Memory locking failed ошибка memtest

  • #1

I’ve been testing my new system for a few days, now. I’m running the Ryzen 3600 processor on an Asus Crosshair 6 Hero (x370) mainboard, BIOS version 7106 and 32 GB RAM (Crucial Ballistix LT Sport Red, 2 x 16 GB Dual Rank, 3200 MHz XMP).

When running MemTest64, my system usually becomes unstable. Programs just dont work correctly anymore and the system does not recover. Screens might become black, too. In contrast to <this thread here>, I’ve only allocated 8 out of 12 threads and only around 80% RAM. So it can’t be the problem that Windows runs out of memory completely. Unless it’s a weird fragmentation issue with the Windows scheduler/allocator.

I first thought my RAM is defective, but ruled that out. All other stress tests and memory test tools worked without any problem so far. To be completely honest, I can’t exactly remember whether or not I had a freeze/crash/whatever at the beginning where MemTest64 was not involved. However, I’m quite confident now that I only have issues with MemTest64.

<I posted a longer version of this on Reddit>

Initially I Thought it might be a compatibility issue or simply just a BIOS bug since many issues get reported with the new Zen2 BIOS versions.

Now a friend of mine could reproduce the same behaviour with MemTest64 (also running the Asus C6H board but a Ryzen 1800X). His system has been stable for a long time now. So that settles it for me and I have to say that MemTest64 just is not stable.

One thing that I have to add: I’ve already ran MemTest64 for 8 hours straight, but was not using the computer at that time, mostly. So, MemTest64 only seems to be unstable when other programs are running. Also quite a few times the issues arised when I opened a program and a UAC request was shown to click «yes» or «no». I’d have a black background (instead of the desktop background), and I’d be able to click «yes» but then the system would be in a weird, instable state already.


  • #2

Don’t set it to allocate that much memory. That memory is effectively gone from other applications, so if you have several other apps open they will get paged out to the pagefile = run ULTRA SLOW, this includes the OS

This is expected behavior. MemTest64 doesn’t even run with administrative privileges, it has no low-level hardware access, so it can’t do anything that makes the system unstable.

Edit: you are running OCCT and MemTest64 at the same time?

  • #3

Well I only allocated like 25 GB out of 32 GB. I’d say 7 GB is plenty for Windows to operate. MemTestPro for example doesn’t show similar problems when I allocate that amount or even more.

Edit: you are running OCCT and MemTest64 at the same time?

Yes, I wanted to stress my system while testing the memory. However running OCCT is not a necessity to make the system unstable. It’s just been fast to trigger it. Sometimes even before I start the stress test, e.g. while starting the program or more specifically while the Windows UAC request asks me if I want to start the program.

In general, if I do tasks (not too heavy on either memory or CPU, considering it’s 4 threads and around 7GB of memory left), the system will usually become unstable after a while if MemTest64 is running. Even when the task manager shows 80-90% free memory. For reference, 90% means there is still 3.2GB left.

MemTest64 doesn’t even run with administrative privileges, it has no low-level hardware access, so it can’t do anything that makes the system unstable.

That’s what I thought too, so this is even stranger.

Maybe the following has to do something with it? MemTest64 usually fails to allocate the memory in its first (or second, or third, …) try, even though there is enough memory left.

Example — imaginary — run:

  1. Around 30 GB free memory
  2. MemTest64 tries to allocate 25GB, fails when it has allocated 8 GB
  3. MemTest64 tries to allocate 25GB, fails when it has allocated 15 GB
  4. MemTest64 tries to allocate 25GB, fails when it has allocated 20 GB
  5. MemTest64 runs.

It’s not always like this and it’s not always that MemTest64 allocated increasing amounts of RAM with each try. Sometimes it works at its first or second try. I’m not sure if this behaviour is expected and why it is occurring. Maybe this hints to some underlying problem, I don’t know.


