Mount ошибка сети 53

I have a CentOS 8 virtual machine ( running nfs-server, and I’m trying to mount the share on my Windows 10 Pro x86_64 machine ( I have installed the «Services for NFS» Windows feature), but when I run mount \<nfs_server_IP>data N:, I keep getting this error:

Network Error — 53

Type ‘NET HELPMSG 53’ for more information.

The message for Network Error 53 is «The network path was not found» but I’m not sure what that means.

This is what my /etc/exports looks like on the CentOS machine:


I’ve also tried with the bare-minimum options:


Both the CentOS and Windows 10 machines can ping each other.

I can connect to the NFS server on port 2049

Output of rpcinfo -p localhost run on the NFS machine:

$ rpcinfo -p localhost
       program vers proto   port  service
        100000    4   tcp    111  portmapper
        100000    3   tcp    111  portmapper
        100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
        100000    4   udp    111  portmapper
        100000    3   udp    111  portmapper
        100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
        100024    1   udp  39181  status
        100024    1   tcp  38357  status
        100005    1   udp  20048  mountd
        100005    1   tcp  20048  mountd  
        100005    2   udp  20048  mountd
        100005    2   tcp  20048  mountd
        100005    3   udp  20048  mountd
        100005    3   tcp  20048  mountd
        100003    3   tcp   2049  nfs
        100003    4   tcp   2049  nfs
        100227    3   tcp   2049  nfs_acl
        100021    1   udp  53482  nlockmgr
        100021    3   udp  53482  nlockmgr
        100021    4   udp  53482  nlockmgr
        100021    1   tcp  39197  nlockmgr
        100021    3   tcp  39197  nlockmgr
        100021    4   tcp  39197  nlockmgr

I have the insecure option in my /etc/exports per «Network Error — 53» while trying to mount NFS share in Windows Server 2008 client. Didn’t work.

I’ve tried disabling the firewalls on both hosts with no results (systemctl disable firewalld && iptables --flush on the CentOS machine, and disabling both Windows Defender Firewalls (public and private network firewalls).

Any ideas?



я понимаю что жуткий офтоп, но может кто сталкивался?
стоит нфс под сентос 5.7. шарится линуксовыми клиентами на раз-два.

#cat /etc/exports
/opt/backup/share       *(ro,sync,no_root_squash)

ставлю Win2003 R2.

C:>mount IpNfsServer:/opt/backup/share  Z:
Ошибка сети - 53
C:>net helpmsg 53
Не найден сетевой путь.

в логах на нфс сервере следущее

mountd[3097]: refused mount request from for /opt/backup/share (opt/backup/share): illegal port 1116 

причем каждый раз долбится в разные порты, а где в винде ковырять отверткой не пойму…

psю виндовский файрвол отключен полностью

Try creating a private endpoint for the storage account and adding the PEP ip to the hosts file on the endpoint you would like to mount the NFS container to see the steps below.

In your storage account settings go to private endpoint connections click + Private endpoint

Select the appropriate resource group and name the Private endpoint. Click through to the next section

Select blob as the Target sub-resource. Click through to the next section

Select the vnet and subnet associated with the storage account. Select yes to integrate with private DNS zone. Click review and create.

Once the private endpoint has been created you will need to get the ip address that is associated with the Private endpoint nic. Navigate back to the networking pane of the storage account and click back into the Private endpoint connections. Click the newly created Private endpoint.

Click on the nic located next to the network interface field.

The copy the Private IP address.

On your Windows endpoint edit your hosts file this can be done many ways the easiest is to open an admin elevated instance of notepad. Navigate to the hosts file C:WindowsSystem32driversetc enter the Private IP address and address of the storage account as shown below and save.

If the vnet subnet you selected to associate with the private endpoint is not already added to the storage account make sure to do so. The storage container should be able to be mounted as a NFS share in windows.


  1. «Ошибка сети — 53» при попытке смонтировать общий ресурс NFS в клиенте Windows Server 2008
  2. 1 ответ
  3. Windows nfs mount error 53
  4. Вопрос
  5. Windows nfs mount error 53
  6. Answered by:
  7. Question
  8. Can’t mount CentOS NFS share on Windows 10 — “Network Error — 53”
  9. 5 Answers 5
  10. Error 53 mounting NFS share in Windows 10
  11. silverbullettruck2001

«Ошибка сети — 53» при попытке смонтировать общий ресурс NFS в клиенте Windows Server 2008

CentOS | Windows 2008

У меня на сервере CentOS 5.5 работает nfsd. На стороне Windows я использую Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. У меня включена роль сервера «Файловые службы» и включены как Клиент для NFS, так и Сервер для NFS.

