Morrowind title mp3 ошибка

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Проверь, установлены ли дрова двуковухи…или переустанови игру…

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Отключи звуковые драйвера и снова проверь…>>>

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Тоже самое, тажа ошибка…

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Совместимость попробуй…>>>
DirectX какой стоит????

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Zna4it ne povezlo tebe

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Звук встроенный?

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М-да, у меня такой же…
Ну тогда я уже не знаю что делать, извини…>>>

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Ща удалю НА**Й Dx9 (У меня прога есть) и поставлю какой к игре прилогается…

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попробуй вот что в папке с игрой найди Morrowind.ini и исправи строчку Disable Audio=0 на Disable Audio=1

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И мне без звука играть?

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Б***Ь С**А П**Р Этот моровинд пишет ТОЖЕ САМОЕ!!!! Я ИСПРАВИЛ СТРОЧКУ!!!!

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виндовоз какой?

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XP servise pack 1

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3-и варианта поставь 2 и 3й сервис пак.
или 2000нт-ку
или 98 се

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А как SP2 поставить?

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купи ХР-ку с паками)( с нэта скачай

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Во пасиб! Уже качаю!!! Кстати я в ридми нашёл, что если возникают проблемы со звуком — поставьте сервиспак 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Какая горячая тема….

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Купи нормальный комп,вот ещё один совет…..

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Вы чё люди!!! Не видели список игр, которые могут неработать или глючить со 2-ым сервиспаком???!!!

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Не знаю,у меня ничего не глючит….

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Вот объясните мне — какие различия между XP SP1 и XP SP2 — у меня первый стоит — все работает БЕЗ ПРОБЛЕМ! Опять Microsoft всякой хрени напихала, что полпамяти под Винду загружено будет :((((

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Первый залатывает дыры, которые нашли при первых юзаниях винды, а второй
в основном ставит всякую хрень, поэтому я его не юзал, и не собираюся!!!! :))))

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Ну и нафиг он тогда надо… поставить себе Win 2003 Server и все в порядке.
Кстати, эту системку кто-нить юзает??

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Юзают. Наши хакеры. Я недавно читал, как кто-то из американских министров жаловался, что Билл Гейтс ее еще не выпустил, а на развале около Кремля она уже продается.

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какая разница между SP1 & SP2??? такая же как Коленвал и Поршень.
есть еще и 3й

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a 4to iz sebay predstavlayet 3???

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Не надо гнать!!!! SP3 пока нет!!!!

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Вообще-то, сервис пак 3 НЕ для Виндовса ХР, а для Оффиса ХР… !!!

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Da eto shkura obkurilcay i gonit

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2 Stalker — Win 2003 Server уже есть, мы новый сервак взяли (2-х процессорный Ксеон), с ним лицензия была… Так наши ребята сейчас с этой Win 2003 Server Standart Edition е…гм-гм… любовью занимаются ;)

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Любовью… Ну-ну… У меня просто был опыт, когда я в 2000-м поставил свеженькую windows 2000. Пожалел я об этом моментально — у меня сразу перестала запускаться половина программ — они были с ним несовместимы. Тогда я решил вернуть обратно любимый 98-й, но оказалось, что проклятые двухтысячные уже переформатировали мне диск под NTFS (с FAT они тогда еще работать не умели). Тогда я как крутой хакер полез ломать компьютер с помощью FDISK и когда вылез, то оказалось, что обратно уже зайти не могу. На компьютере лежали все мои документы и (главное!) уже написанная кандидатская диссертация в единственном экземпляре. В общем, когда в одной фирме мне смогли за 300 баксов восстановить часть диска с диссертацией я посчитал это за счастье.

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Смотрит на компашку с ХР где большими буквами написано SP3, и впрям нету)))
руки неправильно растут у вас.

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Ty gonish ne veru!~

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Ставь МЕ проблемы должны отпасть, тока DX станови с диска с игрой и ускорение звука в DX убери хотябы на половину
У меня п4 2400 и (г..о полное МХ440) так игра минут 15 летает, а потом начинает периодически дёргаться и звук хрипеть
Раздел может не тот но искать некогда, как их убрать?

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У тебя этот файл-то есть????
У тебя лицензионка????
Если НЕТ, то вопрос исчерпан…>>>

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  1. Morrowind music error cannot play file
  2. Morrowind music error cannot play file
  3. Blocked IP Address
  4. First Time Here?
  5. Morrowind music error cannot play file
  6. Morrowind Music Error at title screen — Tryed All fixes, need help!
  7. #1 Psycho Nomad

Unless you did a fresh install of 10 and not the upgrade anything your old OS had you will still have on Windows 10.

Im on 10 and havent had any sound issues myself so i dont think your OS is the cause to begin with.

I didnt see if this was asked/answered earlier but have you installed any mods or tried a clean reinstall of the game? (not just validating files)

Is there anything special about your sound setup?

Did some digging

2nd post suggest that sometimes the game gets picky and dosent like the file for whatever reason. Try Deleting it and revalidating your files ot re-download it.

Another thread, this one suggesting that Morrowind itself cant use every codect that runs .mp3’s havent read it fully myself yet but its worth looking into.

