My brother likes pe найти ошибку ответы к тесту

Помогите пожалуйста , как можно быстрее

Нужно исправить ошибки в предложениях

Correct the mistakes

My brother like fruit pie.

Does you eat a lot of bread?

They do not drink hot milk.

Does your mother reads books?

British people likes tea?

Does you like chocolate?

– Yes, I like.

My friends doesn’t like meat.

They eats only vegetables.

John likes fish and carrots but he doesn’t like onion.

Если вам необходимо получить ответ на вопрос Помогите пожалуйста , как можно быстрееНужно исправить ошибки в предложенияхCorrect the mistakesMy brother like fruit pie?, относящийся
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Test-1 (Module#1)


I.  Напиши недостающие буквы:

1 s ___ h___ ____ l

2 ___ rt

3 En ___l____ sh

4 ___le___en

5 t___ ____ nt____

II Выпиши лишнее слово

1. chair- ruler – desk -table

2. fourteen –ten – fifteen — eighteen

3. PE – Russian –rubber — History

4. dog –pencil case- ruler-pen

III. Напиши необходимую форму глагола be

1 They ______ in Year 4.

2 She ________ in the garden.

3 We ________   at home.

4 I ___________ nine.

5 This pencil _____ red.

IV. Соотнеси вопросы и ответы:

1 How old is he?

А) It’s a pen.

2 What Year is he in?

В) It’s on the desk.

3 Where is your ruler?

С) It’s History.

4 What’s your favourite subject?

D) He is in Year 5 at school.

5  What’s this?

E) He’s 11.

V. Расставь слова в правильном порядке.

1. PE / I/ and / Maths /  like//

2. is / Mike / name / my/.

3. book / your/ please / open/ .

4. seven / we / old/ are / years/.

5. you / are / how?

VI. Найди ошибки и перепиши предложения в правильном варианте:

1. My name are olga Ivanova.

2. He likes geography.

3. What’s are your favourite subject?

4. I am is from London.

VII Напиши письмо Тому о себе, о школьных предметах, о том, что можешь делать и о своем питомце.


Test-1 (Module#1)


I.  Напиши недостающие буквы:

1. S___ i___nce


3. t_____el___e

4. e___ ght___  ___n

5. p___ n c ___l

II Выпиши лишнее слово

1. one- rubber-ten- thirteen

2. cat – dog- ruler- rabbit

3. clap- lamp-stamp-open

4. eyes – book- nose- hair

III. Напиши необходимую форму глагола be

1 Larry ______ in Year 4.

2 We________ in the garden.

3 I ________   at home.

4 My sister ___________ nine.

5 These balls _____ blue.

IV. Соотнеси вопросы и ответы:

1 How old is Mary?

А) English.

2 What’s on the table?

В) It’s in my schoolbag.

3 Where is your book?

С) She’s nine.

4 Is this your new schoolbag?

D) A book.

5  What’s your favourite subject?

E) Yes, It is.

V. Расставь слова в правильном порядке.

1. read / I / write/ can / and.

2. name / your / what / is/?

3. close / books/ please / your/ .

4. old / he/ how/ is / ?

5. are  / friends / they.

VI. Найди ошибки и перепиши предложения в правильном варианте:

1. My brother likes pe.

2. The children is in the classroom.

3. Where’s is your mum?

4. My sister and i like school.

VII Напиши письмо Mary о себе, о школьных предметах, о том, что можешь делать и о своем питомце.

Spotlight-3.Test-1 (Module 1)


I. Напиши недостающие буквы:

1 s ___ h___ ____ l

2 ___ rt

3 En ___l____ sh

4 ___le___en

5 t___ ____ nt____

II. Выпиши лишнее слово

1. fourteen – ten – fifteen — eighteen

2. PE – Russian – rubber — History

3. Music – pencil case – ruler — pen

III. Напиши необходимую форму глагола to be: am, is, are

1 They ______ in Year 4.

2 She ________ in the garden.

3 We ________ at school.

4 I ___________ nine.

5 The pencil _____ red.

IV. Расставь слова в правильном порядке.

1. PE / I/ and / Maths / like//

2. is / Mike / name / my/.

3. book / your/ please / open/ .

4. seven / we / old/ are / years/.

5. you / are / how?

