Msgsrv32 windows 98 ошибка

0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 19.11.2011

Сообщений: 16


25.07.2013, 08:42. Показов 4775. Ответов 4

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Привет, помогите решить проблему: есть комп с windows 98. На него были ошибочно установлены драйвера для windows xp, после чего система не стала загружать с ошибкой: программа msgsrv32 вызвала ошибку защиты памяти в модуле setupx.dll по адресу 005:00008549, есть 2 кнопки «пропустить» и «закрыть», на которые одна реакция — синий экран без откликов. Дело именно в несовместимых драйверах, но как теперь откатить систему? в безопасный режим не заходит по той же причине. Есть диск с windows 98, может попробовать восстановить систему, если в 98 есть такая возможность? Спасибо!



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8716 / 3341 / 244

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,601

25.07.2013, 09:08


Попробуйте Ф8, пункт — Step-by-step confirmation


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 19.11.2011

Сообщений: 16

25.07.2013, 09:33



Сообщение от Persk
Посмотреть сообщение

Попробуйте Ф8, пункт — Step-by-step confirmation

компьютером не рядом, как попробую отпишу.
это может помочь только выяснить где проблема, так? т.е. на каком этапе загрузки.



Эксперт Windows

8716 / 3341 / 244

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,601

25.07.2013, 09:52


Сообщение от pma
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на каком этапе загрузки

Ну да, загрузка пошагово будет идти, т.е. на каждом шаге будет запрос ДА или НЕТ




27.07.2013, 23:49


Для 9x?! Смысла? Загрузиться в DOS да посносить нафиг всё это. Потом дочистить win/system.ini если понадобится, во всех других случаях и так заработает.


  1. 27.03.2004, 18:18





    Аватар для Plutonium

    Ошибка программы Msgsrv32

    Каждый второй-третий раз, когда нужно вводить имя пользователя и пароль для входа в комп, появляется такая табличка:
    Программа выполнила недопустимую операцию и будет закрыта.
    Если эта ошибка будет повторяться, обратитесь к разработчику.
    Программа MSGSRV32 вызвала ошибку 10H в модуле DEVCON32.dll
    EAX=80570518 CS=017F EIP=100117D0 EFLGS=00010246
    EBX=BFE817C8 SS=0187 ESP=805704A8 EBP=805704C0
    ECX=10044738 DS=0187 ESI=00B20F60 FS=0D97
    EDX=00000000 ES=0187 EDI=00000048 GS=0DBE
    Далее идут какие-то байты и еще какие-то цифры. Что это и как это исправить? Мне это уже порядком надоело. И вот еще: после того, как я закрываю эту дурацкую табличку, дальше ничего не грузится. Приходится перезапускать компьютер. У меня есть предположение, что что-то с виртуальной памятью. Но я ни черта не разбираюсь в этом, поэтому и прошу помощи. А может быть, это из-за симсов? Они порядком просто так вылетают… даже не знаю, что и думать.

  2. 27.03.2004, 21:31





    Аватар для Del

    Эх..сознавайся оборудование какое-нибудь устанавливала?
    Очень уж на конфликт тянет…

    Подобные проблемы возникают у владельцев devcon32.dll (версии 4.06.650). Можно попробывать заменить этот файл на более раннюю версию, например, на 4.06.642 (либо 4.06.641).
    Можно попробывать вообще его удалить, но… это не всегда помогает… А если была установка оборудования…то есть шанс, что оно может отказаться работать.

    Мне удалось найти только версию

  3. 28.03.2004, 23:43





    Аватар для Del

    Вряд ли дело в Симсах. Можно, конечно, попробывать их удалить. Это абсолютно безопасно. =)
    Но только, если дело не в них (а это процентов 90), то их по новой ставить замучаешься. Так что оставь пока их в покое.

    1. Найди у себя devcon32.dll (через поиск *как это делаеться*)
    2. Щелкаешь по нему правой кнопкой мышки. В появившейся менюшке выбираешь «свойства» => «версия»
    Смотришь версию. Указываешь ее в следующем посте в этой теме. Так же указываешь какой у тебя Windows (98/2000/XP)

    Пока все.

