Transmission too hot ошибка

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391150

Вчера на трассе часу на 2ом путешествия загорелась ошибка температуры коробки, температура была 135C, снизил скорость до 90 температура упала до 129, через некоторое время попытался поднять скорость до крейсерских 140-150 температура опять начала расти и появилась ошибка. Опять скинул, на сей раз температура упала сильно (до 100) и с набором скорости упала еще до 90 C. Дальнейшие 500 км ошибка не повторялась.
Коробка 8АКПП, 14 год, 40к пробег, ошибка была как в 2WD так и в 4WD AUTO.

Кто нибудь сталкивался?

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Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391153

Рекомендую проверить радиатор. У меня 45-я коробка работает примерно на 70 градусах. Под 100 было только летом в жару на серпантинах Кавказа.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Спасибо сказали: Maximus

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391160

SinnerSpinner пишет:

Рекомендую проверить радиатор. У меня 45-я коробка работает примерно на 70 градусах. Под 100 было только летом в жару на серпантинах Кавказа.

Для восьми ступки другой температурный режим. В нормальных условиях около 90*С. Я б с уровня масла начал и проверки исправности датчика t

Последнее редактирование: 6 года 9 мес. назад от Максимум.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Спасибо сказали: SinnerSpinner, Maximus

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391173

По городу покатался температура доходит до 110 и там стоит.
Завтра попробую в сервис попасть.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391183

Не знаю, как на рестайле, а на 11 годе радиатор кондея совмещён с радиатором АКПП. То есть, если на улице тепло и кондей работает+радиатор подзабит, то температура будет расти хорошо.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391184

На рестайлинге радиатор находится там же, но плюс к нему на корпусе кпп стоит теплообменник с тосолом.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391197

Maximus пишет:

По городу покатался температура доходит до 110 и там стоит.
Завтра попробую в сервис попасть.

На Орбели попробуй, в Форис

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391234

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391274

Ошибок нет, то есть коробка не уходила в аварийный режим. Коробочники с опытом такой же коробки на Х5 рекомендуют вырезать термостат, который часто клинит.
Если кто-нибудь достоверно знает рабочую температуру для масла моей коробки буду признателен. В пробках по городу 110-113 держится. Хз так надо или нет.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391303

8 ступка плавает около 80 градусов если смотреть на панели приборов.
Если погонять может до 90 доползти. Но больше не видел.

Последнее редактирование: 6 года 9 мес. назад от beetle.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391309

У меня 100 — 105 градусов -стабильно держится, в городе. От манеры езды практически не зависит.Хотя обычно езжу агрессивно.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391312

beetle пишет:

8 ступка плавает около 80 градусов если смотреть на панели приборов.
Если погонять может до 90 доползти. Но больше не видел.

У меня также.
При прогреве, температура масла в коробке и в двигателе примерно одинакова.
После, меньше градусов на 10. Выше 90 не видел.
Стиль движения умеренно-спокойный)
Один раз, совсем недавно, заметил что коробка на прогреве в половину холоднее была и выше 70С не поднялась. На следующий день всё встало на место. Думаю глюк был.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391355

Странно что у всех так расходится температура)

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 9 мес. назад #391362

Забыл написать у меня 8-и ступка.
Как заметил один из участников » температура очень сильно разнится от машины к машине». Ну допустим погрешность датчиков 5 %, ну у кого то соты радиатора забиты, а кого помыты. Ну не может же быть «вилка температуры» 80-130 град!?
Так какая t считается нормальная?
Чуть не в тему… Может встречал кто тюнинг киты ( доп. радиаторы) для КПП?

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot 6 года 8 мес. назад #392380

Парни СОРРИ!!! Все это время смотрел не на ту строчку. Все что я написал выше — относится к температуре моторного масла.
Правильные показания трансмиссионного за ближайшую неделю наблюдений: 79-91 град.
91 град. выдал после достаточно жесткого отжига на протяжении 15-20 км. ( режим газ в пол, тормоз в пол)

Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.




See your authorized dealer.

Transmission Malfunc-

tion Service Now

The transmission is overheating and needs to cool. Stop in a

safe place as soon as it is possible.

Transmission Over-
heating Stop Safely

The transmission has overheated and needs to cool. Stop in

a safe place as soon as it is possible.

Transmission Overtem-

perature Stop Safely

See your authorized dealer.

Transmission Service


Transmission is getting hot. Stop to let it cool.

Transmission Too Hot

Press Brake

Displays when the transmission has overheated and has

limited functionality. See Automatic Transmission (page


Transmission Limited

Function See Manual

Transmission is too cold. Wait for it to warm up before you


Transmission Warming

Up Please Wait

Displays as a reminder to shift into park.

Transmission Not in Park

Displays as a reminder to press the brake pedal in order to

select a gear.

Press Brake Pedal

Displays when the transmission has adjusted the shift


Transmission Adjusted

Displays when the transmission is adjusting the shift strategy.

Transmission Adapt


Displays when the transmission shift lever is locked and unable

to select gears.

Transmission Indicate

Mode Lockup On

Displays when the transmission shift lever is unlocked and

free to select gears.

