Fnis pcea2 ошибка при запуске


Posted 08 January 2017 — 07:20 pm

I made a merged patch and subsequently remade my bashed patch and now, the MCM menu for FNIS PCEA2 just says «ERRORS when starting fnis pcea2». The animations, though, are still working. I have tried:

  • remaking my merged and bashed patches multiple times (using the gamerpoets video tutorials as guides)
  • running Generate FNIS for users many, many times
  • leaving the files generated by above in overwrite folder 
  • making those files into a separate mod
  • reinstalling FNIS PCEA2
  • reinstalling FNIS
  • remaking the patches and running Generate FNIS again
  • reinstalling SkyUI

I have no idea what I’ve done wrong or what to try next. I left both FNIS and FNIS PCEA2 unchecked while making the patches every time. I ran GenerateFNIS every time I changed anything. The default animations that the mod changes are showing and working, but the menu to choose which ones I actually want to use is not functioning. I pose like Bruce Willis every time I stop walking, and I walk like princess Jasmine. Please help me.

I don’t know how to share my patch files, but if someone can tell me how, I’ll upload them.



Edited by alltheseducks, 08 January 2017 — 08:01 pm.

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Posted 08 January 2017 — 08:16 pm


    behavior mudcrab

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The message comes when you have ignored a longer PCEA2 error message directly after loading a save, and then have saved the game anyway despite having this erroneous situation.

Now you have either to go back to a save which doesn’t show this MCM message. Or make a cleaned save (uninstall PCEA2, run FNIS, load the save, save the game, install PCEA2, run FNIS).

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Posted 08 January 2017 — 09:41 pm

The message comes when you have ignored a longer PCEA2 error message directly after loading a save, and then have saved the game anyway despite having this erroneous situation.

Now you have either to go back to a save which doesn’t show this MCM message. Or make a cleaned save (uninstall PCEA2, run FNIS, load the save, save the game, install PCEA2, run FNIS).

Thank you so much for your response! Unfortunately, the cleaned save didn’t seem to work, but I found my most recent save where the mod was working and am going from that now. I also don’t know what error message you’re referring too; the only message I ever got was the one in the MCM menu. But that’s gone now, so, again, thank you so much.

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Posted 14 October 2017 — 11:45 pm



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The message comes when you have ignored a longer PCEA2 error message directly after loading a save, and then have saved the game anyway despite having this erroneous situation.

Now you have either to go back to a save which doesn’t show this MCM message. Or make a cleaned save (uninstall PCEA2, run FNIS, load the save, save the game, install PCEA2, run FNIS).

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Posted 20 October 2018 — 04:45 pm



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This worked for me. You should put this solution on your mod page.

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Posted 18 March 2019 — 03:39 am



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Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I had to reinstall Windows on my hard drive, but I kept all my games and mods on my SSD and re-pathed them correctly, everything is perfect, except I get this error message now. I have TK dodge, and it doesn’t work anymore, plus the character arm fix on FNIS no longer works. I’ve tried deactivating, reactivating, uninstalling, deleting, reinstalling, tried starting a new file, tried rolling back to earlier saves, nothing works. Does anyone have any advice? 

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Posted 15 February 2020 — 12:52 pm



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The message comes when you have ignored a longer PCEA2 error message directly after loading a save, and then have saved the game anyway despite having this erroneous situation.

Now you have either to go back to a save which doesn’t show this MCM message. Or make a cleaned save (uninstall PCEA2, run FNIS, load the save, save the game, install PCEA2, run FNIS).

Its 3 years later, but this comment solved my problem. Thank you.

