Икс бокс 360 ошибка 8c230002

Error 8c230002 occurs when you try to watch or purchase content on your Xbox console. Sorry, there’s a problem with the Xbox service. Try again later. This may mean that the Xbox service is down, or that there’s a block on your account that’s keeping you from accessing certain kinds of content, such as unrated content.

What is status code 8C320008 on Xbox 360?

Status code: 8C320008.

This may mean that there’s a problem with your Microsoft account for one of the following reasons: Incorrect or incomplete billing information. An outstanding balance on your account. Too many recent purchase attempts from your Xbox account.

What is the error code for overheating Xbox 360?

Xbox 360 Secondary Error Codes

0011, 0012, 0013 Console is overheating. If the console has already been disassembled, then one of the heat sync screws may not be fastened properly. 0022 CPU error probably resulting from a poor solder (happens more often on older consoles).

What is error code 8c250005 on Xbox?

This happens when we’re not able to save your payment info.

What is error code 0x8082003 -% 2 on Xbox?

Replies (1)  Hello There ! If You see the following error code when playing a disc in your Xbox One console, this means that the console failed to properly read the disc in the drive.

How to fix Xbox Live error code 8C230002

What is error code 0x80820002 on Xbox?

This means that the console failed to properly read the disc in the drive. Your Xbox console is designed to play the following discs: Xbox games. Music CDs.

What is the ring of death on the Xbox 360?

For those who may not be familiar with the Red Ring of Death, it refers to error codes that the Xbox 360 would display on its power button. The rings oftentimes indicated that an Xbox 360 was no longer functioning, requiring users to send their systems in for repair.

What to do if Xbox 360 won’t read discs?

Xbox tries to read the disc, then opens the tray

  1. Step 1: Inspect and clean your game disc, DVD, or CD. …
  2. Step 2: Remove, replace, or reformat USB flash drives (game discs and CDs only) …
  3. Step 3: Check the disc’s type, region, or format. …
  4. Step 4: Try another game disc, DVD, or CD. …
  5. Step 5: Service your console.

Does Microsoft still fix Xbox 360?

Replies (1) 

microsoft no longer repair the 360, they dont even repair the original xbox one from 2013 anymore.

Can your Xbox get damaged by overheating?

If the console stays too hot for too long, it can cause irreparable damage to the system’s components. If your Xbox detects that this could be the case, it will shut itself down to prevent any further damage.

What causes an Xbox 360 to overheat?

Overheating. The RRoD is sometimes caused by excessive dust, but is more commonly caused by heat warping the GPU or CPU away from the motherboard. E74 is caused by the HANA/ANA chip warping away from the motherboard. This method will prevent overheating and fix most RRoD and E74 errors.

How do I stop my Xbox 360 from overheating?

Turn off your Xbox 360 console. To prevent your console from overheating, move it to an open, well-ventilated area, away from other electronic devices.

What is the Xbox 360 deactivation code?

Unfortunately, there is no deactivation code, but we have parental controls! They help us to regulate a lot of activities on our consoles! https://support.xbox.com/help/xbox-360/security… Was this reply helpful?

How do I clear my Xbox 360 cache?

To clear the system cache

Highlight but don’t select a storage device, and then press the Y button  on your controller for Device Options. Note It doesn’t matter which storage device you choose. This clears the cache for all storage devices. On the Device Options screen, select Clear System Cache.

How do you fix a disc that won’t read?

Check the Disc

Clean your discs – Grime and dirt can make it hard for the drive laser to read small groves located on your disc. If the disc is dirty, you can try cleaning it with filter water and a clean cloth; or better yet, a specialized disc cleaning solution and cloth can be purchased in most electronic stores.

How much does it cost to fix red ring of death Xbox 360?

The Xbox 360’s red ring of death was a problem so widespread that it cost Microsoft $1.15 billion to fix. Despite the success of the Xbox 360, its infamous red ring of death cost Microsoft more than $1 billion.

How do I fix unable to read a disc?

Cleaning the console with a lens-cleaning kit is your first step if the console isn’t reading discs at all. The problem may be a dirty lens. If cleaning the lens doesn’t help, perform a system update. If cleaning and updating don’t do anything, contact Nintendo.

Can an Xbox 360 recover from the Red Ring of Death?

You can still easily repair it. As most of you know, the RRoD is a sign displayed by the 360’s «Ring of Light» when there is a general hardware failure. While this can be caused by any part (or lack thereof) of the 360, the general cause is most often excessive heat, which stresses the solder joints on the CPU and GPU.

Can the Xbox Ring of Death be fixed?

Shut down the console and unplug the cable from both the tv and Xbox. Wait a few minutes, and reconnect the two devices. If the cable still doesn’t work, replacements can be found online or at any store that sells video games and video game accessories.

What happens if your Xbox 360 turns red?

A blinking red light on the power button means that your console doesn’t have enough ventilation. The red light will continue to blink until the console cools down.

What does 0x80820003 2 mean?

That not very helpful error message means that the Xbox can’t connect to the Microsoft update servers, it is trying to connect but is getting no response.

How do I fix error code 0x80820002?

