My travel from berlin to london took fifteen hours ошибка


a 1.6 Listen to the conversation. Match 1–3 with a–c to make true sentences.




goes to a club every week.




is friends with the people he lives with.




meets people in a café every week.

b 1.6 Listen to the conversation again and tick ( ) the best endings for the sentences.

1The radio programme is about …

a starting university.

b moving to a new city.

c how people make friends.

2Richard doesn’t …

a usually go to bars.

b like making friends with new people.

c fi nd it diffi cult to meet people at university.

3Richard likes …

a going to parties with his friends.

b people who like similar things to him. c the countryside near where he lives.

4Sophia is interested in …

a making friends with people studying Drama. b joining a club.

c meeting lots of different people.

5Peter doesn’t …

a use the Internet to meet people. b like the people he lives with.

c usually go out in the evenings.

6Which of the sentences is true about the students?

a The university is helping all the students to make friends.

b The students are making friends in different ways.

cWrite questions and answers about what you do in your free time and who you spend it with.

Think about these questions:

Where do you spend your free time?

What do you do and how often?

Who do you spend your free time with?

Review and extension


Correct the sentences.

1Where you went on holiday last year?

Where did you go on holiday last year?

2At the moment, she works in the café by the station.

3Why you missed the bus?

4I can’t talk to you now because I do my homework.

5What kind of music you usually listen to?

6They waiting for the bus to London.


Correct the sentences.

1The new Iron Man fi lm is amaizing!

The new Iron Man fi lm is amazing!

2We very enjoyed the fi lm last night.

3We had a lovly time at the party last night.

4I think our History lessons are so borring.

5I think that man’s a bit extrange. Look, he’s talking to himself.

6New York’s allright, but I prefer living in London, actually.


Match 1–8 with a–h to make sentences.

1e We can go for a walk in the park

2 What was the party

3 What gorgeous weather! It looks

4 The boy in the white T-shirt looks

5 He loves fi lms with superheroes, you know,

6 I absolutely love this singer. She sounds

7 I want to buy a computer

8 Thanks for your email. It sounds

alike the perfect day for the beach.

blike this one. How much is it?

clike Philip. They’ve got the same smile.

dlike you’re having a great holiday.

eif you like.

flike Katy Perry.

glike Batman or Spider-Man.

hlike last night?


Look again at Review your progress on p.1600 of the Student’s Book. How well can you do these things now?

3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well


astalk andboutanswwherepersonalI’m fromquestions

talk about howpeopleI communicateI know

greetask forpeopleand giveandinformationend conversations

write anpersonalonline profileemail..


2AWehad anadventure

1 GRAMMAR Past simple

aTick ( ) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences.

1 The train not arrived until 22:30, so we got home around midnight.

The train didn’t arrive until 22:30, so we got home

around midnight.

2 I slept very badly on the plane, so I feeled very tired the next day.

3 Did you took the train from New York to Washington?

4 We fl ew from London to Manchester because it was really cheap.

5 They spended two nights in a hotel and then they stayed at a friend’s house for three days.

6 I didn’t enjoyed my trip to Scotland because the weather wasn’t very good.

7 When I got back to my hotel, I found a message from my sister.

8 We unpacked our suitcases and ate dinner in the hotel restaurant. It cost 100 euros!

bComplete the exchanges with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.



How was

(be) your fl ight?


Fine, thanks, but I

(not sleep) because

the seats

(not be) comfortable.




(you, do) last summer?



(not have) much money, so we

(decide) to stay in the UK.


a Match 1–8 with a–h to make sentences.

1d We decided to go to China on holiday, so we had to get

2 I’m really bored. Why don’t we do

3 James decided to go away

4 Going to the Olympics is great, but you need to book

5 It’s a good idea to buy

6 Come on! Let’s unpack

7 My daughter didn’t have much money so she stayed

8 On the day you leave, you need to check out of

ato Scotland for the weekend.

bour bags and go out for lunch.

cin hostels when she went travelling for a year.

da visa from the embassy.

esome sightseeing this afternoon?

fyour accommodation before you go.

gyour hotel by 11 o’clock.

hsouvenirs here – they’re very expensive at the airport.

b Write the names of the holiday items under the pictures.




3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings

aTick ( ) the verbs that have an extra syllable when we add ed.




(Ben, go) on holiday last year?



(go) to Canada.



(you, bring) back any souvenirs from



Yes, I

. (do) I

(buy) some

Blue Mountain coffee.



(you, meet) your French friends when

you were in Paris?


Yes, we

. (do) We


them for dinner one evening.



(you, visit) your cousins in Los Angeles?


No, we

(not have) time.


+ —ed

Extra syllable?






















2.1 Listen and check.


2BEveryonewaswaiting for me

1 VOCABULARY Travel collocations

aComplete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.


take off

get to change give land

set off


hitchhike travel around

When I was a student, my best friend and I 1 travelled around Europe for a month. We didn’t want to travel by train, so we

2 . Once, a lorry driver 3 us a lift from Paris to Cannes – over 900 kilometres!

She 4

from her house at six o’clock in the

morning. However, she 5

the 06:30 train

because there was a traffi c jam in the town centre.

Our plane 6

from Beijing 45 minutes late,

but we 7

in Sydney ten minutes early!

Our journey from London to Glasgow was terrible! We


our train in London at two o’clock, but

then we 9

trains in Birmingham and also in

Manchester. In the end, we 10

Glasgow just

after midnight!

b Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1A Why was there a big strike / traffi c jam / lift on the motorway this morning?

B Because there was a crash / strike / queue between two cars at 7:30.

2A Why did you lose / miss / delay your train?

B Well, my friend was driving us to the station, but her GPS wasn’t working, so we set off / broke down / got lost. In the end, we bought a map!

3A Why were there traffi c jams / long delays / long queues to all the fl ights from Heathrow Airport today?

BBecause there was a pilots’ strike / turbulence / delay yesterday, so lots of planes are at the wrong airport today.

4There was a turbulence / something wrong / a strike with our coach, so we waited for two hours at the service station.

5It took me over an hour to get my ticket because there was a long delay / queue / crash at the ticket offi ce. Then the train got lost / took off / broke down just outside Paris, so that’s why I’m so late.

6A It sounds like you had a bad fl ight between Washington and London.

BYes, there was a lot of turbulence / queues / strikes over the Atlantic because of the bad weather.

2 GRAMMAR Past continuous

aComplete the sentences with the past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.


When we arrived at the station, my uncle

was waiting

(wait) for us in the car park.



(snow) hard when we got to our hotel.


(you, fl y) over the Alps when the turbulence



How fast

(you, drive) when the accident




(you, stand) when the thief stole your



Did you get lost because your GPS

(not work)?

bComplete the text with the past simple or past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

My mother and I 1


(have) a terrible journey from

London to Edinburgh last weekend. First, when my brother


(drive) us to the airport on Saturday evening,

his car 3

(break down) on the motorway. In the

end, we 4

(miss) our plane and 5

(buy) some new tickets for the fl ight on Sunday morning

instead. However, on Sunday morning we 6

(wait) for our fl ight when it 7

(start) snowing

heavily, and they 8

(decide) to close the airport.

