Unic 370 ошибка е09

-= Что есть ещё по теме кранов-манипуляторов? Во-первых, Крано.ру — форум по кранам БЕЗ РЕГИСТРАЦИИ, а во-вторых — Эвакуаторщики.ру — молодое сообщество владельцев и водителей ЭВАКУАТОРОВ =-


Манипуляторы UNIC

при работе без груза видвижение и собрание стрелы идет нормально, если под грузом то идет такая проблема, выдвигание норма, складывание, рычаг до упора, эффекта нет, дал газу, резкий сбор стрелы.


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Авто: ND MK251НN FE6ТА 95 год. UNIC 343
Откуда: 18RUS

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


DIESEL » 25 июн 2011, 10:43

Уровень масла глянь!!! И вообще если приходиться газоватиь , чтоб КМУ работала нормально то писец насосу приходит—ЗАМЕНА!!!!!!!!


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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 25 июн 2011, 17:02

DIESEL:то писец насосу

Не факт. Если родной стоит,то может быть, а у меня просто все медленно делает,хотя насос стоит роторно -поршневой . Всеравно медленно работает, без газа плохо ,но все функции стрела выполняет на холостых-просто не быстро!
у товарища что то с железом,,может колено какое гнутое?
андрей0761, Попробуй с грузом на разных уклонах удилища.Отпишись!
У меня ситуация была такая,только зимой за -20, не хотела складываться вообще и с газом и без газа, сложил кое-как с грузом в 1,5 тонны. . шланг вздулся ,я его поменял и все прошло само сабой, но там может лед попал, а вот твой вопрос пока открыт


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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 26 июн 2011, 17:28

С уровнем масла ОК! Банка в сарае запасом лежит! Удочка 5 секционная 12 метров, 3 секции поршень, 2 на тросах, КМУ UNIC 360, на всех углах наклонах и вылетах с грузом, стрела на собрание ТУПИТ, насос родной и судя по стяжным шпилькам не разбирался, работает ровно без посторонних шумов, стрела сухая, заломов на удочке вроде не было, единственно смущает что у КМУ в свое время оборвали башню, фото пришлю. У меня второй грузовик MMC FUSO UNIC330, КМУ работает изумительно, мягко, ровно, на рычаги отзывается сразу без задержки, и скорость работы КМУ в 2 раза быстрее чем на NISSAN_е так что есть с чем сравнивать. Посоветуйте, пошаговый ремонт, с чего начнем решение этой проблемы?

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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 26 июн 2011, 17:38

андрей 0761, Как правило,именно на собрание стрелы и аутригеров-насосу требуется больше энергии- может и вправду он?


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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 26 июн 2011, 19:33

Насколько мне не изменяет память -японские насосы идут в двух исполнениях — количество шлицов 10 и 14 или поправте.

Манипуляторы UNIC - насос 10 шлиц.jpg


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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 26 июн 2011, 19:54

Я поправил 10 шлицев-минималка
А вообще на будущее-когда перестанет работать японский-поставте роторно-поршневой и счастье будет без предела.

Добавлено спустя 6 минут 33 секунды:
андрей 0761, А груз стрелой берет? Cколько тянет,? или становится на определенном весе>?

Манипуляторы UNIC - Роторно -поршневой на 32 -.jpg


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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 26 июн 2011, 20:17

А он ни на чье схему не похож . . У тебя передача если без карданного вала ,сразу крепление на коробке отбора. Так> ? Вот та труба черная -это переходная муфта,сделано так для быстрого перехода с родных шлицов на русский насос ,сложного ничего-просто нужен умелец который выточит муфту и наколотит в ней шлицы-Японский-русский ,ну и + крепление. Качает здорово,правда есть еще там одна фишка-дренаж называется- это трубочка ,которую нужно вывести в бак-маслонаполнитель!


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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 26 июн 2011, 20:29

Что за нассос, че производство? С умельцами проблема!!! Пьянь да рвань, токарь и то огромная проблема, ждешь 3 дня пока из виража выйдет, а потом говорит что тут болгаркой обработай то там обработай, СКОЛЬКО СТОИТ НАССОС так проще будет?

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 26 июн 2011, 20:43

http://www.hydrosila.com/products/pisto … lokom.html
Поправлюсь аксиально-поршневой насос- Я свою маркировку сейчас не посмотрю- тот что на сайте-на 56-это большой сильно. Мой где то на 32л-мин .Но суть та же. Будет сильный интерес залезу под машину сфотаю маркировку :)
Обрадую- тема не дешевая -под 15-25 тыс новый , Такие вещи на комбайнах стоят-он работает и как насос и как гидромотор! Можно поискать


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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 26 июн 2011, 21:04

Вот тот который я держу в руках-на фото -заказывал со Влада-20 тр. отработал один день -вяло так удочкой отмотылял,отматерился,а потом он и вовсе потек-мастера владивостока забили трещину молотком. Вот и больше нет веры товарищам с Зеленки
Этот работает уже два года -достался он мне задаром+ токарь у меня от бога. Этого насоса на всю жизнь авто хватит. к маслу особо не привередлив как шестеренчатый. .
Тянет что на низах ,что на верхах -только следи за грузом и все!


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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 26 июн 2011, 21:22

С Зеленкой ты прав :x !!! В прошлом году был там, ушлые ребята, только о деньгах беспокоятся, на нашего брата им наплевать, могут втюхать такую лабуду что потом хоть плачь!

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 27 июн 2011, 16:59

Как говорят -на вкус и цвет-товарищей нет! А как же Камазы и всякие другие ставят стрелы и им же не подходят насосы японские- Они на своих НШ работают. И надо сказать за свои деньги работают отлично . Справка — Русский насос НШ-3… и далее стоят 1-1,5 рубля. Так чта насос -это дело сугубо по подходу , 8-) :D


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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 27 июн 2011, 17:56

Работают то работают, но зато время пока они згрузится и выгрузится, ты и покурить и поспать и книжку почитать успеешь :O: Теперь о грустном :o Ты Иван оказался прав! Солнечный мартен раскалил воздух до 30 и насос помохав ручкой тихо умер, КМУ еле-еле ворочеется, кое-как доработал день. Теперь о твоем совете по насосу, конечно придется переделывать по твоей схеме, потому-что звонил на рыбный остров ценник такой сказали, у меня аж башня поехала, 50ТОНН, и это по большой дружбе. :shock: Теперь проблема!!! А проблема в том что в нашем Занюханске вообще ничего не знают про такие насосы, комбайны здесь конечно частенько как дикие кабаны перебегают дороги но магазинов на их железо унас просто НЕТ. :shock: Придется ехать в большой город и там копать эту деталь но мне теперь нужны точные данные на твой насос, МАРКА, МОДЕЛЬ, ЗАВОД ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЬ, и желательно технические характеристики :beer:

Добавлено спустя 11 минут 58 секунд:
вот насос , вот только получиться ли поставить твою схему, рядом ведь барабан ручника :)

Манипуляторы UNIC - 027.jpg

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 27 июн 2011, 18:31

андрей 0761, Не лазил-дома уже. Машины у нас одинаковые и ручник у меня тоже близко. Данные спишу. Если нужно сильно ,у товарища есть насос японческий- у него Камаз-стрелу брал в Москве,а так как насос не сгодился,то лежит- но ценник он знает . так что рублей 20 будет думаю. Вот что мне не нравится в Б/У приобретении- так это состояние которого не знаешь- 8-)
По поводу быстроты работы стрелы- не всегда это нужно,мало того что работа часовая,так еще точность приземления важна ,а когда башню мотыляет как потерпевшую и плавность поймать не в силах-тоже не гуд!
http://gydro.tradicia-k.ru/product/index.php?id=62397 Какой то из этих цена 18 руб.посмотрю завтра точно ,что у меня стоит :beer:


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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 27 июн 2011, 19:36

Спасибочки БОЛЬШОЕ!!! А то тут с местными аборигенами вообще нечего не сваришь :) Они тут кроме паровоза польше ничего и не видели :D :D

Добавлено спустя 37 минут 23 секунды:
А вот и ломанная башня! У кого такая и как работает?

Манипуляторы UNIC - 025.jpg

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 27 июн 2011, 20:20

По местам ржавчины были разрывы, усилили накладками и косынками и это с двух сторон по кругу ;) ;)

Манипуляторы UNIC - 026.jpg

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 29 июн 2011, 17:30

Какой насос тебе в оканцовке нужен? У кента спрашивал-меньше чем за 20 не отдает.



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На орбите
Всего сообщений: 524
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.2011
Авто: ND MK251НN FE6ТА 95 год. UNIC 343
Откуда: 18RUS

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


DIESEL » 02 июл 2011, 18:52

Добавлено спустя 4 минуты 1 секунду:

андрей 0761:андрей 0761

Есть насос цена семнадцать тысяч будет стоить))) контрактный, т.е. б/у но без пробега по Р,Ф.

