Pv20a pelltech коды ошибок

  1. Maxim Alexandrovich




    Maxim Alexandrovich

    Живу здесь


    Всех сопричастных к данной теме поздравляю с Новым годом!
    Подскажите что это ошибка на горелке pv20a выскочила?


  2. Podolsky





    Живу здесь


    @Maxim Alexandrovich,
    E37ВНУТР-ШН перегрузка двигателя внутреннего шнека
    Потребляемый двигателем внутреннего шнека ток превысил заданную в PAR46 величину
    1. Редуктор двигателя с трудом вращается и перегружает двигатель
    2. Предварительно установленное текущее значение силы тока недостаточно для двигателя

    1. Заменить двигатель и редуктор
    2. Постепенно повышать величину предварительно установленной силы тока в PAR46 до отсутствия ошибок. Ток может быть увеличен до максимального значения


  3. Maxim Alexandrovich




    Maxim Alexandrovich

    Живу здесь


    Podolsky спасибо огромное !

  4. Старик Пафнутий




    Старик Пафнутий

    Живу здесь


    Да и у меня датчики уровня пьют кровушку (сначала из-за потери чувствительности (стекляшка приёмника стала совсем мутной и чуть-чуть пыли приводила к сработке без гранул) горелка вставала с ошибкой «не горит», как у @Maxim Alexandrovich. Датчики заменил, но помня, про проблемы с чувствительностью старых, выставил на всякий случай значение 30% в настройках, вместо рекомендуемых 8% …и вуаля, месяца через полтора получил ошибку как у @Sergei Melnikov, «нет гранул», хотя их полный шланг… Уменьшил значение до 10% надеюсь поможет.

  5. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь

  6. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь


    При желании можно восстановить, не на 100% конечно. датчики можно отполировать. паста Гои (не знаю как правильно пишется) и флонелевый круг.

  7. xvovanx





    Живу здесь


    Я как «апгрейдил» у своей горелки «глазки», так и забыл про эти ошибки вообще (ни резистор не перепаивал, ни прошивку не менял и не чистил диоды ни разу)

  8. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь


    Наблюдал на одном объекте, как за два сезона один глазок стёрло на половину :ogo:, такого ещё не видел … У меня тоже старая прошивка стоит ИМХО надёжней. и статистика подтверждает. Новое — сырое.

  9. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь


    К стати, по поводу датчиков. На моей горелке никогда не было с ними проблем … то ли она меня боится, то ли пеллеты хорошего качества беру :faq:

  10. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь


    прошлой весной по делам был у вас в Риге, Старый город — супер, очень понравился!

  11. Старик Пафнутий




    Старик Пафнутий

    Живу здесь


    Привет @xvovanx
    Можешь дать ссылку на интернет магазин ?

  12. xvovanx





    Живу здесь


    Это было 5 лет назад, и интернетмагазин наш был местный, да и ссылку вряд ли уже и найду, проще на Али у китайцев в поиск забить и найти.

  13. leo270474






  14. левлев063







    Добрый всем, при запуске горелки PV30A выскакивает ошибка «перегрев». кател холодный.
    Моно ли замкнуть защитный термостат для проверки и выяснения неисправного узла

  15. Podolsky





    Живу здесь


    Можно, только это не поможет:aga:.
    Термостат перегрева отключает питание горелки, а ошибку даёт датчик температуры, он тоже на трубе, только с другой стороны от термостата. Его можно кратковременно отключить в меню параметров.
    Но для начала в меню «Инфо» T in посмотрите.

