Error googleauthnotoken among us при создании аккаунта произошла ошибка

Если пришла мысль зайти наконец-то в знаменитую Among Us, но игра пишет GoogleAuthNoToken и зарегить аккаунт почему-то никак не получается, то, дорогой читатель или читательница, Вам, можно сказать, «повезло»…

Именно сейчас в Among Us случился именно этот баг! И он не в честь 1 апреля.

Впрочем, так «повезло» не только лично вам. Судя по отзывам, за вчера-сегодня баг уже успел обрести всемирную известность и «потерпевших» уже более чем. Тем не менее, ситуация вроде как поправима.

И сейчас вкратце расскажем, как именно её надо поправлять. Итак,..

что делать, если ошибка GoogleAuthNoToken не дает поиграть в Among Us

Если вкратце, то данная неприятность всего лишь означает, что Google не в состоянии необходимые для входа в игру данные учетки. И происходит такое, похоже, по той простой причине, что на серверах Among Us произошел какой-то очередной сбой.

По крайней мере, саппорт игры уже сообщил о случившемся «перегрузе» и что с ним уже борются:

— accounts aren’t working on Google Play (GoogleAuthNoToken and LinkAccountFail)
— otherwise, issues w/ authentication failure is a result of server overload, hang tight! Lots of ppl!
— if u get stuck in place after a meeting, open and close the Settings menu and u should be free

— Among Us — The Airship out now! (@AmongUsGame) March 31, 2021

Это всё к тому, что ошибка GoogleAuthNoToken случилась на стороне сервера и оборудование пользователя (т.е. ваш смартфон, планшет и пр) совершенно не при делах. И надо просто подождать, пока в InnerSloth всё пофиксят и запустят серверы по-новой. В качестве временной альтернативы можно попробовать пока поиграть с «гостевого» аккаунта (Free Play).

Однако так бывает не всегда, потому пару лишних движений на предмет проверки тоже не помешают. Поэтому, если Among Us как-то слишком уж долго выдает GoogleAuthNoToken и зайти в неё никак не получается, то в таком случае в целях профилактики надо её перезапустить с предварительным удалением данных.

А для этого:

  • открываем «Настройки» смартфона и тапаем «Приложения«;
  • в списке приложений находим и тапаем «Among Us«;
  • и на экране свойств приложения жмем сначала «Очистить данные» и «Очистить кэш» и затем — «Остановить» (или «Закрыть«).

На момент публикации этого поста разработчики со своей стороны уже все должны были устранить и починить. Так что, выполняем перечисленные выше процедуры и запускаем Among Us заново. Должно заработать нормально.


Among us выдаёт ошибку error GoogleAuthNoToken при создание аккаунта через андроид, что делать?

Ошибка эта говорит о том, что в игре «Among Us» («Амонг Ас») сейчас не хочет работать авторизация через сервисы «Google Play» («Гугл Плей»).

Исправить Вы данную ошибку не сможете никак. Дело заключается в том, что эта ошибка произошла по вине разработчиков, а посему делать пока ничего не нужно. Разработчики пытаются решить данную проблему и через какое-то время, в любом случае проблема с данной ошибкой будет решена и Вам остается только терпеливо ждать решения этой проблемной ошибки в игре «Among Us» («Амонг Ас»).

Ваши действия заключаются в следующем. Периодически, через некоторое время, снова регистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь в гугл аккаунте для игры «Among Us» и в конце-концов, после исправления разработчиками ошибки, Вы спокойно сможете авторизоваться.

автор вопроса выбрал этот ответ лучшим


более года назад 

Периодически в любой игре могут возникать сбои в работе, данная игра не является исключением из правил.

Если у вас вышла данная ошибка, то проблема возникла с авторизацией через Гугл Плей.

Самостоятельно повлиять на ситуацию вы не сможете, только разработчик игры сможет решить эту глобальную проблему.

Попробуйте авторизоваться немного позже.


2 года назад 

В этом приложении,в в игре амонг ас как сообщают пользователи, при входе в аккаунт возникла новая ошибка — Error GoogleAuthNoToken. Сообщает данная ошибка, что через сервисы Google Play авторизация в данный момент не работает. Эти значительные сбои не дают начать игру. Разработчики сообщают, что они об этом знают и работают на такой ошибкой. Но можно попробовать самостоятельно решить проблему.

Пути здесь всего имеется два. Вам через некоторое время после обнаружения ошибки необходимо попробовать для игры Among Us в гугл аккаунте авторизацию либо регистрацию повторить. А второе- остается лишь ждать в амонг ас решения ошибки GoogleAuthNoToken. Просто ожидайте, когда на стороне разработчиков игры ошибка будет исправлена.