  • #4

Check page faults with Task Manager, that shows you when Windows is making use of the page file

  • #5

It’s not like every page fault automatically is a read/write to the pagefile. However, I think I’m ready to let this rest and am not really looking forward to investigating the issue further.
If you are certain that it’s expected behaviour then it might very well be. I was just not experiencing anything like it with e.g. MemTestPro and there always was free memory left for Windows to allocate. That’s what keeps me wondering if something else is going on. Maybe the way MemTest64 works is triggering an edge case in Windows — Or it is as you say and it’s simply expected behaviour :)

Thanks for your replies.

  • #6

(Yes, I know this is a 2 year old thread)

I’m seeing the same trouble with MemTest64 (v1.0) myself. More specifically, I can’t get it to allocate even 60% of my memory even when I boot in safe mode, it will usually do 50% or less, though maximum mode rarely finds >10 on my 64gb machine even when otherwise idle.

Worse yet, MemTest64 can consistently crash dwm.exe with an Event 1000 problem. Typically with 20gb of memory still free at the time.

Note: I’ve run a full windows memory diagnosis, passed, and aida 64 memory stress test was able to allocate 54gb without any problems. So I’m relatively certain the memory itself isn’t the problem.

So, I’m left wondering what MemTest64 is actually doing, how it’s allocating memory, what «Memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)» means in technical terms (been developing sw for 35 years now..) and how the heck is it possible for a user app to crash the windows 10 desktop window manager process.

Any thoughts?



  • #7

MemTest64 can consistently crash dwm.exe with an Event 1000 problem.

First time I’m hearing about that. Anything that makes your setup special?

So, I’m left wondering what MemTest64 is actually doing, how it’s allocating memory, what «Memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)» means in technical terms (been developing sw for 35 years now..)

if (VirtualLock((PBYTE)memory + locked, lockSize) == FALSE)
Log(_T(«Memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)»));
VirtualFree(memory, 0, MEM_DECOMMIT | MEM_RELEASE);

and how the heck is it possible for a user app to crash the windows 10 desktop window manager process.

This shouldn’t happen. Do you have a super high number of page faults when this happens?
Do you have a pagefile? On HDD or SSD?

  • #8

Anything that makes your setup special?

Not particularly.. 24 core AMD 3900x, 64gb ram, 2tb ssd, page file set to auto, win 10 up to date through Apr’22. Software developer, generally running: visual studio’22 x 2 or 3, chrome, a bunch of chat apps, market data, …

Thread over on LTT with the various system details……ry-used-feels-like-swapping/#comment-15354309

This shouldn’t happen. Do you have a super high number of page faults when this happens?

Not entirely sure. When this happens Task Manager says I still have north of 15gb of ram free.. Then the whole screen goes blank and things freeze up for a good 5-15 seconds. When they sort of come back much of windows isn’t right at that point (lost my night shade, taskbar doesn’t refresh, most apps blank till I forcefully minimize and resize them). I did see once a large amount of activity on the page file after things came back, but it’s hard to know if that’s a before or after the blank screen given the latency in those stats.

Do you have a pagefile? On HDD or SSD?

SSD, 2tb, which is about 90% full, but still has ~190gb free. Currently about an hour after a restart, I have a 11gb page file, but I’m not sure why. Commit charge on task manager is 24gb.

if (VirtualLock((PBYTE)memory + locked, lockSize) == FALSE)

I was hoping that would have been much more fancy to explain what’s going on.. I’m assuming you’ve done the relevant SetProcessWorkingSetSize bits so it’s not hitting some sort of process limit. I don’t suppose you’re calling GetLastError by chance? That could improve the Memory Locking Failed message.

Some threads on the ether attribute dwm problems like this to video driver issues. I’ve clean installed them (RTX 2060) just in case. Really not sure how your app allocating/using memory could trigger video driver issues, let alone crash a system app.

I should add a few notes:

  • I’ve been able to get MemTest64 to allocate up to but not over 32gb.
  • The screen blanking bit happens more often than the dwm crashing shows up in the event viewer.
  • The problems have happened with as little as 15GB utilized in the test, typically in the last step (which is the longest running time, which may be the correlation)
  • I typically turn the threads down to 12, so the rest of my system doesn’t (poop) during the test.



