Umbrella merge conflict call of duty cold war ошибка

The PlayStation 5 event on Sept. 16 unveiled a huge surprise for the Call of Duty fans. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War was expected to make an appearance, but an exclusive alpha test surely wasn’t on any gamer’s agenda.

The first alpha test went live of CoD: Black Ops Cold War for PS4 owners, only, on Sept. 18, and there has been a couple of hiccups that proved to be a nuisance for players that were trying to get a taste of the new CoD title. No matter the game mode, an error called “Umbrella merge conflict.” has been appearing on players’ screens, preventing them from joining lobbies.

Though the error doesn’t give a detailed explanation of what may have gone wrong, it looks like a server-related issue, which is a common problem for any game in its alpha period. Considering there is only so much time you can test out Black Ops Cold War during its alpha phase, simply waiting for Treyarch to roll a fix for the problem won’t be an option.

Based on the limited information we have, the error is strictly correlated with the game’s servers. The current triggers for the error are potential connectivity issues between you and the game server and the servers getting overrun by hordes of players.

Though the only thing you can do is to wait to fix the latter, restarting your game should be enough to fix any connection errors between you and CoD: Black Ops Cold War servers. Relaunching the game will force your console to establish a new connection to the server, which will hopefully better than your last session.

If the issue persists, however, you’ll need to reset your router to address any problems that may be related to your ISP. Resetting your router will let you re-configure the connection between you and your ISP, which also plays a vital role while you’re trying to connect to game servers.

You can also try using an Ethernet cable to connect your console to your router as a last-resort measure. Using an Ethernet cable will make sure that your Wi-Fi isn’t the cause of the error and will ensure a better connection overall.

If none of the fixes above do the trick for you, you’ll just need to wait for Treyarch to address this issue since it’s related to the servers. With four more alpha/beta stages scheduled for the upcoming weeks, this issue will likely be resolved during the downtime Treyarch will have after this week’s beta. 

The CoD: Black Ops Cold War will be making its return on the following dates before its release:

PlayStation exclusive:

  • Oct. 8 to 9: PS4 Early Access
  • Oct. 10 to 12: PS4 Open Beta

Cross-play beta:

  • Oct. 15 to 16: Xbox + PC Early Access / PS4 Open Beta
  • Oct. 17 to 19: Open on all platforms

Gökhan Çakır

Strategical Content Writer and Fortnite Lead for Dot Esports. Gökhan Çakır graduated as an industrial engineer in 2020 and has since applied his analytical and strategic thinking to many endeavors. As a natural-born gamer, he honed his skills to a professional level in Dota 2. Upon giving up on the Aegis of Champions in 2019, Gökhan started his writing career, covering all things gaming while his heart remains a lifetime defender of the Ancients.

More Stories by Gökhan Çakır

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, вне всяких сомнений, является крупнейшим релизом этого года. Ожидается, что в этот праздничный сезон в эту игру будут активно играть миллионы игроков.

Однако те, кто играл в эту игру сейчас, жалуются на множество проблем, которые стоят на их пути. Одна из наиболее распространенных ошибок, которую видят почти все игроки, — это ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 80184.

Но это не так, даже если кто-то увидит эту ошибку, это не означает, что ее исправление приведет к безошибочному опыту игры в эту игру. Есть много других ошибок, которые сильно усложнили жизнь геймерам.

В следующем месте я расскажу об ошибке пользовательского интерфейса 80184 и многих других подобных ошибках, исправления которых вы не знаете. Итак, приступим.

Image of What is UI Error 80184

Activision выпустила новую версию Call of Duty под названием Black Ops Cold War, и все сходят с ума от нее.

Эта игра выпущена на широкой платформе, которая включает в себя ПК, Xbox, Playstation, вы называете это. Может быть, поэтому так много геймеров говорят об этом.

Однако ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 80184 портит все самое интересное. Вам должно быть интересно, почему вы наблюдаете эту ошибку? Что ж, простой ответ на этот запрос заключается в том, что он отображается всякий раз, когда вы пытаетесь сыграть в Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War в многопользовательском режиме.