    Вы умудрились пройтись по всем темам. Только вот толку мало. Сплошной флуд. Мое терпение иссякло.
    Вот за это:

    Если ничего не соображаешь — как тогда интересно мы тебе поможем? Ну вы блин даёте…


  4. 29.03.2004, 12:11





    Аватар для Plutonium

    У меня 98 вин! Вот… там такая версия:4.06.650
    И там второй такой же файл есть, тоько весит больше и версия у него другая: 4.06.630

  5. 29.03.2004, 20:54





    Аватар для Del



    Значит тогда так:

    1. скопируй эти файлы куда-нибудь (на всякий случай), ну скажем в «Мои документы»
    2. Удали devcon32.dll (версии 4.06.650)
    3. Пробуем, устранилась ли ошибка


    Если ошибка не устранена…

    1. скачиваешь версию ( по ссылке выше)
    2. Удаляешь у себя обе версии devcon32.dll (4.06.650 и 4.06.630)
    3. На их место пихаешь скаченную

    ВСЕ делать в строго указанной последовательности!!!l

  6. 18.07.2004, 23:02





    Аватар для Eve

  7. 20.07.2004, 02:41




    Группа удаления

    Demonessa Victoria
    Не знаю где лучше создать тему… думаю здесь.
    В общем, у меня такой вопрос: при заходе на какую нибудь инет-страницу (и вот на форуме даже) в отдельном окошке вылетает что-то вроде «во время выполнения произошла ошибка. запустить отладку? строка: такая-то. Определение чего-то там отсутствует». Как ету ерунду убрать, а то на форуме невозможно… на каждой странице вылетает

    Типичный случай подземного стука, требующий индивидуального подхода
    А так, стандартно: проверься на вирусы, пропылесось внутренности компа, смажь кулер…
    Еще попытайся вспомнить: глюки сразу появились или постепенно? добавлялись/убирались ли какие программы или железо?

  8. 20.07.2004, 23:42





    Аватар для Eve

    Цитата Сообщение от RuMoHoR

    Типичный случай подземного стука, требующий индивидуального подхода
    А так, стандартно: проверься на вирусы, пропылесось внутренности компа, смажь кулер…
    Еще попытайся вспомнить: глюки сразу появились или постепенно? добавлялись/убирались ли какие программы или железо?

    я даже покажу как это окошко выглядит…
    нет, вирусов в компе никаких…а фигня такая стала происходить когда я винду переустановила…

    пробовала исправить ОК нажала… ну открывается… там текст….и что делать дальше фиг знает

    [ADDED=Demonessa Victoria]1090352756[/ADDED]

  9. 21.07.2004, 10:15





    Аватар для Nika

    Demonessa Victoria , а если браузер попробовать переустановить?

    Любую замечательную идею можно испортить плохим ее воплощением…

  10. 26.07.2004, 00:38





    Аватар для Eve

    Nika, не знаю, возможно стоит попробовать

  11. 26.07.2004, 01:49





    Аватар для Furious Angel

  12. 01.08.2004, 17:19



    У меня в последнее время стала выходить такая фигня-Когда я включаю комп, после того как все загрузиться, выходит такая ошибка и комп перезагружается. В основоном один раз, но вчера целых 4-5 раз вышло такое. И сегодня регистрировалась на сайте и вдруг эта фигня вылезла. Что мне делать?

  13. 02.08.2004, 05:44




    Lost. Оставшийся в живых

    Аватар для Lolita

    скорее всего это вирус MSBlast

  14. 13.10.2004, 00:53





    Аватар для Jennifer


    При загрузке компа пишет «програма lsass совершила какую-то там ошибку», когда залазю в инет через какое-то время выскакивает табличка как при знаменитом вирусе и комп перезагружается через 60 секунд.

  15. 13.10.2004, 22:34




    Группа удаления


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    Apr 8, 2005

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  • #1

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?)

