Rcd off lexus ошибка

Фото в бортжурнале Toyota Camry (XV70)

После отключения аккумулятора на длительный срок, перестала работать система RCD, после долгих танцев с бубном и советов других ребят, ( ни чего не помогло ) наткнулся на видео с решением проблемы через service menu.

В двух словах RCD ( жёлтые линии помощи парковки, при включении задней передачи )

Если система RCD так и не одуплилась самостоятельно по истечению какого-то времени, то настраиваем его самостоятельно .

1. Заводим авто, заходим в меню на центральной панели, и выбираем в правом нижнем углу “Display” —-> выключить экран . После этих манипуляций экран потухнет . ( предварительно выключить аудио, если оно в работе )

2. Заходим в service menu : нажимаем 5 раз кнопку “Seek” и затем сращу так же 5 раз кнопку “Track”. После чего появится Service Menu.

3 Заходим в «Function Check / settings—> Camera setting.

4. Держим 5 секунд “Steering Angle Settings”—> Next ( в правом нижнем углу )

5. Убедившись что руль / колёса стоят ровно, подтверждаем системе что авто стоит ровно —> “Steering Center Memorize”
После чего начинаем крутить руль вправо до упора, потом влево до упора и задерживаем его ( до упора в лево ) и нажимаем “Max Steering Angle Memorize” и возвращаем руль в ровное положение.

6. После этого нажимаем на дисплеe “ Back” не кротко раз пока не выйдет в самое начало Service Menu. После чего глушим автомобиль 🚗, заводим, включаем заднюю передачу и наслаждаемся активированной функцией RCD.

Фото в бортжурнале Toyota Camry (XV70)Фото в бортжурнале Toyota Camry (XV70)Фото в бортжурнале Toyota Camry (XV70)

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  • Что такое RCD и почему он может быть недоступен

  1. 26.08.2019 18:56


    Artamon вне форума



    По умолчанию Что такое RCD и почему он может быть недоступен

    Подскажите такой вопрос. Когда включаю заднюю передачу на экране магнитолы внизу появляется надпись RCD OFF и рядом RCD недоступен. Что это такое?

  2. 26.08.2019 19:06


    rus12 вне форума



    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Artamon
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Подскажите такой вопрос. Когда включаю заднюю передачу на экране магнитолы внизу появляется надпись RCD OFF и рядом RCD недоступен. Что это такое?

    задняя камера не работает?

  3. 26.08.2019 19:17


    Artamon вне форума



    По умолчанию

  4. 26.08.2019 19:20


    CamryMan75 вне форума



    По умолчанию

    посмотрите в руководстве польователя. Там должно быть описание этой проблемы. В американской версии рекомендуется обратиться к дилеру

  5. 26.08.2019 19:20


    Andrey 1210 вне форума



    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Artamon
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Да камера работает.

    Попробуй руль до конца вправо, потом до конца влево прогнать. Комплектация авто какая? Парктроники работают, грязью не залеплены?

  6. 26.08.2019 19:24


    Artamon вне форума



    По умолчанию

    Комплектация максимальная. Да парктроники перестали работать.

  7. 26.08.2019 19:29


    Andrey 1210 вне форума



    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Artamon
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Комплектация максимальная. Да парктроники перестали работать.

    Не работает система помощи при выезде с парковки задом ну и парктроники соответственно задние. Передние работают? Новый авто, до этого не было такой Надписи?

  8. 26.08.2019 19:37


    Artamon вне форума



    По умолчанию

    Трудно сказать. Проверить не догадался.— — — Добавлено — — —

    Цитата Сообщение от Andrey 1210
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Не работает система помощи при выезде с парковки задом ну и парктроники соответственно задние. Передние работают? Новый авто, до этого не было такой Надписи?

    Пробег 10000 км До этого все нормально работало.

  9. 26.08.2019 19:41


    Andrey 1210 вне форума



    По умолчанию

    Попробовал отключить парктроники на приборке. При вкл задней передачи и откл парктрониках у меня такой Надписи не появляется. Видимо появилась какая то неисправность с датчиками. Если передние работают, то только с задними проблема.

