Error 001100279 ансис ошибка

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Ставлю расчёт на досчитывание ступени компрессора и столкнулся с такой ошибкой 001100279. Читал на форуме, что она связанна с распараллеливанием. На ПК считаю и ставлю Platform MPI Local Parallel. До ошибки значение КПД резко начинает расти. Ниже прикладываю невязки и мониторинг кпд. Обратил также внимание, что в новом ансисе появилось ещё intel mpi local parallel. В чём разница между Platform MPI Local Parallel и intel mpi local parallel?

Заранее спасибо за ответы

Parallel run: Received message from slave
 Slave partition :        7
 Slave routine   : ErrAction
 Master location : Message Handler
 Message label   : 001100279
 Message follows below — : 

 | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction.             |
 | Message:                                                           |
 | Floating point exception: Overflow                                 |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |

 Parallel run: Received message from slave
 Slave partition :        7
 Slave routine   : ErrAction
 Master location : Message Handler
 Message label   : 001100279
 Message follows below — : 

 | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction.             |
 | Message:                                                           |
 | Stopped in routine FPX: C_FPX_HANDLER                              |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |

 | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine MESG_RETRIEVE.         |
 | Message:                                                           |
 | Stopping the run due to error(s) reported above                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |

 |                An error has occurred in cfx5solve:                 |
 |                                                                    |
 | The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1.   No results file  |
 | has been created.                                                  |

End of solution stage.

 | The following transient and backup files written by the ANSYS CFX  |
 | solver have been saved in the directory                            |
 | D:AnsysCFXstupen_110stupen_110_001:                                  |
 |                                                                    |
 | 300_full.bak, 200_full.bak                                         |

 | The following user files have been saved in the directory          |
 | D:AnsysCFXstupen_110stupen_110_001:                                  |
 |                                                                    |
 | pids, mon                                                          |

 |                              Warning!                              |
 |                                                                    |
 | After waiting for 60 seconds, 1 solver manager process(es) appear  |
 | not to have noticed that this run has ended.  You may get errors   |
 | removing some files if they are still open in the solver manager.  |

This run of the ANSYS CFX Solver has finished.

Всем доброго времени суток!

Прошу помочь мне разобраться в чем, может быть причина следующей ошибки.

Решаю задачу теплообмена твердых тел между собой, включающих замкнутые газовые области прозрачные для излучения. В задаче порядка 18 газовых областей, в которых моделируется теплообмен излучением между стенками. Модель излучения Discret Transfer с опцией Surface to Surface. В двух односвязных областях считается течение газа турбулентным, в остальных ламинарное течение (неподвижные газовые области с инициализацией по 0 компонент скорости и давления). Каждая область с расчетам течения содержится в нескольких доменах, соединенных интерфейсами. Неподвижные газовые области (т.е. ламинарные с нулевой инициализацией ) содержаться каждая в своем домене. Все области имеют интерфейсы с твердыми телами.

Задача решается в Ansys CFX v14.5 с и сползованием бетта опции rad data in par file=t, позволяющей просчитывать и сохранять информацию для траекторий лучей для модели Discret Transfer на этапе создания par файла в par файле. Счет начинается с готовым par файлом (декомпозиция производиться отдельно и до процесса решения).

В процессе решения на 1-ой итерации получаю следующую ошибку после первой газовой области (область с ламинарным воздухом):


| I-Radiation-K045 air_ | #Its | vol chg | sur chg | Lost %Imbal | I

| Gray | 8 | 0.0E+00 | 9.1E-03 | 0.00 5.76 |


Parallel run: Received message from slave


Slave partition : 194

Slave routine : ErrAction

Master location : RCVBUF,MSGTAG=1081

Message label : 001100279

Message follows below — :


| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. I |

| Message: |

| Stopped in routine EXTRACT_REAL_VAR |

| |



| An error has occurred in cfxSsolve: |

| |

| The ANSYS CFX solver could not be started, or exited with return |

| code 255. No results file has been created. | I


На данный момент опытным путем установлено, что:

