Unable to authenticate session oracle ошибка

EBS logon is failing with following error:

“Unable to Authenticate Session”


1. Clear the Browser cache.
2. Stop all Browser sessions.
3. Start a new Browser session and logon to the Instance.

Go to Tools >Internet Options > Click on delete browsing Cache (shown below)



Oracle E-Business Suite environment with IE8 and higher, When you are now logging out from your DEV Instance and want to login to the TEST- or PROD-Instance it happens “Unable to authenticate session”

Go to all programs, Right click on your IE icon and add -noframemerging to the end of the link in the Target field e.g.”C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” -noframemerging (shown below)

1)  Start -> Program Files
2)  Right click on the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties
3)  Add -nomerge to the end of the link in the Target field i.e.
“C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” -noframemerging
4)  Click the OK button to close the window
5)  This icon may then be copied to the desktop if desired.


Thank You !!

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Unable To Authenticate Session or Unable to create session is one of the most common errors in R12 instance

"Unable to authenticate session"

This can happen after the instance is cloned or any changes happened to the system with wrong parameter

The first log which you should check in case of this error is


Here are some common errors which you might see

Error 1
html: chain failed  javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create user session. Please contact your System Administrator.
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.EvermindPageContext.handlePageThrowable(EvermindPageContext.java:780) Error 2
oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Could not load application module
Detail 0 ##
oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: ICX, Message Name: ICX_SESSION_FAILED.

How to solve the issue

(1) First check if the R12.0/R12.1  is in maintenance Mode .If it is still in Maintenance mode.

Disable it

sqlplus apps/apps @$AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adsetmmd.sql DISABLE

Bounce all the services

$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adopmnctl.sh stopall $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adopmnctl.sh startall

(2)   Check the database for error in alert_log.it might be possible some APPS% tablespace are full and session creation is a failing

How to check free space in Oracle Tablespace

select sum(BYTES/1024/1024) 
from dba_free_space where TABLESPACE_NAME like '&1'

Add the space

alter tablespace <tablespace name> add datafile '+DATA' size 1000M;

(3) Guest user may be end-dated

SELECT user_name,TO_CHAR(start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY'),

If it is end dated, remove it  and bounce the services

You might also want to check if GUEST user is working fine

select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('GUEST','ORACLE') from dual;

(4) The profile Initialization SQL Statement — Custom  may be wrongly set. Please check the oracle profile option at the site level,user level

set linesize 140
set pagesize 132
column SHORT_NAME format A30
column NAME format A40
column LEVEL_VAL format 999999999
column VALUE format A60 wrap
set lines 200;
col SHORT_NAME format a30;
col NAME format a35;
col VALUE format a30;
p.profile_option_name SHORT_NAME,
n.user_profile_option_name NAME,
v.level_value LEVEL_VAL,
v.profile_option_value VALUE
from fnd_profile_options p,
fnd_profile_option_values v,
fnd_profile_options_tl n
where p.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id (+)
and p.profile_option_name = n.profile_option_name
and upper(n.user_profile_option_name) like upper('%&profile_name%')
and v.level_id= &LEVEL;

(5) Look for invalid in the database

set lines 120
set pages 5000
select owner,object_name,status
from dba_objects
where status !='VALID';

Compile the APPS schema using adadmin utility and bounce the services.
Related Article
How to Compile Invalid objects in Oracle

(6) Try compiling jsp

 cd $COMMON_TOP/_pages
find . -name "*" -exec rm -rf {} ;cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
./ojspCompile.pl --compile --flush -p 5
logfile set: /xyz/ojspc_error.log
starting...(compiling all)
using 10i internal ojsp ver: 10
synchronizing dependency file:
enumerating jsps...8000
parsing jsp...8000
writing deplist...8000
initializing compilation:
eliminating children...5912 (-2088)
translating and compiling:
translating jsps...5912/5912 in 1m40s
compiling jsps...5912/5912 in 4m19s

