My brother must studying well где ошибка

Test 5 класс, 2 четверть

1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. Sam usually ________ to his office by car.

a) goes b) is going

2. Look!Boys __________photos of the deer.

a) make b) are making

3. She _______me at the “Gulliver`s café” every Saturday.

a) meets b) is meeting

4. We never __________ by plane.

a) travel b) are travelling

5. I _________a funny comedy now.

a) watch b) am watching

2. Исправь ошибки в использовании глагола must, где необходимо.

1. My brother must studying well.____________________________________________

2. We mustn’t to talk at the lesson.____________________________________________

3. Yesterday we must come to school on time.___________________________________

4. You must keep your uniform clean.__________________________________________

3. Поставьте верную степень сравнения прилагательных.

1. The USA is (large) than Canada._________________________________

2. It is the (old) tree in our town.___________________________________

3. Kate’s picture is (beautiful) than Mike’s one._______________________

4. Being a policeman is one of the (dangerous) job.____________________

5.The rivers in America are (big) than those in England.________________

4.Вставьте в пропуски подходящие прилагательные: nervous, excited, frightened, bored, sad.

1. He feels ______________when he watches horror films.

2. He feels ______________when he is late (опаздывать) for classes.

3. He feels ______________when he goes shopping.

4. He feels ______________when he gets bad mark (отметка).

5. He feels ______________when he goes to the football match.

5. Переведите слова на русский язык.

pearl- turn left-

wool- go straight ahead-

cotton- go across the street-

jewellery- turn at the traffic lights-

tyres- get off the bus —

Найдите ошибку : she must to study well.

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► Real English — одна разговорная фраза в каждом посте с подробным разбором и примерами (Телеграм — канал)

► Твой Английский – грамматика английского, разбор упражнений с пояснениями, изучение слов и фраз (ЮТУБ канал)

► Если у вас появятся вопросы или предложения, вы можете написать мне в Телеграме — @liza_rfv или в Вконтакте —

Упражнение 2: Past Simple в вопросительных предложениях. Вставьте пропущенные слова в нужной форме.

Упражнение 3: Past Simple в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях

Rick didn’t woke up on the next day. He sleeped all week. When he woke up there was no one around. He came out of his room and go outside. The street looked empty. ‘What happened?’ He asked himself. ‘Where did everyone went ?’ Then he noticed someone around the corner. A woman lay on the ground. She not looked alive. But then she moved.

Они заказали билеты в туристическом бюро.

Я не слушал радио этим утром.

Два британских подростка хотели поехать в Австралию.

Мэри принесла домой неделю назад котенка, и теперь он живет с ней.

Она положила книги на стол и пошла гулять.

Вчера я получил письмо.

Она порезала палец вчера вечером.

Он не знал это стихотворение.

Они не решили, какие салаты готовить.

Том упал с дерева и сломал руку.

Рита дала нам хороший совет.

Нам не повезло в том день.

Позавчера бабушка посадила семь кустов малины.

Та книга была потрясающая.

Во вторник их команда выиграла, а в четверг проиграла.

Алиса выбрала обои для детской комнаты.

Влад прочитал 15 книг прошлым летом.

Он стал нервным.

Хлеб был черствым.

Мы встретили наших соседей в кафе в центре города в прошлые выходные.

Этот врач говорил на шести языках.

Их разговор был странный.

Я не делал уроки вчера.

Сэди не разрешил сыну покупать те жвачки.

Было темно, поэтому я включил свет.

Концерт вчера вечером начался в 7:30 и закончился в 10 часов.

Сегодня хорошая погода, а вчера шел дождь.

Виктор работал в банке с 1997 по 2005.

Нам понравился вчерашний вечер в гостях.

Мы много танцевали.

Билл часто теряет свои ключи. Он потерял ключи в прошлое воскресенье.

Каждое утро мы выходим из дома в 8:30. Сегодня утром мы вышли в 9 часов.

Том всегда ест фрукты на завтрак. Сегодня утром он ел фрукты.

Упражнение 9: Переведите предложения. Глагол to be в Past Simple

Чарли Чаплин был знаменитым киноактером.

В это время в прошлом году я была в Париже.

Вчера Миша был на работе? — Да.

В прошлом году ей было 22, таким образом ей 23 сейчас.

Вы опоздали вчера? — Нет.

Я устала вчера вечером.

Когда я была ребенком, я боялась собак.

Гостиница была очень удобная и недорогая.

Линда вышла замуж, когда ей было 24 года.

Я вам вчера звонила, но вас не было дома. Где вы были?

Банки вчера не открывались, т.к. был праздник.

to be Past Simple упражнения

Упражнение 11. Write in was / were

_________ Jenny at the party?

_________ Lumpy quiet yesterday?

_________ you in Kongo?

_________ your parents in the local gym yesterday?

_________ your friend at school yesterday?

_________ you happy yesterday?

Упражнение 12. Write in was / were

_______ your mum tired yesterday?

_______ you hungry yesterday evening?

_______ it cold yesterday?

_______ your teacher sad yesterday?

_______ your pet hungry yesterday?

Упражнение 13. Write in was / were

The third day _______ Wednesday. The boys _______ in the swimming-pool. Steve _______ the fastest swimmer! On Thursday we _______ at the circus! The bears _______ funny! The fifth day _______ Friday. In the morning we _______ in the zoo.