1) Описание ошибки в мануале отсутствует

2) Поиск по интернету по ключевому слову EXTRACT_REAL_VAR результатов не дает

3) Задача без излучения во всех доменах отлично ситается

4) Если отклчить в обоих подвижных воздухов (турбулентных) расчет излучения, то в задаче просчитывается излучение в большем количестве газовых областей (порядка 10-ти), однако ошибка возникает на 11-той области. При этом при одном и том же количестве партиций (par файл не меняется от запуска к запуску) ошибка возникает в другой по номеру партиции не в 194-ой как в примере (Slave partition : 194), наблюдал ошибку в 190-ой партиции.

5) Было как минимум три запуска в которых эта ошибка возникала после просчета излучения в различном количества газовых областей с излучением (в каждой задаче отключалось излучение в разном количестве доменов).

Заранее благодарен за любые мысли и рекомендации.

  June 29, 2004, 12:03

ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Dear CFX Users!

I just started up with CFX a few days ago. So hopefully my problem is easily to be answered.

Just after the memory allocation while running the solver manager the following error-message occurs without any further hint:

Details of error:- —————- Error detected by routine MAKDAT CDANAM = CZIF CDTYPE = CHAR ISIZE = 20 CRESLT = OLD

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | Message: stopped in routine MEMERR

Probably someone may help me understanding and solving this error!

Thanks a lot in advance!



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  June 29, 2004, 18:14

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction


Glenn Horrocks


Hi Stephan,

Try running the simulation again with more memory. You can do that on the solver manager on the advanced tab, put (say) «1.5x» in the memory allocation factor text box. This will increase memory allocation by 1.5 times.



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  June 30, 2004, 03:04

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hi Glenn!

Thank you for the quick reply!

Unfortunately after the increased memory allocation (I rised the memory allocation factor for the solver to successively the maximum (9x) means 500MB of total memory for all stacks. All other parameters of the solver manager were taken by default) the error message remains the same…

Is this error message definitely connected to a wrong memory allocation or may there be any shortcoming within my meshes which could lead to such an error?

Best regards



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  June 30, 2004, 04:31

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hi Stephan,

I think that if you give a brief description of what you are doing and the code you are using then someone, with a similar experience may help you out.

I had previously received a message that appeared to be a memory problem when actually it was about the license or vise vasa, as well as poor mesh with high aspect ratio or almost zero volume cell. In principle, these errors should be detected at some earlier stage, but at times this does not happen and i do not know why.



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  June 30, 2004, 04:48

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hi Anne

What I am trying to do is to model a onephase mixing vessel with two 4-blade-impellers (Moving-Grid-Problem)

I think it may be the impellers mesh that is to be improved. I am going to do this and will let you know if it lead to any success.

Best Regards



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  June 30, 2004, 05:57

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hi Stephan,

Single phase rarely gives memory problems if the mesh is correct. As for memory allocation, I never had to go beyond 1.4x with such type of simulation. You may need to check that number of cell in your domain is what you expected/set.

Best of luck.



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  June 30, 2004, 08:17

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hello again!

You were totally right. The mesh was the Problem: I have got major problems in creating periodicities (in order to crate periodic interfaces for my vessel/impellers) in my mesh builder (CAD2Mesh).

I simplified my Geometry (the Bottom of my Vessel) so that CAD2Mesh could apply periodicities at least for the vessel domain (but still not for my impeller domains).

However, with this modification the model runs and converges but the solver still identifies two isolated Volumes.

Does anyone know how to modify the mesh structure in order to allow the mesh builder to create rotational periodic (means identical) surfaces?

Regards Stephan


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  January 27, 2012, 08:26

Error #001100279


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Hi Guys,

I faced with this error and I have not any guess about the reason.

I am really hopeful which I could find the reason here with your help.