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты:
Вообще есть много чего от установок в разборе если что в личку стучите или данный почты и скайпа с моем кабинете)))))))


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Всего сообщений: 167
Зарегистрирован: 13.08.2011
Авто: Nissan Diesel Condor 90, Hino Ranger 93
Откуда: Омск

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


055 » 29 авг 2011, 18:05

Мой японский насос приказал долго жить, лопнул корпус… сегодня купил НШ отдал на переделку, на днях обещают сделать, как будет готово отпишу что получилось.
по затратам уже около 4 тырок покупка насоса+доп запчастей+шланги от установки к насосу(старые совсем плохенькие)


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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 29 авг 2011, 19:42

055:около 4 тырок покупка насоса+доп запчастей+шланги от установки к насосу(старые совсем плохенькие)

Ха-ха — ,это разве затраты,так на чай после обеда. :D Сам понимаешь- родной насос и то БУ :beer: под двадцаточку, если б новый то ходил бы -так он стоит мама не горюй, Ставь или НШ или поршневой- , раз переделаешь,потом горя знать не будешь.-Удачи!


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Всего сообщений: 167
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Авто: Nissan Diesel Condor 90, Hino Ranger 93
Откуда: Омск

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


055 » 30 авг 2011, 06:24

Иван я тоже так подумал, самое главное как ходить он будет, как стрелочку крутить… да за переделку 6 тыр попросили, то есть общая уже под 10ку получается, буду забирать машин посмотрю что да как и стоит ли свеч такая переделка…
так то да 10 не о чем по сути, но плюсом сюда ещё время простоя, а тут уже другая сумма(


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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 30 авг 2011, 07:39

вопрос к Ивану!!! Скорость работы КМУ на НШ зависит газульки? Или у тебя вне зависимости от оборотов скорость КМУ одинакова? :beer:

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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Всего сообщений: 167
Зарегистрирован: 13.08.2011
Авто: Nissan Diesel Condor 90, Hino Ranger 93
Откуда: Омск

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


055 » 30 авг 2011, 08:37

Я так понял у Ивана не НШ насос, а поршневой…


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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 30 авг 2011, 17:55

У меня стоит аксиально-поршневой на 32 л/мин . Скорость вращения как и всех,на газульку давлю, просто он тянет до последнего на холостых, не срывается как НШ японский.. На пальцах попробую еще раз — Если на японском вы берете груз ,который превысил допустимый,а сначала берете стрелой,но стрела не тянет, а лебедка все еще тянет,то этот груз лучше не брать,, У мну же пофигу- берет все,так как поршни давят масло и им пофиг, :o Вот поэтому работаю с осторожностью.! :)
андрей 0761 — у тебя японский тоже НШ, -насос шестеренчатый, поэтому все так же как и было,так и будет, просто меньше 32 лмин ставить не надо ,а если есть ,то поставь лучше 52 или 51 -точ.не помню, -будет побыстрее, но быстрота ,кстати не всегда гуд, :P


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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 30 авг 2011, 18:06

не согласен ;) у мнея тариф фиксированный :shock: быстро загрузился быстро скинул деньги теже :D

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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Всего сообщений: 2178
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.2010
Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 30 авг 2011, 18:16

Андрюха ,я не про то,у мну тоже фиксация почти везде. Есть некоторые вещи,где требуется плавностть хода стрелки. Вот так я работаю со стеклопакетами под 2 тонны. Их резко нельзя,
Ну а ты что -вышел из положения с насосом? Так вроде и не отписался?


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Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


055 » 31 авг 2011, 20:49

забрал машинку, поработал, вывод НШ понравился, ведет себя прилично, не шумит, маленько напрягает конструкция, но будет усовершенствование… самое главное стрелочка плавнеько крутится…
поставили НШ 32 левый, в итоге вместе со шлангами и всеми затратами 11к рублей, думаю приемлемо, посмотрим как будет себя вести в последствии


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Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 31 авг 2011, 20:56

055, Не забудь — Русские НШ ,тоже долго не живут, как только почуствуешь срывы и недоподнятия, -насос под замену, благо ценник им рубля полтора- или уже больше?
Если возможность есть,то конструкцию и фото выкладывай, будет как пособие! :beer:


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Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


055 » 01 сен 2011, 19:28

фотик слабый, да и работы щас много, позже обязательно выложу… я покупал за 1150р(думаю за эти деньги можно хоть раз в год менять=)), с парнями пообщался, два года уже работает у них три воровайки уже переоборудовали, без нареканий.


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Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 01 сен 2011, 21:08

055:можно хоть раз в год менять=)),

Раз в месяц, . :P Я вообще забыл про свой,иногда вспоминаю,что когда то стоял какой то японский. :o



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Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


kostos » 30 сен 2011, 21:25

Возвращаясь к началу, скажу, если какое-то одно действие выполняется с трудом, например задвижение стрелы, то возможно попадание куска резины от порванного манжета в гидрозамок цилиндра… У меня такое было на главном цилиндре подёма стрелы…
И ещё : когда тяните груз гидравликой, то там стоит ограничитель давления (болтик под металлическим колпачком позади распределителя) и он не дает поднять больше заданной массы, и это не зависит от типа насоса, поршневой или шестярёнчатый, крутить не советую, также как и рвать груз лебёдкой, дабы не загнуть стрелу… гидравлика не даст поднять больше чем может позволить себе установка…


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Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


DIESEL » 01 окт 2011, 08:41

kostos:И ещё : когда тяните груз гидравликой, то там стоит ограничитель давления (болтик под металлическим колпачком позади распределителя) и он не дает поднять больше заданной массы, и это не зависит от типа насоса, поршневой или шестярёнчатый, крутить не советую, также как и рвать груз лебёдкой, дабы не загнуть стрелу… гидравлика не даст поднять больше чем может позволить себе установка…

Это называется перепусконой или ограничительный клапан! Все верно крутить без спец оборудования не рекомендуется.


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Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 01 окт 2011, 22:49

DIESEL, Я у тебя про него и спрашивал. , только крутить его можно ,даже в наших условиях. . Просто нужно взять эталонный груз- например тонны в 2,5 на вылете соответствующем показаниям стрелочки на самой удочке. И тянуть стрелой,соответственно подкручивая перепускной. как тянуть перестает-можно остановит момент. :beer: У меня лично иголка выработалась и клапан закручен до попы,что особо не мешает машине работать,но напрягает медленная работа всего механизма. Думаю этот клапан влияет и на скорость :o



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На орбите
Всего сообщений: 524
Зарегистрирован: 12.04.2011
Авто: ND MK251НN FE6ТА 95 год. UNIC 343
Откуда: 18RUS

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


DIESEL » 02 окт 2011, 08:44

Иван-32: Думаю этот клапан влияет и на скорость

согласен так многие говорят.



Всего сообщений: 3
Зарегистрирован: 30.09.2011
Авто: Hino + tadano z300
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Возраст: 40

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


kostos » 18 окт 2011, 18:03

На скорость влияет интенсивность насоса, у меня сейчас родной помирать стал, так спустя полчаса работы масло нагревается и скорость падает, приходится газовать, знакомому нш32 поставили, так на холостых работает быстро и газовать не надо, тоже займусь переделкой, сезон только закончится…

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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
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Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 08 ноя 2011, 09:33

здорово Иван ! Проблема !!! Срезало шлицы на вале отбора мощности в редукторе с коробки на насос, Хана валу редуктору и валу насоса, что делать не знаю, мастера отказываются делать валы!!!

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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Всего сообщений: 2178
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Авто: Nissan Diesel 1989/FE6A/КМУ
Откуда: Сахалин>Брянск
Возраст: 55

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Иваныч » 09 ноя 2011, 18:17

Привет Андрей, давно не заходил! . Со щлицами я бы тебе помог,но только у себя- . А :( как срезало-почему-выяснил? Я бы сделал так- если сильно нужно работать, то на насосе и муфте сделать шлицы ,так как это легче, А саму потом муфточку обварить на месте к валу коробки отбора- место там есть — полуавтоматом можно обварить. затем уже надеть насос с готовой шлицевой. Ну как то так-



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Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Павел59 » 12 ноя 2011, 15:39

055, Привет,опиши по подробней как переходник сделал на НШ-32 и фото непомешало бы

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Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


055 » 24 ноя 2011, 16:15

описать тяжеловато будет… только фото или рисунок могу нарисовать, надо ещё нет?


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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
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Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 25 янв 2012, 12:43

Насос и вал в декабре отвез на завод в Краснодар, вал выдолбили, выточили муфту, решили отказаться от шлицов, сделали простой КВАДРАТ,муфту опрессовали, обварили и обточили. Как ты помнишь насос у меня на ладан дышал, купил НШ32 левый.

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 30 янв 2012, 21:07

Привет Иван!!! Показываю переделку насоса с японского на колхоз!

Добавлено спустя 3 минуты 54 секунды:
выбрасываем убитый насос

Манипуляторы UNIC - Фото0184.jpg
изначально родная система
изначально родная система

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

Аватара пользователя

андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 30 янв 2012, 21:16

в валу редуктора нарезаются новые шлицы под НШ32

изготавливается переходная шайба с редуктора на насос чтобы совместить седла посадочного места насоса и посадочного редуктора

вот насос НШ32, в корпусе по бокам прорезаются пазы под крепежные болты

смотри справа и слева
смотри справа и слева
Манипуляторы UNIC - Фото0178.jpg
Манипуляторы UNIC - Фото0176.jpg
Манипуляторы UNIC - Фото0177.jpg

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

Аватара пользователя

андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 30 янв 2012, 21:46

изготавливаются переходные штуцера

и получается вот такая конструкция

как бы вот так
как бы вот так
вход и выход
вход и выход

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!


Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


Гость » 05 фев 2012, 10:19

башня подходит от тадано к юнику?

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андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 06 фев 2012, 06:46

Нет не подходит 8-) Бывает что башни обе тадано, а посадочное седло не совпадает либо по болтам, либо по диаметру, 8-) А что у тебя с башней??

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!


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Откуда: 18RUS

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


DIESEL » 06 фев 2012, 21:26

Гость:башня подходит от тадано к юнику?

нет. это как москвич и жигули..две разные марки.


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Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


s1relok » 08 мар 2012, 20:28

Уважаемые товарищи «Жрецы золотой ручки», такая проблема: Сопливит UNIC 360, а именно из этих 3-х мест, что на фото выделены…
Собственно 3 вопроса:
1 — Что это, собственно, за агрегат (весь который на фото)?
2 — Насколько серьёзно данное кровотечение для моего бойца?
3 — И можно ли это вылечить как нибудь «бабкиными методами?

Заранее прошу прощения за свою неосведомлённость в данном вопросе, но просто с гидравликой и с КМУ в частности до сих пор сталкиваться нечасто приходилось :beer:

Манипуляторы UNIC - IMG_1290.JPG

Аватара пользователя

андрей 0761

Всего сообщений: 395
Зарегистрирован: 25.06.2011
Авто: nissan condor 1988 mitsubishi fuso 1988
Откуда: прим-ахтарск
Возраст: 52

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


андрей 0761 » 08 мар 2012, 21:24

У меня аналогично было, c сапуна (позиция 2) поперло масло, разбираешь поворотный механизм ( который на фото),откручиваешь штуцера высокого давления, cкидиваешь шланг обратки, откручиваешь 4 болта под шестигранник , разбираешь ОЧЕНЬ аккуратно ( чистые руки и ветошь ), вытаскиваешь механизм , смотри чтобы поршеньки в обойме сидели по старым ( своим местам), за ним стоит сальник (его размер 30 /50, возьми русский в любом камазовском магазине), вот через него тебе и давит масло через редуктор на сапун, Я сальник подобрал в автомаге от какого то немца по размеру, при сборке изготовь из плотного картона прокладку, под крышку механизма, ( тогда исчезнет проблема номер1) герметиком не пользуйся!! C 3-м вообще проблем нет, это пробка уровня масла редуктора, ее перед началом ремонта открутишь , масло сольешь, по окончании ремонта через открученный сапун зальешь новое масло (у меня ТАД-17) пробку посади на фум ленту. Желаю удачи!!!

нет у нас пути назад…..пойдем я покажу!!!

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Откуда: Питер
Возраст: 35

Re: Манипуляторы UNIK


s1relok » 09 мар 2012, 09:07

ОГРОМНОЕ спасибо!!! Соберусь с силами, помедитирую, помолюсь и примусь за работу… :) Вроде по описанию не так и страшно :beer:

Добавлено спустя 27 минут 8 секунд:
А ещё вопрос, сама стрела в поворотном механизме люфтит. В собраном состоянии всегда у меня на растяжках из ремней держится. Так и должно быть, или там должен стоять какой нибудь стопорный механизм и он сломан? Стрела ориентировочно 1991 года выпуска…

Совершенствование ML Блок управления KM-01

KM-01(Старая модель) ⇒ KM-300(Новая модель)

Что изменилось

1 Проще начальная настройка

2 Легче диагностировать неисправность

3 Повышена безопасность

Описание ML Control Box

KM-300(Новая модель)

Блок управления KM-300 КМУ Unic

Блок управления KM-300 КМУ Unic

KM-01(Старая модель)

Блок управления KM-01 КМУ Unic

Блок управления KM-01 КМУ Unic

Сравнение блоков управления КМУ Unic

  Наименование KM-01(Старая модель) KM-300(Новая модель)
1 Версия блока управления По каждой модели грузоподъемности Для всех моделей
2 Порядок настройки Открыть заднюю крышку. Установить определенные значения напряжения на внутренней плате Настройка производится с помощью переключателей на лицевой стороне блока управления
3 Нормальный режим Светится индикатор питания На дисплее блока управления светится значение «on»
4 Режим ошибки Светится индикатор неисправности На дисплее блока управления светится код ошибки
5 Режим неисправности Автоматическая остановка при неисправности. После устранения неисправности возврат в нормальный режим. (Например — причиной может стать нарушение контакта в электроразьемах при резких движениях.). Не возможно управлять на безопасной стороне. Автоматическая остановка при неисправности. После устранения неисправности нужно перезагрузить блок управления
6 Проверка работоспособности Не возможно Возможность нажатия на переключатели посмотреть на дисплее код ошибки, вызвать срабатывание звукового зуммера и автоматической остановки работы
7 Отображение состояния КМУ Не возможно Отображение на дисплее

Коды неисправнойстей КМУ Unic

Код ошибки Описание Действие
Е05 Системная ошибка Перезагрузить блок управления. Возможно из-за помех в питании
Е06 Внутренняя ошибка Если после перезагрузки блока управления он не вернулся в нормальный режим, замените его
Е08 Ошибка датчика угла наклона стрелы Проверить электрическую проводку и разьемы между блоком управления и датчиком угла наклона стрелы (возможно обрыв провода, плохой контакт, короткое замыкание). Проверте сигнал от датчика угла наклона стрелы на этапе «А» в режиме модуляции (см. таблицу режимов модуляции). При подъеме стрелы от 0 до 85 градусов напряжение на выходе датчика угла наклона стрелы оно должно быть 0.75 — 4.25 В
Е09 Ошибка датчика длины стрелы Проверить электрическую проводку и разьемы между блоком управления и датчиком длины стрелы (возможно обрыв провода, плохой контакт, короткое замыкание). Проверте сигнал от датчика длины стрелы на этапе «L» в режиме модуляции (см. таблицу режимов модуляции). При выдвижении стрелы от 0 до 12 метров напряжение на выходе датчика длины стрелы оно должно быть 0.3 — 4.5 В
Е10 Ошибка в данных модуляции блока управления (Начальная настройка не завершена.) Закончите начальную настройку. Если после завершения настройки блока управления он не вернулся в нормальный режим, замените его.
Е11 Ошибка датчика нагрузки (Тензодатчик) Проверка датчика нагрузки (тензодатчика) такая же как и на предыдущей версии. Можно проверить сигнал от детектора нагрузки на этапе «F» в режиме модуляции (см. таблицу режимов модуляции). Напряжение сигнала 2 — 10 В поступающее от усилителя тензодатчика преобразуется в блоке управления на 0.95V — 4.76V. При назрузке на тензодатчик от 0 до 640 КГС напряжение от усилителя должно быть от 2 до 10В.

Метки: Список кодов неисправностей КМУ Unic

Ошибка Е11 свидетельствует о неисправности цепи тензодатчика.

причиной может быть как неисправность самого тензодатчика, так и процессора КМ300, на котором эта ошибка светится.

Процессор КМ300 идёт на КМУ с новой системой безопасности, отключение питания тут не поможет.

для сохранения гарантии, если КМУ гарантийная, то советую не ковырять её и обратиться в официальный сервисный центр, перечень можно посмотреть на сайте http://furukawaunic.ru/node/41 или http://furukawaunic.ru/node/41

новый процессор будет стоить денег :)

могут быть коды Е08(неисправность датчика угла наклона), Е09(неисправность датчика длины стрелы), Е11(неисправность цепи тензодатчика)

если появится Е10, значит в настройки влезли, или они слетели.

от разовых проявлений Е05 и Е06 помогает перезагрузка, если после перезапуска КМУ ошибка не пропала, то это к новому процессору.

КМУ с ошибкой Е11 можно привести в транспортное положение, как прописано в руководстве по эксплуатации, при неисправном ограничителе подъёма крюка.

ослабить контргайку и вкрутить разгрузочный винт до упора (фанатизм не проявлять), привести КМУ в транспортное положение и бегом на сервис на устранение поломки и регулировку. чтоб было проще обратно выставить разгрузочный винт, советую записать, куда и на сколько оборотов крутили.

разгрузочный винт находится рядом с соленоидом НЕ ПУТАТЬ С РАЗГРУЗОЧНЫМ КЛАПАНОМ!!!!!

в некоторых положениях стрелы появляется код 10, и не поднимает гидра, лебедка и не выдвигается стрела. Но опускает и складывает. Подскажите что может быть?

а какого года КМУ? случаем машинка не с радиоуправлением?

Если с радио и начала 2000 годов, то там скорее всего будет 1 провод идущий от концевика в оголовок стрелы, там он подключается к кабельной рулетке, выходит с тыльной стороны стрелы, между штуцеров подключения гидравлики и подключается к двойной фишке от чёрного провода на колонне. для начала советую проверить эту цепь, а потом звонить токосъёмное кольцо гидрошарнира.