  • #9

Did a quick test on a Ryzen, Windows 11, 64 GB machine. Same problem. Will investigate more over the coming days

  • #10

Did a quick test on a Ryzen, Windows 11, 64 GB machine. Same problem. Will investigate more over the coming days

I needed to ask this question for some time.

Is it possible when a fault is detected, can a alarm sound be outputted via the normal sound output or via the motherboard speaker? This goes for all program that test ram AIDA64, Prime95, ect, ect,

ie any program that test ram.

The reason am asking is, i use a external hardware ram tester & when a fault occurs it sounds a alarm via the motherboard speaker. This saves a lot of time monitoring watching the screen for faults. I can then pause the program & say the very first fault appeared at a specific location first.

  • #11

Did a quick test on a Ryzen, Windows 11, 64 GB machine. Same problem. Will investigate more over the coming days

I have a second machine that’s a Ryzen 5400G, Win 10, 32GB, with no video card.. And it’s fine. As a third data point.


mats version 400.184.  Testing GP104 with 20 MB of memory starting with 0 MB.

Read    Error Count: 0
Write   Error Count: 113
Unknown Error Count: 0

------- ----------- ------------ ------------
FBIOA0            0           49            0
FBIOA1            0           64            0
FBIOB0            0            0            0
FBIOB1            0            0            0
FBIOC0            0            0            0
FBIOC1            0            0            0
FBIOD0            0            0            0
FBIOD1            0            0            0

Failing Bits: 
   A000 A001 A002 A003 A004 A005 A006 A007 A008 A009 A010 A011 A012 A013 A014 A015 
A016 A017 A018 A019 A020 A021 A022 A023 A024 A025 A026 A027 A028 A029 A030 A031 
A032 A033 A034 A035 A036 A037 A038 A039 A040 A041 A042 A043 A044 A045 A046 A047 
A048 A049 A050 A051 A052 A053 A054 A055 A056 A057 A058 A059 A060 A061 A062 A063 

P : Partition (FBIO)
                                            READ 0 READ 1 READ ?
- --- ----------- ------------ ------------ ------ ------ ------
A 000           0           13            0      2     11      0
A 001           0           10            0      2      8      0
A 002           0            6            0      1      5      0
A 003           0            6            0      3      3      0
A 004           0            5            0      1      4      0
A 005           0           17            0      0     17      0
A 006           0           12            0      0     12      0
A 007           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 008           0           21            0      0     21      0
A 009           0           21            0      0     21      0
A 010           0           21            0      0     21      0
A 011           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 012           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 013           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 014           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 015           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 016           0            4            0      2      2      0
A 017           0            7            0      2      5      0
A 018           0            8            0      3      5      0
A 019           0            8            0      3      5      0
A 020           0            7            0      2      5      0
A 021           0           16            0      1     15      0
A 022           0           11            0      2      9      0
A 023           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 024           0           20            0      0     20      0
A 025           0           20            0      0     20      0
A 026           0           20            0      0     20      0
A 027           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 028           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 029           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 030           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 031           0            4            0      4      0      0
A 032           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 033           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 034           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 035           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 036           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 037           0           24            0      0     24      0
A 038           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 039           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 040           0           24            0      0     24      0
A 041           0           24            0      0     24      0
A 042           0           24            0      0     24      0
A 043           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 044           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 045           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 046           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 047           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 048           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 049           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 050           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 051           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 052           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 053           0           24            0      0     24      0
A 054           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 055           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 056           0           24            0      0     24      0
A 057           0           24            0      0     24      0
A 058           0           24            0      0     24      0
A 059           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 060           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 061           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 062           0            8            0      8      0      0
A 063           0            8            0      8      0      0