V. Найди ошибки и перепиши предложения в правильном варианте:

1. My name are olga Ivanova.

2. He likes geography.

3. What’s are your favourite subject?

4. I am is from London.

Spotlight-3.Test-1 (Module 1)


I. Напиши недостающие буквы:

1. S___ i___nce


3. t_____el___e

4. e___ ght___ ___n

5. p___ n c ___l

II Выпиши лишнее слово

1. one – rubber – pencil — pen

2. Art – Geography – ruler — Maths

3. eleven – twenty – sixteen — open

III. Напиши необходимую форму глагола to be: am, is, are

1 Larry ______ in Year 5.

2 We________ in the garden.

3 I ________ at school.

4 My sister ___________ fifteen.

5 The books _____ blue.

IV. Расставь слова в правильном порядке.

1. read / I / write/ can / and.

2. name / your / what / is/?

3. close / books/ please / your/ .

4. old / he/ how/ is / ?

5. are / friends / they.

V. Найди ошибки и перепиши предложения в правильном варианте:

1. My brother likes pe.

2. The children is in the classroom.

3. What’s are your favourite subjects?

4. My sister and i like school.


Test-1 (Module#1)


I.  Напиши недостающие буквы:

1 s ___ h___ ____ l

2 ___ rt

3 En ___l____ sh

4 ___le___en

5 t___ ____ nt____

II Выпиши лишнее слово

1. chair- ruler – desk -table

2. fourteen –ten – fifteen — eighteen

3. PE – Russian –rubber — History

4. dog –pencil case- ruler-pen

III. Напиши необходимую форму глагола be

1 They ______ in Year 4.

2 She ________ in the garden.

3 We ________   at home.

4 I ___________ nine.

5 This pencil _____ red.

IV. Соотнеси вопросы и ответы:

1 How old is he?

А) It’s a pen.

2 What Year is he in?

В) It’s on the desk.

3 Where is your ruler?

С) It’s History.

4 What’s your favourite subject?

D) He is in Year 5 at school.

5  What’s this?

E) He’s 11.

V. Расставь слова в правильном порядке.

1. PE / I/ and / Maths /  like//

2. is / Mike / name / my/.

3. book / your/ please / open/ .

4. seven / we / old/ are / years/.

5. you / are / how?

VI. Найди ошибки и перепиши предложения в правильном варианте:

1. My name are olga Ivanova.

2. He likes geography.

3. What’s are your favourite subject?

4. I am is from London.

VII Напиши письмо Тому о себе, о школьных предметах, о том, что можешь делать и о своем питомце.


Test-1 (Module#1)


I.  Напиши недостающие буквы:

1. S___ i___nce


3. t_____el___e

4. e___ ght___  ___n

5. p___ n c ___l

II Выпиши лишнее слово

1. one- rubber-ten- thirteen

2. cat – dog- ruler- rabbit

3. clap- lamp-stamp-open

4. eyes – book- nose- hair

III. Напиши необходимую форму глагола be

1 Larry ______ in Year 4.

2 We________ in the garden.

3 I ________   at home.

4 My sister ___________ nine.

5 These balls _____ blue.

IV. Соотнеси вопросы и ответы:

1 How old is Mary?

А) English.

2 What’s on the table?

В) It’s in my schoolbag.

3 Where is your book?

С) She’s nine.

4 Is this your new schoolbag?

D) A book.

5  What’s your favourite subject?

E) Yes, It is.

V. Расставь слова в правильном порядке.

1. read / I / write/ can / and.

2. name / your / what / is/?

3. close / books/ please / your/ .

4. old / he/ how/ is / ?

5. are  / friends / they.

VI. Найди ошибки и перепиши предложения в правильном варианте:

1. My brother likes pe.

2. The children is in the classroom.

3. Where’s is your mum?

4. My sister and i like school.

VII Напиши письмо Mary о себе, о школьных предметах, о том, что можешь делать и о своем питомце.