Особенно, когда вы пытаетесь войти в свою настоящую учетную запись.

К сожалению, для этой ошибки нет жестких и быстрых исправлений. Однако вы можете попробовать войти в систему, используя другую свою учетную запись.

Если в любом случае вы не можете использовать другую учетную запись, всегда есть вероятность, что разработчики предложат свое собственное решение.

Здесь Вы можете прочитать Call of Duty: Black Ops Ошибка холодной войны Zed 453

Некоторые другие слишком частые ошибки:

Во-первых, это ошибка «Umbrella Merge Conflict». Причина его появления связана с подключением к многопользовательской учетной записи. Вы можете решить эту проблему, перезапустив консоль, но если проблема не исчезнет, ​​у вас нет другого выхода, кроме как дождаться официального исправления.

Во-вторых, ошибка «Yorker 43 Good Wolf» возникает каждый раз, когда вы запускаете консоль. Это потому, что ваша консоль не подключена к серверу.

Третий — это ошибка «отказ в переходе». Это, по меньшей мере, интересная ошибка. Это происходит только на Play Station, и проблема не столько в Call of Duty, сколько во многих других играх, доступных на Playstation.

В-четвертых, есть проблема с режимом «Разделенный экран». Когда вы пытаетесь включить режим разделения, чтобы играть в игру с другом рядом с вами. После ошибки игра начинает отставать и даже вылетать. К сожалению, пока нет исправлений.

Наконец, есть еще ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 26484, которая не что иное, как раздражение игроков Call of Duty. Это происходит только на PS и не позволяет пользователям приглашать других в игру. Единственное решение, доступное для этого, — это перейти в профиль вашего друга и присоединиться напрямую.

Image of UI Error 80184 in Call of Duty

Как исправить эти ошибки?

Есть и другие ошибки, которые создают проблемы для игрового сообщества, особенно для игроков Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Есть следующие:

Ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 100002, ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 86494, ошибка 66146, код ошибки 0 × 189a4 и т. Д.

Все вышеперечисленные ошибки сродни тем, о которых я упоминал выше.

Однако есть и хорошие новости. Вы можете использовать некоторые общие исправления для всех ошибок, упомянутых здесь.

Прежде всего, вы должны включать безопасный режим всякий раз, когда вы собираетесь играть в эту игру. Во-вторых, запуск игры в режиме администрирования позволит вам играть в игру плавно.

В-третьих, измените язык окна на американский английский. И, наконец, удалите файлы из бета-версии холодной войны.

В результате:

Узнав об ошибках, вы сможете лучше подготовиться к их устранению. В этой статье я попытался дать вам представление о том, что означают эти ошибки и как их исправить. Надеюсь, это вам поможет!

The PlayStation 5 event on Sept. 16 unveiled a huge surprise for the Call of Duty fans. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War was expected to make an appearance, but an exclusive alpha test surely wasn’t on any gamer’s agenda.

The first alpha test went live of CoD: Black Ops Cold War for PS4 owners, only, on Sept. 18, and there has been a couple of hiccups that proved to be a nuisance for players that were trying to get a taste of the new CoD title. No matter the game mode, an error called “Umbrella merge conflict.” has been appearing on players’ screens, preventing them from joining lobbies.

Though the error doesn’t give a detailed explanation of what may have gone wrong, it looks like a server-related issue, which is a common problem for any game in its alpha period. Considering there is only so much time you can test out Black Ops Cold War during its alpha phase, simply waiting for Treyarch to roll a fix for the problem won’t be an option.

Based on the limited information we have, the error is strictly correlated with the game’s servers. The current triggers for the error are potential connectivity issues between you and the game server and the servers getting overrun by hordes of players.

Though the only thing you can do is to wait to fix the latter, restarting your game should be enough to fix any connection errors between you and CoD: Black Ops Cold War servers. Relaunching the game will force your console to establish a new connection to the server, which will hopefully better than your last session.

If the issue persists, however, you’ll need to reset your router to address any problems that may be related to your ISP. Resetting your router will let you re-configure the connection between you and your ISP, which also plays a vital role while you’re trying to connect to game servers.