ADDRESS : Failing memory address, or buffer offset if starting with 'X+'
T : Type of memory error: W = write, R = read
P : Partition (FBIO)
S : Subpartition
B : Bank
E : Beat
U : PseudoChannel
   ADDRESS EXPECTED   ACTUAL  REREAD1  REREAD2 FAILBITS TPSBEU  ROW COL                                                      BIT(s)
   ------- --------   ------  -------  ------- -------- ------  --- ---                                                      ------
00000045f8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 027                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000045f0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 027                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000045e8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 026                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000045e0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 026                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000045d8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 027                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
00000045d0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 027                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
00000045c8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 026                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
00000045c0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 026                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
00000043b8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0041 0000 02d                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
00000043b0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0001 0000 02d                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
00000043a8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0041 0000 02c                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
00000043a0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0001 0000 02c                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
0000004398 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0040 0000 02d                                         A005,A008,A009,A010
0000004390 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0000 0000 02d                                         A005,A008,A009,A010
0000004388 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0040 0000 02c                                         A005,A008,A009,A010
0000004380 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0000 0000 02c                                         A005,A008,A009,A010
0000004200 00000000 00000773 00000773 00000773 00000773 WA0000 0000 038                     A000,A001,A004,A005,A006,A008,A009,A010
0000004478 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 033                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004470 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 033                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004468 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 032                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004460 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 032                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004458 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 033                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004450 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 033                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004448 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 032                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004440 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 032                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004538 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 021                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004530 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 021                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004528 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 020                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004520 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 020                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004518 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 021                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004510 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 021                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004508 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 020                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004500 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 020                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000044f8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 037                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
00000044f0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 037                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
00000044e8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 036                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
00000044e0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 036                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
00000044d8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 037                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000044d0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 037                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000044c8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 036                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000044c0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 036                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000041b8 00000000 00000763 00000763 00000763 00000763 WA0040 0000 025                          A000,A001,A005,A006,A008,A009,A010
00000041b0 00000000 00000775 00000775 00000775 00000775 WA0000 0000 025                     A000,A002,A004,A005,A006,A008,A009,A010
00000041a8 00000000 00000773 00000773 00000773 00000773 WA0040 0000 024                     A000,A001,A004,A005,A006,A008,A009,A010
00000041a0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0000 0000 024                                         A005,A008,A009,A010
0000004198 00000000 0000076f 0000076f 0000076f 0000076f WA0041 0000 025                A016,A017,A018,A019,A021,A022,A024,A025,A026
0000004190 00000000 0000074e 0000074e 0000074e 0000074e WA0001 0000 025                          A017,A018,A019,A022,A024,A025,A026
0000004188 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0041 0000 024                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
0000004180 00000000 0000073a 0000073a 0000073a 0000073a WA0001 0000 024                          A017,A019,A020,A021,A024,A025,A026
0000004578 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 023                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004570 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 023                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004568 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 022                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004560 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 022                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004558 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 023                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004550 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 023                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004548 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 022                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004540 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 022                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000041f8 00000000 00000773 00000773 00000773 00000773 WA0040 0000 027                     A000,A001,A004,A005,A006,A008,A009,A010