Furukawa Unic URW370C4U Series Operation & Maintenance Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

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Related Manuals for Furukawa Unic URW370C4U Series

  • Construction Equipment Furukawa Unic URW376C4U -T Series Operation & Maintenance Manual

Summary of Contents for Furukawa Unic URW370C4U Series

  • Page 1
    MINI-CRAWLER CRANE MODEL SERIES SERIES OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL HEAD OFFICE : Nihonbashi nishikawa Bldg, 5-3, Nihonbashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan OMURW37C4U50C4U547C4U201510A PRINTED IN JAPAN…
  • Page 3
    INTRODUCTION Request to those who operate the crane The operator’s manual describes correct operation methods, simple inspection, and ser- vice for the UNIC crane. Be sure to read this manual carefully to carry out correct and safe operation of the crane. Operate the crane after you have understood the contents of this manual.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS SETUP OF THIS MANUAL 8. HOW TO REFER TO WORKING RANGE CHART AND RATED LOAD URW370C4 series ………………………… 0- 4 CHART URW500C4 series ………………………… 0- 5 Working range chart ……………………… 8- 1 URW547C4 ……………………………… 0- 6 Rated load chart …………………………… 8- 2 1.

  • Page 5
    TABLE OF CONTENTS 15. WATER SUPPLY AND 12. U-WAVE, Radio remote control LUBRICATION TO CARRIER device, (Option) Precaution when carrying out filling Request to those who operate the crane …… 12- 1 water and lubrication …… 15- 1 Safety precautions ………………………… 12- 2 List of recommended lubricant ………………
  • Page 6: Setup Of This Manual

    Crane covered in this manual are roughly divided into three, the radio remote control type, the cable remote control type and the manual control type. URW370C4U With radio remote controller URW370C4U URW370C4U series With cable remote controller URW370C4U Manual specification 2. Designation of model URW370C4 series of crane model is to be designated according to the number of sec- tions of telescoping boom.

  • Page 7: Urw500C4 Series

    URW500C4 series 1. Designation of specification Crane covered in this manual are roughly divided into two: short outrigger type and stan- dard outrigger type. URW506C4U With radio remote controller URW506C4U Standard type With cable remote controller URW506C4U Manual specification URW500C4U series URW505C4U With radio remote controller URW505C4U…

  • Page 8: Urw547C4

    URW547C4 1. Designation of specification Crane covered in this manual are roughly divided into three, the radio remote control type, the cable remote control type and the manual control type. URW547C4U With radio remote controller URW547C4U URW547C4U series With cable remote controller URW547C4U Manual specification…

  • Page 9
  • Page 10: For Safety Operation

    1. FOR SAFETY OPERATION Observe all the safety regulations !  • Read preventive measures against danger and cautions stated in this manual for prop- er understanding. • Most accidents related to the crane occur due to operation, maintenance, and inspection which have failed in observing basic safety regulations.

  • Page 11: Safety Precautions On Carrier Operation

    2. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON CARRIER OPERATION WARNING Observe the cautions for securing safety. Failure to observe the cautions may cause trouble or serious accident. Before operation Dress neatly and wear protectors such as When starting the engine in a small lim- helmet, safety shoes, and gloves without ited area or indoors, open the windows fail.

  • Page 12: During Operation

    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON CARRIER OPERATION During operation The machine employs particularly small Do not make an abrupt stop and truck to facilitate working in a restrict- start, and change a course on a slope. ed space. Since high performance crane is mounted on When crawling up and down a the small truck, it has been built with a higher slope, operate the crane by standing…

  • Page 13
    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON CARRIER OPERATION Do not run the crane over bumpy To avoid rubber crawler damage. area, lying rocks with sharp edges, rough solid rock, small broken stones, edges of steel plate, steel bars for reinforcement, scrap metals, and waste materials and on a Be sure to drive both sides road such as in riverside where covered with of crawler in the same…
  • Page 14: When Loading And Unloading

    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON CARRIER OPERATION When loading and After operation unloading Return the crawling lever and run the engine at a low speed. When loading and unloading the crane, use a non-slip foot-board with a enough capacity of strength, width, and length and Shift the crawling lever to “Crane”…

  • Page 15: Safety Precautions On Crane Operation

    3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON CRANE OPERATION Before operation Be sure to make inspection before oper- • When the crane is to be operated close ation and periodical inspection for sling- to the power transmission or distribution ing implements. line, contact in advance with a local power company to make arrangements concern- If a defective slinging implement is used, fall ing safety for starting the crane operation.

  • Page 16: During Operation

    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON CRANE OPERATION During operation Make sure that the ground on which Pay attention that the hook will not be outriggers are to be set up is solid and overwound. firm. Be sure to turn ON the “overwinding alarm switch”.

  • Page 17
    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON CRANE OPERATION Pulling a cargo sideways, straight, or Pay attention that wire ropes will obliquely is strictly prohibited. not be paid out unnecessarily to prevent ropes from being wound around the These operation may cause slewing mem- drum irregularly.
  • Page 18: After Operation

    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON CRANE OPERATION After operation Make sure that the booms, the outrig- gers, and the hook have been stored before crawling the crane. Do not carry out maintenance and inspection while temperature of either hydraulic oil or gear oil is still high. Temperature of both hydraulic and gear oil is high immediately after crane opera- tion so that accumulated high pres-…

  • Page 19: Description Of Carrier Equipment


  • Page 20
  • Page 21
    DESCRIPTION OF CARRIER EQUIPMENT . Rubber crawler Fuel meter This indicates a residual quantity of the fuel. Cored bar and steel fabric(cords) are integrally molded in the rubber which is of the same quality as automobile tire. Interlock for crane-crawl operation This allows the crawling levers to lock while .
  • Page 22
  • Page 23: Description Of Crane Equipment


  • Page 24
  • Page 25
    DESCRIPTION OF CRANE EQUIPMENT . Boom Overwinding alarm It extends and retracts by hydraulic cylinder When the hook comes close to the boom top, and the hook is suspended from its top. this makes an alarm to warn that wire ropes are to be overwound.
  • Page 26
    DESCRIPTION OF CRANE EQUIPMENT Outrigger control switch Mode selector switch This selects extension/retraction of each out- This switches between radio remote control rigger of four (4). mode and manual operation mode. Simultaneous extension and retraction of out- riggers can be impossible. Hook storing switch Turning the switch to the storing position allows the hook to be stored.
  • Page 27: Name Plates

    6. NAME PLATES Description of name plates (Stickers) The machine is provided with stickers indicating caution (framed in box ) and specifications as shown in the figure below, and in addition to that there are stickers showing control levers, switches, and instructions for lubrication. Caution, Mode indicator lamp Caution, Slewing boom Loading and unloading procedures…

  • Page 28: Stickers In Detail

    NAME PLATES Stickers in detail • Always keep the stickers clean so that they can be read easily. • If any of the stickers has come off, stick it again or replace it with new sticker. • When ordering stickers, specify the part number shown at the bottom- right of the sticker concerned.

