Filezilla ошибка no such file or directory

13:06:33 Status: Disconnected from server
13:06:33 Status: Connecting to…
13:06:33 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
13:06:33 Response: 220 NASFTPD Turbo station 2.x 1.3.1rc2 Server (ProFTPD) []
13:06:33 Command: USER erik
13:06:33 Response: 331 Password required for erik
13:06:33 Command: PASS ********
13:06:34 Response: 230 User erik logged in
13:06:34 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
13:06:34 Response: 200 UTF8 set to on
13:06:34 Status: Connected
13:06:34 Status: Retrieving directory listing…
13:06:34 Command: PWD
13:06:34 Response: 257 «/» is the current directory
13:06:34 Status: Directory listing successful
13:06:45 Status: Connecting to…
13:06:45 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
13:06:45 Response: 220 NASFTPD Turbo station 2.x 1.3.1rc2 Server (ProFTPD) []
13:06:45 Command: USER erik
13:06:45 Response: 331 Password required for erik
13:06:45 Command: PASS ********
13:06:45 Response: 230 User erik logged in
13:06:45 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
13:06:45 Response: 200 UTF8 set to on
13:06:45 Status: Connected
13:06:45 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/folder.jpg
13:06:45 Command: CWD /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love
13:06:45 Response: 250 CWD command successful
13:06:45 Command: TYPE I
13:06:45 Response: 200 Type set to I
13:06:45 Command: PASV
13:06:45 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,219,127)
13:06:45 Command: RETR folder.jpg
13:06:45 Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for folder.jpg (33854 bytes)
13:06:46 Response: 226 Transfer complete
13:06:46 Status: File transfer successful, transferred 33.854 bytes in 1 second
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/10 — ABC — The Look Of Love, Part Four.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,217,94)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 10 — ABC — The Look Of Love, Part Four.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 10 — ABC — The Look Of Love, Part Four.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/09 — ABC — 4 Ever 2 Gether.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,220,207)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 09 — ABC — 4 Ever 2 Gether.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 09 — ABC — 4 Ever 2 Gether.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/08 — ABC — All Of My Heart.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,219,232)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 08 — ABC — All Of My Heart.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 08 — ABC — All Of My Heart.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/07 — ABC — Date Stamp.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,218,152)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 07 — ABC — Date Stamp.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 07 — ABC — Date Stamp.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/06 — ABC — The Look Of Love, Part One.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,220,237)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 06 — ABC — The Look Of Love, Part One.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 06 — ABC — The Look Of Love, Part One.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/05 — ABC — Valentine’s Day.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,220,209)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 05 — ABC — Valentine’s Day.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 05 — ABC — Valentine’s Day.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/04 — ABC — Tears Are Not Enough.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,217,245)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 04 — ABC — Tears Are Not Enough.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 04 — ABC — Tears Are Not Enough.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/03 — ABC — Many Happy Returns.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,218,202)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 03 — ABC — Many Happy Returns.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 03 — ABC — Many Happy Returns.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/02 — ABC — Poison Arrow.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,220,216)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 02 — ABC — Poison Arrow.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 02 — ABC — Poison Arrow.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error
13:06:46 Status: Starting download of /Qmultimedia/ABC/1982 — The Lexicon Of Love/01 — ABC — Show Me.flac
13:06:46 Command: PASV
13:06:46 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,187,84,153,217,178)
13:06:46 Command: RETR 01 — ABC — Show Me.flac
13:06:46 Response: 550 01 — ABC — Show Me.flac: No such file or directory
13:06:46 Error: Critical file transfer error

Hope this helps.

Thanx anyway for quick response.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files between clients and servers. It is the fastest way to upload your file on the server. If you are using CyberPanel, you can also use File manager, but it is always recommended to use FTP to transfer large files to your server. However, as with any other software people face an issue with FTP as well. In this tutorial will discuss one FTP error called ‘FTP 550 No such file or directory’. This means file or folder does not exist. Today will see what are the main reasons behind this error and how to fix them.

However, if you are our customer and use our managed vps service, feel free to contact us via the helpdesk to get this issue resolved.

What is FTP 550 No Such File or directory

We will first see what actually is FTP 550 No Such File or directory error.

5xx errors with FTP means complete rejection from the server. This means that your FTP client such as Filezilla sent an FTP command which remote server fails to accept and returns with 5xx families of error.