Я могу успешно подключиться / смонтировать общий ресурс NOS CentOS из других систем Linux, но у меня возникают ошибки при подключении к нему из Windows. Когда я пытаюсь подключиться, я получаю следующее:

(IP и имя общего ресурса были изменены, чтобы защитить невинных :-))

  • Я проверил низкоуровневое сетевое соединение между клиентом Windows и сервером NFS с помощью telnet (для NFS на TCP / 2049), поэтому я знаю, что порт открыт. Я также подтвердил, что входящие и исходящие порты брандмауэра присутствуют и включены.
  • Я столкнулся с Техническая заметка Microsoft , в которой предлагается изменить« Порядок поставщиков », чтобы« Сеть NFS »была выше других элементов, таких как Сеть Microsoft Windows. Я изменил это и перезапустил клиент NFS — не повезло.
  • Я подтвердил, что общая папка на сервере NFS доступна для чтения / записи всем (777)
  • Я пробовал другие варианты команды монтирования, такие как: mount z: и mount z: и mount -o anon mtype=hard * Не повезло.
  • Что касается вывода команды, я попытался набрать NET HELPMSG 53 , но это мне мало что говорит. Просто «Сетевой путь не найден».

Я заблудился, как приступить к устранению неполадок. Есть идеи?

1 ответ

У меня та же проблема, и я нашел сообщение здесь , в котором говорится:

NFS server has an option of working in insecure mode (Allowing higher incoming port numbers). Windows NFS client often uses higher port numbers. You can enable this option by adding an option to the share Example: /share *(insecure,rw)

You can also try installing Windows services for UNIX package which contains a nfs client. You can try to connect the nfs server using this utility and cross check again. You can download the package from the following link displayLang=en

Я изменил / etc / exports в соответствии с ним (добавив небезопасную опцию), и он работает. Надеюсь, это поможет.

Windows nfs mount error 53


CentOS | Windows 2008

I’ve got a CentOS 5.5 server running nfsd. On the Windows side, I’m running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. I have the «Files Services» server role enabled and both Client for NFS and Server for NFS are on.

I’m able to successfully connect/mount to the CentOS NFS share from other linux systems but am experiencing errors connecting to it from Windows. When I try to connect, I get the following:

(IP and share name have been changed to protect the innocent 🙂 )

  • I’ve verified low-level network connectivity between the Windows client and the NFS server with telnet (to the NFS on TCP/2049) so I know the port is open. I’ve further confirmed that inbound and outbound firewall ports are present and enabled.
  • I came across a Microsoft tech note that suggested changing the «Provider Order» so «NFS Network» is above other items like Microsoft Windows Network. I changed this and restarted the NFS client — no luck.
  • I’ve confirmed that the share folder on the NFS server is readable/writable by all (777)
  • I’ve tried other variations of the mount command like: mount z: and mount z: and mount -o anon mtype=hard \ * No luck.
  • As per the command output, I tried typing NET HELPMSG 53 but that doesn’t tell me much. Just «The network path was not found».

I’m lost on how to proceed with troubleshooting. Any ideas?

Windows nfs mount error 53

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Answered by:


CentOS | Windows 2008

I’ve got a CentOS 5.5 server running nfsd. On the Windows side, I’m running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. I have the «Files Services» server role enabled and both Client for NFS and Server for NFS are on.

I’m able to successfully connect/mount to the CentOS NFS share from other linux systems but am experiencing errors connecting to it from Windows. When I try to connect, I get the following:

(IP and share name have been changed to protect the innocent 🙂 )

  • I’ve verified low-level network connectivity between the Windows client and the NFS server with telnet (to the NFS on TCP/2049) so I know the port is open. I’ve further confirmed that inbound and outbound firewall ports are present and enabled.
  • I came across a Microsoft tech note that suggested changing the «Provider Order» so «NFS Network» is above other items like Microsoft Windows Network. I changed this and restarted the NFS client — no luck.
  • I’ve confirmed that the share folder on the NFS server is readable/writable by all (777)
  • I’ve tried other variations of the mount command like: mount z: and mount z: and mount -o anon mtype=hard \ * No luck.
  • As per the command output, I tried typing NET HELPMSG 53 but that doesn’t tell me much. Just «The network path was not found».