  • Page 29
    NAME PLATES Sticker [CAUTION] Carry out operation after you have read the instruction manual carefully. Confirm safety around the crane before starting operation. Be sure to carry out inspection and maintenance before starting operation. Be sure to stop power (engine,power source)before inspection and maintenance. Carry out inspection and maintenance of engine after it has been cooled down.
  • Page 30
    NAME PLATES Sticker [POINTS TO NOTICE IN HANDLING OUTRIGGERS] URW505C4U exclude CAUTION OUTRIGGER OPERATION When operating the crane, be sure to use outriggers to keep the crane body to be level. Set up the outriggers on a flat and solid ground and in principle, operate the crane with the outriggers fully extended.
  • Page 31
    NAME PLATES Sticker [POINTS TO NOTICE IN HANDLING OUTRIGGERS] URW505C4U CAUTION OUTRIGGER OPERATION When operating the crane, be sure to use outriggers to keep the crane body to be level. Set up the outriggers on a flat and solid ground and in principle, operate the crane with the outriggers extended.
  • Page 32
    NAME PLATES Sticker [CAUTION, CRAWLING] CAUTION, TRAVELING The truck might fall off or fall down during traveling. Slow down the vehicle and direct your mind traveling when passing close to road shoulder or on the soft ground. 094383160 Sticker [LOADING AND UNLOADING PROCEDURES] LOADING AND UNLOADING PROCEDURES When foot-boards are used such as when loading or unloading the crane onto/out of vehicle or passing…
  • Page 33
    NAME PLATES Sticker [CHART OF RATED LOAD] URW505C4U exclude RATED LOADS BOOM SECTION BOOM SECTION 1+2+3+4+5+6 16.0 18.0 20.0 23.0 26.0 30.0 33.0 36.0 39.0 43.0 47.3 WORKING RADIUS(ft) 8.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 18.6 WORKING RADIUS(ft) 6680 6680 5150 4570 3760 3180 2780 2420 MAXIMUM…
  • Page 34
  • Page 35
    NAME PLATES Sticker [EMERGENCY OPERATION] URW505C4U exclude  OUTRIGGERS OPERATION FOR EMERGENCY If outriggers will not function through normal operation, operate them  temporarily by taking following steps. After completion of the procedures, ask a nearby local UNIC authorized  service shop for inspection and repair as soon as possible. 1.Remove covers at 2 places as illustrated in the figure 1. 2.Push the mode selection switch to switch it to the manual mode. 3.Return the boom to its storing position.   (Light the boom storage lamp on the outrigger monitor.) 4.Determine extension or retraction of the outrigger by the    outrigger valve concerned.   Refer to table 1 and figure 2.   Turn the valve button by 90゜with the button pushed down to lock it. 5.Determine the cylinder for actuating vertical or horizontal    member of the outrigger by selecting outrigger control valve     for operating vertical or horizontal member.   Push the solenoid valve button with a thin bar such as of    screwdriver. 6.Operate the control lever of outrigger with the solenoid     valve button depressed.  Remove covers with the sticker indicated by arrow marks. Column side Operator side Fig.1 Covers to be removed TableÇP How to operate outrigger valve for extension & retraction Operation Actuating direction of outrigger Turn it by 90°with  B  depressed to lock Extend Turn it by 90°with  A  depressed to lock Retract (Note)Turn it back by 90°for unlocking the button.
  • Page 36
    NAME PLATES Sticker [Emergency operation] URW505C4U  OUTRIGGERS OPERATION FOR EMERGENCY If outriggers will not function through normal operation, operate them temporarily by taking following steps. After completion of the procedures, ask a nearby local UNIC authorized service shop for inspection and repair as soon as possible. 1.Remove covers at 2 places as illustrated in the figure 1. 2.Push the mode selection switch to switch it to the manual mode. 3.Return the boom to its storing position.   (Light the boom storage lamp on the outrigger monitor.) 4.Determine extension or retraction of the outrigger by the   outrigger valve concerned.   Refer to table 1 and figure 2.   Turn the valve button by 90゜with the button pushed down   to lock it. 5.Determine the cylinder for actuating vertical member of   the outrigger by selecting outrigger control valve for   operating vertical member.Push the solenoid valve button   with a thin bar such as of screwdriver. 6.Operate the control lever of outrigger with the solenoid   valve button depressed. Remove covers with the sticker indicated by arrow marks. Column side Operater side Fig.1 Covers to be removed Table1 How to operate outrigger valve for extension & retraction Actuating direction of outrigger Operation Turn it by 90°with  B  depressed to lock Extend Turn it by 90°with  A  depressed to lock Retract (Note)Turn it back by 90°for unlocking the button.
  • Page 37
    NAME PLATES Sticker [Oil Level check] CAUTION Park the vehicle on a level ground and put the crane at the stored position to stop the engine. If hydraulic oil level is checked at the operating position of the crane,the oil may be over-supplied because hydraulic oil in each cylinder will not be returned to the oil tank. Therefore,be sure to check the oil level at the stored position. Since hydraulic oil temperature is too high and its volume is expanded immediately after the machine  operation has been stopped, the oil level gauge will not indicate the correct oil quantity .Therefore, be sure to check the oil quantity when the oil temperature has returned to an ambient temperature of 20〜40℃. A proper oil level should be at the middle between  Hi and  Lo  limits on the gauge. There is a risk that the hydraulic oil may be spurted out if the oil is supplied beyond the  Hi  level limit on the gauge. 09HA81221-URW375CDE 6-11…
  • Page 38
    NAME PLATES Sticker [Caution, Remote controlled operation] CAUTION Remote-controlled operation For approx. two seconds after the key is switched ON, the system is analyzed. Do not operate the crane during this period. If the crane is operated during system analysis, a voice urging “service remote control”…
  • Page 39: Definition Of Terms

    7. DEFINITION OF TERMS Outrigger extension URW505C4U 40° 30° 30° 40° Bracket Vertical cylinder Outer box Approx. 2in(50mm) above the ground Flat and solid ground Carry out operation by making the crane level on a flat and solid ground with the outriggers extended to their extremes, and with the crane body raised by approx.

  • Page 40
    DEFINITION OF TERMS URW375C4U / URW376C4U / URW506C4U / URW547C4U 40° 30° 30° 40° Bracket Vertical cylinder Outer box Approx. 2in(50mm) above the ground Flat and solid ground Inner box Mark (2nd) ● Mark (1st) ● The figure above shows that outriggers are extended to their extremes. Carry out operation by making the crane level on a flat and solid ground with the outriggers extended to their extremes, and with the crane body raised by approx.
  • Page 41
    DEFINITION OF TERMS 1 URW370C4U .  Since the rated load varies according to how the outriggers are extended, the rated load ◆   has been set for respective extended conditions. Figure below shows the cases where the outriggers are extended to “maximum”, “halfway”, and “minimum”.
  • Page 42
    DEFINITION OF TERMS 2 URW505C4U .  There is no outrigger “halfway” and “minimum” extension for the short outrigger model. ◆   Outriggers extended to maximum Front 13.4ft (4080mm) 13.4ft Rear (4080mm)
  • Page 43
    DEFINITION OF TERMS 3 URW506C4U .  URW547C4U Since the rated load varies according to how the outriggers are extended, the rated load ◆   has been set for respective extended conditions. Figure below shows the cases where the outriggers are extended to “maximum”, “halfway”, and “minimum”.
  • Page 44: How Boom-Sections Are Extended

    DEFINITION OF TERMS How boom-sections are extended 1 URW375C4U .  • How boom-sections are extended URW505C4U Boom Boom Boom All boom sections are retracted. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom section(2) only is extended. Boom Boom Boom 1+2+3 Boom Boom Boom…

  • Page 45
    DEFINITION OF TERMS 2 URW376C4U .  • How boom-sections are extended Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom All booms are completely retracted. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom section(2) only is extended. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom 1+2+3 Boom sections(2) and (3) extended to a position where 1st mark on the…
  • Page 46
    DEFINITION OF TERMS 3 URW506C4U .  • How boom-sections are extended Boom Boom Boom Boom All boom sections are retracted. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom section(2) only is extended. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom 1+2+3 Boom Boom sections(2) and (3) extended to a position where the mark…
  • Page 47
    DEFINITION OF TERMS 4 URW547C4U .  • How boom-sections are extended 13.1ft(3.99m) Boom 13.1 ft Boom All booms are completely retracted. (3.99m) 15.5ft(4.74m) Boom means that the boom is 15.5ft(4.74m) Boom extended to a position where the mark on 15.5 ft Boom the 2nd boom-section is visible.
  • Page 48
    DEFINITION OF TERMS 44.5ft Boom (13.57m) 44.5ft(13.57m) Boom means that the boom is extended to a position where the 2nd mark on the 44.5ft(13.57m) Boom 4th boom-section is visible. 54.0ft Boom (16.48m) 54.0ft(16.48m) Boom means that the boom is extended to a position where the 3rd mark on the 54.0ft(16.48m) Boom 4th boom-section is visible.
  • Page 49: Net Rated Load

    DEFINITION OF TERMS Net rated load Net load which can be lifted by hook deter- mined on the basis of stability of crane. Rated load Weight of hooking Maximum load including hook and hooking Net rated load Rated load implements implements which can be lifted according to such as the boom angle and/or the boom length deter-…

  • Page 50
  • Page 51: How To Refer To Working Range Chart And Rated Load Chart

    8. HOW TO REFER TO WORKING RANGE CHART AND RATED LOAD CHART These charts are stuck in front of crane operation levers and how to refer to charts is illustrated as follows: Working range chart The chart shows the relation among boom length and working radius, boom angle, and lift above ground.

  • Page 52: Rated Load Chart

    HOW TO REFER TO WORKING RANGE CHART AND RATED LOAD CHART Rated load chart The chart shows maximum load which can be hoisted up for every combination of boom-sec- tions to be extended for each working radius. RATED LOADS CHART BOOM SECTION WORKING RADIUS(ft) 8.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0…

  • Page 53
    HOW TO REFER TO WORKING RANGE CHART AND RATED LOAD CHART CAUTION • The chart shows hoisting capacity when the crane is set up level with the outriggers extended and the data are based on actual working radi- us by incorporating shift due to deflection of the boom under loaded. •…
  • Page 54
  • Page 55: Description Of Each Control Device

    9. DESCRIPTION OF EACH CONTROL DEVICE Overwinding alarm ◆ Function of overwinding alarm The device automatically makes an alarm Cord reel sound to warn that the wire ropes are being overwound when the hook comes close to the boom top. Overwinding detector Weight for over- winding alarm…

  • Page 56: Automatic Stop For Overwinding

    DESCRIPTION OF EACH CONTROL DEVICE Automatic stop for overwinding Stop Function of automatic stop for ◆ Restore (extending) overwinding (retraction) If the hook comes close to the boom top and it hits against the weight for overwinding alarm, voice alarm sounds and functions of winding-up hook, extending boom, and rais- Stop Stop…

  • Page 57
    DESCRIPTION OF EACH CONTROL DEVICE ◆ How to reset when automatic stop for overwinding is found Reset to be out of order If crane cannot be operated due to failure in the automatic stop, reset the automatic stop and store the crane. Step 1 Turn the reset switch for the automatic stop Automatic stop for…
  • Page 58: Boom Angle Chart

    DESCRIPTION OF EACH CONTROL DEVICE Boom angle chart The chart reads the working radius corre- (Side of boom) sponding to extended length of boom and its angle. Pointer ◆ Working radius Scale The value to which the needle points on the scale of meter is the working radius in each combination of boom-sections being extend- ◆…

  • Page 59
    DESCRIPTION OF EACH CONTROL DEVICE • The following is an example of how to use the load chart. 1. Extend the 4th stage boom completely. 2. Using the boom angle indicator as you guide, raise boom to 40° elevation. As can be seen, the boom radius is approximately 26 feet and the hook height is approximately 23 feet.
  • Page 60
    DESCRIPTION OF EACH CONTROL DEVICE CAUTION Working radius before hoisting cargo Since the working radius increas- es due to deflection of the boom when a cargo starts to be lifted up, set the boom angle so that the hook comes to somewhat inner side.
  • Page 61
    DESCRIPTION OF EACH CONTROL DEVICE • How to refer to hoisting capacity when outriggers are extended to minimum or to halfway. (URW505C4U exclude) As a general rule, the outriggers are to be extended to their extremes. If it is forced to operate the crane with the outriggers extended to minimum or to halfway, oper- ate the crane in accordance with instructions shown below.
  • Page 62: Warning Horn

    DESCRIPTION OF EACH CONTROL DEVICE Warning horn Before lifting up the cargo, depress the warn- ing horn switch on the crawler panel to give warning sound to those who have entered Warning horn switch within slewing range during crane operation, or to workers in charge of slinging work near the cargo or in a course where the cargo may pass along.

