Maxscript filein exception ошибка

13 мар 2020

Здравствуйте, Знатоки!

Помогите, пожалуйста, решить проблему.
При попытке запустить скрипт (.ms), мгновенно выскакивает ошибка:

«MAXScript FileIn Exception
Unknown property: «z» in undefined»​

В Maxscript Listner выводится следующий текст:

— Error occurred during fileIn in <File:C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max>
>> MAXScript FileIn Exception: — Unknown property: «z» in undefined <<​

Больше никакой информации не выводится.
Притом через Evaluate All скрипт нормально запускается и работает без каких-либо проблем и ошибок.
Пытался удалять папку enu из C:UsersUserNameAppDataLocalAutodesk3dsMax2011 — 64bitenu, но результата это не дало.
Пытался частями удалять код из скрипта, пытаясь найти в какой функции проблема, но результата это так же не дало.
Уже раз десть просмотрел весь код скрипта, но так и не нашел этот «неопределенный z».
Самое интересное, что в 3ds max 2020 скрипт запускается без проблем.
Это какой-то «сбой» 3ds max 2011? Если да, то как его вылечить?

Спасибо за помощь.


13 мар 2020

Не видя сам скрипт сложно что-то сказать. Очевидно в скрипте идёт попытка обращения к свойству .z у какой-то переменной, но при этом сама переменная в момент обращения оказывается неинициализирована — неопределена.

13 мар 2020

Я не смог найти эту переменную.
Переменную .z я использую лишь в трех функциях:

fn ReadFVector bs =
local v = point3 0 0 0
v.x = ReadFloat bs
v.z = ReadFloat bs
v.y = ReadFloat bs
return v
fn ReadVFVector bs =
local v = point3 0 0 0
v.x = ReadFloat bs * -1 —отзеркаливаем сетку (нормали ломаются)
v.z = ReadFloat bs
v.y = ReadFloat bs * -1 — поворачиваем сетку лицом вперед
return v
fn ReadQuat bs =
local q = quat 0 0 0 0
q.x = ReadFloat bs * -1 —отзеркаливаем скелет
q.z = ReadFloat bs
q.y = ReadFloat bs * -1 — поворачиваем скелет лицом вперед
q.w = ReadFloat bs
return q

Однако, здесь вроде бы все в порядке. К тому же эти функции задействуются лишь после нажатия кнопки импорта. А у меня даже интерфейс не запускается. Кстати, почему скрипт запускается без проблем через Evaluate All?
Если через л.с. я дам вам ссылку на скрипт (не хочу пока что выкладывать публично), вы сможете поглядеть в чем проблема?

13 мар 2020

Да, могу посмотреть. Присылайте.

Это здорово, спасибо.
Однако, что-то я не могу разобраться, как здесь отправлять л.с.?


13 мар 2020

В профиле (моём) кнопка «Добавить в контакты». Тогда можно будет писать ЛС.
Если удобнее, то можно на почту: или Телеграм: @p_ky3

13 мар 2020

По какой-то причине ваш профиль отображается у меня черным окном. :(
Отправил письмо с ссылкой на почту.

Спасибо за помощь.


13 мар 2020

Такое впечатление, что дело не в скрипте. По тексту я «криминала» пока не нашёл. Воспроизвести проблему пока тоже не удалось (пробовал 3ds MAX 2012, 2015, 2017 и 2020). Сейчас, чуть позже, развернётся 2011-й — попробую в нём, но что-то мне подсказывает, что тоже будет работать.

Даже теоретически, причин для «Unknown property: «z» in undefined», в тексте скрипта я не вижу. Можно предположить какой-нибудь конфликт с другими скриптами или что-то посторонние в ms-файле (если он у Вас чем-нибудь отличается то того, что прислали мне).

Буду ещё смотреть…


13 мар 2020

Поскольку у меня пока не воспроизводится проблема, сам попробовать не могу… Надо, как Вы уже писали, удалить из скрипта бОльшую часть кода — оставьте только UI и пустые заголовки функций. Изменится ли что-нибудь?