Transmission Indicate

Mode Lockup Off


Information Displays




Fan speed control: Controls the volume of air circulated in your vehicle. Adjust
to select the desired fan speed or switch off. If you switch the fan off, the
windshield may fog up. Light bars on the dial illuminate to indicate fan speed.


A/C: Press the button to switch the air conditioning off and on. To improve air
conditioning when starting your vehicle, drive with the windows slightly open
for two to three minutes. Use with recirculated air to improve cooling
performance and efficiency.


Power: Press the button to turn the system off and on. When the system is off,
outside air cannot enter the vehicle.


Heated rear window: Turns the heated rear window on and off. See Heated
Windows and Mirrors (page 116).


Temperature control: Controls the temperature of the airflow in your vehicle.
Adjust to select the desired temperature.


MAX Defrost: Turn the temperature control dial all the way past the full heat
position to turn on. The system distributes outside air through the windshield
air vents, the air conditioning automatically turns on, the fan automatically
adjusts to the highest speed and the temperature dial returns to the full heat
position. When MAX defrost is on, recirculated air cannot be selected (to prevent
fogging). The heated rear window is automatically switched on when MAX
defrost is selected.



Climate Control

MAX A/C: Turn the temperature control dial all the way past the full cool
position. The system distributes recirculated air through the instrument panel
air vents, the air conditioning automatically turns on, the fan speed automatically
adjusts to the highest speed and the temperature dial returns to the full cool
position. This re-cooling of the interior air is more economical and efficient.


Air distribution control: Press these buttons to turn airflow from the
windshield, instrument panel and footwell vents. The system can distribute air
through any combination of these air vents. At least one of these buttons
remains on while the system is on.


Heated seats (if equipped): Turn the driver or passenger heated seats on
and off. See Heated Seats (page 125).


Recirculated air: Press the button to switch between outside air and
recirculated air. When you select recirculated air, the air currently in the
passenger compartment recirculates. This may reduce the time needed to cool
the interior (when used with A/C) and may reduce unwanted odors from entering
your vehicle. Recirculated air may turn off automatically in all airflow modes
except MAX A/C to reduce the possibility of fogging.


Fan speed indicators: Illuminate to indicate fan speed.






Climate Control

Driver temperature control: Turn to increase or decrease the air temperature
for the driver side of the vehicle. This control also adjusts the passenger side
temperature when dual zone operation is disengaged.


Recirculated air: Press the button to switch between outside air and
recirculated air. When you select recirculated air, the air currently in the
passenger compartment recirculates. This may reduce the time needed to cool
the interior (when used with A/C) and may reduce unwanted odors from entering
your vehicle. Recirculated air may turn off automatically in all airflow modes
except MAX A/C to reduce the possibility of fogging.


— Fan speed control: Press to decrease the volume of air circulated in your


Fan speed indicator: Illuminates to indicate fan speed. When the system is
controlling the fan automatically, all of the fan speed indicators turn off.


Airflow distribution control: Press these buttons to turn airflow from the
windshield, instrument panel and footwell vents. The system can distribute air
through any combination of these air vents. At least one of these buttons
remains on while the system is on. When the system is controlling air distribution
automatically, indicators for all of these buttons turn off.


+ Fan speed control: Press to increase the volume of air circulated in your


AUTO: Press the button to turn on fully automatic operation. Select the desired
temperature using the temperature control. The system automatically adjusts
fan speed, air distribution, A/C operation, and outside or recirculated air, to heat
or cool the vehicle to maintain the selected temperature.


Passenger temperature control: Turn to increase or decrease the air
temperature on the passenger side of the vehicle.


Heated rear window: Turns the heated rear window on and off. See Heated
Windows and Mirrors (page 116).


MAX Defrost: Press to switch on. The system distributes outside air through
the windshield air vents, the air conditioning automatically turns on, and the
fan automatically adjusts to the highest speed. When MAX defrost is on,
recirculated air cannot be selected (to prevent fogging). The heated rear window
is automatically switched on when MAX defrost is selected.


Power: Press the button to turn the system off and on. When the system is off,
outside air cannot enter the vehicle.


Heated seat (if equipped): Turn the driver or passenger heated seats on and
off. See Heated Seats (page 125).



Climate Control


04-28-2022, 01:10 AM



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Transmission Too Hot error

A few days ago, just cruising and a «Transmission Too Hot» error popped up and car went into limp mode. It was only there for a not even 5 seconds and it went away.

Few days pass and the car drives perfectly normal and fine. I don’t track the car, nor it’s tuned, and I don’t drive it hard. Later today, the error popped up again, goes away in a few seconds. Same as before, but now it’s popping up regularly as I’m driving the car, just cruising. Goes into limp mode every time the error pops up. I’m getting it checked out in the morning, but any ideas of what it could be?

Only fault codes that showed up regarding the error when I ran diagnostics were:

40DE01: Coupling Temperature: Red Phase

Any feedback would help, thank you in advance!


04-28-2022, 03:55 AM


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Check and clean your DCT cooler… is a junk catcher


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’15 M4 BSM DCT CCB, ’05 Lotus Elise Turbo, ’15 Alfa Romeo 4c coupe «sold», ’18 M2 «sold», ’15 M4 «totaled», ’14 M235 «sold», ’09 128i «sold»


04-28-2022, 03:12 PM


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Clutch slip would cause that


04-29-2022, 03:25 PM


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I think there is a sensor that a lot of people gave temperature failure..


