Path of exile ошибка при запуске failed to initialize

Hello all,

UPDATE: As a result of my findings I thought earlier that this issue was caused by the update KB3081455 itself, but after doing a bit more troubleshooting I found out that the root causes of this issue were some corrupted OS files after the clean install of Windows 10 on a formated SSD, not the installed update KB3081455. However, the installed update might cause some issues with Path of Exile IF you have corrupted OS files when installing the update.

As a result, I’ve tagged the previous explanation as spoiler and what truly matters are the ways of fixing this issue below.

I recommend that you download Optimus Princeps and Fontin fonts and extract them, download links are the following and, but do not install them yet.

A way that I used to fix this issue, now with the update KB3081455 installed:
Step 1: Go to «Programs and features» (I’m not using the english version, but hopefully you’ll understand)
Step 2: «Show installed updates»
Step 3: Find the installed update KB3081455 and uninstall it. Windows asks for you to restart the computer, please do so.
Step 4: If you’re using a 3rd party antivirus software and/or firewall, for example Avast! or Comodo, please disable all of their security features before continuing. Windows Defender or Windows Firewall shouldn’t cause any issues when they are on.
Step 5: Next, open start menu and search for command prompt, IMPORTANT: right click it and select run as admin.
Step 6: Use the following command to check if there are any corrupted system files: «sfc /scannow» (without the » » marks). It will take a bit of time, but it is worth it. In my case, the scan found some corrupted OS files and repaired them.
Step 7: Now, install all the previously downloaded Optimus Princeps and Fontin fonts from the extracted folders. Windows should now handle older .ttf-fonts correctly and you should be able to install them. I recommend you restart your computer after this.
Step 8: After the restart, open start menu -> settings -> Windows update and check for updates. It should find the update KB3081455, install it and restart the computer. It might cause the downloaded Optimus Princeps and Fontin fonts to appear as invalid font files in the folder where you extracted them, but this isn’t an issue. The fonts were installed before and should appear as valid fonts in the Fonts-folder.
Step 9: I suggest that after the update you check again that system files are not corrupted (Steps 5 and 6). If the scan found corrupted files, please restart your computer.
Step 10: Now you can enable all security features of 3rd party security softwares.
-> After this Path of Exile should work.

Alternative way to fix this issue that worked for me when I thought that the issues were with the update itself. However, I don’t recommend this anymore since the above way of fixing this has the update KB3081455 installed:
Step 1: Go to «Programs and features» (I’m not using the english version, but hopefully you’ll understand)
Step 2: «Show installed updates»
Step 3: Find the installed update KB3081455 and uninstall it. Windows asks for you to restart the computer, but that’s not mandatory. It is enough that the update is uninstalled. Also, please note that Win10 tends to install the update back after a while, but this can be postponed for a few days — and when the update is automatically installed again, just uninstall the update and Path of Exile will work.
-> After the update has been uninstalled Windows should handle custom fonts in a way that Path of Exile will work again.


Last edited by Tonzzo on Oct 2, 2015, 2:07:24 AM


Posted by
on Sep 26, 2015, 5:35:30 PM

Do all of us a favor. Email support and let them know about this as well. Make sure and highlight (bold) the KB#.

«Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.»

«Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!»


Posted by
on Sep 26, 2015, 5:50:48 PM

Thanks! Also requested this to be a sticky/added to the knowledge threads.

«Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.»

«Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!»


Posted by
on Sep 26, 2015, 6:53:25 PM

При запуске Path of Exile пишет ошибку failed to initialize что делать?

16459 просмотров

больше 5 лет назад

Path of Exile

3 ответа



Отлично, спасибо что так быстро среагировали на мою просьбу прикрепить скриншот, теперь давай те же перейдем непосредственно к делу. Значит заходим в Стим, я думаю он у вас уже открыт, теперь нам нужно зайти в Библиотеку, а в ней как я думаю вы уже и сами догадались, найти Path of Exile, значит после того как мы её нашли, нажимаете ПКМ по игре, и там выбираете Проверить целостность кэша, ждете пока операция завершится, и после этого можете проверять игру на работоспособность, я уверен что она запустится и никаких проблем не будет больше. Удачи вам, если что-то останется не понятно, пишите в комментарий и буду очень рад вам помочь.

Ответ дан

больше 5 лет назад


#privet ya top Gamer in the World

вот фото

Ответ дан

больше 5 лет назад


Здравствуйте уважаемый участник нашего портала, не волнуйтесь я уже спешу ответить на ваш вопрос. Для начала я хочу попросить вас скинуть полный и подробный текст ошибки который появляется при запуске игры, потому что к сожалению префикс который вы предоставили, может иметь разные окончания.
Ну или если не текст, то можете просто прикрепить скриншот в новый ответ, я буду ждать вашего сообщения. Просто это нужно для анализа проблемы, а после того как я гляну что у вас там происходит, можно будет делать определенные выводы, и решать этот вопрос.

Ответ дан

больше 5 лет назад


#privet ya top Gamer in the World

Введите ваш ответ

Символов нужно 2

[Tech Help] PoE Failed to Initialise

This error is popping up every time I try to launch the game through steam. The first time it gave me the option to try to launch with Direct X 9, haven’t had that option again since trying. Game was working fine this morning, which I think was pre-patch but I’m not 100%.

