Forza horizon 4 ошибка подключения к серверу

В этой статье мы попытаемся устранить ошибку «Не удается подключиться к серверам оперативной конфигурации», с которой игроки Forza Horizon 4 сталкиваются после запуска игры.

Ошибка «Не удается подключиться к серверам оперативной конфигурации.», с которой сталкиваются игроки Forza Horizon 4 при подключении к игре, связана со многими проблемами, ограничивающими наше подключение к игре. Если вы стulкнulись с такой проблемой, вы можете найти решение, следуя приведенным ниже советам.

Что такое ошибка Forza Horizon 4 Live, не удается подключиться к серверам конфигурации?

Эта ошибка обычно возникает из-за блокировки сети Teredo. Конечно, мы можем стulкнуться с такой ошибкой не тulько из-за этой проблемы, но и из-за множества проблем. Для этого мы дадим вам информацию о том, как решить проблему, упомянув нескulько предложений.

Как исправить ошибку Forza Horizon 4 Live, не удается подключиться к серверам конфигурации

Мы можем решить эту проблему, следуя приведенным ниже советам по устранению этой ошибки.

1-) Очистить кеш DNS

Если ни одно из приведенных выше предложений не помогло, мы можем решить проблему, очистив кеш DNS. Для этого;

  • Введите cmd на начальном экране поиска и запустите его от имени администратора
  • Экран командной строки , введя следующие строки кода одну за другой и нажав клавишу ввода.
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • сброс netsh ipv4
    • сброс netsh ipv6
    • netsh winhttp сброс прокси-сервера
    • сброс netsh winsock
    • ipconfig /registerdns
  • После этой операции будет показано, что ваш кэш DNS и прокси-серверы успешно очищены.

После этого процесса вы можете открыть игру, перезагрузив компьютер. Если проблема не устранена, давайте перейдем к другому предложению.

2-) Сбросить Microsoft Store

Различные проблемы, возникающие в

Microsoft Store, могут вызвать такую ​​проблему. Для этого мы можем решить такие проблемы, сбросив настройки Microsoft Store.

  • Введите «Microsoft Store» на начальном экране поиска, щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Настройки приложения«.

Невозможно подключиться к серверам Forza Horizon 4 Live Configuration

  • Запустите процесс сброса, нажав кнопку «Сброс» на открывшемся экране.

Невозможно подключиться к серверам Forza Horizon 4 Live Configuration

После этого процесса проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема, войдя в приложение.

3-) Восстановление приложения XBOX

Различные проблемы на

Xbox Game Bar могут вызвать такую ​​проблему. Для этого мы можем исправить такие проблемы, исправив Xbox Game Bar.

  • Введите «Игровая панель Xbox» на начальном экране поиска, щелкните ее правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Настройки приложения«.

Невозможно подключиться к серверам Forza Horizon 4 Live Configuration

  • Запустите процесс сброса, нажав кнопку «Восстановить» на открывшемся экране.

Невозможно подключиться к серверам Forza Horizon 4 Live Configuration

Если этот процесс не помог вам решить проблему, выпulните описанный выше процесс еще раз и нажмите кнопку «Сброс«, чтобы сбросить процессы. После этого снова запустите приложение и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема.

4-) Войдите в учетную запись Xbox еще раз

Если вы не читаете свою учетную запись Xbox, вы можете стulкнуться с различными ошибками, подобными этой. Для этого нажмите на опцию «Профиль» в правом верхнем углу, запустив приложение Xbox, и выйдите из своей учетной записи. После завершения процесса выхода вы можете повторно подключиться к своей учетной записи и проверить, сохраняется ли проблема.

5-) Обновление сети Teredo

Блокировка сети Teredo может привести к возникновению этой ошибки. Для этого мы можем достичь решения проблемы путем обновления сети.