Pellet burner PV 20a User manual PV 20a Table of content Table of content.....................................................................................................................................2 Description.............................................................................................................................................4 Fuel.....................................................................................................................................................7 Installation..............................................................................................................................................7 Boiler requirements................................................................................................................................8 Burner...............................................................................................................................................10 Pellet container................................................................................................................................11 External auger..................................................................................................................................12 Electrical connections.......................................................................................................................12 Operation.............................................................................................................................................14 Starting.............................................................................................................................................15 Log....................................................................................................................................................15 Settings.............................................................................................................................................16 Info Menu.........................................................................................................................................17 Languages.........................................................................................................................................17 Refilling fuel......................................................................................................................................18 Maintenance....................................................................................................................................19 Working principle.................................................................................................................................21 Testing..............................................................................................................................................21 Loading.............................................................................................................................................21 Igniting..............................................................................................................................................21 Preburn.............................................................................................................................................21 Burning.............................................................................................................................................22 Auger control................................................................................................................................22 Fuel level detection......................................................................................................................22 Output power levels ....................................................................................................................22 Hold flame........................................................................................................................................22 End burn...........................................................................................................................................23 End blow...........................................................................................................................................23 Controller board description................................................................................................................24 Problems and solutions........................................................................................................................26 Warranty..........................................................................................................................................27 2 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Safety precautions Do not start the burner before it is connected to the boiler and the boiler is connected to the chimney. It is recommended to wear a respirator while handling pellets. The boiler room where the burner is installed must fulfill all rules and recommendations given by authorities. All electrical connections must be done by trained professionals. No flammable materials must be stored near the burner. Warnings  Changing the construction of the burner without written permission from the manufacturer is forbidden.  Use only spare parts provided or approved by the manufacturer in order to avoid any damage to the burner and dangers resulting from it  Welding is allowed only after disconnecting the burner from electric supply. The circuit board must be removed from the burner.  Do not open any boiler door while the burner is in operation. The burner complies with following directives and standards Directive 2004/108/EC Directive 2006/95/EC Directive 2001/95/EC Directive 2006/42/EC EN 15270 2008 EN 230 2005 EN 60370-2-5 2002 3 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Package content The burner is shipped with following components included: 1. Grate 2. Burner 3. Brackets for hose (2x) 4. Flange 5. Ceramic seal 6. 7-pole boiler connector 7. Hose 8. User manual Description PV 20a is a pellet burner that is intended to be used with 6 or 8mm wooden pellets. You cannot use any other fuel to run this burner. The unique construction of PV 20a allows it to be used with different boilers: liquid fuel, solid fuel and universal boilers. The PV 20a burner is connected to the boiler with a 90 mm flange (similar to oil burners). The burner is equipped with a safety thermostat, a melting chute, temperature sensor and auxiliary battery for protection against back-burning. 4 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Burner main components are shown on Figure 1 1. Burning chamber 2. Feed screw 3. Safety cut off thermostat 4. Mains transformer 5. User interface joystick 6. User interface screen 7. Auxiliary battery 8. Connectors 9. Feed screw motor 10. Fan 11. Fuel level sensor 12. Mounting nut 13. Flame detector 14. Igniter 15. Grate Figure 1 Burner main components 5 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Figure 2 Dimensions Table 1 Specification Unit PV 20a L total length mm 530 L1 burner body length mm 230 L2 burning chamber length mm 170 ⌀D burning chamber diameter mm 146 ⌀D1 burning chamber neck diameter mm 88.9 ⌀D2 internal feeder inlet diameter mm 60 H total height mm 250 H1 burner housing height mm 200 W total width mm 220 W1 burner housing width mm 204 Mass kg 11.2 Supply voltage VAC 220-240 Power max W 570 Power average W 25 - 40 Power at standby W 7 Noise dB 52 Emission class 1 - 5 Operating temperature C o 0-60 Nominal heat input kW 20 Min heat input kW 10 1. According to EN 15270 6 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Fuel PV 20a uses premium wooden pellets as fuel. Wood pellets are concentrated and homogenized fuel made from sawdust and cutter shavings. Pellets are pressed with high temperature. No extra materials are added, pellets are held together by a natural ingredient found in wood – lignin. Pellets are CO2-neutral, renewable fuel. Pellets must be stored in a dry and ventilated room. It is recommended to wear a respirator when handling pellets. Only premium class pellets can be used with PV 20a. Refilling must be carried out before the storage runs empty. In case it happened, burner has to be restarted and the loading time can be up to 20 minutes that external auger has enough time to refill itself. Table 2 Pellet properties Raw material sawdust and cutter shavings Calorific value 4700-5100 kWh/ton Volume weight ca 650-670 kg/m 3 Volume of 1 ton 1.5-1.6 m 3 Diameter 6-10 mm Length 3-5 x diameter Water content 8-10 % Ash content Ca 0.5% To replace 1000 l light oil ca 2 tons or 3 m 3 Installation You will need the following tools in order to install the burner: • Spanner no. 13 for fixing the flange of the burner to the boiler • Spanner no. 10 for connecting the body of the burner with the burning camber • Cross-head screwdriver for fixing the cover of the burner • 4 mm hex wrench for fixating the boiler to the flange In order to install the burner, the boiler must correspond to the following requirements: • The door of the boiler must have a 90 mm opening (placement opening for the oil burner). • The thickness of the boiler door must be less than 100mm • The construction of the boiler must make it possible to open the door of the boiler with the burner connected and removing ash from the furnace. If the door of the boiler is too narrow for opening it with the burner, then extra hinges must be installed. • If there is not sufficient (less than 5Pa) negative pressure in the furnace, a draught fan should be installed for the exhaust gases. • The boiler room where the burner is installed must fulfill all rules and recommendations given by authorities. 7 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a • The boiler must be positioned in a way that there is enough space for cleaning the burner, the boiler and the smoke pipe and removing the ash. If flue gas temperature at the top of the chimney is less than 80C o , there is a risk of condensation. In this case a pipe should be installed throughout the length of the chimney. Note: It is recommended to use a flue gas analyzer for adjusting the burner. The burner must be adjusted using the flue gas analyzer also when you change the size or the quality of the pellets. Boiler requirements Pellet burners need regular cleaning and therefore boiler construction must allow the door to be opened without removing the burner. The minimum size of opening in boiler depends on the position of door hinges and vice versa. Figure 3 below illustrates the situation. Point C is critical. In order to keep door width minimum and boiler opening small, a double hinge solution can be used. As double hinges add another degree of freedom, door must be fastened on both sides. Slide-out doors with guide rails is also an option. Figure 3 Hinge position and boiler opening size considerations Figure 4 Double hinges 8 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Boiler firebox length L (Figure 5) should be at least 2,5 x the length of the burning chamber. For PV 20a, minimum of 420mm is acceptable (leaving L1 approx. 250mm). The height should be enough to leave H1 below the burner about 100mm for ash. Minimum dimensions L and H for PV 20a: L≥420mm; H≥350mm. Figure 5 Boiler firebox requirements Burners are mounted to door using supplied oil burner flange. Bolt hole circle diameter and bolt sizes can be customized by using custom flanges. D1 and D2 given in Table 3 are only valid with supplied flanges. Table 3 Mounting holes for boiler door Unit ⌀D hole for burning chamber neck mm 90 ⌀D1 flange bolt ring diameter mm 130..150 ⌀D2bolt holes mm 8..9 Figure 6 Mounting holes with supplied flanges for boiler door 9 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Burner In order to install the burner properly, you must go through the following steps: 1. Remove the cover of the burner by loosening 4 screws of the cover. There is no need to remove the screws. 2. Remove the burning chamber from the burner by releasing the M6 nut that connects the halves of the burner. Separate the halves of the burner by pulling the burning camber and slightly rotating it at the same time. 3. Fix the flange (2) of the burner to the door of the boiler (1). Make sure that the opening of the flange and the opening of the boiler door are aligned. 