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    1 — 4 классы

    19.03.2022 17:04

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        28). He was drinking a cup of coffee when the telephone rang.
        29). Yesterday we called our friends in Boston to tell them about the reunion that we are planning.
        30). The children were playing outdoors last night when it began to rain very hard.
        31). The homerwork that your teacher assigned is due on Tuesday unless you have made prior arrangements to turn it in late.
        32). Please give me a little coffee and some doughnuts if you have any left.
        33).There are ten children playing in the yard near her house, but your child is not among them.
        34). People respected George Washington because he was an honest man, and he turned out to be one of our greatest military leaders.
        35). He is not driving to the convention in March, and neither are they .
        36). Catherine is studying law at the university, and so is John.
        37). The company has so little money that it can hardly operate any more.
        38). My cousin attends a university in the Midwest, which specializes in astronomy.
        Помогите, пожалуйста, с заданием:
        39). The students were interested in taking a field trip to the National History Museum, but they were not able to raise enough money.
        40). Because they have moved away, they hardly ever go to the beach anymore.
        41). We, students, would rather not attend night classes in the summer, but we often have to.
        42). The policeman ordered the suspect not to remove his hands from the hood of the car.
        43). It was he who came running into the classroom with the news.
        44). My brother does not care how much the car costs because he is going to buy it anyway.
        45). Mary and her sister studied biology last year, and so did Jean.
        46). Pete had already seen that musical before he read the reviews about it.
        47). There is a new Oriental restaurant in town, isn’t there?
        48). The government has decided to vote on the resolution now rather than next month.
        49). The professor is thinking of ging to the conference on aerodynamics next month.
        50). His father does not approve of his ing to the banquet without dressing formally.

          • Предмет:

            Английский язык

          • Автор:


          • Создано:

            3 года назад

          Знаешь ответ? Добавь его сюда!

        • Даю 40 баллов срочно!!!! В 6 решите задачей с рисунком

        • Українська мова

          17 минут назад

          15. Граматично правильними є обидва словосполучення в усіх рядках, ОКРІМ А широкий зал, свiтла зала Б довга путь, легкий путь В соковитий абрикос, смачна абрикоса Г м’язовий спазм, нервова спазма Д пухнатий ворс, блискуча ворса​

        • Математика

          37 минут назад

          Помогите пожалуйста Английский язык 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

        • Українська мова

          57 минут назад

          439.1. Запишіть іменники в родовому відмінку однини та множини. Який суфікс у них з’явився? ЗРАЗОК. Орля — орляти, орлят. Ягня, кача, каченя, дитя, дитинча, курча, оленя, цуце- ня, коліща, плем’я.

        • Помогите пожалуйста срочно! Спасайте! ​


        Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

        Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. The Present Continuous or the Present Simple? 1. Ann … (wear) jeans and trousers, she … (not / wear) dresses. 2. Ann … (wear) a white dress today. 3. Little Tom … (cry). What’s wrong. 4. Little Tom usually … (cry) a lot. 5. She … (draw) a nice doll now. 6. I … (eat) porridge for breakfast. 7. I … (eat) porridge now. 8. The children usually … (play) in the park. 9. The children … (play) in the garden now. 10. He sometimes … (play) in the classroom.

        Получи верный ответ на вопрос 🏆 «Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. The Present Continuous or the Present Simple? 1. Ann … (wear) jeans and trousers, …» по предмету 📕 Английский язык, используя встроенную систему поиска. Наша обширная база готовых ответов поможет тебе получить необходимые сведения!

        Найти готовые ответы

        Главная » ⭐️ Английский язык » Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. The Present Continuous or the Present Simple? 1. Ann … (wear) jeans and trousers, she … (not / wear) dresses. 2. Ann … (wear) a white dress today. 3. Little Tom … (cry). What’s wrong. 4.