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Posted 24 June 2021 — 03:41 pm



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I made a merged patch and subsequently remade my bashed patch and now, the MCM menu for FNIS PCEA2 just says «ERRORS when starting fnis pcea2». The animations, though, are still working. I have tried:

  • remaking my merged and bashed patches multiple times (using the gamerpoets video tutorials as guides)
  • running Generate FNIS for users many, many times
  • leaving the files generated by above in overwrite folder 
  • making those files into a separate mod
  • reinstalling FNIS PCEA2
  • reinstalling FNIS
  • remaking the patches and running Generate FNIS again
  • reinstalling SkyUI

I have no idea what I’ve done wrong or what to try next. I left both FNIS and FNIS PCEA2 unchecked while making the patches every time. I ran GenerateFNIS every time I changed anything. The default animations that the mod changes are showing and working, but the menu to choose which ones I actually want to use is not functioning. I pose like Bruce Willis every time I stop walking, and I walk like princess Jasmine. Please help me.

I don’t know how to share my patch files, but if someone can tell me how, I’ll upload them.



God bless you man, You solved my problem what i cant about 4 day.

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3 способа исправить ошибку FNIS PCEA2 (06.21.23)

fnis pcea2 error

Каждый игрок хочет, чтобы его персонаж выделялся в ролевой игре, но в Skyrim вы заметите, что у всех почти одинаковая анимация. Вот почему игроки начали использовать мод PCEA2, который помогает изменять анимацию вашего персонажа. Существуют разные анимации, характерные только для персонажей игроков, в зависимости от действий, которые вы можете выполнять в Skyrim. Однако этот мод не очень стабилен и вызовет проблемы при использовании с другими модами.

Если вы находитесь в ситуации, когда мод PCEA2 не работает в вашей игре, и вы продолжаете сталкиваться с ошибками, то вот несколько решений, которые потенциально могут решить ошибку FNIS PCEA2.

Как исправить FNIS Ошибка PCEA2?

  • Обновить поведение FNIS
  • Некоторые игроки отметили, что вы можете исправить эту ошибку, сняв все флажки после запуска приложения. Затем вы можете попробовать обновить поведение FNIS, чтобы ваш PCEA2 снова заработал. Несмотря на то, что это отличный мод, существует множество проблем, с которыми сталкиваются пользователи. Если мод PCEA2 работал нормально несколько часов назад, мы рекомендуем сначала выполнить некоторые общие шаги по устранению неполадок. Это включает в себя перезагрузку компьютера и повторный запуск мода. Если с вашим модом нет серьезных проблем, он должен начать работать сейчас.

    Но если вы по-прежнему получаете ту же ошибку во время запуска, вам необходимо обновить поведение FNIS из приложения. Это должно помочь вам исправить любую незначительную ошибку в моде, и вы снова сможете использовать эксклюзивную анимацию в своей игре. Однако природа вашей ошибки может быть уникальной, поэтому лучше всего поделиться своим журналом модов с членами службы поддержки и попросить их о помощи. Таким образом, они смогут хорошо разобраться в вашей проблеме и предложить вам соответствующие решения.

  • Удалить другие модификации
  • Если вы все еще не если мод работает после обновления поведения FNIS, то есть вероятность, что какой-то другой мод вызывает проблемы для вашего PCEA2. Как упоминалось выше, мод PCEA2 недостаточно стабилен, чтобы хорошо работать с другими модами. Итак, если на вашем Skyrim установлено много модов, вам следует подумать об их удалении, чтобы PCEA2 снова заработал. Чтобы удалить моды, вы можете просто получить доступ к файлам данных игры, а затем удалить файлы мода из папки игры. Вам также необходимо удалить текстуры, связанные с модом, и лишние файлы.

    Если это исправит ваш PCEA2, вам следует попробовать найти обновленную версию модов, которые вы использовали. Таким образом вы сможете установить обновленную версию на свой компьютер и, надеюсь, это не создаст те же проблемы для вашего мода PCEA2. Вы также можете попробовать удалить моды один за другим, чтобы изолировать дополнительный мод, который вызывает эту проблему для анимации вашего персонажа. Затем вы можете загрузить все обратно, кроме мода, вызывающего эту проблему. Это позволит вам решить проблему, удалив только один мод, и вы сможете вернуть все обратно в игру.

