Microsoft sql server ошибка 7346

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  • Hi, All

    I am getting below message when i tried to download the data from linked server…

    7346 : Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider «SQLNCL1» for linked server «ABCTest». OLE DB provider «SQLNCL1» for
    linked server «ABCTest» returned message 
    «Row handle referred to deleted row or a row marked for deletion.»

    I am just using the SELECT from Linked Server and Inserting/Updating/Delete it to local database  for importing data from linked server.


    Sandeep J. Sharma (eZee Technosys)


  • Hi,

    Query failed due to data inconsistency due to that distributed query was contradicted with another DML operation running on the same data entity concurrently which is mostly probable if using snapshot isolation level Kindly.

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    Ahsan Kabir Please remember to click Mark as Answer and Vote as Helpful on posts that help you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    • Изменено

      12 ноября 2012 г. 8:55

    • Предложено в качестве ответа
      Kalman Toth
      17 ноября 2012 г. 8:22
    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Iric Wen
      20 ноября 2012 г. 9:17

  • Are you using Cursor in your code? If yes, the error is because the row in the cursor was deleted by someone else.

    You need to use a table hint to hold the lock when you select the data into your cursor. 

    A sample table hint looks like:

    SELECT * from Table1 with HOLDLOCK

    More info of table hint can be found at the following SQL Online Books article:

    Hope it helps. If this is not the case, please let me know.

    Kevin Gao


    • Предложено в качестве ответа
      Kalman Toth
      17 ноября 2012 г. 8:22
    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Iric Wen
      20 ноября 2012 г. 9:17

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  • Hi All,

    I am getting bellow mentioned error while running update command through linked server.

    OLE DB provider «SQLNCLI11» for linked server «SQLMPDB» returned message «Row handle referred to a deleted row or a row marked for deletion.».
    Msg 7346, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
    Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider «SQLNCLI11» for linked server «SQLMPDB». 

    here i am using bellow mentioned update command

    Update top (20000) [SQLMPDB].PSM_New_01.dbo.Trans_app_Log set INSERTFLG =’M’ from [SQLMPDB].PSM_New_01.dbo.Trans_app_Log t, [SQLMPDB].PSM_New_01.dbo.Transfer_Reg_no R where t.Reg_no=R.Reg_no and (INSERTFLG <>’M’ or INSERTFLG is NULL) 

    some time the above mentioned query execute successfully.most of the time we are getting error.

    this command is properly running for remaining table .i am getting this issue for particular one table .i am not using any triggers in that table.

    Please Help as soon as possible.

    Thanks in advance…..




  • Since you have a dynamic server name, here is a modification to my original suggestion to use EXEC() AT, since the server name in that case cannot be a variable.

    DECLARE @sp_executesql nvarchar(200) =       quotename(@Source_ServerName) + ‘.’ + quotename(@Source_DatabaseName) + ‘.sys.sp_executesql’

             set @UpdateStatement =     ‘Update top (20000) dbo.’ + quotename(@Table_name) + ‘      set    INSERTFLG =»M»      from  
    dbo.’ + quotename(@Table_name) + ‘ t, dbo.Transfer_Reg_no R      where t.Reg_no=R.Reg_no        and (INSERTFLG <>»M» or INSERTFLG is NULL)’
        EXEC @sp_executesql @UpdateStatement

    The idea is the same as in my first post: force execution to occur on the remote server entirely and thereby avoiding the mysterious error you run into.

    The key here is that EXEC accepts a variable for the procedure name, and therefore you can run sp_executesql on the remote server, and when you prefix sp_executesql with the database name, it will execute in the context of that database. This also has the
    side effect of making the code easier to read.

    An observation: shouldn’t you have a transaction so that the UPDATE and the following INSERT is the same transaction so that the contents of the local table is guaranteed to be sync with the source table?

    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, July 5, 2017 5:53 AM

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  • Hi All,

    I am getting bellow mentioned error while running update command through linked server.

    OLE DB provider «SQLNCLI11» for linked server «SQLMPDB» returned message «Row handle referred to a deleted row or a row marked for deletion.».
    Msg 7346, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
    Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider «SQLNCLI11» for linked server «SQLMPDB». 

    here i am using bellow mentioned update command

    Update top (20000) [SQLMPDB].PSM_New_01.dbo.Trans_app_Log set INSERTFLG =’M’ from [SQLMPDB].PSM_New_01.dbo.Trans_app_Log t, [SQLMPDB].PSM_New_01.dbo.Transfer_Reg_no R where t.Reg_no=R.Reg_no and (INSERTFLG <>’M’ or INSERTFLG is NULL) 

    some time the above mentioned query execute successfully.most of the time we are getting error.

    this command is properly running for remaining table .i am getting this issue for particular one table .i am not using any triggers in that table.

    Please Help as soon as possible.

    Thanks in advance…..




  • Since you have a dynamic server name, here is a modification to my original suggestion to use EXEC() AT, since the server name in that case cannot be a variable.