  • Page 63: How To Operate Carrier

    10. HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER Designation of each control lever and its location URW505C4U Crawling lever (Right) Crawling lever (Left) Monitor lamps Starter switch Interlock for crane-crawl operation Accelerator pedal Crawling speed change lever 10-1…

  • Page 64
    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER URW375C4U / URW376C4U / URW506C4U / URW547C4U Crawling lever (Right) Crawling lever (Left) Monitor lamps Starter switch Interlock for crane-crawl operation Accelerator pedal Crawling speed change lever 10-2…
  • Page 65: Preparation Before Operation

    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER Preparation before operation WARNING • Ventilate well when starting the engine in a small limited area or indoors. • Do not start the engine from the outside of the operator’s seat. • Confirm the safety around the crane working site before starting the engine.

  • Page 66
    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER Description of warning lamps • Warning lamp for engine lubricating oil pressure When engine lubricating oil pressure drops, the lamp lights to tell as it is the failure. In case where the lamp lights during opera- tion, stop the crane work immediately as it is possible that the engine may seize up and move the crane to a safe place, then stop the…
  • Page 67
    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER • Warning lamp for alternator (for charging) The lamp lights when something is wrong with the charging system while the engine is running In case where the lamp lights during opera- tion, stop the crane work immediately and move the crane to a safe place to stop the engine running.
  • Page 68: Precautions Before Operation

    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER Precautions before operation (air-bleeding procedures) WARNING • Do not feed fuel (for air breading) to the fuel system by starting the engine with the use of starter motor. Otherwise the coil, the pinion gear, and the starter gear may be dam- aged due to over-heat of the starter motor.

  • Page 69: How To Operate

    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER How to operate WARNING Do not start the engine by using a auxiliary ignition fluid as it may be in danger of explosion. ◆ Starting engine • Starting in normal condition Insert the key into the starter switch and turn it to ON position.

  • Page 70
    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER • Starting in a cold weather When it is hard to start the engine in lower outside air temperature, take steps as follows: Turn the starter switch key to HEAT position and wait until the pilot lamp indicating preheating engine goes out.
  • Page 71
    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER ◆ Steps to be taken after engine has started CAUTION Do not make engine to accelerate abruptly before it has been warmed up. After the engine has started, do not rush into crawling the crane but take the steps as fol- lows: Make sure that each warning lamp does not light after the engine has started.
  • Page 72: How To Crawl

    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER How to crawl WARNING • Start the crane crawling after the safety around the crawler has been confirmed and make a sign when crawling the crane. • Keep anyone away from the crane. • Pay special attention when turning left because the left side of crawl- er will be in your blind spot.

  • Page 73
    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER ◆ Starting, crawling, stopping the crane Press the pedal to release the interlock Forward Forward for crane-crawl operation and hold it. Neutral Neutral While sitting on the operator’s seat, Backward Backward shift the crawling levers (left and right) to the other side to make the crane to crawl Crawling straight forward and shift the levers to this side…
  • Page 74
    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER ◆ Making a turn • Making a turn while moving Pivot When traveling forward: It turns to the left (right) by shifting the right (left) traveling lever much further than the left (right) travel- ing lever. When traveling backward: It turns to the left (right) by shifting the right (left) traveling lever much further than the left (right) travel-…
  • Page 75
    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER WARNING Do not operate the right (left) traveling lever with the left (right) traveling lever put at its neutral position. Otherwise, the rubber crawler damages and the machine bounc- es from which may invite a very dangerous situation. In case where the machine is forced to operate this way, be sure to stop the movement of the machine first, allow the engine to run at a low speed to operate it slowly and gently.
  • Page 76
    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER ◆ How to park crane Release your foot from the accelera- tor pedal to make the engine run at low speed. Position to be locked Shift the crawling levers on both sided to neutral position and release your foot from the pedal to lock the interlock for crane- crawl operation.
  • Page 77: How To Fasten Carrier When In Transportation

    HOW TO OPERATE CARRIER How to fasten carrier when in transportation WARNING • Be sure to fasten the carrier before transportation with a vehicle such as truck. • Be sure to allow the carrier to take its storing position when in trans- portation.

  • Page 78
  • Page 79: How To Operate Crane

    11. HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Designation of each control lever and its location URW505C4U Slewing Boom Boom Hook Outrigger C.C.W. Extending Lowering Lowering Boom Boom Slewing Hook Retracting Raising C.W. Hoisting Outrigger control switch 11-1…

  • Page 80
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE URW375C4U / URW376C4U / URW506C4U / URW547C4U Slewing Boom Boom Hook Outrigger C.C.W. Extending Lowering Lowering Boom Boom Slewing Hook Retracting Raising C.W. Hoisting Outrigger control switch Outrigger vertical/horizontal selector switch 11-2…
  • Page 81: Preparation Before Operation

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Preparation before operation WARNING Do not let anyone stand under or in front of the hook as it swings when it is released from the hook holder. Failure to do this may invite an accident. (1) Make sure that each lever for controlling the crane and the outriggers is at its neu- tral position.

  • Page 82: Inspection Before Starting Crane Operation

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Inspection before starting crane opera- tion Before starting crane operation, be sure to check in accordance with procedures below that the control box functions normally. Remarks Since power to the “control box” is to be controlled by the engine key, it is energized automati- cally when starting the engine and indication [ ] on the “mode indicator lamp”…

  • Page 83
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE System diagnosis The crane is in the process of system diagno- sis while the “mode indicator lamp” is mak- ing a full lighting. Following items are to be checked by the sys- tem diagnosis. • Checking if electronic circuit in the control box is functioning properly.
  • Page 84: Procedures To Set Up Outriggers

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Procedures to set up outriggers WARNING • Crane operation without setting up the outriggers is strictly prohib- ited. • Do not operate the crane and extend the vertical cylinders and inner boxes while outriggers have been stored. •…

  • Page 85
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE For models URW505C4U Outrigger operation lever Outrigger monitor Outrigger mode Outrigger operation switch indicator lamp Operation mode switch Voice switch There are 4 outrigger operation switches and each switch is numbered. Select an outrigger control switch to throw it to desired function and operate the outrigger lever accordingly.
  • Page 86
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Check that the operation mode is select- ed to “OUTRIGGER” at this time and voice message, “Outrigger mode, Outriggers moving, Outriggers moving”, sounds and the outrigger mode indicator lamp on the control panel lights. If the outrigger mode indicator lamp fails to be lit, turn the operation mode switch to “OUTRIGGER”.
  • Page 87
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE WARNING Insert each set pin securely when the outriggers are being stored and set up on the ground. Insufficient insertion of the set pins allows a set pin to come off which in turn may make the crawler to lose balance causing the crane to be overturned.
  • Page 88
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE For models URW370, 506, 547C4U Outrigger operation lever Outrigger monitor Outrigger mode Outrigger operation switch indicator lamp Operation mode switch Voice switch Outrigger vertical/horizontal selector switch There are 4 outrigger operation switches and each switch is numbered. Select an outrigger control switch to throw it to desired function and operate the outrigger lever accordingly.
  • Page 89
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Check that the operation mode is select- ed to “OUTRIGGER” at this time and voice message, “Outrigger mode, Outriggers moving, Outriggers moving”, sounds and the outrigger mode indicator lamp on the control panel lights. If the outrigger mode indicator lamp fails to be lit, turn the operation mode switch to “OUTRIGGER”.
  • Page 90
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Turn the operation mode switch to “crane”. The voice message, “Crane mode, Crane mode”, is heard and the yellow lamp goes off. Unwind the hook by controlling the hook winding up/down lever to loosen it from its stored position. Do not stand under or in front of the hook as it may swing during this operation.
  • Page 91
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Extension of outriggers and rated load ◆   WARNING • Since the rated load varies how the outriggers are extended, the rated load has been set for respective extended conditions. Operate the crane within the load which has been set at each outrig- ger extension.
  • Page 92
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE . 2 URW505C4U Outriggers extended to maximum Front 13.4ft (4080mm) 13.4ft Rear (4080mm) . 3 URW506C4U URW547C4U Outriggers extended to maximum Outriggers extended halfway Outriggers extended to minimum Front Front Front 19.5ft 15.9ft 13.4ft (5940mm) (4840mm) (4080mm) 18.7ft 15.6ft…
  • Page 93: How To Operate Boom For Derricking

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE How to operate boom for derricking (raising and lowering) WARNING • An abrupt crane operation while a cargo is being lifted up gives an excessive shock to the crane which may cause the crane to be dam- age or the crawler to be overturned.