04-29-2022, 10:20 PM


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Originally Posted by ALCOBENDAS
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I think there is a sensor that a lot of people gave temperature failure..

There is yes.


06-16-2022, 04:15 PM


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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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A few days ago, just cruising and a «Transmission Too Hot» error popped up and car went into limp mode. It was only there for a not even 5 seconds and it went away.

Few days pass and the car drives perfectly normal and fine. I don’t track the car, nor it’s tuned, and I don’t drive it hard. Later today, the error popped up again, goes away in a few seconds. Same as before, but now it’s popping up regularly as I’m driving the car, just cruising. Goes into limp mode every time the error pops up. I’m getting it checked out in the morning, but any ideas of what it could be?

Only fault codes that showed up regarding the error when I ran diagnostics were:

40DE01: Coupling Temperature: Red Phase

Any feedback would help, thank you in advance!


hi Vic, have you fixed it? If yes what was the solution?
Have you replaced the sensor?
If yes, have you checked if the sensor was giving proper temps or it was stuck with some random temp?


06-17-2022, 01:59 AM



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Originally Posted by Jim45678
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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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A few days ago, just cruising and a «Transmission Too Hot» error popped up and car went into limp mode. It was only there for a not even 5 seconds and it went away.

Few days pass and the car drives perfectly normal and fine. I don’t track the car, nor it’s tuned, and I don’t drive it hard. Later today, the error popped up again, goes away in a few seconds. Same as before, but now it’s popping up regularly as I’m driving the car, just cruising. Goes into limp mode every time the error pops up. I’m getting it checked out in the morning, but any ideas of what it could be?

Only fault codes that showed up regarding the error when I ran diagnostics were:

40DE01: Coupling Temperature: Red Phase

Any feedback would help, thank you in advance!


hi Vic, have you fixed it? If yes what was the solution?
Have you replaced the sensor?
If yes, have you checked if the sensor was giving proper temps or it was stuck with some random temp?

Turns out I just needed to change the trans fluid and the filters. It was changed at around 42k miles. I was afraid it was the sensor at first as well. But I’ve had the car back for over a month and the error has not came back since the fluid change. Hope this is just the case for you too!


06-17-2022, 05:46 AM


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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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Turns out I just needed to change the trans fluid and the filters. It was changed at around 42k miles. I was afraid it was the sensor at first as well. But I’ve had the car back for over a month and the error has not came back since the fluid change. Hope this is just the case for you too!

Great! lucky you changing Oil solved the issue.

I’m wondering if you have monitored sensor of transmission oil temperature? Mine seems to be working correctly. This morning it shows around 28″C and engine OIL around 23″C. Once the error pop’s-up I have stable 80″C on the sensor.


07-25-2022, 04:19 PM



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Originally Posted by Jim45678
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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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Turns out I just needed to change the trans fluid and the filters. It was changed at around 42k miles. I was afraid it was the sensor at first as well. But I’ve had the car back for over a month and the error has not came back since the fluid change. Hope this is just the case for you too!

Great! lucky you changing Oil solved the issue.

I’m wondering if you have monitored sensor of transmission oil temperature? Mine seems to be working correctly. This morning it shows around 28″C and engine OIL around 23″C. Once the error pop’s-up I have stable 80″C on the sensor.

Well, back here again lol. The error decided to come back late at night at a stop light. I replaced the trans oil cooler thermostat, and that didn’t solve the issue as the error came back again. It’s only at 43k miles, I doubt I need a new transmission this early on, no? Did you end up solving the issue?


07-26-2022, 03:00 PM



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Bump. Has anyone experienced this issue?

Have done a full trans flush, and car was fine for about month and a half. Error came back and I replaced the trans oil cooler thermostat, which still did not work.
Car only has 43k miles, and I’m not slipping any gears. Doubt I’ll need a new transmission this early on.


07-26-2022, 04:00 PM


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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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Bump. Has anyone experienced this issue?

Have done a full trans flush, and car was fine for about month and a half. Error came back and I replaced the trans oil cooler thermostat, which still did not work.
Car only has 43k miles, and I’m not slipping any gears. Doubt I’ll need a new transmission this early on.

Yep, i replaced oil, filters, oil pan, clutch temp sensor. Clutch was verified and it was ok. I hope it wont come back again because it was a really costly experience

btw: which sensor did you replace? there are three of them as far as i know? In my scenario it was clutch temp sensor. I hope i wont see this agan after a month.

Last edited by Jim45678; 07-26-2022 at 04:14 PM..


07-26-2022, 04:54 PM



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Originally Posted by Jim45678
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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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Bump. Has anyone experienced this issue?

Have done a full trans flush, and car was fine for about month and a half. Error came back and I replaced the trans oil cooler thermostat, which still did not work.
Car only has 43k miles, and I’m not slipping any gears. Doubt I’ll need a new transmission this early on.