You can also try using an Ethernet cable to connect your console to your router as a last-resort measure. Using an Ethernet cable will make sure that your Wi-Fi isn’t the cause of the error and will ensure a better connection overall.

If none of the fixes above do the trick for you, you’ll just need to wait for Treyarch to address this issue since it’s related to the servers. With four more alpha/beta stages scheduled for the upcoming weeks, this issue will likely be resolved during the downtime Treyarch will have after this week’s beta. 

The CoD: Black Ops Cold War will be making its return on the following dates before its release:

PlayStation exclusive:

  • Oct. 8 to 9: PS4 Early Access
  • Oct. 10 to 12: PS4 Open Beta

Cross-play beta:

  • Oct. 15 to 16: Xbox + PC Early Access / PS4 Open Beta
  • Oct. 17 to 19: Open on all platforms

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, вне всяких сомнений, является крупнейшим релизом этого года. Ожидается, что в этот праздничный сезон в эту игру будут активно играть миллионы игроков.

Однако те, кто играл в эту игру сейчас, жалуются на множество проблем, которые стоят на их пути. Одна из наиболее распространенных ошибок, которую видят почти все игроки, — это ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 80184.

Но это не так, даже если кто-то увидит эту ошибку, это не означает, что ее исправление приведет к безошибочному опыту игры в эту игру. Есть много других ошибок, которые сильно усложнили жизнь геймерам.

В следующем месте я расскажу об ошибке пользовательского интерфейса 80184 и многих других подобных ошибках, исправления которых вы не знаете. Итак, приступим.

Image of What is UI Error 80184

Activision выпустила новую версию Call of Duty под названием Black Ops Cold War, и все сходят с ума от нее.

Эта игра выпущена на широкой платформе, которая включает в себя ПК, Xbox, Playstation, вы называете это. Может быть, поэтому так много геймеров говорят об этом.

Однако ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 80184 портит все самое интересное. Вам должно быть интересно, почему вы наблюдаете эту ошибку? Что ж, простой ответ на этот запрос заключается в том, что он отображается всякий раз, когда вы пытаетесь сыграть в Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War в многопользовательском режиме.

Особенно, когда вы пытаетесь войти в свою настоящую учетную запись.

К сожалению, для этой ошибки нет жестких и быстрых исправлений. Однако вы можете попробовать войти в систему, используя другую свою учетную запись.

Если в любом случае вы не можете использовать другую учетную запись, всегда есть вероятность, что разработчики предложат свое собственное решение.

Здесь Вы можете прочитать Call of Duty: Black Ops Ошибка холодной войны Zed 453

Некоторые другие слишком частые ошибки:

Во-первых, это ошибка «Umbrella Merge Conflict». Причина его появления связана с подключением к многопользовательской учетной записи. Вы можете решить эту проблему, перезапустив консоль, но если проблема не исчезнет, ​​у вас нет другого выхода, кроме как дождаться официального исправления.

Во-вторых, ошибка «Yorker 43 Good Wolf» возникает каждый раз, когда вы запускаете консоль. Это потому, что ваша консоль не подключена к серверу.

Третий — это ошибка «отказ в переходе». Это, по меньшей мере, интересная ошибка. Это происходит только на Play Station, и проблема не столько в Call of Duty, сколько во многих других играх, доступных на Playstation.

В-четвертых, есть проблема с режимом «Разделенный экран». Когда вы пытаетесь включить режим разделения, чтобы играть в игру с другом рядом с вами. После ошибки игра начинает отставать и даже вылетать. К сожалению, пока нет исправлений.

Наконец, есть еще ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 26484, которая не что иное, как раздражение игроков Call of Duty. Это происходит только на PS и не позволяет пользователям приглашать других в игру. Единственное решение, доступное для этого, — это перейти в профиль вашего друга и присоединиться напрямую.

Image of UI Error 80184 in Call of Duty

Как исправить эти ошибки?

Есть и другие ошибки, которые создают проблемы для игрового сообщества, особенно для игроков Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Есть следующие:

Ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 100002, ошибка пользовательского интерфейса 86494, ошибка 66146, код ошибки 0 × 189a4 и т. Д.