So we 9

(take) a taxi to Euston Station and


(buy) tickets for the 2 pm train to Edinburgh.


Sentence stress: vowel sounds

a 2.2 Listen to the sentences. Do the letters in bold sound like / / as in computer, / / as in dog or / / as in her? Tick ( ) the correct box for each sentence.

Sound 1 / /

Sound 2 / /

Sound 3 / /

(e.g. computer)

(e.g. dog)

(e.g. her)


Were you waiting

for the bus?


I wasn’t driving

the car.


They were

watching TV.


We weren’t

having dinner.


She was talking

on her phone.


Was she



He wasn’t



They weren’t

playing chess.


a Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1anything else / help you / with / I / there / is / can ?

Is there anything else I can help you with?

2is / tell / where / information desk / you / me / the / could ?

3Edinburgh / to / much / is / a return ticket / how ?

4for the airport / leave / do / often / buses / how / the ?

5Barcelona / time / the next coach / what / to / is ?

6my ticket / pay / euros / can / for / in / I ?

7can / a sandwich / the journey / for / where / buy / I ?

8a taxi / to the airport / much / it / does / cost / to get / how ?

b 2.3 Listen and check.

cComplete the conversation with the words in the box.

can near here have over there could you excuse anything else actually from what time


1 Excuse



Yes, how 2

I help you?



tell me which platform the next train to

London leaves 4


B Certainly, madam. It leaves from Platform 2.


OK, thanks. And 5

does it leave?

B It leaves at 10:32, in twelve minutes.


Brilliant. Thanks.


Is there 6

I can help you with?

A 7

, there is one more thing. Where can I

buy a cup of coffee? Is there a café 8


B Yes, there is. There’s a café on the platform,



A Great. Thanks so much.


No problem. 10

a good journey.

d 2.4 Listen and check.

eMatch the traveller’s sentences 1–8 with the ticket seller’s responses a–h.

1c Hello.

2 Could you tell me what time the next bus to Folkestone leaves, please?

3 Great, thanks! And where does it leave from?

4 I will be. Can I have a ticket, please?

5 Here you are. Also, is there somewhere I can buy a newspaper?

6 That’s OK. I can run fast.

7 Yes, I think that’s it. Thank you for your help!

8 Thanks! Bye!


bYes, of course. It leaves in fi ve minutes.

cGood afternoon. How can I help you?

dCertainly. That’ll be £9.50.

eNo problem, sir. Now hurry, or you’ll miss your bus!

fFrom stop number 4, but you’ll need to be quick!

gYou’ll need to! Is that all, sir?

hYes, at the newsagent over there, but I’m not sure you’ll have time.

2 PRONUNCIATION Joining words

a 2.5 Listen to the questions. Tick ( ) the two words that are joined together.


When did you check into your hotel?


check into


your hotel


How can I help you?


can I


help you


Did you get a visa when you went to China?


get a


when you


What time did you set off from home?


did you


set off


What time is your plane?


time is


is your


How much is a return ticket to Bath?


much is


to Bath



aRead Roberto’s blog and tick ( ) the correct answers.

1Roberto and Ana are staying in …

a a hotel in the centre of London. b a hostel near Heathrow Airport. c a hotel in Earl’s Court.

d a hostel near the centre of London.

2On Sunday, Roberto and Ana …

a had fi sh and chips for lunch.

b spent all day at the British Museum. c went to the British Museum and

Covent Garden.

d thought the British Museum was boring.

Ana and I got to London at 11:30 this morning. It was a very long flight from São Paulo. When we got off the plane, the first thing we noticed was the cold – six degrees! I’m glad

I brought a warm coat! In São Paulo, it was 35 degrees when we left. Everything they say about Londoners is true! The people at the airport weren’t very friendly and they couldn’t understand our English. And we couldn’t understand what they were saying. In the end, we took the underground from Heathrow Airport to our hostel in Earl’s Court, near the centre of London. The hostel is full of young tourists from all over the world and everyone was very friendly and helpful. We were very tired, so we decided to sleep for a few hours. Ana’s telling me to get ready to go and eat, so I have to finish now – more tomorrow.

bRead the blog again. Are the sentences true or false?

1 On Saturday, it was warmer in London than in São Paulo. 2 It was diffi cult for Roberto and Ana to understand the

people at the airport.

3 When they got to the hostel, they went to bed. 4 They didn’t enjoy their fi sh and chips.

5 They didn’t see all the rooms in the British Museum. 6 They had lunch in a restaurant in Covent Garden.

Ana and I had our first experience of British food last night. We went to a little café near the hostel. We decided to try fish and chips. It’s a typical British dish and it was delicious with a hot cup of tea (with milk!). Today we visited the British Museum and Covent Garden. The British Museum is amazing – there are lots of interesting things to see. We spent two hours there and only saw a few of the rooms. We bought some sandwiches for lunch and then we went to Covent Garden market. There were lots of musicians and magicians in the street. We had a lovely afternoon and Ana took lots of photos. You can see them on Facebook.

2 WRITING SKILLS Linking words

aUnderline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1There was a long queue for the museum, and / so / but we decided to go to the market instead.

2We didn’t visit the Tower of London because / so / but the tickets were very expensive.

3The hotel looked really nice, because / and / but they didn’t have any free rooms that night.

4Yesterday I visited Ellis Island so / and / because the Statue of Liberty.

5There weren’t any fl ights today but / so / because there was a snow storm.

6Because / When / So we got to our hotel, I phoned my wife to wish her ‘Happy Birthday’.

7It started raining hard, but / because / so we didn’t go to the mountains.

8We wanted to go to the concert, but / so / because we couldn’t get any tickets.


aRead the notes. Write Maite’s blog post about her holiday in New York.

Maite’s blog: New York post (notes)

Monday, 25th January

Madrid: left 12:20

New York: arrived 14:30

Very tired – (why?)

Weather: very cold – minus 6 degrees!

People = (?)

Hotel = (?)

Dinner = (?)



Reading and listening extension


aRead the article. How did the couples travel? Tick ( ) the correct ways. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

1Carl and Sam a on foot

bon two wheels

con four wheels

d by sea

2Ashish and Bryony

a on foot

b on two wheels c on four wheels d by sea

3Yvette and Rob

a on foot

b on two wheels c on four wheels d by sea

bRead the article again and underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob stayed in Bristol for most of the week.

2Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob enjoyed the fi rst day of the race.

3Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob stopped when they didn’t know where they were.

4Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob fi nished their journey on foot when something happened to the vehicle they were in.

5Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob stopped after the fi rst day.

In July, a group of students from Bristol University, in England, had a race. It started at the university at 9 am on 20 June. The winners were the pair who travelled the longest distance in seven days without spending any money.


We decided to cycle. The sun was shining when we set off and it was fun. But on the third day, it started raining and we got lost. It was awful. We slept under a tree in a field. The next morning Carl phoned his dad and he came to get us and drove us home.


cComplete the words to make sentences about the article. Write one word in each space.


During the race, the students c ouldn’t spend

any money.


When they started the race, the weather was




Carl and Sam got a l

home with

Carl’s dad.


It c

money for Ashish and Bryony

to stay in a hotel.