13 мар 2020

Видимо у меня всё-таки не весь код. В скрипте есть обращение к функции CreateLayer:


local layerMeshes = CreateLayer "Meshes" --создаем слой Meshes в менеджере слоев

Но её реализации нет. При попытке импорта, в любом Максе вылетает ошибка: Call needs function or class, got: undefined

13 мар 2020

Поскольку у меня пока не воспроизводится проблема, сам попробовать не могу… Надо, как Вы уже писали, удалить из скрипта бОльшую часть кода — оставьте только UI и пустые заголовки функций. Изменится ли что-нибудь?

Удалил весь код из каждой функции. Оставил лишь функции UI. Теперь вообще что-то сверхъестественное выдало:
— Error occurred during fileIn in <File:C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max>
— Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max; position: 5161; line: 261
>> MAXScript FileIn Exception: — Syntax error: at +, expected <factor>
— In line: +р <<


Причем в лиснере символ после + другой, на кракозябру похож.


Сама 261 строка выглядит так:
g_skinFileName = g_SKLDir + sSKLName + «.skn» —сохраняем в переменную путь+имя+расширение SKN файла

Что-то я совсем не понимаю. Позиция 5161 это часть комментария —сохраняем в переменную путь+имяасширение SKN файла

Удалил комментарий полностью и интерфейс запустился.
Восстановил все функции, но опять все та же ошибка с z.

Последнее редактирование: 13 мар 2020

13 мар 2020

Видимо у меня всё-таки не весь код. В скрипте есть обращение к функции CreateLayer:


local layerMeshes = CreateLayer "Meshes" --создаем слой Meshes в менеджере слоев

Но её реализации нет. При попытке импорта, в любом Максе вылетает ошибка: Call needs function or class, got: undefined

Да, во всей этой суматохе я забыл добавил в конце функции ReadSCB строку:
layerMeshes.addNode newMesh —добавляем сетку в слой Meshes в менеджере слоев

UPD: Только сейчас заметил, что название функции SetupLayer, а не CreateLayer.

Последнее редактирование: 13 мар 2020


13 мар 2020

Позиция 5161 это часть комментария —сохраняем в переменную путь+имяасширение SKN файла

Кстати, тоже тема) MAXScript никогда не любил национальные символы. Были какие-то глюки с чтением файлов, содержащих символы, отличные от латиницы. Я уже как-то и забыл об этом, сам обычно пишу комментарии на английском. Для чистоты эксперимента стоит попробовать убрать все комментарии с русскими буквами.

13 мар 2020

Кстати, тоже тема) MAXScript никогда не любил национальные символы. Были какие-то глюки с чтением файлов, содержащих символы, отличные от латиницы. Я уже как-то и забыл об этом, сам обычно пишу комментарии на английском. Для чистоты эксперимента стоит попробовать убрать все комментарии с русскими буквами.

Как раз этим и занимался со времени последнего моего сообщения. :)
Видимо произошел какой-то сбой и кодировка скрипта сменилась, а я не заметил и продолжил писать комментарии на русском. Но, как оказалось, Макс тот еще вредина и «встал в позу». Пришлось построчно удалять комментарии, вызывающие сбой Макса, пока нервы у меня не сдали и я не удалил все русские комментарии из скрипта. После чего скрипт запустился без проблем. Мне было крайне обидно терять столь нужные для меня комментарии и я решил сверить кодировку моего скрипта с кодировкой скрипта другого автора. И оказалось, что кодировка моего скрипта сбилась. Я восстановил из бэкапа все русские комментарии и изменил кодировку файла на UTF-8. И свершилось чудо!!! Скрипт прекрасно запустился и работает с русскими комментариями. Если честно, я впервые встречаюсь с подобной дичью.

Огромное вам спасибо за помощь. :)

На сайте c 04.10.2006
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27.03.2010 22:43

Открываешь скрипт в максе и удаляешь там блок кода где этот путь (это он не может сиквенс подгрузить на бэк типа, так что проще самому бэк сделать, там по идее в скрипте скобки просто не хватает помоему, можно скобку поставить).
В общем проще так — удаляешь блок этот и запускаешь скрипт. Он тебе все поинты затащит и камеру анимированную. Потом сделаешь плейн, заалайнишь к камере, отодвинешь за поинты и привяжешь к ней, бросишь на него всм камерамап с сиквенсом и вуаля.

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563 Views, 18 Replies


03:57 PM

selection help (noob)

Hi I am hoping that this is simple and I can get help.