Все вышеперечисленные ошибки сродни тем, о которых я упоминал выше.

Однако есть и хорошие новости. Вы можете использовать некоторые общие исправления для всех ошибок, упомянутых здесь.

Прежде всего, вы должны включать безопасный режим всякий раз, когда вы собираетесь играть в эту игру. Во-вторых, запуск игры в режиме администрирования позволит вам играть в игру плавно.

В-третьих, измените язык окна на американский английский. И, наконец, удалите файлы из бета-версии холодной войны.

В результате:

Узнав об ошибках, вы сможете лучше подготовиться к их устранению. В этой статье я попытался дать вам представление о том, что означают эти ошибки и как их исправить. Надеюсь, это вам поможет!

No matter how much excited you are with the launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War,  running into an error always dampens the whole mood. The same goes for the Cold War game too.

One of the bugs concerning the game has been the ‘Umbrella Merge Conflict’ which keeps on sending Call Of Duty enthusiasts down the support forum at Activision. What’s that error? You might ask. Let’s dive into an explainer.

Related: Cold War Endings

What’s the ‘umbrella merge conflict’ error?

As soon as the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta version was released, people started complaining about an ‘Umbrella Merge Conflict’ error which popped up every time they tried to log in to their Call Of Duty account.

Explained in a nutshell, the error will show just after you try logging into your Activision Call of Duty accounts and as a result, stop you from playing your favorite game. What could be worse than that? The error hasn’t been completely resolved till now.

This was posted on the 19th of September on Twitter, a day after the Alpha version was released for the fans.

Trying to log in to the Cold War alpha and I keep getting «Umbrella merge conflict» 😕

Anyone know how to fix this?

— Jess Brohard (@JessBrohard) September 18, 2020

Here’s one more user reporting the issue.

Login Umbrella Merge Conflict from blackopscoldwar

Additionally, the error is also known to occur when users try to join crossplay multiplayer matches with the latest stable release. It doesn’t matter which console you prefer, this error has become a bane for Call Of Duty fans worldwide.

Just go to any forum discussing this error and you will find people going through exhausting experiences for hours on end, all in the hope of playing some good ol’ Call Of Duty.

Related: Cold War Poison Cabinet Combo

Fixing The Issue: The options available to you

Why does the issue occur? Well, most theories suggest that it happens because of an inconsistent network connection, logging through the wrong Call Of Duty account, or the issue of overburdened servers in the game.

So, how do we fix this? Well, there are multiple solutions suggested by Call Of Duty fans with not many inputs from the official Support at Activision and Treyarch. If you are experiencing the same problem, try the solutions mentioned below:

Restarting the Game and The System

The age-old method of restarting consoles and PC to fix a problem is here to stay. Try restarting the game; if that doesn’t work, try restarting the whole system. Many users have reported this error solved after completing these two steps. Try to see if you are one of those lucky people. This Call Of Duty fan sums it up perfectly in one of the community forums

Delinking Your Accounts And Linking Them Again

Some lucky peeps have found success with delinking their accounts and re-linking them. Just go to and you will find an option to delink your, PSN, Xbox, or Steam account and relink them again.

While it does not work wonders for everybody, it is one more method you can try to help yourself. Have a look at this fan’s comment, who found this to be an effective solution.

Note: It is recommended that you update your information in the Activision account and then delink and relink all your previously linked accounts. Additionally, if you are trying to access your Activision account using a mobile device, we recommend using a laptop or desktop.

Check For Internet Issues

First off, try switching off your WIfi router and turning it on again. If you use an ethernet cable, try unplugging it and placing it back in. If you think there is an issue on the developer’s end, go to

You will see options to check multiple platforms’ networks on the page. If a platform’s status displays current problems in the server, you can try logging in at a later time.

Were you able to find a fix for this error? What worked for you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.


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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

This weekend is the first chance people have to try out multiplayer for Activision’s upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War thanks to a surprise alpha event on PlayStation 4. As you might expect, the alpha is not without its problems and some players are running into some connection issues and error codes. A common error code is “umbrella merge conflict” where players will be unable to join a multiplayer game.

