Rainbow six код ошибки 10 0x000001f6

How To Fix Rainbow Six Siege Error Code 10-0x00000 1f6 |A Helpful Guide

So this is another unexpected rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 that could come up when you’re trying to connect to the PlayStation server, and playing game we’re going to know you how to fix this rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6  

You Can Fix rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 By:

1. Restart PlayStation 

The first one I’m going to kind PlayStation recommend to fix rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 is it’s a little interesting but restart PlayStation this one is a little bit different than the other ones because there’s a possible bug that’s kind of occurring to this network to be occurring this rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 if it doesn’t help follow next 

2. Check Up PlayStation Network Status

Now get into the PlayStation and check your PlayStation Network status, Make sure everything is obviously not down and it’s still up to date if It’s down to offline you’re gonna face this rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 you have to wait it out and make sure the servers are updated and running and then you will be able to kind of good

If obviously everything is still up and you’re facing rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 You have to go into set up internet connection and if you can then you connect to Wi-Fi switch over to length essentially have a wired connection setup into your PlayStation rather than a Wi-Fi network it work a lot of times this fixes a lot of server issues

3. Change WiFi Band from automatic to 5 gigahertz

So I would highly recommend you to do that If you can’t do that, it’s fine which I’d like you to try next is click the option button and change the Wi-Fi frequency bands from automatic to 5 gigahertz, see if that works if not, the 2.5 gigahertz and it will fix rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 if none of those work keep it back on automatic 

4. Change DNS Settings

You can fix rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 by click into the Wi-Fi network you are connected to now click into advanced settings in there,what you’re going to do is you’re going to change the DNS settings to manual and you’re going to change the in DNS to and at the secondary DNS to This will help alleviate and fix Error rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 any issues you possibly have with the server and then you should be good to go

The only caveat there is if you are not within the U.S You might want to use a different DNS server because this is East Coast Pacific for the U.S, you can easily find fast and good DNS servers online to fix rainbow six siege error code 10-0x00000 1f6 So you don’t have to kind of like pay for any of this stuff you can quick Google search will find you the best ones. 

So I would highly recommend you to kind of like try that out and then you should be good to go

That’s basically all you guys to do to be able to fix that issue if you guys still have any comments please leave them on below comment box 👍

В этой статье мы попытаемся решить проблему «Код ошибки 10-0x00000», с которой сталкиваются игроки Rainbow Six Осада после запуска игры.

Игроки в Rainbow Six Осада сталкиваются с «Кодом ошибки 10-0x00000» после запуска игры, что ограничивает их доступ к игре. Если вы стulкнulись с такой проблемой, вы можете найти решение, следуя приведенным ниже советам.

Что такое код ошибки Rainbow Six Осада 10-0x00000?

Rainbow Six Siege, код ошибки 10-0x00000

Проблема «Код ошибки 10-0x00000», с которой сталкиваются игроки Rainbow Six Осада, обычно вызвана тем, что сеанс приложения Ubisoft не читается или нестабильное интернет-соединение, препятствующее доступу к игре. Для этого мы постараемся решить проблему, сообщив вам нескulько предложений.

Как исправить ошибку Rainbow Six Осада с кодом 10-0x00000

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, вы можете найти решение проблемы, следуя приведенным ниже советам.

1-) Создайте частный порт для Rainbow Six Siege

Мы можем решить эту проблему, изменив настроенный порт для Rainbow Six Siege.

  • На начальном экране поиска введите «Брандмауэр Защитника Windows» и откройте его.
  • Нажмите «Допulнительные настройки» в левой части открывшегося экрана.
  • Нажмите параметр «Правила для входящих подключений» в левой части открывшегося окна, а затем нажмите параметр «Новое правило» справа.
  • Выберите вариант «Порт» в открывшемся новом окне и нажмите кнопку «Далее».
  • После этого процесса выберите параметр «TCP», введите порт, который мы оставим ниже, в пulе и нажмите кнопку «Далее».
    • 13000, 13005, 13200, 14000, 14001, 14008, 14020, 14021, 14022, 14023, 14024
  • Затем выберите параметр «Разрешить подключение», нажмите кнопку «Далее», установите три параметра как выбранные и нажмите кнопку «Далее». » кнопка .
  • Затем укажите имя порта, на котором мы выпulнили процесс установки, и нажмите кнопку «Готово«.

В этом процессе мы добавили новое правило для TCP-порта. В нашем следующем действии давайте закончим наш процесс, подключив порт UDP.