Yvette and Rob got to Spain early in the



dWrite about a long journey you went on. Remember to include:

where you went

a description of how you travelled there

what you thought of the place.


We hitchhiked. A lorry stopped and we got in. There were long delays and we didn’t go far for hours. That evening as we were driving north the lorry broke down and we had to get out. We didn’t know what to do. We were tired and hungry so we decided to walk to a village and stay in a hotel. But we had to pay. The next day we went home.



We decided to walk to the port in Bristol and try to board a ship. We went to the office and asked if any ships would take us for free. For five days no one would. On the sixth day we found a ship to take us to Spain. We boarded the ship and the next day we arrived in Bilbao as the sun was rising. It was amazing.




a 2.6 Listen to the conversation. Match problems a–e with where they are happening 1–5.




crash and delays




long delays




no delays




problems this weekend




traffi c jam

b 2.6 Listen to the conversation again and tick ( ) the correct answers.

1 Why were there delays on the M3 this morning?

aThere was a crash.

b The police closed the road.

c It was raining.

2What happened three hours ago near Swindon?

a There was an accident.

b There was a very long queue. c A lorry stopped working.

3Who should use the A429 this evening?

a People who are going to Swindon. b Lorries.

c Everyone on the M4.

4Who did the police say can’t go on the motorway?

a People going to a music festival. b Hitchhikers.

c People who want to camp.

5What is unusual about the trains today?

a There aren’t any trains working.

b The trains are mainly working well. c There are lots of delays.

6Where did Jackie and Bob stay last night?

a In a hotel at the airport. b On the fl oor at the airport. c In India.

cWrite about a long journey you took. Remember to include:

how you travelled

how long it took

what problems you had.

Review and extension


Correct the sentences.

1When I did some housework, I heard the news on the radio.

When I was doing some housework, I heard the news on the radio.

2When we were getting to the station, the train was just arriving.

3My wife phoned me while I waited for my plane.

4A man was taking my wallet while I was waiting in the queue for my ticket.

5Last year, we were going on holiday to Greece for two weeks.

6I was driving to the airport when I was seeing the accident.


Correct the sentences.

1They missed their fl ight because Rob’s car broke on the way to the airport.

They missed their fl ight because Rob’s car broke down on the way to the airport.

2My travel from Berlin to London took fi fteen hours.

3Last week, I went to Rome on a business travel.

4The trafi c was terrible because it was the rush hour.

5By the time they checked away the hotel, it was 2 pm.

6In the afternoon, they went sighseeing in the old town.


Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

75% I’m set switched drove took are fell

1He was tired when he went to bed, so he switched off the light and went to sleep.



off from Paul’s house at 3:00 and

arrived in Paris at 11:30.


When I got to the hotel, I

off my shoes.



off her motorbike and broke her arm.


Those jeans are cheap! They’re

off the

original price.


He got in his car and

off without speaking.



off now. I’m meeting a friend.


Ladies and gentlemen: the fi lm is about to start, so please

make sure your phones



Look again at Review your progress on p.26 of the Student’s Book. How well can you do these things now?

3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well


talk about past holidays

describe difficult journeys

ask for information in a public place

write a travel blog.


3AHaveyoueverhelped astranger?


Present perfect or past simple

aPut the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1has / that old lady’s / done / shopping / James / lots of times .

James has done that old lady’s shopping lots of times.

2you / have / to / been / in / Rio de Janeiro / carnival / the / ever ?

3twice this week / I / to charity / money / given / have .

4have / you / my / with / helped / homework / me / never .

5they / volunteer work / ever / done / have / any ?

6big / never / a / for the waiter / left / tip / has / she .

7money / have / any / you / homeless person / to / given / ever / a ?

8several times / I / visited / this month / my / have / grandmother .

bComplete the exchanges with the present perfect or past simple forms of the words in brackets.



Have you ever given money to charity? (you, ever, give)


Yes, I

£10 to a cancer charity last week.




volunteer work in Africa before? (she,

ever, do)


Yes, she

some volunteer work in Mali last

year. (do)



someone who was hurt? (you, ever, help)


Yes, I

a woman who fell off her bike last

week. (help)




tips in that restaurant lots of times.



Really? How much

the last time you

came? (you, leave)



drinks for 20 people? (he, ever, buy)


Yes, he

a drink for all his friends on his

birthday in July. (buy)


make / do / give collocations

a Match 1–8 with a–h to make sentences.

1d She was a very confi dent girl, so she made

2 When she read the email from her nephew, it made

3 Are you doing anything

4 He’s a really funny guy. He always makes

5 Your daughter’s very clever. Is she doing

6 My grandfather always gives us

7 We gave the American tourists

8 He didn’t use his camera any more, so he gave it

aaway to his grandson.

bsilly jokes when he’s with friends.

ca big hug when we go to see him.

dlots of friends at her new school.

enice for your birthday?

fdirections to the train station.

gwell at school this term?

hher smile because it was so funny.

bUnderline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1I love those old black-and-white fi lms. Charlie Chaplin always does / makes / gives me smile.

2You’re so mean. You never do / make / give the waiters a tip.

3He made / did / gave volunteer work for a charity in Africa last year.

4She was so happy to see him again that she gave / made / did him a big hug.

5Do your parents usually make / give / do something nice when it’s their wedding anniversary?

6I’m having a great time in Paris. I’ve made / done / given some new friends in the hostel.

7The doctors say that she’s making / giving / doing well and that she can leave the hospital tomorrow.

8I’ve never made / given / done anyone directions in French

– all the tourists who come here speak English.



the bank for a 8


3BI’vealreadyspent my salarythismonth


a Match 1–8 with a–h to make sentences.

1f My company pays my salary

2 That holiday sounds fantastic, but

3 My brother lent me £50 yesterday

4 If you can’t afford to buy a new car,

5 She’s just spent £150

6 I only buy clothes from that shop

7 If you buy two jackets,

8 When I borrow money

aso I could buy some new jeans.

bfrom my parents, I always pay it back quickly.

cwhen they have special offers.

dwe can give you a 20% discount.

eon two pairs of shoes.

finto my bank account.

git costs £5,000 just for a week!

hwhy don’t you get a loan from the bank?

b Complete the text with the words in the box.


afford lend spend

bank account

up for


back loan

I’m saving 1 up for

a car at the moment. I pay

£200 2

my 3

each month.

I can’t 4

to buy a new car, so it will have to be

second-hand – probably three or four years old. My parents

have offered to 5

me some money but I don’t

want to 6

any money from them. They’ve just

bought a very old house in the country and they need to

a lot of money on repairs. So I’m going to ask of £5,000. I think I can pay it

in two years.

2 GRAMMAR Present perfect with just, already and yet

aUnderline the correct adverbs to complete the sentences.

1I’ve just / already / yet spent £100 this weekend, so I’m afraid I can’t afford to go to a restaurant for dinner.

2It’s Mum’s birthday tomorrow – have you bought her a present already / just / yet?

3Look, I’ve just / already / yet bought a new mobile phone. It’s brilliant, isn’t it?

4He’s yet / just / already saved up £3,000 because he wants to travel round the world next summer.

5A Why does she look so upset?

B Because she’s already / just / yet lost her wallet.

6No, I can’t lend you any more money. You’ve already / just / yet borrowed £100 from me.