Yep, i replaced oil, filters, oil pan, clutch temp sensor. Clutch was verified and it was ok. I hope it wont come back again because it was a really costly experience

btw: which sensor did you replace? there are three of them as far as i know? In my scenario it was clutch temp sensor. I hope i wont see this agan after a month.

Yeah I replaced all of that, except for the clutch temp sensor. I ended up replacing the thermostat for the transmission oil cooler, which did not solve the issue as well.

Hopefully it fully resolved for you!

Btw what was the process in replacing the clutch temp sensor?
Also, do you have a part number for it?


07-27-2022, 07:16 PM


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I don’t know exactly how the process looked like but when I was driving to the garage it popped up and we did quick error scanning. I guess the mechanic was using ISTA so he was able to read all three temp sensors. The clutch sensor was giving 161″C and that caused the error. Transmission temp sens was giving 81″C (same sensor bimmerlink is reading — you can’t read clutch temp sensor with bimmerlink ).

He also double checked the clutch but it was like new. So I strongly believe and pray that it solves the issue and I won’t need to do anything else. To replace this sensor they needed to dismantle the gearbox from the car.

If I’m correct this is the part number: #28107842851…107842851.html

PS: I had CS transmission/diff flash but it didn’t help anyway. Its faulty sensor that needs to be replaced. Check with the garage temp of this sensor to make sure it causes the issue.


07-29-2022, 08:04 PM


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I had this sensor replaced a few weeks ago and haven’t had any issues since. A shop in the UK did a write up showing where the sensor is located in the transmission.…rature-sensor/


07-30-2022, 07:19 PM



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Originally Posted by Jim45678
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I don’t know exactly how the process looked like but when I was driving to the garage it popped up and we did quick error scanning. I guess the mechanic was using ISTA so he was able to read all three temp sensors. The clutch sensor was giving 161″C and that caused the error. Transmission temp sens was giving 81″C (same sensor bimmerlink is reading — you can’t read clutch temp sensor with bimmerlink ).

He also double checked the clutch but it was like new. So I strongly believe and pray that it solves the issue and I won’t need to do anything else. To replace this sensor they needed to dismantle the gearbox from the car.

If I’m correct this is the part number: #28107842851…107842851.html

PS: I had CS transmission/diff flash but it didn’t help anyway. Its faulty sensor that needs to be replaced. Check with the garage temp of this sensor to make sure it causes the issue.

What was the cost of labor if you don’t mind me asking?


07-31-2022, 09:34 AM


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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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What was the cost of labor if you don’t mind me asking?

I live in Europe so prices are much different I guess. I paid around 700$ for labour itself. It was in the independent garage specialised in BMW only

PS: Funny thing this issue is related mostly to US cars. I checked local forums and no-one had such an issue with this sensor. Mostly its caused by damaged clutch due to hard usage but not due to sensor error. My car has only 33K miles and still original PSS tires

Evening all I am after a bit of advice.

First some background. My car is a 59 plate Ibiza FR with the 1.4TSI engine and 59000 miles. It was serviced by JCT600 Seat 2 weeks ago to the day. It underwent the full service and an aircon cleanse. It has been fine since April when I bought it and fine since the service. It also had the DSG recall and oil change a few months ago with no problems.

This morning I had a bulb failure warning pop up but no bulbs have gone? On the way home from work this evening the car was fine. I made 2 stops (Halfords and Morissons) and the car was running for maybe 10-15 mins between each trip. After the last stop the car was running fine upon leaving the carpark but 2 minutes later I got TRANSMISSION TOO HOT. STOP! on the dashboard. The car wouldn’t shift out of 1st gear and kept beeping. I put it into Neutral and coasted into a layby. I let the car cool down for 15 mins and tried to restart it but the error was still there. I checked the oil level and it was fine. I also touched the top the gearbox and it wasn’t even warm!

I locked the car up and walked home. I’m thinking (more hoping) its an electrical glitch caused by the cold weather and a weak battery? Could this be a reasonable assumption or is there something more sinister afoot? If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

I will be going back to the car in a few hours to find out if the error is still there.

Thanks in advance.

Всем привет,

В прошлый раз я грешил на топливо Shell, но после перезаправки на лукойле, ситуация не поменялась, пинки были хорошие, под нагрузкой вообще ахтунг.

Записался к дилеру на перепрошивку DSG, чтобы по гарантии поменять сцепление купленное у них. Все прошилось нормально, обкатка прошла с успехом, никаких рывков, работало сцепление (коробка) как часы.

Но, праздник длился не долго, одну неделю. Вчера сев с утра за руль, обнаружил такой прикол: Transmission overheated: Stop!. Машина никуда не поехала =(. Почитав инет, умерла плата мехатроника походу. И это случилось прям в мой ДР — отличный подарок от VAG!

Машина стоит, ищу где и как ее починить. Вопрос, было ли у кого что-то похожее?
Поискав в инете, цена ремонта от 25К с б/у платой.

Как меня з%%%%а этот коробас, не одно так другое и это даже 100т не выкатал…

Цена вопроса: 2 000 ₽
Пробег: 99 055 км


04-28-2022, 12:10 AM



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Transmission Too Hot error

A few days ago, just cruising and a «Transmission Too Hot» error popped up and car went into limp mode. It was only there for a not even 5 seconds and it went away.