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine cal_IPTC


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  January 27, 2012, 08:41

Error #001100279


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Additionally I have this message in ANSYS CFX-pre:
«The specified thermal radiation model is enabled for multiphase flow as a beta feature»
I don’t know is any relation between this message and that error in cfx-post or not.

I am looking forward to hearing from you


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  January 29, 2012, 05:06



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You would have to post the whole output file, or at least enough to put it into context for us to help you.

But if you are using a beta feature then there is no guarantee things will work.

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  May 18, 2012, 01:21






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I have the following error
ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction Message:
Floating point exception: Overflow

I have a mesh of 6 lacs, initially the same error came up when the courant number exceeded 1. After decreasing the time-step-size the simulation ran but the error sprang up once again and I get the following error along with the previous one

Stopped in routine FPX: C_FPX_HANDLER

I have tried allocating more space but that has failed,
if there is a problem with the mesh, I cant check it because I only have the .def and .res files.

Can anyone help.

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  May 18, 2012, 07:50



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  December 27, 2017, 08:31

I also meet the problem ,can you help me?




wan zhihua

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Originally Posted by Stephan

Dear CFX Users!

I just started up with CFX a few days ago. So hopefully my problem is easily to be answered.

Just after the memory allocation while running the solver manager the following error-message occurs without any further hint:

Details of error:- —————- Error detected by routine MAKDAT CDANAM = CZIF CDTYPE = CHAR ISIZE = 20 CRESLT = OLD

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | Message: stopped in routine MEMERR

Probably someone may help me understanding and solving this error!

Thanks a lot in advance!


I also meet the problem ,can you help me?,how do you solve your problem?

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  December 27, 2017, 08:33

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | | Message:




wan zhihua

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Originally Posted by ghorrocks
View Post

You would have to post the whole output file, or at least enough to put it into context for us to help you.

But if you are using a beta feature then there is no guarantee things will work.

I also met the same problem.This are the information:
Parallel run: Received message from slave
Slave partition : 8
Slave routine : ErrAction
Master location : Message Handler
Message label : 001100279
Message follows below — :

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Floating point exception: Overflow |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

Parallel run: Received message from slave
Slave partition : 8
Slave routine : ErrAction
Master location : Message Handler
Message label : 001100279
Message follows below — :

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine FPX: C_FPX_HANDLER |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine MESG_RETRIEVE. |
| Message: |
| Stopping the run due to error(s) reported above |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. No results file |
| has been created.

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  December 27, 2017, 09:14

what is the reason for the following information �The ANSYS CFX solver exited with re




wan zhihua

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what is the reason for the following information �The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. No results file has been created.�Thank you。

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  December 28, 2017, 17:04



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When looking at the output file the most important error is the first error. After that all the following errors are linked to the first error. If you fix the first error then all the other errors generally go away as well. So the first error is the one to focus your attention on. So ignore the final error talking about error code 1.

The first error is an overflow error which is usually caused by numerical instability. The FAQ I linked to describes this in more detail and what to do about it.

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  October 8, 2018, 06:28



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Hello everybody.

I have developed a FORTRAN subroutine to use as a junction box in ANSYS-CFX, I compiled the code, but once I tried to run the simulation I get following errors:

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Signal caught: Segmentation violation |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine FPX: SIG_HANDLER |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

I figured out that those subroutines like USER_GET_TRANS_INFO that contains numerical variables like integer, real … are not called during the simulation. Is there anybody has any idea bout this problem?

Thank you.

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  October 14, 2019, 04:42



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I have meet the problem that similar with you,but ,there some different.
If I run it with serial mode,there is no error,but with this mode, it will spend long-time.So ,I use the local occures errors,stop in 13 time step.I incredced the memory factor, it still have same problem.The indicate is to reduce the memory usage.but,i don’t konw how to do,if anyone konw,please help me! Thank you in advance!
ERROR #004100018 has occurred in subroutine FINMES. |
| Message: |
| Fatal overflow in linear solver.


