Unable to access location ошибка ubuntu

At the moment I am unable to connect to a windows file share.

— System: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
— Mount point is accessible from windows client

I tried via GUI / Files like in the Ubuntu documentation: Browse files on a server or network share:

Files -> Other Location -> enter smb://serverIp/shareName
Error message opening network share: Unable to access location

(The Timeout happens immediately ! )

In the terminal it looks like this:

sudo mount -v -r -t cifs -o username=domain/user,password=myPw // /media/user/share/
mount: /media/user/share/: cannot mount // read-only.

How to debug / fix this?

asked Feb 21, 2019 at 16:46

Thorsten Niehues's user avatar

Thorsten NiehuesThorsten Niehues

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I have encountered the same issue. It seems, there is no solution for the problem, so far. However, as stated here, a workaround is to revert the max allowed version. Proceed as follows:

  1. Install samba client sudo apt install smbclient.
  2. Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and add line:
    client max protocol = NT1
    under [global]

This solved it for me.

answered Jun 12, 2019 at 13:05

daveknave's user avatar

That didn’t worked for me so i kept searching and found the solution for this

sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g

then simple restart

refer to this link for further information

answered Oct 31, 2022 at 14:01

Yatharth Jain's user avatar

  1. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?

    Hope in the correct area Desktop install problem with network access to files.

    I have just done a new install of Ubuntru 20.04 LTS on this machine, being slightly more powerful then my others, I have a couple of oldermachines one with Suse and one with Ubuntu 18.04. On my network I have an old RaspPi running samba shares from a hard disk so basically a network share.

    I have followed the help pages in trying to browse for the shares with no success. i.e.
    Open the Files application from the Activities overview, and click Other Locations in the sidebar. The file manager will find any computers on your local area network that advertise their ability to serve files

    I can see another linux device one of the Pluto SDR’s and an icon for Wndows network, clicking on this says it is empty.

    I know the location from Ubuntu 18.04 as smb:// as a valid share, if I try to enter this into the server location.

    I get an error of Unable to access location failed to retrieve the share list from server: Software caused connection abort.

    I do not appear to have installed samba on Ubuntu 18.04 as if I type samba at the command prompt or smb etc it suggests i install it.

    UFW is not running so I believe a firewall issue is not the cause, but I am lost and hope someone can point me in the correct direction to get access to the NFS.



  2. Re: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?

    I have got a stage further down the line after more searching with google, I have installed nfs-common with sudo apt install nfs-common

    Now I can see the windows shares and browse to my own shared drive on the raspPi but clicking on the share gives an error of Unable to access location Failed to mount Windows share:Software caused connection abort.

    So I am guessing I have to find a way of adding username and password?


  3. Re: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?

    OK so after a reboot I am back to square one the Windows network is again empty. I will see if anyone can assist before I go futher, I will de-install the nfs-common.


  4. Re: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?

    CIFS/Samba and NFS are completely different from each other. They don’t impact each other. Best to pick one to be used and get that working, ignoring the other, then removing/disabling it after you are happy.

    NFS is great for Unix-like OSes. Usually, a r-pi would be the NFS client. Regardless, the NFS server must have a static IP and must be wired ethernet connected to avoid all sorts of problems. If you want NFS, let me know and I can help. Others can help with Samba.

  5. Re: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?

    I have instant notifications set, but nothing received, so sorry for not seeing your reply.

    The raspberry PI does have a fixed IP address,, and is wired. I think the distro is now quite old on it and passed updating but it does run samba to share the directories. In ubuntu 18.04 I can access it using smb://, the system has stored my login and password somewhere? The thing is I can not remember having to install anything in particular on that machine, if I type samba at a control prompt it suggests I need to install it.

    Using the same smb:// on this machine with 20.04 I get the errors as above and it can not detect any windows shares at all. Perhaps I did install something on 18 but have just forgotten what I did.



  6. Re: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?

    Ah, now your description makes sense.

    Software caused connection abort.

    Ubuntu 20 will attempt to access the server with the SMBv2 dialect of samba. If the server only understands SMBv1 ( what samba calls NT1 ) the Ubuntu 20 machine appears to it as speaking gibberish so it disconnects from the client.

    Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf on Ubuntu 20 and add the following line under the workgroup = WORKGROUP line:


    client min protocol = NT1

    If you want these antique machines to be able to access any Ubuntu 20 samba shares you will need to add this line right under the first:


    server min protocol = NT1

    There is another issue and that is the security mode associated with these older systems. You may need to adjust for that as well.


    client lanman auth = yes
    ntlm auth = yes

    You would think that a simple restart of the smbd service would suffice but alas you need to do a reboot.

    Then do the smb:// thing again.

    Last edited by Morbius1; July 22nd, 2020 at 01:08 PM.

  7. Re: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?

    Thank you Morbious1 I have installed Samba and done as you suggested and it has worked.

    I am still very confused over the fact that with My Ubuntu 18.04 install that I am on this moment I do not have Samba installed, there is no /etc/samba/smb.conf but it can access the file shares easily. What has changed between the two, as far as memory is concerned they were both Normal desktop installs.

    Also sorry for the delay but I seemed to have locked myself out of the forum and had to be given access again.


  8. Re: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?

    The Linux samba client is made possible through the file manager with an smb library ( libsmbclient ) that is present, running, has a predefined set of defaults, and can do all that without an smb.conf file on all versions of Ubuntu.

    smb.conf comes from samba-common not from samba ( the server package ) directly so if you didn’t want to have a samba server you could have just installed the smbclient package. Then you would have an smb.conf file to mess with.

    The difference between Ubuntu18 and Ubuntu20 is the version of samba that is used. In Ubuntu20 samba disables SMB1 ( NT1 ).