  • Переустановите мод
  • Наконец, если вы по-прежнему возникают проблемы с запуском мода анимации персонажей, поэтому вам нужно попытаться удалить FNIS PCEA2 с вашего ПК. Затем вы можете загрузить новую копию из Интернета и установить их снова. Таким образом вы сможете исправить любые проблемы, которые могут возникнуть с модом. Даже если это может не быть напрямую связано с вашей конкретной проблемой, но если ни одно из исправлений не работает, переустановка мода может помочь вам решить проблему. Вы также можете попробовать использовать форумы сообщества для пакета модов, чтобы изучить другие варианты.

    Обращение к другим игрокам, у которых возникла такая же проблема, поможет вам найти уникальные шаги по устранению неполадок, которые могут сработать для вас. Вот почему мы предлагаем вам использовать форумы сообщества и создать тему, посвященную вашей ошибке. В идеале вы не должны сталкиваться с той же проблемой после обновления поведения FNIS, поскольку это помогло большинству игроков решить эту проблему с запуском. Но если ничего не помогает, то единственным выходом может быть обращение за помощью к другим игрокам.

    YouTube видео: 3 способа исправить ошибку FNIS PCEA2

    06, 2023

    25 Мар 2019

    Пост №2
    Если по нашенски, то есть два варианта:
    — откат к сейву без этой ошибки;
    — правильная переустановка мода.
    Во втором случае:
    1. Удаляешь FNIS PCEA2 (предварительно скопируй папки с анимациями).
    2. Запускаешь FNIS и генеришь анимации без него.
    3. Запускаешь игру и создаешь сэйв без FNIS PCEA2. Тут, советую воспользоваться инструкцией по созданию «Чистого сохранения».
    4. И теперь, вновь устанавливаешь FNIS PCEA2.
    5. Запускаешь генератор FNIS.
    6. Играешь дальше с собственными анимациями для ГГ.

    Последнее редактирование: 25 Мар 2019

    25 Мар 2019

    Спасибо,еще вопрос есть,но надо на работу,потом,если можно.

    25 Мар 2019

    @crafty77 ,все сработало по первому варианту,спасибо.Кстати,что за циферки, стрелки и кубки у аватарки?

    26 Мар 2019

    @НеФермер, привет.
    Рад, что ты своевременно выявил ошибку и так просто решил проблемку. Иногда, в подобных случаях, приходится делать выбор между откатом на пару суток в игре и созданием «Чистого сохранения».
    Тема с лучшими ответами, существует на форуме довольно давно.
    Как это работает?
    Если, я все правильно понял, то пользователь, задавший вопрос в своей теме, имеет право проголосовать (нажав стрелочку вверх) за ответ любого пользователя, который помог в решении его вопроса.
    Подробнее можно прочесть тут или тут.

    26 Мар 2019

    @crafty77 ,значит я правильно стрелочку поставил,спасибо тебе.Кстати,я предполагаю,сбой произошел из-за мода Селена-Кейт,может пригодится.

    fnis pcea2 error
    fnis pcea2 error

    Every player wants their character to stand out in an RPG, but in Skyrim, you will notice that everyone has almost the same animations. This is why players have started using the PCEA2 mod that helps with modifying the animations for your character.

    There are different player character-exclusive animations relative to the actions that you can perform in Skyrim. However, this mod is not very stable and will give you issues when used with other mods.

    If you’re in a situation where the PCEA2 mod is not working in your game and you keep running into errors, then here are a few solutions that can potentially solve the FNIS PCEA2 error.

    1. Update FNIS Behavior

    A few players pointed out that you can fix this error by unchecking all the options after launching the application. Then you can go ahead and try updating FNIS behavior, that should get your PCEA2 working again.

    Even though it is a great mod, there are a lot of issues that are affecting users. If the PCEA2 mod was working just fine a few hours ago then we suggest that you go through some general troubleshooting steps first. This includes rebooting your PC and then launching the mod again. If there are no major issues with your mod then it should start working now.

