Multiple statements found while compiling a single statement python ошибка

I’m in Python 3.3 and I’m only entering these 3 lines:

import sklearn as sk
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

I’m getting this error:

SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

What could I be doing wrong?



mkrieger1's user avatar


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asked Jan 20, 2014 at 5:27

user3213857's user avatar


I had the same problem. This worked for me on mac (and linux):

echo "set enable-bracketed-paste off" >> ~/.inputrc

iman's user avatar


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answered May 30, 2021 at 4:41

Adnan Boz's user avatar

Adnan BozAdnan Boz

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In the shell, you can’t execute more than one statement at a time:

>>> x = 5
y = 6
SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

You need to execute them one by one:

>>> x = 5
>>> y = 6

When you see multiple statements are being declared, that means you’re seeing a script, which will be executed later. But in the interactive interpreter, you can’t do more than one statement at a time.

answered Jan 20, 2014 at 5:42

aIKid's user avatar


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A (partial) practical work-around is to put things into a throw-away function.


x = 1
x += 1

results in

>>> x = 1
x += 1
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    x += 1

SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

However, pasting

def abc():
  x = 1
  x += 1


>>> def abc():
  x = 1
  x += 1
>>> abc()

Of course, this is OK for a quick one-off, won’t work for everything you might want to do, etc. But then, going to ipython / jupyter qtconsole is probably the next simplest option.

answered Jul 21, 2020 at 22:58

Evgeni Sergeev's user avatar

Evgeni SergeevEvgeni Sergeev

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You are using the interactive shell which allows on line at a time. What you can do is put a semi-colon between every line, like this —
import sklearn as sk;import numpy as np;import matplotlib.pyplot as plt.
Or you can create a new file by control+n where you will get the normal idle. Don’t forget to save that file before running. To save — control+s. And then run it from the above menu bar — run > run module.

answered Dec 8, 2021 at 2:46

Jason's user avatar


878 bronze badges

Long-term solution is to just use another GUI for running Python e.g. IDLE or M-x run-python in Emacs.

answered May 27, 2021 at 9:34

Christabella Irwanto's user avatar

The solution I found was to download Idlex and use its IDLE version, which allows multiple lines.

This was originally added to Revision 4 of the question.

Здравствуйте! Я заранее извиняюсь за возможно глупый вопрос по Python’у. Я твёрдый новичок и пока лишь пытаюсь понять логику программирования по гайдам и т.д. Для практики решил написать калькулятор с самым простым кодом. Я писал не только этот простейший проект, но и другие. Я всё равно постоянно встречал эту ошибку после ввода кода… Google не сильно мне помог.
Вот код:

a = float( input("Write the first number: ") )
b = float( input("Write the second number: ") )

what = input("What are you want to do(:, +, -, *)?: ")

if what == "+":
	a + b = c 
	print("Result: " + str(c) )
elif what == "-":
	a - b = c
	print("Result: "  + str(с) )
elif what == ":":
	a / b = c
	print("Result: " + str(c) )
elif what == "*":
	a * b = c 
	print("Result: " + str(c) )

	print("Incorrect operation number. Try again.")


Syntaxerror: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement is a common error and is straightforward to fix. This error is pretty self-explanatory and occurs due to the presence of multiple statements in a code where it can only support a single statement.

This guide will help you find the cause of the error and resolve it.


  • 1 What is SyntaxError?
  • 2 How to fix SyntaxError?
  • 3 What is compiling?
  • 4 What is SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement?
  • 5 Causes for the SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement
  • 6 Solution for SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement Error
    • 6.1 Compile one statement at a time
    • 6.2 Separating statements
    • 6.3 Using the throw-away function
    • 6.4 Using other GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  • 7 FAQ
    • 7.1 What’s the difference between single and multiple statements while compiling?
  • 8 Conclusion
  • 9 References

What is SyntaxError?

While working in Python, facing SyntaxError is common. This error occurs when the source is translated to byte code. It is generally related to minute details while writing the code. The SyntaxError message pops up when you emmit certain symbols or misspell certain functions.