Recently, I get the following error message during startup on my Win98SE
system: MSGSRV32 caused a segment not present fault in MSGSRV32.EXE at
0001:00000026. I have searched the knowledge bases of Microsoft and various
other tech help sites without success. I have checked problems listed in
various forums without success. I have found some articles on MSGSRV32
problems, but none that are specific to the above error message. I have no
viruses, no malware or spyware on the computer (at least don’t find any with
Norton Antivirus, Spywareblaster, Spybot, Ad-aware, etc.). I operate behind a
hardware router and also have ZoneAlarm on my computer. Also having problems
getting into safe mode since this started. I have replaced MSGSRV32.EXE
several times, and problem seems to go away for a few days, then comes back.
It doesn’t always manifest itself on evey startup. Anyone ever seen this
before or have any ideas on what’s causing this and how to solve it? Thanks
in advance for any help.



  • #2

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?)

At what point during the startup does the error occur. You might try a
Logged boot to see if that shows anything after an unsuccessful boot,
and you should run a Step-by-Step boot to see at what point the failure

Problem with that latter is that I suspect you will incur the error as
often, even, as during normal startups. I say this because it *sounds*
like a hardware issue. MSGSVR32 is just what it sounds like—a message
server, which carries messages from one component to another. Might be a
problem on the sending side, might be a problem on the receiving side.
The error message results from the receiver not being able to process
the message, and, not knowing where the message came from, or why the
receiver can’t handle the message, the system blames the messenger. If a
driver is bad, or if it’s a problem with incompatible software modules,
it will usually be 100% repeatable. But if the issue is hardware which
is subject to intermittent failure for whatever reason, then you will
see this kind of broad effect.

In short, suspect a hardware failure. A Step-by-Step diagnostic might
actually prevent the error if the problem is due to some hardware
component needing more time to warm up than it used to.

Gary S. Terhune
MS MVP Shell/User

«denisdev» <> wrote in message…
> Recently, I get the following error message during startup on my
> system: MSGSRV32 caused a segment not present fault in MSGSRV32.EXE
> 0001:00000026. I have searched the knowledge bases of Microsoft and
> other tech help sites without success. I have checked problems listed
> various forums without success. I have found some articles on MSGSRV32
> problems, but none that are specific to the above error message. I
have no
> viruses, no malware or spyware on the computer (at least don’t find
any with
> Norton Antivirus, Spywareblaster, Spybot, Ad-aware, etc.). I operate
behind a
> hardware router and also have ZoneAlarm on my computer. Also having
> getting into safe mode since this started. I have replaced
> several times, and problem seems to go away for a few days, then
comes back.
> It doesn’t always manifest itself on evey startup. Anyone ever seen
> before or have any ideas on what’s causing this and how to solve it?
> in advance for any help.



  • #3

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?) MSKB
Search «Segment Not Present»; Windows 98; This Product First; Full Text;
All Words; Anytime; produced many, including…

• Error Message When You Start Your Computer: Msgsrv32 Caused Segment
Not Present Fault in Module Setupx.dll
(306618) — When you start your computer, you may receive the following
error message: MSGSRV32 caused segment not present fault in module
SETUPX.DLL You may then be unable to start your computer in either Safe
mode or Normal mode. This behavior can occur if…;en-us;306618

«Invalid Page Fault in Module USER.EXE» Error Message After You Install
a Scanner
(305652) — When you restart your computer after installing a scanner,
you may receive one or more of the following error messages: MPREXE
caused an Invalid Page Fault in module USER.EXE at 0010:000000d7.
MSGSRV32 caused a segment not present fault in module…;en-us;305652

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
should things get worse after this,
«denisdev» <> wrote in message…
| Recently, I get the following error message during startup on my
| system: MSGSRV32 caused a segment not present fault in MSGSRV32.EXE
| 0001:00000026. I have searched the knowledge bases of Microsoft and
| other tech help sites without success. I have checked problems listed
| various forums without success. I have found some articles on MSGSRV32
| problems, but none that are specific to the above error message. I
have no
| viruses, no malware or spyware on the computer (at least don’t find
any with
| Norton Antivirus, Spywareblaster, Spybot, Ad-aware, etc.). I operate
behind a
| hardware router and also have ZoneAlarm on my computer. Also having
| getting into safe mode since this started. I have replaced
| several times, and problem seems to go away for a few days, then
comes back.
| It doesn’t always manifest itself on evey startup. Anyone ever seen
| before or have any ideas on what’s causing this and how to solve it?
| in advance for any help.