  • Затем снова добавьте новое правило, выберите «Порт» и нажмите кнопку «Далее«.
  • После этого процесса выберите параметр «UDP», введите порт, который мы оставим ниже, в пulе и нажмите кнопку «Далее».
    • 6015
  • Затем выберите параметр «Разрешить подключение», нажмите кнопку «Далее», установите три параметра как выбранные и нажмите кнопку «Далее». » кнопка .
  • Затем укажите имя порта, на котором мы выпulнили процесс установки, и нажмите кнопку «Готово«.

После этого процесса запустите Rainbow Six Осада, чтобы проверить, сохраняется ли проблема.

2-) Очистить кэш-файлы Ubisoft Connect

Ошибка или дефект во временных кэш-файлах приложения Ubisoft Connect может привести к возникновению различных подобных ошибок. Для этого мы можем устранить проблему, очистив временные файлы кеша.

  • Введите «Выпulнить» на начальном экране поиска и нажмите клавишу ввода.
  • Вставьте распulожение файла «%localappdata%» в новое открывшееся окно и нажмите клавишу ввода.
  • После этого процесса удалите папку «Ubisoft Game Launcher».
  • После удаления папки введите «Выпulнить» на экране перезапуска поиска и нажмите клавишу ввода.
  • Вставьте распulожение файла «C:ProgramData» в новое открывшееся окно и нажмите клавишу ввода.
  • После этого действия удалите папку «Ubisoft«.

После удаления показанных нами папок вы можете запустить игру и проверить, сохраняется ли проблема.

3-) Проверьте подключение

Проблема с подключением к Интернету может привести к множеству ошибок. Если ваше подключение к Интернету замедляется или отключается, давайте дадим нескulько советов, как это исправить.

  • Если скорость вашего интернет-соединения снижается, выключите и снова включите модем. Этот процесс немного разгрузит ваш Интернет.
  • Проблему можно устранить, очистив интернет-кеш.

Очистить кеш DNS

  • Введите cmd на начальном экране поиска и запустите от имени администратора.
  • Введите следующие строки кода по порядку на экране командной строки и нажмите клавишу ввода.
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • сброс netsh ipv4
    • сброс netsh ipv6
    • netsh winhttp сброс прокси-сервера
    • сброс netsh winsock
    • ipconfig /registerdns
  • После этой операции будет показано, что ваш кэш DNS и прокси-серверы успешно очищены.

После этого процесса вы можете открыть программу, перезагрузив компьютер. Если проблема не устранена, давайте перейдем к другому предложению.

4-) Выключите и снова включите модем

Выключите модем, подождите 20 секунд и снова включите его. Во время этого процесса ваш IP-адрес изменится, что предотвратит различные проблемы с сетью. Если проблема не устранена, давайте перейдем к другому предложению.

5-) Зарегистрируйте другой DNS-сервер

Мы можем устранить проблему, зарегистрировав на компьютере другой DNS-сервер.

  • Откройте панель управления и выберите параметр Сеть и Интернет
  • .

  • Откройте Центр управления сетями и общим доступом на открывшемся экране.
  • Нажмите «Изменить настройки адаптера» слева.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши тип подключения, чтобы открыть меню «Свойства».
  • Дважды щелкните Интернет-протокul версии 4 (TCP/IPv4).
  • Давайте применим настройки, введя DNS-сервер Google, который мы дадим ниже.
    • Предпочтительный DNS-сервер:
    • Другой DNS-сервер:
  • Затем нажмите Подтвердить настройки при выходе, нажмите кнопку ОК и примените действия.

После этого процесса перезагрузите компьютер и запустите игру Valorant.

6-) Запустите Ubisoft Connect от имени администратора

Невозможность запуска приложения с правами администратора может привести к возникновению различных ошибок, подобных этой. Для этого вы можете запустить приложение Ubisoft Connect от имени администратора, открыть игру Rainbow Six Siege и проверить, сохраняется ли проблема.

Да, друзья, мы решили нашу проблему под этим загulовком. Если ваша проблема не устранена, вы можете спросить об ошибках, с которыми вы стulкнulись, зайдя на нашу платформу ФОРУМ.

Are you currently experiencing problems with Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege? One of the most common error messages in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is error ’10-0x00000′, a game-breaking error that consistently plagues players.

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is a first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was released on November 26, 2015, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Google Stadia, Microsoft Windows. It is a tactical shooter that can be played online or offline.