00000041f0 00000000 00000765 00000765 00000765 00000765 WA0000 0000 027                          A000,A002,A005,A006,A008,A009,A010
00000041e8 00000000 00000763 00000763 00000763 00000763 WA0040 0000 026                          A000,A001,A005,A006,A008,A009,A010
00000041e0 00000000 0000076f 0000076f 0000076f 0000076f WA0000 0000 026                A000,A001,A002,A003,A005,A006,A008,A009,A010
00000041d8 00000000 00000772 00000772 00000772 00000772 WA0041 0000 027                          A017,A020,A021,A022,A024,A025,A026
00000041d0 00000000 00000770 00000770 00000770 00000770 WA0001 0000 027                               A020,A021,A022,A024,A025,A026
00000041c8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0041 0000 026                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
00000041c0 00000000 00000768 00000768 00000768 00000768 WA0001 0000 026                               A019,A021,A022,A024,A025,A026
0000004178 00000000 00000754 00000754 00000754 00000754 WA0041 0000 023                               A018,A020,A022,A024,A025,A026
0000004170 00000000 00000752 00000752 00000752 00000752 WA0001 0000 023                               A017,A020,A022,A024,A025,A026
0000004168 00000000 0000074c 0000074c 0000074c 0000074c WA0041 0000 022                               A018,A019,A022,A024,A025,A026
0000004160 00000000 00000745 00000745 00000745 00000745 WA0001 0000 022                               A016,A018,A022,A024,A025,A026
0000004158 00000000 00000744 00000744 00000744 00000744 WA0040 0000 023                                    A002,A006,A008,A009,A010
0000004150 00000000 00000743 00000743 00000743 00000743 WA0000 0000 023                               A000,A001,A006,A008,A009,A010
0000004148 00000000 0000074f 0000074f 0000074f 0000074f WA0040 0000 022                     A000,A001,A002,A003,A006,A008,A009,A010
0000004140 00000000 00000749 00000749 00000749 00000749 WA0000 0000 022                               A000,A003,A006,A008,A009,A010
00000043f8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0041 0000 02f                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
00000043f0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0001 0000 02f                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
00000043e8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0041 0000 02e                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
00000043e0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0001 0000 02e                                         A021,A024,A025,A026
00000043d8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0040 0000 02f                                         A005,A008,A009,A010
00000043d0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0000 0000 02f                                         A005,A008,A009,A010
00000043c8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0040 0000 02e                                         A005,A008,A009,A010
00000043c0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA0000 0000 02e                                         A005,A008,A009,A010
00000045b8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 025                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000045b0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 025                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000045a8 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1040 0000 024                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
00000045a0 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1000 0000 024                                         A037,A040,A041,A042
0000004598 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 025                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004590 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 025                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004588 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1041 0000 024                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004580 00000000 00000720 00000720 00000720 00000720 WA1001 0000 024                                         A053,A056,A057,A058
0000004400 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1001 0000 030 A048,A049,A050,A051,A052,A054,A055,A059,A060,A061,A062,A063
0000004408 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1041 0000 030 A048,A049,A050,A051,A052,A054,A055,A059,A060,A061,A062,A063
0000004410 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1001 0000 031 A048,A049,A050,A051,A052,A054,A055,A059,A060,A061,A062,A063
0000004418 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1041 0000 031 A048,A049,A050,A051,A052,A054,A055,A059,A060,A061,A062,A063
0000004420 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1000 0000 030 A032,A033,A034,A035,A036,A038,A039,A043,A044,A045,A046,A047
0000004428 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1040 0000 030 A032,A033,A034,A035,A036,A038,A039,A043,A044,A045,A046,A047
0000004430 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1000 0000 031 A032,A033,A034,A035,A036,A038,A039,A043,A044,A045,A046,A047
0000004438 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1040 0000 031 A032,A033,A034,A035,A036,A038,A039,A043,A044,A045,A046,A047
0000004480 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1000 0000 034 A032,A033,A034,A035,A036,A038,A039,A043,A044,A045,A046,A047
0000004488 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1040 0000 034 A032,A033,A034,A035,A036,A038,A039,A043,A044,A045,A046,A047
0000004490 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1000 0000 035 A032,A033,A034,A035,A036,A038,A039,A043,A044,A045,A046,A047
0000004498 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1040 0000 035 A032,A033,A034,A035,A036,A038,A039,A043,A044,A045,A046,A047
00000044a0 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1001 0000 034 A048,A049,A050,A051,A052,A054,A055,A059,A060,A061,A062,A063
00000044a8 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1041 0000 034 A048,A049,A050,A051,A052,A054,A055,A059,A060,A061,A062,A063
00000044b0 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1001 0000 035 A048,A049,A050,A051,A052,A054,A055,A059,A060,A061,A062,A063
00000044b8 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA1041 0000 035 A048,A049,A050,A051,A052,A054,A055,A059,A060,A061,A062,A063
0000004100 ffffffff ffff0772 ffff0772 ffff0772 0000f88d WA0000 0000 020                A000,A002,A003,A007,A011,A012,A013,A014,A015
0000004108 ffffffff ffff076f ffff076f ffff076f 0000f890 WA0040 0000 020                          A004,A007,A011,A012,A013,A014,A015
0000004110 ffffffff ffff0775 ffff0775 ffff0775 0000f88a WA0000 0000 021                     A001,A003,A007,A011,A012,A013,A014,A015
0000004118 ffffffff ffff0774 ffff0774 ffff0774 0000f88b WA0040 0000 021                A000,A001,A003,A007,A011,A012,A013,A014,A015
0000004120 ffffffff ffff0765 ffff0765 ffff0765 0000f89a WA0001 0000 020                A017,A019,A020,A023,A027,A028,A029,A030,A031
0000004128 ffffffff ffff073a ffff073a ffff073a 0000f8c5 WA0041 0000 020                A016,A018,A022,A023,A027,A028,A029,A030,A031
0000004130 ffffffff ffff0720 ffff0720 ffff0720 0000f8df WA0001 0000 021 A016,A017,A018,A019,A020,A022,A023,A027,A028,A029,A030,A031
0000004138 ffffffff ffff0753 ffff0753 ffff0753 0000f8ac WA0041 0000 021                A018,A019,A021,A023,A027,A028,A029,A030,A031
If you are getting failure for first MB of FB then try option -no_scan_out
Error Code = 00000001 