  10. Пользователь сказал cпасибо:

  11. 26.08.2019 19:48


    Artamon вне форума



    По умолчанию

    Нашел в руководстве как включить и отключить эту систему помощи. Завтра попробую.


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RCD — это система обнаружения задней камерой. При наличии данной функции задняя камера может обнаруживать и распознавать пешеходов сзади при движении задом. Если обнаружен пешеход, то подается звуковой сигнал и на экране появляется соответствующая иконка.

Как правило, если мигание лампочки RCD OFF сопровождается звуковым сигналом, это указывает на неисправность системы. Если мигает беззвучно — значит система просто выключена или не может быть использована например из-за загрязнения задней камеры. Но конечно на разных моделях могут быть свои нюансы. По идее сопровождается надписью «Обнаружение с помощью камеры заднего вида недоступно». Иногда добавляется «Удалите грязь с камеры заднего вида».

Иногда загорается после снятия клеммы аккумулятора. В таком случае ее надо «обучить». Для этого надо на ровной поверхности повернуть руль до упора влево, а затем до упора вправо.

Систему RCD можно отключить вручную с помощью меню, которjе управляется с кнопок на руле. Обычно она автоматические включается при отключении и включении зажигания.

RCD недоступна

После отключения аккумулятора на длительный срок, перестала работать система RCD, после долгих танцев с бубном и советов других ребят, ( ни чего не помогло ) наткнулся на видео с решением проблемы через service menu.

В двух словах RCD ( жёлтые линии помощи парковки, при включении задней передачи )

Если система RCD так и не одуплилась самостоятельно по истечению какого-то времени, то настраиваем его самостоятельно .

1. Заводим авто, заходим в меню на центральной панели, и выбираем в правом нижнем углу “Display” —-> выключить экран . После этих манипуляций экран потухнет . ( предварительно выключить аудио, если оно в работе )

2. Заходим в service menu : нажимаем 5 раз кнопку “Seek” и затем сращу так же 5 раз кнопку “Track”. После чего появится Service Menu.

3 Заходим в «Function Check / settings—> Camera setting.

4. Держим 5 секунд “Steering Angle Settings”—> Next ( в правом нижнем углу )

5. Убедившись что руль / колёса стоят ровно, подтверждаем системе что авто стоит ровно —> “Steering Center Memorize”
После чего начинаем крутить руль вправо до упора, потом влево до упора и задерживаем его ( до упора в лево ) и нажимаем “Max Steering Angle Memorize” и возвращаем руль в ровное положение.

6. После этого нажимаем на дисплеe “ Back” не кротко раз пока не выйдет в самое начало Service Menu. После чего глушим автомобиль ��, заводим, включаем заднюю передачу и наслаждаемся активированной функцией RCD.

Тема: Что такое RCD и почему он может быть недоступен

Что такое RCD и почему он может быть недоступен

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4-5. Using the driving support systems


Use the meter control switches to turn
on/off the function.




to select





to select


then press



Keep the sensors and the surrounding

areas on the rear bumper clean at all


If a sensor or its surrounding area on the
rear bumper is dirty or covered with
snow, the Blind Spot Monitor may not
operate and a warning message

P.250) will be displayed. In this situa-

tion, clear off the dirt or snow and drive
the vehicle with the operation conditions
of the BSM function (

P.254) satisfied

for approximately 10 minutes. If the
warning message does not disappear,
have the vehicle inspected by your Lexus

Do not attach accessories, stickers

(including transparent stickers), alumi-

num tape, etc. to a sensor or its sur-

rounding area on the rear bumper.

Do not subject a sensor or its sur-

rounding area on the rear bumper to a

strong impact.

If a sensor is moved even slightly off

position, the system may malfunction

and vehicles may not be detected cor-


In the following situations, have your

vehicle inspected by your Lexus


• A sensor or its surrounding area is

subject to a strong impact.