Few days pass and the car drives perfectly normal and fine. I don’t track the car, nor it’s tuned, and I don’t drive it hard. Later today, the error popped up again, goes away in a few seconds. Same as before, but now it’s popping up regularly as I’m driving the car, just cruising. Goes into limp mode every time the error pops up. I’m getting it checked out in the morning, but any ideas of what it could be?

Only fault codes that showed up regarding the error when I ran diagnostics were:

40DE01: Coupling Temperature: Red Phase

Any feedback would help, thank you in advance!


04-28-2022, 02:55 AM


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Check and clean your DCT cooler… is a junk catcher


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’15 M4 BSM DCT CCB, ’05 Lotus Elise Turbo, ’15 Alfa Romeo 4c coupe «sold», ’18 M2 «sold», ’15 M4 «totaled», ’14 M235 «sold», ’09 128i «sold»


04-28-2022, 02:12 PM


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Clutch slip would cause that


04-29-2022, 02:25 PM


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I think there is a sensor that a lot of people gave temperature failure..


04-29-2022, 09:20 PM


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Originally Posted by ALCOBENDAS
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I think there is a sensor that a lot of people gave temperature failure..

There is yes.


06-16-2022, 03:15 PM


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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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A few days ago, just cruising and a «Transmission Too Hot» error popped up and car went into limp mode. It was only there for a not even 5 seconds and it went away.

Few days pass and the car drives perfectly normal and fine. I don’t track the car, nor it’s tuned, and I don’t drive it hard. Later today, the error popped up again, goes away in a few seconds. Same as before, but now it’s popping up regularly as I’m driving the car, just cruising. Goes into limp mode every time the error pops up. I’m getting it checked out in the morning, but any ideas of what it could be?

Only fault codes that showed up regarding the error when I ran diagnostics were:

40DE01: Coupling Temperature: Red Phase

Any feedback would help, thank you in advance!


hi Vic, have you fixed it? If yes what was the solution?
Have you replaced the sensor?
If yes, have you checked if the sensor was giving proper temps or it was stuck with some random temp?


06-17-2022, 12:59 AM



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Originally Posted by Jim45678
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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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A few days ago, just cruising and a «Transmission Too Hot» error popped up and car went into limp mode. It was only there for a not even 5 seconds and it went away.

Few days pass and the car drives perfectly normal and fine. I don’t track the car, nor it’s tuned, and I don’t drive it hard. Later today, the error popped up again, goes away in a few seconds. Same as before, but now it’s popping up regularly as I’m driving the car, just cruising. Goes into limp mode every time the error pops up. I’m getting it checked out in the morning, but any ideas of what it could be?

Only fault codes that showed up regarding the error when I ran diagnostics were:

40DE01: Coupling Temperature: Red Phase

Any feedback would help, thank you in advance!


hi Vic, have you fixed it? If yes what was the solution?
Have you replaced the sensor?
If yes, have you checked if the sensor was giving proper temps or it was stuck with some random temp?

Turns out I just needed to change the trans fluid and the filters. It was changed at around 42k miles. I was afraid it was the sensor at first as well. But I’ve had the car back for over a month and the error has not came back since the fluid change. Hope this is just the case for you too!


06-17-2022, 04:46 AM


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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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Turns out I just needed to change the trans fluid and the filters. It was changed at around 42k miles. I was afraid it was the sensor at first as well. But I’ve had the car back for over a month and the error has not came back since the fluid change. Hope this is just the case for you too!

Great! lucky you changing Oil solved the issue.

I’m wondering if you have monitored sensor of transmission oil temperature? Mine seems to be working correctly. This morning it shows around 28″C and engine OIL around 23″C. Once the error pop’s-up I have stable 80″C on the sensor.


07-25-2022, 03:19 PM



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Originally Posted by Jim45678
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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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Turns out I just needed to change the trans fluid and the filters. It was changed at around 42k miles. I was afraid it was the sensor at first as well. But I’ve had the car back for over a month and the error has not came back since the fluid change. Hope this is just the case for you too!

Great! lucky you changing Oil solved the issue.

I’m wondering if you have monitored sensor of transmission oil temperature? Mine seems to be working correctly. This morning it shows around 28″C and engine OIL around 23″C. Once the error pop’s-up I have stable 80″C on the sensor.

Well, back here again lol. The error decided to come back late at night at a stop light. I replaced the trans oil cooler thermostat, and that didn’t solve the issue as the error came back again. It’s only at 43k miles, I doubt I need a new transmission this early on, no? Did you end up solving the issue?


07-26-2022, 02:00 PM



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Bump. Has anyone experienced this issue?

Have done a full trans flush, and car was fine for about month and a half. Error came back and I replaced the trans oil cooler thermostat, which still did not work.
Car only has 43k miles, and I’m not slipping any gears. Doubt I’ll need a new transmission this early on.


07-26-2022, 03:00 PM


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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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Bump. Has anyone experienced this issue?

Have done a full trans flush, and car was fine for about month and a half. Error came back and I replaced the trans oil cooler thermostat, which still did not work.
Car only has 43k miles, and I’m not slipping any gears. Doubt I’ll need a new transmission this early on.

