Fire emblem heroes ошибка

Is the game giving you an error? Use the support code and check here to see what the error means and if there is any possible solution. Known Bugs will also be reported here.

Please note that this is only a compilation of errors and solutions users have found and added here. If you have an issue not listed here that you need resolved, you can always contact Fire Emblem: Heroes support.



Support Code: 803-010[]


The total of friends and pending friend requests you have exceeds the maximum of 50.


Delete some of your friends or pending friend requests.

Support Code: 803-3001[]

«A communications error has occurred.»


Fire Emblem: Heroes uses Google’s SafetyNet API to detect modified devices for cheating purposes. If SafetyNet flags your device as not OK, you will eventually get this error. This is a common occurrence on rooted devices.

There is also currently a known bug which causes the error code for devices that pass SafetyNet.


NOTE. You will lose your current account and restart game progress with this solution UNLESS you have it linked to a Nintendo ID.

On rooted phones, using your File Manager of choice, navigate to the game’s files and find the following file. By default, this should be:


Delete this file and restart the game.

Support Code: 803-3004[]


Fire Emblem: Heroes is currently undergoing maintenance.


Check back later when maintenance has ended.

Support Code: 803-3009[]

«The device’s clock appears to be off. Please restart the app after adjusting the clock on the device.»


This error occurs when your device’s clock becomes out of sync.


Restart your device and make sure your clock is correct before opening the game again.

Support Code: 803-3012[]

«A communications error has occurred.»


Currently unknown. Players have reported this error happening when:

  • Attempting to link a Nintendo account
  • Attempting to link a Nintendo account and no browser web is installed on the smartphone
  • Summoning or ending a Summoning session with the Back button


The only option available is to return to the Title screen.

Support Code: 803-3013[]

«A communications error has occured.»


Currently unknown. Players have reported this error happening when a map was cleared.


The only option available is to return to the Title screen.

Support Code: 803-3021[]

«An error has occurred. If it continues to occur, please check your app-store account settings.»


This error occurs when you are playing from a country that is not supported.


You will need to use a third party application (Ex. Zenmate) to mask your IP and make the game think you are playing from a supported country (e.g. United States).

Support Code: 803-3101[]

«A communications error has occurred. Please check your connection.»


Unable to connect to the internet.


  • Check your internet connection to see if you are connected.
  • Check to see if data restrictions are blocking the app from accessing the internet.
  • Try a different IP address.

Support Code: 803-4300[]

«A communications error has occurred.»


Unknown. May occur when logging in before the Home screen is loaded.


Return to title screen and try again, or reinstall the App.

Fire Emblem Heroes - How to Fix Crashing from Code 803-0003 or 803-3001 Errors

This guide shows you what to do if you suffer from either error code or can’t link your Nintendo Account in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Fire Emblem Heroes just released yesterday, and although most people can download and enjoy it just fine, some people have been affected by crashes and errors. There have also been some issues with linking Nintendo Accounts with Fire Emblem Heroes. This guide will tell you why you’re getting error code 803-0003 or 803-3001 and why you’re having problems linking your Nintendo Account to Fire Emblem Heroes.

How to Fix Fire Emblem Heroes Support Code 803-3001

This error is affecting both iOS and Android devices. Fire Emblem Heroes Support Code: 803-3001 pops up on the main screen of the game and won’t let you start the game. This code appears because the Fire Emblem Heroes servers are overloaded and cannot begin the download of the additional data needed to start the game.

Fixing code 803-3001 in Fire Emblem Heroes is both easy and frustrating. To fix it, you just have to wait and try to start the game again later. Fire Emblem Heroes just launched, so there’s a huge amount of people trying to download and try the game for the first time. As time goes on, fewer people will be downloading the game data, and you’ll be able to play.

There is also speculation that code 803-3001 on Android devices may be caused by Fire Emblem Fates blocking rooted devices. This hasn’t been confirmed, but if you’re using a rooted Android device, try starting the game on another non-rooted device and see if that’s the culprit.

How to Fix Fire Emblem Heroes Error Code 803-0003

Fire Emblem Heroes Code 803-0003 presents itself with the message, «A communications error has occurred. Support Code: 803-0003.» With this code, the game will let you past the title screen, but when it begins to download the additional data needed to play the game, you’ll receive this error.