7Oh, no! We can’t play tennis now because it’s already / yet / just started raining.

8She hasn’t opened a new bank account already / yet / just.

bCorrect the sentences.

1Mike just has spent £400 on a new camera.

Mike has just spent £400 on a new camera.

2He’s borrowed already £2,000 from his bank.

3Have you yet paid Louise back?

4Sue already has spent the money she borrowed from me.

5We’ve bought just a new TV in the sales.

6Has she saved yet enough money to buy a tablet?

7I’ve bought already a present for my wife.

8They’ve opened a new bank account in France just.


aPut the conversation in the correct order.

B Yes, I suppose she might like them. On second thoughts, maybe I should get something else.

1 A Good morning. Can I help you? B Do you have anything cheaper?

A OK. Er, let me see … what about this necklace?

B Yes, it’s lovely. OK, I’ll take it.

A Are you looking for anything in particular?

B Er, yes. I’m looking for a present for my wife.

A Really? How about these earrings? They’re really beautiful. A perfect present …

B Well, she loves earrings.

A Well, these earrings here are cheaper. They’re only £50 with the discount.

b 3.1 Listen and check.

cUnderline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1How would you like to cost / pay / buy?

2We’re looking for / at / after a present for my grandfather.

3Did you want something on / in / at particular?

4Who’s then / after / next, please?

5In second thoughts / On second thoughts / My second thought, I really think we should get her a book.

6Can you enter / write / touch your PIN, please?

7Do you have this in a different size / till / receipt? Thanks.

8Could you show us something more / something else / something other?

d Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1for / jacket / looking / a / I’m .

I’m looking for a jacket.

2a / 14 / size / I’m / I / think .

3same / in / have / one / blue / do / the / you ?

4much / tell / can / it / how / is / you / me ?

5a bit / too / that’s / expensive .

6one / you / cheaper / do / have / a ?

2 PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress

a 3.2 Listen to the sentences and underline the stressed syllables or words.

1Can you show us something else?

2Can you enter your PIN, please?

3I’m looking for a present for my husband.

4Do you have any black jeans?

5Thanks. I’ll take it.

6Actually, I think we should buy her a book.


My travel from Berlin to London took fifteen hours. перевод - My travel from Berlin to London took fifteen hours. русский как сказать

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My travel from Berlin to London took fifteen hours.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Мое путешествие из Берлина в Лондон занимает пятнадцать часов.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Мои путешествия из Берлина в Лондон принял пятнадцать часов.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


мои поездки из берлина в лондон принял 15 часов.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

  • как поступает человек
  • I’ll give her a call if I will remember
  • Can you pass me the lemon
  • улица Ак. Королева
  • Сегодня вашему любимому человеку будет д
  • Канал
  • Au fond du magasin
  • Chuckles, come here
  • Text E. The Alimentary Tract The aliment
  • Кто-то постучал в дверь и Ник поспешил о
  • Text E. The Alimentary Tract The aliment
  • a bikea sistera planeplanestom and ikate
  • Text E. The Alimentary Tract The aliment
  • Hi friend ,I have sent it to you already
  • Colour and say
  • Hi friend ,I have sent it to you already
  • Я смертельно устала после генеральной уб
  • Tuum astrum parvum
  • bueno, me compadezco de ti por estar rod
  • What film have you enjoyed acting in the
  • Follow me, follow me, march if you can!
  • Can you pass me the lemon
  • у меня есть кошка
  • я говорила с матерью и русской подругой,

Grammar test 11th form

Choose the right variant.

1. I don’t remember … that I’m sure you’re mistaken.

a) to say;  b) say;  c) saying;  d) to have said.

2. There were two answers, and … was right.

a) neither; b) no one; c) no; d) not any.

3. This dress is … as the one I had before.

a) plenty the same; b) very similar; c) very same; d) much the same.

4. He … here from 1955 to 1960.

a) worked; b) works; c) has been working; d) has worked.

5. He’s… his sister.

a) much taller that; b) much more taller than; c) much taller than; d) more taller than.

6. Be careful you don’t… your keys!

a) lost; b) loosen; c) lose; d) loose.

7. What they say may be true; you never can…

a) say; b) tell; c) remember; d) recognise.

8. He didn’t move, but just… where he fell.

a) lain; b) lay; c) laid; d) lied.

9. I haven’t had a reply to the invitation I sent you last week. … to my patty?

a) Shall you come; b) Are you coming; c) Do you come; d) Should you come,

10. That man reminds me … my history teacher.

a) from; b) of; c) about; d) on.  

11. The children hadn’t met … their grandparents or their uncle before.

a) or, b) neither; c) nor, d) either.

12. Before she started university, Jane … in the States for six months working as a nanny.

a) lives; b) has been living; c) has lived; d) had lived.

13. He was … tired to go on.

a) to; b) enough; c) so; d) too.

14. I … saw Michael two years ago.

a) lastly; b) last time; c) last; d) the last time.

15. I like the red dress and the pink shoes. The trouble is that they don’t …very well.

a) match not each other; b) match themselves; c) go with each other; d) go on with the other.

16. He’s as polite as his brother is …polite. (подобрать префикс)

a) im; b) non; c) dis; d) un.

17. It’s been quite a long time … I had a holiday abroad,

a) ago; b) since; c) for; d) when.

18. You … pay for this information. It’s free.

a) oughtn’t to; b) don’t have to; c) shouldn’t to; d) mustn’t.

19. … quite a lot of rain forecast for today.

a) It has; b) Is; c) It’s; d) There’s.

20. I’m free this evening. … we go out to dinner?

a) Will; b) Would; c) Shall; d) Won’t.

21. I need a holiday, … I?

a) need nоt; b) aren’t; c) don’t; d) need.

22. Most of the cattle … under the trees.

a) is laying; b) is lying; c) are lying; d) are laying.

23. Children seem to find computers easy, but many adults aren’t used to … with microtechnology.

a) work; b) working; c) a work; d) the work.

24. Parents were made … the school reconstruction,

a) finance; b) to financing; c) to finance; d) financing.

25. The children have made lots of new friends since we … to this town.

a) have moved; b) moving; c) moved; d) have been moved.

26. I don’t understand this sentence. Could you tell me what …?

a) this word means; b) means this word; c) does mean this word; d) does this word mean.

27. … of the three boys got a prize,

a) A few; b) Both; c) Each; d) Every.

28. The agency intended to let each applicant… in the interview.

a) participate; b) to participate; c) so as to participate; d) participating.

29. All the children in this family are gifted, but this one is … gifted of all.

a) little; b) the less; c) the least; d) un- .

30. He enjoyed … computer games at first, but after a while he got bored with them.

a) to play; b) playing; c) make play; d) having played.

31. We haven’t managed to meet… three years.

a) since; b) for; c) after; d) last.

32. Nothing is wrong,…?

a) can it; b) is it; c) isn’t it; d) can’t be.

33. A meeting of the society will be … on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock.

a) made; b) taken; c) held; d) placed.

34. May I apologize … being so late?

a) myself for; b) for; c) -; d) myself.

35. All the furniture in this room … antique.

a) are; b) are made of; c) have; d) is.

