Modx evo ошибка 500

I posted this in the Modx Evo forum and someone suggested that it would better to post it here.

I’m trying to update Modx Evo 1.0.14 to 1.1. After uploading the zip file and unzipping it, I got a server 500 error on both the front-end and the manager. I never got to running the install. Just unzipping the files resulted in the 500 error.

I checked the .htaccess file, didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

I restored all the files from my backup, created just prior to the unzip and the site came back.

I thought perhaps the unzip function failed somehow so I manually uploaded the unzipped files. I uploaded the assets folder, check the front-end, all good. Same after uploading the manager folder. However, after uploading the install folder, the 500 error returned.

Just for kicks, I checked to see if the installer would run and that page came up. I started the install, all the pre-checks were good, so I started it. It confirmed the status on all the extra updaets, then stopped. I tried the manager login, that page appears, but I can’t login. It just returns to the login form with no errors.

Now I just noticed that the hostmonster server is running php 5.2.17. Might this cause all of this trouble? If not, anyone have any thoughts about what’s going on?

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    I have a problem to access «manager» with Modx Evo 1.0.13. I use GoDaddy host. First, I download Modx Evo 1.0.13 and upload to the root of my host. Then go to Then I follow the instruction for installing modx. The installation is complete without any error or fail. I can access the frontend but I can not access «manager». every times I go to «» I always get «500 internal error». «» is work. I just install without demo content.

    However, I do the same steps above in my localhost (my laptop). It is working perfect.

    I don’t know what is the cause. Anyone has some kind of this problem with GoDaddy?


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      check/delete the .htaccess file in manager folder

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        Quote from: banzai at Apr 21, 2014, 11:37 PM

        check/delete the .htaccess file in manager folder

        Thank you for quick reply. I tried to delete .htaccess but I still get 500 internal error when I try to access «» on GoDaddy.

        found the problem
        I found the problem in «manager/includes/». It is the is_file function around line#137.

        Here is the code:
        elseif(is_file(MODX_BASE_PATH . $target)) {
        $target = MODX_BASE_PATH . $target;
        $login_tpl = file_get_contents($target);
        -> MODX_BASE_PATH = G:/PleskVhosts/
        -> $target = G:/PleskVhosts/
        -> MODX_BASE_PATH . $target = G:/PleskVhosts/

        So you can see this function -> «is_file(MODX_BASE_PATH . $target)» will throw an error.
        GoDaddy has php5.4 and it throws 500 internal error when executes is_file function above.
        My host (not GoDaddy) has php5.3.3 and it won’t throw 500 internal error. It executes next sentence.

        So I am wondering, can I set PHP error level in GoDaddy? Maybe error_reporting might help but I don’t know how to set and what value to be set.Still need some help


        [ed. note: apple_freelancer last edited this post 9 years, 2 months ago.]

        • Hello,

          Generally 500 errors are caused by problems with the .htaccess file and/or problems with your file permissions. Could you please verify you have the correct file permissions for GoDaddy?

          I know Godaddy can be problematic when it comes to using MODX, so it might not hurt to consider switching hosts. I know some hosts are very MODX friendly, and offer direct support.

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            Quote from: AMDbuilder at Apr 23, 2014, 08:22 PM


            Generally 500 errors are caused by problems with the .htaccess file and/or problems with your file permissions. Could you please verify you have the correct file permissions for GoDaddy?

            I know Godaddy can be problematic when it comes to using MODX, so it might not hurt to consider switching hosts. I know some hosts are very MODX friendly, and offer direct support.

            I do consider to change the host. Could you tell me what host that support MODX Evo? smiley

            Thank you

            • SkyToaster. Granted that’s a slightly bias recommendation. You can also see Bob’s recommendations:

              You can also find MODX providers here:

                • 43955

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                Quote from: AMDbuilder at Apr 24, 2014, 08:47 PM

                SkyToaster. Granted that’s a slightly bias recommendation. You can also see Bob’s recommendations:

                You can also find MODX providers here:

                Thank you for suggestion. My customer talked to GoDaddy and changed the Windows package to Linux package. The problem is gone. Thanks again

                На сайте выскочила ошибка. Сайт на MODX. Я просто перенёс все файлы с другого хостинга и поменял логин, пароль, и базу в config.ini.php. В чём может быть проблема? В файле .htaccess удалил строки типа
                php_value name value
                php_flag name on|off

                Сорержание файла до редактирования. Что здесь может быть лишним?

                # For full documentation and other suggested options, please see
                # including for unexpected logouts in multi-server/cloud environments
                # and especially for the first three commented out rules
                #php_flag register_globals Off
                #AddDefaultCharset utf-8
                #php_value date.timezone Europe/Moscow
                Options +FollowSymlinks
                RewriteEngine On
                RewriteBase /
                # Fix Apache internal dummy connections from breaking [(site_url)] cache
                RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*internal dummy connection.*$ [NC]
                RewriteRule .* - [F,L]
                # Rewrite -> -- used with SEO Strict URLs plugin
                #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
                #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^ [NC]
                #RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
                # Exclude /assets and /manager directories and images from rewrite rules
                RewriteRule ^(manager|assets)/*$ - [L]
                RewriteRule .(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico)$ - [L]
                # For Friendly URLs
                RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
                RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
                RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]
                # Reduce server overhead by enabling output compression if supported.
                #php_flag zlib.output_compression On
                #php_value zlib.output_compression_level 5

                задан 22 дек 2012 в 6:12

                Frontender's user avatar


                2,60523 золотых знака65 серебряных знаков115 бронзовых знаков


                Такая проблема может быть если mysql работает в строгом режиме.
                Тогда в логе установки (расположенном в директории /core/cache/logs/install.config..log) появляются ошибки вида

                    INSERT INTO `modx_system_settings` (`key`, `value`, `xtype`, `namespace`, `area`) VALUES ('upload_maxsize', '104857600', 'textfield', 'core', 'system')
                    [0] => HY000
                    [1] => 1364
                    [2] => Field 'editedon' doesn't have a default value

                Это означает что в таблицу «modx_system_setting» не были записаны необходимые данные и она пустая.

                Для решения можно отредактировать файл /etc/mysql/my.cnf так как описано здесь

                Затем надо переустановить modx

                ответ дан 26 июн 2016 в 14:14

                Gallyamov's user avatar

                Авторизация в админке. Ошибка HTTP ERROR 500

                Планово обновляя движок сайта на MODX Revolution и установленные компоненты я столкнулся с тем, что simpleUpdater не позволяет выбрать релиз движка, а предлагает только последний, самый свежий — 3.0.

                Мне это ни как не подходит, т.к. на рабочий сайт ставить тройку рано.

                Принял решение удалить simpleUpdater и установить Updater.

                После удаления плагина я не смог войти в админку.
                Ошибка — HTTP ERROR 500

                В файле /core/cache/logs/error.log есть строки в которых указывается на ошибку связанную с simpleUpdater: /core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php : 644 Could not load class: simpleUpdater from simpleupdater

                Очистка Cache не помогла.


                1. Через phpMyAdmin открываем таблицу modx_site_plugins (префикс modx может быть другим) и находим там запись с name = simpleupdater.
                2. Удаляем эту строку в таблице modx_site_plugins (если нужна переустановка плагина, то выставляем в поле disabled значение 1)
                3. Поиском по базе данных ищем simpleupdater. Найденные вхождения удаляем из таблиц.
                4. Очищаем директорию cache в папке core
                5. Если нужен плагин, то авторизуемся в админке и устанавливаем.

                04 июня 2022, 22:35




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