  • Введите «cmd» на начальном экране поиска и запустите от имени администратора.
  • Введите следующие коды в открывшемся окне командной строки и нажмите клавишу ввода.
    • Интерфейс netsh показывает состояние
    • netsh int teredo установить состояние отключить
    • netsh int teredo set state type=default
    • netsh int teredo set state enterpriseclient
    • netsh int teredo set state

После успешного завершения операций запустите Forza Horizon 4 и проверьте, устранена ли проблема.

5-) Перезагрузите игру

Если вы сделали все вышеперечисленное, но проблема не устранена, пulностью удалите игру с компьютера и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема. После пulного удаления игры с компьютера и выхода из системы вы можете войти в свою учетную запись и проверить, появляется ли ошибка «Не удается подключиться к серверам конфигурации в реальном времени».

Да, друзья, мы решили нашу проблему под этим загulовком. Если ваша проблема все еще не устранена, вы можете войти на нашу платформу ЗАДАТЬ ОШИБКУ и спросить об ошибках, с которыми вы стulкнulись.


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1 апреля 2019

у меня была такая проблемка, во время игры попробуй выключить и включить брандмауэр винды, у тебя тип NAT должен быть чисто открытый
Либо во время игры, либо просто до запуска, но вроде во время игры нужно вырубать и включать

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Gamers who play Forza Horizon 4 quite often may one day come across errors known as IPsec errors. The accompanying error codes could be 0x8923203f, 0x89232000, 0x80600208, 0x801901F4, or 0x89232001. We understand that only folks who play the game on Windows 11/10 and Xbox consoles have experienced this problem. It’s a big deal; therefore, we are going to look into ways to solve it once and for all.

Forza Horizon 4 IPSEC Error

What causes IPsec errors in Forza Horizon 4?

Forza Horizon 4 IPSEC Errors are typically caused due to network and internet connection issues. The error message received is:

Unable to join session…

IPSEC: 0x8923203f, 0x89232000, 0x80600208, 0x801901F4 or 0x89232001

Failed to Resolve the Server Address. Check your DNS Settings and Try Again.

How to fix IPsec: 0X89232001 error code

You can fix Forza Horizon 4 IPSEC Error Codes 0x8923203f, 0x89232000, 0x80600208, 0x801901F4 or 0x89232001 on PC or Xbox by following these suggestions:

  1. Check if Forza servers are online
  2. Update Windows PC, Game, Xbox Console & Router to the latest version
  3. Run Network Reset and see
  4. Make sure your router is not using a Teredo filter
  5. Check if your router or firewall are blocking XboxLive service ports
  6. Close and restart the IP Helper Service
  7. Reinstall the Teredo adapter
  8. Clear the Alternate Mac Address via the Xbox Settings area.

1] Are the Forza Horizon servers running without problems?

The first thing you should check is whether the dedicated servers are operating as they should. Use a Down Detector service to find out if the servers are down. If it indicates that there is a problem, then your best bet is to go and do something else with your time until the developers have rectified the issue.

Read: Forza Horizon 4 Review: 5 things I loved about it!

2] Update Windows PC, Game, Xbox Console & Router to the latest version

There is a chance that your version of Windows OS, Forza, Xbox software, or the firmware maybe is out of date. If this is the case, then it could affect the performance of Forza Horizon 4. In order to solve this issue, check if any updates are present at the time, then download and install them.

Restart your computer is required, then check if the game now works as intended.

3] Run Network Reset

Open Windows Settings and Run Network Reset and see if that helps you.

4] Make sure your router is not using a Teredo filter

Another option that has the potential to fix the error is to check if your router is using a Teredo filter. To find out, please navigate to  Settings > Gaming > Xbox Network and check Server connectivity. If you see the world Blocked, then chances are your router is indeed using a Teredo filter.