2 года назад 

С такой проблемой столкнулись многие пользователи. Ошибка возникает, разработчики в курсе и пытаются ее устранить. До тех пор, пока они ее не устранят, проблема будет возникать. От вас мало что зависит. Пробуйте заново регистрироваться.

Глоба­льный преди­ктор

2 года назад 

Игра Among Us довольно популярна, хоть волна хайпа уже прошла. Раньше часто возникала ошибка связи с Гугл сервисами при попытке регистрации аккаунта с помощью Google. На данный момент ошибка «error GoogleAuthNoToken» практически никогда не возникает, но если все таки она возникла, то тут ответ один.

Во время сильной загрузки серверов на стороне Гугла авторизация новых пользователей частично блокируется, пропускной канал запросов снижается. Единственный выход — ожидание. Когда количество запросов уменьшится, наплыв пользователей стихнет, авторизация вновь заработает.

Знаете ответ?

[Updated April 3, 2021: The error has now been fixed, just update the Among Us app to the latest version and you should be good to go]

The latest update of Among Us is here; the new update has brought the much-awaited ‘Airship Map’ and many new outfits to the game. However, With the latest update, there are many new bugs and errors that players are facing. One such major bug is ‘Error GoogleAuthNoToken,’ which you will get when you try to login into the game via your google play games account. So is there any way to fix it? Let’s find out.

After updating the Among Us to the latest version, V2021.3.31.3a, when players are trying to sign into the game using a google play account, they will get the Error GoogleAuthNoToken. This error is occurring because Innersloth, in this new update, has just added the account system to the game.

The updated version of Among Us has made it compulsory for players to sign-in to the game if they want to use in-game chat. Unfortunately, at the moment, the game has no-other sign-in options such as ‘facebook’ or ‘twitter’; this means players won’t be able to sign-in and will be restricted to Guest Account.

However, the players can use the guest account to play the game even play on the new Airship map. The only problem will be that players will not be able to use the in-game chat option, and they would have to rely on the quick-chat option.

How to Fix Among Us Error GoogleAuthNoToken?

We have tried everything from re-installing the app to clearing the app’s cache and data, but since this error is from the server-side, you cannot do anything to fix this error – all you can do is wait.

Innersloth has already stated that they are aware of this error happening on Android devices and are already working to fix it. The developers have also shared a live list of errors and the status of them. So you can check out the list, and once in the error list, the developers mark Among Us Error GoogleAuthNoToken as fixed. Then all you have to do is update the app, and everything will work just fine.

But if you are really frustrated with this error, then yes, there is a way out. If you go back to the old version of Among Us, you can enjoy the full among us experience. However, the old version will obviously not have the new features and also the new Airship map. So it’s up to you to decide that you want to wait 1-2 days for the error to get fixed or you want to switch to the old version of Among Us app.

Also Read: 5 Secret Fun Facts About Among Us

So that is everything you needed to know about Among Us Error GoogleAuthNoToken. Please don’t go on deleting data or re-installing the app, as it is useless. The error is from the server-side, and it has to be fixed from the developers’ side. So all you can do is wait.

GoogleAuthNoToken is an error plaguing Among Us players that are trying to sign into their account on Android devices. This prevents players from having the name they want and locks them out of other useful things you can do with an account. Is there a way you can fix this problem? Well, kind of, as we’ll show you in our How to Sign In Among Us – Google Auth No Token guide.

how to sign in among us google auth no token

How to Sign In Among Us – Google Auth No Token

To fix the Google Auth No Token error in Among Us, the only thing you can do is restart the game and use a guest account. Alternatively, if the problem persists, you might have to reinstall the app to get rid of the error and start playing with a guest account (via the “Free Play” option, of course). Mind you, this fix doesn’t let you sign into an account via Android / Google. We don’t know when that will change, and neither do the developers, unfortunately.

According to the devs, accounts simply aren’t working on Google Play (at time of writing, anyway). That’s what’s causing the GoogleAuthNoToken error to pop up in the Android version of Among Us, and that’s why you can’t sign in. Unfortunately, both we and InnerSloth are at the mercy of Google and when they decide to give their stamp of approval. Or, as the game’s makers put it: “We’ve been chasing Google in addition to working on this but no joy so far (high priority, but unsure how much is in our hands here.) Still waiting on Google.”

So, that’s about all there is to it when it comes to the Google Auth No Token error in Among Us. Unfortunately, it won’t help you sign into your account; that is in the hands of our Google overlords. However, you can at least now play the game with a guest account.

Among Us sign in error: With a new map comes new bugs

Remember the time when Youtube recommendations were flooded with “Among Us” gameplays? The time when close allies turn into bitter enemies; the place where Corpse Husband earned much of the internet mania? Well, the dev-team at Innersloth decided to revamp the game a bit and add a new map as well. Except that it came with a bunch of bugs and issues which might thin its player base. Here’s our take on the Among Us sign in error.