    DECLARE @sp_executesql nvarchar(200) =       quotename(@Source_ServerName) + ‘.’ + quotename(@Source_DatabaseName) + ‘.sys.sp_executesql’

             set @UpdateStatement =     ‘Update top (20000) dbo.’ + quotename(@Table_name) + ‘      set    INSERTFLG =»M»      from  
    dbo.’ + quotename(@Table_name) + ‘ t, dbo.Transfer_Reg_no R      where t.Reg_no=R.Reg_no        and (INSERTFLG <>»M» or INSERTFLG is NULL)’
        EXEC @sp_executesql @UpdateStatement

    The idea is the same as in my first post: force execution to occur on the remote server entirely and thereby avoiding the mysterious error you run into.

    The key here is that EXEC accepts a variable for the procedure name, and therefore you can run sp_executesql on the remote server, and when you prefix sp_executesql with the database name, it will execute in the context of that database. This also has the
    side effect of making the code easier to read.

    An observation: shouldn’t you have a transaction so that the UPDATE and the following INSERT is the same transaction so that the contents of the local table is guaranteed to be sync with the source table?

    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, July 5, 2017 5:53 AM

Microsoft SQL Server Ошибки

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SQL Server All Errors List

SELECT message_id, severity, text
  FROM sys.messages
 WHERE language_id = 1033; /* assuming US English */

Your language_id you can find in
system view, column msglangid:

langid dateformat datefirst upgrade name alias months shortmonths days lcid msglangid
0 mdy 7 0 us_english English January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday 1033 1033
1 dmy 1 0 Deutsch German Januar,Februar,März,April,Mai,Juni,Juli,August,September,Oktober,November,Dezember Jan,Feb,Mär,Apr,Mai,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Okt,Nov,Dez Montag,Dienstag,Mittwoch,Donnerstag,Freitag,Samstag,Sonntag 1031 1031
2 dmy 1 0 Français French janvier,février,mars,avril,mai,juin,juillet,août,septembre,octobre,novembre,décembre janv,févr,mars,avr,mai,juin,juil,août,sept,oct,nov,déc lundi,mardi,mercredi,jeudi,vendredi,samedi,dimanche 1036 1036
3 ymd 7 0 日本語 Japanese 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 月曜日,火曜日,水曜日,木曜日,金曜日,土曜日,日曜日 1041 1041
4 dmy 1 0 Dansk Danish januar,februar,marts,april,maj,juni,juli,august,september,oktober,november,december jan,feb,mar,apr,maj,jun,jul,aug,sep,okt,nov,dec mandag,tirsdag,onsdag,torsdag,fredag,lørdag,søndag 1030 1030
5 dmy 1 0 Español Spanish Enero,Febrero,Marzo,Abril,Mayo,Junio,Julio,Agosto,Septiembre,Octubre,Noviembre,Diciembre Ene,Feb,Mar,Abr,May,Jun,Jul,Ago,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dic Lunes,Martes,Miércoles,Jueves,Viernes,Sábado,Domingo 3082 3082
6 dmy 1 0 Italiano Italian gennaio,febbraio,marzo,aprile,maggio,giugno,luglio,agosto,settembre,ottobre,novembre,dicembre gen,feb,mar,apr,mag,giu,lug,ago,set,ott,nov,dic lunedì,martedì,mercoledì,giovedì,venerdì,sabato,domenica 1040 1040
7 dmy 1 0 Nederlands Dutch januari,februari,maart,april,mei,juni,juli,augustus,september,oktober,november,december jan,feb,mrt,apr,mei,jun,jul,aug,sep,okt,nov,dec maandag,dinsdag,woensdag,donderdag,vrijdag,zaterdag,zondag 1043 1043
8 dmy 1 0 Norsk Norwegian januar,februar,mars,april,mai,juni,juli,august,september,oktober,november,desember jan,feb,mar,apr,mai,jun,jul,aug,sep,okt,nov,des mandag,tirsdag,onsdag,torsdag,fredag,lørdag,søndag 2068 2068
9 dmy 7 0 Português Portuguese janeiro,fevereiro,março,abril,maio,junho,julho,agosto,setembro,outubro,novembro,dezembro jan,fev,mar,abr,mai,jun,jul,ago,set,out,nov,dez segunda-feira,terça-feira,quarta-feira,quinta-feira,sexta-feira,sábado,domingo 2070 2070
10 dmy 1 0 Suomi Finnish tammikuuta,helmikuuta,maaliskuuta,huhtikuuta,toukokuuta,kesäkuuta,heinäkuuta,elokuuta,syyskuuta,lokakuuta,marraskuuta,joulukuuta tammi,helmi,maalis,huhti,touko,kesä,heinä,elo,syys,loka,marras,joulu maanantai,tiistai,keskiviikko,torstai,perjantai,lauantai,sunnuntai 1035 1035
11 ymd 1 0 Svenska Swedish januari,februari,mars,april,maj,juni,juli,augusti,september,oktober,november,december jan,feb,mar,apr,maj,jun,jul,aug,sep,okt,nov,dec måndag,tisdag,onsdag,torsdag,fredag,lördag,söndag 1053 1053
12 dmy 1 0 čeština Czech leden,únor,březen,duben,květen,červen,červenec,srpen,září,říjen,listopad,prosinec I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI,XII pondělí,úterý,středa,čtvrtek,pátek,sobota,neděle 1029 1029
13 ymd 1 0 magyar Hungarian január,február,március,április,május,június,július,augusztus,szeptember,október,november,december jan,febr,márc,ápr,máj,jún,júl,aug,szept,okt,nov,dec hétfő,kedd,szerda,csütörtök,péntek,szombat,vasárnap 1038 1038
14 dmy 1 0 polski Polish styczeń,luty,marzec,kwiecień,maj,czerwiec,lipiec,sierpień,wrzesień,październik,listopad,grudzień I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI,XII poniedziałek,wtorek,środa,czwartek,piątek,sobota,niedziela 1045 1045
15 dmy 1 0 română Romanian ianuarie,februarie,martie,aprilie,mai,iunie,iulie,august,septembrie,octombrie,noiembrie,decembrie Ian,Feb,Mar,Apr,Mai,Iun,Iul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec luni,marţi,miercuri,joi,vineri,sîmbătă,duminică 1048 1048