Упражнение 14. Вставьте глагол to be во времени Past Simple

I _ happy yesterday morning

My brother _ sick two days ago

They _ at the cinema yesterday

He _ at school an hour ago

Kate _ at the children’s camp last month

Упражнение 15. Образуйте вопрос с глаголами was were

(He) in London last year

(It) sunny two hours ago

(Kate and Anna) at the cinema yesterday

(They) tired last night

(The breakfast) delicious last morning

Упражнение 16. Заполните пропуски употребив was (were) в нужной форме

I _ tired last night

He _ in the garden five minutes ago

Children _ very friendly yesterday

It _ very cold yesterday morning

We _ busy last week

Упражнение 17. Образуйте отрицательные предложения с was were

I was at school ten minutes ago

It was very hot last week

They were happy yesterday

She was hungry two hours ago

We were in Paris last year

Упражнение 18. Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени

I _ in London last summer

He _ in his bed ten minutes ago

We _ at the zoo last week

The weather _ good yesterday

My bike _ dirty two days ago

Упражнение 19. Выберете правильный вариант was или were из предложенных

My English (was/were) very well ten years ago

He (was/were) very sad yesterday

I (was/were) in the park two hours ago

They (was/were) best friends two years ago

It (was/were) very hot yesterday afternoon

Упражнение 20. Раскройте скобки, написав глагол TO BE (was/were) в верном спряжении

People at the party (be) very friendly yesterday

My dog (be) in my bad five minutes ago

There (be) a lot of people in the park yesterday

My sister (be) in California last summer

There (be) one kitten in the bushes an hour ago

Упражнение 21. Вставьте пропущенные слова was, were

The party _ wonderful last week

There _ many birds in the sky ten minutes ago

He _ very sad an hour ago

I _ late for school yesterday

My child _ very naughty last year

Упражнение 21. Сделайте из утвердительных предложений отрицательные

I was tired yesterday night

We were busy last week

Peter was at school two hours ago

It was cold yesterday

They were glad to meet each other yesterday morning

Упражнение 22. Закончитепредложения, используя I wasn’t, you weren’t, he wasn’t, she wasn’t, it wasn’t, they weren’t

Were they in Paris last summer? No, _

Was she blonde last year? No, _

Was I tired yesterday? No, _

Was he at home ten minutes ago? No, _

Was it cold yesterday night? No, _

Упражнение 23. Образуйте сокращенную форму местоимения с глаголом to be в Past Simple

I was not

She was not

They were not

You were not

We were not

Упражнение 24. Закончите диалог, используя только глагол to be в нужном спряжении и при необходимости местоимения

_ cold yesterday? Yes, _

Where _ your sister last month? _ at the children’s camp

_ you in Moscow last summer? No, _

Why _ they busy yesterday afternoon? _ at school

_ Anna blonde last year? No, _

Упражнение 25. Расставьте слова в верном порядке, добавив глаголы was / were

yesterday/ he/ tired

we/ last/ at/ month/ museum/ the

garden/ ago/ minutes/ the/ I/ in/ five

yesterday/ glad/ meet/ Mark/ to/ Anna

last/ week/ sunny/ it/ very

Упражнение 26. Составьте предложения из слов плюс глагол to be в корректной форме

five/ she/ fat/ ago/ years

we/ to/ yesterday/ glad/ you / meet

fresh/ fruit/ a/ week/ this/ ago

short/ years/ hair/ her/ two/ ago

Finland/ in/ last/ they/ winter

Past Simple упражнения для детей (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)

Упражнение 27. Напишите to be в прошедшее время

  1. I (am) at work.
  2. She (is) my friend.
  3. They (are) famous actresses.
  4. It (is) a great idea.
  5. My father (is) a painter.
  6. Susan and Jack (are) dancers.
  7. (Are) you a doctor?
  8. We (are) pupils.
  9. He (is) a teacher.
  10. It (is) a good film.

Упражнение 28. Напишите правильные глаголы в прошедшем времени

  1. He (work) as a driver.
  2. My friends (watch) an interesting film yesterday.
  3. The child (cry) because her mother (not paint) a lion.
  4. His sister (call) him last week.
  5. Jack (say) that he (play) tennis.
  6. They (remember) this rule.
  7. He (agree) to our conditions.

Упражнение 29. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Past Simple.

  1. I (to do) morning exercises.
  2. He (to work) at a factory.
  3. She (to sleep) after dinner.
  4. We (to work) part-time.
  5. They (to drink) tea every day.
  6. Mike (to be) a student.
  7. Helen (to have) a car.
  8. You (to be) a good friend.
  9. You (to be) good friends.
  10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything.

Упражнение 30. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

  1. Alice (to have) a sister.
  2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann.
  3. Ann (to be) a student.
  4. She (to get) up at seven o’clock.
  5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
  6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.
  7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
  8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
  9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.
  10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
  11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
  12. She (to speak) English well.
  13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock.
  14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.
  15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.

Упражнение 31. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

  1. My working day (to begin) at six o’clock.
  2. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth.
  3. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.
  4. I (to have) breakfast at seven o’clock.
  5. I (to leave) home at half past seven.
  6. I (to take) a bus to the institute.
  7. It usually (to take) me about fifteen minutes to get there.
  8. Classes (to begin) at eight.
  9. We usually (to have) four classes a day.
  10. I (to have) lunch at about 2 o’clock.

Past Simple упражнения с ответами

Ответы: в конце статьи

Упражнение 32. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Past Simple.

  1. I (to do) morning exercises.
  2. He (to work) at a factory.
  3. She (to sleep) after dinner.
  4. We (to work) part-time.
  5. They (to drink) tea every day.
  6. Mike (to be) a student.
  7. Helen (to have) a car.
  8. You (to be) a good friend.
  9. You (to be) good friends.
  10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything.

Упражнение 33. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

  1. Alice (to have) a sister.
  2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann.
  3. Ann (to be) a student.
  4. She (to get) up at seven o’clock.
  5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
  6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.
  7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
  8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
  9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.
  10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
  11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
  12. She (to speak) English well.
  13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock.
  14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.
  15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.

Упражнение 34. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

  1. My working day (to begin) at six o’clock.
  2. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth.
  3. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.
  4. I (to have) breakfast at seven o’clock.
  5. I (to leave) home at half past seven.
  6. I (to take) a bus to the institute.
  7. It usually (to take) me about fifteen minutes to get there.
  8. Classes (to begin) at eight.
  9. We usually (to have) four classes a day.
  10. I (to have) lunch at about 2 o’clock.

Упражнение 35. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Past Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).

