Pyscripter could not load a python engine ошибка

Hello. I seem to have a similar problem with PyScripter 64 bit.
Instead of a problem with clicking on a version, I can’t get the versions to appear in the version window in the first place.
No matter what path I use, PyScripter says it didn’t find Python at that path. It was mentioned at the beginning that…

You can add your python versions to PyScripter in that dialog. Just press the + key and select the directory that contains python.exe and pythonxy.dll.

The path I use contains python.exe but not pythonxy.dll. I did a search for it and found no results. Might that be the reason?

Also, if this helps, PYTHONHOME did not appear when I typed set in the directory.

Let me know if you can help.

I have a copy of 32 bit Python 2.7 installed from on my windows 10 computer. I had this working with a previous version of Pyscripter. However, when I uninstalled Pyscripter and then installed Pyscripter 4.0 x86 version, Pyscripter is unable to detect my Python instance. I have tried using the + symbol to select the Python27 folder using both the registered and unregistered version items without success.

There is no PYTHONHOME or PYTHONPATH defined when I look at environment variables.

Interestingly I do not see registry keys for Python. Is it standard for the Python2.7 installer to add registry keys? Are these necessary for it to find python?

I also looked for the python27.dll. This was not included in the Python27 folder, but could be found in c:windowsSysWOW64.

What do I need to do to get Pyscripter configured to use python. Do I need to reinstall python?

Glenn Decker


Dec 11, 2019, 6:36:40 PM12/11/19

to PyScripter

Hey all,

I’m having some difficulty getting PyScripter up and running — particularly, it’s not finding the Python Engine I downloaded and I can’t manually find it.  I’ve attached a document laying out what I’ve done and the errors i’m receiving.

Here are the steps I’ve taken (attached images of the errors), and what I’ve tried in trouble shooting so far:

  1. Download latest Python release, “Windows
    x86-64 embeddable zip file”, from
  2. Download latest Pyscripter release,
    “”, from
  3. After both are installed, I load
    up the Pyscripter
  4. I then receive this error on start
    up: “PyScripter could not load a Python engine.. **Before* using PyScripter,
    you must ensure that a version of Python greater or equal…”
  5. I then try to ‘manually’ find it
    with the “Python Versions” “+” option
  6. At first, I can’t find the folder
    location for Python in this version (the “App Data” folder is hidden in this
  7. I created a copy of that folder in
    someplace I can actually find it in that search
  8. I select it and press OK, and
    receive this error: “PyScripter could not find a usable Python installation at
    the specified path.  Note…”

Here are some other troubleshooting I’ve tried:

  • Uninstalled and reinstalled both
  • Confirmed I have a 64-bit version of both, that aligns with my 64 bit Windows 10
  • Tried different versions of Python (e.g. 3.9, 3.5, etc)
  • Searched message boards and FAQs for a solution

Any help/guidance is greatly appreciated!

Could not load engine….png

Manually finding Python on my computer.png

Could not find usable python.png

Jadranko Belusic


Dec 11, 2019, 7:17:25 PM12/11/19

to pyscr…

I have python 3.8 and pyscripter last version, both are 32 bit. Try 32 bit maybe?

# Poslano sa smartfona #



Dec 11, 2019, 7:29:59 PM12/11/19

to PyScripter


As you mentioned in the email sent to me, you are using the “Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file” Python distribution.  This Python distribution is for specific scenarios (embedding Python into an application) — see for instance and it is not (could not) be supported by PyScripter.   To use PyScripter you need to install Python in the standard way using an installer.



Dec 11, 2019, 8:23:53 PM12/11/19

to PyScripter

Actually PyScripter does work with the “Windows
x86-64 embeddable zip file”!!  Just tried it with Python 3.6.

You will need to unzip the Python embeddable zip file to a directory of your choice.

— In the Python Versions dialog you will need to add an Unregistered Python version (press the plus icon) and specify the directory in which you unzipped the Python embeddable zip file.

— Finally you activate the created unregistered distribution.

Note that embeddable distributions do not include pip, so you will not be able to install packages using pip via the Tools menu item.

On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 5:36:40 PM UTC+2, Glenn Decker wrote:

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I have a copy of 32 bit Python 2.7 installed from on my windows 10 computer. I had this working with a previous version of Pyscripter. However, when I uninstalled Pyscripter and then installed Pyscripter 4.0 x86 version, Pyscripter is unable to detect my Python instance. I have tried using the + symbol to select the Python27 folder using both the registered and unregistered version items without success.

There is no PYTHONHOME or PYTHONPATH defined when I look at environment variables.

Interestingly I do not see registry keys for Python. Is it standard for the Python2.7 installer to add registry keys? Are these necessary for it to find python?

I also looked for the python27.dll. This was not included in the Python27 folder, but could be found in c:windowsSysWOW64.

What do I need to do to get Pyscripter configured to use python. Do I need to reinstall python?

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