Unlike exception errors, this type of error is easy to resolve after you find the source of the error. Finding the basis of the error takes a few steps, as errors can not be located from the message.

Simply put, you can correct the errors by updating misspelled reserved words, using misused block statements, adding missing required spaces, missing quotes, missing assignment operators, etc.

Sometimes this error may be caused by the invalid function calling or defining or invalid variable declaration, which you can resolve by putting appropriate functions.

What is compiling?

Compiling translates the understandable human code to machine code so that the CPU can directly execute the instructions. In Python, the compile() function is used to convert the source code to a code object which can later be performed by the exec() function.

What is SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement?

The syntaxerror: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement is a SyntaxError that arises when multiple statements are being declared in a script set to be executed. This is because, in an interactive interpreter, compiling more than one statement at a time is not allowed.

Causes for the SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

As mentioned above, this type of error is the presence of multiple statements in a script when the interactive interpreter only allows a single statement and would not proceed with compiling.


k = 2
k += 2

The above code will return you with the syntaxerror: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement error message.

>>> k = 1
k += 1
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    k += 1

SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

Solution for SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement Error

The SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement error can be resolved by simply deleting extra statements and proceeding with only a single statement. This error can be resolved in many ways, such as:

Compile one statement at a time

Instead of trying to compile many statements at once, you can try to compile one statement at a time. This one might seem a long process, but it is undoubtedly a better method to resolve the SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement error.


>>> a = 1
b = 2

This will generate the SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement error. So instead, you can try:

>>>a = 1
>>>b = 2

Separating statements

Another reason for this type of error can be the usage of an interactive shell. This type of shell only allows one statement at a time. So to avoid the SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement error, you can try to use semicolons in between every line.


syntaxerror: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

Apart from this, you can also try to create a new file by control+n and save it before running by. This way, you can find the normal idle.

Using the throw-away function

Another way of resolving the SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement error is to put things into a throw-away function. Here you can use the def abc() function. This will help you in pasting the supplementary statement and compiling it. This method might be a quick solution, but it won’t work every time.


def abc():
k = 1
k += 1

This will work and will return the output without showing the error message.

def abc():
k = 1
k += 1

Using other GUI (Graphical User Interface)

This method is best for a long-term solution. Changing the GUI (Graphical User Interface) for running Python will help to resolve the SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement error in the long term. Here you can use other GUI such as IDLE anycodings_python or M-x run-python in Emacs.


What’s the difference between single and multiple statements while compiling?

When you compile a single statement, you only include a single script and compile it, which does not raise any issue if done correctly. But on the other hand, when you compile multiple statements, you take multiple statements in a single script which may raise the SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement error which you can resolve by using the above solution list.


This article will help you find the cause for the SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement error and will help you with its solution.


  1. GitHub

Also, follow pythonclear/errors to learn more about error handling.

The “SyntaxError: Multiple statements found while compiling a single statement” error is considered a common error in python. Primarily, this error occurs due to the presence of more than one statement in a code where it can only support a single statement.the syntaxerror multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

However, it can be caused by the invalid function calling and defining or by invalid variable declaration, which can be resolved by putting appropriate functions. Let’s understand further!


  • Why Is Syntaxerror: Multiple Statements Found While Compiling a Single Statement Happening?
    • – Executing More Than One Statement at the Same Time
    • – Syntax Error
    • – Not Using Throw-away Function Properly
  • How To Fix Syntaxerror: Multiple Statements Found While Compiling a Single Statement Error Message?
    • – Compile One Statement at a Time
    • – Separating Statements
    • – Using the Throw-away Function
    • – Using Other Graphical User Interface
  • FAQs
    • 1. What Is the Difference Between Single and Multiple Statements In Python Languague?
    • 2. What Is Compiling and How Can It Create an Error In Python?
    • 3. How Do You Write Multiple Statements in Python Without Causing Errors?
  • Conclusion

This “syntaxerror: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement“, is a syntaxerror that occurs when the programmer declares multiple statements in a script set to be executed. This happens because, in an interactive interpreter, compiling more than one statement in a function simultaneously is not allowed.