I’m lost on how to proceed with troubleshooting. Any ideas?

I have a CentOS 8 virtual machine ( ) running nfs-server , and I’m trying to mount the share on my Windows 10 Pro x86_64 machine ( ) I have installed the «Services for NFS» Windows feature), but when I run mount \ data N: , I keep getting this error:

Type ‘NET HELPMSG 53’ for more information.

The message for Network Error 53 is «The network path was not found» but I’m not sure what that means.

This is what my /etc/exports looks like on the CentOS machine:

I’ve also tried with the bare-minimum options:

Both the CentOS and Windows 10 machines can ping each other.

I can connect to the NFS server on port 2049

Output of rpcinfo -p localhost run on the NFS machine:

I’ve tried disabling the firewalls on both hosts with no results ( systemctl disable firewalld && iptables —flush on the CentOS machine, and disabling both Windows Defender Firewalls (public and private network firewalls).

5 Answers 5

On the Linux part — make sure your NFS Server Configuration is correct:

  • nfs-utils and nfs-utils-lib should be installed
  • rpcbind, nfs-server, nfs-lock, nfs-idmap should be enabled

rpcbind, nfs-server, nfs-lock, nfs-idmap should be started

Choose the directories you want to share

get the IP address of your Windows 10 NFS client

edit the exports file (etc/exports) and add the user you will use to it: /home/user,sync,root_squash,all_squash,anonuid=1001,anongid=1001) — note: the IDs are the ones obtained previously

restart the service with systemctl restart nfs-server

get the proper ports with rpcinfo -p

add them to the firewall

On the windows part:

  • make sure you installed Client for NFS
  • you now need to match the UID and GID that pulled earlier (1001 in the linux part example) on both the Server and the Client
  • regedit to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftClientForNFSCurrentVersionDefault
  • You will need to make two new DWORD (32-bit) entries by right clicking inside the Default key. They should be named “AnonymousGid” and “AnonymousUid”. They should both have a decimal value matching your user’s GID and UID that you got earlier (1001 in the example)

restart NFS service on the Windows 10 Client side by using :

nfsadmin client HOSTNAME config casesensitive=yes

nfsadmin client HOSTNAME stop

nfsadmin client HOSTNAME start

finally, make your mount: mount -o anon X:


Junior Member

I have been looking for a resolution to this issue, but I haven’t come up with much. I used the guide posted on the following site to setup the NFS client on Windows 10:

I get it all setup, but it never works. I always get a ’53’ error saying that the network path was not found. However it is correct. I have the same NFS share mounted in Ubuntu, and it works fine. It just doesn’t work in Windows. I am not sure what would cause the issue.

Here is my NFS config:

server IP is
NFS Share Path is /mnt/Tower
The only option I have enabled is ‘All Directories’
I have ‘Mapall User’ and ‘Mapall Group’ set to a specific user and group that exists on FreeNAS.

On the Windows machine I have installed the NFS client feature and the uid/gid setup in the registry for the user from FreeNAS for the Anonymous GID/UID setting. I have rebooted multiple times since setting that value.

The command I am using in Windows to map the drive is:

mount -o nolock anon \ X:

No matter what I do I get «Network Error — 53»

I have tried disabling my firewall on my Windows machine and I get the same error.

As I stated at the beginning, the exact same NFS share is able to be mounted from Ubuntu just fine, so I think it has to be something on Windows, but I am not sure what else to try.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Let me know if there is any info that you need to assist with coming up with a fix.

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Hi everyone

If you find yourself with such error when you try to map a network drive in NFS;

Network Error – 53

Type ‘NET HELPMSG 53’ for more information

Please know that some tips exist to diagnose the error.

1- Make sure the NFS client is installed on the Windows 10.

2 – Make sure to use that registry fix if the mapping is on a restricted port;


UseReservedPorts := 0 (or 1) – DWORD32

3 – Make sure to use that registry fix to match the mapping GID/UID;


AnonymousGid := XXXX (usually 1001)

AnonymousUid := XXXX (usually 1001)

4 – In the linux server, make sure the /etc/exports is setting the insecure option.

NFS server has an option of working in insecure mode (Allowing higher incoming port numbers). Windows NFS client often uses higher port numbers. You can enable this option by adding an option to the share
Example: /share *(insecure,rw) ¹

As you can see it’s generic tips and of course disabling each firewall can’t hurt to diagnose 🙂

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