Sapling tree gen blender ошибка

System Information
Operating system: Windows 11 Home Version 22H2 OS build 22621.674
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060

Blender Version
Broken: 3.3.1 LTS 3.3.0 LTS 3.2.2 LTS

Short description of error

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error
Select ‘willow’ under Load Preset in Sapling Tree_Gen addon.

**System Information**
Operating system: Windows 11 Home Version 22H2 OS build 22621.674
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060

**Blender Version**
Broken: 3.3.1 LTS 3.3.0 LTS 3.2.2 LTS

**Short description of error**

**Exact steps for others to reproduce the error**
Select ‘willow’ under Load Preset in Sapling Tree_Gen addon.

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System Information
Windows 10 Home (Swedish language)
GTX 1070

Blender Version
Broken: 2.78c
Worked: 2.77a (on windows 7)

Short description of error
UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0x85 in position 3: invalid start byte

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error
Start blender. Rename default cube to Låda (any name with lowercase åäö will do). User preferences->Addons-> Add Curve: Sapling Tree Gen.
Shift-A->Curve->Sapling Tree Gen.

blender_sapling_error.blend451 KBDownload

Event Timeline

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I was able to replicate this, but inconsistently. Can anyone confirm if this is a blender issue or something addons need to handle themselves. If it’s the addon then how do I fix it?, because I do not know what’s causing this.

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I have a workaround that uses base64 to pass the string through the addon. It lets you choose the objects but still doesn’t show the correct object name in the menu.

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hi testing this (following exact reproduce from op) I was able to get the error using the presets & also in ui.

to the file header (line1) in &
& I cannot reproduce the issue

will commit fix soon

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awesome, I didn’t know file encodings could cause things like this. Its a lot better than my ugly workaround. thanks.


The problem occured unexpectedly and appears only in one particular .blend file. After shift-a then curve>sapling tree gen no new object is created. Info shows up, pointing three lines in py’s and that one object «Cube.013_Cube.000» is not visible (?) or simply missing.

enter image description here

I tried making a copy of that file, then deleting all objects and seeing if it helps, gives the same info.
I tried downloading different blender version and still in that one particular file add on seems to have problem, in any other .blend it works perfectly.

asked Mar 7, 2019 at 21:11

Jan Kulczycki's user avatar



I have found many interesting things
objects supposedly not being invisible in RenderLayer were not visible in any view, moreover, in the outliner. I tried searching for them by trying to append anything, from another .blend blank file. I suprisingly found that a lot of mesh data was in the scene, but it wasn’t connected to any object, thus confusing the add on py’s. After cleaning not used, hidden mesh data, add on started working properly.

answered Mar 7, 2019 at 21:45

Jan Kulczycki's user avatar


This started not as a real and proper answer, but to demonstrate that at least on 2.76b, with Sapling 0.2.6, sapling addon worked as you would expect:

enter image description here

So, I suggested you to detail exact blender and sapling versions you are trying. It could also be a bug or a changed behavior…

Meanwhile, I found a 2.79rc2 lying on my disk, so tried also launching Blender-softwaregl (opengl sw emulation due to my crappy notebook), here the addon is named «Sapling Tree Gen», version 0.3.3, it behave like you said: the tree is always at grid origin, no matter where the 3d cursor is.

It seems that there was a big change from 0.2.6 to 0.3.2 labeled as a «major rewrite», I guess starting just before 2.78 release, see this diffusion page.

But, good news! Browsing the sources on that page, I found a single line that reverts the behavior of sapling 0.3.3 to how it was in 0.2.6

  1. find the file <blender install folder>/2.79/scripts/addons/add_curve_sapling/

  2. go to line 1604, it should be like

    #treeOb.location=bpy.context.scene.cursor_location attractUp

  3. change it to

    treeOb.location=bpy.context.scene.cursor_location #attractUp

  4. save the file

  5. (if it was open, close and) start Blender
  6. now sapling should behave as it did in 2.76 :)

enter image description here

Note: I’ve later found a comment by the addon developer stating that he did
«Fix Armature, Tree location generation to 0,0,0 (this was causing fails with armature weights & probably pruning)»