  • Page 94: How To Hoist And Lower The Hook

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE How to hoist and lower the hook WARNING • Pay attention that the hook will not be overwound. Be sure to turn ON the “voice switch”. • If the hook hits against the boom top due to being overwound of the hook, it may cause damage to the wire rope and the sheaves at the boom top and may cause the lifted cargo to fall.

  • Page 95
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE CAUTION • Further paying out of the wire rope after the hook has reached the ground causes the rope to be wound around the drum irregular- Lifting up a cargo with the rope irregularly wound on the drum dam- ages the rope which results in remarkable shortening of its service life.
  • Page 96: How To Telescope Boom

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE How to telescope boom WARNING • If the boom is extended further with the hook come close to the boom top, the hook may hit against the boom top causing the wire rope and the sheaves at the boom top to be damaged, and the fall of lifted cargo may result.

  • Page 97
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE URW375C4U Sequence of boom extension URW505C4U The boom is to start extending from outer sec- tions of boom. Sequence of boom retraction ③ ② The boom is to start retracting from top sec- ① ② tions of boom. Remarks Sections of boom shown in the box indicate that they are telescoping…
  • Page 98: How To Slew Boom

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE How to slew boom WARNING • Carry out slewing operation slowly without raising the engine speed. • Slewing without outriggers set up is strictly prohibited. • Control levers slowly to allow the boom to make a smooth start and stop for slewing.

  • Page 99
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE For slewing direction of boom, “slew to the right” means slewing in the direction in which the hands of a clock rotate (C.W.) and “slew to the left” means slewing in the oppo- site direction of clock hands (C.C.W.) when viewed from the top.
  • Page 100: How To Store Crane

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE How to store crane WARNING Be sure to store the boom from the left hand side of the operator’s seat. Retract the boom and swing it to a posi- tion close to the sticker indicating stor- ing position.

  • Page 101: Procedures For Storing Hook

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Procedures for storing hook WARNING • Never try operating the crane by controlling the hook storage lever as this is dangerous. • Store the hook after all boom sections have been retracted and low- ered fully. Wind up the hook with the “hook wind- ing up/down”…

  • Page 102
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE The hook is to be stored in its position in such a way that the roller at the upper side of the hook touches the guide on the boom top which in return the hook is raised up by the roller along the guide for storage.
  • Page 103: How To Store Outriggers

    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE How to store outriggers WARNING • Start storing outriggers after the boom has been stored. • When storing outriggers, be sure to retract the inner boxes to their extremes after the vertical cylinders have been fully retracted. (Do not retract the inner boxes without the vertical cylinders fully retracted.) *exclude URW505C4U.

  • Page 104
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Store the outriggers as follows: Turn the operation mode switch to “OUTRIGGER”. The voice message, “Outrigger mode, Set pin Outriggers moving, Outriggers moving”, is Retracting vertical issued and the Outrigger mode indicator lamp cylinder on the upper part of control panel lights. Turn the outrigger operation switches (4 places) to “STORE”…
  • Page 105
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE For models URW370, 506, 547C4U Outrigger operation lever Outrigger mode indicator lamp Outrigger operation switch Operation mode switch Voice switch Outrigger vertical/horizontal selector switch There are 4 outrigger operation switches and each switch is numbered. Select the switch for the outrigger you want to operate and turn it to the desired operation and then operate the outrigger with the outrigger operation lever.
  • Page 106
    HOW TO OPERATE CRANE Store the outriggers as follows: Turn the operation mode switch to “OUTRIGGER”. The voice message, “Outrigger mode, Set pin Outriggers moving, Outriggers moving”, is Retracting vertical issued and the Outrigger mode indicator lamp cylinder on the upper part of control panel lights. The outrigger vertical/horizontal selec- tor switch should be turned to “VERTICAL”…
  • Page 107: U-Wave, Radio Remote Control Device, (Option)

    12. U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) Request to those who operate the crane This radio remote control device conforms to regulations for specified small power radio station in the radio wave law. Use of U-WAVE, “specific low power type” interlocking radio control device, allows the crane operation that will hardly be influenced by radio interference compared with conventional radio remote controllers of weak radio wave type.

  • Page 108: Safety Precautions

    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) Safety precautions WARNING Observe the cautions for securing safety. Failure to observe the cautions may invite troubles or serious accidents. In case of crane operation through radio remote controller, pay attention to circumstances around the crane and to the safety especially for the crane that it will not to be overturned as the operator is to control the crane at a distance.

  • Page 109
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) Remove the batteries when the transmitter will not be used for a long period of time. Otherwise, leakage of battery may result. Be sure to observe the cautions indicated on the batteries Batteries as liquid inside will leak due to wrong use of batteries. Battery case Battery cover Dispose of used batteries in accordance with local…
  • Page 110
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) Do not thrust the control panel in the transmitter and/or control keys with a sharp article as it may make a hole resulting in entering water inside through it. Do not give the transmitter an abrupt tempera- ture change.
  • Page 111: Designation Of Each Equipment

    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) Designation of each equipment ◆ Construction of radio remote control device (Showing typical mounting example) Control box Receiver Waistband strap Transmitter Neck strap When hanging the transmitter on the waist 12-5…

  • Page 112
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ Designation of each part of transmitter Horn (Start) switch Speed selector switch Key switch Power lamp Boom raising/lowering(Crane/outrigger mode) (Extension/Retraction of outrigger ④) E-stop switch Hook Hoisting/Lowering(Shockless ON/OFF) Mode switch (Extension/Retraction of outrigger ③) Boom Extending/Retracting (OR Horizontal / Vertical) *exclude URW505C4U Selector…
  • Page 113
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ Designation of each part of control box Mode indicator lamp Control box reset switch 12-7…
  • Page 114: Inspection Before Crane Operation

    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) Inspection before crane operation Before starting crane operation, check that the control box functions correctly according to pro- cedures below. Remarks Since power to the “control box” is to be controlled by the engine starter key, it is ener- gized automatically when starting the engine and “mode indicator lamp”…

  • Page 115
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) If it was found normal after the system diagnosis has been completed, the mode indicator lamp lights either one of following indication and voice message, “Ping-pong, Remote control ready, Remote control ready”, is issued. Mode Information Indication priority…
  • Page 116: How To Switch Crane Operation Mode

    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) How to switch crane operation mode The crane can be operated either by manual control levers or by the radio remote control trans- mitter. Switch crane operation mode to the manual control mode for operating the crane with manual control lever, and to the radio remote control mode for operating the crane through radio remote control transmitter.

  • Page 117
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) The crane can only be operated through the radio control transmitter when it is on the radio remote control mode but it cannot be operated via manual control levers (including outriggers). List of available functions to be operated on each control mode Operation mode Crane operation Manual…
  • Page 118: How To Operate The Crane Through

    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) How to operate the crane through radio control operation ◆ Preparation before operation Extend the outriggers to their extremes with manual control levers to set up the crane body level. Remarks If operation of the crane (such as boom Raising/Lowering, hook Hoisting/Lowering, boom Extending/Retracting, and slewing C.C.W./C.W.) is carried out while outriggers…

  • Page 119
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) Depression of the “horn (start) switch” on the transmitter energizes the transmitter and “power lamp” lights (in red, in orange, or in green). • Power to the transmitter is to be turned OFF by pushing in the “E-stop switch”, or by turning OFF the “key switch”, or if time has passed for more than 5 minutes when no crane operation has been carried out.
  • Page 120
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ How to operate Horn (Start) switch Speed selector switch Key switch Power lamp Boom raising/lowering(Crane/outrigger mode) (Extension/Retraction of outrigger ④) E-stop switch Hook Hoisting/Lowering(Shockless ON/OFF) Mode switch (Extension/Retraction of outrigger ③) Boom Extending/Retracting (OR Horizontal / Vertical) *exclude URW505C4U Selector (Extension/Retraction of outrigger ②)
  • Page 121
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) WARNING When operating the crane with the radio remote control transmitter, be sure not to touch any of manual levers as manual levers shift simultane- ously. (3) When stopping the crane operation, return the “speed lever” slowly, and then return the “selector switch”.
  • Page 122
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) 2. How to confirm and change speed mode When operating the crane with the engine running at a medium speed, or at a lower speed such as in case of working at night, the speed mode can be changed.
  • Page 123
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) Remarks Setting of speed mode is to be memorized even when power to transmitter has been turned OFF. Note that a slight speed difference between swinging C.C.W./C.W. may be found when swinging it on the low speed mode which is not a fault. (3) Speed mode and manual lever control Manual lever control is also applied to the speed mode.
  • Page 124
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) 3. Interlocking balance control function When interlocking operation (operation of speed lever with more than 2 of “selector switches” thrown) is carried out through the radio control transmitter, the system equips the function con- trolling movement of each control lever for each combination of the “selector switches”.
  • Page 125
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) In order for the interlocking balance retaining function to be valid, depress the “store hook” switch with the “boom Up/Down” switch turned to “Up”. Voice message, “Change control mode, Change control mode”, sounds and the interlocking bal- ance retaining function changes to be valid.
  • Page 126
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) • Example of operation Interlocking operation of both “Boom extending” and “Hook Lowering”. Pull the speed lever with the “hook Up/Down (Switch in detail) switch” thrown to “Down” and the “Boom Ext/Ret switch” put to “Ext”. E-STOP The hook lowers and the boom starts to extend.
  • Page 127
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) • To increase winding down speed of (Switch in detail) hook E-STOP Click the “hook Up/Down switch” to “Down” side. This allows the speed of hook down to (START) STORE HOOK SPEED MODE become faster than that of boom extension. (En.
  • Page 128: Radio Control Operation

