Error while executing the query ошибка

Published: 13 Nov 2019
Last Modified Date: 24 Aug 2022


The following errors appear when removing a table from the data model canvas followed by adding a new table when connecting Tableau Desktop to Postgresql version 12. 

«Unable to connect to the server. Check that the server is running and that you have access privileges to the requested database.»

«Error while executing the query.»

«The table xxxxx does not exist.»

Error message also captured in the attachment «error.PNG».


  • Tableau Desktop 2019.3 and 2019.4
  • Windows 10
  • PostgreSQL version 12


Option 1

Upgrade to Tableau Desktop 2020.4 to connect to PostgreSQL 12 using a JDBC driver that is installed with the product.

Option 2

If you cannot upgrade to Tableau Desktop 2020.4, you can try the steps below:
Uninstall the current Postgresql driver, then install Postgresql ODBC driver version 12. 

  • The installer can be downloaded from this site

Once the outdated version of Postgresql ODBC driver has been uninstalled, and the current Postgresql ODBC driver version 12 has been installed, Tableau Desktop will utilize Postgresql ODBC 12 to connect to your Postgresql database version 12.


There is an incompatibility between the PostgreSQL ODBC 9.x driver, that comes with Tableau Desktop versions prior to 2020.4, and PostgreSQL 12 databases.

Additional Information

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Published: 19 Dec 2019
Last Modified Date: 24 Aug 2022


When attempting to connect to or refresh a PostgreSQL data source on Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server, or when dragging any measure or dimension to the columns/Rows shelf after the connection is made, the following error may occur:

An error occurred while communicating with PostgreSQL
Bad Connection: Tableau could not connect to the data source
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block; Error while executing the query


  • Tableau Cloud
  • Tableau Server
  • Tableau Desktop
  • PostgreSQL Database 12.1


1. Workarounds for scenario 1: When attempting to connect to or refresh a PostgreSQL data source on Tableau Cloud (to track the status of this issue, see Issue ID 947669 on the Known Issues page). This has been resolved with the release of the PostgreSQL JDBC driver to Tableau Cloud. 

2. Workaround for scenario 2: when dragging any measure or dimension to the columns/Rows shelf after the connection to PostgreSQL is made.

  • Uninstall the current version of the PostgreSQL driver installed on the machine.
  • Install the latest version of PostgreSQL driver, version 12.1. Note: the latest Postgres driver can be  found here:

For Tableau Server:

Upgrade to Tableau Server 2020.4 or later, A JDBC driver for PostgreSQL that supports PostgreSQL 12 is installed and used.


This issue is caused by the PostgreSQL driver.  Some PostgreSQL driver versions do not properly handle the cancel request. Because of this, It believes the transaction is still available and attempts to run queries off of it, which causes things to break.

Additional Information

Note: Tableau Cloud has updated all Pods to include the new PostgreSQL JDBC driver for issues with PostgreSQL 12 as of 2/10/21.  

You are using different types of quotes together ' with

Replace this:

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `username` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `online` int(20) NOT NULL default ‘0',
  `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `active` int(1) NOT NULL default ‘0',
  `rtime` int(20) NOT NULL default ‘0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `username`, `password`, `online`, `email`, `active`, `rtime`) 
VALUES (1, ‘testing’, ‘testing’, 0, ‘’, 0, 0);

With this:

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `username` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `online` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
  `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `active` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `rtime` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `username`, `password`, `online`, `email`, `active`, `rtime`) 
VALUES (1, 'testing', 'testing', 0, '', 0, 0); 