• If the surrounding area of a sensor is

scratched or dented, or part of them

has become disconnected.

Do not disassemble the sensor.

Do not modify the sensor or surround-

ing area on the rear bumper.

If a sensor or the rear bumper needs to

be removed/installed or replaced,

contact your Lexus dealer.

Do not paint the rear bumper any

color other than an official Lexus color.

Turning the Blind Spot Monitor


4-5. Using the driving support systems




Vehicles that can be detected by the Blind Spot Monitor

The Blind Spot Monitor uses rear side radar sensors to detect the following vehi-
cles traveling in adjacent lanes and advises the driver of the presence of such vehi-
cles via the indicators on the outside rear view mirrors.

Vehicles that are traveling in areas that are not visible using the outside rear
view mirrors (the blind spots)
Vehicles that are approaching rapidly from behind in areas that are not visible
using the outside rear view mirrors (the blind spots)

The Blind Spot Monitor detection areas

The areas that vehicles can be detected in are outlined below.

The range of each detection area is:

Approximately 1.6 ft. (0.5 m) to 11.5 ft. (3.5 m) from either side of the vehicle


Approximately 3.3 ft. (1 m) forward of the rear bumper
Approximately 9.8 ft. (3 m) from the rear bumper

Approximately 9.8 ft. (3 m) to 197 ft. (60 m) from the rear bumper



: The area between the side of the vehicle and 1.6 ft. (0.5 m) from the side of the vehicle

cannot be detected.


: The greater the difference in speed between your vehicle and the detected vehicle is,

Blind Spot Monitor operation





4-5. Using the driving support systems


the farther away the vehicle will be detected, causing the outside rear view mirror indi-
cator to illuminate or flash.

The Blind Spot Monitor is operational


The Blind Spot Monitor is operational when

all of the following conditions are met:

The Blind Spot Monitor is on.

The shift position is in a position other

than R.

The vehicle speed is greater than approx-

imately 10 mph (16 km/h).

The Blind Spot Monitor will detect a

vehicle when

The Blind Spot Monitor will detect a vehicle

present in the detection area in the follow-

ing situations:

A vehicle in an adjacent lane overtakes

your vehicle.

You overtake a vehicle in an adjacent lane


Another vehicle enters the detection

area when it changes lanes.

Conditions under which the Blind Spot

Monitor will not detect a vehicle

The Blind Spot Monitor is not designed to

detect the following types of vehicles and/or


Small motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians,


Vehicles traveling in the opposite direc-


Guardrails, walls, signs, parked vehicles
and similar stationary objects


Following vehicles that are in the same


Vehicles traveling 2 lanes away from your


Vehicles which are being overtaken rap-
idly by your vehicle



: Depending on the conditions, detection

of a vehicle and/or object may occur.

Conditions under which the Blind Spot

Monitor may not function correctly

The Blind Spot Monitor may not detect

vehicles correctly in the following situa-


• When the sensor is misaligned due to a

strong impact to the sensor or its sur-

rounding area

• When mud, snow, ice, a sticker, etc. is

covering the sensor or surrounding area

on the rear bumper

• When driving on a road surface that is

wet with standing water during bad

weather, such as heavy rain, snow, or fog

• When multiple vehicles are approaching

with only a small gap between each vehi-


• When the distance between your vehicle

and a following vehicle is short

• When there is a significant difference in

speed between your vehicle and the vehi-

cle that enters the detection area

• When the difference in speed between

your vehicle and another vehicle is


• When a vehicle enters a detection area

traveling at about the same speed as your


• As your vehicle starts from a stop, a vehi-

cle remains in the detection area

• When driving up and down consecutive

steep inclines, such as hills, dips in the

road, etc.