It is also related to File system issues, for example, the FTP users do not have access to the folder you are trying to access or upload content too.

What is the main cause of this error

1. Wrong Permissions

If your folder or files have wrong permissions this will also cause ‘FTP 550 No such file or directory’. This happens when the user does not have enough privileges to edit or open file they are trying to access. So if you are using CyberPanel avoid uploading files via root SFTP account, because those files will then be owned by root account and you can then can’t access those files via FTP.

If you have already done so, make sure to click Fix Permissions from the file manager. Or you can log in to ssh via root, then first find out the user of your website by running:

ls -la /home

This command will tell you the owner of the directory who owns your document root, you can then run following commands to change owners of your document root

chown -R user:user /home/

Also, this status code occurs when you try to GET a file that does not exist.

2. Incorrect Path

FTP 550 No such file or directory can also occur if you are trying to upload file to an incorrect path. Such as if the file is present in the document root of your site at /home/ and you are trying to upload from /home.

The easiest way to get around the incorrect path is to logout from FTP, and log in again. You will then land in the default FTP folder and from there you can easily navigate to the folder you want to upload file to.

3. Wrong Mount Point

Sometimes users mount a filesystem at a certain mount point but they don’t configure it to retain after reboot. So after server reboot that mount point does not exist anymore. In such a case when they login to that FTP account they usually see 500: No such file or directory, because that mount point does not exist anymore.

Make sure to remount the file system and make it persists during the reboots.

How to Create FTP Account In Cloud Platform

Once the website is created, click on your service ID. You will be brought back to the page where you can manage your sites created in the CyberPanel.

Click the launch icon.

From the left sidebar, click Create FTP Account under FTP. Fill in all the details and click Create FTP button. You can leave the path empty and the default path will be used which is usually document root of the website (i.e. /home/ But if you set some path such as helloworld the final path will be relative to document root such as /home/

FTP Account is necessary to upload your website/application files. But if you are going to use our Auto Installer creating FTP account is not really necessary.

You can also use default File Manager of CyberPanel to manage files of your website, but for large uploads, FTP is recommended.

FTP is a simple method to upload files to the server.

Although, it is rather easy to transfer files, FTP users often get stuck with errors. One such FTP error is “550 No such file or directory“.

Broadly speaking, this error means that the file or folder do not exist.

As part of our Outsourced Technical Support Services, we regularly fix these type of FTP errors for our customers.

Today, we’ll see the causes for the error “FTP 550 no such file or directory” and how our Support Engineers fix them.

What is FTP 550 error?

Firstly, let’s get a quick idea on the FTP 550 error.

The 5xx error falls under the permanent negative completion reply status of the FTP server. And, it means that the FTP server did not accept the command and the requested action did not take place. Further more, x5x error denotes File system errors in FTP server.
Overall, the 550 error means the file was not found or there are access restrictions for the file.

Causes for “FTP 550 no such file or directory”

Recently, one of our customers reported trouble with FTP upload. The logs of his FTP session looked as shown below.

STATUS:> Transferring file "/mydir/home.html"...
COMMAND:> SIZE home.html
550 home.html: No such file.
STATUS:> Requested action not taken (e.g., file or directory not found, no access).
COMMAND:> CWD /mydir/home.html
550 /mydir/home.html: No such file or directory.

Here, the customer was trying to PUT the file home.html via FTP. And that resulted in the error.

Now, let’s see the top causes for the error.

1. Incorrect path

Usually, “FTP 550 no such file or directory” error happens when the customers try to upload files from the wrong directory.

For example, when the file is present in the folder /home/user/abc.html, an attempt to upload from the path /home will cause this error.

This error also happens when customer uses the relative path in FTP.

2. Permission problems

Similarly, wrong permission on the files or folders can also cause this 550 error. When the user do not have privileges on the file they are trying to access, it will report the 550 error.

Additionally, a typo in the file name will also lead to this error.

3. Wrong Mount points

Again, we often see FTP 550 errors when users trying to access files in the mounted file systems.

For instance, recently a customer complained about the problems accessing files via FTP. In his server, he had a mounted file system. But, this mount failed after a server reboot. And, when he tried to access a file in this mounted directory, it resulted in the error:

550 : No such file or directory

How to fix FTP 550 error?