    But if you’re still getting the same error during launch then you’ll have to update the FNIS behavior from the application. That should help you fix any minor error with the mod and you’ll be able to use the exclusive animation in your game again.

    However, the nature of your error might be unique, which is why it is best to share your mod log with the support members and ask them for help. That way they can get a good understanding of your issue and will guide you accordingly through some solutions.

    1. Remove Other Mods

    If you’re still not able to get the mod working after updating the FNIS behavior then there is a chance that some other mod is causing issues for your PCEA2. As mentioned above, the PCEA2 mod isn’t stable enough to work well with other mods. So, if you have a lot of mods installed on your Skyrim then you should consider removing them to get the PCEA2 working again.

    To remove mods, you can just access the game data files and then remove the mod files from the game folder. You need to also remove mod-related textures and extra files.

    If that fixes your PCEA2 then you should try looking for an updated version of the mods you were using. That way you can install the updated version on your PC and hopefully, that won’t create the same issues for your PCEA2 mod.

    You can also try removing mods one by one to isolate the extra mod which is causing this problem for your character animations. Then you can download everything back except for the mod that is causing this issue. This will allow you to fix the problem by only removing one mod and you can have everything back on your game.

    1. Reinstall Mod

    Lastly, if you’re still having issues with launching the character animation mod then you need to try to remove FNIS PCEA2 from your PC. Then you can download a fresh copy from the internet and install them again. That way you will be able to fix any issues that you might have with the mod.

    Even though it might not be directly linked to your specific issue, but if none of the fixes are working out then reinstalling the mod can help you fix the problem. You can also try using community forums for the mod pack to explore other options.

    Reaching out to other players that are having the same issue will help you find out unique troubleshooting steps that might work out for you. This is why we suggest that you use the community forums and create a thread regarding your error.

    Ideally, you shouldn’t be running into the same issue after updating the FNIS behavior as that helped majority of players to fix that launch issue. But if nothing else is working out then seeking help from other players might be your only option.

    Skyrim’s “ERROR (2022): PCEA patch ticked, but PCEA is not installed” is usually the result of incompatibility between PCEA versions and can be resolved by applying changes to the patches. Other solutions for the error include uninstalling and reinstalling PCEA2, renaming the “actor” folder, etc. Continue reading if you want to get rid of the error and add custom animation to Skyrim. 

    Approaches To The Situation

    Change The Patches In FNIS

    In layman’s terms, FNIS is going to use everything with ticked checkboxes including patches of old PCEA. You recently updated from PCEA to PCEA2? Then it’s highly likely that you still have patches for PCEA recognized by FNIS but don’t work on PCEA2. In that case, you have to look for PCEA patches, untick them and launch FNIS.

    Uninstall And Reinstall PCEA2

    All in all, PCEA2 is a set of data and data could be damaged, corrupted and so on over time. Thus, if FNIS reports PCEA errors time and again, it’s a good idea to uninstall and reinstall PCEA2. For good measure, you should restart your computer at the end of the process as well.

    Rename The “Actor” Folder

    • Step 1: Locate FNIS and PCEA then move them both to the Skyrim game folder
    • Step 2: Head to the directory: Skyrim/Data/Meshes
    • Step 3: Find a folder named “actor” then rename it to “actors”
    • Step 4: Launch FNIS

    The Root Of The Problem

    The number one cause for “ERROR (2022): PCEA patch ticked, but PCEA is not installed” is PCEA2 not accepting patches made for PCEA. For your information, FNIS automatically ticks the checkboxes for old PCEA while the current version of PCEA is PCEA2. Unless you pay attention, there is a good chance that FNIS would report errors. Also, if you use PCEA, the “actor” folder must be renamed before launching FNIS.  

    Best Skyrim Animation Mods

    Pretty Combat Animations

    The first and also the best animation mod on the list is the Pretty Combat Animations. This mod provides the players with tons of animations for each of the weapon types. Moreover, since it is easy to customize, players can choose the animations that they want to leave out. Last but not least, the installation process is simple and convenient. 