The best way to resolve this error is to simply restart the game and try again. It’s impossible to tell without confirmation from developers Treyarch, but it would seem to be a case of your connection to the lobby servers being interrupted and not being able to re-establish itself. It should fix itself automatically but fails to do so. Restarting your game will reset the connection, and you should be good to go.

In the event that this won’t fix the problem, then sadly there isn’t much else you can do as it would be indicative of broader issues on the servers. This is simply part and parcel of playing in alpha for a multiplayer game, which is mostly designed to catch issues like this and give the developers a chance to fix them before the beta stage and an eventual release for the game.

Remember, this isn’t the only chance you will have to play Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War before release, as further beta weekends are on the way. If you only have a narrow window to play the game this weekend, you can still enjoy the fun on the following dates:

PlayStation Exclusive:

  • Oct 8-9 PS4 Early Access
  • Oct 10-12 PS4 Open Beta

Cross-play Beta:

  • Oct 15-16 Xbox + PC Early Access / PS4 Open Beta
  • Oct 17-19 Open on all platforms

Call of Duty: Cold War has been having some issues from its release. But amazingly, there aren’t as many as you would expect from a game as massive as this.

How to Fix Call Of Duty - Cold War: Sound Issues, Umbrella Merge Conflict, and PS Store Error

There aren’t really in-game bugs, but there are some sound, connection, and store errors. If you ask me, that’s pretty good until there aren’t any game bugs.

For these issues, there are quite a few fixes so you do not need to worry. This is how to fix Call Of Duty: Cold War’ common issues.

How to Fix Sound Issues

This bug constitutes having muffled or static audio sounds in-game. Since the reports came in, the game’s developers have provided us with a solution to this problem.

They have also announced that they will be releasing a major rework to the sounds, including adding presets to give players more freedom with their sound.

If you have sound issues in Call Of Duty: Cold War, this is how to fix them:

  1. Navigate to Settings on your menu.
  2. Go to the Audio tab.
  3. Find Audio Presets in the list of options.
  4. Change it to High Boost.

How to Fix Umbrella Merge Conflict

Upon release, players started to get the “Umbrella Merge Conflict” message when trying to join lobbies. This message doesn’t provide much details about what the issue is particularly about, but we know that it is a connection to server-type error.

This is to be expected from a game as new as this. Most of the new releases take up some time to fine-tune their servers to work in coloration with the game and players.

Nonetheless, this is how to fix the Umbrella Merge Conflict:

  • Restart the game. Try restarting the game to establish a new connection with Cold War’s servers. This wipes the old connection, and makes a new one.

Try this a couple of times. If the problem is still persistent, try method two.

  • Restart your router. When restarting a router, it will re-configure your connection to the ISP. ISP plays a big factor when connecting to game servers.

If you have tried this to no avail, consider trying method three.

  • If you are using wi-fi to connect, or using an ethernet cable, switch between the two. In other words, if you use wi-fi, switch to an ethernet cable, and the other way around.

How to Fix PS Store Error

This is not a Cold War error per se. It’s probably something to do with the PS Store and not as much with the game.

In some cases, apperantly when searching for Cold War on the PS Store, it doesn’t appear anywhere. We are still not sure if there are other games like this, and with which keywords the game isn’t being showed.

Nevertheless, if you have PS Store Error, this is how to fix it:

  1. Login on PS official website from a computer or mobile.
  2. Search for Cold War.
  3. Click download.
  4. Finish check-out.

After that, your game will start downloading on you PS4.

All in all, there aren’t many problems with this game. For now, that is good news, but we will see how thing unfold in the future.

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Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War alpha has just started, and it is allowing lots of folks to take an early look at the game. Lots of things are still subject to change, and few are set in stone. Of course, bugs, glitches and other technical issues are to be expected, since it’s an alpha, but that doesn’t make experiencing them any less frustrating. If you’re having difficulties, this guide will show you a list of known Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War alpha errors & problems, how to solve or avoid them when possible.

cod cold war lobby is not joinable

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Alpha Errors & Problems

Lobby is not joinable – Not Able To Find A Match

Many players reported Lobby is not joinable issue when try loading into a match. Unfortunately on the official Call of Duty twitter account the only information we found didn’t give us much hope: “We don’t have a confirmed fix or updates on the “This lobby is not joinable” issue yet. We’ll update when Treyarch provides more information!