  • #4

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?)

«Gary S. Terhune» wrote:

> At what point during the startup does the error occur. You might try a
> Logged boot to see if that shows anything after an unsuccessful boot,
> and you should run a Step-by-Step boot to see at what point the failure
> occurs.

The problem occurs at end of startup just before the desktop should appear —
have blue background and cursor, and then the error message appears. Have to
do Ctrl/Alt/Delete to get out and restart the system. Error is random, and
have not been able to catch it with a logged boot or step-by-step boot.
Logged boot info looks ok without the error occurring. I can boot normally
into Windows 98SE with very infrequent occurrences of the problem. System
seems stable if normal boot goes ok, no problems with applications, Internet
Explorer (although I have gotten an error message a time or 2 that told me
IExplorer encountered an error and had to close, then everything goes on
normally like nothing happened), and no slow-downs of any kind noticed.
AfterI did a Clean Boot and then tried getting into Safe Mode without
success, the Twain driver path for my Epson scanner got messed up and I had
to re-install the driver (that’s the second time in the last week that has
happened — is this a clue?). I have tested RAM as a possible culprit of my
problems, but have found no errors using MemTest after running several hours.
I checked my CMOS settings, looked at the Msdos.sys file (couldn’t see
anything wrong, but not sure what everything should look like either), don’t
have a compressed drive, so no DriveSpace issues. Don’t see anything wrong in
Device Manager either, so don’t know exactly how to pinpoint hardware if
indeed that is the problem.

Biggest problem I’m having now and what’s worrying me most is that I cannot
boot into Safe Mode at all now. It gets to where it should appear, and my
harddrive starts making noises I don’t normally hear, then the cusror freezes
and everything gets quiet. Have to double-click Ctrl/Alt/Delete to get out, I
let it startup again, get a message that «windows did not finish loading on
pervious attempt, use safe mode.» I do so, scandisk starts, then it goes into
Safe Mode. When I move the mouse, a funny clicking noise occurs. Everything
else freezes, can’t do anything, can’t start applications, nothing. I
double-click Ctrl/Alt/Delete and get blue screen with message «System Busy —
system is busy waiting for the Close Program dialog box to be displayed»
which never happens, and at this point have to reset or power off to get out
of it because when I press any key as it says to do, or use Ctrl/Alt/Delete
at this point, I get a message «System is either busy or has become
unstable…», and at that point the only way out is reset or power off,
hitting another key or using Ctrl/Alt/Delete won’t work.

I would like to find a solution to this without having to reinstall Windows
98 because there is a lot of stuff on this computer — it has been virtually
trouble-free for 4.5 years — but I’m not holding my breath. Also, I believe
there could be a hardware problem or incompatability as you suggested, but
don’t know how to tell for sure. The hard drive is a SCSI which you would
expect to last up to 8 years, but you never know, I guess. I added a 4-port
USB buss, and connected a new sandisk reader and new Epson Perfection 4180
Photo scanner to it a couple of months ago, but no problems were apparent
then. Could also have screwed up the registry, as I did a cleanup with
RegClean, EasyCleaner, and Norton System Works 2000 WinDoctor just before all
this started, so could have messed something up — I did try to be selective,
but I also still have a lot to learn with regard to the computer, and even
though I have fixed a lot of problems myself, I’m still no expert by any
means. Probably time to reformat and start over (hours of work I’m not
looking forward to, and not much experience with that either-have only done
it once 3.5 years ago with help), but I’m hoping someone has an idea or 2
before I resort to that. Any help will be very much appreciated — thanks in
advance for any help.



  • #5

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?)