Like the error above, code 803-0003 can simply mean that the Fire Emblem Heroes servers are overloaded. Your best bet to fix this issue is just to wait and try again later. Code 803-0003 could also occur if you don’t have a stable connection to the internet, so you may want to try moving closer to your Wi-Fi Router and trying to start the game again.

What to Do When You Cannot Link Nintendo Account in Fire Emblem Heroes

Some people can download Fire Emblem Heroes just fine, but when they go to link their Nintendo Accounts they get timeouts and error messages. The solution to this issue is the same as the two errors above. The Nintendo Account servers have been flooded with people making new accounts and linking current accounts to Fire Emblem Heroes. You’ll simply have to wait and try to link your account again later.

We hope this guide helped you to understand some of the errors occurring with Fire Emblem Heroes. Take a look at our Fire Emblem Heroes guide hub for more info on Nintendo’s new mobile title. 

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17 Mar 2023 5:13 AM +00:00 UTC

Discover the common causes of Fire Emblem Heroes communication error and how to troubleshoot them.

Fire Emblem Heroes communication error - how to fix error code 803-0003

Credit: Nintendo

If you are encountering Fire Emblem Heroes communication error with the error code 803-0003, we can help you to troubleshoot it.

Fire Emblem Heroes is a popular mobile game that has captivated millions of players worldwide with its engaging gameplay and intriguing storyline. However, like any online game, it’s not immune to technical issues that can disrupt the gaming experience.

In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide some solutions to fix it, so players can get back to enjoying Fire Emblem Heroes without interruption.

What is Fire Emblem Heroes communication error?

Fire Emblem Heroes communication error occurs when the game is unable to establish a stable connection between the player’s device and the game’s servers. Typically, the error pops up when trying to load the game.

Sometimes the communication error causes the game to crash with error code 803-0003 during gameplay. The communication error can happen due to two reasons: server maintenance/outage or internet connectivity issues on your end.

By identifying the root cause of the issue, you can take appropriate steps to fix it and get Fire Emblem Heroes back up and running. With that in mind, let’s explore the potential solutions for this issue.

How to fix Fire Emblem Heroes communication error

Encountering the Fire Emblem Heroes communication error can be frustrating to deal with, but luckily there are a few tips that you can try to get your game working properly.

If you’re experiencing the Fire Emblem Heroes communication error with error code 803-0003, here are some steps you can take to try and fix it:

  • Check your internet connection: A stable and reliable internet connection is crucial for playing online games. Check if your internet connection is working correctly by opening a web page or streaming a video. If you’re having connectivity issues, try resetting your modem or router.
  • Check server status: The Fire Emblem Heroes servers may experience downtime due to maintenance or other issues. Check the game’s official social media accounts or website to see if there are any known server issues.
  • Update the game: Make sure you have the latest version of Fire Emblem Heroes installed on your device. Go to your device’s app store and check for any available updates. If there is an update available, download and install it.
  • Clear cache and data: Clearing the cache and data of the Fire Emblem Heroes app can help resolve some issues. Go to your device’s settings, find the app settings, select Fire Emblem Heroes, and then tap on «clear cache» and «clear data.»
  • Restart the game: Sometimes, a simple restart of the game can fix the communication error. Close the game completely, wait a few minutes, and then try launching it again.

If none of the above steps works, contact the game’s support team for further assistance. They may be able to provide you with specific troubleshooting steps or help you identify any underlying issues that are causing the communication error.

For more articles like this, take a look at our



Ошибка связи в Fire Emblem Heroes: Как исправить

Fire Emblem Heroes — это популярная мобильная игра, которая понравилась многим поклонникам серии Fire Emblem. Однако, как и в любой другой мобильной игре, игроки могут столкнуться с ошибками и сбоями, которые могут повлиять на их игровой процесс. Одна из самых распространенных ошибок, с которыми сталкиваются игроки, — это «ошибка связи». Эта ошибка может возникать по разным причинам, включая плохое интернет-соединение, обслуживание сервера или проблемы с устройством. Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой связи во время игры в Fire Emblem Heroes, не волнуйтесь. Мы расскажем о некоторых лучших способах ее преодоления.