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[SOLVED] Display randomly shows ‘No Signal’ when I overclock RAM sticks

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    Aug 25, 2021

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  • #1

My config: R5 1600, 3060Ti, 650w psu, 2x f4-3200c16s-16gtzr RAMs. When I overclock the RAM sticks from 2133 to 3200Mhz by using A-XMP, system either randomly crashes or display goes blank and shows ‘No signal’. I have done memtest86+ and found no error in RAMs.

Then I started tinkering with RAM voltage, at A-XMP profile, I first increased the voltage to 1.38v and did custom Prime95 test (range 448k to 4096k, 70% of RAM size, ‘in-place’ unchecked, this test is said to test RAM stability), the system crashed in first 3 minutes. Then I increased the voltage to 1.42, Prime95 test went smooth for nearly two hours then I closed it. I thought I’ve solved the issue, so I tried decompressing 25gb file (original size=110gb), the system crashed again.

After crashes, quite often the CPU led of motherboard lights up. Does CPU led indicate RAMs are incompatible with the CPU? What should I do next?


Nov 7, 2011




  • #2

brand and model of the psu?

gskill support

  • #4

Do you have the latest BIOS? Are modules in slots two and four away from the CPU? With A-XMP enabled, manually set to DDR4-2933 to see if you can pass decompressing. If it can, check CPU SoC Voltage, you may need to boost this to stabilize the CPU internal memory controller.

  • #5

Do you have the latest BIOS? Are modules in slots two and four away from the CPU? With A-XMP enabled, manually set to DDR4-2933 to see if you can pass decompressing. If it can, check CPU SoC Voltage, you may need to boost this to stabilize the CPU internal memory controller.

I think I found the problem. The new memory stick I bought 3 days ago through Amazon is faulty. My older RAM went through both Hitman 2 benchmarks (Miami/Mumbai), tested it on OCCT and memtest64 for 15 minutes each and no error or crash. The new RAM crashed on Hitman benchmark, crashed on OCCT in less than 2 minutes. During first attempt of memtest64 it showed «memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)» and stopped, on second run it just crashed without showing any error. It’s heatsink is also loose. Earlier I thought this RAM was okay since it passed memtest86+, which I ran for 2 hours. It’s still within 7 days replacement/return warranty, gonna go for replacement.

It’s a pleasant surprise to see support from your side. Can you please clarify on one thing? My older RAM which I bought in 2019 is also f4-3200c16s-16gtzr but it’s manufactured by Hynix and the new RAM was made by Samsung. If after replacement I again get Samsung made chip, will there be compatibility issue while pairing it with Hynix RAM? And yes, the BIOS is up to date and there are only two RAM slots in the motherboard (MSI b450m pro-m2 max).