1) They _____ football at the institute. (to play)

2) She _____ emails. (not / to write)

3) ____ you____ English? (to speak)

4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like)

5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have)

6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work)

7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read)

8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water)

9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)

10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)

Упражнение 36. Вставьте глагол “to be” в требуемой форме Past Simple.

  1. I … a student.
  2. My father … not a shop-assistant, he … a scientist.
  3. … your aunt a nurse? — Yes, she … .
  4. … they at home? — No, they … not. They … at school.
  5. … you an engineer? — Yes, I….
  6. … your friend a photographer? No, she … not a photographer, she … a student.
  7. … your brothers at school? — Yes, they … .
  8. … this her watch? — Yes, it … .
  9. Max … an office-worker.
  10. We … late, sorry!

Упражнение 37. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Она была занята. (to be busy)
  2. Я не был занят.
  3. Вы были заняты?
  4. Они были дома? (to be at home)
  5. Его не было дома.
  6. Я не знал.
  7. Они знали?
  8. Она не знала.
  9. Кто знал?
  10. Никто не знал.
  11. Он читал английские книги? (to read English books)
  12. Они никогда не читали. (never / to read)
  13. У неё была квартира? (to have a flat)
  14. У него ничего не было.
  15. Кто это был?

Упражнение 38. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

  1. He (to look) at her for a moment with surprise.
  1. She (not to smile) when she (to see) him.
  1. On the way home she usually (to buy) a slice of honey cake at the baker’s.
  1. The stranger (to climb) into his car and (to drive away), and when he (to notice) later that his speedometer (to indicate) seventy-five, he (to laugh) at himself but (not to slow down).
  1. When he (to arrive) he (to find) the patient to be a small boy of nine years of age.
  1. A quarter of an hour later he (to hear) voices.
  1. A little before nine o’clock I (to descend) to the ground floor.
  1. On the fifteenth of October Andrew (to set out) alone for London.
  1. Clapper (to stare) at the photograph without a change of expression for at least half a minute.
  1. When Eddy (to leave) in the morning he (to take) her photograph with him.
  1. Their children (to clean) the yard and then they (to play) basketball.
  1. They (to wait) for the bus. The bus (to arrive) at 8 o’clock.
  1. Last Monday they (to visit) their friends.
  1. What your neighbours (to do) yesterday?
  1. The little girl (to cry) a little and then (to smile).

Упражнение 39. Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.

  1. The children listened to their mother very attentively.
  1. Peter went home at once.
  1. She did her homework quite correctly.
  1. The children ran to the river to bathe.
  1. The postman knocked at the door.
  1. They looked at me angrily.
  1. We left the house early that morning.
  1. She told him everything at once.
  1. The lesson began at eight o’clock.
  1. They knew nothing about me.

Past Simple Past Continuous упражнения

Упражнение 40. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. She (to cook) yesterday.
  1. She (to cook) at three o’clock yesterday.
  1. She (to cook) from two till four yesterday.
  1. I (not to read) at five o’clock.
  1. I (not to read) when you came in.
  1. What he (to do) when I came?
  1. What he (to do) the whole day yesterday?
  1. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden yesterday.
  1. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden at five o’clock yesterday.
  1. What Pete (to do) when I came to see him?

Упражнение 41. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. When my father (to come) home, I (to have) dinner.
  1. When Alice (to return), I (to listen) to the radio.
  1. When mother (to enter) his room, he (to draw) a picture.
  1. When my sister (to come in), I (to do) my lessons.
  1. When her aunt (to air) the room, she (to catch) cold.
  1. When I (to meet) her, she (to go) to the office.
  1. He (to wash) his face when somebody (to knock) at the door.
  1. The young people (to dance) when I (to come) to the party.
  1. When he (to wash) the dishes, he (to break) a plate.
  1. What they (to do) when you (to see) them?

Упражнение 42. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. Не (not to open) the window before classes yesterday.
  1. I (to hurry) to the library when I (to meet) him.
  1. She (to translate) a lot of articles at the office last week.
  1. We (to smoke) in the room when he (to see) us.
  1. We (to pack) our things when our taxi (to come).
  1. The day before yesterday he (to finish) his work at seven o’clock.
  1. What he (to do) ten years ago? – He (to study) at school.
  1. Yesterday I (to ask) my friend not to ring me.
  1. My father (to write) a very interesting article last month.
  1. She (to come) home at eleven o’clock that’s why she (not to call) you.

Упражнение 43. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. Why you (to be) angry with me yesterday? – I (not to be).
  1. Where you (to be) last night? – We (to be) at the theatre.
  1. When I (to come) to the bus stop, I (to see) a boy who (to play) with a dog.
  1. It (to be) eleven o’clock, when I (to decide) to go to bed.
  1. What time they (to have) dinner yesterday? – They (to have) dinner from seven till eight.
  1. When she (to see) him a year ago she (not to recognize) him.
  1. I (to be) very busy yesterday. I (to prepare) for my exam the whole day.
  1. My brother (to wash) the dishes while I (to sweep) the floor.
  1. Why you (not to see) a doctor yesterday?
  1. It (to rain) heavily when he (to go) out.

Упражнение 44. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.

I (to go) to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday.

They (to go) to the cinema when they met me.

She (to learn) words the whole evening yesterday.

She (to learn) words when mother came home.

He (to work) in the garden yesterday.

He (to work) in the garden from five till eight yesterday.

My sister is fond of read­ing. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday.

The children (to do) their lessons at six o’clock yesterday.

I (not to play) the pi­ano yesterday. I (to write) a letter to my friend.

I (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yester­day. I (to read) a book.

He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework.

When I (to go) to school the day before yester­day, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to eat) an ice-cream.

The baby (to sleep) the whole evening yesterday. She (feel) bad.

What your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday?

Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday?

Упражнение 45. Заполните пропуски в диалоге, используя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

Ann: How ____ your holiday at the seaside?

Ben: Oh, it ____ wonderful, thank you! We ____ a great fun!

Ann: What (you / do)______________there?