«Music Error: Can not play file. Data Files/Music/Special/morrowindtitle.mp3»

D:SteamsteamappscommonMorrowindData FilesMusicSpecialmorrowind title.mp3

Since I do not have morrowind installed on this PC I can’t check it right now, but unless you made a mistake rewriting the error, your files are named differenly.

If there is an option to change music in the ini file, try linking the main menu to any other song in your folder. (Sometimes lines are also slash/backslash sensitive, (for eg. Python code) may also be worth checking)


Morrowind music error cannot play file

Let me start off by saying this, no the file is not missing or corrupt and no i do not need to validate the game.

That being said, it seems the issue lies in Codecs, and I have found an out dated fix for the problem here
— — (about half way down, user name quazl) the issue is with this fix is that the Merit Manager is no longer a button in Zoom Player.

Can anyone help me translate this fix into the current zoom player version, thanks!

got the fix happy to share with those who needed it, will stay subbed to this discussion

Firstly id like to just put this here 🙂

This was a while back now, but i believe this following link was the solution to the issue for me. (pretty much the above post)

Hope it works and best of luck

Firstly id like to just put this here 🙂

This was a while back now, but i believe this following link was the solution to the issue for me. (pretty much the above post)

Hope it works and best of luck

I know necromancy is frowned upon in Morrowind but I’ll just post what I’ve discovered about this issue.

In my situation, Morrowind couldn’t find the path to the music file because I’ve been moving around my installation folder of Morrowind (because I have Tamriel Rebuilt installed and needed to re-copy a backup over to C:/).

So as it turned out, for me the music file became corrupt. Going to delete it and replace it with a copy that works, I’m pretty sure that it should resolve the issue.

fyi make sure show hidden files are enabled by your Windows 10 installation.


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First Time Here?



Morrowind music error cannot play file

Post by buttons » Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:09 pm

I get this error whenever I run Morrowind: Music Error: Can not play file. Data Files/Music/Special/morrowind title.mp3 I am running wine version 1.1.9 on Fedora 9.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Post by English_Mohican » Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:36 pm

I can suggest a few starters for ten

Firstly, using Linux rather than Wine, does that file exist on your system? If so, where? Is it in the right place?

Secondly, using Linux, if you click the file, does it play?

If so, are you running from a desktop icon or from a terminal and are you cd’ing to the Morrowind directory before you run Morrowind?

Do you get the Morrowind splash screen or does the music error happen before that?

This should break the problem down and provide a few clues as to where to look next.

Post by buttons » Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:24 pm

Yes the file is in the correct spot.
Yes I can play the music file when I click on it.
I have tried running it from the desktop icon, I have run from the terminal, I went to the folder and clicked on the executables in there and still get the same error. When I run from the terminal I cd into the directory. I have also tried it without cding into the directory and I still get that error.

When I runs it loads the morrowind.esm file and then initializes everything. After it initializes everything it switches screens and that is when I get the error.

Is there anything else that is needed?

Post by English_Mohican » Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:20 pm

You could try looking through the thread linked below. Down at point 17, there is a question about music in Morrowind not playing — and a solution. Whether it works, I cannot say. I do not think I needed to do that when I loaded Morrowind but its worth a try

Post by buttons » Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:48 pm


Morrowind Music Error at title screen — Tryed All fixes, need help!

#1 Psycho Nomad

Hey there, I’ve been playing modded morrowind for literally ages fine, havn’t played it in a few weeks, then i decided to play it last night. At first i’t worked fine, got into a save game went around a bit. Then i decided to put it through the Flat screen tv with a (Dongle?) Which i do allot. When the image came up on the TV the fullscreen game had reverted to windowed mode showing only a black screen, offset to one side so u could see part of the desktop behind it. You could also hear the game sounds in the background so it was still running, i messed around a bit trying to get the game to respond to no avail so i decided to try end the process via the task manager. so i opened the task manager and it opened UNDER the dam game screen so i couldnt get the the title bar to pull it across to end the process form the list as i couldn’t get to it as when u try to click on the game screen the mouse dissapeared followed by a mashing of alt-tab to try get it back, unreliably, it was obviously really not liking whatever had happened, so i decided to CTRL-ALT-DLT and restart. So i did. After the re-boot i fired morrowind back up and it went through the usual process as normal, until.

As it came to the title screen it froze, not running the little visual it does normally and an error message popped up saying «music error: cannot play music file. data files/music/special/Morrowind title mp3» and the game immediately closes, prompting a ‘morrowind has stopped working, windows is searching for a solution to the problem blah blah’.

This has never happened before. So OK, maybe the file is corrupt. I go to the file it can’t play, right click -> play. it plays fine. So, ok, the next thing i try is changing the name of the file to see if it bypasses it. i change it to something else, fire up morrowind again, it goes through to the title screen and this time plays through the visual with no sound, so i think «GREAT!» i load up my save game, the enviroment loads and after 2 seconds, it opens the inventory and brings up a similar error message «music error canno’t play file *blah blah[name of .mp3 its trying to play for the background music, it changes depending on what track its trying to play]*.