(7) Look into FND_NODES and check if we have duplicate entries for SERVER_IP


(8) Check the DBC in $FND_SECURE and find out if it is correct

Sometimes APPLSYSPUB password may be wrong in dbc files. correct it and bounce the services and try again

(9) Look for all the Important schema name and their password


You can try login into these schema with the password and verify them

(10) If it is some configuration issue. Autoconfig might help. Try running autoconfig  and check the result again

I hope this helps in Unable To Authenticate Session problem .Please do let me know if I can help in some way

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How to assign User management Responsibility to user in R12
Guest User password in oracle 11i/R12
oacore services not coming up
log file locations in oracle apps
User Preferences of your E-Business Suite homepage
JRE not found message while running runInstaller

Unable To Authenticate Session or Unable to create session is one of the most common errors in R12 instance

"Unable to authenticate session"

This can happen after the instance is cloned or any changes happened to the system with wrong parameter

The first log which you should check in case of this error is


Here are some common errors which you might see

Error 1
html: chain failed  javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create user session. Please contact your System Administrator.
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.EvermindPageContext.handlePageThrowable(EvermindPageContext.java:780) Error 2
oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Could not load application module
Detail 0 ##
oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: ICX, Message Name: ICX_SESSION_FAILED.

How to solve the issue

(1) First check if the R12.0/R12.1  is in maintenance Mode .If it is still in Maintenance mode.

Disable it

sqlplus apps/apps @$AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adsetmmd.sql DISABLE

Bounce all the services

$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adopmnctl.sh stopall $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adopmnctl.sh startall

(2)   Check the database for error in alert_log.it might be possible some APPS% tablespace are full and session creation is a failing

How to check free space in Oracle Tablespace

select sum(BYTES/1024/1024) 
from dba_free_space where TABLESPACE_NAME like '&1'

Add the space

alter tablespace <tablespace name> add datafile '+DATA' size 1000M;

(3) Guest user may be end-dated

SELECT user_name,TO_CHAR(start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY'),

If it is end dated, remove it  and bounce the services

You might also want to check if GUEST user is working fine

select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('GUEST','ORACLE') from dual;

(4) The profile Initialization SQL Statement — Custom  may be wrongly set. Please check the oracle profile option at the site level,user level

set linesize 140
set pagesize 132
column SHORT_NAME format A30
column NAME format A40
column LEVEL_VAL format 999999999
column VALUE format A60 wrap
set lines 200;
col SHORT_NAME format a30;
col NAME format a35;
col VALUE format a30;
p.profile_option_name SHORT_NAME,
n.user_profile_option_name NAME,
v.level_value LEVEL_VAL,
v.profile_option_value VALUE
from fnd_profile_options p,
fnd_profile_option_values v,
fnd_profile_options_tl n
where p.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id (+)
and p.profile_option_name = n.profile_option_name
and upper(n.user_profile_option_name) like upper('%&profile_name%')
and v.level_id= &LEVEL;

(5) Look for invalid in the database

set lines 120
set pages 5000
select owner,object_name,status
from dba_objects
where status !='VALID';

Compile the APPS schema using adadmin utility and bounce the services.
Related Article
How to Compile Invalid objects in Oracle

(6) Try compiling jsp

 cd $COMMON_TOP/_pages
find . -name "*" -exec rm -rf {} ;cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
./ojspCompile.pl --compile --flush -p 5
logfile set: /xyz/ojspc_error.log
starting...(compiling all)
using 10i internal ojsp ver: 10
synchronizing dependency file:
enumerating jsps...8000
parsing jsp...8000
writing deplist...8000
initializing compilation:
eliminating children...5912 (-2088)
translating and compiling:
translating jsps...5912/5912 in 1m40s
compiling jsps...5912/5912 in 4m19s

(7) Look into FND_NODES and check if we have duplicate entries for SERVER_IP


(8) Check the DBC in $FND_SECURE and find out if it is correct

Sometimes APPLSYSPUB password may be wrong in dbc files. correct it and bounce the services and try again

(9) Look for all the Important schema name and their password


You can try login into these schema with the password and verify them

(10) If it is some configuration issue. Autoconfig might help. Try running autoconfig  and check the result again