Originally Posted by am_dey
View Post

Hello everybody.

I have developed a FORTRAN subroutine to use as a junction box in ANSYS-CFX, I compiled the code, but once I tried to run the simulation I get following errors:

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Signal caught: Segmentation violation |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine FPX: SIG_HANDLER |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

I figured out that those subroutines like USER_GET_TRANS_INFO that contains numerical variables like integer, real … are not called during the simulation. Is there anybody has any idea bout this problem?

Thank you.

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  October 14, 2019, 17:15



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There is an FAQ on overflow errors:…do_about_it.3F

If you get an overflow error in parallel but not in serial that means a partition boundary has lined up with a critical flow feature — that could be a free surface, shock wave or other large gradient area. The simplest fix for this is to use a different partitioning algorithm which moves the partition boundary away from the large gradient area. Change from Metis to recursive bisection or one of the other algorithms.

Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.

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  April 30, 2013, 13:55

Error #001100279 Floating point exception: Zero divide


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Seran Reschim

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Dear all,

Now I have simulated the warehouse size 20*20*30 meters. It is quite big. I need to simulate and monitor the air temp in the warehouse (10 h). I work with transient model with time step = 1 hour. But I face with error as above

Error #001100279
Floating point exception: Zero divide

The software is Ansys 14 CFX. CPU core i5 with RAM 6 gb

Please help .

Thank you

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  April 30, 2013, 17:25



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What influenced you to choose a 1 hour time step? That’s probably several orders of magnitude too big!

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  May 1, 2013, 05:09



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In your warehouse do you have buoyancy driven flow?

In the CFX manual it tells you how to estimate the time step.

If you’re doing transient simulations you might want to consider adaptive time stepping. Set the maximum time step to something like 1hr and the minimum to something small like 1e-8s and try to converge within 5-10 loops.

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  May 1, 2013, 07:01



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Agreed, adaptive timestepping is the best choice — especially for beginners who have no idea of what timestep is really required. I would say that half the convergence problems we see on this forum are just from too large a timestep.

For most simulations 3-5 coeff loops is more appropriate. 5-10 is only required for models with tricky physics to converge suck as multiphase (but for most multphase models I still use 3-5).

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  May 1, 2013, 07:49



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Originally Posted by ghorrocks
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Agreed, adaptive timestepping is the best choice — especially for beginners who have no idea of what timestep is really required. I would say that half the convergence problems we see on this forum are just from too large a timestep.

For most simulations 3-5 coeff loops is more appropriate. 5-10 is only required for models with tricky physics to converge suck as multiphase (but for most multphase models I still use 3-5).

Would you consider buoyancy driven flow to be «tricky».

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  May 1, 2013, 08:05



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No. ‘Tricky’ means in this case where complex coupling between phases/physics is required; such as 2-way coupled particle tracking, eularian particle models, chemistry, radiation modelling where the fluid flow interacts 2-ways with the radiation modelling and things like that.

Buoyancy is still single phase so that is best done with short time steps converged quickly — so 3-5 coeff loops per iteration.

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  May 4, 2013, 05:47



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Seran Reschim

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Thank you all. I will try follow your suggest. Thank you again.

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Здравствуйте. уважаемые форумчане

Ставлю расчёт на досчитывание ступени компрессора и столкнулся с такой ошибкой 001100279. Читал на форуме, что она связанна с распараллеливанием. На ПК считаю и ставлю Platform MPI Local Parallel. До ошибки значение КПД резко начинает расти. Ниже прикладываю невязки и мониторинг кпд. Обратил также внимание, что в новом ансисе появилось ещё intel mpi local parallel. В чём разница между Platform MPI Local Parallel и intel mpi local parallel?