I am new to maxscript, (but not to max)

basicaly i am working on an export script for my current project, and i am getting an error

I am trying to go thru each object, center it, delete the rest and save it out as it’s own file (export will come later) I have NO trouble with the string creation for the file name, i get an error when I tell it to selec the object to affect.

This is my code:

for z = 1 to $objects.count do (
—— create string for file location
save2folder = master_folder + objname_array

save2file = save2folder + add_folder + objname_array + dotmax
—— select each object, delete the rest, center it, and save it out as it’s own file
select $objname_array
select invert
$objname_array.position =
saveMaxfile save2file quiet:true
fetchMaxFile quiet:true

this is the error I get:
>> MAXScript FileIn Exception: — No «»get»» function for undefined <<
and it selects the line that starts with «select $objname_array

please help


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06:34 PM

There’s no need to delete the rest of the objects, you can use «save selected». Look it up in the manual. The problem you have is because of the deleting of objects. Because you’re working directly on the selection set and are deleting objects in the selection set, your basicly cleaning your selection array, but since you start at object 1 in the array and then delete it, object2 becomes object 1. The only way to make it work is to first assign your selection to a array like:

sel = selection as array

and then loop through it back to front.

for i in sel.count to 1 by -1 do

That way you won’t mess up the array order.
But I would go for the save selected… is also a lot «cleaner»




06:40 PM

I have to delete the rest since the exporter exports everything in the scene, selected or not, hidden or not, frozen or not, and the point of the script is to separate everything out so you only have one mesh, export it, restore everyhting (i am using hold and fetch) select next object, delete the rest, etc.



06:43 PM

I should mention that though my script saves now as opposed to exporting it will eventually both save a new max file and an exported file in a new folder.



06:47 PM

There’s no need to delete the rest of the objects, you can use «save selected». Look it up in the manual. The problem you have is because of the deleting of objects. Because you’re working directly on the selection set and are deleting objects in the selection set, your basicly cleaning your selection array, but since you start at object 1 in the array and then delete it, object2 becomes object 1. The only way to make it work is to first assign your selection to a array like:

sel = selection as array

and then loop through it back to front.

for i in sel.count to 1 by -1 do

That way you won’t mess up the array order.
But I would go for the save selected… is also a lot «cleaner»


this is how i wanted the script to run in the whole deleteing selection part

select object 1
select invert (selecting everything but object 1)
delete (leaving object 1 behind)
move object 1 to 0,0,0
export the file to object1.hsg
save the file to object1.max

restore all objects

select object 2
select invert ……….

Borislav Petrov


06:54 PM

Ok, if your objects have no dependencies (like hierarchies, volume select mod on one using another one, skin modifier using bones etc.), then using saveNodes() is better than what you are doing (it is equivalent to File>Save Selected, but you don’t even have to select anything, just pass the object to be saved to the method. If there ARE dependencies, saving one of the nodes using saveNodes() will automatically save all objects it depends on to ensure its look and animation will be preserved.

If you DO want to delete the objects and hold/fetch around the code, it is still ok, but MUCH slower.
And you don’t need the $ sign in front of the array variable, that’s what is probably causing the error.

$ in MAXScript means a prefix of an object path. (In MEL though, it means a user variable!)
So $Box01 means the object called «Box01». $somevariable does NOT mean a variable containing an object, but an object called «somevariable».

Borislav «Bobo» Petrov



07:26 PM

Ok, if your objects have no dependencies (like hierarchies, volume select mod on one using another one, skin modifier using bones etc.), then using saveNodes() is better than what you are doing (it is equivalent to File>Save Selected, but you don’t even have to select anything, just pass the object to be saved to the method. If there ARE dependencies, saving one of the nodes using saveNodes() will automatically save all objects it depends on to ensure its look and animation will be preserved.

If you DO want to delete the objects and hold/fetch around the code, it is still ok, but MUCH slower.
And you don’t need the $ sign in front of the array variable, that’s what is probably causing the error.

$ in MAXScript means a prefix of an object path. (In MEL though, it means a user variable!)
So $Box01 means the object called «Box01». $somevariable does NOT mean a variable containing an object, but an object called «somevariable».

I removed the «$» (which is must complain i have read no explanation in the documentation as to what it was, so thank you) but the script does not run past the selection of the object to be kept.