Oct 6, 2014




  • #6

I think I found the problem. The new memory stick I bought 3 days ago through Amazon is faulty. My older RAM went through both Hitman 2 benchmarks (Miami/Mumbai), tested it on OCCT and memtest64 for 15 minutes each and no error or crash. The new RAM crashed on Hitman benchmark, crashed on OCCT in less than 2 minutes. During first attempt of memtest64 it showed «memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)» and stopped, on second run it just crashed without showing any error. It’s heatsink is also loose. Earlier I thought this RAM was okay since it passed memtest86+, which I ran for 2 hours. It’s still within 7 days replacement/return warranty, gonna go for replacement.

It’s a pleasant surprise to see support from your side. Can you please clarify on one thing? My older RAM which I bought in 2019 is also f4-3200c16s-16gtzr but it’s manufactured by Hynix and the new RAM was made by Samsung. If after replacement I again get Samsung made chip, will there be compatibility issue while pairing it with Hynix RAM? And yes, the BIOS is up to date and there are only two RAM slots in the motherboard (MSI b450m pro-m2 max).

This is why memory is sold in matched sets.
They use what is available.

People see the same part number and think it’s the exact memory but the part number doesn’t say that. It’s the part number for the brand, style, speed, and cas nothing to do with using the same parts.

  • #7

This is why memory is sold in matched sets.
They use what is available.

People see the same part number and think it’s the exact memory but the part number doesn’t say that. It’s the part number for the brand, style, speed, and cas nothing to do with using the same parts.

I did check on Thaiphoon. Part Number (under DRAM components) and manufacturer are different, everything else from frequency, latency, voltage, architecture etc. was exactly the same


Jan 13, 2014




  • #8

Mixing ram is interesting, let’s say. It can work, it might not. I ran 1 kit of Hynix and 1 kit of Samsung (4 total sticks) for a year, both same timings and speed, 3000 Mhz, CL15. Took me a while to get it stable at XMP-values, had to go in manually and edit timings. Mostly I didn’t want to bother so I ran em at 2800 Mhz. I had played with overclocking the Hynix kit for 6-12 months so I knew what it was capable of. So that was an upperhand. The Samsung kit was disappointing, probably worse than the Hynix kit.

  • #9

Mixing ram is interesting, let’s say. It can work, it might not. I ran 1 kit of Hynix and 1 kit of Samsung (4 total sticks) for a year, both same timings and speed, 3000 Mhz, CL15. Took me a while to get it stable at XMP-values, had to go in manually and edit timings. Mostly I didn’t want to bother so I ran em at 2800 Mhz. I had played with overclocking the Hynix kit for 6-12 months so I knew what it was capable of. So that was an upperhand. The Samsung kit was disappointing, probably worse than the Hynix kit.

Were you able to get both of them to run at 3000mhz or did you just stick to 2800? I’m not really mixing RAMs though, both are same modules: f4-3200c16s-16gtzr, one is manufactured by Hynix, other by Samsung. Thing is, you can’t tell it’s manufactured by which company until you open up the packing


Aug 24, 2012




  • #10

Unless all of the sticks came from the factory, together, packed in the same package, they are NOT the same and may very well not work together. Memory timings are much tighter than they were a generation or so ago and what worked then may well not work today.

  • #11

Unless all of the sticks came from the factory, together, packed in the same package, they are NOT the same and may very well not work together. Memory timings are much tighter than they were a generation or so ago and what worked then may well not work today.

Well that sucks. Guess I will only find out when replacement RAM comes. I would like to point out though, I’m not looking to overclock it. Meaning I don’t intend to go beyond 3200mhz, could there be issue even then?