So dam, its more of an integral problem than i had hoped, the file’s aint corrupt. So after a little more research i had found out quite few people had been getting the same issue, and also came across that it may be a CODEC problem. The instructions for this specific problem on the Elder Scrolls official site, fixes for morrowind section states that —

[4c] Music error — «Can not play file. Data Files/Music/Special/morrowind title.mp3»

If you are getting this music error, do not fear! Your computer is probably just using a CODEC to play MP3 files that Morrowind cannot use (Morrowind is pretty picky about this).

First, make sure Windows Media Player is your default playback application for MP3 files (Morrowind needs this). Right-click any MP3 file (Morrowind’s are located in C:Program FilesBethesda SoftworksMorrowindData FilesMusic. ) and select «Open with», click «Choose program», choose Windows Media Player from the list, check the box «Always use the selected program,» then click OK.

The following two paragraphs are for Windows XP users only — If the previous suggestion doesn’t correct your problem, then download Nightmare’s CODEC Reset Utility, extract it (DON’T FORGET TO EXTRACT IT!), and run the file «MP3FIX.BAT.»

If that still doesn’t correct the problem, then read the readme that came with the CODEC Reset Utility and follow the instructions to completely reset your system’s CODECs to their defaults.

So i go through the initial steps, making sure that WMP is set to play .mp3 files. yes it is. then i make sure that WMP is set to play the title.mp3 file and set to ‘always plays this file using WMP’. yes it is.

So i fire up morrowind again. still the same issue. So what the hell?!

This is where it gets tricky, As i’m on windows Vista, I cannot use the stated fix underneath the inital ‘just check its using the right CODEC’, as that stated fix is for XP only.

I don’t know how t ogo about fixing CODECs, or where i should go to repair my CODECs. This is one of the things (amongst other stuff) i would like advise on.

Since then, the things i HAVE done (still not fixing the problem) are: System restore, complete uninstall and reinstall of morrowind, also deleting all the connected morrowind files in the %AppData% folder before the reinstall, Install the most up to date versions of DirectX, Java, Microsoft .NET, sound card drivers, video card drivers.

Nothing has worked, atall. i’m at a complete loose end and have been racking my brain over it since it happened. I LOVE morrowind, and have had to sacrifice my uberwtfpwn dark elf assassin and ALL the mods i spent months building to work solidly together, not to mention the hours of time i spent getting my character to the point she was at, not to mention my girlfriends sadness at loosing all our work put into the game.

i REALLY REALLY need to sort this out! PLEASE, anyone that can offer any helpfull advise on this matter i ask to please take the time to take in all i have said and reply with any possible fix that could solve this utterly annoying issue.

I await eagerly any reply (i feel sorry for my f5 button )


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Welcome to r/Morrowind, a subreddit dedicated to Bethesda’s 2002 open world RPG, the third installment in the The Elder Scrolls series.





morrowind title.mp3 error

My friend recently had this error and I was basically tech support for like 9000 hours straight. Here’s my solution with that K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool. YMMV but I hope it helps someone!

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Здраствуйте все и добрового времени суток вам. Извините за вмешатеельство, но я дам наверно банальный ответ на вопрос по звукам: вы можете просто из файла с плагином что-то не туда бросить или забыть положить? Я сталкивался с похожей проблемой, когда писалось, что файла по адресу нет — типа games/morrowind/data files/meshes……не найден, либо games/morrowind/data files/sound/……не найден, игра работает, но без чего-то, тем более если плагин с музыкой и звуками, то можно не понять, где новые есть и старые звуки, но если их совсем нет, то беда. Я тут всё это описал, т.к. забывал иногда кидать некоторые ресурсы в нужные папки игры(и прописать в morrowind.ini(ну ручками я прописываю, без автомата)), не забывать про ридми. Я забывал изучить полностью сам, каюсь, получая соотв. результат. Не обижайтесь, если вы всё это знаете, мне показалось, что проблема может быть и в этом.

Либо как описано выше. Сами смотрите.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind freezes every five seconds for about two seconds.

Issue transferred from #2896.
@nickgrier07 posted on 2019-07-18T22:28:02:

Not sure what the problem is, system specs are:

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS, 64-bit

Memory 3.8 Gb

Processor: Intel core i3-4005U CPU @ 1.70GHz X4

Graphics: Intel Haswell mobile

Gnome: 3.28.2

@kisak-valve commented on 2019-07-18T22:52:24:

Hello @nickgrier07, we’re using one issue report per unofficially supported game title, and it’s not clear if you’re referring to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind or The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Please add your experience to the corresponding issue report. Also, adding PROTON_LOG=1 %command% to the game’s launch options and drag and dropping the generated $HOME/steam-$APPID.log into the comment box of one of those issue reports may have a hint as to what’s happening.

@nickgrier07 commented on 2019-07-18T23:47:54:

@kisak-valve that issue report doesn’t corrispond to my experance.

It has nothing to do with the menu, it has to do with the game itself. If you want a catch all for Morrowind issues, then close that one, and make a new one, cause otherwise it’s just confusing.

I’ll see what i can do about that log thing.

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