I hope this helps in Unable To Authenticate Session problem .Please do let me know if I can help in some way

Related Articles

How to assign User management Responsibility to user in R12
Guest User password in oracle 11i/R12
oacore services not coming up
log file locations in oracle apps
User Preferences of your E-Business Suite homepage
JRE not found message while running runInstaller

EBS logon is failing with following error:

“Unable to Authenticate Session”


1. Clear the Browser cache.
2. Stop all Browser sessions.
3. Start a new Browser session and logon to the Instance.

Go to Tools >Internet Options > Click on delete browsing Cache (shown below)



Oracle E-Business Suite environment with IE8 and higher, When you are now logging out from your DEV Instance and want to login to the TEST- or PROD-Instance it happens “Unable to authenticate session”

Go to all programs, Right click on your IE icon and add -noframemerging to the end of the link in the Target field e.g.”C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” -noframemerging (shown below)

1)  Start -> Program Files
2)  Right click on the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties
3)  Add -nomerge to the end of the link in the Target field i.e.
“C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” -noframemerging
4)  Click the OK button to close the window
5)  This icon may then be copied to the desktop if desired.


Thank You !!

Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

Sometimes while using IE8 Browser you may get the below error instead of the login page

 ‘Unable To Authenticate Session”

You may see such issue on IE9 also.

Possible Solution 1 : One solution which is documented in the Oracle note id can help ( R12: Using IE8 to access two EBS Instances runs in error “Unable To Authenticate Session” [ID 1098563.1])

According to it , the  new ‘Session Merging’ feature within IE8 and IE9 is creating the issue and can be easily tackled by adding                   -noframemerging parameter.

Right click on your IE icon and add -noframemerging to the end of the link in the Target field e.g.”C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” -noframemerging (shown below)


Possible Solution 2 : Clearing the Cache helped me many times in getting through these errors while working on EBS with  IE browsers.

A) Go to Tools >Internet Options > Click on delete browsing Cache (shown below)


B) Go to Start > Control Panel > Java >  Settings > Delete temp files > OK (shown below)




After clearing the cache, Close the browser, start again and try opening the EBS link.

  • Author
  • Recent Posts

Brijesh Gogia

I’m an experienced Cloud/Oracle Applications/DBA Architect with more than 15 years of full-time DBA/Architect experience. I have gained wide knowledge on Oracle and Non-Oracle software stack running on-prem and on Cloud and have worked on several big projects for multi-national companies. I enjoy working with leading-edge technology and have a passion for Cloud architecture, automation, database performance, and stability. Thankfully my work allows me time for researching new technologies (and to write about them).


Brijesh Gogia

Unable to
authenticate session in Oracle apps R12 (12.0.4): Login Issue

The Release 12.0.4 instance was cloned
from another identical instance.

When we try to login, the login page
does not display

Have tried clearing the cache
(_pages). Have tried recompiling jsps and bouncing however the problem still

Cleared all the Apache and related logs and found an interesting

 It is in the following log file:


08/08/21 15:17:00.601

08/08/21 15:17:02.769 html:

08/08/21 15:17:33.132 html:

08/08/21 15:17:33.132 html:



08/08/21 15:17:34.859 html: chain

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create user session. Please contact your
System Administrator.

com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g (


Enable FND debug

The FND debug log had the below error:

Oracle error
-1654: ORA-01654: unable to extend index APPLSYS.FND_LOGINS_N2 by 16 in
tablespace APPS_TS_ARCHIVE has been detected in FND_SIGNON.AUDIT_USER. 

Check if the APPS_TS_ARCHIVE
Tablespace is full.

Increase the size of tablespace
APPS_TS_ARCHIVE / add a datafile to the tablespace. 

This will resolve the

When we login to the application we get unable to authenticate session or ORA-01403 error


<PRE>Oracle error 1403: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at line 1 has been detected in FND_SESSION_MANAGEMENT.CHECK_SESSION. Your session is no longer valid. </PRE> 

Servlet error: An exception occurred. The current application deployment descriptors do

Solution 1

1. Execute the following scripts from $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql as apps user:
2. Bounce the server.
3. Retest the issue.