        Вариант №1
        1. This is………classroom.
        A. we B. our C. ours
        2. That big grey house is…….
        A. us C. mine
        3. The children……… the garden.
        A. are B. is C. am
        4. My sister…….5 years old.
        A. does B. has C. is.
        5. My ……… is Mike.
        A. friend`s B. friends` C.friend
        6. Give me…….sugar, please.
        A. a B. an C. some
        7. There are……..apples on the plate.
        A. many B. much C. any
        8. We are going to the museum……..the weekend.
        A. on B. in C. for D. at
        9. I`d like to introduce you …… friend.
        A. for B. to C. with D. on
        10. My mother goes to work……..bus.
        A. by B. in C. with D. on
        11. After Tuesday comes……..
        A. Thursday B. Wednesday C. Monday
        12. My uncle has got two children, my………..
        A. brother B. aunt C. cousins D. twins
        13. If the person is 52, we say he is in his ………..fifties.
        A. mid B. early C. no D. late
        14………talk to the driver!
        А. Do B. Don`t C. Doesn’t
        15. Sally………..not like cooking.
        A. do B. don`t C. does
        16. I ……….go to Spain. I’ve got a house there.
        A. never B. often C. rarely
        17. My friends……….doing homework.
        A. hate B. hates C. is hating
        18. Helen is ………….a book now.
        A. read B. reads C. reading
        19. Tony usually………..late.
        A. works B. work C. is working.
        20. My brother and I ………singing very much.
        A. like B. are liking C. likes
        21. We met ten years……
        A. gone B. ago C.

        Автор: Гость




        I.  Напиши недостающие

        1 s ___ h___ ____ l

        2 ___ rt

        3 En ___l____ sh

        4 ___le___en

        5 t___ ____ nt____

        II Выпиши лишнее слово

        1. chair- ruler – desk -table

        2. fourteen –ten – fifteen — eighteen

        3. PE – Russian –rubber — History

        4. dog –pencil case- ruler-pen

        III. Напиши необходимую
        глагола be

        1 They ______ in Year 4.

        2 She ________ in the garden.

        3 We ________   at home.

        4 I ___________ nine.

        5 This pencil _____ red.

        IV. Соотнеси вопросы и ответы:

        1 How old is he?

        А) It’s a pen.

        2 What Year is he in?

        В) It’s on the desk.

        3 Where is your ruler?

        С) It’s History.

        4 What’s your favourite

        D) He is in Year 5 at school.

        5  What’s this?

        E) He’s 11.

        V. Расставь слова в правильном

        1. PE / I/ and / Maths /  like//

        2. is / Mike / name / my/.

        3. book / your/ please / open/ .

        4. seven / we / old/ are / years/.

        5. you / are / how?

        VI. Найди ошибки и
        предложения в правильном варианте:

        1. My name are olga Ivanova.

        2. He likes geography.

        3. What’s are your favourite subject?

        4. I am is from London.

        VII Напиши письмо Тому о себе, о
        школьных предметах, о том, что можешь делать и о своем питомце.




        I.  Напиши недостающие

        1. S___ i___nce


        3. t_____el___e

        4. e___ ght___  ___n

        5. p___ n c ___l

        II Выпиши лишнее слово

        1. one- rubber-ten- thirteen

        2. cat – dog- ruler- rabbit

        3. clap- lamp-stamp-open

        4. eyes – book- nose- hair

        III. Напиши необходимую
        глагола be

        1 Larry ______ in Year 4.

        2 We________ in the garden.

        3 I ________   at home.

        4 My sister ___________ nine.

        5 These balls _____ blue.

        IV. Соотнеси вопросы и ответы:

        1 How old is Mary?

        А) English.

        2 What’s on the table?

        В) It’s in my schoolbag.

        3 Where is your book?

        С) She’s nine.

        4 Is this your new schoolbag?

        D) A book.

        5  What’s your favourite

        E) Yes, It is.

        V. Расставь слова в

        1. read / I / write/ can / and.

        2. name / your / what / is/?

        3. close / books/ please / your/ .

        4. old / he/ how/ is / ?

        5. are  / friends / they.

        VI. Найди ошибки и
        предложения в правильном варианте:

        1. My brother likes pe.

        2. The children is in the classroom.

        3. Wheres is your mum?

        4. My sister and i like school.

        VII Напиши
        Mary о себе,
        о школьных предметах, о том, что можешь делать и о своем питомце.


        My brother likes fruit pie.
        Do you eat a lot of bread?
        They do not drink hot milk.
        Does your mother read books?
        Do British people like tea?
        Do you like chocolate? – Yes, I do.
        My friends don’t like meat. They eat only vegetables.
        John likes fish and carrots but he doesn’t like onions.


        My brother likeS fruit pie
        Do you eat a lot of bread?
        They don’t drink hot milk(тут нет ошибки)
        Does your mother read books?
        Do you like chocolate? -Yes, I do
        My friends don’t like meat. They eat only vegetables
        John likes fish and carrot but he doesn’t like onion

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