Заранее спасибо за ответы

Parallel run: Received message from slave
 Slave partition :        7
 Slave routine   : ErrAction
 Master location : Message Handler
 Message label   : 001100279
 Message follows below — : 

 | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction.             |
 | Message:                                                           |
 | Floating point exception: Overflow                                 |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |

 Parallel run: Received message from slave
 Slave partition :        7
 Slave routine   : ErrAction
 Master location : Message Handler
 Message label   : 001100279
 Message follows below — : 

 | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction.             |
 | Message:                                                           |
 | Stopped in routine FPX: C_FPX_HANDLER                              |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |

 | ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine MESG_RETRIEVE.         |
 | Message:                                                           |
 | Stopping the run due to error(s) reported above                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |

 |                An error has occurred in cfx5solve:                 |
 |                                                                    |
 | The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1.   No results file  |
 | has been created.                                                  |

End of solution stage.

 | The following transient and backup files written by the ANSYS CFX  |
 | solver have been saved in the directory                            |
 | D:AnsysCFXstupen_110stupen_110_001:                                  |
 |                                                                    |
 | 300_full.bak, 200_full.bak                                         |

 | The following user files have been saved in the directory          |
 | D:AnsysCFXstupen_110stupen_110_001:                                  |
 |                                                                    |
 | pids, mon                                                          |

 |                              Warning!                              |
 |                                                                    |
 | After waiting for 60 seconds, 1 solver manager process(es) appear  |
 | not to have noticed that this run has ended.  You may get errors   |
 | removing some files if they are still open in the solver manager.  |

This run of the ANSYS CFX Solver has finished.

  June 29, 2004, 12:03

ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Dear CFX Users!

I just started up with CFX a few days ago. So hopefully my problem is easily to be answered.

Just after the memory allocation while running the solver manager the following error-message occurs without any further hint:

Details of error:- —————- Error detected by routine MAKDAT CDANAM = CZIF CDTYPE = CHAR ISIZE = 20 CRESLT = OLD

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | Message: stopped in routine MEMERR

Probably someone may help me understanding and solving this error!

Thanks a lot in advance!


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  June 29, 2004, 18:14

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction


Glenn Horrocks


Hi Stephan,

Try running the simulation again with more memory. You can do that on the solver manager on the advanced tab, put (say) «1.5x» in the memory allocation factor text box. This will increase memory allocation by 1.5 times.


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  June 30, 2004, 03:04

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hi Glenn!

Thank you for the quick reply!

Unfortunately after the increased memory allocation (I rised the memory allocation factor for the solver to successively the maximum (9x) means 500MB of total memory for all stacks. All other parameters of the solver manager were taken by default) the error message remains the same…

Is this error message definitely connected to a wrong memory allocation or may there be any shortcoming within my meshes which could lead to such an error?

Best regards


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  June 30, 2004, 04:31

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hi Stephan,

I think that if you give a brief description of what you are doing and the code you are using then someone, with a similar experience may help you out.

I had previously received a message that appeared to be a memory problem when actually it was about the license or vise vasa, as well as poor mesh with high aspect ratio or almost zero volume cell. In principle, these errors should be detected at some earlier stage, but at times this does not happen and i do not know why.


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  June 30, 2004, 04:48

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hi Anne

What I am trying to do is to model a onephase mixing vessel with two 4-blade-impellers (Moving-Grid-Problem)

I think it may be the impellers mesh that is to be improved. I am going to do this and will let you know if it lead to any success.

Best Regards


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  June 30, 2004, 05:57

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hi Stephan,

Single phase rarely gives memory problems if the mesh is correct. As for memory allocation, I never had to go beyond 1.4x with such type of simulation. You may need to check that number of cell in your domain is what you expected/set.

Best of luck.


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  June 30, 2004, 08:17

Re: ERROR #001100279 in subroutine ErrAction




Hello again!

You were totally right. The mesh was the Problem: I have got major problems in creating periodicities (in order to crate periodic interfaces for my vessel/impellers) in my mesh builder (CAD2Mesh).