First, press and hold the power button on your Xbox One console for 10 seconds. Once your console is powered off, unplug the power cord. Wait 5 minutes and then plug in your console. Power on your console and try playing a disc game.

How do I fix error code 0x80830003 on Xbox?

If you have freed up some space and the error still occurs, you should try performing a hard reset of your console:

  1. Press and hold the [Xbox] button on the front of your console for 10 seconds.
  2. Once the machine has turned off, disconnect the power cord from the back of the Xbox One and wait two minutes.

24.12.2011 23:33:24

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. пишет

Проверял с двух акков(оба на Россию) — одно и тоже.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. пишет

выскакивает след. сообщение «В работе магазина возникла ошибка. Код состояния 8c230002»

Сам спросил — сам ответил. В США все нормально.


[quote name=’Agent_Vexel’ message=’266014′]

[quote name=’S.T.A.L.K.E.R.’ topic=’199451′]
Проверял с двух акков(оба на Россию) — одно и тоже.

[quote name=’S.T.A.L.K.E.R.’ topic=’199451′]
выскакивает след. сообщение «В работе магазина возникла ошибка. Код состояния 8c230002»

Сам спросил — сам ответил. В США все нормально.

«Мы флудили где могли (с) JerryMouse

25.12.2011 15:31:46

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Дело в том, что магазин ВООБЩЕ не работает и постоянно выдаёт ту ошибку

[quote name=’S.T.A.L.K.E.R.’ message=’266024′]
Дело в том, что магазин ВООБЩЕ не работает и постоянно выдаёт ту ошибку

25.12.2011 16:57:53

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Значит в ру-Лайве «ведуться Тех.работы» (с) PSN

[quote name=’Agent_Vexel’ message=’266026′]
Значит в ру-Лайве «ведуться Тех.работы» (с) PSN

«Мы флудили где могли (с) JerryMouse

25.12.2011 19:42:01

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Всё с рулайвом в норме.

Сталкер, у тебя выставлен родительский контроль. Прокручиваешь меню даша вправо до раздела «Настройки», выбираешь пункт «Семейная» и выключаешь ограничение.


[quote name=’Korge’ message=’266031′]
Всё с рулайвом в норме.
Сталкер, у тебя выставлен родительский контроль. Прокручиваешь меню даша вправо до раздела «Настройки», выбираешь пункт «Семейная» и выключаешь ограничение.

26.12.2011 17:58:21

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Благодарю Korge за помощь, проблема решена

Добавлено 26.12.2011 17:58:52
Благодарю Korge за помощь, проблема решена


[quote name=’S.T.A.L.K.E.R.’ message=’266058′]
Благодарю Korge за помощь, проблема решена

[b]Добавлено 26.12.2011 17:58:52[/b]
Благодарю Korge за помощь, проблема решена

16.01.2012 14:54:18

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Спасибо Korge!

Аналогичная проблема решилась этим методом. :)


[quote name=’oleneBOD’ message=’266543′]
Спасибо Korge!
Аналогичная проблема решилась этим методом. :)



3 дня назад

10 years later and it still helped me out



5 месяцев назад

I don’t have a computer



1 год назад

Just want to play sum halo

Diego Welt

Diego Welt

2 года назад

Hey thank you, i was starting to get annoyed, but thanks for the tip

Maid Mo

Maid Mo

3 года назад

This dose not work

Zoltán Halász

Zoltán Halász

3 года назад

Thanks man it helps me so lot gg!!

Seif Moustafa

Seif Moustafa

3 года назад


Lul N 707

Lul N 707

4 года назад

What happens if even if you’re making an Xbox live account and it says that Xbox error thing ?



4 года назад

Pls help I can’t download forza horizon 2 fast and furious.PLS HELP

just a random commenter

just a random commenter

5 лет назад

Your voice is SOOOO ANNOYING!!!!

Colin Gilbert

Colin Gilbert

5 лет назад

Rubbish. I don’t have a PC.

Arky Zee

Arky Zee

5 лет назад

Tank you

Eric Berc

Eric Berc

6 лет назад

thanks this helped a lot

Licério A. P. Coelho

Licério A. P. Coelho

6 лет назад

I can’t even buy on pc, fuck you xbox



6 лет назад

Thank you!!! Mine was because my XBox 360 internal storage was full.



6 лет назад

Thank you so much!!!!!!



6 лет назад

I can’t search for indie games because of this code!

FEAR The Pointman

FEAR The Pointman

6 лет назад

getting raped by this code today, my internet is directly connected to my 360 and so internet has a hard time displaying the xbox website…dammit! I buy lots of shit from them online and now I can’t even look at the games or even themes and gamer pics WTF



6 лет назад

do Microsoft even try

Spencer St. Yves

Spencer St. Yves

7 лет назад

this problem is still happening… whats the problem?!

После обновления не могу авторизоваться в магазине: пишет код ошибки 8C230002. Кто-нибудь сталкивался с такой напастью?

Спасибо за ваш отзыв.


не обнаружите свою ошибку — позвоните в техподдержку

Источник: https://answers.microsoft.com/ru-ru/xbox/forum/all/code/6605ad6b-4bb2-4b5e-a72d-972c3605e69a

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