• When driving on roads with sharp bends,

consecutive curves, or uneven surfaces

• When vehicle lanes are wide, or when

driving on the edge of a lane, and the

vehicle in an adjacent lane is far away

from your vehicle

• When an accessory (such as a bicycle

carrier) is installed to the rear of the vehi-


• When there is a significant difference in

height between your vehicle and the

vehicle that enters the detection area

• Immediately after the Blind Spot Monitor

is turned on

Instances of the Blind Spot Monitor

unnecessarily detecting a vehicle and/or

object may increase in the following situ-


4-5. Using the driving support systems





• When the sensor is misaligned due to a

strong impact to the sensor or its sur-

rounding area

• When the distance between your vehicle

and a guardrail, wall, etc. that enters the

detection area is short

• When driving up and down consecutive

steep inclines, such as hills, dips in the

road, etc.

• When vehicle lanes are narrow, or when

driving on the edge of a lane, and a vehi-

cle traveling in a lane other than the adja-

cent lanes enters the detection area

• When driving on roads with sharp bends,

consecutive curves, or uneven surfaces

• When the tires are slipping or spinning

• When the distance between your vehicle

and a following vehicle is short

• When an accessory (such as a bicycle

carrier) is installed to the rear of the vehi-



: If equipped

Intuitive parking assist (if

Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect
static objects in the detection area
when driving at a low speed or backing
up. (


RCTA (Rear Cross Traffic Alert)
function (if equipped)

Radar sensors are used to detect
approaching vehicles in the detection
areas behind the vehicle when backing
up. (


RCD (Rear camera detection)
function (if equipped)

A rear camera sensor is used to detect
pedestrians in the detection area
behind the vehicle when backing up.


PKSA (Parking Support


The Parking Support Alert system
consists of the following functions
that operate when driving at a low
speed or backing up, such as when
parking. When the system deter-
mines that a collision with a
detected object, such as a wall, or
pedestrian is high, a warning oper-
ates to urge the driver to take eva-
sive action.

PKSA (Parking Support Alert)


4-5. Using the driving support systems


Adjusting the buzzer volume

The buzzer volume can be adjusted on
the multi-information display. The vol-
ume of buzzers for the intuitive parking
assist, RCTA function and RCD func-
tion will be adjusted simultaneously.
Use the meter control switches to
change settings. (





to select





to select “PKSA”

and then press





to select


then press


Each time the switch is pressed, the volume

level will change between 1, 2, and 3.

Muting a buzzer

A mute button will be displayed on the
multi-information display when an
object or pedestrian is detected. To
mute the buzzer, press


The buzzers for the intuitive parking
assist, RCTA function and RCD func-
tion will be muted simultaneously.
Mute will be canceled automatically in
the following situations:
 When the shift position is changed.
 When the vehicle speed exceeds a

certain speed.

 When the operating function is tem-

porarily canceled.

 When the operating function is dis-

abled manually.

 When the engine switch is turned


Setting the buzzer volume


4-5. Using the driving support systems





: If equipped

Types of sensors

Front corner sensors
Front center sensors
Rear corner sensors
Rear center sensors


When the sensors detect an object,
such as a wall, a graphic is shown on
the multi-information display, head-up
display (if equipped) and Center Dis-
play depending on the position and dis-
tance to the object.
 Multi-information display and

head-up display

Front corner sensor detection
Front center sensor detection
Rear corner sensor detection
Rear center sensor detection

 Center Display

A graphic is shown when the Lexus park-
ing assist monitor (if equipped) is dis-
A simplified image is displayed on the
Center Display when an object is detected.
• When the R shift position is selected

• When the N, M or D shift position is

selected (vehicle moving forward)

Intuitive parking assist


The distance from your vehicle to
objects, such as a wall, when paral-
lel parking or maneuvering into a
garage is measured by the sensors
and communicated via the
multi-information display, head-up
display (if equipped), Center Dis-
play and a buzzer. Always check the
surrounding area when using this

System components




4-5. Using the driving support systems


When an object is detected, a graphic will
be displayed on the panoramic view moni-
tor (if equipped).