I’ve deleted keyboard language thingos, which is the only fix specifically for this issue I can find through google. I’ve tried turning it off and on again. Is there anything I’m missing before I re-install? Aussie internet, so it won’t be finishing any time soon.

edit: I ran the verify option in the steam files and it came up 1 file missing. I’m now downloading a 10GB patch. GG me playing tonight :(

[FIX] Windows 10 «Unable to initialize»

Upon launching PathOfExile you receive a message box containing the string Unable to initialise followed by application termination.

Applies to
Windows 10

Cursory analysis suggests a compatibility issue with PathOfExile’s particular TTF font encoding.

— Download FixPoeFont
— Extract to directory containing PathOfExile.exe (likely: C:Program Files (x86)Grinding Gear GamesPath of Exile)
— Launch PathOfExile

FixPoeFont substitutes PathOfExile’s custom fonts with system standard fonts; Verdana is default however can be configured via FixFont.txt

Also, this was in the file called FixPoEFont.txt

31-07-2015 17:03:37 | ————————————- FixPoeFont Loaded ————————————-
31-07-2015 17:03:37 | ERROR: Failed to hook AddFontMemResourceEx | (126) The specified module could not be found.

Nice work Emjayen. Is there a way to fix this without a 3rd party process injecting/replacing things?

Is there a font that needs to be installed, or something GGG should package/fix to make this just work normally?

Nice work Emjayen. Is there a way to fix this without a 3rd party process injecting/replacing things?

Is there a font that needs to be installed, or something GGG should package/fix to make this just work normally?

Unfortunately not as, regardless if the font is already installed, the game will continue to attempt to register it (and fail doing so). Thus, the only real way around it is to 1) Patch the game image 2) Replace the font (which is from the GGPK.

I’ve ofcourse opt’d to just patch it at runtime for obvious reasons.

The real issue appears to be with Win10; whatever TTF encoding GGG are using is being rejected even when attempting to manually install and I don’t have a dev. machine with Win10 at the moment to look into it further.


[FIX] Windows 10 «Unable to initialize»

Upon launching PathOfExile you receive a message box containing the string Unable to initialise followed by application termination.

Applies to
Windows 10

Cursory analysis suggests a compatibility issue with PathOfExile’s particular TTF font encoding.

— Download FixPoeFont
— Extract to directory containing PathOfExile.exe (likely: C:Program Files (x86)Grinding Gear GamesPath of Exile)
— Launch PathOfExile

FixPoeFont substitutes PathOfExile’s custom fonts with system standard fonts; Verdana is default however can be configured via FixFont.txt

Also, this was in the file called FixPoEFont.txt

31-07-2015 17:03:37 | ————————————- FixPoeFont Loaded ————————————-
31-07-2015 17:03:37 | ERROR: Failed to hook AddFontMemResourceEx | (126) The specified module could not be found.

Nice work Emjayen. Is there a way to fix this without a 3rd party process injecting/replacing things?

Is there a font that needs to be installed, or something GGG should package/fix to make this just work normally?

Nice work Emjayen. Is there a way to fix this without a 3rd party process injecting/replacing things?

Is there a font that needs to be installed, or something GGG should package/fix to make this just work normally?

Unfortunately not as, regardless if the font is already installed, the game will continue to attempt to register it (and fail doing so). Thus, the only real way around it is to 1) Patch the game image 2) Replace the font (which is from the GGPK.

I’ve ofcourse opt’d to just patch it at runtime for obvious reasons.

The real issue appears to be with Win10; whatever TTF encoding GGG are using is being rejected even when attempting to manually install and I don’t have a dev. machine with Win10 at the moment to look into it further.


[Windows 10] Failed to initialise.

i have a similar problem but result’s the same. POE won’t start — old or fresh system install does not care.

POE nonsteam client
Win 10
Nvidia Gtx 960, Realtek Dolby Audio
All drivers/system up to date

Thj posted link here is dead for me, Admin does not work, fontmap i haven’t found, logs all empty

As example only: 2016/07/21 08:57:13 ***** LOG FILE OPENING *****
nothing else

Is there another solution or workaround?

I dont know if anybody will help this. i had today also an issue with failed to initialise. have windows 10 and access through steam. i point out what happenend today.
i fail started dark souls on steam and because i wanted to skip intro to close it. i closed it with task manager. after that, when i tried to open poe through steam i get the error failed to initialise.
i tried everything change language, changed firewall, updated windows and graphix and reinstalled the game. nothing helped.
then i started dark souls again and closed it properly. dont know the right word, i closed it through the ingame close game button. after that path exile just worked fine again.
i think maybe for people, which did not find help it could be a steam issue. that you did not close another game properly (through task manager or dissconect or just crash down). maybe if you dont know which game it was, a new installation of steam would help. but im not sure, in my case it helped to close the other game properly.
sorry for may bad english, but if anybody get help through this, im glad.

cya around hf and gl.

perfect! you made my day. same problem same solution!

Thanks ! It worked for me as well. I’ve been searching for a solution for several months now. I’ll post this in the thread I made as well.


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