We don’t have a confirmed fix or updates on the «This lobby is not joinable» issue yet. We’ll update when Treyarch provides more information!

— Call of Duty News (@charlieINTEL) September 18, 2020

Error code: CE-34878-0

CE-34878-0 is a general PlayStation error that indicates the game you are playing has crashed. If this error continues showing up you should turn off your console and then turn it back on, or install any game updates that are available.

Some players reported Umbrella merge conflict error. The best solution we found so far is to restart your game client and try again to get into a match if you’re seeing this error.

In Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War you can play with your friends but if you have any problems when trying to invite friends to join your party there is a simple solution. It will be much easier if you are Activision friends too. For some reason it sometimes doesn’t work if you are just PS4 friends. Thus, add them in game to Activision friends list. Your friend should join you through the Activision social system.

The alpha is freely available to all Playstation 4 players, and it weighs about 25 GB. The starting time is set for 10 AM PDT on September 18th, and you don’t need a PS Plus subscription in order to play (unless you’re in Germany, in which case you do). Since you’ll be doing the developers a favor by testing out the unfinished product, you’ll get a unique calling card as a sign of gratitude.

The alpha will include three game modes – Team Deathmatch, Domination and Kill Confirmed. All three are meant for two teams of six, and can be played across three maps. Team Deathmatch is all about two teams killing each other to death – it’s in the name. Domination is a classic control point struggle, and Kill Confirmed is pretty much Team Deathmatch with added bells and whistles – you’ll have to collect dog tags from fallen enemies in order to score points. Of the three maps included, two are urban – Miami and Moscow. The third, Satellite, is set in the Angolan desert.

There will also be a new 12v12 mode called Combined Arms: Domination. It’s basically just a bigger Domination, with vehicles and whatnot. There will be two maps for it – Armada, which is set on some ships in the North Atlantic, and Crossroads, which takes place in the frozen Soviet wilderness.

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War alpha has just started, and it is allowing lots of folks to take an early look at the game. Lots of things are still subject to change, and few are set in stone. Of course, bugs, glitches and other technical issues are to be expected, since it’s an alpha, but that doesn’t make experiencing them any less frustrating. If you’re having difficulties, this guide will show you a list of known Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War alpha errors & problems, how to solve or avoid them when possible.

cod cold war lobby is not joinable

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Alpha Errors & Problems

Lobby is not joinable – Not Able To Find A Match

Many players reported Lobby is not joinable issue when try loading into a match. Unfortunately on the official Call of Duty twitter account the only information we found didn’t give us much hope: “We don’t have a confirmed fix or updates on the “This lobby is not joinable” issue yet. We’ll update when Treyarch provides more information!

We don’t have a confirmed fix or updates on the «This lobby is not joinable» issue yet. We’ll update when Treyarch provides more information!

— Call of Duty News (@charlieINTEL) September 18, 2020

Error code: CE-34878-0

CE-34878-0 is a general PlayStation error that indicates the game you are playing has crashed. If this error continues showing up you should turn off your console and then turn it back on, or install any game updates that are available.

Umbrella merge conflict

Some players reported Umbrella merge conflict error. The best solution we found so far is to restart your game client and try again to get into a match if you’re seeing this error.

In Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War you can play with your friends but if you have any problems when trying to invite friends to join your party there is a simple solution. It will be much easier if you are Activision friends too. For some reason it sometimes doesn’t work if you are just PS4 friends. Thus, add them in game to Activision friends list. Your friend should join you through the Activision social system.

The alpha is freely available to all Playstation 4 players, and it weighs about 25 GB. The starting time is set for 10 AM PDT on September 18th, and you don’t need a PS Plus subscription in order to play (unless you’re in Germany, in which case you do). Since you’ll be doing the developers a favor by testing out the unfinished product, you’ll get a unique calling card as a sign of gratitude.