16 ymd 1 0 hrvatski Croatian siječanj,veljača,ožujak,travanj,svibanj,lipanj,srpanj,kolovoz,rujan,listopad,studeni,prosinac sij,vel,ožu,tra,svi,lip,srp,kol,ruj,lis,stu,pro ponedjeljak,utorak,srijeda,četvrtak,petak,subota,nedjelja 1050 1050
17 dmy 1 0 slovenčina Slovak január,február,marec,apríl,máj,jún,júl,august,september,október,november,december I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI,XII pondelok,utorok,streda,štvrtok,piatok,sobota,nedeľa 1051 1051
18 dmy 1 0 slovenski Slovenian januar,februar,marec,april,maj,junij,julij,avgust,september,oktober,november,december jan,feb,mar,apr,maj,jun,jul,avg,sept,okt,nov,dec ponedeljek,torek,sreda,četrtek,petek,sobota,nedelja 1060 1060
19 dmy 1 0 ελληνικά Greek Ιανουαρίου,Φεβρουαρίου,Μαρτίου,Απριλίου,Μα_ου,Ιουνίου,Ιουλίου,Αυγούστου,Σεπτεμβρίου,Οκτωβρίου,Νοεμβρίου,Δεκεμβρίου Ιαν,Φεβ,Μαρ,Απρ,Μαϊ,Ιουν,Ιουλ,Αυγ,Σεπ,Οκτ,Νοε,Δεκ Δευτέρα,Τρίτη,Τετάρτη,Πέμπτη,Παρασκευή,Σάββατο,Κυριακή 1032 1032
20 dmy 1 0 български Bulgarian януари,февруари,март,април,май,юни,юли,август,септември,октомври,ноември,декември януари,февруари,март,април,май,юни,юли,август,септември,октомври,ноември,декември понеделник,вторник,сряда,четвъртък,петък,събота,неделя 1026 1026
21 dmy 1 0 русский Russian Январь,Февраль,Март,Апрель,Май,Июнь,Июль,Август,Сентябрь,Октябрь,Ноябрь,Декабрь янв,фев,мар,апр,май,июн,июл,авг,сен,окт,ноя,дек понедельник,вторник,среда,четверг,пятница,суббота,воскресенье 1049 1049
22 dmy 1 0 Türkçe Turkish Ocak,Şubat,Mart,Nisan,Mayıs,Haziran,Temmuz,Ağustos,Eylül,Ekim,Kasım,Aralık Oca,Şub,Mar,Nis,May,Haz,Tem,Ağu,Eyl,Eki,Kas,Ara Pazartesi,Salı,Çarşamba,Perşembe,Cuma,Cumartesi,Pazar 1055 1055
23 dmy 1 0 British British English January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday 2057 1033
24 dmy 1 0 eesti Estonian jaanuar,veebruar,märts,aprill,mai,juuni,juuli,august,september,oktoober,november,detsember jaan,veebr,märts,apr,mai,juuni,juuli,aug,sept,okt,nov,dets esmaspäev,teisipäev,kolmapäev,neljapäev,reede,laupäev,pühapäev 1061 1061
25 ymd 1 0 latviešu Latvian janvāris,februāris,marts,aprīlis,maijs,jūnijs,jūlijs,augusts,septembris,oktobris,novembris,decembris jan,feb,mar,apr,mai,jūn,jūl,aug,sep,okt,nov,dec pirmdiena,otrdiena,trešdiena,ceturtdiena,piektdiena,sestdiena,svētdiena 1062 1062
26 ymd 1 0 lietuvių Lithuanian sausis,vasaris,kovas,balandis,gegužė,birželis,liepa,rugpjūtis,rugsėjis,spalis,lapkritis,gruodis sau,vas,kov,bal,geg,bir,lie,rgp,rgs,spl,lap,grd pirmadienis,antradienis,trečiadienis,ketvirtadienis,penktadienis,šeštadienis,sekmadienis 1063 1063
27 dmy 7 0 Português (Brasil) Brazilian Janeiro,Fevereiro,Março,Abril,Maio,Junho,Julho,Agosto,Setembro,Outubro,Novembro,Dezembro Jan,Fev,Mar,Abr,Mai,Jun,Jul,Ago,Set,Out,Nov,Dez Segunda-Feira,Terça-Feira,Quarta-Feira,Quinta-Feira,Sexta-Feira,Sábado,Domingo 1046 1046
28 ymd 7 0 繁體中文 Traditional Chinese 一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六,星期日 1028 1028
29 ymd 7 0 한국어 Korean 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 월요일,화요일,수요일,목요일,금요일,토요일,일요일 1042 1042
30 ymd 7 0 简体中文 Simplified Chinese 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六,星期日 2052 2052
31 dmy 1 0 Arabic Arabic Muharram,Safar,Rabie I,Rabie II,Jumada I,Jumada II,Rajab,Shaaban,Ramadan,Shawwal,Thou Alqadah,Thou Alhajja Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday 1025 1025
32 dmy 7 0 ไทย Thai มกราคม,กุมภาพันธ์,มีนาคม,เมษายน,พฤษภาคม,มิถุนายน,กรกฎาคม,สิงหาคม,กันยายน,ตุลาคม,พฤศจิกายน,ธันวาคม ม.ค.,ก.พ.,มี.ค.,เม.ย.,พ.ค.,มิ.ย.,ก.ค.,ส.ค.,ก.ย.,ต.ค.,พ.ย.,ธ.ค. จันทร์,อังคาร,พุธ,พฤหัสบดี,ศุกร์,เสาร์,อาทิตย์ 1054 1054
33 dmy 1 0 norsk (bokmål) Bokmål januar,februar,mars,april,mai,juni,juli,august,september,oktober,november,desember jan,feb,mar,apr,mai,jun,jul,aug,sep,okt,nov,des mandag,tirsdag,onsdag,torsdag,fredag,lørdag,søndag 1044 1044