Yep, i replaced oil, filters, oil pan, clutch temp sensor. Clutch was verified and it was ok. I hope it wont come back again because it was a really costly experience

btw: which sensor did you replace? there are three of them as far as i know? In my scenario it was clutch temp sensor. I hope i wont see this agan after a month.

Last edited by Jim45678; 07-26-2022 at 03:14 PM..


07-26-2022, 03:54 PM



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Originally Posted by Jim45678
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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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Bump. Has anyone experienced this issue?

Have done a full trans flush, and car was fine for about month and a half. Error came back and I replaced the trans oil cooler thermostat, which still did not work.
Car only has 43k miles, and I’m not slipping any gears. Doubt I’ll need a new transmission this early on.

Yep, i replaced oil, filters, oil pan, clutch temp sensor. Clutch was verified and it was ok. I hope it wont come back again because it was a really costly experience

btw: which sensor did you replace? there are three of them as far as i know? In my scenario it was clutch temp sensor. I hope i wont see this agan after a month.

Yeah I replaced all of that, except for the clutch temp sensor. I ended up replacing the thermostat for the transmission oil cooler, which did not solve the issue as well.

Hopefully it fully resolved for you!

Btw what was the process in replacing the clutch temp sensor?
Also, do you have a part number for it?


07-27-2022, 06:16 PM


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I don’t know exactly how the process looked like but when I was driving to the garage it popped up and we did quick error scanning. I guess the mechanic was using ISTA so he was able to read all three temp sensors. The clutch sensor was giving 161″C and that caused the error. Transmission temp sens was giving 81″C (same sensor bimmerlink is reading — you can’t read clutch temp sensor with bimmerlink ).

He also double checked the clutch but it was like new. So I strongly believe and pray that it solves the issue and I won’t need to do anything else. To replace this sensor they needed to dismantle the gearbox from the car.

If I’m correct this is the part number: #28107842851…107842851.html

PS: I had CS transmission/diff flash but it didn’t help anyway. Its faulty sensor that needs to be replaced. Check with the garage temp of this sensor to make sure it causes the issue.


07-29-2022, 07:04 PM


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I had this sensor replaced a few weeks ago and haven’t had any issues since. A shop in the UK did a write up showing where the sensor is located in the transmission.…rature-sensor/


07-30-2022, 06:19 PM



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Originally Posted by Jim45678
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I don’t know exactly how the process looked like but when I was driving to the garage it popped up and we did quick error scanning. I guess the mechanic was using ISTA so he was able to read all three temp sensors. The clutch sensor was giving 161″C and that caused the error. Transmission temp sens was giving 81″C (same sensor bimmerlink is reading — you can’t read clutch temp sensor with bimmerlink ).

He also double checked the clutch but it was like new. So I strongly believe and pray that it solves the issue and I won’t need to do anything else. To replace this sensor they needed to dismantle the gearbox from the car.

If I’m correct this is the part number: #28107842851…107842851.html

PS: I had CS transmission/diff flash but it didn’t help anyway. Its faulty sensor that needs to be replaced. Check with the garage temp of this sensor to make sure it causes the issue.

What was the cost of labor if you don’t mind me asking?


07-31-2022, 08:34 AM


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Originally Posted by vic_m4
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What was the cost of labor if you don’t mind me asking?

I live in Europe so prices are much different I guess. I paid around 700$ for labour itself. It was in the independent garage specialised in BMW only

PS: Funny thing this issue is related mostly to US cars. I checked local forums and no-one had such an issue with this sensor. Mostly its caused by damaged clutch due to hard usage but not due to sensor error. My car has only 33K miles and still original PSS tires


05-16-2023, 08:55 PM



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I had this message come up as well on my ’16 M4, mileage 48,230. I was driving normally, running errands on surface streets and I saw a message about «transmission temperature». It also said that driving was possible. Happened twice within a short period of time on the same day. Temps were in the high 60s/low 70s. The message went away so quickly each time that I didn’t have a chance to snap a photo of the iDrive screen. Several weeks have gone by and I haven’t seen it since.

Since I have the extended warranty and it was expiring soon, I took it to the dealer, and they diagnosed it as a «faulty combination RPM/Temp sensor» inside the DCT. They had to order the part but were supposed to complete this today. I dropped off the car last Thursday and had to go back today to retrieve some items in the car and the mechanic had the car up on the hoist. The bottom of the transmission was removed and there were some hoses disconnected. He said that the transmission had to be dropped. They said they were going to check the clutches. My cost is going to be the $50 deductible.


The Coupe: 2016 M4 | Sakhir Orange | Black Full Merino Leather | CF Trim | M-DCT | More | ED 5/13/16
The Sedan: 2018 M3 | San Marino Blue | Black Full Merino Leather | CF Trim | M-DCT | ZCP | ED 7/18/18
The Roadster: 2006 Z4 | Interlagos Blue | Black Extended Nappa Leather | Carbon Leather Trim | Purchased 7/19/12


05-17-2023, 06:26 PM


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I wish I could pay only 50$ !

almost year later, heavy and aggressive driving no issues at all after replacing the DCT temp sensor


05-19-2023, 11:05 PM


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I had the same issue which was caused by slipping clutch disc causing too much heat. From a driving aspect you could feel no slipping, but the sensor was doing it’s job. If you replaced the fluid and sensor and still have the issue it’s possible your clutches are already damaged and just continue to heat up your fluid.