The alpha will include three game modes – Team Deathmatch, Domination and Kill Confirmed. All three are meant for two teams of six, and can be played across three maps. Team Deathmatch is all about two teams killing each other to death – it’s in the name. Domination is a classic control point struggle, and Kill Confirmed is pretty much Team Deathmatch with added bells and whistles – you’ll have to collect dog tags from fallen enemies in order to score points. Of the three maps included, two are urban – Miami and Moscow. The third, Satellite, is set in the Angolan desert.

There will also be a new 12v12 mode called Combined Arms: Domination. It’s basically just a bigger Domination, with vehicles and whatnot. There will be two maps for it – Armada, which is set on some ships in the North Atlantic, and Crossroads, which takes place in the frozen Soviet wilderness.

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This keeps giving me this error, I created another Activision account and then it let me in. I don’t wanna lose all my friends on my other account. Anyone got a fix?

level 2

Nah man, my best guest was is to unlink the other account from your console, but I’m already too far in to go to my other account

level 2

I got past the Umbrella Merge issue by going onto my laptop (not mobile) and logging in to Activision’s site. From there, I made sure all my info was up to date and removed my old Xbox link.

After all that, I still can’t get onto the COD servers, but it’s a different issue!

level 1

Can’t login on PS5. Wonder what’s the cause of this issue.

level 2

Unlinking all my other accounts on Activision’s site fixed it.

Shitty and messy, but it fixed it.

level 1

Had to go to my activision acct and unlink all accounts. Just figured it out.

level 2

I tried unlinking it and it will send code to email and I put it in and it doesn’t unlinked

level 1

Confirmed unlink all accounts on Activision

level 1

Did the same as said above, go on laptop to Activision, log in, go to profile, unlink all accounts and right after I was able to log in. Have fun

level 1


level 2

Aye chief supposedly go and unlink your account from the old platform, then try again. That’s what others are saying, try that

level 1

Any fix for this? Still can’t play

level 2

Only one I know about is unlinking ur old account

level 1

Guys my mate is having this issue now after playing through season 1 and then did the update for season two and he got the error and he is unable to unlink his account any other way you guys have found with over 100 days of experience 😂👍

level 2

Did he go on the cod website? Did he get a new console and is trying to log into cod with it?

About Community

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch and Raven Software and published by Activision.

r/BlackOpsColdWar is a developer-recognized community focused on the title.

This weekend is the first chance for people to try out multiplayer for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War from Activision thanks to a surprise alpha event on PlayStation 4. As you might expect, the alpha isn’t not without issues and some players are running into some connection issues and error codes. A common error code is «umbrella merge conflict» where players will not be able to join a multiplayer game.

The best way to resolve this error is to simply restart the game and try again. It is impossible to tell without confirmation from the Treyarch developers, but it would appear that your connection to the lobby servers is interrupted and cannot be reestablished. It should repair itself automatically but does not. Restarting your game will reset the connection and you should be good to go.

In case that doesn’t fix the problem, unfortunately there isn’t much else you can do as it would indicate broader issues on the servers. It’s just an integral part of alpha play for a multiplayer game, which is primarily designed to catch issues like this and give the developers a chance to fix them before the beta phase and eventual release of the game.

Keep in mind that this isn’t the only chance you have to play Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War ahead of its release, as more beta weekends are on the way. If you only have a narrow window to play the game this weekend, you can still enjoy the fun on the following dates:

PlayStation Exclusive:

  • October 8-9 Early Access PS4
  • October 10-12 PS4 Open Beta

Bêta cross-play:

  • October 15-16 Xbox + PC Early Access / PS4 Open Beta
  • Oct 17-19 Open on all platforms

Audio Video How to fix the «Umbrella merge conflict» error in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Multiplayer

No matter how much excited you are with the launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War,  running into an error always dampens the whole mood. The same goes for the Cold War game too.

One of the bugs concerning the game has been the ‘Umbrella Merge Conflict’ which keeps on sending Call Of Duty enthusiasts down the support forum at Activision. What’s that error? You might ask. Let’s dive into an explainer.