Levels of Severity

Severity level Description
0-9 Informational messages that return status information or report errors that are not severe. The Database Engine does not raise system errors with severities of 0 through 9.
10 Informational messages that return status information or report errors that are not severe. For compatibility reasons, the Database Engine converts severity 10 to severity 0 before returning the error information to the calling application.
11-16 Indicate errors that can be corrected by the user.
11 Indicates that the given object or entity does not exist.
12 A special severity for queries that do not use locking because of special query hints. In some cases, read operations performed by these statements could result in inconsistent data, since locks are not taken to guarantee consistency.
13 Indicates transaction deadlock errors.
14 Indicates security-related errors, such as permission denied.
15 Indicates syntax errors in the Transact-SQL command.
16 Indicates general errors that can be corrected by the user.
17-19 Indicate software errors that cannot be corrected by the user. Inform your system administrator of the problem.
17 Indicates that the statement caused SQL Server to run out of resources (such as memory, locks, or disk space for the database) or to exceed some limit set by the system administrator.
18 Indicates a problem in the Database Engine software, but the statement completes execution, and the connection to the instance of the Database Engine is maintained. The system administrator should be informed every time a message with a severity level of 18 occurs.
19 Indicates that a nonconfigurable Database Engine limit has been exceeded and the current batch process has been terminated. Error messages with a severity level of 19 or higher stop the execution of the current batch. Severity level 19 errors are rare and must be corrected by the system administrator or your primary support provider. Contact your system administrator when a message with a severity level 19 is raised. Error messages with a severity level from 19 through 25 are written to the error log.
20-24 Indicate system problems and are fatal errors, which means that the Database Engine task that is executing a statement or batch is no longer running. The task records information about what occurred and then terminates. In most cases, the application connection to the instance of the Database Engine may also terminate. If this happens, depending on the problem, the application might not be able to reconnect.
Error messages in this range can affect all of the processes accessing data in the same database and may indicate that a database or object is damaged. Error messages with a severity level from 19 through 24 are written to the error log.
20 Indicates that a statement has encountered a problem. Because the problem has affected only the current task, it is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged.
21 Indicates that a problem has been encountered that affects all tasks in the current database, but it is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged.
22 Indicates that the table or index specified in the message has been damaged by a software or hardware problem.
Severity level 22 errors occur rarely. If one occurs, run DBCC CHECKDB to determine whether other objects in the database are also damaged. The problem might be in the buffer cache only and not on the disk itself. If so, restarting the instance of the Database Engine corrects the problem. To continue working, you must reconnect to the instance of the Database Engine; otherwise, use DBCC to repair the problem. In some cases, you may have to restore the database.
If restarting the instance of the Database Engine does not correct the problem, then the problem is on the disk. Sometimes destroying the object specified in the error message can solve the problem. For example, if the message reports that the instance of the Database Engine has found a row with a length of 0 in a nonclustered index, delete the index and rebuild it.
23 Indicates that the integrity of the entire database is in question because of a hardware or software problem.
Severity level 23 errors occur rarely. If one occurs, run DBCC CHECKDB to determine the extent of the damage. The problem might be in the cache only and not on the disk itself. If so, restarting the instance of the Database Engine corrects the problem. To continue working, you must reconnect to the instance of the Database Engine; otherwise, use DBCC to repair the problem. In some cases, you may have to restore the database.
24 Indicates a media failure. The system administrator may have to restore the database. You may also have to call your hardware vendor.

