My wife is a really good cooker ошибка

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Correct the mistakes
1 She likes listening music
2 I am architect
3 Are you feeling allright?
4 When I can visit your house?
5 Let’s discuss about this tomorrow
6 He don’t come here often
7 Where you go yesterday?
8 I live in this town all my life
9 My wife is a really good cooker

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Updated on

15 Mar 2022

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  • English (US)

«I’ve lived in this town my whole life.» Or, «I have lived in this town my whole life.»
«My wife is a really good cook.» Or, «My wife is a very good cook.»

  • Spanish (Mexico)

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Correct the next sentences, please. I live in this town all my life. My wife is a really good cooker.

  • please correct the following sentences, thank you.

    I prepared hashed beef with rice for dinner….


    Last night, I made beef with rice for dinner. I was running late and didn’t have much time to cook, so I decided to make this because it’s easy.

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    «She gives me time to relax before I go to work early in the morning.»

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    My mom tries to help me cook, but it disturbs me.

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    Thank you.

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Упражнения на пропущенные предлоги английского языка уровня elementary

Итак, сегодняшний наш материал посвящен английским предлогам, а точнее, уже практике и проверки заданий этой темы. Выполните упражнения на пропущенные предлоги английского языка, вставьте нужный предлог там, где это необходимо.

Данные тесты рассчитаны на учеников уровней elementary и pre-intermediate, а также отлично подойдет, как практическое задание для всех, кто изучает английский язык самостоятельно.

Тренируемся правильно употреблять английские предлоги


  • Задание на английские предлоги
  • Задание на английские предлоги 2
  • Задание на английские предлоги 3
  • Prepositions 1
  • Prepositions 2
  • Prepositions 3

Задание на английские предлоги

Заполните недостающие предлоги в следующих предложениях:


I met my husband

a party


Sally has been a teacher

three years.


Many Swedes are good



Anne is 25-years-old. but she still lives

her parents.


See you


7 o’clock.


We are having a big party

New Year’s Eve.


Shall we go

the cinema tonight


I got a tie

my girlfriend



Shall we ring

a taxi?

Задание на английские предлоги 2

Продолжаем заполнять недостающие предлоги:


I must introduce you

my cousin.


Don’t eat sweets, they’re bad

your teeth.


I haven’t been to the cinema



Would you like a piece of cake

your cofFee?


How often do you borrow books

the library?


Yes, you’re right, Jane. I agree



Cheers! Let’s drink

your success.


Can you look

the children tonight? I have to go to a meeting.


My children are looking forward



My brother is living

a French girl.

Задание на английские предлоги 3

И еще немного, продолжаем заполнять недостающие предлоги:


Look at the exercise

the bottom of page 17.


We went to Swansea



Do you usually have a party

your birthday?


He put a ladder up

the wall.


I’m really longing

the holidays.


What time did you arrive



There is a bus stop

the end of the road.


My sister is afraid


Выполните следующие упражнения:

Prepositions 1

Заполните недостающие предлоги в следующих предложениях:


I’m very interested



Would you like some wine

the meal?


I’ve been learning English

two years.


I went to Stockholm



I bought my son a bicycle

his birthday.


My grandfather was in the army

the War.


He lives

the corner of Green Street and Links Road.

Prepositions 2

Продолжайте заполнять недостающие предлоги в предложениях:


Why are you

such a bad mood today?


Where are you going

your holidays?


Don’t speak

him now; he is not feeling very well.


My wife has just been



That’s really typical

John. He says he’ll come but he never turns up.


I’ve know him

many years now.


I must be home

11.30 at the latest.


My children are really looking forward


Prepositions 3

И еще немного недостающих предлогов


Do you usually have a holiday



I haven’t seen John

he got married.


What time do you usually get up

the mornings?


My son’s really afraid



I’m afraid I’m not very good



See you

4 o’clock, then.


There’s no point

saving nowadays, is there?

Возможно будут интересны другие упражнения:

  • Лексические упражнения на части речи
  • Лексическое задание английского языка уровня elementary
  • Найдите лишнее слово

Ну как, получилось с первого раза без ошибок? Если нет, то рекомендуем проходить тест пока не освоите данную тему и не будете делать ошибки.

Удачи в изучении английского языка!