Till now, we saw the various causes for the FTP 550 error. Let’s now have a look on how to fix it.

We already know that the underlying reason for the FTP 550 error could be file not residing at the path.

That’s why, our Support Engineers first check the exact path that the customer uses via FTP. We connect to the server via SSH and confirm the presence of the file. If the file is not found on the path, we advise customer on the correct path. Or, for file name typo issues, we educate customer on the exact file name.

We always encourage customers to use the absolute path of the file in FTP connections.

Similarly, we check the server mount points and confirm the availability of file system and its contents too.

[Are you getting 550 error while accessing files via FTP?  We can quickly fix it for you.]


In short, FTP error “550 no such file or directory” happens mainly when the file do not exist at the path, due to permission problems, etc. Today, we saw the top causes for the error and how our Support Engineers fix them.


Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.

Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.


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  • S Morgan Member


    I’m getting an error with Fetch, but can use the same credentials, etc. with FileZilla and the connection works plus I’m able to see the folders within. Please see Error below.

    Server responded: «syserr: No such file or directory, file: e:ftplocaluseraffiniontn»

    I unchecked the «Use ‘LIST -al’ command to reveal hidden items and it’s still not working. If you need the log, I can send it via email. Please provide email address if needed.



    Posted 8 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator


    You can send the transcript to .


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • S Morgan Member


    I still haven’t received a response regarding this and have sent two emails to at the end of August. Is this something that can be fixed?



    Posted 8 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    I apologize. I see your messages, and have sent a reply. Please let me know if you haven’t received it.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • S Morgan Member

    Below is what I see in my email. I don’t see any other reply. -Sean

    Jim Matthews replied to the topic ‘No such file or directory — FileZilla works though’ on the Fetch Message Board.

    View the reply

    Your friends at Fetch Softworks

    Unsubscribe from this topic

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    I’m sorry again — I don’t know why my message did not make it through.

    Thank you for sending the transcript. It shows a problem that I last saw nine years ago. Fetch asks the server for the home directory path, and the server replies (in this case it says «/home»). Fetch then asks for information about the /home directory, and the server replies that there’s no such file or directory (?!?). It further says that there’s no file or directory at e:ftplocaluseraffiniontn, which appears to be an Windows file path that’s internal to the server.

    My best guess is that the server is misconfigured. Is the server being administered by your company, or is it external?


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • S Morgan Member

    It’s external. Is there any more information that I can provide them to make this work with Fetch?

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    I would tell them that you’re getting a «syserr: No such file or directory, file: e:ftplocaluseraffiniontn» error when you try to login to their SFTP server. They should be able to check the server logs for additional error information. And they should be able to see if that directory exists.

    In the meantime, would you be willing to try a modified version of Fetch that tries to work around this server issue? I can’t promise that it will work, but I can give it a shot.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • S Morgan Member

    I would be happy to try a modified version. Thanks. Sean

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    That’s great. I’ll get to work on the modified version, and be in touch.

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • tutmoses Member

    I’ve just encountered this problem but solved it by creating the directory on the remote server first in Filezilla and then once that had successfully listed, transferring the files into it. It seems that sometimes Filezilla stumbles if a folder is carried across — it doesn’t have time to create the folder before trying to put files in it.

    Posted 8 years ago #

I just installed filezilla by:

I tried to run filezilla and got this error:

Code: Select all

filezilla: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Thinking that a dependency had not been declared, I searched for a relevant package…

Code: Select all

$ apt-cache search libidn
libidn11 - GNU Libidn library, implementation of IETF IDN specifications

…and tried to install that but already had it:

Code: Select all

$ sudo apt-get install libidn11
libidn11 is already the newest version.

I checked what files the required package had installed…

Code: Select all

$ dpkg -S libidn11
libidn11: /usr/share/doc/libidn11/README
libidn11: /usr/share/doc/libidn11/copyright
libidn11: /usr/share/doc/libidn11/changelog.Debian.gz
libidn11: /usr/share/doc/libidn11/TODO
libidn11: /usr/share/doc/libidn11/AUTHORS.gz
libidn11: /usr/share/doc/libidn11/NEWS.gz
libidn11: /usr/share/doc/libidn11
libidn11: /usr/share/doc/libidn11/THANKS

…and saw that no object file was mentioned.

Could I have an incompletely installed package? I’ve never encountered this kind of situation before.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.

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