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is the sequel to Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas and it takes place in the year of 2022. It features new characters, different gameplays and more intense gameplay compared to its predecessor. The game is also known for its realistic graphics that are based on real-life events.

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On this page, you will find more information about the most common causes and most relevant solutions for the Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege error ’10-0x00000′. Do you need help straight away? Visit our support page.

Error information

How to solve Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege error 10-0x00000

We’ve created a list of solutions which you can follow if you want to solve this Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege problem yourself. Do you need more help? Visit our support page if you need professional support with Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege right away.

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Verified solution

If you are having issues with Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, then you might encounter error code 10-0x00000 when you try to play the game properly. This error occurs when you try to log into the game or when you try to access your account information. This error can be annoying and frustrating because you cannot access the game properly.

The problem can be caused by an issue with your computer or it can be caused by a network error or an issue with your internet connection. You might also encounter this error if other applications are interfering with the proper functioning of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege on your computer or if you have malware installed on your computer. To fix this error, you need to try a few solutions.

The Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege 10-0x00000 Error usually happens when the players want to log in to the game. Even if the players can log in, the game does not show any challenges, achievements, etc. In the end, the game will throw to the offline-connecting status.

You can port forward to solve this problem. However, there are several things you need to know before you port forward such as the device’s IP address, router’s IP address, and the TCP and UDP ports that need to be forwarded. You need to open your browser and navigate to your router’s IP address. Next, you need to locate your router’s port on the forwarding section. You need to put your device’s IP address, TCP and UDP ports in the matching boxes in your router. Then you need to reboot your router and restart your device.

If you are able to access your account but still encounter this error, then you can try contacting Ubisoft Support for assistance. The Ubisoft Support team will help you fix the issue and they will do it for free. The customer support will usually ask you to send them the error code that is appearing on your screen.

Check the server status of Ubisoft

Before you restart everything, check the server status of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege first. It may well be that Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is struggling with a temporary outage.

Check the status of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

Have you found a solution yourself, but it is not in the list? Share your solution in the comments below.

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Обновлено: 21.06.2023

14 мар. 2020 в 6:11
Connection Error 10-0x00001F6, i literally can’t play

So, since yesterday i have error at the start of the game, after 5-minute long connection loading. Its number is 10-0x000001F6. Uplay servers and Ubisoft Club servers are fine.

I couldn’t find anything about this error in Google, maybe you can help me.

[Разработчик] 14 мар. 2020 в 6:53

Sorry to hear that you are being disconnected.

Many thanks and apologies for any inconvenience caused by this. If you have any additional questions, please let us know.

19 апр. 2020 в 7:20
Error Code 10-0x0000000

Dont know what happened to SEA/EA server all of a sudden, Problems that im facing.
1. Uplay not logging in
2. Uplay logs in, but everything is slow & doesnt show any challenges, achievements etc.
3. R6S not logging into servers, sometimes it takes me to the MENU but when i search for any MATCH or anything it throws me to Offline-Connecting status.

Now all of a sudden, getting this error code 10-0x0000000 something like this, it takes me to the menu but my level is reset & no operators unlocked.

N.B : Before anyone says about my ISP, lemme say this, ive one of the best ISP in my country & its only siege & uplay that causing this problem. Other games works like they should.

I really love SIEGE & it sucks that i cant play. I would love to see this issue FIXED, thanks.

11 фев в 6:53
Hi, I have the same error, how could I solve it?
11 фев в 21:36
Hi, I have the same error, how could I solve it?
just do port forwarding. Look at their FAQ on it. It worked for me.
[Разработчик] 12 фев в 13:01

Should the issue persist for you NIKU please let us know and we will investigate further with you.

12 фев в 13:18
I can play only with VPN.
12 фев в 13:19

Should the issue persist for you NIKU please let us know and we will investigate further with you.

it’s doesn’t work at all
13 фев в 10:06
Any answers UBI?
[Разработчик] 24 фев в 13:13
I can play only with VPN.

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

If you’re only able to play via VPN, have you attempted any of the further steps in the guide such as resetting your host files? [ubi.li]

If you are still unable to connect after attempting all of the steps in our guide, please contact us directly via our Support Site [ubi.li] or you can also reach us on Facebook [ubi.li] and Twitter [ubi.li] with images of your Port Forwarding settings.

We’d be more than happy to take a closer look, thank you!

25 фев в 3:51
I can play only with VPN.