10 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a 4. Fix the burning chamber (8). For that you need to put a ceramic seal (4) on the narrower side of the burning chamber and then put the camber through the door of the boiler in a way that the rearward wall of the burning chamber would lean on the door of the boiler. Fixate the burning chamber with two grub screws (10) to the flange. Caution! The burning camber must be placed in a way that the burning grate will be as horizontal as possible. The connection between the burner and the boiler must be tight in order to avoid any leakage of smoke gases. 5. Connect the body of the burner to the burning chamber like it was done before disassembling in step 2. 6. Fixate the halves of the burner with a M6 nut (9). The nut has to be rolled tight but not too hard. The halves of the burner are connected correctly when there is no space between the mark on the connecting tube (a line drawn on the tube with a dark marker) and the body of the burner. 7. Make sure the halves of the burner are connected correctly. Make sure that when looking through the fire tube the igniter end tip is at the same level with the wall. The tube of the inner auger must reach through its opening. Caution! After the installation of the burner always make sure that the end of the igniter is positioned through its opening and not stuck behind the dividing wall. Pellet container The burner, the auger and the pellet container are a common system. The size and the location of the pellet container depend on the needs and possibilities of the specific boiler room. While choosing the pellet container you must keep in mind that: • If the pellet container is in the same room as the boiler, then the size of the pellet container must not exceed 500 liters (approx. 350kg). • The container must be made of fireproof materials. • The container must be positioned in a way that the raising angle of the feeding auger does not exceed 45°. • It is advisable to use a container that can be closed with a cover. 11 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a External auger A feeding auger transports pellets from the pellet container to the burner. The burner controls the work of the auger. The auger is connected to the burner with a special hose. The hose is made of melting material that acts as a safety measure against back-burning. The uppon side of auger (with motor) must be fixed to a storage or to some other object nearby (with delivered chain) . Figure 7 shows correct position for external auger. As the hose is a safety device, it must be placed strictly as described below. The vertical distance between auger outlet and burner inlet must be in range of 40..70cm and horizontal displacement 10..20cm (typical auger angle 30 o ..45 o ). External auger cannot be installed in position with angle greater than 45 o . The hose must be in angle of 50 o or more to ensure free falling of the fuel. Figure 7 External auger installation (units in mm) Electrical connections The burner is equipped with a standard oil burner plug that has 7 contacts. There will be different connection schemes used for different boilers. Usually the burner is connected to the boiler with a 5- wire cable. It is also possible to connect with a 4-wire cable. Caution! All electrical connections of the burner must be made by a qualified professional. 12 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Figure 8 Burner 5-wire connection Figure 9 Burner 4-wire connection Chs – Chassis grounder R1 – Flame sensor M1 – Fan SBB – Controller board M2 – Flue gas fan* Se – Igniter M3 – External auger TR – Transformer M4 – Internal feeder Tt – Boiler thermostat Ot – Safety thermostat *Flue gas fan M2 is installed only if there is not enough draught. The flue gas fan is not included with burner. 13 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Operation The burner is controlled via user interface on the front panel. LCD screen (1) displays settings menu, event log etc. Yellow light (2) shows the presence of flame in burning chamber. Or if blinking, the burner is out of normal operation. Status can be seen on log screen. Green light (3) indicates if there is fuel in the burner. To move in menus, use up and down buttons (4), to change parameter, press OK, to go back to LOG press “ESC” button. 14 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Figure 10 Front panel Starting Prior to the initial start-up of the burner make sure that: • The burner is connected to the boiler • The boiler thermostat is installed and is functioning properly • The boiler thermostat is turned to lowest temperature • The external auger is installed and connected to the burner • The smoke duct is connected to the chimney, the dampers for smoke gases are open and there is sufficient draught. When the burner is operating, the negative pressure inside the boiler must stay between 4-6 Pa To turn on the burner, switch on boiler main switch. If burner displays ’Stopped’, then go to settings menu and change parameter ’Burner’ from OFF to ON. The display shows ’Waiting’. Now turn boiler thermostat to desired temperature. The burner will go to Loading-state. If this is the first run, extern- al auger needs to be filled with pellets. It can take up to 20 minutes. To stop the burning, turn boiler thermostat to lowest point. The burner will now finish the process after all fuel is burnt. Caution! Never turn off a working burner from the main switch of the boiler. Use the thermostat switch for that purpose. In order to stop safely, let the burner burn empty. Do not leave the burner unattended when it has been necessary to use the emergency stop. Log Log screen displays last events (burner states) and their duration. All states are described in Table 4. The duration is in form mm:ss (’m’ in the middle) or hh:mm (’h’ in the middle). For example ’Igniting 01m25 means the burner ignition state lasted 1minute and 25 seconds. Last row of the log shows current state. To reach the last row, press the “down” button, until you reach the current state. The duration of current state updates every second or minute. 15 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Table 4 Burner states Status Description STOPPED The burner is not switched on. WAITING The burner is switched on and waiting for command from the thermostat of the boiler. TESTING Testing the fan, battery, feeder. LOADING Loading pellets into burner for ignition after the command from boiler thermostat. LOADING2 Second try if the first ignition was not successful. IGNITION Loaded amount of pellets are in the burning chamber, igniter and fan are working till photocell recognizes flame. PREBURN Only the fan is working, the igniter is off. Pellets start burning properly. BURNING Status of normal working: External auger works by level sensor, internal auger and fan are working by. Photocell must see the flame. HOLD FLAME Boiler has reached an estimated temperature and boiler thermostat switched off, pilot flame is held in the burning chamber. BURN END Boiler has reached an estimated temperature and boiler thermostat switched off the burner. The external auger has stopped, the internal feeder and fan are still working until all fuel is burned. END BLOW When photocell doesn`t see any flame only the fan keeps on working with minimum speed in order to make sure there is no fuel in burner. NO PELLETS Level sensor does not detect pellets NO FLAME There is no flame in the burner more than 120 seconds during burning. OVERHEAT Temperature in the burner has reached preset temperature and burner turned off. IGN.ERROR Flame is not recognized after ignition LEVEL ERR Level dose not reached or level dose not disappear at burning time FEEDER ERR Jam in feeder or feeder rotation is not detected FAN ERROR Fan rotation problem BATTERY LOW Battery is not connected or empty NO POWER Supply power is not detected – burner works on battery Settings To enter settings menu, press OK. To go back to log screen, press ESC. Table 5 Main menu Men u nr Menu parameter ENG Description Default value Selection list 1 STATUS-> Submenu for status information * 1 2 INFO-> Information from burner devices * 2 3 BURNER Turn burner ON/OFF OFF ON/OFF 4 HOLD FLAME Flame holding allowed * 3 OFF ON/OFF/AUTO 16 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a 5 PELLETS Select fuel quality NORMAL NORMAL/LIGHT/HEAVY 6 POWER Actual power level AUTO AUTO/10/12/14/16/18/20 7 BASE AIR Fan speed correction for all fan speeds 0 -2/-1/0/+1/+2/+3/+4/+5 8 LANGUAGE Language selection * 4 ENG See language list 9 PARAMETERS -> Parameter setup menu *1 – see “Status menu description” *2 – see “Info menu description” *3 – see “HOLD FLAME” status description *4 – see “Languages” chapter Info Menu To enter info menu, move in the main menu until the row INFO and press OK. Content of info menu is following: TOTAL = total amount of pellets burned with this burner. Amount is updated after every 10 kg. COUNT = amount of pellets burned since last zero. Amount is updated after every 0,1 kg. To zero the amount, be sure you are in this menu and hold down OK for 5 sec. FAN = fan rotation speed as it is / fan rotation speed as it should be ± base air (selected base air in the main menu) P = currently working power/ power as it should be T = burner internal temperature U = Battery voltage level I = Feeder current DRAUGHT = when underpressure sensor is connected, draught is shown. Languages To change the burner language, move in the main menu until the row LANGUAGES and press OK. Choose the requested language and press OK. Burner has following languages: english (ENG), estonian (EST), finnish (FIN), french (FRA), german (GER), greek (GRE), latvian (LAT), lithuanian (LIT), dutsch (NED), portuguese (POR), russian (RUS), serbian (SRB), spanish (SPA), slovakian (SLV), swedish (SWE). Table 6 Parameters menu Parameter Description Unit Value Nr Name Default Min. Max. 1 BURN AIR @10kW Fan speed at power level 1 rps 22 20 24 2 BURN AIR @12kW Fan speed at power level 2 rps 25 23 27 17 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a 3 BURN AIR @14kW Fan speed at power level 3 rps 27 25 29 4 BURN AIR @16kW Fan speed at power level 4 rps 30 28 32 5 BURN AIR @18kW Fan speed at power level 5 rps 34 32 36 6 BURN AIR @20kW Fan speed at power level 6 rps 38 36 40 7 TESTING AIR Fan speed for testing rps 42 38 50 8 IGNITION AIR Fan speed during ignition cycle rps 25 20 35 9 BURN END AIR Fan speed durinf end blow cycle rps 20 10 30 10 HOLD FLAME AIR Fan speed during hold flame cycle rps 10 7 14 11 HOLD FLAME ON In case of Hold flame is set on AUTO, flame holding activated after 2 waiting session, both less then 15 min. min 15 5 30 12 HOLD FLAME OFF In case of Hold flame is set on AUTO, there is maximum time for flame holding cycle. min 60 30 90 13 MIN POWER Minimum power level kW 12 10 20 14 MAX POWER Maximum power level kW 18 10 20 15 AUTO POWER UP min 60 30 120 16 AUTO POWER DOWN min 30 15 45 21 PELLET NORMAL Internal feeder production g/rot 33 28 38 22 PELLET LIGHT Internal feeder production g/rot 31 28 38 23 PELLET HEAVY Internal feeder production g/rot 35 28 38 24 LOADING FEED Feeder turns during loading cycle rot 21 20 24 25 LOADING 2 FEED Feeder turns during second loading cycle rot 3 1 8 26 BURN END FEED rot 15 10 20 30 SMOKEFAN ON 0- OFF, 1 - ON 0/1 0 0 1 31 SMOKEFAN 1 Smokegas fan speed for ignition, end blow, burn at power level 1 and 2 % 40 0 100 32 SMOKEFAN 2 Smokegas fan speed for burn at power level 3 and 4 % 60 0 100 33 SMOKEFAN 3 Smokegas fan speed for burn at power level 5 and 6 % 80 0 100 40 PHOTOCELL Photocell sensitivity % 84 50 100 41 PREBURN TIME Preburn cycle lenght s 50 30 100 42 PREBURN CYCLES n 2 1 4 43 OVERHEAT TEMP Maximum allowed burner temperature °C 50 20 70 50 ON ERROR RELAY Error output relay contacts (ON - NO or OFF -NC) ON ON/OFF 99 MODEL VERSION Load default settings for chosen burner model or change model type 0 20a 20a/30a/50a/ 100a Refilling fuel The fuel storage must be refilled before it runs empty. Fuel can be added at any time during the operation. To add fuel, simply pour a new bag of pellets into your fuel storage. 18 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a If the storage runs empty before new fuel is added, the external auger must be loaded again as described in chapter Starting. Failing to do so will result ‘No Pellets’ due to fuel loading timeout. Maintenance Pellet burner PV 20a requires systematic maintenance. The maintenance period depends on the quality of the pellets and heating intensity. The average maintenance period is 1 week. The burner needs cleaning when the ash layer on the grate is thicker than 1.5-2 cm. As even high quality pellets contain 0.3-0.5% ash, then the burning grate must be cleaned at least once a week. Depending on the quality of the pellets, it might be necessary to clean the burner more frequently. To clean the burner: 1. Turn off the burner by turning the thermostat to 0. 