  • Disable Teredo filter via router: You will have to manually disable this filter from within your router’s Settings area. Once done, you can try and run the Forza Horizon 4 again to see if things are running smoothly.
  • Click the Fix It button: From the Server Connectivity section, we suggest clicking on the Fix It button, then wait for the service to do its thing. Finally, restart your computer, then check the game.
  • Check if Windows Firewall is disabled: In order to establish a Teredo IPsec connection, the Windows Firewall must first be enabled.
  • Firewall rule possibly blocking Teredo: If you want to find out if a Firewall rule is blocking Teredo due to the VPN you’re using, then you should open the Command Prompt tool as an admin right away.

From there, run the following command:

netsh advfirewall firewall show rule 4jxr4b3r3du76ina39a98x8k2

If the following message is returned, then your PC is not blocking Teredo:

No rules match the specified criteria

Now, if you’ve come across a rule stating Teredo is blocked, then copy and paste the following command:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="4jxr4b3r3du76ina39a98x8k2" new enable=no

After trying the above tips, do not forget to launch the game and check to see if the error still persists.

5] Check if your router or firewall are blocking XboxLive service ports

Is your Firewall or router blocking XboxLive service ports? If you have no idea of the ports used by the XboxLive service, then the following information should help:

  • Port 88 (UDP)
  • Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
  • Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
  • Port 80 (TCP)
  • Port 500 (UDP)
  • Port 3544 (UDP)
  • Port 4500 (UDP)

If your router or Firewall is blocking any of the above ports, then set them free.

6] Close and restart the IP Helper Service

Maybe the IP Helper Service is stuck and not operating as it usually does. This could indeed be the case for Error Code IPSEC: 0X89232001, so what can we do? Well, we will do as the sub-title suggests.

OK, so to restart the IP Helper Service, you must fire up the Task Manager by right-clicking on the Task Bar and select Task Manager from the menu. Once that is done, please click on the Services tab, then scroll down until you’ve come across iphlpsvc.

Right-click on the item, then hit the Restart option right away to have it automatically close and start again.

7] Reinstall the Teredo adapter

Reinstall the Teredo adapter and see if that helps. Open Command Prompt as administrator and execute the following command:

netsh interface Teredo set state disable

Then open Devices Manager > View tab > Show hidden devices. Expand Network adapters, locate the Teredo adapter, right-click on it and select Uninstall.

Restart your Pc and execute the following command now:

netsh interface Teredo set state type=default

The problem should be resolved.

8] Clear the Alternate Mac Address via the Xbox Settings area

When it comes down to the Xbox video game console, solving the Forza Horizon 4 error is easy. One of the first things to do here is to clear the Alternate Mac Address, so let us look at how to get this done.

Exit the game right now, then fire up the Settings area on the console. Navigate to the General tab, then be sure to choose Network Settings. Finally, you will want to open Advanced Settings and go to Alternate Mac Address. Hit the Clear button, then hit Restart.

After the console has restarted, go to Advanced Network Settings, and from that section, open IP Settings and choose Automatic. Look to DNS Settings and select Automatic. Finally, navigate to Alternate Port Selection and click on Automatic.

Launch the Forza Horizon 4 video game and test if the IPSEC Error has been resolved.

It isn’t very often that the gaming world comes to a standstill like this. Just look at the state of things right now: so many expected titles, very few confirmed ones. Sure, we know Far Cry 6 is due sooner than later, but we know too little about it since there’s no trailer yet. We know that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is out soon, but it is little more than a remaster of some old (but gold) games.

Where are the huge AAA franchises, the Rockstar Games, Bethesda Studios, and Bioware, announcements when you need them? Even last year, in spite of the emergent ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, saw several high-profile AAA titles released throughout the year. Why then is 2021 looking so dry? Well, until something changes, the solution to your woes might be great, older games like Forza Horizon 4.

Sure, older games obviously lack the newest features. You can’t experience Forza Horizon 4 in raytracing at the moment. And their content might no longer seem new. That’s where our example, Forza Horizon 4, proves you wrong. It may have launched in 2018, but this online racing masterpiece is far from losing its steam. Oh, and speaking of which: the game just launched on the Steam Marketplace last week, to better engage a greater audience of PC gamers. And that means you, for some reason, don’t have Game Pass (despite it being a phenomenal service), you can finally try it out.

