Expression expected ошибка vba

I am working on some homework and I can’t figure out why my code won’t work. The assignment is to request a name then respond in red text in B10.

Here is my code:

enter image description here

Any help would be great- Thanks!

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asked Apr 7, 2014 at 1:21

user3504930's user avatar


This error comes from the line With RAnge("b10").Font.ColocarIndex = 3, With supose to be used only to objects (not expressions)

sName = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter your name.", Type:=2)    
With Sheets("MyNewSheet").Range("B10")
    .Font.ColorIndex = 3
    .Value = sName 
End With

answered Apr 7, 2014 at 2:18

Roger Barreto's user avatar

Roger BarretoRoger Barreto

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Sub qwerty()
    With Range("B10")
        .Font.ColorIndex = 3
        strName = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter your name.", Type:=2)
        .Value = strName
    End With
End Sub

answered Apr 7, 2014 at 2:09

Gary's Student's user avatar

Gary’s StudentGary’s Student

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Выдаёт ошибку Expected: expression
в строке

Range("F1").DataSeriesRowcol := xlColumns,Type:=xlLinear,Step:=x_шаг,Stop:=x_пз,Trend:=False

  • Вопрос задан

    более трёх лет назад

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Присваиваете свойству кучу параметров, будто функцию вызываете…
Может лучше так — Range(«F1»).DataSeriesRowcol xlColumns,Type:=xlLinear,Step:=x_шаг,Stop:=x_пз,Trend:=False

Пригласить эксперта

Никита, здравствуйте.

Между методом DataSeries и его аргументом Rowcol надо поставить пробел.

Ссылка на официальную справку Микрософт ЗДЕСЬ.

Update: не видел, что в комментарии к своему ответу rosperitus уже озвучил про пробел.

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Вот код

Sub name()
    Dim cell1 As Integer
    Dim cell2 As Integer
    Set cell1 = 10
    Set cell2 = 6
    Dim text1 As String
    Dim text2 As String
    Dim rename1 As Integer
    Set rename1 = 0
    Dim rename2 As Integer
    Set rename2 = 0
        Set text1 = Workbooks("РАСЧЕТ КВАРТИРЫ -Корпус N сек1.xlsm").Worksheets("ЛИМИТКА КNС1").Cells(2, cell1).Value
        Set cell2 = 6
        Set rename2 = 0
            Set text2 = Workbooks("Материалы.xlsx").Worksheets("ЛИМИТКА К2С1").Cells(2, cell2).Value
            If text1 = text2 Then
                Set rename2 = 1
            End If
            Set cell2 = cell2 + 1
        Loop While Len(text2) > 0
        If rename2 = 0 Then
            Set rename1 = rename1 + 1
        End If
        Set cell1 = cell1 + 1
    Loop While Len(text1) > 0
    MsgBox (CStr(rename1))
End Sub

Выдаёт ошибку Expected Expression. Что не так?

Hi guys I am really stuck on this error code, Expression expected? It is on line 33 and 46

Wow the formatting really got messed up when I pasted it here sorry but the error is highlighted below

Sub Main()


Dim intRentalDays
Integer = 0

Dim dblRentalFee
Double = 2.0

Dim intDaysLate As
Integer = 0

Dim dblLateFees As
Double = 1.5

Dim intLateCharges
Integer = 0

Dim intTotalDue As
Integer = 0

‘Get DaysRented


‘Calculate IfLate


‘Calculate Yes

CalculateYes(intRentalDays, intDaysLate, dblLateFees, intLateCharges, dblRentalFee, intTotalDue)

‘Calculate No

CalculateN0(dblRentalFee, intTotalDue)

‘Display Total

displayTotal(dblRentalFee, intTotalDue)


End Sub

Private Sub getRentalDays(ByRef intRentalDays
As Integer)

Console.Write(«How many days rented? «)


End Sub

This is where the “expression expected error is



If intRentalDays     > 3


CalculateYes(ByVal intRentalDays     As Integer,
ByVal     intDaysLate As Integer,
ByVal     dblLateFees As Double,
ByVal     intLateCharges As Integer,
ByVal dblRentalFee as Double,
intTotalDue As Integer)




CalculateN0(ByVal dblRentalFee     As Double,
ByVal     intTotalDue As Integer)





End Sub

Private Sub CalculateYes(ByVal intRentalDays
As Integer,
intDaysLate As
, ByRef dblLateFees
Double, ByRef intLateCharges
As Integer,
dblRentalFee As
, ByRef intTotalDue

intDaysLate = intRentalDays — 3

Console.Write(«Your DVD is late»)

intLateCharges = CInt((intDaysLate * dblLateFees))

Console.Write(«Your late fees are « & intLateCharges)

intTotalDue = CInt((dblRentalFee + intLateCharges))

End Sub

Private Sub CalculateN0(ByVal dblRentalFee
As Double,
intTotalDue As

intTotalDue = CInt(dblRentalFee)

Console.Write(«Thank you for returning on time.»)

End Sub

Private Sub displayTotal(ByVal dblRentalFee
As Double,
intTotalDue As

Console.WriteLine(«Your rental fee is « & dblRentalFee)

Console.WriteLine(«Your total due is « & intTotalDue)

End Sub

Private Sub terminateProgram()


Console.Write(«Press enter key to terminate the program.»)


End Sub


The Expected: expression compile error means that while trying to compile the line, things went haywire because the compiler was expecting to find an expression but found nothing. This error happens if you leave one or more dangling commas at the end of a statement.

For example, the MsgBox statement in Figure 12-5 generated the compile error shown in that same figure. If you look closely, you might also notice that the closing parenthesis in the code is highlighted. The compile error is trying to help out by highlighting the place where it ran into the problem.

Figure 12-5:

Sample Expected: expression compile error.

Figure 12-5:

Sample Expected: expression compile error.

The problem with the line of code is that last comma, just to the left of the closing parenthesis. You use a comma only when you’re about to type another expression into the list of arguments. In other words, while compiling that line of code, the compiler saw that last comma, expecting to find some expression after that comma, but instead found a closing parenthesis.

One solution to the problem would be to get rid of that last comma, as follows:

Answer = MsgBox(«Hello World», vblnformation)

Or, you can leave the comma but add the argument that belongs in that spot. For example, in the MsgBox statement, the third argument is the title to show in the message box. To make that title read as Test, just go ahead and make that word the third argument (after the last comma), as follows:

Answer = MsgBox(«Hello World», vbInformation,»Test»)

Continue reading here: Dealing with Logical Errors

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