Use the meter control switches to
enable/disable the Lexus parking
assist-sensor. (





to select





to select “PKSA”

and then press





to select


then press


When the intuitive parking assist func-
tion is disabled, the intuitive parking
assist OFF indicator (

P.68) illumi-

To re-enable the system when it was

disabled, select

on the multi-infor-

mation display, select

and then On.

If disabled using this method, the sys-
tem will not be re-enabled by turning
the engine switch off and then to IGNI-
TION ON mode.

Turning intuitive parking assist


When using the intuitive parking


Observe the following precautions.

Failing to do so may result in the vehicle

being unable to be driven safely and pos-

sibly cause an accident.

Do not use the sensor at speeds in

excess of 6 mph (10 km/h).

The sensors’ detection areas and reac-

tion times are limited. When moving

forward or reversing, check the areas

surrounding the vehicle (especially the

sides of the vehicle) for safety, and

drive slowly, using the brake to control

the vehicle’s speed.

Do not install accessories within the

sensors’ detection areas.

The area directly under the bumpers is

not detected.

When to disable the function

In the following situations, disable the

function as it may operate even though

there is no possibility of a collision.

The vehicle is equipped with a fender

pole, wireless antenna or fog lights.

The front or rear bumper or a sensor

receives a strong impact.

A non-genuine Lexus suspension

(lowered suspension, etc.) is installed.

Towing eyelets are installed.

A backlit licence plate is installed.


4-5. Using the driving support systems




The system can be operated when

The engine switch is in IGNITION ON


Intuitive parking assist function is on.

The vehicle speed is less than about 6

mph (10 km/h).

A shift position other than P is selected.

Setting the buzzer volume

The buzzer volume can be adjusted on the

multi-information display. (


If “Parking Assist Unavailable Clean

Parking Assist Sensor” is displayed on

the multi-information display

A sensor may be covered with ice, snow,

dirt, etc. Remove the ice, snow, dirt, etc.,

from the sensor to return the system to nor-

Also, due to ice forming on a sensor at low

temperatures, a warning message may be

displayed or the sensor may not be able to

detect an object. Once the ice melts, the

system will return to normal.

Sensor detection information

The following situations may occur

during use.

• The sensors may be able to only detect

objects near the front and rear bumpers.

• Depending on the shape of the object

and other factors, the detection distance

may shorten, or detection may be impos-


• There will be a short delay between

object detection and display. Even at low

speeds, there is a possibility that the

object will come within the sensor’s

detection areas before the display is

shown and the warning beep sounds.

• It might be difficult to hear the buzzer due

to the volume of the audio system or air

flow noise of the air conditioning system.

• It may be difficult to hear the buzzer if

buzzers for other systems are sounding.

Conditions under which the function

may not function correctly

Certain vehicle conditions and the sur-

rounding environment may affect the ability

of a sensor to correctly detect objects. Par-

ticular instances where this may occur are

listed below.

There is dirt, snow or ice on a sensor.

(Cleaning the sensors will resolve this


A sensor is frozen. (Thawing the area will

resolve this problem.)


When using intuitive parking assist

In the following situations, the system

may not function correctly due to a sen-

sor malfunction, etc. Have the vehicle

checked by your Lexus dealer.

The intuitive parking assist operation

display flashes or shows continuously,

and a buzzer sounds when no objects

are detected.

If the area around a sensor collides

with something, or is subjected to

strong impact.

If the bumper or grille collides with


If the display flashes or is displayed

continuously and a buzzer does not

sound, except when the mute function

has been turned on.

If a display error occurs, first check the


If the error occurs even when there is

no ice, snow or mud on the sensor, it is

likely that the sensor is malfunctioning.

Notes when washing the vehicle

Do not apply intensive bursts of water or

steam to the sensor area.
Doing so may result in the sensor mal-


When using a high pressure washer to

wash the vehicle, do not spray the sen-

sors directly, as doing so may cause a

sensor to malfunction.

When using steam to clean the vehicle,

do not direct steam too close to the

sensors as doing so may cause a sen-

sor to malfunction.