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NOTE: See Serial Number plate or Operating Manual for lift capacity.

  1. Check load weight and compare to lift truck capacity rating.
    Is load weight greater than lift truck capacity?
    YES: Decrease load weight.
    NO: Go to CAUSE B.



NOTE: Transmission oil level too low can cause overheating. Maintain oil at correct level.

  1. Check transmission oil level and oil type. Verify the transmission temperature with thermal couple in dipstick
    Is transmission oil level low and the wrong type?
    YES: Flush transmission and add the correct type oil to proper level. See Operating Manual.
    NO: Go to CAUSE C.



  1. Inspect oil cooler and lines for debris or external damage.
    Is oil cooler and lines damaged or clogged with debris?
    YES: Clean oil cooler to remove external debris and improve air flow for cooling. Repair or replace damaged
    oil cooler and lines.
    NO: Go to CAUSE D.


Touching brake components can cause serious burns. Do not use hands to check temperature of wheel

  1. Check brakes for overheating using paint stick or infrared heat sensor.
    Do the brakes smell burnt and show signs of overheating?
    YES: For wet brake axles, go to CAUSE E. For dry brake axles, inspect and adjust brake shoes. Refer to
    appropriate Brake System manual, depending on lift truck model.
    NO: Go to CAUSE H.



  1. Check oil cooler and lines for a restriction. Perform Transmission Pressure Test.
    Is converter pressure out of specification?
    YES: Back flush the oil cooler and lines to remove internal debris. Replace oil cooler and lines as necessary.
    Refer to appropriate Powershift Transmission, Repair, Single Speed Powershift, Aluminum
    Transmission, Three-Speed Powershift Transmission Repair, or Two-Speed Powershift Transmission
    Repair manual, depending on lift truck model.
    NO: Go to CAUSE F.



  1. Check torque converter stall speeds. See Torque Converter Stall Test.
    Do stall speeds meet test specifications?
    YES: Go to CAUSE G.
    NO: If stall speeds are high, clutch packs may be slipping. See Operational Diagnostic Procedures,
    Operational Checkout, Page 9010-05-9.
  2. Test transmission pressure. Perform Transmission Pressure Test.
    Is pressure at test specifications and does it pass transmission clutch check?
    YES: Replace torque converter. Refer to appropriate Powershift Transmission, Repair, Single Speed
    Powershift, Aluminum Transmission, Three-Speed Powershift Transmission Repair, or Two-Speed
    Powershift Transmission Repair manual, depending on lift truck model.
    NO: Go to CAUSE G.



  1. Perform Transmission Clutch Drag Test (1.0-5.5 Ton Trucks Only).
    Does lift truck fail clutch drag Test?
    YES: Remove transmission and repair clutch pack. Refer to appropriate Powershift Transmission, Repair, Single Speed Powershift, Aluminum Transmission, Three-Speed Powershift Transmission Repair, or two-Speed Powershift Transmission Repair manual, depending on lift truck model.
    NO: For wet brake axle, go to CAUSE H. For dry brake axle, resume normal operation while monitoring transmission oil temperature.



  1. Verify wet brake temperature. Refer to Observed Symptoms, Overheating Brakes (Wet Brake Axle Only). Click Here
    Are brakes overheating?
    YES: Refer to Observed Symptoms, Overheating Brakes (Wet Brake Axle Only).
    NO: Resume normal operation while monitoring transmission oil temperature.


NOTE: The following can be observed when the inch brake system is out of adjustment:
• Inching control is poor
• Inching control has very little pressure modulation
• Acceleration while exiting inching mode at high engine speed is abrupt
• Inch/brake pedal has very little “free-pedal” at the top of the stroke
• Inch/brake pedal is very firm
• Low Power


  1. Monitor the inch/brake pedal during operation.
    Does inch/brake pedal characteristics resemble any of the observations listed above?
    YES: Perform the following:
    • Shorten the brake master cylinder actuator push rod by releasing the lock nut and turning rod 1/2 turn CCW. Retighten lock nut.
    • Drive truck and perform 10 “normal” braking events to allow VSM to learn the new push rod setting.
    • Test the inching performance
    • Adjust the inch/brake pedal overlap setting in the user menu.
    • Repeat if symptom has improved but is still unsatisfactory.
    NO: Resume Operation.

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  • #1

Всем здравствуйте. Сегодня при движении по трассе появилась надпись «transmission hot”. Остановился, подождал пока снизится температура. Но после начала движения скорости не переключались. Уехал на эвакуаторе. Друзья, нужен совет, это какая то ошибка или коробке кирдык?


  • #2

Всем здравствуйте. Сегодня при движении по трассе появилась надпись «transmission hot”. Остановился, подождал пока снизится температура. Но после начала движения скорости не переключались. Уехал на эвакуаторе. Друзья, нужен совет, это какая то ошибка или коробке кирдык?