Ошибка связи в Fire Emblem Heroes

  • 1) Проверьте подключение к Интернету

Первое, что вы должны сделать, столкнувшись с ошибкой связи в Fire Emblem Heroes, — это проверить ваше интернет-соединение. Если ваше соединение слабое или нестабильное, это может привести к отключению игры от сервера, что приведет к ошибке связи. Вот как проверить подключение к Интернету:

  • Убедитесь, что вы подключены к стабильной сети Wi-Fi или сотовой связи.
  • Если вы используете Wi-Fi, попробуйте перезагрузить маршрутизатор или модем.

Если вы используете сотовую связь, попробуйте выключить и снова включить мобильные данные.

  • 2) Проверьте обслуживание сервера

Иногда ошибки связи в Fire Emblem Heroes могут возникать из-за технического обслуживания сервера. Это означает, что игровой сервер временно недоступен, и вы не сможете подключиться к нему. Поэтому посетите официальный Twitter Fire Emblem Heroes, нажав здесь, чтобы получить последние обновления о состоянии серверов. Если серверы действительно не работают, подождите несколько часов, а затем попробуйте подключиться снова.

  • 3) Очистите кэш и данные

Очистка кэша и данных приложения Fire Emblem Heroes иногда может исправить ошибки связи. Вот как это сделать.

  • Зайдите в «Настройки» вашего устройства и выберите «Приложения и уведомления».
  • Найдите и выберите приложение Fire Emblem Heroes в списке приложений.
  • Нажмите на «Хранилище и кэш».
  • Нажмите на «Очистить хранилище» и «Очистить кэш».

Перезагрузите устройство и попробуйте запустить игру снова.

  • 4) Обновите приложение

Если вы используете устаревшую версию приложения Fire Emblem Heroes, это может привести к ошибкам связи. Чтобы обновить приложение:

  • Перейдите в Google Play Store или Apple App Store и найдите Fire Emblem Heroes.
  • Если есть доступное обновление, нажмите на кнопку «Обновить».

После завершения обновления запустите приложение и проверьте, устранена ли ошибка связи.

  • 5) Переустановите игру

Если ни один из вышеперечисленных методов не работает, можно попробовать удалить и переустановить игру. Это позволит удалить все поврежденные данные или настройки, которые могут быть причиной ошибки связи. Для этого…

  • Зайдите в «Настройки» вашего устройства и выберите «Приложения и уведомления».
  • Найдите и выберите приложение Fire Emblem Heroes в списке приложений.
  • Нажмите на «Удалить» и подтвердите действие.
  • Перейдите в Google Play Store или Apple App Store и найдите Fire Emblem Heroes.
  • Нажмите на кнопку «Установить», чтобы переустановить приложение.
  • После завершения установки запустите приложение и проверьте, устранена ли ошибка связи.

Если после применения этих методов у вас по-прежнему возникают ошибки связи, возможно, вам придется обратиться в службу поддержки Fire Emblem Heroes за дальнейшей помощью.

Последнее обновление 18.03.2023

803-3101 (3F3Y-0000-0000-0000-0000) Error Help

I got a new phone over the weekend (Galaxy S9), and when I transferred my service over to it I found that I can’t play FEH over LTE. I need to have a WiFi connection. Everything else works absolutely fine.

I have tried uninstalls, reinstalls, a factory reset on the phone, linking and unlinking my Google account, resetting the Google Play Store, contacting support. I am at my wits end, I just want to play the game.

Does anyone know what else I can try? This is a brand new Android phone with no updates at all. I believe I’m still signed in on my old Android phone, but I don’t think that’s the problem because the main menu won’t even load. I just get an error message before the game even starts.

Edit: Minor news, I connected to WiFi to get past the login screen, and I lost connection when the 900+ MB update starts downloading. I switched off WiFi, so I can solely use LTE, and the download is continuing. I don’t know what’s going on, but I think it’ll crap out on me soon.

Edit 2: I ended up calling my phone service provider (MetroPCS) and told them I’ve had a shitty connection since I transferred service to this phone, and they did a «refresh» of my service. I have no idea what that entails, but suddenly I can play again. So future readers if you land here from Google give your carrier a call and see if they can help.

Of note is also the fact that I couldn’t use any VPN services, including one from my job which usually always works. This may have to do with the phone service.

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