4-5. Using the driving support systems


In especially cold weather, if a sensor is

frozen the sensor display may be dis-

played abnormally, or objects, such as a

wall, may not be detected.

A sensor is covered in any way.

When a sensor or the area around a sen-

sor is extremely hot or cold.

On an extremely bumpy road, on an

incline, on gravel, or on grass.

The vicinity of the vehicle is noisy due to

vehicle horns, motorcycle engines, air

brakes of large vehicles, or other loud

noises producing ultrasonic waves.

There is another vehicle equipped with

parking assist sensors in the vicinity.

A sensor is coated with a sheet of spray

or heavy rain.

If a sensor is hit by a large amount of

water, such as when driving on a flooded


If the vehicle is significantly tilted.

The vehicle is approaching a tall or

curved curb.

If objects draw too close to the sensor.

Objects which may not be properly


The shape of the object may prevent the

sensor from detecting it. Pay particular

attention to the following objects:

Wires, fences, ropes, etc.

Cotton, snow and other materials that

absorb sound waves

Sharply-angled objects

Low objects

Tall objects with upper sections project-

ing outwards in the direction of your vehi-


People may not be detected if they are

wearing certain types of clothing.


For vehicles sold in the U.S.A.

For vehicles sold in Canada


4-5. Using the driving support systems




Detection range of the sensors

Approximately 3.3 ft. (100 cm)
Approximately 4.9 ft. (150 cm)
Approximately 1.9 ft. (65 cm)

The diagram shows the detection range of
the sensors. Note that the sensors cannot
detect objects that are extremely close to
the vehicle.
The range of the sensors may change
depending on the shape of the object, etc.

Multi-information display, head-up display (if equipped) and Center Display

When an object is detected by a sensor, the approximate distance to the object will
be displayed on the multi-information display, Center Display, and head-up display
(if equipped). (As the distance to the object becomes short, the distance segments
may blink.)

 Approximate distance to object: 4.9 ft. (150 cm) to 1.9 ft. (65 cm)


(Rear center



: Automatic buzzer mute function is enabled. (


 Approximate distance to object: 3.3 ft. (100 cm) to 1.9 ft. (65 cm)


(Front center


Sensor detection display, object


Multi-information display

Center Display

Head-up display

Multi-information display

Center Display

Head-up display


4-5. Using the driving support systems



: Automatic buzzer mute function is enabled. (


 Approximate distance to object: 1.9 ft. (65 cm) to 1.5 ft. (45 cm)



: Automatic buzzer mute function is enabled. (


 Approximate distance to object: 1.5 ft. (45 cm) to 1.0 ft. (30 cm)



: Automatic buzzer mute function is enabled. (


 Approximate distance to object: 1.0 ft. (30 cm) to 0.5 ft. (15 cm)



: Automatic buzzer mute function is disabled. (



: The distance segments will blink slowly.

 Approximate distance to object: Less than 0.5 ft. (15 cm)



: Automatic buzzer mute function is disabled. (



: The distance segments will blink rapidly.

Multi-information display

Center Display

Head-up display

Multi-information display

Center Display

Head-up display

Multi-information display


Center Display


Head-up display

Multi-information display


Center Display


Head-up display


4-5. Using the driving support systems




Buzzer operation and distance to
an object

A buzzer sounds when the sensors are
 The buzzer beeps faster as the vehi-

cle approaches an object. When the
vehicle comes within the following
distance of the object, the buzzer
sounds continuously:

Approximately 1.0 ft. (30 cm)

 When 2 or more objects are

detected simultaneously, the buzzer
sounds for the nearest object. If one
or more objects come within
approximately 1.0 ft. (30 cm) of the
vehicle, the buzzer will repeat a long
tone, followed by fast beeps.

 Automatic buzzer mute function:

After a buzzer begins sounding, if
the distance between the vehicle
and the detected object does not
become shorter, the buzzer will be
muted automatically. (However, if
the distance between the vehicle
and object is 1.0 ft. (30 cm) or less,
this function will not operate.)