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

If you’re only able to play via VPN, have you attempted any of the further steps in the guide such as resetting your host files? [ubi.li]

If you are still unable to connect after attempting all of the steps in our guide, please contact us directly via our Support Site [ubi.li] or you can also reach us on Facebook [ubi.li] and Twitter [ubi.li] with images of your Port Forwarding settings.

We’d be more than happy to take a closer look, thank you!

— Ubisoft Support All done but nothing helps to me. and my friend have same errors too.

[Разработчик] 25 фев в 18:17

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

If you’re only able to play via VPN, have you attempted any of the further steps in the guide such as resetting your host files? [ubi.li]

If you are still unable to connect after attempting all of the steps in our guide, please contact us directly via our Support Site [ubi.li] or you can also reach us on Facebook [ubi.li] and Twitter [ubi.li] with images of your Port Forwarding settings.

We’d be more than happy to take a closer look, thank you!

All done but nothing helps to me. and my friend have same errors too.
Hey oLdY,

I’m sorry to hear our troubleshooting steps haven’t been able to resolve this for you!

For us to be able to better assist and take a closer look, can you please open a case on our Support Site [ubi.li] or you can also reach us on Facebook [ubi.li] and Twitter [ubi.li]

Please attach images of your Port Forwarding settings so we can take a look at those too

Your friend is also very welcome to do the same if troubleshooting didn’t help them, we’d be more than happy to take a closer look with them too!

20 сен в 1:23

i got the same 10-0x0000000 and when i searched online it says that the game may be corrupted. You probably need to reinstall the game (Library — Right click r6 — properties — local game files — verify files integrity)

Edit : When i reinstalled my game it gave me a new error (3-0x0001000B) and it said the servers are unreachable so i just thought the servers are down but when i was abt to play t hunt i saw i can queue up for newcomer and casual but i actually couldnt. Also my rank and renown and everything is reset and i have every op? someone help

Отредактировано ihatelife; 20 сен в 1:42
[Разработчик] 22 сен в 9:29

i got the same 10-0x0000000 and when i searched online it says that the game may be corrupted. You probably need to reinstall the game (Library — Right click r6 — properties — local game files — verify files integrity)

Edit : When i reinstalled my game it gave me a new error (3-0x0001000B) and it said the servers are unreachable so i just thought the servers are down but when i was abt to play t hunt i saw i can queue up for newcomer and casual but i actually couldnt. Also my rank and renown and everything is reset and i have every op? someone help

Sorry to hear you’ve been having issues connecting!

3-0x0001000B is a very common code when your home network and the game’s servers aren’t able to connect properly.

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This error is related to the connectivity to the Rainbow Six Siege online
servers and it has been giving players headaches since Year 1. This articles
provides you with 10 ways you can fix it and be back on your grind to Plat!

Rainbow Six Siege

has been around for seven years. While a lot can happen and a lot of things can change in seven years, this error seems to stay the same.

Error code 10-0x00000 is related to the connectivity of 

‘s online servers and sadly, it has been around for a very long time. How are players supposed to play an online

game if they can’t connect to the servers? We have a solution!

1. Check Ubisoft’s server status on their website

2. Restart your PC

You never know,  maybe it works.

3. Make sure your internet connection is stable and working properly

4. Switch from a wireless connection to a wired connection

5. Clear your game’s cache

6. Check your NAT type 

If it is anything other than Open or Single, proceed with the steps below. These steps will change your network port. 

To do this:

  1. Go into your web browser
  2. Type in your IP (to find your IP, TCP and UDP: Open Command Prompt and type ipconfig /all and press enter)
  3. Head into the forwarding section
  4. Insert your IP address, TCP and UDP
  5. Restart your router and PC


Maybe if Harry stopped making the operators play silly missions and used his knowledge to fix this error, we wouldn't be here (jk)

Maybe if Harry stopped making the operators play silly missions and used his knowledge to fix this error, we wouldn’t be here (jk)


7. Check for Windows or Antivirus updates

8. Reset your hosts file

To do this:

  1. Navigate to c:WindowsSystem32driversetc
  2. Find the file hosts in this folder and rename it to hosts.old
  3. Create a new default hosts file:
    1. Open a word processor of your choice (Notepad and WordPad). 
    2. Copy and paste the following text into a new document:



    3. Save the file as a plain text document in the same folder as the hosts.old under the name hosts. The file extension should be  *.txt. You can close the word processor afterwards.

9. Enable UPnP

10. Contact Ubisoft Support

If the previous steps do not work, your last resort is Tech support


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