«PCR» wrote:

> Search «Segment Not Present»; Windows 98; This Product First; Full Text;
> All Words; Anytime; produced many, including…
> • Error Message When You Start Your Computer: Msgsrv32 Caused Segment
> Not Present Fault in Module Setupx.dll
> (306618) — When you start your computer, you may receive the following
> error message: MSGSRV32 caused segment not present fault in module
> SETUPX.DLL You may then be unable to start your computer in either Safe
> mode or Normal mode. This behavior can occur if…
> «Invalid Page Fault in Module USER.EXE» Error Message After You Install
> a Scanner
> (305652) — When you restart your computer after installing a scanner,
> you may receive one or more of the following error messages: MPREXE
> caused an Invalid Page Fault in module USER.EXE at 0010:000000d7.
> MSGSRV32 caused a segment not present fault in module…
Thanks for responding — have already been to the 2 references you gave —
neither are applicable although I tried the solutions given anyway to no
avail. I’ve been just about everywhere you can find anything on MSGSRV32, I
think Gary is right in what he says, it is just a symptom of a problem that
is not that apparent — really doesn’t tell you much when you get the message.
I keep restarting with logging and step-by-step in hopes that the problem
will manifest itself and give a clue as to where it is coming from, but my
bigger concern now is what is preventing me from starting up in Safe Mode
while normal mode seems ok except when I get the MSGSRV32 error which is
infrequent and random. I don’t know if the 2 problems (MSGSRV32 and Safe Mode
Problem) are related or not, and having no luck tracing the safe mode problem
at all. Hope some guru out there has seen this and knows what to do short of
reinstalling windows or having to reformat and start fresh. A reinstall
without reformatting might not work if the registry is corrupt.

Thanks again for trying to help.



  • #6

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?)

Sounds like, especially reading what you wrote to Terhune, you have
serious problems & should begin to backup important apps & data. Would
you like a list of my backup apps? How about Glee’s list of low-level
HDD diagnostic apps?

(1) Hold F5 as you boot to go directly to Safe Mode.
(2) Hold CTRL as you boot for the Startup Menu.
(3) Turn on the Startup Menu, at «START button, Run, MSConfig, Advanced
(4) This is about all I could find nearly relevant at MSKB
Search «Safe Mode»; Windows 98; Exact Phrase; Title Only.;en-us;180902&Product=w98
How to Start a Windows 98-Based Computer in Safe Mode
(180902) — This article describes how to start a Windows 98-based
computer in Safe mode.;en-us;195241&Product=w98
Universal Serial Bus Devices Do Not Work in Safe Mode
(195241) — After you attempt to start your computer in safe mode by
holding down the CTRL key, or by using the System Configuration utility
to enable the Startup menu, your computer may not respond to any
keyboard commands, or you may receive the following error…;en-us;196249&Product=w98
Unable to Start Windows 98 in Safe Mode with Network Support
(196249) — When you start Windows 98 by using the «/d:n» switch, for
example, by typing «win /d:n» (without quotation marks), Windows 98 may
appear to start in safe mode with network support, but you may not have
network support or connectivity. Note that you…;en-us;179128&Product=w98
No «Safe Mode with Network Support» Command in Windows 98
(179128) — When you start your computer and view the Windows 98 Startup
menu, the «Safe mode with network support» command may be missing.;en-us;262960&Product=w98
No Windows 98 Safe Mode Option in a Dual Install with Windows 2000
(262960) — When you use a dual-boot system that includes Windows 2000
and Microsoft Windows 98 or Windows 98 Second Edition (SE), there is no
option for accessing Windows 98 Safe mode. When you press F8, Windows
2000 Safe mode is your only option.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
should things get worse after this,
«denisdev» <> wrote in message…
| «PCR» wrote:
| > MSKB
| > Search «Segment Not Present»; Windows 98; This Product First; Full
| > All Words; Anytime; produced many, including…
| >
| > • Error Message When You Start Your Computer: Msgsrv32 Caused
| > Not Present Fault in Module Setupx.dll
| > (306618) — When you start your computer, you may receive the
| > error message: MSGSRV32 caused segment not present fault in module
| > SETUPX.DLL You may then be unable to start your computer in either
| > mode or Normal mode. This behavior can occur if…
| >;en-us;306618
| >
| > «Invalid Page Fault in Module USER.EXE» Error Message After You
| > a Scanner
| > (305652) — When you restart your computer after installing a
| > you may receive one or more of the following error messages: MPREXE
| > caused an Invalid Page Fault in module USER.EXE at 0010:000000d7.
| > MSGSRV32 caused a segment not present fault in module…
| >;en-us;305652
| >
| >
| >
| Thanks for responding — have already been to the 2 references you
gave —
| neither are applicable although I tried the solutions given anyway to
| avail. I’ve been just about everywhere you can find anything on
| think Gary is right in what he says, it is just a symptom of a problem
| is not that apparent — really doesn’t tell you much when you get the
| I keep restarting with logging and step-by-step in hopes that the
| will manifest itself and give a clue as to where it is coming from,
but my
| bigger concern now is what is preventing me from starting up in Safe
| while normal mode seems ok except when I get the MSGSRV32 error which
| infrequent and random. I don’t know if the 2 problems (MSGSRV32 and
Safe Mode
| Problem) are related or not, and having no luck tracing the safe mode
| at all. Hope some guru out there has seen this and knows what to do
short of
| reinstalling windows or having to reformat and start fresh. A
| without reformatting might not work if the registry is corrupt.
| Thanks again for trying to help.