36. … traffic in the city center.

a) There’s always many; b) It is always heavy; c) There’s always heavy; d) It is always much.

37. You’ll find the travel agency … the end of the street.

a) by; b) in; c) on; d) at.

38. She … the piano since she was ten.

a) has been playing; b) is playing; c) has played; d) had played.

39. Doing these exercises may be good … me, but I hate every minute of it.

a) to; b) for; c) on; d) at.

40. She heard Miss Drake … that Ann was really happy.

a) tell; b) to tell; c) say; d) to say.

41. You have bought a FIAT. You … a BMW.

a) should have bought; b) would have bought; c) had better buy; d) would rather have bought.

42. Poor Jack — he lost his homework, and he … do it again,

a) needs; b) ought; c) shall; d) has to.

43. The food at the party was horrible, I’ve never eaten … awful food!

a) such a; b) such; c) such an d) so.

44. “I’m not very hungry”. — “…”

a) Neither do I; b) I am; c) So am I; d) Nor I am.

45. The… from London to Bristol takes two hours by car.

a) travel; b) journey; c) voyage; d) driving.

46. Open the window, … you?

a) must; b) need; c) will; d) do.

47. You must try not to … so many mistakes.

a) do; b) tell; c) make; d) perform.

48. Helen asked me if… the film called “Star wars”.

a) have I seen; b) have you seen; c) had I seen; d) I had seen.

49. I promise that I… to work on time every morning in future,

a) get; b) am getting; c) will get; d) would get.

50. I’m not going to tell you the reason … my decision,

a) to; b) with; c) on; d) for.

Ответы на грамматический тест по английскому языку.


1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-a; 5-c; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-b; 10-b; 11-d; 12-d; 13-d; 14-с; 15-с; 16-a; 17-b; 18-b; 19-d; 20-c; 21-c; 22-c; 23-b; 24-c; 25-c; 26 — a; 27-c; 28-a; 29-c; 30-b; 31-b; 32-b; 33-c; 34-b; 35-d; 36-c; 37-d; 38-a; 39-b; 40-c; 41-a; 42-d; 43-b; 44-b; 45-b; 46-c; 47-c; 48-d; 49-c; 50-d.

My travel from Berlin to London took fifteen hours. перевод - My travel from Berlin to London took fifteen hours. русский как сказать

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My travel from Berlin to London took fifteen hours.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Мое путешествие из Берлина в Лондон занимает пятнадцать часов.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Мои путешествия из Берлина в Лондон принял пятнадцать часов.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


мои поездки из берлина в лондон принял 15 часов.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

  • как поступает человек
  • I’ll give her a call if I will remember
  • Can you pass me the lemon
  • улица Ак. Королева
  • Сегодня вашему любимому человеку будет д
  • Канал
  • Au fond du magasin
  • Chuckles, come here
  • Text E. The Alimentary Tract The aliment
  • Кто-то постучал в дверь и Ник поспешил о
  • Text E. The Alimentary Tract The aliment
  • a bikea sistera planeplanestom and ikate
  • Text E. The Alimentary Tract The aliment
  • Hi friend ,I have sent it to you already
  • Colour and say
  • Hi friend ,I have sent it to you already
  • Я смертельно устала после генеральной уб
  • Tuum astrum parvum
  • bueno, me compadezco de ti por estar rod
  • What film have you enjoyed acting in the
  • Follow me, follow me, march if you can!
  • Can you pass me the lemon
  • у меня есть кошка
  • я говорила с матерью и русской подругой,


a 1.6 Listen to the conversation. Match 1–3 with a–c to make true sentences.




goes to a club every week.




is friends with the people he lives with.




meets people in a café every week.

b 1.6 Listen to the conversation again and tick ( ) the best endings for the sentences.

1The radio programme is about …

a starting university.

b moving to a new city.

c how people make friends.

2Richard doesn’t …

a usually go to bars.

b like making friends with new people.

c fi nd it diffi cult to meet people at university.

3Richard likes …

a going to parties with his friends.

b people who like similar things to him. c the countryside near where he lives.

4Sophia is interested in …

a making friends with people studying Drama. b joining a club.

c meeting lots of different people.

5Peter doesn’t …

a use the Internet to meet people. b like the people he lives with.

c usually go out in the evenings.

6Which of the sentences is true about the students?

a The university is helping all the students to make friends.

b The students are making friends in different ways.

cWrite questions and answers about what you do in your free time and who you spend it with.

Think about these questions:

Where do you spend your free time?

What do you do and how often?

Who do you spend your free time with?

Review and extension


Correct the sentences.

1Where you went on holiday last year?

Where did you go on holiday last year?

2At the moment, she works in the café by the station.

3Why you missed the bus?

4I can’t talk to you now because I do my homework.

5What kind of music you usually listen to?

6They waiting for the bus to London.


Correct the sentences.

1The new Iron Man fi lm is amaizing!

The new Iron Man fi lm is amazing!

2We very enjoyed the fi lm last night.

3We had a lovly time at the party last night.

4I think our History lessons are so borring.

5I think that man’s a bit extrange. Look, he’s talking to himself.

6New York’s allright, but I prefer living in London, actually.


Match 1–8 with a–h to make sentences.

1e We can go for a walk in the park

2 What was the party

3 What gorgeous weather! It looks

4 The boy in the white T-shirt looks

5 He loves fi lms with superheroes, you know,

6 I absolutely love this singer. She sounds

7 I want to buy a computer

8 Thanks for your email. It sounds

alike the perfect day for the beach.

blike this one. How much is it?

clike Philip. They’ve got the same smile.

dlike you’re having a great holiday.

eif you like.

flike Katy Perry.

glike Batman or Spider-Man.

hlike last night?


Look again at Review your progress on p.1600 of the Student’s Book. How well can you do these things now?

3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well


astalk andboutanswwherepersonalI’m fromquestions

talk about howpeopleI communicateI know

greetask forpeopleand giveandinformationend conversations

write anpersonalonline profileemail..


2AWehad anadventure

1 GRAMMAR Past simple

aTick ( ) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences.

1 The train not arrived until 22:30, so we got home around midnight.

The train didn’t arrive until 22:30, so we got home

around midnight.

2 I slept very badly on the plane, so I feeled very tired the next day.

3 Did you took the train from New York to Washington?

4 We fl ew from London to Manchester because it was really cheap.

5 They spended two nights in a hotel and then they stayed at a friend’s house for three days.

6 I didn’t enjoyed my trip to Scotland because the weather wasn’t very good.

7 When I got back to my hotel, I found a message from my sister.

8 We unpacked our suitcases and ate dinner in the hotel restaurant. It cost 100 euros!

bComplete the exchanges with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.



How was

(be) your fl ight?


Fine, thanks, but I

(not sleep) because

the seats

(not be) comfortable.




(you, do) last summer?



(not have) much money, so we

(decide) to stay in the UK.


a Match 1–8 with a–h to make sentences.