So, use this with caution, and revert if necessary…

This started not as a real and proper answer, but to demonstrate that at least on 2.76b, with Sapling 0.2.6, sapling addon worked as you would expect:

enter image description here

So, I suggested you to detail exact blender and sapling versions you are trying. It could also be a bug or a changed behavior…

Meanwhile, I found a 2.79rc2 lying on my disk, so tried also launching Blender-softwaregl (opengl sw emulation due to my crappy notebook), here the addon is named «Sapling Tree Gen», version 0.3.3, it behave like you said: the tree is always at grid origin, no matter where the 3d cursor is.

It seems that there was a big change from 0.2.6 to 0.3.2 labeled as a «major rewrite», I guess starting just before 2.78 release, see this diffusion page.

But, good news! Browsing the sources on that page, I found a single line that reverts the behavior of sapling 0.3.3 to how it was in 0.2.6

  1. find the file <blender install folder>/2.79/scripts/addons/add_curve_sapling/

  2. go to line 1604, it should be like

    #treeOb.location=bpy.context.scene.cursor_location attractUp

  3. change it to

    treeOb.location=bpy.context.scene.cursor_location #attractUp

  4. save the file

  5. (if it was open, close and) start Blender
  6. now sapling should behave as it did in 2.76 :)

enter image description here

Note: I’ve later found a comment by the addon developer stating that he did
«Fix Armature, Tree location generation to 0,0,0 (this was causing fails with armature weights & probably pruning)»

So, use this with caution, and revert if necessary…

  • В этой теме 0 ответов, 1 участник, последнее обновление 11 месяцев, 2 недели назад сделано victor59.

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  • Добрый день! Моя версия Блендер 2.93.6 После активации адона Sapling Tree Gen, при попытке его применить создается ствол дерева но окно слева внизу не активно! При попытке что либо изменить в нем, программа закрывается. Помогите пожалуйста разобраться в проблеме. С уважением Виктор.

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Bug 1879404
Blender 2.90.0-3.fc33 crashes when using adding sapling tree or using voronoi texture


Blender 2.90.0-3.fc33 crashes when using adding sapling tree or using voronoi…

Status: CLOSED









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Severity: unspecified

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Luya Tshimbalanga

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Fedora Extras Quality Assurance

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Reported: 2020-09-16 08:40 UTC by Matthias
Modified: 2020-12-07 01:16 UTC

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Fixed In Version:

blender-2.90.1-1.fc33 blender-2.91.0-2.fc33 blender-2.83.9-1.fc32

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Last Closed:

2020-12-04 19:51:59 UTC



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Sapling Tree Crash

(1.93 KB,

2020-09-16 08:40 UTC,


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Voronoi Texture crash

(2.00 KB,

2020-09-16 08:41 UTC,


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Blender — How to reproduce crash quickly

(432.32 KB,

2020-10-03 02:23 UTC,


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(1.98 KB,

2020-10-04 10:54 UTC,


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(1.98 KB,

2020-10-04 10:54 UTC,


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Sapling tree generator not working?

The sapling tree generator is adding a default tree and showing the edit panel but nothing is selectable there.. can anyone help? :(

I’ve been working on making and animating a tree in Blender, using the sapling tree generator. I created the tree, added an armature and animation, and added leaves (they’re rectangles with an alpha map to create a leaf shape). I haven’t done anything else very advanced with the leaf materials (just a texture and color ramp). There’s also an emitter modifier for falling leaves.

When I view the animation in the viewport, all looks as expected, leaves are present, and the branches move.

enter image description here

However, when I go to render the animation, it’s missing the leaves and animation added with sapling tree gen.

enter image description here

I’ve checked and as as far as I can tell, all of the entries in scene collection are set to render, so it’s a little confusion as to why they wouldn’t be present in the render.

enter image description here

1 ответ

Ваша модель слишком большая для 3DS. Blender выдает сообщение об ошибке:

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Вместо 3DS попробуйте другой, более современный формат, например, fbx или alembic.

ответ дан 1 дек 2017 в 10:30

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