The buzzer sounds volume can be
adjusted. (



: If equipped

Meter control switches

Turning the RCTA function on/off.
When the RCTA function is disabled, the
RCTA OFF indicator illuminates.

Outside rear view mirror indicators

When a vehicle approaching from the right
or left at the rear of the vehicle is detected,
both outside rear view mirror indicators
will flash.

Center Display

RCTA (Rear cross traffic
alert) function


The RCTA function uses the BSM
rear side radar sensors installed
behind the rear bumper. This func-
tion is intended to assist the driver
in checking areas that are not easily
visible when backing up.

System components





4-5. Using the driving support systems


If a vehicle approaching from the right or
left at the rear of the vehicle is detected,
the RCTA icon (

P.265) for the detected

side will be displayed on the Center Dis-
play. This illustration shows an example of a
vehicle approaching from both sides of the

RCTA buzzer

If a vehicle approaching from the right or
left at the rear of the vehicle is detected, a
buzzer will sound. The buzzer also sounds
for approximately 1 second immediately
after the RCTA function is turned on.

Use the meter control switches to
enable/disable the RCTA function.





to select





to select “PKSA”

and then press





to select “RCTA”

and then press


When the RCTA function is disabled, the

RCTA OFF indicator (

P.68) illuminates.

(Each time the engine switch is turned off

then changed to IGNITION ON mode,

the RCTA function will be enabled auto-


Outside rear view mirror indicator visi-


In strong sunlight, the outside rear view mir-

ror indicator may be difficult to see.

Hearing the RCTA buzzer

The RCTA buzzer may be difficult to hear

over loud noises, such as if the audio system

volume is high.

When “RCTA Not Available” is shown

on the multi-information display

Water, snow, mud, etc., may be attached to

the rear bumper around the sensors.


P.252) Removing the water, snow, mud,

etc., from the attached to the rear bumper

around the sensors to normal.
Additionally, the function may not function

normally when used in extremely hot or

cold environments.

Rear side radar sensors


Operation of the RCTA function

The RCTA function uses rear side radar sensors to detect vehicles approaching
from the right or left at the rear of the vehicle and alerts the driver of the presence
of such vehicles by flashing the outside rear view mirror indicators and sounding a

Turning the RCTA function



Cautions regarding the use of the


The driver is solely responsible for safe

driving. Always drive safely, taking care

to observe your surroundings.
The RCTA function is only a supplemen-

tary function which alerts the driver that a

vehicle is approaching from the right or

left at the rear of the vehicle. As the

RCTA function may not function cor-

rectly under certain conditions, the

driver’s own visual confirmation of safety

is necessary. Over reliance on this func-

tion may lead to an accident resulting

death or serious injury.

RCTA function


4-5. Using the driving support systems




Approaching vehicles
Detection areas of approaching vehicles

RCTA icon display

When a vehicle approaching from the
right or left at the rear of the vehicle is
detected, the following will be dis-
played on the Center Display.
 Example (Lexus parking assist mon-

itor) (if equipped): Vehicles are
approaching from both sides of the

RCTA function detection areas

The areas that vehicles can be detected in are outlined below.

The buzzer can alert the driver of
faster vehicles approaching from far-
ther away.


Approaching vehi-

cle speed


alert distance

18 mph (28 km/h)


65 ft. (20 m)

5 mph (8 km/h)


18 ft. (5.5 m)



4-5. Using the driving support systems


The RCTA function is operational when

The RCTA function operates when all of the

following conditions are met:

The engine switch is in IGNITION ON


The RCTA function is on.

The shift position is in R.

The vehicle speed is less than approxi-

mately 5 mph (8 km/h).

The approaching vehicle speed is

between approximately 5 mph (8 km/h)

and 18 mph (28 km/h).