Нужна диагностика. Гадая на кофейный гуще можно любые варианты предположить


  • #3

Нужна диагностика. Гадая на кофейный гуще можно любые варианты предположить

Понял. Спасибо! Диагностика показала, заменить коробку)))).
Ещё вопрос, от какого автомобиля поставить дополнительный масляный радиатор, для охлаждения АКПП?

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  4. Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot

7 года 2 мес. назад #391150
от Maximus

Вчера на трассе часу на 2ом путешествия загорелась ошибка температуры коробки, температура была 135C, снизил скорость до 90 температура упала до 129, через некоторое время попытался поднять скорость до крейсерских 140-150 температура опять начала расти и появилась ошибка. Опять скинул, на сей раз температура упала сильно (до 100) и с набором скорости упала еще до 90 C. Дальнейшие 500 км ошибка не повторялась.
Коробка 8АКПП, 14 год, 40к пробег, ошибка была как в 2WD так и в 4WD AUTO.

Кто нибудь сталкивался?

7 года 2 мес. назад #391153
от SinnerSpinner

Рекомендую проверить радиатор. У меня 45-я коробка работает примерно на 70 градусах. Под 100 было только летом в жару на серпантинах Кавказа.

Спасибо сказали: Maximus

7 года 2 мес. назад7 года 2 мес. назад #391160
от Максимум

SinnerSpinner пишет: Рекомендую проверить радиатор. У меня 45-я коробка работает примерно на 70 градусах. Под 100 было только летом в жару на серпантинах Кавказа.

Для восьми ступки другой температурный режим. В нормальных условиях около 90*С. Я б с уровня масла начал и проверки исправности датчика t

Последнее редактирование: 7 года 2 мес. назад пользователем Максимум.

Спасибо сказали: SinnerSpinner, Maximus

7 года 2 мес. назад #391173
от Maximus

По городу покатался температура доходит до 110 и там стоит.
Завтра попробую в сервис попасть.

7 года 2 мес. назад #391183
от АнатолиЧ

Не знаю, как на рестайле, а на 11 годе радиатор кондея совмещён с радиатором АКПП. То есть, если на улице тепло и кондей работает+радиатор подзабит, то температура будет расти хорошо.

7 года 2 мес. назад #391184
от Максимум

На рестайлинге радиатор находится там же, но плюс к нему на корпусе кпп стоит теплообменник с тосолом.

7 года 2 мес. назад #391197
от takeshi

Maximus пишет: По городу покатался температура доходит до 110 и там стоит.
Завтра попробую в сервис попасть.

На Орбели попробуй, в Форис

7 года 2 мес. назад #391234
от Maximus

7 года 2 мес. назад #391274
от Maximus

Ошибок нет, то есть коробка не уходила в аварийный режим. Коробочники с опытом такой же коробки на Х5 рекомендуют вырезать термостат, который часто клинит.
Если кто-нибудь достоверно знает рабочую температуру для масла моей коробки буду признателен. В пробках по городу 110-113 держится. Хз так надо или нет.

7 года 2 мес. назад7 года 2 мес. назад #391303
от beetle

8 ступка плавает около 80 градусов если смотреть на панели приборов.
Если погонять может до 90 доползти. Но больше не видел.

Последнее редактирование: 7 года 2 мес. назад пользователем beetle.

7 года 2 мес. назад #391309
от KonstantinLis

У меня 100 — 105 градусов -стабильно держится, в городе. От манеры езды практически не зависит.Хотя обычно езжу агрессивно.

7 года 2 мес. назад #391312
от Zhelezjakka

beetle пишет: 8 ступка плавает около 80 градусов если смотреть на панели приборов.
Если погонять может до 90 доползти. Но больше не видел.

У меня также.
При прогреве, температура масла в коробке и в двигателе примерно одинакова.
После, меньше градусов на 10. Выше 90 не видел.
Стиль движения умеренно-спокойный)
Один раз, совсем недавно, заметил что коробка на прогреве в половину холоднее была и выше 70С не поднялась. На следующий день всё встало на место. Думаю глюк был.

7 года 2 мес. назад #391355
от Maximus

Странно что у всех так расходится температура)

7 года 2 мес. назад #391362
от KonstantinLis

Забыл написать у меня 8-и ступка.
Как заметил один из участников » температура очень сильно разнится от машины к машине». Ну допустим погрешность датчиков 5 %, ну у кого то соты радиатора забиты, а кого помыты. Ну не может же быть «вилка температуры» 80-130 град!?
Так какая t считается нормальная?
Чуть не в тему… Может встречал кто тюнинг киты ( доп. радиаторы) для КПП?

7 года 1 мес. назад #392380
от KonstantinLis

Парни СОРРИ!!! Все это время смотрел не на ту строчку. Все что я написал выше — относится к температуре моторного масла. :whistle:
Правильные показания трансмиссионного за ближайшую неделю наблюдений: 79-91 град.
91 град. выдал после достаточно жесткого отжига на протяжении 15-20 км. ( режим газ в пол, тормоз в пол)

Модераторы: Александр ЮГ555 (Сергей)mmaxbadvikОкорокЭдуард

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  4. Ошибка: Transmission temp too hot

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