Some other common reasons behind the occurrence of this error are as follows:

  • Executing more than one statement at the same time.
  • Syntax error.
  • Not using the throw-away function properly.

– Executing More Than One Statement at the Same Time

The error occurs when the programmer executes more than one statement simultaneously in the shell. This is because the user has not made a new entry or separated the two statements using the correct functions.

Moreover, if they are not separated properly, the program cannot accept two statements in one program line. Thus, the output contains errors. Let’s see the below example for a better understanding of this concept.


>>> x = 6

y = 7

SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

– Syntax Error

This error occurs when the programmer has entered the wrong function. Syntax errors in the program can cause multiple-statements errors as well.Syntaxerror Multiple Statements Found While Compiling a Single Statement Solutions Causes

Let’s see the below example:



The above code will return the programmer the error message. Given below is the output of the program:

>>> d = 1

d += 1


File “”, line 1

d += 1



SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement


– Not Using Throw-away Function Properly

Misusing the throw-away function will also cause this error message to occur. This function is suitable for removing the syntaxerror error message, but it can cause the same error if the function is not proper.

Let’s see an example.



After executing this program, the programmer will get an output of:

>>> a = 1

a += 1


File “”, line 1

a += 1



SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling the single statement


How To Fix Syntaxerror: Multiple Statements Found While Compiling a Single Statement Error Message?

The “SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling the single statement error message” can be fixed by updating the misspelled reserved words and using misused block statements in the code editor. Adding missing required spaces, missing quotes and missing assignment operators also does the job.

Usually, it occurs due to the compilation of one statement at the same time. This type of error is easy to fix after finding the source of the error. However, finding the reason behind the error takes a few steps because errors cannot be located from the message. Down below, we have listed some of the most effective methods to fix this issue instantly:

– Compile One Statement at a Time

To get rid of such type of error message, the programmer should not compile many statements at the same time but instead compile one statement at a time. This method seems like a long process, but it is undoubtedly an excellent method to resolve the error message.

Let us take a program as an example to understand the correct way of compiling one statement at the same time.

Wrong Program:

This program is miswritten and will cause the error message to emerge. Therefore, the programmer can try the following method below:

Here, the programmer has made two separate statements instead of one. Thus, the error message will be resolved.

– Separating Statements

Another reason behind this error is because of the usage of an interactive shell. This type of shell only allows the programmer to write one statement at a time. However, the user can write various statements by using the correct separators, which in this case are semicolons.Syntaxerror Multiple Statements Found While Compiling a Single Statement Solutions Fixes

Use semicolons in between every line to separate the statements. Doing so will remove the syntaxerror message as well. Given below is an example to understand this concept:


import sklearn as _sk;

import NumPy as np;

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

However, other than this method, the programmer can also try to create a new file by using “control+n” and save it before running. Saving the newly created file is extremely important. This way, the programmer can find the normal idle.

– Using the Throw-away Function

Another great method to resolve the error message is to put statements into a throw-away function. Here, the programmer can use the def abc() function. This function will help the user paste the supplementary statement and compile it.

This method is a quick solution. However, it will not work every time or in every situation. Below is a program that elaborates on how the throw-away function works. So, look through it carefully.


def abc():

g = 1

g += 1



The program above will work perfectly and will return the output without showing the error message. Here is the output:

def abc():

g = 1

g += 1




– Using Other Graphical User Interface

Using another GUI, also known as Graphical User Interface, is the best and long-term solution to syntaxerror error messages. Changing the GUI for running Python will help to resolve the error message in the long term.

The programmer can opt for other GUI, such as; IDLE anycodings_python or M-x run-python in Emacs. Using these alternative GUI is a fun way to learn more as well as solve the syntaxerror issue by detecting the origin of the error in real time.


1. What Is the Difference Between Single and Multiple Statements In Python Languague?

The difference between both statements while compiling them is that while compiling only one statement, the programmer compiles a single script. This does not create any issues if done correctly. However, compiling various statements, that require more than one statement in a single script will raise the syntaxerror message.

2. What Is Compiling and How Can It Create an Error In Python?

Compiling means translating understandable human code into machine language. This translation occurs so that the CPU can directly execute the instructions. In the Python programming language, the compile() function is used to change the source code to a code object that can be used later by other functions.