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What’s the ‘umbrella merge conflict’ error?

As soon as the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta version was released, people started complaining about an ‘Umbrella Merge Conflict’ error which popped up every time they tried to log in to their Call Of Duty account.

Explained in a nutshell, the error will show just after you try logging into your Activision Call of Duty accounts and as a result, stop you from playing your favorite game. What could be worse than that? The error hasn’t been completely resolved till now.

This was posted on the 19th of September on Twitter, a day after the Alpha version was released for the fans.

Trying to log in to the Cold War alpha and I keep getting «Umbrella merge conflict» 😕

Anyone know how to fix this?

— Jess Brohard (@JessBrohard) September 18, 2020

Here’s one more user reporting the issue.

Login Umbrella Merge Conflict from blackopscoldwar

Additionally, the error is also known to occur when users try to join crossplay multiplayer matches with the latest stable release. It doesn’t matter which console you prefer, this error has become a bane for Call Of Duty fans worldwide.

Just go to any forum discussing this error and you will find people going through exhausting experiences for hours on end, all in the hope of playing some good ol’ Call Of Duty.

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Fixing The Issue: The options available to you

Why does the issue occur? Well, most theories suggest that it happens because of an inconsistent network connection, logging through the wrong Call Of Duty account, or the issue of overburdened servers in the game.

So, how do we fix this? Well, there are multiple solutions suggested by Call Of Duty fans with not many inputs from the official Support at Activision and Treyarch. If you are experiencing the same problem, try the solutions mentioned below:

Restarting the Game and The System

The age-old method of restarting consoles and PC to fix a problem is here to stay. Try restarting the game; if that doesn’t work, try restarting the whole system. Many users have reported this error solved after completing these two steps. Try to see if you are one of those lucky people. This Call Of Duty fan sums it up perfectly in one of the community forums

Delinking Your Accounts And Linking Them Again

Some lucky peeps have found success with delinking their accounts and re-linking them. Just go to and you will find an option to delink your, PSN, Xbox, or Steam account and relink them again.

While it does not work wonders for everybody, it is one more method you can try to help yourself. Have a look at this fan’s comment, who found this to be an effective solution.

Note: It is recommended that you update your information in the Activision account and then delink and relink all your previously linked accounts. Additionally, if you are trying to access your Activision account using a mobile device, we recommend using a laptop or desktop.

Check For Internet Issues

First off, try switching off your WIfi router and turning it on again. If you use an ethernet cable, try unplugging it and placing it back in. If you think there is an issue on the developer’s end, go to

You will see options to check multiple platforms’ networks on the page. If a platform’s status displays current problems in the server, you can try logging in at a later time.

Were you able to find a fix for this error? What worked for you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.


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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

This weekend is the first chance people have to try out multiplayer for Activision’s upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War thanks to a surprise alpha event on PlayStation 4. As you might expect, the alpha is not without its problems and some players are running into some connection issues and error codes. A common error code is “umbrella merge conflict” where players will be unable to join a multiplayer game.

The best way to resolve this error is to simply restart the game and try again. It’s impossible to tell without confirmation from developers Treyarch, but it would seem to be a case of your connection to the lobby servers being interrupted and not being able to re-establish itself. It should fix itself automatically but fails to do so. Restarting your game will reset the connection, and you should be good to go.

In the event that this won’t fix the problem, then sadly there isn’t much else you can do as it would be indicative of broader issues on the servers. This is simply part and parcel of playing in alpha for a multiplayer game, which is mostly designed to catch issues like this and give the developers a chance to fix them before the beta stage and an eventual release for the game.

Remember, this isn’t the only chance you will have to play Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War before release, as further beta weekends are on the way. If you only have a narrow window to play the game this weekend, you can still enjoy the fun on the following dates:

PlayStation Exclusive:

  • Oct 8-9 PS4 Early Access
  • Oct 10-12 PS4 Open Beta

Cross-play Beta:

  • Oct 15-16 Xbox + PC Early Access / PS4 Open Beta
  • Oct 17-19 Open on all platforms

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