Net use системная ошибка 1311


I’m trying to map network drives from a W7 x64 workstation across a VPN to two Server 2016 servers via a cmd file using net use

The scenario is as follows

AD1  Domain Controller — Server 2016

AS1  Member Server — Server 2016

FS1  Member Server — Server 2016

I want to map to shares on both AS1 and FS1

I can map shares on AS1 without issue, but not FS1

Workstation can ping both AS1 and FS1 by name (i.e. name resolution works)

net view \fs1

fails (quickly) — access is denied

net use Z: \fs1share /user:domain/user password

fails after a period of time — System error 1311 — There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request

I have also tried connecting by IP address which made no difference and given that name resolution is working that is not surprising.

From my perspective FS1 and AS1 are configured identically, yet clearly there is some difference that I need to identify.

Would appreciate some troubleshooting suggestions



I am receiving this error message when trying to create a shortcut on one server (server A) to a file on another server (server B).  Both servers are DCs and on different subnets.  Both servers are running W2K3.  Shortcuts worked until this weekend.  No power failures or odd environmental issues reported, and no updates applied to the server since July 25.  Things worked fine on July 27.

I am able to ping both directions without issue, and can create an RDC connection both ways as well.  The shortcuts work going from Server B to Server A, but not from A to B

I saw two other posts regarding this issue.  The first stated to check the DNS settings.  I checked on both servers and both appeared okay.  The next post suggested re-joining to the domain in question, but it doesn’t sound like that would apply in this case.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!  Thanks in advance!


The primary purpose of logging on with cached credentials is to enable you to access the local workstation. However, if you have logged on by cached credentials, you may be unable to access network resources because you have not been authenticated. For example 1) after you log on to a w2k/xp laptop by using cached credentials, you may be unable to access the network resources. This issue is commonly experienced by laptop users whose computer resides in a Windows Server domain and who log on to the computer by using cached credentials prior to being able to establish a remote access connection. 2) You log on to a w2k/xp laptop with a domain logon option in a workgroup network. After you establish the connection and you try to map the network drives, the operation may be unsuccessful, and you may receive the following error message: «System Error: (1311) There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.»


To authenticate the cached credentials, 1) if it is w2k/xp, use net command, for example, net use \servernamesharename /user:username. 2) if xp, open Windows Explorer>Tools>Map Network Drive. Click Connect using a different user name, enter the username and password.

We have 10 laptops running Windows XP Service pack 2  that are configured on a mixed mode windows domain. Those laptops are also used in the field where the auditos take an 8-port switch, go onsite and switch to a peer to peer mode with static IP addresses. All laptops use a local (i.e. non-domain) username and password to log in. That username is Auditor.  All laptops also use the same shared folder called «clitemp» that it is confiugured to have Full control for administrators and the user Auditor (who is a local administrator) Below are the scripts used for connection that each laptop has with unique local IP addresses for each laptop of course:

1) Script to connect to the Field network with the 8-port switch or when they are at work on the domain:
@echo off
if exist winntsystem32 cd winntsystem32
if not exist winntsystem32 cd windowssystem32

@echo Setting IP address and Subnet
netsh interface ip set address name = «Local Area Connection» source = static addr = mask =
@echo Setting Gateway
netsh interface ip set address name = «Local Area Connection» gateway = gwmetric = 1
@echo Setting Primary and Secondary DNS servers
netsh interface ip set dns name = «Local Area Connection» source = static addr =
netsh interface ip add dns name = «Local Area Connection» addr =
@echo IP Adress Changed to FIELD and WORK network

2) Script to display computer name. The auditor who is going to act as the server when in the field runs that and it basically gives the name to the people to use to map a drive

‘  VBScript.
‘  Display Computer Name
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject(«WScript.Network»)
WScript.Echo «Computer Name = » & WshNetwork.ComputerName & «»

3) This script asks for the name of the computer that the auditor acting as the server gives and maps the share Clients as drive W: using the credentials of the machine that is acting as the server.
@Echo off

set /p pcname=Please enter name of the PC (eg. JohnD-Laptop) to connect:

Echo Disconnecting any old W: drive if it exists…

net use W: /d /yes

Echo Attempting to connect to W: Drive…

net use W: \%pcname%clitemp <password for user auditor> /user:%pcname%auditor


No firewalls are setup on the laptops, but on occasion we still get the 1311 error message. All laptops log on locally so the domain authentication should not be an issue. All laptops use the same local account to log on locally and the map drive script explicitly connects using the account that is on the PC that is acting as the server so cached credentials should exist, but even if they are not, the fact that the map drive command explicitly provides the credentials, should allow for connection.

The only other thing I noted when this occurs is that the user whose machine can’t map the drive, cannot see the server by name. They can ping by IP address, but even if I try to have them enter the IP address to map the drive while also using the credentials, the error 1311 occurs again.

Any suggestions on the matter would be appreciated.


  • When trying to mount a samba share from a windows client using the following command:
D:UsersUser1>net use * \A.B.C.Dmount Metro01 /user:AD_WINDOWShp
  • It fails with the following error:
System error 1311 has occurred.
There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Microsoft Active Directory

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