Setting the buzzer volume

The buzzer volume can be adjusted on the

multi-information display. (


Conditions under which the RCTA func-

tion will not detect a vehicle

The RCTA function is not designed to

detect the following types of vehicles and/or


Vehicles approaching from directly


Vehicles backing up in a parking space

next to your vehicle

Vehicles that the sensors cannot detect

due to obstructions

Guardrails, walls, signs, parked vehicles
and similar stationary objects


Small motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians,


Vehicles moving away from your vehicle

Vehicles approaching from the parking
spaces next to your vehicle



: Depending on the conditions, detection

of a vehicle and/or object may occur.

Conditions under which the RCTA func-

tion may not function correctly

The RCTA function may not detect vehi-

cles correctly in the following situations:

• When a sensor is misaligned due to a

strong impact to the sensor or its sur-

rounding area

• When mud, snow, ice, a sticker, etc. is

covering a sensor or its surrounding area

on the rear bumper

• When driving on a road surface that is

wet with standing water during bad

weather, such as heavy rain, snow, or fog

• When multiple vehicles are approaching

with only a small gap between each vehi-


• If a vehicle is approaching the rear of

your vehicle rapidly

• When a towing eyelet is installed to the

rear of the vehicle.

• When backing up on a slope with a sharp

change in grade

• When backing out of a shallow angle

parking spot

• Immediately after the RCTA function is

turned on

• Immediately after the engine is started


4-5. Using the driving support systems




with the RCTA function on

• When the sensors cannot detect a vehi-

cle due to obstructions

Instances of the RCTA function unneces-

sarily detecting a vehicle and/or object

may increase in the following situations:

• When a vehicle passes by the side of your


• When the parking space faces a street

and vehicles are being driven on the


• When the distance between your vehicle

and metal objects, such as a guardrail,

wall, sign, or parked vehicle, which may

reflect electrical waves toward the rear of

the vehicle, is short

• When a towing eyelet is installed to the

rear of the vehicle


: If equipped

Pedestrian detection icon

Displayed automatically when a pedestrian
is detected.

RCD OFF icon

When the RCD function is disabled, the
RCD OFF icon illuminates. (Each time the
engine switch is turned off then changed to
IGNITION ON mode, the RCD function
will be enabled automatically.)

Use the meter control switches to
enable/disable the RCD function.





to select


RCD (Rear Camera Detec-
tion) function


When the vehicle is backing up, the
rear camera detection function can
detect pedestrians in the detection
area behind the vehicle. If a pedes-
trian is detected, a buzzer will
sound and an icon will be displayed
on the Center Display to inform the
driver of the pedestrian.

Center Display

Turning the RCD function on/off



RCD (Rear Camera Detec-

tion) function


: If equipped

When the vehicle is backing up, the

rear camera detection function can

detect pedestrians in the detection

area behind the vehicle. If a pedes-

trian is detected, a buzzer will

sound and an icon will be displayed

on the Center Display to inform the

driver of the pedestrian.

Center Display

Pedestrian detection icon


Displayed automatically when a pedestrian

is detected.

RCD OFF icon


When the RCD function is disabled, the

RCD OFF icon illuminates. (Each time the

power switch is turned off then changed to

ON mode, the RCD function will be ena-

bled automatically.)

Turning the RCD function on/off

Use the meter control switches to ena-

ble/disable the RCD function.



4-5. Using the driving support systems





to select




to select «PKSA»

and then press





to select «RCD»

and then press


When the RCD function is disabled, the

RCD OFF indicator (P.120) illuminates.

When a pedestrian is detected

If the rear camera detection function

detects a pedestrian in the detection

area, the buzzer and pedestrian detec-

tion will operate as follows:

If a pedestrian is detected in area



Buzzer: Sounds repeatedly

Pedestrian detection icon: Blinks 3

times and then stays on

If a pedestrian is detected in area



Buzzer (When the vehicle is sta-

tionary): Sounds 3 times

Buzzer (When the vehicle is back-




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  • Rc exe системная ошибка mfc 110u dll
  • Razer код ошибки 142
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  • Razer synapse ошибка при запуске