Ben: In the mornings, while my parents still (have breakfast) _______, I (play) _____ tennis with my friend Harry. After that, at about 10 o’clock we (swim) _____ in the sea and (play)______ football on the beach.

Ann: Yes, that sounds good! And what (you / do)______ in the afternoons after your lunch?

Ben: After lunch (we / go)______ on some interesting excursions around the place where (we / stay) _______ that week. In the evenings after dinner (we /watch)_______ films on TV or (we / play) ______ chess with my Dad.

Ann: I see, and what (you / do)_______ between 5 pm and dinner time?

Ben: Well, when the weather was nice and warm, my friend and I (have fun)_______ at the seaside. We (swim)________or (play)_________volleyball on the beach.

Ann: Fantastic! Next time I’ll go with you.

Упражнение 46. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

  1. В то время, когда Катя путешествовала по Америке, она узнала, что известная поп-звезда выступает в Лос-Анджелесе.
  2. Я смотрел телевизор в то время, когда случилось это ужасное происшествие.
  3. Когда прозвенел звонок, ученики все еще писали сочинение.
  4. Что Вы делали вчера в пять часов вечера? — Вчера в пять часов вечера я ехал на машине и слушал радио.
  5. Ты видела Сергея и Михаила в воскресенье? — Да, когда я их видела, они играли в волейбол в парке. — Странно, они обычно играют в парке по субботам.

Упражнение 47. Заполните пропуски в диалоге, используя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

Вспомните! Если действия происходят одно за другим, то для их обозначения используется только Past Simple.

  1. ____ you _____ (to wait) for me at 5 p.m.? — Yes, I ____.
  2. They_____ (to finish) their work at 11 o’clock and then ______ (to come) home.
  3. It _____ (to get) dark, so we______(to decide) to return.
  4. While Jack _______ (to translate) the text, we______ (to work) on the project.
  5. A young man (to run) out into the street. He ______(to carry) a cat in his hands.
  6. What______you______(to do) when I ______(to phone) you yesterday?
  7. John______(to listen) to the radio when the batteries ______(to run) out.
  8. The robbers______(to steal) the car and they _____ (to drive) away.
  9. She______(to go) to buy a dress, but a thief _____ (to steal) all her money.
  10. She______ (to slip),______ (to fall) over and______ (to break) her leg.
  11. I ____ a light in your window as I ______ (to go) by.
  12. Yesterday while I ______ (to walk) down Cherry Lane, I ______ (to meet) my friend Thomas.

Упражнение 48. Заполните пропуски, используя while или when.

  1. I was waiting for the school bus … I saw Nathan.
  2. My mum preparing dinner … telephone rang.
  3. Paul and Mary finished their work … Granny was making tea.
  4. The vase fell from the shelf, … I was watching TV.
  5. I was driving along … a dog ran onto the road.
  6. My sister was washing her hair … she was listening to the music.

Упражнение 49. Заполните пропуски глаголами в Past Continuous или Past Simple и переведите предложения.

  1. Peter (stay) at a seaside hotel on holiday when he (meet) his friend.
  2. While I (have) lunch the sun (come) out again.
  3. Who … you (talk to) on the telephone when I came?
  4. While Mary (read) the letter she (notice) many spelling mistakes.
  5. She (go) to bed when suddenly she (see) a mouse.
  6. We (sit) down to dinner when the doorbell (ring).
  7. Mary’s grandfather (hurt) his back while he (dig) in the vegetable garden yesterday.
  8. While he (sleep), the doctor (arrive).
  9. What … she (wear) when you (see) her at the party?
  10. What… she (want) when she (visit) you yesterday?
  11. Somebody (knock) on the front door while I (have) breakfast.
  12. How much money … you (spend) last Christmas?
  13. My father (give) me money and I (spend) it all in one day.
  14. Peter (not/feel) very well, so he (consult) his doctor.
  15. Where …you (live) at this time last year?
  16. Peter (not/look) at me as he (speak).
  17. When the ambulance (arrive), the patient (sleep) like a child.
  18. I (read) when he (call).
  19. They (wait) for the bus when I (see) them.
  20. What …you (do) when you (see) them?

Упражнение 50. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

I ____ (meet) a man in a pub once and he _____ (tell) me this story. A friend of his______ (work) on his car one morning. This friend ______(have) a large dog. Before he _______ (start) work, he ________ (put) the dog in the car and _________ (close) the door. Well, he was under his car, ________ (work) busily, when suddenly he _________ (hear) a mechanical noise, and the car ________ (start) to move forward. He ________ (jump) up, but too late — the car ___________ (roll) slowly down the hill, and the dog __________ (sit) at the wheel as if it _________ (drive). Finally, it ________ (come) to rest in a neighbour’s garden.

Упражнение 51. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

When I ____ (go) shopping, I _____ (see) my friend. I ___ (say) ‘Hello!’ and we____ (start) talking. While we _____ (talk), a car _____ (run into) a man on a bike. When we _______ (see) the accident, I ______ (phone) for an ambulance. While I _______ (wait) for the ambulance, a policeman _______ (arrive). He (ask) us some questions. The ambulance _______ (come), while I ________ (talk) to the policeman. The ambulance _______ (take) the man to hospital and we _______ (go) to a cafe for a cup of coffee. While we ______ (drink) our coffee, we _______ (discuss) about the accident.

Past Simple Present Perfect exercises

Упражнение 52. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1) I (never/go) to Vienna.

2) My great great grandfather (have) five sisters.

3) He (live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.

4) Oh no! I (lose) my wallet!

5) (you/see) Julie today?

6) At the weekend, they (play) football, then they (go) to a restaurant.

7) I (read) six books this week.

8) Amy (live) in Portugal when she was young.

9) She (visit) her grandmother last month.

10) The Vandals (invade) Rome in the year 455.

11) She (live) in seven different countries, so she knows a lot about different cultures.

12) I (go) to the cinema last night.

13) Ow! I (cut) my finger!

14) (you/see) ‘The King’s Speech’?

15) John (never/understand) the present perfect.