Class 00 — Successful Completion 00000 successful_completion Class 01 — Warning 01000 warning 0100C dynamic_result_sets_returned 01008 implicit_zero_bit_padding 01003 null_value_eliminated_in_set_function 01007 privilege_not_granted 01006 privilege_not_revoked 01004 string_data_right_truncation 01P01 deprecated_feature Class 02 — No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard) 02000 no_data 02001 no_additional_dynamic_result_sets_returned Class 03 — SQL Statement Not Yet Complete 03000 sql_statement_not_yet_complete Class 08 — Connection Exception 08000 connection_exception 08003 connection_does_not_exist 08006 connection_failure 08001 sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnection 08004 sqlserver_rejected_establishment_of_sqlconnection 08007 transaction_resolution_unknown 08P01 protocol_violation Class 09 — Triggered Action Exception 09000 triggered_action_exception Class 0A — Feature Not Supported 0A000 feature_not_supported Class 0B — Invalid Transaction Initiation 0B000 invalid_transaction_initiation Class 0F — Locator Exception 0F000 locator_exception 0F001 invalid_locator_specification Class 0L — Invalid Grantor 0L000 invalid_grantor 0LP01 invalid_grant_operation Class 0P — Invalid Role Specification 0P000 invalid_role_specification Class 0Z — Diagnostics Exception 0Z000 diagnostics_exception 0Z002 stacked_diagnostics_accessed_without_active_handler Class 20 — Case Not Found 20000 case_not_found Class 21 — Cardinality Violation 21000 cardinality_violation Class 22 — Data Exception 22000 data_exception 2202E array_subscript_error 22021 character_not_in_repertoire 22008 datetime_field_overflow 22012 division_by_zero 22005 error_in_assignment 2200B escape_character_conflict 22022 indicator_overflow 22015 interval_field_overflow 2201E invalid_argument_for_logarithm 22014 invalid_argument_for_ntile_function 22016 invalid_argument_for_nth_value_function 2201F invalid_argument_for_power_function 2201G invalid_argument_for_width_bucket_function 22018 invalid_character_value_for_cast 22007 invalid_datetime_format 22019 invalid_escape_character 2200D invalid_escape_octet 22025 invalid_escape_sequence 22P06 nonstandard_use_of_escape_character 22010 invalid_indicator_parameter_value 22023 invalid_parameter_value 22013 invalid_preceding_or_following_size 2201B invalid_regular_expression 2201W invalid_row_count_in_limit_clause 2201X invalid_row_count_in_result_offset_clause 2202H invalid_tablesample_argument 2202G invalid_tablesample_repeat 22009 invalid_time_zone_displacement_value 2200C invalid_use_of_escape_character 2200G most_specific_type_mismatch 22004 null_value_not_allowed 22002 null_value_no_indicator_parameter 22003 numeric_value_out_of_range 2200H sequence_generator_limit_exceeded 22026 string_data_length_mismatch 22001 string_data_right_truncation 22011 substring_error 22027 trim_error 22024 unterminated_c_string 2200F zero_length_character_string 22P01 floating_point_exception 22P02 invalid_text_representation 22P03 invalid_binary_representation 22P04 bad_copy_file_format 22P05 untranslatable_character 2200L not_an_xml_document 2200M invalid_xml_document 2200N invalid_xml_content 2200S invalid_xml_comment 2200T invalid_xml_processing_instruction 22030 duplicate_json_object_key_value 22031 invalid_argument_for_sql_json_datetime_function 22032 invalid_json_text 22033 invalid_sql_json_subscript 22034 more_than_one_sql_json_item 22035 no_sql_json_item 22036 non_numeric_sql_json_item 22037 non_unique_keys_in_a_json_object 22038 singleton_sql_json_item_required 22039 sql_json_array_not_found 2203A sql_json_member_not_found 2203B sql_json_number_not_found 2203C sql_json_object_not_found 2203D too_many_json_array_elements 2203E too_many_json_object_members 2203F sql_json_scalar_required 2203G sql_json_item_cannot_be_cast_to_target_type Class 23 — Integrity Constraint Violation 23000 integrity_constraint_violation 23001 restrict_violation 23502 not_null_violation 23503 foreign_key_violation 23505 unique_violation 23514 check_violation 23P01 exclusion_violation Class 24 — Invalid Cursor State 24000 invalid_cursor_state Class 25 — Invalid Transaction State 25000 invalid_transaction_state 25001 active_sql_transaction 25002 branch_transaction_already_active 25008 held_cursor_requires_same_isolation_level 25003 inappropriate_access_mode_for_branch_transaction 25004 inappropriate_isolation_level_for_branch_transaction 25005 no_active_sql_transaction_for_branch_transaction 25006 read_only_sql_transaction 25007 schema_and_data_statement_mixing_not_supported 25P01 no_active_sql_transaction 25P02 in_failed_sql_transaction 25P03 idle_in_transaction_session_timeout Class 26 — Invalid SQL Statement Name 26000 invalid_sql_statement_name Class 27 — Triggered Data Change Violation 27000 triggered_data_change_violation Class 28 — Invalid Authorization Specification 28000 invalid_authorization_specification 28P01 invalid_password Class 2B — Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist 2B000 dependent_privilege_descriptors_still_exist 2BP01 dependent_objects_still_exist Class 2D — Invalid Transaction Termination 2D000 invalid_transaction_termination Class 2F — SQL Routine Exception 2F000 sql_routine_exception 2F005 function_executed_no_return_statement 2F002 