Jan 13, 2014




  • #12

Were you able to get both of them to run at 3000mhz or did you just stick to 2800? I’m not really mixing RAMs though, both are same modules: f4-3200c16s-16gtzr, one is manufactured by Hynix, other by Samsung. Thing is, you can’t tell it’s manufactured by which company until you open up the packing

Yes, 3000 Mhz eventually ran. And you are mixing RAM. Just as I was.
In terms of overclocking, XMP is technically overclocking, just that you have a profile for it, made by the RAM «packagers». It might work at 3200 Mhz, you might have to drop to 3000 Mhz.
I had no problems at 2800 Mhz. XMP Timings at 3000 Mhz were 15-17-17 so when I ran 2800 Mhz I dropped all of them by one. 14-16-16. I highly recommend you run a memory tester, Testmem5 Anta or 1usmus-config, Memtest, HCI Memtest etc, pick one. You don’t want a corrupt OS.

  • #13

Yes, 3000 Mhz eventually ran. And you are mixing RAM. Just as I was.
In terms of overclocking, XMP is technically overclocking, just that you have a profile for it, made by the RAM «packagers». It might work at 3200 Mhz, you might have to drop to 3000 Mhz.
I had no problems at 2800 Mhz. XMP Timings at 3000 Mhz were 15-17-17 so when I ran 2800 Mhz I dropped all of them by one. 14-16-16. I highly recommend you run a memory tester, Testmem5 Anta or 1usmus-config, Memtest, HCI Memtest etc, pick one. You don’t want a corrupt OS.

Stabilizing RAM overclock has been nightmarish so far due to repeated system crashes. But that was probably because of faulty RAM. I’ll give the new RAM decent try, if they don’t work, I’ll just sell them and get a compatible kit

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128GB Ram not being utilised by Win10

Hi guys,

Recently built a new pc:

3950x3090128gb ram 3600mhz2x 2TB 980 Pro

I have noticed the RAM on task manager just never goes above 22gb

and as soon as it gets to 21gb — it starts to basically freeze like crazy to the point where the whole system is completely unresponsive.

I have tried to mess around with the page file size but cant seem to figure out the correct settings, anyone have any ideas to unlock this ram for my system to use?

Thanks heaps :)



I ended up resetting my bios.
Turns out the Ryzen 5950x coupled with G.Skill 4000Mhz 128GB Ram kit struggles to run @ 4k mhz

So I am running the RAM @ 2666mhz

Stress tested it on chrome — Running 300+ tabs & 4 4k youtube videos + 2 8k videos

Ram usage pushed up towards 45-48GB — Chrome still buttery smoothe switching between tabs/typing/clicking etc.

Thank you all for your inputs :)


Test Results

All tests passed!

Total built-in memory: 8 GB

This is the total amount of physical memory that the computer has installed. If this figure is not showing the correct amount of memory there may be a problem with one or more installed DIMMS.

Available memory: 6955 MB

Available memory is the amount of physical memory that is currently not in use by any other processes. All available memory will be used for testing when the «All» option is selected. To increase the amount of available memory, you can restart your computer before testing. If you are familiar with the command line (CLI), you can run memtest (the core of Rember) in single-user mode. See Rember help, or for more information.

Requested amount: All MB

The total amount of memory requested for testing by the Rember application. Not all requested memory can be allocated for testing. See information on «Available memory» for more information.

Memory allocated for testing: 6760 MB

This is the total amount of memory that memtest was able to allocate for testing. See «Available memory» section for more information.


Loops selected: 1

Total loops selected by user for testing. All loops should complete when testing is successful. Test failure when the «Continue on Error» preference is selected will cancel tests before this number of loops has been completed. Users can also cancel testing before this number is reached.

Loops completed: 0

Total loops completed by memtest. Note that the Rember is not always able to identify how many loops ran. If there are discrepancies between this and the loops selected, the log should be examined to determine exactly how many loops were performed.

Total execution time: 159 seconds

This is the total amount of time that it took to execute the selected tests. Execution time may vary from system to system, and is provided as a guide for determining how long users can expect tests to run based on the amount of memory installed on the system.

Testing start time: 2009-01-22 16:29:53 -0700

Testing end time: 2009-01-22 17:58:59 -0700

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