16) She (break) her leg the day before her exam.

17) We (see) Oliver yesterday.

18) He (be) here all morning.

19) King Henry the Eighth of England (have) six wives.

Упражнение 53. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1) I (see) three police cars this morning.

2) After he (arrive) home, he (unpack) and (go) to bed early.

3) A: What’s wrong?

B: I (break) a glass.

4) My grandparents only (know) each other for a few months before they (get) married.

5) I (be) in London for three years. I love it here.

6) We (see) Julie last night.

7) He (be) a teacher before he (become) a musician.

8) When the boss (walk) into the room we (know) someone was going to get fired.

9) The children (break) a window in the school last week.

10) He (see) that film last year.

11) Lucy (break) her leg, so she can’t come skiing.

12) Julie (arrive) — come and say hello.

13) They (be) cold when they (arrive) home.

14) Jack (break) his arm when he (fall) off a horse in 1995.

15) I (know) about the problem for months, but I (not/find) a solution yet.

16) A: When (you/arrive)

B: At 10pm last night?

17) She (be) a teacher for ten years, and she still enjoys it.

18) I (not/see) the sea before.

19) How long (you/know) Jill? I know you see her often.

20) A: Hello

B: Hi Mum, it’s me. I just want to say I (arrive) safely and everything is fine.

Упражнение 54. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1) We (go) to the theatre last week.

2) Yesterday I (have) dinner with a friend.

3) I (never taste) champagne.

4) When I (be) a child, I (love) ice-skating.

5) I (not/have) any coffee today — I feel very sleepy!

6) I (not/drink) any coffee yesterday.

7) I (read) all his books — I think he’s a wonderful writer.

8) What (you/do) at the weekend?

9) I (always / love) tea — I drink it every day.

10) What subject (she/study) at university?

11) John (lose) his bus pass — can he borrow some money?

12) How long (you/know) Susie for?

13) He (be) married for ten years (but he got divorced).

14) (you/ever/go) to Central Park in new York?

15) How many books (she/write) so far??

16) He (wash) the dishes, (clean) the living room, and (cook) dinner last night.

17) My great-grandfather never (leave) Scotland.

18) She (come) to London in 1997.

19) She (never / see) snow before.

20) He (be) married for thirty-five years (and he’s still married now).

Упражнение 55. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1) Last night I (lose) my keys — I had to call my flatmate to let me in.

2) I (lose) my keys — can you help me look for them?

3) I (visit) Paris three times.

4) Last year I (visit) Paris.

5) I (know) my great grandmother for a few years — she died when I was eight.

6) I (know) Julie for three years — we still meet once a month.

7) I (play) Hockey since I was a child — I’m pretty good!

8) She (play) hockey at school but she didn’t like it.

9) Sorry, I (miss) the bus — I’m going to be late.

10) I (miss) the bus and then I (miss) the aeroplane as well!

11) Last month I (go) to Scotland.

12) I’m sorry, John isn’t here now. He (go) to the shops.

13) We (finish) this room last week.

14) I (finish) my exams finally — I’m so happy!

15) Yesterday, I (see) all of my friends. It was great.

16) I (see) Julie three times this week.

17) She (live) in London since 1994.

18) She (live) in London when she was a child.

19) I (drink) three cups of coffee today.

20) I (drink) three cups of coffee yesterday.

Past Simple тест

Тест 1. Выберите правильный вариант в Past Simple

Вопрос #1

He ____ his work yesterday, thanks God finally he can take a break and relax.


had finished

was finished

has finished

Вопрос #2

Last year Bill ____ to become a pilot. This year he wants to be a doctor or a writer.

had wanted

has wanted



Вопрос #3

What ____ you do a minute ago? I saw you rummaging about among the pile of my dresses.





Вопрос #4

Last night they _____ about the fire in order to discuss the plans for the future.


have gathered

did gather

will gather

Вопрос #5

We _____ him the day before yesterday, he was very depressed about something.

have seen




Вопрос #6

Her son ____ the window, therefore we must buy the other windowpane.



has broken

had break

Вопрос #7

Where _____ you last week? Did you attend the lectures on history or did you play truant?




have been

Вопрос #8

When _____ they think good to leave for China? Was it in 1999 or in 2000?





Вопрос #9

The other day she _____ on the door just to greet us with her beautiful smile.

had knocked

has knocked

was knocking


Вопрос #10

How long ago _____ you understand the meaning of life?





Вопрос #11

When they ______ , he was baking something delicious.

have returned


were returned


Вопрос #12

We ___ no car and we ____ to go by train in those days (then).


didn’t have


did have

Тест 2. Выберите правильный вариант в Past Simple

  1. My uncle ___ a yacht last week.

A did buy

B bought

C buyed

2 She ___ French when she was at school.

A study

B did study

C studied

3 I ___ the bills last month.

A didn’t pay

B didn’t paid

C payed

4 ___ a new TV program yesterday?

A Watched you

B Did you watch

C Did you watched

5 It was my brother’s birthday on Sunday, so I ___ him a postcard.

A sent

B send

C sended

6 We ___ last night due to the nasty weather.

A didn’t went out

B did go out

C didn’t go out

7 Who ___ the first airplane?

A did invented

B did invent

C invented

8 My grandfather ___ violin very well when he was young.

A can play

B could play

C could played

9 We ___ a lot last year.

A did travel

B travelled

C did travelled

10 When ___ Maria?

A did you last see

B did you last saw

C you last saw

11 We ___ to sell our old house and buy a new one.

A did decide

B did decided

C decided

12 I ___ when I was getting off the bus.

A slipped

B sliped

C did slip

13 How much time ___ in Germany last month?

A did you spend

B did you spent

C did you spended

14 John was so thirsty that he ___ two glasses of water.

A drink

B drank

C drinked

15 It was hot, so I ___ the window.

A did open

B open

C opened

16 Sandra ___ her English exam successfully yesterday.

A passed

B pased

C did pass

17 When ___ your new garage?

A did you built

B did you build

C you built

18 The film was boring. I ___ it.

A enjoy

B didn’t enjoyed

C didn’t enjoy

19 Nobody ___ while we were having dinner.

A didn’t phone

B phoned

C did phone

20 We ___ a nice time at seaside last summer.

A had

B did have

C haved

21 My dad ___ when he was little.

A didn’t smoked

B not smoked

C didn’t smoke

22 ___ any museums when you were in England?