SQL Server Errors

message_id Description Article
0 You may see “out of user memory quota” message in errorlog when you use In-Memory OLTP feature … Out of user memory quota
0 Logon Failure: The User has not Been Granted. The operating system returned the error ????? while … Compressed backup errors
0 A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. link1
0 The MSSQLSERVER service was unable to log on as SQLAuthoritySQLFarmService with the currently c … The User has not Been Granted
0 A server error occurred on current command. The results, if any, should be discarded. Who owns your availability groups?
0 A network-related issue or instance-specific error occured while establishing a connection to SQL Server Cannot Connect to SQL Server
0 Connecting to Azure SQL Database: Requested tenant identifier ‘00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000’ is… Requested tenant identifier
102 Incorrect syntax near ‘%.*ls’. 102_link1,102_link2
120 The select list for the INSERT statement contains fewer items than the insert list. The number of … 120_link1
121 The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of … 121_link1
131 The size (%d) given to the %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ exceeds the maximum allowed for any data type (%d). 131_link1
145 ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified. 145_link1
156 Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘ORDER’. 156_link1
207 Invalid column name ‘%.*ls’. 207_link1
213 Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. 213_link1,213_link2
229 The %ls permission was denied on the object ‘’, database ‘’, schema ‘%.*ls’. 229_link1
241 Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. 241_link1
257 Implicit conversion from data type %ls to %ls is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query 257_link1
264 The column name ‘%.*ls’ is specified more than once in the SET clause or column list of an INSERT … 264_link1
297 The user does not have permission to perform this action. 297_link1
352 The table-valued parameter «%.*ls» must be declared with the READONLY option. 352_link1
459 Collation ‘%.*ls’ is supported on Unicode data types only and cannot be applied to char, varchar or … 459_link1
535 The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time 535_link1
596 Cannot continue execution because the session is in the kill state. 596_link1,596_link2,596_link3
650 You can only specify the READPAST lock in the READ COMMITTED or REPEATABLE READ isolation levels. 650_link1
657 Could not disable support for increased partitions in database … 657_link1
666 The maximum system-generated unique value for a duplicate group was exceeded for index with … 666_link1
701 There is insufficient system memory in resource pool ‘%ls’ to run this query. … 701_link1,701_link2
824 SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error … 824_link1,824_link2,KB2152734,824_link3
825 The operating system returned error %ls to SQL Server. It failed creating event for a %S_MSG at … 825_link1
913 Could Not Find Database %d. Database May Not be Activated Yet or May be in Transition … 913_link1
922 Database ‘%.*ls’ is being recovered. Waiting until recovery is finished. 922_link1
926 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server errorlog … 926_link1
1052 Conflicting %ls options «%ls» and «%ls». 1052_link1
1065 The NOLOCK and READUNCOMMITTED lock hints are not allowed for target tables of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE … 1065_link1
1105 Could not allocate space for object ‘’ in database ‘’ because the ‘’ filegroup is … 1105_link1
1204 The instance of the SQL Server Database Engine cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your … 1204_link1
1205 Transaction (Process ID %d) was deadlocked on %.*ls resources with another process and has been chosen … 1205_link1
1222 Lock request time out period exceeded. 1222_link1
1219 Your session has been disconnected because of a high priority DDL operation. 1219_link1
1480 The %S_MSG database «%.*ls» is changing roles from «%ls» to «%ls» because the mirroring session or … 1480_link1
1701 Creating or altering table %ls failed because the minimum row size would be 8061, including 10 b … 1701_link1
1807 Could not obtain exclusive lock on database ‘model’. Retry the operation later. … 1807_link1
1904 The statistics on table has 65 columns in the key list … 1904_link1
1908 Column ‘’ is partitioning column of the index ‘’. Partition columns for a unique index … 1908_link1
2533 Table error: page %S_PGID allocated to object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID … 2533_link1
2534 Table error: page %S_PGID, whose header indicates that it is allocated to object ID %d, index ID %d, … 2534_link1
2812 Could not find stored procedure ‘%.*ls’. 2812_link1
3101 Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use. … 3101_link1
3154 The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing … 3154_link1
3241 The media family on device ‘%ls’ is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media fam … 3241_link1
3314 During undoing of a logged operation in database ‘%.*ls’, an error occurred at log record ID %S … 3314_link1
3634 The operating system returned the error ‘%ls’ while attempting ‘%ls’ on ‘%ls’. … 3634_link1
3637 A parallel operation cannot be started from a DAC connection. 3637_link1
3743 The database ‘%.*ls’ is enabled for database mirroring. Database mirroring must be removed befor … 3743_link1
3906 Failed to update database «%.*ls» because the database is read-only. 3906_link1
3930 The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log … 3930_link1
3956 Snapshot isolation transaction failed to start in database ‘%.*ls’ because the ALTER DATABASE command … 3956_link1
3960 Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict. You cannot use snapshot isolation to … 3960_link1
4064 Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed. … 4064_link1
4189 Cannot convert to text/ntext or collate to ‘%.*ls’ because these legacy LOB types do not support UTF-8 … 4189_link1
4353 Conflicting file relocations have been specified for file ‘%.*ls’. Only a single WITH MOVE clause … 4353_link1
4629 Permissions on server scoped catalog views or system stored procedures or extended stored … 4629_link1
4901 ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added that can contain nulls, or have a DEFAULT definition … 4901_link1
4922 ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN Address failed because one or more objects access this column. … 4922_link1
4934 Computed column ‘’ in table ‘’ cannot be persisted because the column does user or … 4934_link1
4947 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. There is no identical index in source table ‘%.*ls’ for the … 4947_link1
5004 To use ALTER DATABASE, the database must be in a writable state in which a checkpoint can be executed. 5004_link1
5011 User does not have permission to alter database ‘%.*ls’, the database does not exist, or the database … 5011_link1
5061 ALTER DATABASE failed because a lock could not be placed on database ‘%.*ls’. Try again later. 5061_link1
5084 Setting database option %ls to %ls for database ‘%.*ls’. 5084_link1
5120 Unable to open the physical file … Operating system error 5: «5(Access is denied.)» … SQL SERVER — FIX Error 5120
5123 CREATE FILE encountered operating system error «%ls»(The system cannot find the path specified.) … 5123_link1, 5123_link2
5171 %.*ls is not a primary database file. 5171_link1
5172 The header for file ‘%ls’ is not a valid database file header. The %ls property is incorrect. 5172_link1
5235 %lsDBCC %ls (%ls%ls%ls)%ls executed by %ls terminated abnormally due to error state %d. Elapsed time: … 5235_link1
5846 Common language runtime (CLR) execution is not supported under lightweight pooling. Disable one of two … 5846_link1
6335 XML datatype instance has too many levels of nested nodes. Maximum allowed depth is 128 levels. 6335_link1
6348 Specified collection ‘%.*ls’ cannot be created because it already exists or you do not have permission. 6348_link1
6401 Cannot roll back %.*ls. No transaction or savepoint of that name was found. 6401_link1
7341 Cannot get the current row value of column «%ls.%ls» from OLE DB provider «%ls» for linked server «%ls … 7341_link1