I simplified my Geometry (the Bottom of my Vessel) so that CAD2Mesh could apply periodicities at least for the vessel domain (but still not for my impeller domains).

However, with this modification the model runs and converges but the solver still identifies two isolated Volumes.

Does anyone know how to modify the mesh structure in order to allow the mesh builder to create rotational periodic (means identical) surfaces?

Regards Stephan

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  January 27, 2012, 08:26

Error #001100279


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Hi Guys,

I faced with this error and I have not any guess about the reason.

I am really hopeful which I could find the reason here with your help.

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine cal_IPTC


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  January 27, 2012, 08:41

Error #001100279


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Additionally I have this message in ANSYS CFX-pre:
«The specified thermal radiation model is enabled for multiphase flow as a beta feature»
I don’t know is any relation between this message and that error in cfx-post or not.

I am looking forward to hearing from you


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  January 29, 2012, 05:06



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Glenn Horrocks

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You would have to post the whole output file, or at least enough to put it into context for us to help you.

But if you are using a beta feature then there is no guarantee things will work.

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  May 18, 2012, 01:21






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I have the following error
ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction Message:
Floating point exception: Overflow

I have a mesh of 6 lacs, initially the same error came up when the courant number exceeded 1. After decreasing the time-step-size the simulation ran but the error sprang up once again and I get the following error along with the previous one

Stopped in routine FPX: C_FPX_HANDLER

I have tried allocating more space but that has failed,
if there is a problem with the mesh, I cant check it because I only have the .def and .res files.

Can anyone help.

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  May 18, 2012, 07:50



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  December 27, 2017, 08:31

I also meet the problem ,can you help me?




wan zhihua

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Originally Posted by Stephan

Dear CFX Users!

I just started up with CFX a few days ago. So hopefully my problem is easily to be answered.

Just after the memory allocation while running the solver manager the following error-message occurs without any further hint:

Details of error:- —————- Error detected by routine MAKDAT CDANAM = CZIF CDTYPE = CHAR ISIZE = 20 CRESLT = OLD

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | Message: stopped in routine MEMERR

Probably someone may help me understanding and solving this error!

Thanks a lot in advance!


I also meet the problem ,can you help me?,how do you solve your problem?

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  December 27, 2017, 08:33

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. | | Message:




wan zhihua

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Originally Posted by ghorrocks
View Post

You would have to post the whole output file, or at least enough to put it into context for us to help you.

But if you are using a beta feature then there is no guarantee things will work.

I also met the same problem.This are the information:
Parallel run: Received message from slave
Slave partition : 8
Slave routine : ErrAction
Master location : Message Handler
Message label : 001100279
Message follows below — :

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Floating point exception: Overflow |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

Parallel run: Received message from slave
Slave partition : 8
Slave routine : ErrAction
Master location : Message Handler
Message label : 001100279
Message follows below — :

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine FPX: C_FPX_HANDLER |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine MESG_RETRIEVE. |
| Message: |
| Stopping the run due to error(s) reported above |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. No results file |
| has been created.

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  December 27, 2017, 09:14

what is the reason for the following information �The ANSYS CFX solver exited with re




wan zhihua

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what is the reason for the following information �The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. No results file has been created.�Thank you。

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  December 28, 2017, 17:04



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When looking at the output file the most important error is the first error. After that all the following errors are linked to the first error. If you fix the first error then all the other errors generally go away as well. So the first error is the one to focus your attention on. So ignore the final error talking about error code 1.

The first error is an overflow error which is usually caused by numerical instability. The FAQ I linked to describes this in more detail and what to do about it.

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  October 8, 2018, 06:28



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Hello everybody.

I have developed a FORTRAN subroutine to use as a junction box in ANSYS-CFX, I compiled the code, but once I tried to run the simulation I get following errors:

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Signal caught: Segmentation violation |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine FPX: SIG_HANDLER |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

I figured out that those subroutines like USER_GET_TRANS_INFO that contains numerical variables like integer, real … are not called during the simulation. Is there anybody has any idea bout this problem?