modifying_sql_data_not_permitted 2F003 prohibited_sql_statement_attempted 2F004 reading_sql_data_not_permitted Class 34 — Invalid Cursor Name 34000 invalid_cursor_name Class 38 — External Routine Exception 38000 external_routine_exception 38001 containing_sql_not_permitted 38002 modifying_sql_data_not_permitted 38003 prohibited_sql_statement_attempted 38004 reading_sql_data_not_permitted Class 39 — External Routine Invocation Exception 39000 external_routine_invocation_exception 39001 invalid_sqlstate_returned 39004 null_value_not_allowed 39P01 trigger_protocol_violated 39P02 srf_protocol_violated 39P03 event_trigger_protocol_violated Class 3B — Savepoint Exception 3B000 savepoint_exception 3B001 invalid_savepoint_specification Class 3D — Invalid Catalog Name 3D000 invalid_catalog_name Class 3F — Invalid Schema Name 3F000 invalid_schema_name Class 40 — Transaction Rollback 40000 transaction_rollback 40002 transaction_integrity_constraint_violation 40001 serialization_failure 40003 statement_completion_unknown 40P01 deadlock_detected Class 42 — Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation 42000 syntax_error_or_access_rule_violation 42601 syntax_error 42501 insufficient_privilege 42846 cannot_coerce 42803 grouping_error 42P20 windowing_error 42P19 invalid_recursion 42830 invalid_foreign_key 42602 invalid_name 42622 name_too_long 42939 reserved_name 42804 datatype_mismatch 42P18 indeterminate_datatype 42P21 collation_mismatch 42P22 indeterminate_collation 42809 wrong_object_type 428C9 generated_always 42703 undefined_column 42883 undefined_function 42P01 undefined_table 42P02 undefined_parameter 42704 undefined_object 42701 duplicate_column 42P03 duplicate_cursor 42P04 duplicate_database 42723 duplicate_function 42P05 duplicate_prepared_statement 42P06 duplicate_schema 42P07 duplicate_table 42712 duplicate_alias 42710 duplicate_object 42702 ambiguous_column 42725 ambiguous_function 42P08 ambiguous_parameter 42P09 ambiguous_alias 42P10 invalid_column_reference 42611 invalid_column_definition 42P11 invalid_cursor_definition 42P12 invalid_database_definition 42P13 invalid_function_definition 42P14 invalid_prepared_statement_definition 42P15 invalid_schema_definition 42P16 invalid_table_definition 42P17 invalid_object_definition Class 44 — WITH CHECK OPTION Violation 44000 with_check_option_violation Class 53 — Insufficient Resources 53000 insufficient_resources 53100 disk_full 53200 out_of_memory 53300 too_many_connections 53400 configuration_limit_exceeded Class 54 — Program Limit Exceeded 54000 program_limit_exceeded 54001 statement_too_complex 54011 too_many_columns 54023 too_many_arguments Class 55 — Object Not In Prerequisite State 55000 object_not_in_prerequisite_state 55006 object_in_use 55P02 cant_change_runtime_param 55P03 lock_not_available 55P04 unsafe_new_enum_value_usage Class 57 — Operator Intervention 57000 operator_intervention 57014 query_canceled 57P01 admin_shutdown 57P02 crash_shutdown 57P03 cannot_connect_now 57P04 database_dropped 57P05 idle_session_timeout Class 58 — System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself) 58000 system_error 58030 io_error 58P01 undefined_file 58P02 duplicate_file Class 72 — Snapshot Failure 72000 snapshot_too_old Class F0 — Configuration File Error F0000 config_file_error F0001 lock_file_exists Class HV — Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED) HV000 fdw_error HV005 fdw_column_name_not_found HV002 fdw_dynamic_parameter_value_needed HV010 fdw_function_sequence_error HV021 fdw_inconsistent_descriptor_information HV024 fdw_invalid_attribute_value HV007 fdw_invalid_column_name HV008 fdw_invalid_column_number HV004 fdw_invalid_data_type HV006 fdw_invalid_data_type_descriptors HV091 fdw_invalid_descriptor_field_identifier HV00B fdw_invalid_handle HV00C fdw_invalid_option_index HV00D fdw_invalid_option_name HV090 fdw_invalid_string_length_or_buffer_length HV00A fdw_invalid_string_format HV009 fdw_invalid_use_of_null_pointer HV014 fdw_too_many_handles HV001 fdw_out_of_memory HV00P fdw_no_schemas HV00J fdw_option_name_not_found HV00K fdw_reply_handle HV00Q fdw_schema_not_found HV00R fdw_table_not_found HV00L fdw_unable_to_create_execution HV00M fdw_unable_to_create_reply HV00N fdw_unable_to_establish_connection Class P0 — PL/pgSQL Error P0000 plpgsql_error P0001 raise_exception P0002 no_data_found P0003 too_many_rows P0004 assert_failure Class XX — Internal Error XX000 internal_error XX001 data_corrupted XX002 index_corrupted

Ошибка ODBC. SQLSTATE: 42601

Номер ошибки: 1

Описание: ERROR: syntax error at or near «45»;

Error while executing the query

При подключении внешних источников, таблицы все видит, не ругается. А уже в предприятии когда пытаюсь открыть (прочитать) таблицу ругается.

Ранее не раз уже подключал и все работало, исключение что добавился сертификат, но его установил. Может как-то особенно нужно устанавливать?

В строке добавилось только «sslmode=require»

Пример соединения:

«DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode}; Data Source=PostgreSQL35W; SERVER=хххххххх; PORT=хххххххх; DATABASE=хххххххх; sslmode=require; UID=хххххххх; PWD=хххххххх»

Подключаюсь с этого ж компьютера при помощи IntelliJ IDEA, все читается и редактируется.

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