2. Let the burner cool down for at least 1 hour. 3. Open the boiler's door to gain access to burning chamber 4. Remove the grate and clean it from any residue. Make sure all holes on the plate are clean. 5. Remove ash from burning chamber. 6. Clean the boiler. The frequency of cleaning the boiler depends on the type of the boiler and heating intensity. For more information about cleaning the boiler, please see boiler's user manual. 7. Put back the grate. Make sure the stopper of grate is touching the burning camber from inside. Misaligned base plate will change the air flow and reduce burning efficiency. 8. Close the boiler's door to finish the maintenance and turn the thermostat to desired temperature. NB! The burner grate must be checked and cleaned once a week. This assures trouble-free and effective operation of the burner. The connection between the boiler and chimney must be completely tight. All cleaning and maintenance openings must be closed with covers. Feed screw motor The condition of the feeding screw motor is crucial for safety. Therefore the motor must be replaced after every 2000 working hours or after 40-50 tons of pellets are burned or when the burner gives warning. Burnered pellets amount (in kg) is accessible from info-menu. Battery Battery must be replaced when the burner gives warning message or after 5 years. As the battery is also safety device, burner monitors the state of battery and blocks next work cycle if battery voltage is not within limits. Fan The air in boiler room contains dust that can deposit on fan bearings. The best cure is to keep boiler room as clean as possible. Otherwise the fan bearings can get stuck after several years of working and must be replaced. 19 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Resetting safety thermostat In case of overheating the burner flashes yellow indicator and displays message OVERHEAT. The safety thermostat must be reset manually. Thermostat is located on the horizontal tube of inner auger. 1. Make sure the burner has cooled down and disconnected from power supply. 2. Remove the cover by loosening 4 screws (2 on both sides) 3. Press small button on thermostat. 4. Connect power supply 5. Press OK for 5s 6. If indicator keeps flashing, you need to replace the thermostat. Figure 11: Resetting the safety thermostat 20 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Working principle Testing Before every startup the burner tests itself. At testing time fan is turned on at maximum power. If its speed doesn´t reach 30 rps, “fan error”will occure on display. Battery loading is turned off and feeder is turned on. If battery voltage is lower then 12V, “Battery low” error will occure. By testing the feeder has to make 1 full turn in 8 seconds, if it fails to do it, “feeder error” will occure. Loading In the loading cycle, internal feeder loads correct amount of fuel into burning chamber needed for ignition. Loaded fuel amount is measured by counting internal feeder rotations. Loading is correctly ended when feeder has made 22 rotations. Internal feeder working depends on fuel level sensor: • If level sensor recognizes fuel in burner for more than 1s, the feeder is started • If feeder makes 1.5 rotations without fuel in burner then the feeder stops External auger is holding permanent fuel level in the feeder tube all loading time depending on level sensor: • If level sensor does not recognize fuel in burner more than 1s, the auger is started. • If level sensor recognizes fuel in burner more than 5s, the auger is stopped. Maximum loading time is limited with 5 minutes in normal working conditions and 20 minutes after manual start. Igniter is preheated in the end of loading cycle. When internal auger has made 10 rotations (full load rotations* - 12) the igniter is turned on for preheating. If the igniter is turned on more than 1 minute at loading time, the igniter will be turned off. • If level sensor recognizes fuel in burner for more than 1s, the feeder is started • If feeder makes 1.5 rotations without fuel in burner then the feeder stops Igniting In ignition state the igniter is heated up and fan blows hot air through loaded pellets and ignites them. Igniter is turned off after every 50 seconds to avoid overheating it, and turned on again after 20s . Preburn The purpose of preburn state is to fully ignite the pellets. No fuel is added at preburn. Fan works at the same speed as in ignition. 21 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Burning The running position of the burner. Fuel is periodically added and fan is keeping speed according to air table. Burning state lasts until boiler thermostat is switched off. Auger control External auger is holding permanent fuel level in the feeder tube during Burning state. The auger is controlled by fuel level sensor in following manner: • Auger is started after level sensor does not recognize fuel in burner and internal feeder has done 2 half- rotations. • Auger is stopped when level sensor recognize fuel in burner for more than 1s. Fuel level detection Pellet level in vertical feeder tube is detected by fuel level sensor (optical). Fuel is detected when pellets interrupt optical link between sensor pair. Burner will enter level detection fault condition in following cases: 1. Fuel loading timeout (no signal for specified period of time) 2. Fuel unloading timeout (signal lasts longer than specified period of time) Output power levels Burner has 6 preset output power levels. For every level, program calculates correct fuel amount depending of fuel calorific value and burner internal feeder productivity. The feeder productivity for normal, light and heavy pellets can be changed from setup menu (par21, par22, par23). For most pellets it is 33g per rotation. Calculated amount of fuel is divided into periodic feeding cycles. In every cycle internal feeder makes half rotation. If the calculated cycle comes to short (less than 11s) then the cycle length is doubled and fuel is fed with by full rotation of feeder. For every power level there is different preset fan rotation speed (air table). Burner chooses the output level between preset min and max powers. When burning time has been more then 60 min, next time burner takes one level up, when burning time has been less then 30 min, next time burner takes one level down. Hold flame The main idea of this state is to reduce the number of igniting cycles. This state can be turned on automatically or manually in “hold flame” menu (ON/OFF/AUTO). If set to AUTO, burner goes to “hold flame” when the time between two startups is less then 10 minutes for 2 times. When “hold flame” lasts more then one hour, automatic mode is turned off and burner goes to “burn end” state. In “hold flame” state new fuel is fed after every 127s and fan is working by speed given by par10. 22 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a End burn In the end burn state all fuel inside the burning chamber and feeder tube must be burned - no more fuel added from external auger. Internal feeder and fan keep on working as in previous states (“hold flame” or “burning”). After the feeder has made periodically 15 half-rotations (par26), the feeder starts working continiously until 32 half-rotations is made. End blow Only the fan keeps on working with speed shown in par9 to burn out all coals. Feeder is turned off. This state lasts until no flame is recognized plus one minute. Table 7 Air table for PV 20a Power [kW] Fan [rps] Cycle [s]* Feeder [rot]* 10 22 26 ½ 12 25 22 ½ 14 27 18,5 ½ 16 30 16,5 ½ 18 34 14,5 ½ 20 38 13 ½ * - cycle length and feeder rotations are different if feeder production changed in parameters setup 23 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Controller board description Figure 11 Controller board 24 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Table 8 X1 and X2 connectors X1 Description X2 Description Ash removal + 1 Igniter 1 Ash removal - 2 Igniter 2 Ash removal + 3 N 3 Battery positive terminal 4 Flue gas fan 4 Battery negative terminal 5 Mains transformer 5 Flame sensor 6 Mains transformer 6 Flame sensor 7 Fan 7 Feed screw - (black) 8 L 8 Feed screw + (red) 9 Thermostat 9 Mains transformer 10 External auger 10 Mains transformer BUT – User interface buttons CONTR – LCD contrast and viewing angle adjustment FAN – Internal air fan speed feedback sensor FDR – Feed screw motor speed feedback sensor TRS – Fuel level sensor transmitter (black marking) RSV – Fuel level sensor receiver (white marking) TEMP1 – Feed screw tube temperature sensor TEMP2 – Ambient temperature sensor TEMP3 UART – RS232 interface for external modem (5V TTL). Fuses: Fuse Rating Function F1 0.5A quick External auger F2 1A quick Fan F3 0.5A quick Flue gas fan F4 3A quick Igniter F5 2A quick Controller and feeder motor 25 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Problems and solutions Error states Cause Action Stopped This is actually not an error condition. Burner is turned OFF from menu. To turn burner on: - hold down OK button at least 3s OR - change row BURNER from OFF to ON in setup menu No pellets Maximum loading time is reached (5 or 20 minutes) and not enough fuel from external auger for ignition is loaded - check fuel in storage - check auger and auger connection to burner - check the level sensors, clean them Fuel level is not detected in 4 minutes at burning time No flame Flame is disappeared at preburning time Flame is disappeared at burning time - check the level sensors, clean them - check photocell, clean it Flame is not disappeared in end blow state Overheat Burner internal temperature is reached over set-point as fixed in setup menu. Possibly back-burning is happened - check burner temp. from INFO menu - check temp sensor connection - check burning chamber and clean it - check the chimney and under pressure (draught) in the boiler - check the internal feeder screw connection and rotation Ignition error Flame is not detected at ignition time - check igniter and igniter fuse - check photocell Level error Fuel level in the burner has not disappeared at burning time - Check the level sensors, clean them Feeder error Feeder has not made any rotations in 8 seconds at its running time - check feeder sensor connection - check magnet on the feeder shaft - check feeder screw connection - feeder can be blocked Feeder motor current is reached 0,75A permanently in 0,2 second time Fan error Fan has not reached 40 rps in 7 seconds at testing time with full power - check fan sensor connection - check fan power connections - check magnet on the fan shaft - check fan bearings and rotation Fan has not reached needed speed at burning time in 20 sec. Battery low Battery voltage is less than 12V with load (working feeder) - If there was a power failure then just wait when it is charged - replace the battery No power No network power - check power connector, cables - check safety thermostat - check burner for backburn Safety thermostat has turned off the power - backburn 26 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a Warranty Warranty object is pellet burner PV 20a and auger PA1500 or PA 2000. Producer gives 2 years warranty from the date of sale for the burner and auger. Exeption is ignition element, for this item warranty is 1 year. Warranty does not cover defects caused by an accident, misuse, abuse, improper installation or operation, lack of reasonable care, unauthorized medication, loss of parts, tampering, attempted repair by a not authorized person, power supply errors or using poor quality fuel. 27 www.pelltech.eu PV 20a WARRANTY SHEET Burner type PV 20a Serial number ............................ Date of sale .... / ......... / ....... Customers contact details .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... Installators name and signature ........................................... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WARRANTY SHEET Burner type PV 20a Serial number ........................ Date of sale ..../ ........./ ....... Customers contact details .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... Installators name and signature ........................................... 28 www.pelltech.eu 
  • Contents