    EVG Animation Variance

    If you are fed up with the similarities between each character’s animations, the EVG Animation Variance should suit you. This mod will fully rework the animations of the NPCs, thus making Skyrim more realistic. It’s noteworthy that in order to run the EVG Animation Variance, you need Dynamic Animation Replacer. 

    360 Movement Behavior 

    The third animation mod that you should install is the 360 Movement Behavior which makes your character movement more fluid. Actions like walking, running, jumping, and swimming will look realistic if you have this mod. However, this mod can only be seen when the weapons are sheathed so that the combat is not messed up.

    EVG Conditional Idles

    Another animation mod that deserves mentioning is EVG Conditional Idles. This mod will make your character more realistic in situations such as cold weather, being injured, rain cover and modesty. Needless to say, the game is going to become more immersive if you add this mod to your mod list. Again, like the EVG mod, this mod requires Dynamic Animation Replacer to work as expected. 

    Blocking Animation Pack

    Blocking plays a key role in Skyrim’s combat so having the mod Blocking Animation Pack is a good idea. This mod will enhance the blocking animations of various weapons and make it look like your character is actually blocking incoming attacks. Finally, this mod looks great in third-person as well as first-person views.

    Animated Eating Redux 

    Skyrim is an action role-playing game but the RPG aspect has not been developed fully. An example of that is the eating part where the foods simply disappear with a single button press. If you want to see your character and NPCs eat something in earnest, Animated Eating Redux is a must-have. This mod’s effects can only be seen in the third-person view though. 

    What Does PCEA Stand For? 

    PCEA is short for PC Exclusive Animation and it can be found in Skyrim’s modding community. The name has already implied the effects of the mod: bringing character’s animations to the next levels.

    What Is Nemesis PCEA? 

    Nemesis PCEA can be considered as an enhancement of FNIS PCEA2. It features a totally new design and is capable of eliminating bugs haunting the PCEA while speeding up the animation changes. Moreover, if you are having a heavy load order, Nemesis PCEA helps increase the loading speed by 10 times compared with the normal PCEA. 

    What Is The Use of FNIS? 

    FNIS is the shortened name of Fore’s New Idles in Skyrim and it serves as an utility for Skyrim’s editions. The presence of FNIS enables mods to insert animations into the game which means that players can add new animations and replace the old ones. 

    How Do I Use PCEA2? 

    In the beginning, make sure that you have fundamental mods and tools (SKSE, SkyUI, FNIS 6.0, etc). Next, you must install PCEA2 which can be done either manually or with the help of NMM, MO. After you finish, launch FNIS then start Skyrim. The last thing to do is to choose the wanted Animation Folder in the MCM Mod Configuration in Skyrim. 

    Can Nemesis And FNIS Be Run At The Same Time? 

    This is possible but the resource requirement will be much higher than running one of them. T

    What Must Be Done To Add Animations To Nemesis PCEA2? 

    The first step is to install the mod manually or via a mod manager. Then the animation pack must be placed in this directory: “data/meshes/actors/character/animations/Nemesis_PCEA/<number><name of the animation pack>”. You then need to run Nemesis to be able to launch the Nemesis Engine. The last step is to select the pack in Skyrim’s MCM. (Musicmundial)  

    Are Creature Animations Supported By Nemesis? 

    Unfortunately, no. Nemesis supports every other animation except for the ones related to creatures.

    How Many Animations Can Skyrim Support? 

    There is a limit to the number of custom character animations that Skyrim can handle. For contemporary versions of Skyrim, the maximum additional animations allowed are 26,162.

    Which Programming Language Is Used To Make Skyrim Mods? 

    Skyrim is created based on the Creation Engine which uses Papyrus as the scripting language. Thus, the mods need to be developed using the same language.

    Chris started playing PC games in the 1980s, started writing about them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write about them in the late 2000s. Following a few years as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so he’d stop emailing them asking for more work. Chris has a love-hate relationship with survival games and an unhealthy fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. He’s also a fan of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can make up his own. Connect with him on Twitter.

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