My brother likes pe где ошибка

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My brother like fruit pie.

Does you eat a lot of bread?

They do not drink hot milk.

Does your mother reads books?

British people likes tea?

Does you like chocolate?

– Yes, I like.

My friends doesn’t like meat.

They eats only vegetables.

John likes fish and carrots but he doesn’t like onion.

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I.  Напиши недостающие

1 s ___ h___ ____ l

2 ___ rt

3 En ___l____ sh

4 ___le___en

5 t___ ____ nt____

II Выпиши лишнее слово

1. chair- ruler – desk -table

2. fourteen –ten – fifteen — eighteen

3. PE – Russian –rubber — History

4. dog –pencil case- ruler-pen

III. Напиши необходимую
глагола be

1 They ______ in Year 4.

2 She ________ in the garden.

3 We ________   at home.

4 I ___________ nine.

5 This pencil _____ red.

IV. Соотнеси вопросы и ответы:

1 How old is he?

А) It’s a pen.

2 What Year is he in?

В) It’s on the desk.

3 Where is your ruler?

С) It’s History.

4 What’s your favourite

D) He is in Year 5 at school.

5  What’s this?

E) He’s 11.

V. Расставь слова в правильном

1. PE / I/ and / Maths /  like//

2. is / Mike / name / my/.

3. book / your/ please / open/ .

4. seven / we / old/ are / years/.

5. you / are / how?

VI. Найди ошибки и
предложения в правильном варианте:

1. My name are olga Ivanova.

2. He likes geography.

3. What’s are your favourite subject?

4. I am is from London.

VII Напиши письмо Тому о себе, о
школьных предметах, о том, что можешь делать и о своем питомце.




I.  Напиши недостающие

1. S___ i___nce


3. t_____el___e

4. e___ ght___  ___n

5. p___ n c ___l

II Выпиши лишнее слово

1. one- rubber-ten- thirteen

2. cat – dog- ruler- rabbit

3. clap- lamp-stamp-open

4. eyes – book- nose- hair

III. Напиши необходимую
глагола be

1 Larry ______ in Year 4.

2 We________ in the garden.

3 I ________   at home.

4 My sister ___________ nine.

5 These balls _____ blue.

IV. Соотнеси вопросы и ответы:

1 How old is Mary?

А) English.

2 What’s on the table?

В) It’s in my schoolbag.

3 Where is your book?

С) She’s nine.

4 Is this your new schoolbag?

D) A book.

5  What’s your favourite

E) Yes, It is.

V. Расставь слова в

1. read / I / write/ can / and.

2. name / your / what / is/?

3. close / books/ please / your/ .

4. old / he/ how/ is / ?

5. are  / friends / they.

VI. Найди ошибки и
предложения в правильном варианте:

1. My brother likes pe.

2. The children is in the classroom.

3. Wheres is your mum?

4. My sister and i like school.

VII Напиши
Mary о себе,
о школьных предметах, о том, что можешь делать и о своем питомце.


My brother likes fruit pie.
Do you eat a lot of bread?
They do not drink hot milk.
Does your mother read books?
Do British people like tea?
Do you like chocolate? – Yes, I do.
My friends don’t like meat. They eat only vegetables.
John likes fish and carrots but he doesn’t like onions.


My brother likeS fruit pie
Do you eat a lot of bread?
They don’t drink hot milk(тут нет ошибки)
Does your mother read books?
Do you like chocolate? -Yes, I do
My friends don’t like meat. They eat only vegetables
John likes fish and carrot but he doesn’t like onion

Помогите пожалуйста ,как можно быстрее
Нужно исправить ошибки в предложениях
Correct the mistakes

My brother like fruit pie.
Does you eat a lot of bread?
They do not drink hot milk.
Does your mother reads books?
British people likes tea?
Does you like chocolate? – Yes, I like.
My friends doesn’t like meat. They eats only vegetables.
John likes fish and carrots but he doesn’t like onion.


1.6 Нужно ли вставить with?
1 My brother likes to play … me.
2 Ann plays … the piano well.
3 Our baby likes to play … a ball.
4 Daddy likes to play … volley-ball.
5 He plays … his friends in the yard.
6 Little girls like to play … dolls, and little boys like
to play … football.
7 They play … tennis on Sundays. пожалуйста быстрее !!!!!!​

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