However, compiling errors can occur in the output. This error is created because the programmer did not use the functions properly or compiled more than one statement using the wrong syntax.

3. How Do You Write Multiple Statements in Python Without Causing Errors?

In order to write more than one statement in the Python programming language without error, the programmer has to use semicolons. These semicolons (;) are used to separate numerous statements on a single line at the same time. The absence of these semicolons results in an error.


After reading this guide, the reader can identify the various causes and solutions of the SyntaxError message. Now, they will have in-depth knowledge about this topic. Here’s a quick summary to reiterate the learning provided above:

  • SyntaxError occurs while compiling more than one statement in the same line and at the same time.
  • Syntaxerror can be solved by two very easy and common methods. First, use semicolons between every statement. Second, make new statements.
  • The long-term solution to this error message is changing GUI and opting for a new one.

You can now quickly get rid of this error message and continue with your programming.

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The «SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement» error in Python occurs when the compiler encounters multiple statements in a single line. This error usually happens when a programmer tries to put multiple statements in one line, which is not allowed in Python. Instead, each statement should be placed in its own line. The following are some methods to resolve this error and get your code working properly again.

Method 1: Using a semicolon to separate statements

To fix the «SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement» error in Python, you can use a semicolon to separate statements. This can be useful when you have multiple statements on the same line of code. Here are some examples:

x = 10; y = 20
print(x, y)

if x > y: print("x is greater"); x = y
else: print("y is greater"); y = x

for i in range(5): print(i); x += i

def add_numbers(a, b): return a + b; print(add_numbers(5, 10))

In Example 1, we assign values to two variables on the same line, separated by a semicolon. In Example 2, we use a semicolon to separate two statements in an if-else block. In Example 3, we use a semicolon to separate two statements in a for loop. In Example 4, we use a semicolon to separate a return statement and a print statement in a function.

Note that while using a semicolon to separate statements can be useful in some cases, it’s generally not recommended as it can make the code harder to read and understand. It’s usually better to split the statements into separate lines of code.

Method 2: Splitting statements into multiple lines

To fix the «SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement» error in Python, you can split the statement into multiple lines using the backslash character (). Here are some examples:

Example 1: Splitting a long print statement into multiple lines

print("This is a very long string that needs to be printed on multiple lines. "
      "To do this, we can split the statement into multiple lines using the backslash character.")

Example 2: Splitting a long if statement into multiple lines

if (some_condition == True and
    another_condition == False and
    yet_another_condition == True):
    print("All conditions are True")

Example 3: Splitting a long list into multiple lines

my_list = [1, 2, 3,
           4, 5, 6,
           7, 8, 9]

Example 4: Splitting a long dictionary into multiple lines

my_dict = {'key1': 'value1',
           'key2': 'value2',
           'key3': 'value3'}

Example 5: Splitting a long function call into multiple lines

result = my_function(arg1, arg2,
                      arg3, arg4,
                      arg5, arg6)

In all of these examples, the backslash character is used to split the statement into multiple lines. This allows for easier readability and avoids the «SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement» error.

Note: Be careful when splitting statements into multiple lines, as it can affect the code’s logic and readability.

Method 3: Using parentheses to group statements together

To fix the «SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement» in Python, you can use parentheses to group statements together. Here’s an example:

This code will raise the «SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement» error because it contains multiple statements on the same line. To fix this, you can group the statements together using parentheses:

(x, y, z) = (5, 10, x + y)

This code assigns the values 5, 10, and the sum of x and y to the variables x, y, and z, respectively. The statements are grouped together using parentheses, which allows them to be treated as a single statement.

Another example:

if x > 5: print("x is greater than 5"); x += 1

This code will also raise the «SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement» error. To fix this, you can group the statements together using parentheses:

if x > 5: (print("x is greater than 5"), x += 1)

This code groups the print and assignment statements together using parentheses. The statements are executed as a single statement if the condition is true.

In summary, using parentheses to group statements together is a simple and effective way to fix the «SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement» error in Python.

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