However, the Steam version of Forza Horizon 4 isn’t 100% the same as the Microsoft Store version. The game comes with several significant issues that need individual addressing. For instance, there have been reports of game crashes, which we’ve troubleshot here. Now, it seems another error, owing to the game’s online-only requirement, has sprung up.


Players report experiencing Forza Horizon 4 server connection errors when playing the game

The main downside of every online-requiring game, whether it’s Fortnite, Apex Legends or The Division, is obvious. If there is even the slightest disturbance in connection, due to a network issue or a game bug, your game becomes unplayable. With no local coop options or custom offline races available, the issue is understandably severe.

Players claim that the issue can pop up at any given time, such as when logging into their account on startup. It can even happen, more frustratingly, in the middle of a race. The game flashes the notification that there is no active server connection, and kicks you back to the title screen. Then, players must wait till the connection is reestablished before they can get back into the open-world again.

The issue is highly persistent, meaning a simple restart won’t help much. It may also be somewhat random, especially if the Forza servers experience some kind of fluctuation. In that case, your game could stay offline for hours at a time, or until they resolve the issues. The good news, though? The developer, Playground Games, is usually quick to resolve such errors, and may even issue a patch or update in the coming weeks for this. Until then, we can help you get your ride back on track with this easy-to-follow guide!

1) Restart your PC, then launch the game again

The PC you play on, despite its powerful hardware and advanced power, is still a computer. Like all computers, the primary functioning revolves around numerous processes working in tandem. When one process starts up abnormally or gets its data corrupted, any associated processes also face the same risk. This can lead to a buildup of bugs, leading to a systemic error. This state is no laughing matter, as it can cripple game performance and introduce weak server connection stability.

The solution? Just restart your PC. This is because it will kill off all active processes, then make them launch properly. It can also free up faulty data sets in your RAM, making the next boot cleaner. Once you do this, try launching your game again.

2) Restart your router, and configure advanced network settings

The Forza Horizon 4 server issue can also arise from a network failure on your end. In this case, try restarting your router by powering it off for 30 seconds, then back on. This helps to clear up any traffic bottlenecks and strengthen your connection to the Forza servers. If you play wireless connection, we strongly recommend switching to a wired Ethernet setup. This will make your server connection more stable, and reduce latency and packet loss during competitive play.


You can also maximize your network’s efficiency by optimizing advanced settings on your router. To do this, contact your internet service provider (ISP) for login credentials for the router’s portal. Once you’re logged in, look for the QoS and NAT type settings. By enabling the former, you can prioritize your gaming bandwidth over less immediate connections. And by changing the NAT type from Strict to Moderate, you ensure a stronger connection without compromising security much.

3) Run Forza Horizon 4 with Administrator Access

While Windows Defender, the built-in PC anti-malware program, does a pretty good job, sometimes it can take things too far. The biggest example of this is when it confuses an innocuous game process with malware. What does it do? Blocks off online connectivity to the ‘suspicious’ process without even telling you. Basically, it can straight up blacklist the components needed to prevent a Forza Horizon 4 server connection error.

To whitelist these processes if you suspect this to be the case, just right-click on the desktop icon. From here, select ‘Run As Admin’ and let the program launch. This will allow your PC to unblock online server connections for your game.

4) Update your game drivers

Like the people inside racecars, drivers become essential to running your game smoothly. While these software updates primarily focus on optimizing the GPU for smoother gameplay, they can also constitute bug fixes and the like. Some can quash errors, improve performance and prevent crashes. It pays to regularly check for new driver updates.

For Nvidia drivers, check the GeForce Experience app. AMD users can click here.

In case these fixes don’t work, you may need to reinstall your game. The large game download may seem like a pain, but it will resolve any internal broken/missing file issues. If it still doesn’t work, contact the Forza Horizon 4 customer support.


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