Borislav Petrov


07:36 PM

I removed the «$» (which is must complain i have read no explanation in the documentation as to what it was, so thank you) but the script does not run past the selection of the object to be kept.

Complain? Just because you haven’t read the whole Reference, it does not mean you have to complain! ;o)

Check out «Pathname Literals» topic for some more info and see the NOTE at the bottom of the page.

Can we now see the WHOLE code you are trying to use (because what you posted looks like a snippet from a larger script and it is difficult to tell where it breaks without being able to see the whole picture).
If this IS the whole script, then it is missing half of the variable declarations.

Thanks in advance.

Borislav «Bobo» Petrov



07:38 PM

I removed the «$» (which is must complain i have read no explanation in the documentation as to what it was, so thank you) but the script does not run past the selection of the object to be kept.

Complain? Just because you haven’t read the whole Reference, it does not mean you have to complain! ;o)

Check out «Pathname Literals» topic for some more info and see the NOTE at the bottom of the page.

Can we now see the WHOLE code you are trying to use (because what you posted looks like a snippet from a larger script and it is difficult to tell where it breaks without being able to see the whole picture).
If this IS the whole script, then it is missing half of the variable declarations.

Thanks in advance.

——— hard coding master_folder for now
——- to do: make this variable input from user from a dialog

——— declaring additional strings needed to complete file names
add_folder =»\»
dotmax = «.max»
dothsg = «.hsg»

— define arrays as arrays :face_with_tongue:
objname_array = #()

——- get names of all objects in the scene and put their names into array «objname_array»
for x = 1 to $objects.count do (append objname_array $objects


—— folder creation based on objs in scene
for y = 1 to $objects.count do (
new_folder = master_folder + objname_array

makeDir new_folder

—— save scene state so we can then later restore it
max hold

—— take each object and save it out to it’s own max file, within it’s own folder
for z = 1 to $objects.count do (
—— create string for file location
save2folder = master_folder + objname_array

save2file = save2folder + add_folder + objname_array + dotmax
exported = save2folder + add_folder + objname_array + dothsg
—— selection mess

—— save to a max file
saveMaxfile save2file useNewFile:false quiet:true



08:04 PM

Could be better optimized maybe…
You have lots of errors in your code, select invert is not a valid function, delete requires extra parameters, and as bobo said the array shouldn’t be called with $ in front…

Try and see if this works.

searchArr = objects as array
sa_count = searchArr.count
for o in sa_count to 1 by -1 do
----- create string for file location
save2folder = master_folder + objname_array
save2file = save2folder + add_folder + objname_array + dotmax
------ select each object, delete the rest, center it, and save it out as it’s own file

select searchArr

max select invert
delete selection


.position =
saveMaxfile save2file quiet:true
fetchMaxFile quiet:true


Borislav Petrov


08:12 PM

Your code works for me, although it is a bit overcomplicated.
Here is how I would have approached this:

(--start local scope
local master_folder="c:\temp\testbed\" --define output path

--------- declaring additional strings needed to complete file names
local add_folder ="\"
local dotmax = ".max"
local dothsg = ".hsg"

--Snapshot the complete objects database into an array
objname_array = objects as array

for obj in objname_array do
local save2folder = master_folder + --create folder name
makeDir save2folder all:true --create the folder on disk
local save2file = save2folder + add_folder + + dotmax --build the save name
local exported = save2folder + add_folder + + dothsg --build the export name
format "Saving to %n" save2file --print what is being saved
saveNodes obj save2file --save the single object to its own file

)--end script

I tested this with a scene containing a Box, a Sphere, a Target Camera and an Omni Light.
Since Camera01.Target is a LookAt target of Camera01, when the Camera01 was saved, the target came with it. In addition, a separate Camera01.Target folder with just the target was saved. This is a case that could require additional attention if using SaveNodes(). All the others came out as expected.
No need to delete objects or hold/fetch. Same can be done with exporting using
exportFile … selectedOnly:true

Borislav «Bobo» Petrov



08:20 PM

Could be better optimized maybe…
You have lots of errors in your code, select invert is not a valid function, delete requires extra parameters, and as bobo said the array shouldn’t be called with $ in front…

Try and see if this works.