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Have you just installed Win98SE?

During setup, Windows uses older Windows 3.1 versions of Setupx.dll, User.exe, Gdi.exe, and Krnl386.exe that are extracted from  These files are only used for the «safe mode» type of 640 x 480 display DURING setup, but when the computer is then rebooted for the first time into proper Windows, these files are replaced by the correct Windows 98 versions.

Coincidentally, that first reboot would be about the time these files would be getting replaced, which is why I am wondering if this is a post-setup issue.  Incorrect (ie. older) versions of these files in full normal Windows will cause such GPF’s and other errors in Full or Safe Mode after Windows is installed.

I would suggest doing the following, at least just to eliminate this possibility:

1. Boot the computer to a Win98 boot floppy
2. Choose the «With CD-Rom Support» option.
3. Change drive to the CD-Rom’s drive letter (will be one higher, eg. E: if it was D: in Windows) by typing the command:
E: and pressing Enter
4. change directory to the «win98» folder of the CD by typing the command:
cd win98
5. The DOS Prompt should now show E:WIN98>
6. Type the following command:

extract /y precopy2.cabsetupx.dll /L c:windowssystem

7. Remove the boot floppy and power off, then try to reboot.
8. Any errors about the other files mentioned above will confirm my suspicion, and we can provide the names of the *.cab folders on the CD containing them so you can extract them.

It is notable that Windows 98 First Edition extracted the old file versions when the System File Checker was run, or when the Extract command was used with the switch telling it to search all *.cab files, because it found them first in  This was fixed in Win98SE, but could still be a problem in DOS from a Boot Floppy, hence the need to specify

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Article ID: 311362

Article Last Modified on 1/31/2007

  • Microsoft Windows 98 Standard Edition

This article was previously published under Q311362


When you upgrade from Windows 95 to Windows 98, when you restart your computer for the last time during the installation procedure, you may receive the following error message (or a similar error message):

Msgsrv32 has performed an illegal operation. You can choose to ignore it and continue working, or press cancel.

If you click Ignore, the installation seems to finish successfully, but the same error message may be displayed again when you try to shut down your computer.


This issue can occur if a Sound Blaster 16-compatible sound card is installed and either its drivers are out of date or it is a sound card that is no longer supported.


To resolve this issue, use either of the following methods:

  • Obtain and install an updated driver from Creative Labs or from the sound board manufacturer.


  • Replace the sound card with a model that is known to be compatible with Windows 98.

To work around this issue, disable the sound card to stop the error messages. However, when you do so, the computer’s sound is also disabled. To temporarily disable your sound card:

  1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click System.
  3. Click the Device Manager tab, and then click to expand Sound, Video, and Game Controllers.
  4. Click your sound card, and then click Properties.
  5. Click the General tab, and then click to clear the Original Configuration (Current) check box under Device Usage.

If this check box is not displayed, click to select the Disable in this hardware profile check box.

  1. Click OK, click Close, and then restart the computer.

The third-party products that are discussed in this article are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.

Keywords: kb3rdparty kberrmsg kbprb kbsetup KB311362

  • Msedge exe системная ошибка
  • Msedge exe ошибка решение
  • Msedge exe ошибка приложения 0xc0000142
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