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PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners

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PV700a/PV1000a pellet burners

User manual




Related Manuals for Pelltech PV700a

Summary of Contents for Pelltech PV700a

  • Page 1
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 1/ 59 PV700a/PV1000a pellet burners User manual DK9401B1 DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 2/ 59 Contents Safety precautions ……………………….4 Warnings …………………………. 4 Notice …………………………..4 Set of components ……………………….7 General description ……………………..8 Safety devices ……………………..12 Pellets ……………………….13 Installation ……………………….13 Prerequisites to boiler and boiler room ………………13 Burner installation ……………………

  • Page 3
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 3/ 59 Regular maintenance ……………………43 Problems and solutions ……………………43 Burner status change logic ……………………45 Annex 1 Electrical diagrams …………………… 47 Annex 2 – Controller board ……………………. 50 Annex 3 Control unit ……………………… 53 Annex 4 Table of parameters ………………….
  • Page 4: Safety Precautions

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 4/ 59 Safety precautions  Do not start the burner before it is connected to the boiler and the boiler is connected to the chimney.  It is recommended to wear a respirator while handling pellets.

  • Page 5
    Electrical supply 230V Max heat input 20kW Emission class Noice emission 52dB Power consumption at stand-by Manufacturer: Pelltech OÜ, Sära tee 3, Peetri, Estonia Pellet burner PV 1000a Year of production 2014 Electrical supply 230V Max heat input 1000kw Emission class…
  • Page 6
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 6/ 59 DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 7: Set Of Components

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 7/ 59 Set of components 1. Burner with burning chamber Bracket 2 pcs Hose 76mm DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…

  • Page 8: General Description

    8/ 59 1 General description PV700a and PV1000a are burners of wooden pellets (sawdust granules) that are intended to use in different boiler houses. Only wooden pellets with 6 or 8mm diameter can be used to run burners. You cannot use any other form of fuel but pellets to run the burner. Unique design of burners’ burning chambers allows to burn also industrial pellets.

  • Page 9
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 9/ 59 Figure 1 Main measurements of PV1000 burner DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 10
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 10/ 59 Figure 2 Main components DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 11
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 11/ 59 Table 2 List of main components Name Description Burning The part of the burner that is inside the boiler and where pellets are burnt. chamber Burner body The part of the burner that is outside the boiler and where burner’s control and pellets supply takes place.
  • Page 12: Safety Devices

    The back-burning is the biggest danger risk at burners working procedure. Back-burning appears when usual pressure or draught conditions have changed in boiler’s combustion chamber. There are several reasons for such changes. In order to secure operational and fire safety the PV700a/PV1000a burners are equipped with following safety devices: …

  • Page 13: Pellets

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 13/ 59  Fire safety water pressure control switch (pressostat). Enables to keep necessary water pressure in water reservoir and to ensure with that successful extinguishing procedure when needed. Pressostat switch allows starting the burner only if water supply is present and pressure exists.

  • Page 14
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 14/ 59  The boiler room where the burner is installed must fulfill all rules and recommendations given by local authorities.  Boiler room must provide constant air supply of 1500 m³ per hour (ca. 1600 cm air inlet opening).
  • Page 15: Burner Installation

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 15/ 59 Boiler’s firebox depth L must be at least 2,5 times longer than the length of burner’s burning chamber. Thus minimal length of the firebox L for PV700 has to be 1500 mm and for PV1000 1800mm. The height of firebox must leave at least 100 mm space (H1) for ash below burning chamber.

  • Page 16
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 16/ 59 Use 6 M12x60mm bolts, spacers and distance nuts respective to the bolts. Figure 8 Install the insulation rope between the burning chamber and the boiler door. The rope must be installed near the outer perimeter of the burning chambers back wall.
  • Page 17
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 17/ 59 Grate holders installation Install the burning chambers bottom panel (15x15mm insulation rope must be inserted to the slot in the panel) with 6 M8x16mm bolts. Install the burning chambers front panel (heat shield), use M8x16mm bolts.
  • Page 18
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 18/ 59 Connect the moving grate holders with M6x12mm bolts. Figure 12 Install the burning chamber’s front brick holders, use M8x16mm bolts. Figure 13 DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 19
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 19/ 59 Release the igniter tube screws and while inside the holders pull the tubes out about half of the total length. Figure 14 Move the air separator to its correct position (according to the boiler door thickness) and fix it with screws.
  • Page 20
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 20/ 59 Install the ceramic sealing strips on the boiler door. Fix them temporarily in position with any ordinary cellophane tape (scotch). Cut away the excessive sealing on the perimeter of the air chamber. Figure 16 Mount the burner’s housing on the…
  • Page 21
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 21/ 59 Connect the linear motor with the moving grate holder. Use 27×2,5mm pipe (length 240mm), M8x45mm bolt for the burning chamber side and a M6x25 socket set screw (DIN914 45H) on the linear motor side.
  • Page 22
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 22/ 59 Install the 2 lower position grates . Install the 8 middle position grates with 5mm holes . Install the 8 higher position grates with 7mm holes. Figure 21 Install the ceramic seal on the back wall of the burning chamber.
  • Page 23
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 23/ 59 Install the upper grate holder and 2 upper grates. Fix the holder with M10 wing nuts. Figure 23 Install the 6 side bricks. Install the 6 arc-stones. Notice! The arc-stones are numbered; they must be installed as pairs!
  • Page 24: Water Sprinkler

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 24/ 59 2.3 Water sprinkler Principal chart of water sprinkler installation is depicted in Figure 25. Water sprinkler is main safety element against back-burning. It is strongly recommended to install sprinkler system. Pressure switch allows starting the burner only if water supply is present.

  • Page 25: Pellet Storage

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 25/ 59 20cm >60cm >65 max45 Figure 26 External auger installation 2.5 Pellet storage Pellets must be stored in a dry and ventilated room that is separated from the boiler room. A tailor made storage (silo) is recommended. All safety regulation must be taken into consideration according to the local laws.

  • Page 26
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 26/ 59 Table 4 PV1000a connectors Name Voltage, amps X11 Control voltage, boiler’s 230VAC, 3A thermostat X12 Main power supply 3x380VAC 20A X13 Safety circuit 230V X14 External auger 1 3x380V 0,55kW 1,6A X15 External auger 2…
  • Page 27: Initial Start-Up

    3.1 GSM modem PV700a and PV1000a burners are ready to send burner’s error SMS messages up to 5 phone numbers. When error occurs the modem will send list with history of errors and statuses before error. If list is very long then so much information what has a room in message will be sent.

  • Page 28: Error Output

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 28/ 59 To insert the SIM card, the modem has to be disconnected from supply mains. To insert the card push it into a slot as long as its spring clicks and fixes the card. See Figure 30. To remove card push it in as long as spring clicks and pushes it out.

  • Page 29: Flue Gas Fan

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 29/ 59 3.3 Flue gas fan The burner needs stable under-pressure in burning chamber for its correct operation. Simplest way to assure this is to use the flue gas fan between boiler and chimney. With flue gas fan the burner can control and hold constant under-pressure.

  • Page 30: Oxygen Amount Sensor

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 30/ 59 3.4 Oxygen amount sensor Oxygen amount sensor (oxygen sensor) allows the burner to keep pre-set oxygen level in flue gas, what increases the efficiency of the burning process. The oxygen sensor is connected to socket X23 as shown Figure If the sensor requires heater connection, it can be connected between T6 and B5.

  • Page 31: Ash Removal System

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 31/ 59 3.5 Ash removal system The burner can control external ash removal auger and scraper motors via X25 connector. During burner’s cleaning cycle the X25 connector is powered and ash removal and scraper motors can be switched on via X25 connector’s L1 and L2.