1d We decided to go to China on holiday, so we had to get

2 I’m really bored. Why don’t we do

3 James decided to go away

4 Going to the Olympics is great, but you need to book

5 It’s a good idea to buy

6 Come on! Let’s unpack

7 My daughter didn’t have much money so she stayed

8 On the day you leave, you need to check out of

ato Scotland for the weekend.

bour bags and go out for lunch.

cin hostels when she went travelling for a year.

da visa from the embassy.

esome sightseeing this afternoon?

fyour accommodation before you go.

gyour hotel by 11 o’clock.

hsouvenirs here – they’re very expensive at the airport.

b Write the names of the holiday items under the pictures.




3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings

aTick ( ) the verbs that have an extra syllable when we add ed.




(Ben, go) on holiday last year?



(go) to Canada.



(you, bring) back any souvenirs from



Yes, I

. (do) I

(buy) some

Blue Mountain coffee.



(you, meet) your French friends when

you were in Paris?


Yes, we

. (do) We


them for dinner one evening.



(you, visit) your cousins in Los Angeles?


No, we

(not have) time.


+ —ed

Extra syllable?






















2.1 Listen and check.


2BEveryonewaswaiting for me

1 VOCABULARY Travel collocations

aComplete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.


take off

get to change give land

set off


hitchhike travel around

When I was a student, my best friend and I 1 travelled around Europe for a month. We didn’t want to travel by train, so we

2 . Once, a lorry driver 3 us a lift from Paris to Cannes – over 900 kilometres!

She 4

from her house at six o’clock in the

morning. However, she 5

the 06:30 train

because there was a traffi c jam in the town centre.

Our plane 6

from Beijing 45 minutes late,

but we 7

in Sydney ten minutes early!

Our journey from London to Glasgow was terrible! We


our train in London at two o’clock, but

then we 9

trains in Birmingham and also in

Manchester. In the end, we 10

Glasgow just

after midnight!

b Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1A Why was there a big strike / traffi c jam / lift on the motorway this morning?

B Because there was a crash / strike / queue between two cars at 7:30.

2A Why did you lose / miss / delay your train?

B Well, my friend was driving us to the station, but her GPS wasn’t working, so we set off / broke down / got lost. In the end, we bought a map!

3A Why were there traffi c jams / long delays / long queues to all the fl ights from Heathrow Airport today?

BBecause there was a pilots’ strike / turbulence / delay yesterday, so lots of planes are at the wrong airport today.

4There was a turbulence / something wrong / a strike with our coach, so we waited for two hours at the service station.

5It took me over an hour to get my ticket because there was a long delay / queue / crash at the ticket offi ce. Then the train got lost / took off / broke down just outside Paris, so that’s why I’m so late.

6A It sounds like you had a bad fl ight between Washington and London.

BYes, there was a lot of turbulence / queues / strikes over the Atlantic because of the bad weather.

2 GRAMMAR Past continuous

aComplete the sentences with the past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.


When we arrived at the station, my uncle

was waiting

(wait) for us in the car park.



(snow) hard when we got to our hotel.


(you, fl y) over the Alps when the turbulence



How fast

(you, drive) when the accident




(you, stand) when the thief stole your



Did you get lost because your GPS

(not work)?

bComplete the text with the past simple or past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

My mother and I 1


(have) a terrible journey from

London to Edinburgh last weekend. First, when my brother


(drive) us to the airport on Saturday evening,

his car 3

(break down) on the motorway. In the

end, we 4

(miss) our plane and 5

(buy) some new tickets for the fl ight on Sunday morning

instead. However, on Sunday morning we 6

(wait) for our fl ight when it 7

(start) snowing

heavily, and they 8

(decide) to close the airport.

So we 9

(take) a taxi to Euston Station and


(buy) tickets for the 2 pm train to Edinburgh.


Sentence stress: vowel sounds

a 2.2 Listen to the sentences. Do the letters in bold sound like / / as in computer, / / as in dog or / / as in her? Tick ( ) the correct box for each sentence.

Sound 1 / /

Sound 2 / /

Sound 3 / /

(e.g. computer)

(e.g. dog)

(e.g. her)


Were you waiting

for the bus?


I wasn’t driving

the car.


They were

watching TV.


We weren’t

having dinner.


She was talking

on her phone.


Was she



He wasn’t



They weren’t

playing chess.


a Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1anything else / help you / with / I / there / is / can ?

Is there anything else I can help you with?

2is / tell / where / information desk / you / me / the / could ?

3Edinburgh / to / much / is / a return ticket / how ?

4for the airport / leave / do / often / buses / how / the ?

5Barcelona / time / the next coach / what / to / is ?

6my ticket / pay / euros / can / for / in / I ?

7can / a sandwich / the journey / for / where / buy / I ?

8a taxi / to the airport / much / it / does / cost / to get / how ?

b 2.3 Listen and check.

cComplete the conversation with the words in the box.

can near here have over there could you excuse anything else actually from what time


1 Excuse



Yes, how 2

I help you?



tell me which platform the next train to

London leaves 4


B Certainly, madam. It leaves from Platform 2.


OK, thanks. And 5

does it leave?

B It leaves at 10:32, in twelve minutes.


Brilliant. Thanks.


Is there 6

I can help you with?

A 7

, there is one more thing. Where can I

buy a cup of coffee? Is there a café 8


B Yes, there is. There’s a café on the platform,



A Great. Thanks so much.


No problem. 10

a good journey.

d 2.4 Listen and check.

eMatch the traveller’s sentences 1–8 with the ticket seller’s responses a–h.

1c Hello.

2 Could you tell me what time the next bus to Folkestone leaves, please?

3 Great, thanks! And where does it leave from?

4 I will be. Can I have a ticket, please?

5 Here you are. Also, is there somewhere I can buy a newspaper?

6 That’s OK. I can run fast.

7 Yes, I think that’s it. Thank you for your help!

8 Thanks! Bye!


bYes, of course. It leaves in fi ve minutes.

cGood afternoon. How can I help you?

dCertainly. That’ll be £9.50.

eNo problem, sir. Now hurry, or you’ll miss your bus!

fFrom stop number 4, but you’ll need to be quick!

gYou’ll need to! Is that all, sir?

hYes, at the newsagent over there, but I’m not sure you’ll have time.

2 PRONUNCIATION Joining words

a 2.5 Listen to the questions. Tick ( ) the two words that are joined together.


When did you check into your hotel?


check into


your hotel


How can I help you?


can I


help you


Did you get a visa when you went to China?


get a


when you


What time did you set off from home?


did you


set off


What time is your plane?


time is


is your


How much is a return ticket to Bath?


much is


to Bath



aRead Roberto’s blog and tick ( ) the correct answers.

1Roberto and Ana are staying in …

a a hotel in the centre of London. b a hostel near Heathrow Airport. c a hotel in Earl’s Court.

d a hostel near the centre of London.

2On Sunday, Roberto and Ana …

a had fi sh and chips for lunch.

b spent all day at the British Museum. c went to the British Museum and

Covent Garden.

d thought the British Museum was boring.

Ana and I got to London at 11:30 this morning. It was a very long flight from São Paulo. When we got off the plane, the first thing we noticed was the cold – six degrees! I’m glad

I brought a warm coat! In São Paulo, it was 35 degrees when we left. Everything they say about Londoners is true! The people at the airport weren’t very friendly and they couldn’t understand our English. And we couldn’t understand what they were saying. In the end, we took the underground from Heathrow Airport to our hostel in Earl’s Court, near the centre of London. The hostel is full of young tourists from all over the world and everyone was very friendly and helpful. We were very tired, so we decided to sleep for a few hours. Ana’s telling me to get ready to go and eat, so I have to finish now – more tomorrow.

bRead the blog again. Are the sentences true or false?