7344 The OLE DB provider «%ls» for linked server «%ls» could not %ls table «%ls» because of column … 7344_link1
7356 The OLE DB provider «%ls» for linked server «%ls» supplied inconsistent metadata for a column. … 7356_link1
7357 Cannot process the object «%ls». The OLE DB provider «%ls» for linked server «%ls» indicates that … 7357_link1, 7357_link2
7391 The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider «%ls» for linked server «%ls» … … 7391_link2
7719 CREATE/ALTER partition function failed as only maximum of 1000 partitions can be created. … 657_link1
7926 Check statement aborted. The database could not be checked as a database snapshot could not be created … 7926_link1
8101 An explicit value for the identity column in table ‘%.*ls’ can only be specified when a column list is … 8101_link1
8107 IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table ‘*ls’. Cannot perform SET operation for table ‘% … 8107_link1
8115 Arithmetic overflow error converting %ls to data type %ls. 8115_link1
8116 Argument data type %ls is invalid for argument %d of %ls function. 8116_link1
8117 Operand data type %ls is invalid for %ls operator. 8117_link1
8180 Statement(s) could not be prepared. 8180_link1
8127 Column «» is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in either an … 8127_link1
8152 String or binary data would be truncated. 8152_link1
8624 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. 8624_link1
8645 A timeout occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query in resource pool ‘%ls’ (%ld … 8645_link1
8651 Could not perform the operation because the requested memory grant was not available in resource … 8651_link1
8672 The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once… … 8672_link1
8909 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), pa … 8909_link1
8921 Check terminated. A failure was detected while collecting facts. Possibly tempdb out of space or … 8921_link1
8928 Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls): Page %S_PGID could not… 8928_link1
8939 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), page … 8939_link1
8948 Database error: Page %S_PGID is marked with the wrong type in PFS page %S_PGID. PFS status 0x%x … 8948_link1
9001 The log for database ‘%.*ls’ is not available. Check the operating system error log for related … 9001_link1
9002 The transaction log for database ‘%ls’ is full due to ‘%ls’. … 9002_link1,9002_link2,9002_link3
9105 The provided statistics stream is corrupt. 9105_link1
9642 An error occurred in a Service Broker/Database Mirroring transport connection endpoint, Error: %i, … 9105_link1
10314 An error occurred in the Microsoft .NET Framework while trying to load assembly id %d. The server may … 10314_link1,10314_link2
10637 Cannot perform this operation on ‘%.*ls’ with ID %I64d as one or more indexes are currently in … 10637_link1
10794 The %S_MSG ‘%ls’ is not supported with %S_MSG. 10794_link1,10794_link2
11442 Columnstore index creation is not supported in tempdb when memory-optimized metadata mode is enabled. … [11442_link1][51]
11535 EXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified %d result set(s), and the … 11535_link1
12349 Operation not supported for memory optimized tables having columnstore index. 12349_link1
13609 JSON text is not properly formatted. Unexpected character ‘%lc’ is found at position %d. 13609_link1
13515 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because history table ‘%.*ls’ has custom unique keys defined. … 13515_link1
13518 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because history table ‘%.*ls’ has IDENTITY column specification … 13518_link1
13523 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because table ‘’ has %d columns and table ‘’ has %d … 13523_link1
13543 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because history table ‘%.*ls’ contains invalid records with end … 13543_link1
13570 The use of replication is not supported with system-versioned temporal table ‘%s’ 13570_link1
13573 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because history table ‘%.*ls’ contains overlapping records. 13573_link1
13575 ADD PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME failed because table ‘%.*ls’ contains records where end of period is not … 13575_link1
13901 Identifier ‘%.*ls’ in a MATCH clause is not a node table or an alias for a node table. 13901_link1
13902 Identifier ‘%.*ls’ in a MATCH clause is not an edge table or an alias for an edge table. 13902_link1
15002 The procedure ‘sys.sp_dbcmptlevel’ cannot be executed within a transaction. … 15002_link1
15021 Invalid value given for parameter %s. Specify a valid parameter value. 15021_link1
15136 The database principal is set as the execution context of one or more procedures, functions, … 15136_link1
15190 There are still remote logins or linked logins for the server ‘%s’. 15190_link1
15199 The current security context cannot be reverted. Please switch to the original database where … 15199_link1
15274 Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted. 15274_link1
15404 Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user ‘%ls’, error code %#lx. 15404_link1
15406 Cannot execute as the server principal because the principal «%.*ls» does not exist, this type of … 15406_link1
15457 Configuration option ‘%ls’ changed from %ld to %ld. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install. 5457_link1
17051 SQL Server evaluation edition has expired. 17051_link1
17182 TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x%lx, status code 0x%lx. Reason: %S_MSG %.*ls 17182_link1
17190 Initializing the FallBack certificate failed with error code: %d, state: %d, error number: %d. … 17190_link1
17300 SQL Server was unable to run a new system task, either because there is insufficient memory or the … 17300_link1
17836 Length specified in network packet payload did not match number of bytes read; the connection has been … 17836_link1
18054 Error %d, severity %d, state %d was raised, but no message with that error number was found in … 18054_link1
18272 During restore restart, an I/O error occurred on checkpoint file ‘%s’ (operating system error %s … 18272_link1
18357 Reason: An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Integrated … 18357_link1
18401 Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’. Reason: Server is in script upgrade mode. Only administrator can connect… 18401_link1
18452 Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authenticati … 18452_link1
18456 Login failed for user ‘’*ls 18456_link1
20598 The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated %S_MSG command for Table ‘%s’ with… 20598_link1
22911 The capture job cannot be used by Change Data Capture to extract changes from the log when … 22911_link1
25713 The value specified for %S_MSG, «», %S_MSG, «», is invalid. 25713_link1,25713_link2
26023 Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ %s <%s> %d]. Tcp port is already in use. 26023_link1
33111 Cannot find server %S_MSG with thumbprint ‘%.*ls’. 33111_link1
33206 SQL Server Audit failed to create the audit file ‘%s’. Make sure that the disk is not full and … 33206_link1
35217 The thread pool for Always On Availability Groups was unable to start a new worker thread because … [35217_link1]
35250 The connection to the primary replica is not active. The command cannot be processed. 35250_link1
35264 Always On Availability Groups data movement for database ‘%.*ls’ has been suspended for the following … 35264_link1
35320 Column store indexes are not allowed on tables for which the durability option SCHEMA_ONLY is specified. 35320_link1
35337 UPDATE STATISTICS failed because statistics cannot be updated on a columnstore index. … 35337_link1
35343 The statement failed. Column ‘%.*ls’ has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index. 35343_link1
39004 A ‘%s’ script error occurred during execution of ‘sp_execute_external_script’ with HRESULT 0x%x. 39004_link1
41121 The local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ cannot accept signal ‘%s’ in its current … 41121_link1
41317 A user transaction that accesses memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules cannot access more… [41317_link1][51]
41922 The backup operation for a database with service-managed transaprent data encryption is not supported on… 41922_link1