    Despite what the samba documentation states smb.conf is not THE samba config file. It’s an override file used against the default settings that you have no access to directly. And that is exactly what you did here. You overrode the new settings for client and server smb protocols with the same one’s used in Ubuntu18.

    Last edited by Morbius1; July 23rd, 2020 at 01:12 PM.

  9. Re: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?

    Looks like I have got my notifications back.

    Thank you again for your answer and assistance, So I can remove samba and install smbclient but keeping the smb.conf as suggested.

    I will give that a go and make notes of what I do in a journal.


  10. Re: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS unable to browse smb share?


    I installed Ubuntu Studio 20.04 and lost my ability to open may samba shares.
    When I tried to open the samba share file I could see the top level folders, files, but when I try to open Documents I see the error


     thunar "failed to mount windows share" software caused connection abort

    I discovered that samba was not installed, so I installed it.

    And then did this one thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Morbius1
    View Post

    Ubuntu 20 will attempt to access the server with the SMBv2 dialect of samba. If the server only understands SMBv1 ( what samba calls NT1 ) the Ubuntu 20 machine appears to it as speaking gibberish so it disconnects from the client.

    Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf on Ubuntu 20 and add the following line under the workgroup = WORKGROUP line:


    client min protocol = NT1

    I am now able to open my shared drives.

    Ubuntu Studio 20.04 LTS
    Dell Optiplex 7010MT , Intel Quad Core i5-3550 3.30Ghz
    M-Audio Audiophile 2496 & Presonus Audiobox USB (red!)

For the past few weeks I’ve been battling to get my Linux instances to access file shares on my Windows 10 instances over the network. Whether it was Ubuntu, Fedora, or RedHat, the recent upgrades to Windows 10 left my Windows shares inaccessible via Samba. Troubleshooting was difficult as I had nothing to go on exception really ambiguous messages via the syslog (“Failed to mount Windows share: Connection timed out”). After some trial and error it all came down to an undocumented change in how Windows 10 supports the SMB protocol.

Like most horrible troubleshooting stories, my one was filled with dead ends and false (and self inflicted) root causes.

I run a number of Linux based hosts on my home network, and after installing the latest version of Windows 10 Insider Edition, accessing network file shares on Windows 10 hosts from from Ubuntu simply stopped working. I immediately assumed that the Insider Edition had broken network sharing support, as among other things Home Groups were gone (I later discovered this was sadly by design from Creators Update onwards – and I was running the Insider version of Spring Creators Updates).

After configuring a non-Insiders Edition Windows desktop to run file sharing, I realized that this was also broken – This issue must have existed for a few months before i’d noticed it.

Then I turned to my primary Ubuntu file server.

This is the ambiguous error I was seeing in the Ubuntu Network Manager:

Unable to access location. Failed to mount Windows Share: Connection timed out

Unable to access location
Failed to mount Windows share: Connection timed out

Digging a little deeper the syslog showed a similar message with little additional context:

dbus_mount_reply: Error from org.gtk.vfs.Mountable.mount(): Failed to mount Windows share: Connection timed out

Assuming this was a samba file sharing issue I set about attempting to troubleshoot the networking issue by running smbclient and smbtree varying levels of logging turned on (eg “smbtree –d4”) to see if there was anything going wrong in the handshake process to my Windows 10 machines.

Frustratingly I saw similar timeout errors while attempting to troubleshoot.

The Solution (and a guess at Root Cause)

After rummaging around in both the Samba and Windows 10 release notes for the past few version I noticed that Windows 10 now offers you install a Windows feature to enable Samba 1 shares. This indicates that SMB 1 isn’t supported by default:


With this little fact to go on, I had the idea that Windows 10 may be blocking Samba clients from negotiating at lower levels of the SMB protocol. SMB 3.1.1 was released with Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, adding improved encryption. Assuming the latest version of Windows 10 has started enforcing use of higher versions of SMB this sounded like a possible cause.

While this might make sense, Samba is meant to support SMB 3 (man pages), so running the latest version of Samba assumes this isn’t a problem.

Well you’d assume incorrectly.

Reconfiguring Samba to use a minimum protocol version of SMB 3, all of my issues were magically resolved.

To do this, edit your /etc/samba/smb.conf and under the [global] section of your Samba config define the minimum version of the SMB protocol to use SMB 3.

client min protocol = SMB3

Alternatively, this can also be done with the following one-liner:

$ sudo sed -i "/[global]/a client min protocol = SMB3" /etc/samba/smb.conf

Once these settings are saved, Windows 10 shares should be accessible from your Ubuntu/Fedora/Redhat instance and you’re off and racing again.

Я надеюсь, что это поможет другим решить эту неприятную проблему. На каждой машине с Ubuntu 16.04 добавьте в
[Global] раздел
smb.conf файл, расположенный в
/etc/samba/smb.conf, следующие строки:

client min protocol = SMB2 
client max protocol = SMB2

Большинство компьютеров в моей сети работают под управлением Ubuntu 16.04, и проблема заключалась в получении сообщения об ошибке.

Unable to access location. Failed to mount Windows share: Connection Timed Out. 

при подключении к новой машине под управлением Ubuntu 20.04. Новая машина могла видеть сеть и подключаться к любой машине на ней, но не наоборот, то есть старые машины с Ubuntu 16.04 не могли получить доступ к машине Ubuntu 20.04 и ответили

Unable to access location. Failed to mount Windows share: Connection Timed Out.

Было бы полезно, если бы эксперт объяснил, почему возникает эта проблема и почему разработчики Ubuntu/Linux не исправили ее. Да, я знаю, Samba разрабатывается и поддерживается другой группой…



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