Thank you.

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  October 14, 2019, 04:42



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I have meet the problem that similar with you,but ,there some different.
If I run it with serial mode,there is no error,but with this mode, it will spend long-time.So ,I use the local occures errors,stop in 13 time step.I incredced the memory factor, it still have same problem.The indicate is to reduce the memory usage.but,i don’t konw how to do,if anyone konw,please help me! Thank you in advance!
ERROR #004100018 has occurred in subroutine FINMES. |
| Message: |
| Fatal overflow in linear solver.


Originally Posted by am_dey
View Post

Hello everybody.

I have developed a FORTRAN subroutine to use as a junction box in ANSYS-CFX, I compiled the code, but once I tried to run the simulation I get following errors:

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Signal caught: Segmentation violation |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine FPX: SIG_HANDLER |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

I figured out that those subroutines like USER_GET_TRANS_INFO that contains numerical variables like integer, real … are not called during the simulation. Is there anybody has any idea bout this problem?

Thank you.

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  October 14, 2019, 17:15



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Glenn Horrocks

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There is an FAQ on overflow errors:…do_about_it.3F

If you get an overflow error in parallel but not in serial that means a partition boundary has lined up with a critical flow feature — that could be a free surface, shock wave or other large gradient area. The simplest fix for this is to use a different partitioning algorithm which moves the partition boundary away from the large gradient area. Change from Metis to recursive bisection or one of the other algorithms.

Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.

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Всем доброго времени суток!

Прошу помочь мне разобраться в чем, может быть причина следующей ошибки.

Решаю задачу теплообмена твердых тел между собой, включающих замкнутые газовые области прозрачные для излучения. В задаче порядка 18 газовых областей, в которых моделируется теплообмен излучением между стенками. Модель излучения Discret Transfer с опцией Surface to Surface. В двух односвязных областях считается течение газа турбулентным, в остальных ламинарное течение (неподвижные газовые области с инициализацией по 0 компонент скорости и давления). Каждая область с расчетам течения содержится в нескольких доменах, соединенных интерфейсами. Неподвижные газовые области (т.е. ламинарные с нулевой инициализацией ) содержаться каждая в своем домене. Все области имеют интерфейсы с твердыми телами.

Задача решается в Ansys CFX v14.5 с и сползованием бетта опции rad data in par file=t, позволяющей просчитывать и сохранять информацию для траекторий лучей для модели Discret Transfer на этапе создания par файла в par файле. Счет начинается с готовым par файлом (декомпозиция производиться отдельно и до процесса решения).

В процессе решения на 1-ой итерации получаю следующую ошибку после первой газовой области (область с ламинарным воздухом):


| I-Radiation-K045 air_ | #Its | vol chg | sur chg | Lost %Imbal | I

| Gray | 8 | 0.0E+00 | 9.1E-03 | 0.00 5.76 |


Parallel run: Received message from slave


Slave partition : 194

Slave routine : ErrAction

Master location : RCVBUF,MSGTAG=1081

Message label : 001100279

Message follows below — :


| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. I |

| Message: |

| Stopped in routine EXTRACT_REAL_VAR |

| |



| An error has occurred in cfxSsolve: |

| |

| The ANSYS CFX solver could not be started, or exited with return |

| code 255. No results file has been created. | I


На данный момент опытным путем установлено, что:

1) Описание ошибки в мануале отсутствует

2) Поиск по интернету по ключевому слову EXTRACT_REAL_VAR результатов не дает

3) Задача без излучения во всех доменах отлично ситается

4) Если отклчить в обоих подвижных воздухов (турбулентных) расчет излучения, то в задаче просчитывается излучение в большем количестве газовых областей (порядка 10-ти), однако ошибка возникает на 11-той области. При этом при одном и том же количестве партиций (par файл не меняется от запуска к запуску) ошибка возникает в другой по номеру партиции не в 194-ой как в примере (Slave partition : 194), наблюдал ошибку в 190-ой партиции.

