    save_user_points("Magix", 30);
File "G:pythonpenduuser.py", line 22, in save_user_points:
    scores = unpickler.load();
EOFError: Ran out of input

Answer by Aryan Butler

When I run the code I get EOFError: Ran out of input which points to the loading of the pickle. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am using Python 3. Thanks for your help!,I am writing a quiz program. I am trying to give the user the opportunity to write and add their own question. I have wrote functions to ask and add questions. I am trying to pickle the list of questions so I can auto load new questions anytime somebody adds one.,This is the code I am using to load the pickled file.,I have this code in the function that adds questions.

This is the code I am using to load the pickled file.

sciIn = open('sciList.txt','rb')
sci = pickle.load(sciIn)

I have this code in the function that adds questions.

sciOut = open("sciList.txt",'wb')
pickle.dump(sci, sciOut)

Answer by Fox Ramirez

Search Answer Titles

It is very likely that the pickled file is empty.

Answer by Everest Duke

I tried many times with different data and even reinstalled the jetson from scratch but I am still having the same error,I am learning and following the seasons of videos of jetson fundamentals, but I got stacked here, at the moment of train object detection:,Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled,Below is a relevant topic and please check if it helps first:

I am learning and following the seasons of videos of jetson fundamentals, but I got stacked here, at the moment of train object detection:

2021-05-21 08:35:54 - Init from pretrained ssd models/mobilenet-v1-ssd-mp-0_675.pth

Answer by Rivka Portillo

Cache must be set to django.core.cache.backends.filebased.FileBasedCache.
When using Django file cache, if a cache file ends up empty for some reason (yes, this actually happened in the wild), an EOFError is thrown.
Fixed #28500 — Fixed crash in FileBasedCache._is_expired() if the cache file is empty.

Cache must be set to django.core.cache.backends.filebased.FileBasedCache.

>>> from django.core.cache import cache
>>> cache.set('testing' 'test')

In a shell

> cache_dir/file_that_got_created.djcache

Back in the REPL

>>> cache.get('testing')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/code.py", line 91, in runcode
    exec(code, self.locals)
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", line 40, in get
    if not self._is_expired(f):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", line 137, in _is_expired
    exp = pickle.load(f)
EOFError: Ran out of input


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#1 Март 30, 2016 13:59:14

Ran out of input

def top_scores(score):
    """Forms a top scores list"""
    name = input("Enter your name")
    f = open("pickles11.dat", "wb+")
    top_scores = pickle.load(f)
    top_scores[score] = name
    pickle.dump(top_scores, f)
    keys = top_scores.keys()
    keys = list(keys)
    print("nTop scores:")
    for i in keys:
        print(top_scores[i], i)

При выполнении возникает ошибка:
top_scores = pickle.load(f)
EOFError: Ran out of input

Подскажите, пожалуйста, где здесь проблема.


  • Пожаловаться

#2 Март 30, 2016 14:56:55

Ran out of input


f = open("pickles11.dat", "wb+")

wb+ стирает содержимое файла.


  • Пожаловаться

#3 Март 30, 2016 15:02:59

Ran out of input

Сначала получаем значение, потом его изменяем и вновь записываем, wb+ это позволяет. Я не прав?

P.S. Да и в принципе не важно, что оно делает, просто подскажите, как сделать, чтобы всё заработало

Отредактировано Stranger (Март 30, 2016 15:06:38)

Прикреплённый файлы:
attachment Снимок экрана от 2016-03-30 15-00-47.png (212,3 KБ)


  • Пожаловаться

#5 Март 30, 2016 15:25:37

Ran out of input

Ну так в файл перезаписывается уже полученная и измененная ценность, или я сильно ошибаюсь?


  • Пожаловаться

#6 Март 30, 2016 15:31:15

Ran out of input

Откройте файл с wb+ и прочтитайте его содержимое.
Согласитесь, проще сделать это, чем гадать?


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#7 Март 30, 2016 15:47:54

Ran out of input

def top_scores(score):
    """Forms a top scores list"""
    name = input("Enter your name")
    f = open("pickles11.dat", "rb")
    top_scores = pickle.load(f)
    top_scores[score] = name
    f = open("pickles11.dat", "wb")
    pickle.dump(top_scores, f)
    keys = top_scores.keys()
    keys = list(keys)
    print("nTop scores:")
    for i in keys:
        print(top_scores[i], i)

Да, вы правы, спасибо за помощь. Переписал, всё работает.


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