searchArr = objects as array
sa_count = searchArr.count
for o in sa_count to 1 by -1 do
----- create string for file location
save2folder = master_folder + objname_array
save2file = save2folder + add_folder + objname_array + dotmax
------ select each object, delete the rest, center it, and save it out as it’s own file

select searchArr

max select invert
delete selection


.position =
saveMaxfile save2file quiet:true
fetchMaxFile quiet:true


Your solution, though helpful still yields the same error:
upon reaching «select searchArr

» the error reads: —No «»select»» fucntions for «teapot64»

and i had to modify your code at the very top since i only want the obj names to be stored, not any other values, no biggie, let me post what i basterdized:

——- hard coding master_folder for now
——- to do: make this variable input from user from a dialog

——— declaring additional strings needed to complete file names
add_folder =»\»
dotmax = «.max»
dothsg = «.hsg»

— define arrays as arrays :face_with_tongue:
— objname_array = #()
searchArr = #()

——- get names of all objects in the scene and put their names into array «objname_array»
for x = 1 to $objects.count do (append searchArr $objects

— searchArr = objects as array
sa_count = searchArr.count

—— folder creation based on objs in scene
for y = 1 to $objects.count do (
new_folder = master_folder + searchArr

makeDir new_folder

—— save scene state so we can then later restore it
max hold

—— take each object and save it out to it’s own max file, within it’s own folder
—for z = 1 to $objects.count do (
for o in sa_count to 1 by -1 do
—— create string for file location
save2folder = master_folder + searchArr

save2file = save2folder + add_folder + searchArr + dotmax
exported = save2folder + add_folder + searchArr + dothsg
—— selection mess
select searchArr
max select invert
delete selection
—— save to a max file
saveMaxfile save2file useNewFile:false quiet:true
fetchMaxFile quiet:true



08:32 PM

I know it’s a bit overcomplicated, but I think he also wants to export the objects and the exporter takes all objects in the scene in account.. and not only the selected… that’s what the deletion part is for. If I understand correctly… but I think there’s lots of code in this thread to make it work :slightly_smiling_face:




08:39 PM


That’s off course when it goes wrong, if you only store a name string in the array and not a node reference then selection it won’t work, you need to tell max that your selecting a node not a string!

replace «select searchArr

select (getNodeByName searchArr)

A object name string value in an array is not the same as a reference to an object…
You have to convert the string to an object reference for select to understand which object.. hence the GetNodeByName function… Personally I would store the node references in the array not the name… I even think it would consume less memory, cause it only holds a pointer, but I could be wrong… bobo?




09:00 PM


That’s off course when it goes wrong, if you only store a name string in the array and not a node reference then selection it won’t work, you need to tell max that your selecting a node not a string!

replace «select searchArr

select (getNodeByName searchArr)

A object name string value in an array is not the same as a reference to an object…
You have to convert the string to an object reference for select to understand which object.. hence the GetNodeByName function… Personally I would store the node references in the array not the name… I even think it would consume less memory, cause it only holds a pointer, but I could be wrong… bobo?


You guys are both Gems! got the damned thing working only to realize that i will now have to write another script that goes thru those folders and then does the export, to do it all in one swift move was greedy, but this is good, thank you both, I really mean it.

Maybe i can have it all happen in the same script, we shall see.

Thanks a bunch!

Borislav Petrov


09:06 PM

I know it’s a bit overcomplicated, but I think he also wants to export the objects and the exporter takes all objects in the scene in account.. and not only the selected… that’s what the deletion part is for. If I understand correctly… but I think there’s lots of code in this thread to make it work :slightly_smiling_face:


This is of course WRONG.
You can export one selected object only, by passing the selectedOnly:true flag to the exportFile() method (see my previous post). NO NEED to delete anything from the scene.

(See my «MAXScript For The Masses» DVD, it has a whole chapter exactly on this topic, with code and all)

Borislav «Bobo» Petrov



09:22 PM

I know it’s a bit overcomplicated, but I think he also wants to export the objects and the exporter takes all objects in the scene in account.. and not only the selected… that’s what the deletion part is for. If I understand correctly… but I think there’s lots of code in this thread to make it work :slightly_smiling_face:


This is of course WRONG.
You can export one selected object only, by passing the selectedOnly:true flag to the exportFile() method (see my previous post). NO NEED to delete anything from the scene.