5) Было как минимум три запуска в которых эта ошибка возникала после просчета излучения в различном количества газовых областей с излучением (в каждой задаче отключалось излучение в разном количестве доменов).

Заранее благодарен за любые мысли и рекомендации.

How to… fix «gui-domain-label: no domain selected» in Ansys Fluent and MEMERR in CFX

In today’s post, we will deal with another error that may occur during the analysis. The error that is described below concerns Fluent and the wrong definition of user monitors that are displayed during simulation. These can be monitors concerning the average velocity in the domain volume, the values of the maximum temperatures of the solid domains, the average values of the heat transfer coefficient from the defined planes of the model, etc. Generally speaking, today’s entry is about how to correctly define monitors and how to transfer them between subsequent analyzes.

gui domian label error in Fluent Ansys
Example of «gui-domain-label» error in Fluent 

Sometimes, during the analysis, a message may appear (with every step which U define to save) with the following content: «gui-domain-label: no domain selected». And if You want to get rid of this message, you have to click on the close button each time it appears —  so that the next step can be recalculated in the analysis.

This problem is related to User Defined Function which U create in solver monitors. 

The easiest way to avoid this message is turn off Data Sampling. But if you see the need to define monitors to control the physicality of the model in real time, there is a second way out. You can change report file name (saving with different name — red frame).

how to rename monitors in Fluent Ansys
How to fix «gui-domain-label» error

How to fix MEMERR error in CFX ?

Often, the hands drop down when, after a few hours of simulation on the monitor screens, an error pops up that stops the analysis. Then we catch our heads thinking that we will have to repeat the whole process again. After copying the name of the error, we start searching the network for possible reasons for what happened. Often times, the likely solutions to our problem are scattered over many sides. Therefore, on this blog we will try to show possible solutions in a condensed and collective way. Today we will address the MEMERR bug.

memerr error in fluent or cfx
MEMERR error in Ansys Workbench 
  1.  try to using large simulation  partitioner, 
  2.  try to using serial mode from the solution menu , error can be from the parallel cpu bug 
  3.  try to write new definition file or re- import mesh file 
  4.  do not use special characters, or other characters than english alphabet in named selections, file names, or other definitions where u need to name IT 
  5. try to check reference values of Ur domains in prepost, especially in transient simulations 
  6. try to check materials definition on prepost cfx , IT can be an error of non physically values of material 
  7. try to define expert parameters on solution definition (on the tree right click and pick expert parameters). Then on convergence criteria increase vaules of two convergence factors from 1(default) to 1.4 . 
  8. on the solution window cfx after prepost (define run) pick on SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS . Then U can increase values to max (10) for memory allocation factors on the partitioner, solver and interpolator cards 

Details of error:-
Error detected by routine PEEKI
Current Directory : /FLOW/REGMAP
+================================================= ===================+
| ****** PROBLEM REPORT ****** |
| Subsystem: Input and Output |
| Subroutine name: ErrAction |
| Severity level: Fatal Error |
| Error message number: 001100279 |
| Message: |
| |
| Stopped in routine MEMERR |

Simulation setup with flamelet, radiation and heat transfer crashes after a certain number of iterations with error:

Fatal bounds error detected
Variable: A1CH2OH C7H8O.Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure
Locale : Domain 1

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine ENFORCE_BOUNDS |

What is the reason?

It may occur that during a not yet converged run the temperature gets values for which the formula for the heat capacity defined for the component (here A1CH2OH C7H8O) delivers negative results. This can be avoided by limiting the upper temperature range for the evaluation of material heat capacity, for example to 3000K. The values of the converged solution should be between the bounds where the formula is valid.


Lower Temperature = 300.00 [K]
Midpoint Temperature = 1000.00 [K]
Upper Temperature = 3000.00 [K]

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