  • Page 32: Operation And Service

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 32/ 59 4 Operation and service 4.1 User interface The burner is controlled via user interface on the front panel. 3 row LCD screen (1) displays main menu, submenus, event log and statuses. Yellow light (2) shows the existence of flame in burning chamber. If it blinks, the burner is out of normal operation.

  • Page 33: Starting And Stopping

    4.4 Statuses and parameters PV700a/PV1000a pellet burner operates in many different states, which are called “Statuses” and which are displayed in user interface in STATUS menu (chapter 4.1). Burner changes its statuses based on input signals from sensors and user setup. The working statuses of the burner in typical order of succession are given in Table 9.

  • Page 34
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 34/ 59 Table 9 Summary of burner statuses Status Short description WAITING Waiting when boiler’s thermostat switches on. TESTING Boiler’s thermostat is switched on, testing the battery, fans, feeder, level sensors and draught in progress.
  • Page 35
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 35/ 59 Table 11 CLEANING parameters PAR name PAR No Value Unit Test conditions CLEANING CYCLE PAR48 0…250 BURNING time between two CLEANING cycles. If set to 0 then CLEANING is turned off. If BURNING has been longer than 2x PAR48 set, then extraordinary cleaning will made.
  • Page 36
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 36/ 59 At IGNITING cycle the igniter is heated up and fan blows hot air on pellets in burning chamber. Hot air ignites pellets. Igniter is working periodically at ignition time in order to avoid its overheating.
  • Page 37
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 37/ 59 Table 15 HEAT-UP parameters PAR No Parameter name Default Unit Comment value PAR70 HEAT UP TIME Initial heat up time of ceramic stones. PAR71 HEAT UP POWER 30…70 Initial heat up power of ceramic stones.
  • Page 38
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 38/ 59 Power level can be selected in main menu. Power level selection for Selected power burning time can be automatic or fixed on some main level. When power level is fixed, the power is…
  • Page 39
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 39/ 59 Thermostat ON Thermostat OFF Operation power Par 17 Par 18 „Burn end“ „Slow „Hold flame“ „Burning“ „Burning“ „Slow down“ down“ Status/time Figure 35 SLOW DOWN mode The purpose of HOLD FLAME mode is to avoid burner start-up procedures i.e TESTING, CLEANING, LOADING, IGNITING etc.
  • Page 40: Output Power Levels

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 40/ 59 occurred errors e.g. If pellets have run out and NO PELLETS is displayed the burner stops safely normal BURNING cycle. Table 18 End burn parameters PAR No Parameter name Default Unit Comment value…

  • Page 41
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 41/ 59 Table 20 Main menu Menu Menu para- Description Default Options meter ENG settings Submenu with status STATUS-> info INFO-> Burner’s info BURNER Burner’s turning ON/OFF ON/OFF HOLD FLAME Hold flame allowed ON/OFF/AUTO HEAT UP…
  • Page 42
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 42/ 59 Δp=-0,2/-8Pa Measured under pressure value in bpoler. -0,2 is actual pressure and -8 is set-point. Controller regulates flue gas fan speed to keep this pressure. Depends also on PAR60 value. Total=10 kg Roughly the amount of pellets burnt. It is measured by counting internal feeder rotations.
  • Page 43: Regular Maintenance

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 43/ 59 Menu BASE AIR increases or decreases speed of fan in all power levels by same number. It is reasonable to use base air to balance different characters of particular heating systems. For example if draught is very strong, the fan can work at lower speed and thus reduce the draught.

  • Page 44
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 44/ 59 o Amount of pellets for igniting is too small. If error is frequent, increase amount of pellets PAR24.  Burner is turned OFF from main menu. STOPPED o To turn burner on hold OK button down 3 seconds or change in BURNER menu OFF to ON.
  • Page 45: Burner Status Change Logic

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 45/ 59 availability of fresh air and improve draught. GRATE ERROR Over- current of grate movers motor has exceeded value set in PAR47 and over- current protection has applied. o Ash removing grate has jammed before reaching extreme point. Remove reason.

  • Page 46
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 46/ 59 PRE-BURN BURNING 3 pre-burn cycles each 40 sec are done and continuous flame is recognized more than 10 seconds. LOADING 2 Pre-burn cycles are done and flame is NOT recognized and load 2 is NOT done.
  • Page 47: Annex 1 Electrical Diagrams

    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 47/ 59 7 Annex 1 Electrical diagrams Bl Black Br Brown Bu Blue Gr Green Rd Red Wh White YL Yellow Figure 36 PV700 Electrical diagramm DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…

  • Page 48
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 48/ 59 Bl Black Br Brown Bu Blue Gr Green Rd Red Wh White YL Yellow Figure 37 Principle diagram DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 49
    PV700a / PV1000a pellet burners 49/ 59 Figure 38 Principle diagram DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 50: Annex 2 — Controller Board

    PV1000a pellet burner 49/ 58 8 Annex 2 – Controller board Fuse F4=6A 24VDC Power supply Fuse F10= 2A Linear motor Figure 41 Controller board BBB v2.1 DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…

  • Page 51
    Open collector output, max 200mA, 30VDC X1-10 Open collector output, max 200mA, 30VDC X2-1 X2-2 +27VDC power output, fused through F3 X2-3 +27VDC power output, fused through F2 X2-4 X3-1 + Thermocouple input (fire brick temperature sensor) X3-2 — Thermocouple input (GND) DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 52
    DAC 0 – 10V output X8-5 +27VDC power output, fused through F5 X8-6 PT100/mA/2.56V input. JP1 & JP2 selects function X8-7 PT100/mA input, JP3 & JP4 selects function X8-8 DC input X8-9 Flame sensor input X8-10 Flame sensor input DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 53: Annex 3 Control Unit

    PV1000a pellet burner 52/ 58 9 Annex 3 Control unit F20, 21, 22, 23 INV3 INV2 INV1 Figure 42 PV1000 contrtol unit DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…

  • Page 54
    INV2 L1 1-pole thermo-magnetic protector switch INV1 L1 1-pole thermo-magnetic protector switch Power supply 230VAC/27,2VDC Battery’s fuse 6A Ash auger’s motor fuse 3A Ash scraper’s motor fuse0,25A Control voltage X11 fuse1 A Cooling fan’s motor fuse 1 A DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 55: Annex 4 Table Of Parameters

    PV1000a pellet burner 54/ 58 10 Annex 4 Table of parameters Firmware version: bbb: 2.08 22/11/13 PV700a PV1000a PAR Name Description Unit PAR1 FAN@200(250) Fan speed at 1.power level PV700(PV1000) PAR2 FAN@300(400) Fan speed at 2.power level PV700(PV1000) PAR3 FAN@400(550) Fan speed at 3.power level PV700(PV1000)

  • Page 56
    SMS COUNT Selecting number of phones receiving alert SMS PAR53 TEMP.TYPE Determines temperature sensor type plugged in TMP1 connector PAR54 TEMP.LEVEL Set point value for temperature sensor plugged to °C TMP1 PAR55 TEMP.HYST PAR54 maximum set point hysteresis °C DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 57: Annex 5 Table Of Languages

    PAR99 BURNER TYPE Selecting model of burner. Software of wrongly selected model works incorrectly 11 Annex 5 Table of languages Language English Spanish Estonian Finnish France Germany Greece Croatian Lithuanian Latvian Dutch Portuguese Russian Slovenian Serbian Slovakian Swedish DK9401B1 www.pelltech.eu…

  • Page 58: Warranty

    Warranty is valid only if the bottom half of the warranty ticket is filled in and sent or brought to the office of Pelltech OÜ Sära tee 3, Peetri, Rae vald, 75312 Harjumaa ESTONIA Ph.. + 372 677 5277 www.pelletikeskus.ee…

  • Page 59
    Street/ House …………………………………………………… Warranty is valid only if the bottom half of the warranty ticket is filled in and sent or brought to the office of Pelltech OÜ Sära tee 3, Peetri, Rae vald, 75312 Harjumaa ESTONIA Ph.. + 372 677 5277 www.pelletikeskus.ee…

This manual is also suitable for:


Resetting safety thermostat

In case of overheating the burner flashes yellow indicator and displays message OVERHEAT. The

safety thermostat must be reset manually. Thermostat is located on the horizontal tube of inner


1. Make sure the burner has cooled down and disconnected from power supply.

2. Remove the cover by loosening 4 screws (2 on both sides)

3. Press small button on thermostat.

4. Connect power supply

5. Press OK for 5s

6. If indicator keeps flashing, you need to replace the thermostat.

Figure 11: Resetting the

safety thermostat

PV 20a



  1. Maxim Alexandrovich




    Maxim Alexandrovich

    Живу здесь


    Всех сопричастных к данной теме поздравляю с Новым годом!
    Подскажите что это ошибка на горелке pv20a выскочила?