Reference :Login Page Throws Error 1403: Java.Sql.Sqlexception: Ora-01403: No Data Found Ora-06512: At Line 1 H (Doc ID 1336030.1)

Solution 2:

 «Unable to authenticate session»

1. Open a new explorer window using its own session cookie by selecting File -> New Session from the Menu Bar in an existing browser window. (IE9 Users may have to enable the Menu Bar first by right clicking the browser header frame and selecting Menu Bar.)
2. Run from the command line adding the -noframemerging parameter
    e.g. Start -> Run -> iexplore -noframemerging
3. Create a new IE icon adding the -noframemerging parameter
    e.g. Start -> Program Files
4. Right click on the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties

5. Add -noframemerging to the end of the link in the Target field
    e.g.«C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe» -noframemerging
6. Click the OK button to close the window

Reference : R12: Using IE8 to access two EBS Instances runs in error «Unable To Authenticate Session» (Doc ID 1098563.1)

Solution 3:

1. Go to Control Panel
2. Select Java Control Panel from the list.
3. From the popup window (Java Control Panel), uncheck «Enable the next-generation Java Plug-in» option.
4. Click «Apply» and click «OK»
5. Clear browsing history (Internet Explorer Menu Bar: Tools —> Delete Browsing History) and close all the browser sessions.
6. Open IE browser and try to access Oracle Applications, if the issue still persists reboot the system.

Solution 4:

Disable Internet Explorer add-ons:

  • Click «Tools» and select «Internet Options».
  • Click «Advanced» tab on the right.
  • Under «Browsing», remove/uncheck the «Enable third-party browser extensions» check box.
  • Click «OK» and close all opened Internet Explorer.
  • Open New Internet Explorer 

This is one of the most common problem with a common solution.

Unable to authenticate session – EBS R12

EBS login error:

“Unable to Authenticate Session”

Start the Internet Explorer with the option ‘-noframemerging’, as described in Note 389422.1 — ‘Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12’ under the Known issues.

Solution 1:

1. Clear the Browser cache.
2. Stop all Browser sessions.
3. Start a new Browser session and logon to the Instance.

Go to Tools >Internet Options > Click on delete browsing Cache (shown below)

Solution 2:

1) Start > Program Files
2) Right click on the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties
3) Add -nomerge to the end of the link in the Target field i.e.
“C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” -noframemerging

4) Click the OK button to close the window

Reference metalink documents.

R12: Using IE8 to access two EBS Instances runs in error «Unable To Authenticate Session» [ID 1098563.1]
R12 — logon to a cloned Instance is failing with error ‘Unable to Authenticate Session’ [ID 744086.1]
Unable To Authenticate Session Error When Login to Different R12 Instance in Same IE Session [ID 1159313.1]
Unable To Authenticate Session When Trying To Get To Main Login Screen [ID 1353483.1]

Unable to authenticate session – EBS R12

EBS login error:

“Unable to Authenticate Session”

Start the Internet Explorer with the option ‘-noframemerging‘, as described in Note 389422.1 — ‘Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12’ under the Known issues.


1. Clear the Browser cache.
2. Stop all Browser sessions.
3. Start a new Browser session and logon to the Instance.

Go to Tools >Internet Options > Click on delete browsing Cache (shown below)


1) Start > Program Files
2) Right click on the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties
3) Add -nomerge to the end of the link in the Target field i.e.
“C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” -noframemerging
4) Click the OK button to close the window

R12: Using IE8 to access two EBS Instances runs in error «Unable To Authenticate Session» [ID 1098563.1]
R12 — logon to a cloned Instance is failing with error ‘Unable to Authenticate Session’ [ID 744086.1]
Unable To Authenticate Session Error When Login to Different R12 Instance in Same IE Session [ID 1159313.1]
Unable To Authenticate Session When Trying To Get To Main Login Screen [ID 1353483.1]

we are using the Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (IE 8) to access your Release 12.1.x E-Business-Suite Instances, for example PROD, TEST and DEV.