[35217_link1] :

Is Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle appearing? Would you like to safely and quickly eliminate Microsoft Sql Server which additionally can lead to a blue screen of death?

When you manually edit your Windows Registry trying to take away the invalid cannot get the data of the row from the ole db provider “” for linked server keys you’re taking a authentic chance. Unless you’ve got been adequately trained and experienced you’re in danger of disabling your computer system from working at all. You could bring about irreversible injury to your whole operating system. As very little as just 1 misplaced comma can preserve your Pc from even booting every one of the way by!

Troubleshooting ora-01403: no data found Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 & 10

Simply because this chance is so higher, we hugely suggest that you make use of a trusted registry cleaner plan like CCleaner (Microsoft Gold Partner Licensed). This system will scan and then fix any Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle complications.

Registry cleaners automate the entire procedure of finding invalid registry entries and missing file references (including the Server error) likewise as any broken hyperlinks inside of your registry.

Issue with

Backups are made immediately prior to each and every scan providing you with the choice of undoing any changes with just one click. This protects you against doable damaging your pc. Another advantage to these registry cleaners is that repaired registry errors will strengthen the speed and performance of one’s procedure drastically.


Cautionary Note: Yet again, for those who are not an state-of-the-art consumer it’s very encouraged that you simply refrain from editing your Windows Registry manually. If you make even the smallest error within the Registry Editor it can result in you some serious issues that may even call for a brand new set up of Windows. Not all difficulties attributable to incorrect Registry Editor use are solvable.


Symptoms of Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle
“Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle” appears and crashes the energetic method window.
Your Personal computer routinely crashes with Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle when running the exact same system.
“Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle” is shown.
Windows operates sluggishly and responds little by little to mouse or keyboard input.
Your computer periodically “freezes” for the number of seconds in a time.

Will cause of Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle

Corrupt obtain or incomplete set up of Windows Operating System software program.

Corruption in Windows registry from a new Windows Operating System-related application adjust (install or uninstall).

Virus or malware infection which has corrupted Windows method documents or Windows Operating System-related application data files.

Another method maliciously or mistakenly deleted Windows Operating System-related files.

Mistakes this sort of as “Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle” can be brought about by several different elements, so it really is important that you troubleshoot every of the achievable brings about to forestall it from recurring.

Simply click the beginning button.
Variety “command” inside the lookup box… Will not hit ENTER nonetheless!
Although keeping CTRL-Shift in your keyboard, hit ENTER.
You’re going to be prompted that has a authorization dialog box.
Click on Of course.
A black box will open having a blinking cursor.
Variety “regedit” and hit ENTER.
Within the Registry Editor, choose the cannot get the data of the row from the ole db provider “” for linked server connected key (eg. Windows Operating System) you wish to back again up.
Within the File menu, choose Export.
Inside the Preserve In list, pick out the folder in which you wish to save the Windows Operating System backup key.
Inside the File Title box, sort a reputation for the backup file, these types of as “Windows Operating System Backup”.
From the Export Vary box, ensure that “Selected branch” is selected.
Click on Help you save.
The file is then saved by using a .reg file extension.
You now use a backup within your ora-01403: no data found related registry entry.

Solution to your problem

There are actually some manual registry editing measures that can not be talked about in this article due to the high chance involved for your laptop or computer method. If you want to understand more then check out the links below.

Additional Measures:

One. Conduct a Thorough Malware Scan

There’s a probability the Oracle 7346 Error Microsoft Server Sql error is relevant to some variety of walware infection. These infections are malicious and ready to corrupt or damage and possibly even delete your ActiveX Control Error files. Also, it’s attainable that your Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle is actually connected to some element of that malicious plan itself.

2. Clean Disk Cleanup

The a lot more you employ your computer the extra it accumulates junk files. This comes from surfing, downloading packages, and any sort of usual computer system use. When you don’t clean the junk out occasionally and keep your program clean, it could turn into clogged and respond slowly. That is when you can encounter an Microsoft error because of possible conflicts or from overloading your hard drive.

Once you clean up these types of files using Disk Cleanup it could not just remedy Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle, but could also create a dramatic change in the computer’s efficiency.

Tip: While ‘Disk Cleanup’ is definitely an excellent built-in tool, it even now will not completely clean up Microsoft Sql discovered on your PC. There are numerous programs like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Office and more, that cannot be cleaned with ‘Disk Cleanup’.

Since the Disk Cleanup on Windows has its shortcomings it is extremely encouraged that you use a specialized sort of challenging drive cleanup and privacy safety application like CCleaner. This system can clean up your full pc. If you run this plan after each day (it could be set up to run instantly) you are able to be assured that your Pc is generally clean, often operating speedy, and always absolutely free of any Sql error associated with your temporary files.

How Disk Cleanup can help

1. Click your ‘Start’ Button.
2. Style ‘Command’ into your search box. (no ‘enter’ yet)
3. When holding down in your ‘CTRL-SHIFT’ important go ahead and hit ‘Enter’.
4. You will see a ‘permission dialogue’ box.
5. Click ‘Yes’
6. You will see a black box open up plus a blinking cursor.
7. Variety in ‘cleanmgr’. Hit ‘Enter’.
8. Now Disk Cleanup will start calculating the amount of occupied disk space you will be able to reclaim.
9. Now a ‘Disk Cleanup dialogue box’ seems. There will be a series of checkboxes for you personally to pick. Generally it will likely be the ‘Temporary Files’ that consider up the vast majority of your disk area.
10. Verify the boxes that you want cleaned. Click ‘OK’.

How to repair

3. System Restore can also be a worthwhile device if you ever get stuck and just desire to get back to a time when your computer system was working ideal. It will work without affecting your pics, paperwork, or other crucial information. You can discover this option with your User interface.

Microsoft Sql



Operating System

Microsoft Sql Server Error 7346 Oracle

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31 ratings.


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