1 On Saturday, it was warmer in London than in São Paulo. 2 It was diffi cult for Roberto and Ana to understand the

people at the airport.

3 When they got to the hostel, they went to bed. 4 They didn’t enjoy their fi sh and chips.

5 They didn’t see all the rooms in the British Museum. 6 They had lunch in a restaurant in Covent Garden.

Ana and I had our first experience of British food last night. We went to a little café near the hostel. We decided to try fish and chips. It’s a typical British dish and it was delicious with a hot cup of tea (with milk!). Today we visited the British Museum and Covent Garden. The British Museum is amazing – there are lots of interesting things to see. We spent two hours there and only saw a few of the rooms. We bought some sandwiches for lunch and then we went to Covent Garden market. There were lots of musicians and magicians in the street. We had a lovely afternoon and Ana took lots of photos. You can see them on Facebook.

2 WRITING SKILLS Linking words

aUnderline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1There was a long queue for the museum, and / so / but we decided to go to the market instead.

2We didn’t visit the Tower of London because / so / but the tickets were very expensive.

3The hotel looked really nice, because / and / but they didn’t have any free rooms that night.

4Yesterday I visited Ellis Island so / and / because the Statue of Liberty.

5There weren’t any fl ights today but / so / because there was a snow storm.

6Because / When / So we got to our hotel, I phoned my wife to wish her ‘Happy Birthday’.

7It started raining hard, but / because / so we didn’t go to the mountains.

8We wanted to go to the concert, but / so / because we couldn’t get any tickets.


aRead the notes. Write Maite’s blog post about her holiday in New York.

Maite’s blog: New York post (notes)

Monday, 25th January

Madrid: left 12:20

New York: arrived 14:30

Very tired – (why?)

Weather: very cold – minus 6 degrees!

People = (?)

Hotel = (?)

Dinner = (?)



Reading and listening extension


aRead the article. How did the couples travel? Tick ( ) the correct ways. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

1Carl and Sam a on foot

bon two wheels

con four wheels

d by sea

2Ashish and Bryony

a on foot

b on two wheels c on four wheels d by sea

3Yvette and Rob

a on foot

b on two wheels c on four wheels d by sea

bRead the article again and underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob stayed in Bristol for most of the week.

2Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob enjoyed the fi rst day of the race.

3Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob stopped when they didn’t know where they were.

4Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob fi nished their journey on foot when something happened to the vehicle they were in.

5Carl and Sam / Ashish and Bryony / Yvette and Rob stopped after the fi rst day.

In July, a group of students from Bristol University, in England, had a race. It started at the university at 9 am on 20 June. The winners were the pair who travelled the longest distance in seven days without spending any money.


We decided to cycle. The sun was shining when we set off and it was fun. But on the third day, it started raining and we got lost. It was awful. We slept under a tree in a field. The next morning Carl phoned his dad and he came to get us and drove us home.


cComplete the words to make sentences about the article. Write one word in each space.


During the race, the students c ouldn’t spend

any money.


When they started the race, the weather was




Carl and Sam got a l

home with

Carl’s dad.


It c

money for Ashish and Bryony

to stay in a hotel.


Yvette and Rob got to Spain early in the



dWrite about a long journey you went on. Remember to include:

where you went

a description of how you travelled there

what you thought of the place.


We hitchhiked. A lorry stopped and we got in. There were long delays and we didn’t go far for hours. That evening as we were driving north the lorry broke down and we had to get out. We didn’t know what to do. We were tired and hungry so we decided to walk to a village and stay in a hotel. But we had to pay. The next day we went home.



We decided to walk to the port in Bristol and try to board a ship. We went to the office and asked if any ships would take us for free. For five days no one would. On the sixth day we found a ship to take us to Spain. We boarded the ship and the next day we arrived in Bilbao as the sun was rising. It was amazing.




a 2.6 Listen to the conversation. Match problems a–e with where they are happening 1–5.




crash and delays




long delays




no delays




problems this weekend




traffi c jam

b 2.6 Listen to the conversation again and tick ( ) the correct answers.

1 Why were there delays on the M3 this morning?

aThere was a crash.

b The police closed the road.

c It was raining.

2What happened three hours ago near Swindon?

a There was an accident.

b There was a very long queue. c A lorry stopped working.

3Who should use the A429 this evening?

a People who are going to Swindon. b Lorries.

c Everyone on the M4.

4Who did the police say can’t go on the motorway?

a People going to a music festival. b Hitchhikers.

c People who want to camp.

5What is unusual about the trains today?

a There aren’t any trains working.

b The trains are mainly working well. c There are lots of delays.

6Where did Jackie and Bob stay last night?

a In a hotel at the airport. b On the fl oor at the airport. c In India.

cWrite about a long journey you took. Remember to include:

how you travelled

how long it took

what problems you had.

Review and extension


Correct the sentences.

1When I did some housework, I heard the news on the radio.

When I was doing some housework, I heard the news on the radio.

2When we were getting to the station, the train was just arriving.

3My wife phoned me while I waited for my plane.

4A man was taking my wallet while I was waiting in the queue for my ticket.

5Last year, we were going on holiday to Greece for two weeks.

6I was driving to the airport when I was seeing the accident.


Correct the sentences.

1They missed their fl ight because Rob’s car broke on the way to the airport.

They missed their fl ight because Rob’s car broke down on the way to the airport.

2My travel from Berlin to London took fi fteen hours.

3Last week, I went to Rome on a business travel.

4The trafi c was terrible because it was the rush hour.

5By the time they checked away the hotel, it was 2 pm.

6In the afternoon, they went sighseeing in the old town.


Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

75% I’m set switched drove took are fell

1He was tired when he went to bed, so he switched off the light and went to sleep.



off from Paul’s house at 3:00 and

arrived in Paris at 11:30.


When I got to the hotel, I

off my shoes.



off her motorbike and broke her arm.


Those jeans are cheap! They’re

off the

original price.


He got in his car and

off without speaking.



off now. I’m meeting a friend.


Ladies and gentlemen: the fi lm is about to start, so please

make sure your phones



Look again at Review your progress on p.26 of the Student’s Book. How well can you do these things now?

3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well


talk about past holidays

describe difficult journeys

ask for information in a public place

write a travel blog.


3AHaveyoueverhelped astranger?


Present perfect or past simple

aPut the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1has / that old lady’s / done / shopping / James / lots of times .

James has done that old lady’s shopping lots of times.

2you / have / to / been / in / Rio de Janeiro / carnival / the / ever ?

3twice this week / I / to charity / money / given / have .

4have / you / my / with / helped / homework / me / never .

5they / volunteer work / ever / done / have / any ?

6big / never / a / for the waiter / left / tip / has / she .

7money / have / any / you / homeless person / to / given / ever / a ?

8several times / I / visited / this month / my / have / grandmother .

bComplete the exchanges with the present perfect or past simple forms of the words in brackets.