When we logout from DEV Instance and want to login to the TEST- or PROD-Instance it happens, that we see following error :

Unable to authenticate session

we need to start the Internet Explorer with the option ‘-noframemerging‘, as described in Note 389422.1 — ‘Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12’ under the Known issues.

Multiple Sessions

Previous releases of Internet Explorer have allowed users to logon to the same Oracle E-Business Suite environment concurrently from the same desktop by launching each application session through a new browser session. By default the ‘Session Merging’ feature within IE8 and IE9 prevents this functionality from working by default. This is because the same session id is used when accessing the same Oracle E-Business Suite environment despite opening a new browser window to launch the second session. This can result in unusual behavior with invalid sessions causing errors such as “Your login session has become invalid» and failures to launch forms causing errors such as “FRM-92050: Failed to connect to the server: /forms/formservlet: -1″

To retain the use of multiple sessions to the same Oracle E-Business Suite environment with IE8 and higher please use one of the workarounds below to ensure each browser session remains independent;

Run from the command line adding the -noframemerging parameter e.g. Start -> Run -> iexplore -noframemerging
Create a new IE8 icon adding the -noframemerging parameter e.g.
Start -> Program Files
Right click on the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties
Add -noframemerging to the end of the link in the Target field e.g.»C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe» -noframemerging
Click the OK button to close the window
This icon may then be copied to the desktop if desired

Sometimes while using IE8 Browser you may get the below error instead of the login page

 ‘Unable To Authenticate Session”

You may see such issue on IE9 also.

Possible Solution 1 : One solution which is documented in the Oracle note id can help ( R12: Using IE8 to access two EBS Instances runs in error “Unable To Authenticate Session” [ID 1098563.1])

According to it , the  new ‘Session Merging’ feature within IE8 and IE9 is creating the issue and can be easily tackled by adding                   -noframemerging parameter.

Right click on your IE icon and add -noframemerging to the end of the link in the Target field e.g.”C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” -noframemerging (shown below)


Possible Solution 2 : Clearing the Cache helped me many times in getting through these errors while working on EBS with  IE browsers.

A) Go to Tools >Internet Options > Click on delete browsing Cache (shown below)


B) Go to Start > Control Panel > Java >  Settings > Delete temp files > OK (shown below)




After clearing the cache, Close the browser, start again and try opening the EBS link.

  • Author
  • Recent Posts

Brijesh Gogia

I’m an experienced Cloud/Oracle Applications/DBA Architect with more than 15 years of full-time DBA/Architect experience. I have gained wide knowledge on Oracle and Non-Oracle software stack running on-prem and on Cloud and have worked on several big projects for multi-national companies. I enjoy working with leading-edge technology and have a passion for Cloud architecture, automation, database performance, and stability. Thankfully my work allows me time for researching new technologies (and to write about them).


Brijesh Gogia

Post Views: 178

Unable to authenticate session – EBS R12

EBS login error:

“Unable to Authenticate Session”

Start the Internet Explorer with the option ‘-noframemerging‘, as described in Note 389422.1 — ‘Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12’ under the Known issues.


1. Clear the Browser cache.
2. Stop all Browser sessions.
3. Start a new Browser session and logon to the Instance.

Go to Tools >Internet Options > Click on delete browsing Cache (shown below)


1) Start > Program Files
2) Right click on the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties
3) Add -nomerge to the end of the link in the Target field i.e.
“C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” -noframemerging
4) Click the OK button to close the window

R12: Using IE8 to access two EBS Instances runs in error «Unable To Authenticate Session» [ID 1098563.1]
R12 — logon to a cloned Instance is failing with error ‘Unable to Authenticate Session’ [ID 744086.1]
Unable To Authenticate Session Error When Login to Different R12 Instance in Same IE Session [ID 1159313.1]
Unable To Authenticate Session When Trying To Get To Main Login Screen [ID 1353483.1]

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