Why is the “Google Auth no token” error plaguing “Among Us”?

There seems to be an impostor at work from the looks of it. Among Us has been sabotaged that players can no longer sign in to their accounts and are instead met with this message. This has happened after the recent 2021.3.31 update.

[Updated] Among Us sign in error: With a new map comes old bug

The issue isn’t restricted to any particular platform but extends across both PC and iOS/Android. “Google Auth no token” issue while logging in is not new. It is a known one. Several discussions on Twitter and Reddit are trying to salvage a possible solution.

As we mentioned earlier the issue is cross-platform so it isn’t an error with the device. Most likely a common problem that can be solved with a one-for-all solution.

Hey @AmongUsGame, on apple everytime I open the app it asks again for log in, I also have a 30% chance i can go in a game. If you cant fix it, thats ok


I have 2 computers with among us on steam. On the first computer it worked to log in but on the second computer i cant log in. Do i have 2 make 2 steam account to log in 2 my 2 different computers?


The latest update by Innersloth has been majorly brought about by the all-new change “Airship”. For Among Us it is probably the most ambitious by far. The map is rumored to be twice the size of Polus with unique features that are carried over from the other maps.

It offers the feature to choose the starting room as well, which might a lot more to the element of suspense. That is the biggest reason why players want the Among Us “Google Auth no token” login error to get resolved immediately.

Among Us sign in error has been reported majorly by Android players. However, iOS and PC platforms have notified login errors. The dev-team at Innersloth is working to resolve the Among Us sign in error before the player base starts losing interest. The progress on fixes and release notes are available here.

Accounts currently aren’t working on Google Play (GoogleAuthNoToken and LinkAccountFail). We’re looking into this! Use guest accounts in the meantime. If you have a guest account you’ll be locked to Quick Chat, but hopefully fixed soon. Sorry! I know this is frustrating.

Among Us devs

Well, most of the fingers are pointed at you, the player for the bug. Several players who use numerous devices with the same account or the sudden increase in the number of players are the common reasons.

The players have tried all possible means to fix the known bug of login, sign-in failure, or even create an account. These include the mandatory To Dos like clearing cache, re-installation of Among us, and even trying to log in using a guest account. However, nothing seemed to work.

Since the bug is an old one, there is a tried and tested official solution. It can be given a try until a permanent fix is deployed.

Sign in to Among Us with your login credentials. You will get logged in as a guest account alternatively. In case you are still facing the same issue, log out and log in once again to the game. You are now on a guest account.

How To Fix “The Among Us servers could not authenticate you” Error?

[Updated] Among Us sign in error: With a new map comes old bug

If anyone of you is facing the error while logging in – “The Among Us servers could not authenticate you” follow the below mentioned steps

They can be done without exiting the game.

  • Step 1 – Press Windows + R key (Run Window)
    In the box against Open: Type %appdata%, Click on OK
    On the search results, enter the Backspace key
    Search for folder Locallow > InnerSloth folder > Open Among US folder
    Delete the file named – mmtoken
  • Step 2 – Log out from Among Us game account and log back in.
  • Step 3 – Enter a random name and the error doesnot appear.

Update as on 3rd April

The devs have tweeted that the critical “Google Auth no token” issue troubling Among Us Android gamers has been resolved. The team is working on pending bugs.

Authentication for Google Play/Android phones is now working, and will allow you to create accounts that allow for free chat, name change, etc. Update to version 2021.4.2!!

still fixing other bugs (read doc) but whew SparklesFolded hands enjoy!!

Update as on 5th April

The devs have also confirmed that they are aware of the cosmetic bugs. The fix is in progress

yes, it says v2021.3.31s, not 3.31.3s! (and we’re aware of the missing cosmetics aghh, getting a fix for that)

There are however many more issues that have cropped up in the meantime worked upon by devs. Let us have a look at them.

A compilation of known issues post-“Airship” update

  • Some players were facing an infinite loading screen. The issue was promptly resolved by another Redditor u/Bestsoft100. All it required was an installation of vc_redist.x86.exe
  • The character sprites might be replaced with pink rectangular squares instead of the usual character models.
  • The authentication error mentioned above is another one of the bugs. So, signing in will display a prompt “GoogleAuthNoToken error”. This could be due to the sudden increase in the number of players which would take a toll on the servers.
  • The game currently supports only one account per game. Having the same account signed in on numerous devices can result in a sign-in error.
  • Players can get stuck at one point after the Meeting. That can be resolved by opening and close the Settings menu and you should be free to move again.

The Microsoft version requires a Steam account to sign in. As a result, those who take the direct Microsoft sign-in route can be booted out and sent to the Steam store. The fix for this issue has already been made.

That’s pretty much it from our end. Do you think we’ve made note of everything? Do let us know in the comments. For more similar content visit us here.

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