  2. Podolsky





    Живу здесь


    @Maxim Alexandrovich,
    E37ВНУТР-ШН перегрузка двигателя внутреннего шнека
    Потребляемый двигателем внутреннего шнека ток превысил заданную в PAR46 величину
    1. Редуктор двигателя с трудом вращается и перегружает двигатель
    2. Предварительно установленное текущее значение силы тока недостаточно для двигателя

    1. Заменить двигатель и редуктор
    2. Постепенно повышать величину предварительно установленной силы тока в PAR46 до отсутствия ошибок. Ток может быть увеличен до максимального значения


  3. Maxim Alexandrovich




    Maxim Alexandrovich

    Живу здесь


    Podolsky спасибо огромное !

  4. Старик Пафнутий




    Старик Пафнутий

    Живу здесь


    Да и у меня датчики уровня пьют кровушку (сначала из-за потери чувствительности (стекляшка приёмника стала совсем мутной и чуть-чуть пыли приводила к сработке без гранул) горелка вставала с ошибкой «не горит», как у @Maxim Alexandrovich. Датчики заменил, но помня, про проблемы с чувствительностью старых, выставил на всякий случай значение 30% в настройках, вместо рекомендуемых 8% …и вуаля, месяца через полтора получил ошибку как у @Sergei Melnikov, «нет гранул», хотя их полный шланг… Уменьшил значение до 10% надеюсь поможет.

  5. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь


  6. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь


    При желании можно восстановить, не на 100% конечно. датчики можно отполировать. паста Гои (не знаю как правильно пишется) и флонелевый круг.

  7. xvovanx





    Живу здесь


    Я как «апгрейдил» у своей горелки «глазки», так и забыл про эти ошибки вообще (ни резистор не перепаивал, ни прошивку не менял и не чистил диоды ни разу)

  8. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь


    Наблюдал на одном объекте, как за два сезона один глазок стёрло на половину :ogo:, такого ещё не видел … У меня тоже старая прошивка стоит ИМХО надёжней. и статистика подтверждает. Новое — сырое.

  9. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь


    К стати, по поводу датчиков. На моей горелке никогда не было с ними проблем … то ли она меня боится, то ли пеллеты хорошего качества беру :faq:

  10. наладчик ТО




    наладчик ТО

    Живу здесь


    прошлой весной по делам был у вас в Риге, Старый город — супер, очень понравился!

  11. Старик Пафнутий




    Старик Пафнутий

    Живу здесь


    Привет @xvovanx
    Можешь дать ссылку на интернет магазин ?

  12. xvovanx





    Живу здесь


    Это было 5 лет назад, и интернетмагазин наш был местный, да и ссылку вряд ли уже и найду, проще на Али у китайцев в поиск забить и найти.

  13. leo270474







  14. левлев063







    Добрый всем, при запуске горелки PV30A выскакивает ошибка «перегрев». кател холодный.
    Моно ли замкнуть защитный термостат для проверки и выяснения неисправного узла

  15. Podolsky





    Живу здесь


    Можно, только это не поможет:aga:.
    Термостат перегрева отключает питание горелки, а ошибку даёт датчик температуры, он тоже на трубе, только с другой стороны от термостата. Его можно кратковременно отключить в меню параметров.
    Но для начала в меню «Инфо» T in посмотрите.

Pelltech PV20a User Manual

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PV20a and PV30a pellet burners

User manual



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Summary of Contents for Pelltech PV20a

  • Page 1
    PV20a and PV30a pellet burners User manual DK9902A1…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 2/ 41 page Table of content Safety …………………………..4 Warnings …………………………4 Notice …………………………..4 Package contents ……………………….6 Description ……………………….7 Principal function…………………….. 8 Safety devices ……………………..8 Specification ……………………..10 Pellets ……………………….10 Installation ……………………….

  • Page 3
    Annex 3 Table of parameters ………………….38 Annex 4 List of languages ………………….. 40 Warranty …………………………42 Manufacturer of pellet burners PV20a and PV30a: Pelltech OÜ Manufacturers address: Sära tee 3, Peetri, Rae vald, 75312 Harjumaa ESTONIA Name of product: Pellet burners PV20a and PV30a Ph..
  • Page 4: Safety

     Manufacturer of burners has right to make changes in construction of burner and its firmware.  Present user manual is original user manual for PV20a and PV 30a pellet burners. Pellet burners PV20a and PV30a correspond to following standarts and directives:…

  • Page 5
    Electrical supply 230V Max heat input 20kW Emission class Noise emission 52dB Power consumption at stand-by Manufacturer: Pelltech OÜ, Sära tee 3, Peetri, Estonia Pellet burner PV 30a Year of production 2014 Electrical supply 230V Max heat input 30kW Emission class…
  • Page 6: Package Contents

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 6/ 41 page Package contents The burner is shipped with following components included: 1. Grate 2. Burner 3. Brackets for hose (2x) 4. Flange 5. Ceramic seal 6. 7-pole boiler connector 7. Hose 8. External auger’s fixating chain DK9902A1 www.pelltech.eu…

  • Page 7: Description

    PV 20a/30a is a pellet burner that is intended to be used with 6 or 8mm diameter premium class ENPlus- A1 wood pellets. You cannot use any other fuel to run those burners. The PV20a/30a burner is connected to the boiler with a standart 90 mm flange (similar to oil burners).

  • Page 8: Principal Function

    Principal function The PV20a/30a burners are meant to be installed in a boiler and fuelled with wood pellets. The external auger transports the pellets from a pellet container to the burner. The controller board contains a microprocessor system that tests main safety components, monitors and regulates the burning procedure, starts and stops the burner automatically according to the boiler temperature.

  • Page 9
    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 9/ 41 page Figure 2 Safety devices 1.Melting hose To avoid the reaching of fire during back-burning to external auger, a melting hose is put between external auger and pellet burner. The hose will melt when air temperature in it’s inside reaches 100 2.Temperature sensor…
  • Page 10: Specification

    Pellets have to be stored in a dry and ventilated room. Only premium wood pellets e.g. ENPlus-A1 can be used in PV20a/30a burners. Table 2 provides an overview of the most important wood pellet properties and threshold values.

  • Page 11: Installation

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 11/ 41 page Table 2 Wood pellets properties Raw material Sawdust,cutter shavings and stem wood Calorific value 4700-5100 kWh/ton Bulk density ca 650-670 kg/m Volume of 1 ton 1.5-1.6 m Diameter 6-8 mm Length 3-5 x diameter Fines content (<3,2 mm)

  • Page 12
    180 or 200mm. The height of firebox must leave space at least 100mm (H1) for ash below burning chamber and 100mm above burning chamber. Minimum boiler firebox dimensions for PV20a are: L ≥350mm; H≥350mm and for PV30a L ≥400mm; H≥370mm.
  • Page 13: Installation Of The Burner To The Boiler

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 13/ 41 page Table 3 Mounting hole measurements Measurement Unit Value ⌀D hole for burning chamber neck ⌀D1 130..150 flange bolt ring diameter ⌀D2 8..9 bolt holes Figure 6 Mounting holes with supplied flange for boiler door…

  • Page 14
    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 14/ 41 page Figure 9 3. Fix the flange (2) to boilers door (1). (Figure 9). Make sure that opening of flange and the opening of the boiler’s door are aligned. 4. Fix the burning chamber (8) to boilers door (1). For that you need to put a ceramic seal (4) on the narrower side of the burning chamber and then put the chamber through the door of the boiler (1) in a way that the rearward wall of the burning chamber would lean on the door of the boiler.
  • Page 15: External Auger

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 15/ 41 page External auger The external auger transports pellets from the pellet container to the burner. The burner controls the work of the external auger. The external auger is connected to the burner with a special ∅ 60mm hose.