A Visited you

B Did you visited

C Did you visit

23 Rosa was sleeping when somebody ___ on the door.

A did knock

B knocked

C did knocked

24 My mother was very tired, so she ___ to bed early last night.

A went

B go

C did go

25 He never ___ long distances when he was a child.

A runned

B ran

C didn’t run


Упражнения на Past Simple с ответами и переводом

Упражнения на отработку глагола to be. Exercises verb to be

Тест на Past Simple

Правильные ответы:

Упражнение 32. 1 — did, 2 — worked, 3 — slept, 4 — worked, 5 — drank, 6 — was, 7 — had, 8 — were, 9 — were, 10 – was.

Упражнение 33. 1 — had, 2 — was, 3 — was, 4 — got, 5 — went, 6 — was, 7 – did, 8 — had, 9 — went, 10 — took, 11 — took, 12 — spoke, 13 — called, 14 — took, 15 – went.

Упражнение 34. 1 — began, 2 — got, switched, brushed, 3 — took, 4 — had, 5 — left, 6 — took, 7 — took, 8 — began, 9 — had, 10 — had.

Упражнение 35. 1 — played, 2 – did not (=didn’t) write , 3 – Did (you) speak, 4 – did not (=didn’t) like, 5 – Did (Ann) have, 6 — worked, 7 – could not (=couldn’t) read, 8 – Did (they) water, 9 – did not (=didn’t) ride, 10 – Did (Elizabeth) drink.

Упражнение 36. 1 — was, 2 – was, was, 3 – Was, was, 4 – Were, were, were, 5 – Were, was, 6 – Was, was, was, 7 – Were, were, 8 – was, was, 9 — was, 10 — were.

Упражнение 37. 1 – She was busy, 2 – I was not busy, 3 – Were you busy?, 4 – Were they at home?, 5 – He was not at home, 6 – I didn’t know, 7 – Did they know?, 8 – She didn’t know, 9 – Who knew?, 10 – No one (=nobody) knew, 11 – Did he read English books?, 12 – They never read, 13 – Did she have a flat?, 14 – He didn’t have anything (=He had nothing), 15 – Who was it?

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.
  1. looked
  1. did not (=didn’t) smile; saw
  1. bought
  1. climbed; drove away; noticed; indicated; laughed; did not (=didn’t) slow down
  1. arrived; found
  1. heard
  1. went down
  1. set out
  1. stared
  1. left; took
  1. cleaned; played
  1. waited; arrived
  1. visited
  1. What did your neighbours do yesterday?
  1. cried; smiled
  1. Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.
  1. Did the children listen … ? The children did not (=didn’t) listen …
  1. Did Peter go home … ? Peter did not go home …
  1. Did she do her homework … ? She did not (=didn’t) do her homework …
  1. Did the children run … ? The children did not (=didn’t) run …
  1. Did the postman knock … ? The postman did not (=didn’t) knock …
  1. Did the look at me angrily? They did not (=didn’t) look at me angrily.
  1. Did we leave the house … ? We did not (=didn’t) leave the house …
  1. Did she tell him … ? She did not (=didn’t) tell him …
  1. Did the lesson begin … ? The lesson did not (=didn’t) begin …
  1. Did they know anything about me? They did not (=didn’t) know anything about me.

Английский язык,

вопрос задал volkovskiy18101981,

5 лет назад

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Ответил lodiko2



1. can

2. May

3. should not

4. can

5. should

6. could

7. must

8. Can

9. can

10. should


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3 месяца назад


3 месяца назад

Назовите какие международные организации существуют в современном мире?​

5 лет назад


Английский язык,
5 лет назад

Сделайте пожалуйста ​…

6 лет назад

Сочинение на тему «Как раскрывается темя детства в рассказе Гуттаперчевый мальчик?» Не пересказ. Около 15 предложений.

6 лет назад

Представьте данное число в виде степени какого либо числа с показателем отличным от 1
1.44 дробь четыре 49


Модальные глаголы — это глаголы, которые не используются самостоятельно; они выражают отношение говорящего к какому-либо действию или состоянию. Говорящий может оценивать действие как возможное, необходимое, разрешенное, запрещенное, приказываемое и т.п. Модальные глаголы часто используются в английском языке для выражения обязательства, долга, необходимости, разрешения, запрета, возможности, способности/неспособности, для выражения критического замечания, предложения или для того, чтобы дать совет.

К модальным глаголам относятся can/could (уметь, быть в состоянии/мог, умел), may/might (может/мог (используется для выражения вероятности или разрешения)), must/have to (должен («категоричный» глагол)/должен в связи с какими-то обстоятельствами), ought to (следует, нужно), shall/should (для предложения совместного действия, предложение услуги,совет), will/would (намерения, желания, обещания). Could, would, might — это формы глаголов в прошлом времени.

Насколько хорошо Вы знакомы с английскими модальными глаголами, проверим на упражнениях.


  • 1 Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  • 2 Exercise 2. Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках.
  • 3 Exercise 3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.
  • 4 Exercise 4. Дополните предложения, используя модальные глаголы и слова в скобках (как в примере).
  • 5 Exercise 5. Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам.
  • 6 Exercise 6. Дополните шутки глаголами can или can’t.
  • 7 Exercise 7. Дополните предложения must или have to.
  • 8 Exercise 8. Дополните предложения глаголом have to в правильной форме (утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной) и времени (настоящее, прошедшее или будущее).
  • 9 Exercise 9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  • 10 Exercise 10. Перепишите предложения, используя may/might, must, can’t, could как в примере.
  • 11 Exercise 11. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  • 12 Exercise 12. Переведите на английский язык.
  • 13 Exercise 13. Переведите на английский язык.

Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. You can/could buy the present yesterday.
  2. 2. I think we could/will be able to buy the tickets beforehand.
  3. Eddy must/had to return me this book yesterday.
  4. The students must/mustn’t make a noise in the classroom.
  5. The children may/will be allowed to play in the park today.
  6. My mother may not/won’t allow me to take her camera.
  7. Your cousin can/may play guitar very well.
  8. All the students had to/will have to pass the exams at the end of the year.
  9. Last year Ben could/couldn’t speak English, but now he can/can’t speak English rather well.
  10. I think they can/will be able to take part in this festival next year.

Answers: 1. could 2. will be able to 3. had to 4. mustn’t 5. may 6. won’t allow 7. can 8. will have to 9. couldn’t, can 10. will be able to.

Exercise 2. Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках.


  1. Jane…play the violin a year ago, but now she … play well. She…play at the concert in two month. (can, could, be able to)
  2. You … watch this film yesterday. I…you to go for a walk when you finish your homework. Your friend…visit you today. (may, might, will allow)
  3. Oscar…take an aspirin an hour ago. He…go to bed right now. He…visit the doctor in three days. (must, had to, will have to)
  4. My friend…speak French very well. He…speak French when he was twelve. I think he…go to university in France in his future. (can, could, will be able to)
  5. We…clean the flat now. We…clean the flat yesterday, but we had a lot of homework to do. We…go shopping tomorrow evening. (had to, must, will be able to)
  6. Tony and Den…go to the cinema yesterday. If they have already had dinner, they…play computer games. Their parents…the boys to go to the river next Saturday. (may, might, will allow)

Answers: 1. could, can, will be able to 2. might, will allow, may 3. had to, must, will have to 4. can, could, will be able to 5. must, had to, will be able to 6. might, may, will allow.

Exercise 3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.


  1. Henry can play volleyball very well.
  2. We could help you with house chores yesterday.
  3. Dolly must look after her little cousin.
  4. They may go fishing with Bob.
  5. Alex could return me this disc yesterday.
  6. He may give you sweets after dinner.
  7. Mary must translate this text.
  8. I can make a cup of tea for them.
  9. You must take care of your sister.
  10. The doctor can examine you.
  11. Nick could ski last winter.

Answers: 1. Henry can’t play volleyball very well. Can Henry play volleyball very well? 2. We couldn’t help you with house chores yesterday. Could we help you with house chores yesterday? 3. Dolly mustn’t look after her little cousin. Must Dolly look after her little cousin? 4. They may not go fishing with Bob. May they go fishing with Bob? 5. Alex couldn’t return me this disc yesterday. Could Alex return me this disc yesterday? 6. He may not give you sweets after dinner. May he give you sweets after dinner? 7. Mary mustn’t translate this text. Must Mary translate this text? 8. I can’t make a cup of tea for them. Can I make a cup of tea for them? 9. You mustn’t take care of your sister. Must you take care of your sister? 10. The doctor can’t examine you. Can the doctor examine you? 11. Nick couldn’t ski last winter. Could Nick ski last winter?

Exercise 4. Дополните предложения, используя модальные глаголы и слова в скобках (как в примере).

Ron can play football but (to play basketball ) — Ron can play football but he can’t play basketball.

Sue must learn the poem but (to write an essay ?) — Sue must learn the poem but must she write an essay?


  1. Jack and Paul may ride bikes but (to ride fast -).
  2. Amy could skate last year but (to ski ?).
  3. You may watch the cartoon but (to watch the film -).
  4. I must paint the roof but (to paint the fence ?).
  5. Eric can read in French but (to speak French ?).
  6. Children must eat fruit but (to eat many sweets -).
  7. At the age of two Betty could walk but (to speak -).
  8. You may take my car but (drive without a licence -).

Answers: 1. Jack and Paul may ride bikes but they may not ride fast. 2. …could she ski? 3. …you may not watch the film. 4. must I paint the fence? 5. …can he speak French? 6. … they mustn’t eat many sweets. 7. … she couldn’t speak. 8. … you may not drive without a licence.

Exercise 5. Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам.


  1. The boys can swim in the lake in summer.
  2. We must buy a present for our mother.
  3. Pam may listen to music in her room.
  4. They could ski in the mountains in winter.

Answers: 1. Who can swim in the lake in summer? What can the boys do in summer? Where can the boys swim in summer? When can the boys swim in the lake? 2. Who must buy a present for our mother? What must we do for our mother? What must we buy for our mother? Whom must we buy a present for? 3. Who may listen to music in her room? What may Pam do in her room? What may Pam listen to in her room? In whose room may Pam listen to music? Where may Pam listen to music? 4. Who could ski in the mountains in winter?  What could they do in winter? Where could they ski in winter? When could they ski in the mountains?

Exercise 6. Дополните шутки глаголами can или can’t.


1.B:  …a kangaroo jump higher than the Eiffel Tower?

А: Yes, because the Eiffel Tower … jump!

2. А: Meet my newborn brother.

B: I don’t know. I … understand a wprd he says.

3. Teacher: How … we get some clean water?

Student: Bring the water from the river and wash it.

Answers: 1. can, can’t 2. can’t 3. can.

Exercise 7. Дополните предложения must или have to.


  1. I am very tired. I … go to bed earlier today.
  2. My parents think I … go to bed early to have a good sleep.
  3. I … buy bread. My mother asked me about it.
  4. I have got a terrible headache. I … take an aspirin.
  5. My teacher says I … pay more attention to my pronunciation.
  6. We have nothing to eat. We … go shopping.
  7. Paul’s coach says he … exercise more to get good results at the competition.
  8. Vicky’s room is in mess. She … tidy it.
  9. The weather is so wonderful today! We … go out for a picnic.
  10. Jane’s boss thinks she … speak to the clients more politely.

Answers: 1. must 2. have to 3. have to 4. must 5. have to 6. must 7. has to 8. must 9. must 10. has to.