Have you ever given money to charity? (you, ever, give)


Yes, I

£10 to a cancer charity last week.




volunteer work in Africa before? (she,

ever, do)


Yes, she

some volunteer work in Mali last

year. (do)



someone who was hurt? (you, ever, help)


Yes, I

a woman who fell off her bike last

week. (help)




tips in that restaurant lots of times.



Really? How much

the last time you

came? (you, leave)



drinks for 20 people? (he, ever, buy)


Yes, he

a drink for all his friends on his

birthday in July. (buy)


make / do / give collocations

a Match 1–8 with a–h to make sentences.

1d She was a very confi dent girl, so she made

2 When she read the email from her nephew, it made

3 Are you doing anything

4 He’s a really funny guy. He always makes

5 Your daughter’s very clever. Is she doing

6 My grandfather always gives us

7 We gave the American tourists

8 He didn’t use his camera any more, so he gave it

aaway to his grandson.

bsilly jokes when he’s with friends.

ca big hug when we go to see him.

dlots of friends at her new school.

enice for your birthday?

fdirections to the train station.

gwell at school this term?

hher smile because it was so funny.

bUnderline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1I love those old black-and-white fi lms. Charlie Chaplin always does / makes / gives me smile.

2You’re so mean. You never do / make / give the waiters a tip.

3He made / did / gave volunteer work for a charity in Africa last year.

4She was so happy to see him again that she gave / made / did him a big hug.

5Do your parents usually make / give / do something nice when it’s their wedding anniversary?

6I’m having a great time in Paris. I’ve made / done / given some new friends in the hostel.

7The doctors say that she’s making / giving / doing well and that she can leave the hospital tomorrow.

8I’ve never made / given / done anyone directions in French

– all the tourists who come here speak English.



the bank for a 8


3BI’vealreadyspent my salarythismonth


a Match 1–8 with a–h to make sentences.

1f My company pays my salary

2 That holiday sounds fantastic, but

3 My brother lent me £50 yesterday

4 If you can’t afford to buy a new car,

5 She’s just spent £150

6 I only buy clothes from that shop

7 If you buy two jackets,

8 When I borrow money

aso I could buy some new jeans.

bfrom my parents, I always pay it back quickly.

cwhen they have special offers.

dwe can give you a 20% discount.

eon two pairs of shoes.

finto my bank account.

git costs £5,000 just for a week!

hwhy don’t you get a loan from the bank?

b Complete the text with the words in the box.


afford lend spend

bank account

up for


back loan

I’m saving 1 up for

a car at the moment. I pay

£200 2

my 3

each month.

I can’t 4

to buy a new car, so it will have to be

second-hand – probably three or four years old. My parents

have offered to 5

me some money but I don’t

want to 6

any money from them. They’ve just

bought a very old house in the country and they need to

a lot of money on repairs. So I’m going to ask of £5,000. I think I can pay it

in two years.

2 GRAMMAR Present perfect with just, already and yet

aUnderline the correct adverbs to complete the sentences.

1I’ve just / already / yet spent £100 this weekend, so I’m afraid I can’t afford to go to a restaurant for dinner.

2It’s Mum’s birthday tomorrow – have you bought her a present already / just / yet?

3Look, I’ve just / already / yet bought a new mobile phone. It’s brilliant, isn’t it?

4He’s yet / just / already saved up £3,000 because he wants to travel round the world next summer.

5A Why does she look so upset?

B Because she’s already / just / yet lost her wallet.

6No, I can’t lend you any more money. You’ve already / just / yet borrowed £100 from me.

7Oh, no! We can’t play tennis now because it’s already / yet / just started raining.

8She hasn’t opened a new bank account already / yet / just.

bCorrect the sentences.

1Mike just has spent £400 on a new camera.

Mike has just spent £400 on a new camera.

2He’s borrowed already £2,000 from his bank.

3Have you yet paid Louise back?

4Sue already has spent the money she borrowed from me.

5We’ve bought just a new TV in the sales.

6Has she saved yet enough money to buy a tablet?

7I’ve bought already a present for my wife.

8They’ve opened a new bank account in France just.


aPut the conversation in the correct order.

B Yes, I suppose she might like them. On second thoughts, maybe I should get something else.

1 A Good morning. Can I help you? B Do you have anything cheaper?

A OK. Er, let me see … what about this necklace?

B Yes, it’s lovely. OK, I’ll take it.

A Are you looking for anything in particular?

B Er, yes. I’m looking for a present for my wife.

A Really? How about these earrings? They’re really beautiful. A perfect present …

B Well, she loves earrings.

A Well, these earrings here are cheaper. They’re only £50 with the discount.

b 3.1 Listen and check.

cUnderline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1How would you like to cost / pay / buy?

2We’re looking for / at / after a present for my grandfather.

3Did you want something on / in / at particular?

4Who’s then / after / next, please?

5In second thoughts / On second thoughts / My second thought, I really think we should get her a book.

6Can you enter / write / touch your PIN, please?

7Do you have this in a different size / till / receipt? Thanks.

8Could you show us something more / something else / something other?

d Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1for / jacket / looking / a / I’m .

I’m looking for a jacket.

2a / 14 / size / I’m / I / think .

3same / in / have / one / blue / do / the / you ?

4much / tell / can / it / how / is / you / me ?

5a bit / too / that’s / expensive .

6one / you / cheaper / do / have / a ?

2 PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress

a 3.2 Listen to the sentences and underline the stressed syllables or words.

1Can you show us something else?

2Can you enter your PIN, please?

3I’m looking for a present for my husband.

4Do you have any black jeans?

5Thanks. I’ll take it.

6Actually, I think we should buy her a book.



1. I… (move) to London.
2. 1 … (fly) to the Moon.
3.1 … (marry) at 25.
4. We … (have) three kids.
5. My wife … (become) a famous actress.
6. My wife and children (travel) all over the
7. We … (eat) in restaurants every day.
8. I … (open) a flying school in England.
Боламды, болымсыз пж пж пж​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

• Complete the paragraph on the right with the PAST TENSE forms of verbs on the left. My Flight to London B board v. C check-in v. F fasten v. find v. land v. serve v. sit v. L S T take v. take-off v. W wait v. walk v. watch v. Dear Sylvia, Last month was my first time to fly by myself. I was a little nervous, but it was exciting! First, I (1) a taxi to the international airport terminal. Then, I (2) at the check-in counter and (3) to the departure lounge at Gate 64. I was early, so I didn’t have to wait a long time to go through immigration and security. I in the departure lounge for about 25 minutes and then I showed my passport and boarding pass before I (5) the plane. After I boarded the plane, I walked along the aisle and (6) my seat, and then 1 (7) my seat belt. I was lucky because my seat was a window seat, so I could look outside as the plane (9) After a us dinner, few hours, the flight attendants (10) down and (8) and then I talked to the passenger sitting next to me. His name was Leonardo, and I was surprised to find out that he was also traveling to London to study English for the summer. Finally, | (11) an action movie, and then our plane soon after that. It was a great experience, (12) and I made a lot of friends during my six weeks in England. I’ll e-mail you again after I fly back to Italy next Saturday. See you soon! Love, Adrianna​ допоможіть пж аж даю 95 балів

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