  • Page 16: Initial Start Up

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 16/ 41 page Notice! All electrical connections of the burner must be made by a qualified professional. 5- wire 4- wire Tt – Boiler thermostat connection connection Figure 12 Thermostat connections Figure 13 Socket connections…

  • Page 17: Optional Components

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 17/ 41 page run, the external auger may need up to 20 minutes to load. After the pellets are loaded the burner will go into IGNITION mode then PRE-BURN mode then finally BURNING mode where it will remain until it reaches the temperature by the thermostat.

  • Page 18: Flue Gas Fan

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 18/ 41 page Modem (2) is connected according to diagram on Figure 15. Power supply cable’s white wire is connected to motors wire (pin X2-8) and brown to X2-4. Adapter EP0005 cable is connected to modem and to controllers UART connector.

  • Page 19: Error Output

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 19/ 41 page During calibration burner has to be at WAITING status, all doors and windows of boiler room opened, also boiler’s door has to be opened. Error output It is possible to connect additional devices as pump, modem etc to burner which are possible to turn on or off when error occures.

  • Page 20: Operation And Service

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 20/ 41 page THM activates if PAR53 value is more than 1 and BURNING status has lasted longer than set in PAR15 (typically 30min). The burner will change its output power according to currently measured temperature and the rate of temperature change.

  • Page 21: Starting And Stopping

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 21/ 41 page More than 3 sec Resetting error status and turning burner ON More than 3 sec in menu’s Resetting pellets counter INFO submenu COUNTER More than 3 sec in NO POWER Switching burner and battery OFF…

  • Page 22
    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 22/ 41 page WAITING There is no Burner is turned on and waits for boiler’s thermostat switching on. time limits for waiting status. Feeder auger works periodically at WAITING time – ½ rotations after every 2 minutes. When thermostat switches on, burner goes to TESTING.
  • Page 23
    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 23/ 41 page PRE-BURN The purpose of preburn mode is to fully ignite the pellets that were loaded for ignition. Pre burn has 1-4 cycles (PAR 42) of 30-80seconds (PAR 41) each. No fuel is added during the first cycle but ½ a rot of feeder auger is added between the following feeder.
  • Page 24: Output Power Levels

    Feeder motor current is reached PAR46 pre-set value. GRATE ERROR Existing burners don’t have ash removal system. Error is displayed when in PAR99 wrong type of burner is selected. Select PV20a or PV30s depending on real type of burner. FAN ERROR Fan doesn’t reach 40 rps in 7 sec at testing time with max power.

  • Page 25
    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 25/ 41 page STATUS menu displays last events (burner states) and their duration. All durations are described in form mm:ss (’m’ in the middle) or hh:mm (’h’ in the middle). For example IGNITING 01m25 means that the burner’s ignition state lasted 1minute and 25 seconds.
  • Page 26: Regular Maintenance

    See Photo 1 . Well cleaned burning chamber of burner reduces fuel consumption and increases substantially its lifetime. Only high quality ENPlus-A1 class (Premium) pellets can be used in PV20a and PV30a burners. Only high quality pellets e.g. ENPlus-A1 (Premium) can be used in PV20a/30a burners.

  • Page 27: Replacing Components

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 27/ 41 page In order to clean burning chamber: 1. Turn burner off by turning thermostat to zero 2. Let boiler cool down at least one hour. 3. Open boilrer’s door to reach the burning chamber 4.

  • Page 28: Replacing Igniter

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 28/ 41 page Fuses Fuel level sensor Flame sensor Safety thermostaat Igniter screw Feeder motor Battery contacts Figure 19 Replacement components 4.8.1 Replacing igniter For replacing the igniter a small (2,5 … 3,5 mm) flat screwdriver in order to connect the wires and a cross-head screwdriver for replacing the igniter are needed.

  • Page 29: Resetting Safety Thermostate

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 29/ 41 page Figure 20 Placement of igniter 4.8.2 Resetting safety thermostate Warning! To reset safety thermostate burner has to be disconnected from power circuit. When burner is overheated the safety thermostate turns it off. Overheating may arise when draught in boiler is in wrong direction and pellets start the back- burning in feeder auger.

  • Page 30: Replacing Fuel Level Sensors

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 30/ 41 page In case the fuse burns out again, the component which is connected to the fuse probably needs replacing. Table 10 Fuse values Fuse Value Function 0,5A (500mA) External auger Flue gas fan…

  • Page 31: Replacing Fan

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 31/ 41 page 4.8.6 Replacing fan The air in boiler room contains dust that can deposit on fan bearings. The best cure is to keep boiler room as clean as possible. Otherwise the fan bearings get stuck after several years of working and must be replaced.

  • Page 32: Replacing Battery

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 32/ 41 page 10. Mount spiral back to motors shaft and fixate it with screw (4mm hex wrench). Spiral must stay cluck but it must not come off from the motor when pulled strong. 11. Reconnect motors wires to connector X2. Correct placing of wires is given in Annex 1.

  • Page 33: Status Durations

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 33/ 41 page HOLD FLAME No signal from boiler thermostat (HOLD FLAME is ON or AUTO in main menu). END BURN Maximum burning time (4 hours) is reached. END BURN -> END After 8 rot of feeder pellets are continuously detected in feeders BLOW ->LEVEL…

  • Page 34: Error Messages And Solutions

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 34/ 41 page Table 12 Status’ durations State External auger Feeder auger Igniter WAITING ½ rot / 127s TESTING 2 rot Maximum /10s LOADING By fuel level PAR24 30…60 s LOADING 2 PAR25 PAR8 IGNITING…

  • Page 35
    — Bad connection of temperature sensor. Check and improve connection. GRATE ERROR  Existing burners don’t have ash removal system. — Error is displayed when in PAR99 wrong type of burner is selected. Select PV20a or PV30s depending on real type of burner.
  • Page 36: Annex 1 Electrical Diagram

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 36/ 41 page edge of controller. In one extreme the screen displays nothing and in other extreme screen is filled with black retangles.  No mains supply. Empty screen, no backlights — Safety thermostate turned burner off due to backburn (pt 5.8.2). Reset thermostate.

  • Page 37: Annex 2 Controller Sbb 3.2

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 37/ 41 page M4 – Feeder motor TRS – Fuel level transmitter – Flue gas fan FDR – Feeder augers control F1…F5 — Fuses TMP1 – Internal or external temperature sensor UART – Modem connector TMP2 –…

  • Page 38: Annex 3 Table Of Parameters

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 38/ 41 page Table 14 Connectors X1 and X2 DescriptDescription Description Igniter Igniter N – Supply mains Battery’s “+ “ terminal (red) Flue gas fan Battery’s “-” terminal (black) L1 – Supply mains Flame sensor Transformer ‘s primary winding…

  • Page 39
    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 39/ 41 page PAR15 POWER UP Timeframe to burner to increase power to one level up if BURNING state lasts longer than set with this parameter. Applies if POWER in main menu is set to AUTO only…
  • Page 40: Annex 4 List Of Languages

    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 40/ 41 page PAR49 CLEANING TIME Opening time of pneumo valve in cleaning cycle 1/2sec PAR50 RELAY ERROR ERR output function selection 1…6 1- relay NO 2 — relay NC 3 — Circulation pump control (accum. tank loading)

  • Page 41
    PV20a / PV30a pellet burner 41/ 41 page English Spanish Estonian Finnish France Germany Greece Croatian Lithuanian Latvian Dutch Portuguese Russian Slovenian Serbian Slovakian Swedish DK9902A1 www.pelltech.eu…
  • Page 42: Warranty

    Warranty Warranty objects in this context are pellet burner PV20a and PV30a and augers PA15XX or PA 20XX. Producer gives 2 years warranty from the date of sale for the PV20a and PV30a burners and PA15XX and PA20XX augers. Warranty is valid only in country where the burner is bought from.

  • Page 43
    Street/ House …………………………………………………… Warranty is valid only if the bottom half of the warranty ticket is filled in and sent or brought to the office of Pelltech OÜ Sära tee 3, Peetri, Rae vald, 75312 Harjumaa ESTONIA Ph.. + 372 677 5277 www.pelltech.eu…

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