(See my «MAXScript For The Masses» DVD, it has a whole chapter exactly on this topic, with code and all)


I love you, but this is a 3rd party exporter, and export selected is ignored by it. I might new to maxscript but i am not stupid.


Borislav Petrov


09:40 PM

I know it’s a bit overcomplicated, but I think he also wants to export the objects and the exporter takes all objects in the scene in account.. and not only the selected… that’s what the deletion part is for. If I understand correctly… but I think there’s lots of code in this thread to make it work :slightly_smiling_face:


This is of course WRONG.
You can export one selected object only, by passing the selectedOnly:true flag to the exportFile() method (see my previous post). NO NEED to delete anything from the scene.

(See my «MAXScript For The Masses» DVD, it has a whole chapter exactly on this topic, with code and all)


I love you, but this is a 3rd party exporter, and export selected is ignored by it. I might new to maxscript but i am not stupid.


Oops, sorry, no offense intended!
That sucks then. It might be actually faster to load each Max file you saved and just reexport (since each file will already contain the correct object at the right position etc.) I think it would be faster since the FETCH() call would be relatively slow with large scenes. Unless your scenes are relatively small…

Good luck!

Borislav «Bobo» Petrov



09:47 PM

I know it’s a bit overcomplicated, but I think he also wants to export the objects and the exporter takes all objects in the scene in account.. and not only the selected… that’s what the deletion part is for. If I understand correctly… but I think there’s lots of code in this thread to make it work :slightly_smiling_face:


This is of course WRONG.
You can export one selected object only, by passing the selectedOnly:true flag to the exportFile() method (see my previous post). NO NEED to delete anything from the scene.

(See my «MAXScript For The Masses» DVD, it has a whole chapter exactly on this topic, with code and all)


I love you, but this is a 3rd party exporter, and export selected is ignored by it. I might new to maxscript but i am not stupid.


Oops, sorry, no offense intended!
That sucks then. It might be actually faster to load each Max file you saved and just reexport (since each file will already contain the correct object at the right position etc.) I think it would be faster since the FETCH() call would be relatively slow with large scenes. Unless your scenes are relatively small…

Good luck!

No offense taken, I have been at this all day and perhaps did not post what I should have posted. I have started the second part of the script where I getDirectories and then load each file and then proceed to export it out.

Really appreciate all the help, I wished this task was easier, but it is what it is.

Thank you both


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Hey guys, just finishing a quick script I need to run however I’m stuck on one last piece — any help would be greatly appreciated

I want to edit the Corona Conversion script so I can have it override proxy if it already exists in that location, but I don’t know how to enable Boolean function.

Proxy Converter:

.convertProxies() [location:] [overwrite: ]

Currently I have:

CoronaProxyConverter.convertProxies() true

This works, but I want to add overwrite so it does not ask if it already exists — just overwrites the proxy



small success, no cigar…

I want to supress this dialogue…


Corona Proxy Export


One or more CoronaProxy files do already exist on Disk, do you want to overwrite them?

(If you press «No», the existing files will be used for the generated Proxies)


Yes No


This is what the maxscript tells me…

CoronaProxyConverter.convertProxies() «overwrite:true»

Generated CoronaProxy: X:ProxiesAG11_4.cgeo

(interval 0f 100f)


It looks all blue and no errors woo! but still get the dialogue box that I have to confirm every time :S

Edited March 20, 2017 by redvella

Asked By

0 points
Posted on — 10/26/2011


Hello TechyV people!

I’m new to MaxScript, hope you can help. I’m learning some tutorial scripts from a friend/instructor and I met this error under Export File command. Nothing I try seems to work.

Can anyone help me resolve this error?

Thanks very much for your suggestions.

MAXScript FileIn Exception

 –Runtime error: fileIn: can’t open file – “”


Answered By

The score

5 points



You just simply download the error repair tools and the after you download the error repair tool to your machine you just simply install that to your machine and then after installing the software you just simply restart your machine and then after restarting you PC try to start scanning your system and then after scanning your machine just simply repair the found errors to your machine and then try to scan the software if there an corrupted files and then just simply scan the system if there an infected files to your machine just simply try that one to your PC.


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