Exercise 8. Дополните предложения глаголом have to в правильной форме (утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной) и времени (настоящее, прошедшее или будущее).


  1. Sam has got a toothache so he … visit his dentist today.
  2. … we … prepare all the documents yesterday? — No, you … .
  3. It is my day off tomorrow so I … go to the office.
  4. It was raining yesterday so Frank … take his umbrella.
  5. Sally has recovered so now she … stay in bed any more.
  6. Sheila and Marion can’t come to our party because they … study for the test tonight.
  7. … you … type all these letters today? — Yes, I … .
  8. My aunt arrives tomorrow so I … meet her at the railay station.
  9. It was very warm yesterday and Jessie … put on her warm sweater.
  10. … Clara … fill in this report right now? — No, she… .
  11. Let’s go shopping now so that we … do it tomorrow.
  12. … Mike … book a hotel room yesterday? — Yes, he… .

Answers: 1. has to 2. Did we have to, didn’t 3. won’t have to 4. had to 5. doesn’t have to 6. can’t, have to 7. have to, do. 8. will have to 9. didn’t have to

10. Does Clara have to, doesn’t 11. won’t have to 12. Did Mike have to, did.

Exercise 9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


  1. My little brother can/could count when he was six.
  2. I will be able to/was able to send the invitations tomorrow.
  3. We can/could order a taxi right now.
  4. She won’t be able to/wasn’t able to understand the rule because she had a headache.
  5. Alan could/was able to win the competition because his leg didn’t hurt.
  6. I’m afraid Sue can’t/won’t be able to take you to the exhibition because she’ll be very busy next Friday.
  7. It eas snowing hard and we can’t/weren’t able to drive fast.
  8. Olga can’t/couldn’t say a word in English two years ago but now she can/could speak English fluently.

Answers: 1. could 2. will be able 3. can 4. wasn’t able to 5. was able to 6. won’t be able to 7. weren’t able to 8. couldn’t, can.

Exercise 10. Перепишите предложения, используя may/might, must, can’t, could как в примере.

I don’t think this film is interesting.

This film  can’t be interesting.


  1. She usually phones me. I think she will phone me today.
  2. I don’t know if we meet our cousins.
  3. I hope your little brother is near the sandpit.
  4. I don’t think the plane arrives on time in such bad weather.
  5. I’m not sure if our teacher is still at school.
  6. Perhaps your parents will give you some good advice.
  7. It’s quite possible that Nick will buy the cake.
  8. It’s certain that they are of the same age.
  9. I don’t think that the situation is so bad.

Answers: 1. He must phone me today. 2. We may/might meet our cousins. 3. Your little brother could be near the sandpit. 4. The plane can’t arrive on time in such bad weather. 5. Our teacher can’t still be at school.  6. Your parents could/may/might give you some good advice. 7. Nick may/might buy the cake. 8. They must be of the same age. 9. The situation can’t be so bad.

Exercise 11. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


  1. Can/could you buy a newspaper for me, please?
  2. I shall/will give you my umbrella if you don’t mind.
  3. Would/could you like a ham sandwich?
  4. Can/could you phone me in the evening?
  5. Shall/will we go to the concert tonight?
  6. Can/would you like to try this jumper on?
  7. Wait a minute! I shall/will write you my address.
  8. Shall/will we have lunch in a cafe?
  9. Shall/will you leave a message for me?
  10. Can/could he show me the cheque?

Answers: 1. could 2. will 3. would 4. can 5. shall 6. would 7. will 8. shall 9. will 10. can.

Exercise 12. Переведите на английский язык.


  1. Наши соседи должны быть сейчас на работе.
  2. Мы опаздываем. Наш учитель может рассердиться.
  3. Это не может быть ее номер телефона. Она недавно сменила номер.
  4. Мой брат может забыть о встрече.
  5. Ты можешь думать, что этот вопрос не такой уж и важный.
  6. Она не может быть удивленной. Она знала об этом и раньше.
  7. Твои одноклассники могут иметь и другие задания.
  8. Этот журнал должен быть у твоего брата. Я давал его ему неделю назад.
  9. Эти девушки могут быть сестрами.
  10. Я думаю, может пойти дождь.

Answers: 1. Our neighbours must be at work now. 2. We are late. Our teacher may get angry. 3. This can’t be her phone number. She has recently changed her number. 4. My brother may/might forget about the meeting. 5. You may/might think that this question isn’t so important. 6. She can’t be surprised. She knew about it beforehand. 7. Your classmates could have other tasks. 8. Your brother must have this magazine. I gave it to him a week ago. 9. These girls may/might be sisters. I think it may/might rain.

Exercise 13. Переведите на английский язык.


  1. Ты можешь пользоваться компьютером, если у тебя есть работа.
  2. Ты не можешь смотреть телевизор. Ты еще не сделал уроки.
  3. Ученикам не позволяется пользоваться калькулятором на уроках математики.
  4. Можно мне взять ваш чемодан?
  5. Можно мне одолжить вашу машину, пожалуйста?
  6. Он не может оставаться с нами.
  7. Здесь не позволяется оставлять машину.
  8. Он может присоединиться к нам, если хочет.
  9. Можно мне посмотреть на ваши расчеты, пожалуйста? — Да, конечно.
  10. Можно мне яблоко? — Сначала тебе следует помыть руки, а потом ты можешь взять яблоко.

Answers: 1. You may use the computer if you have any work. 2. You can’t watch TV. You haven’t done the homework yet. 3. Students can’t use calculators at the Math lessons. 4. Can I take your suitcase? 5. Could I borrow your car, please? 6. He can’t stand with us. 7. You mustn’t leave a car here. 8. He may join us if he wants. 9. Could/Might I look at yourcalculations, please? — Of course, you can. 10. Can I have an apple? — First you should wash your hands and then you can have an apple.




  1. Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.

Модальные глаголы в английском языке (Modal verbs)

Модальные глаголы в английском языке. Упражнения для продолжающих

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