Просмотры: 5 167

К содержанию


Раздел 3 — Языковой материал (задания по Грамматике и Лексике)

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18-26, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18-26.

18 We arrived at the lake very early. It was cold but in spite of that there were several __________________ there. Dad pulled our fishing rods out of the rucksack and we joined the others. MAN
Ответ: men
19 “Hey, look what I __________________!” a man sitting several metres upstream proudly showed us his bag. There was a large fish in it. CATCH
Ответ: have caught / ‘ve caught
20 “Good job,” Dad __________________ and everyone became quiet again. SAY
Ответ: said
21 “How long do we have to wait? When will they bite?” I whispered. “I __________________,” Dad whispered back and a moment later he was holding a little, silver fish. NOT/KNOW
Ответ: do not know / don’t know
22 “See?” he turned to me. “But this one is too small. We’d better let it go and wait for the next one.” And he let __________________ fish go. HE
Ответ: his
23 The second fish was __________________ than the first one and soon Dad caught a few more. BIG
Ответ: bigger
24 “If it goes on like this, mum __________________ us a great dinner,” he said. COOK
Ответ: will cook
25 We kept fishing till noon but I didn’t catch anything __________________ and got really bored with it. I
Ответ: myself
26 To me, it __________________ a stupid waste of time but I certainly wasn’t going to tell Dad that. He wouldn’t have liked it. BE
Ответ: was


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27-32, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27-32.

27 People spend hours talking on their mobile phones. There is an opinion that it may be __________________ to their health, but it is difficult to know for sure. HARM
Ответ: harmful
28 Some research shows that mobile phones may cause brain problems. On the other hand, some doctors say mobiles are not __________________ at all. DANGER
Ответ: dangerous
29 No matter what doctors say, it’s just __________________ to live without a mobile phone today. POSSIBLE
Ответ: possibility
30 It has become a very __________________ device and people can’t do without it. USE
Ответ: useful
31 It makes our life __________________ and saves time. COMFORT
Ответ: comfortable
32 People can get in touch with each other quickly. Mobile phones make __________________ easier. COMMUNICATE
Ответ: communication


Помогите с ответом!!!
Correct the mistakes
1 She likes listening music
2 I am architect
3 Are you feeling allright?
4 When I can visit your house?
5 Let’s discuss about this tomorrow
6 He don’t come here often
7 Where you go yesterday?
8 I live in this town all my life
9 My wife is a really good cooker
И ещё нужно указать какие ошибки

Автор: Гость

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


1 She likes listening TO music.
2 I am AN architect.
3 Are you feeling allright? Do you feel allright? Оба варианта используются. Второй «правильнее».
4 When CAN I visit your house?
5 Let’s discuss this tomorrow.
6 He doESn’t come here often.
7 Where DID you go yesterday?
8 I HAVE liveD in this town all my life.
9 My wife is a really good COOK.

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What’s this symbol?

The Language Level symbol shows a user’s proficiency in the languages they’re interested in. Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren’t too complex or too simple.

  • Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language.

  • Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers.

  • Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers.

  • Can understand long, complex answers.

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Sign up for premium, and you can play other user’s audio/video answers.

What are gifts?

Show your appreciation in a way that likes and stamps can’t.

By sending a gift to someone, they will be more likely to answer your questions again!

If you post a question after sending a gift to someone, your question will be displayed in a special section on that person’s feed.

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Tired of searching? HiNative can help you find that answer you’re looking for.

a) You have missed the beginning of the film. HAS

the beginning of the film hasn’t been missed

b) I can’t seem to stop sneezing lately. BEEN

I have been unable to stop sneezing lately

c) Paul is different from what he used to be. HAS

Paul has changed from what he used to be

d) This has been my home for thirty years. HAVE

I have lived here for thirty years

e) Eating Chinese food is new to me. BEFORE

I’ve never eaten Chinese food before

f) Is there any news? HAPPENED

What’s happened?

g) I bought my car in 1985 and I’m still driving it. BEEN

I’ve been driving my car since I bought it in 1985

h) I don’t know where my keys are. HAVE

I have no idea where my keys are

i) Sue doesn’t have her dictionary with her; it’s at home. HAS

Sue has left her dictionary at home

j) Tony hasn’t been to Paris before. FIRST

It’s the first time Tony has been to <span>Paris</span>

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