    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) 5. Shock-less function The system equips a “shock-less” function allowing the crane to stop gently even when the crane has been made an abrupt stop by radio control transmitter. Since the crane will not make an abrupt stop against a sharp operation, it eases shock to the crane and/or to the mounted vehicle, and it is also effective to prevent the wire rope from…

  • Page 129
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) In order to inactivate the shock-less function, Hook Up/Down switch throw the “hook Up/Down switch” to Mode switch “Down” with the “mode switch” depressed. The shock-less will not be functioning. In order to activate the shock-less function, throw the “hook Up/Down switch”…
  • Page 130
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) 6. Engine speed control function Independent operation The system equips a function controlling the engine running at a suitable speed according to operating condition of the crane. The function helps save energy because it can ease temperature rise of hydraulic oil and restrict the unnecessary increase of engine speed by controlling the engine to run at an…
  • Page 131
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ How to store hook WARNING • Since releasing the hook from its stored position allows it to swing, it may cause an acci- dent if a person stands under or in front of the hook. In addition, excessive pulling of the “speed lever”…
  • Page 132
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) (1) Wind up the hook with the “hook Up/ Hook Up/Down switch Down” of selector switches. Store Hook switch The hook stops being wound-up automati- cally when it hits against the weight for overwinding alarm. •…
  • Page 133
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) (4) The hook hits against the guide on the boom top to be stored in position. Storing hook operation stops when the “speed lever” is returned and then the “store hook” switch is returned. Remarks The engine is still running at a low speed (idling) while the hook is being stored.
  • Page 134
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ How to operate outriggers Crane operation mode and outrigger opera- tion mode can also be switched from radio control transmitter. 1. Preparation before operation Boom Up/Down switch When the selector switch is thrown to Mode switch “boom down”…
  • Page 135
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) 2.Operation Boom Ext/Ret switch Extension/retraction control of vertical cyl- Mode switch inder and of inner box can also be switched from radio control transmitter. (1) When the selector switch is thrown to “boom extend” with the “mode switch” depressed, voice message, “Change control mode, Change control mode”, is issued and it allows switching to exten-…
  • Page 136
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) To extend Turn the switch to “Extend” to pull the “speed lever”. To retract Turn the switch to “Retract” to pull the “speed lever”. To stop Return the “selector switch” after the “speed lever” has been returned slowly. Remarks When the “crane/outrigger operation mode selector switch”…
  • Page 137
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) 3. Closing operation Outrigger mode indicator lamp Operation mode switch When extending/retracting operation of outrigger through the radio control trans- mitter has been over, be sure to turn the “crane/outrigger operation mode selector switch” to “crane”. The outrigger mode indicator lamp goes off and the buzzer stop sounding.
  • Page 138
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ Starting/Stopping engine Mode switch Slewing C.W./C.C.W. The engine can be started and stopped from switch the radio control transmitter. (1) When the engine key is turned ON, turn- ing the selector switch to “slewing C.C.W.”…
  • Page 139
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ How to reset when in trouble with automatic stop for overwinding Reset In case where operation of “hook Up”, “boom Extend”, and “boom Up” becomes impossible due to trouble with automatic stop for over-winding, operate it with the automat- ic stop switch for overwinding on the crane side put to “Reset”.
  • Page 140
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) 2. Resetting low temperature operation mode Depress the “store hook” switch with the “swing C.C.W./C.W.” switch turned to “C.W.”. Indication of “mode indicator lamp” changes to [ ] and voice message “Ping-pong, Change control mode, Change control mode”, is issued. (Indication will not change if the “mode indicator”…
  • Page 141: How To Replace Batteries Of Transmitter

    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) How to replace bat- teries of transmitter ◆ How to replace batteries of transmitter CAUTION • When the power lamp of trans- mitter starts blinking, replace the batteries as early as pos- sible. Leaving them as they were may cause the liquid of batter- ies to be leaked out.

  • Page 142
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ Battery to be employed a size AAA battery: 4 pieces Use alkaline-type battery. (Manganese-type battery has a short service life.) Remarks About the use of rechargeable batteries Although UNIC recommends the use of alka- line type battery in the radio control device, other rechargeable batteries such as nickel- hydrogen type and nickel-cadmium type may…
  • Page 143
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ How to replace batteries (1) Turn OFF power to the crane (Turn OFF Battery the starter switch.). (2) Pull out the battery cover with the hook on the cover pushed in. (3) Replace old batteries in the battery holder Battery holder with new ones.
  • Page 144: Daily Checks, Trouble Inspection

    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) Daily checks, trouble inspection ◆ Daily checks For cranes with radio remote control device, you are requested to inspect your crane for follow- ing items as well as carry out daily checks on your crane (read operator’s manual of UNIC crane concerned for detail).

  • Page 145
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ Check lamps (Radio control receiver) Check lamps are mounted on the radio receiver, and they light as follows when it is in normal operating condition: Receiver Check lamps Interference lamp Interference (Lights) Receiving lamp Receiving (Blinks) Error lamp Error (Blinks)
  • Page 146
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ Trouble inspection If a trouble is found in the radio remote control device, check the following then contact the nearest UNIC authorized service shop. Check if: (1) Crane is controlled by manual levers. (2) The “power lamp”…
  • Page 147
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ How to make an emergency stop In case of emergency such as that the crane does not stop operation or the engine will not return to idling speed even if no crane operation has been made, depress the “EMERGENCY” switch on the switch panel.
  • Page 148
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ Operation in an emergency If the crane fails to be operated either by radio remote control or by manual control, operate the crane by taking procedures as follows: Procedure 1 (1) Disconnect power connector [BATTERY MAIN] located under the control valve.
  • Page 149
    U-WAVE, Radio remote control device, (Option) ◆ Replacement of line filter element Line filter Replace the element inside of line filter after 1 year from the start of operation. Be sure also to replace the element when the Element hydraulic pump is replaced and replace it after 1 year from the start of operation of the pump.
  • Page 150
  • Page 151: Maintenance And Inspection Of Carrier

    13. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER WARNING • Caution signboard Be sure to hang a “caution signboard” such as on control levers while either maintenance or inspection is being carried out, and do not try operating the crane. • Be sure to replace consumable items according to the replace- ment criteria.

  • Page 152: Inspection Before Operation

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Inspection before operation WARNING • Be sure to stop the engine, and store the boom and the outriggers before carrying out maintenance and inspection. • A fire source such as smoking cigarette in mouth is strictly prohib- ited.

  • Page 153
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Check for remaining fuel quantity / Draining water WARNING • Fuel (diesel fuel oil) is highly inflammable. Do not smoke and bring a fire source close to the fuel when refueling and draining sediment. •…
  • Page 154
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER • Moisture mixed with the fuel can be removed by the water separator. • Draining moisture and sediment by water separator Water separator is built in the fuel filter and functions to separate moisture from the water mixed fuel to avoid trouble caused by water.
  • Page 155
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Check for engine oil quantity / Filling up WARNING Wipe up spilled oil thoroughly after filling it up as it may cause the fire. CAUTION Replace engine oil and fuel filter element after 100 hours (1 month) of operation, then every 250-hour operation (3 months) thereafter.
  • Page 156
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Check for cooling water quan- tity / Filling up WARNING • In normal case, do not open the radiator cap. Removal of the cap with the engine overheated allows steam and heated water inside to blow out which may cause a skin burn. •…
  • Page 157
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Check for fan belt tension / Adjustment WARNING Do not make an inspection and an adjustment of fan belt while engine is running. • Check the fan belt for tension and for dam- Fan pulley age.
  • Page 158
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Check for battery electrolytic solution level / Filling up WARNING • Gas evaporated from the battery solution is inflammable. Do not bring a fire source close to the battery during a battery main- tenance. And, be sure to disconnect the negative (-) side of battery cord.
  • Page 159
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Check hydraulic oil tank for oil level / Filling up WARNING Since temperature on the hydraulic oil tank surface is too high immedi- ately after operation, remove the cap of the filling port after the tempera- ture has gone down.
  • Page 160
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Check for rubber crawler / Adjustment WARNING Do not check rubber crawler tension with the crane body raised above the ground. It is very dangerous because an accidental fall of the crane may happen during inspection. Be sure to carry out tension check with the crane touched the ground.
  • Page 161
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ■Adjustment WARNING Pressurized grease is filled in the adjusting cylinder. Do not unfasten the plug by more than 1(one) turn because slackening of the plug too further or too quick allows the plug to pop out or the grease to spurt out which may invite an accident resulting in injury or death.
  • Page 162
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER CAUTION • Do not crawl over lying rocks or stones with sharp edges. • Do not change direction where there is a difference in ground level. • Do not make a quick change of direction as it may cause the wheels to go off the rubber crawler.
  • Page 163: Inspection And Maintenance Which Is To Be Carried Out Every 250 Hours Or 3 Months

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Inspection and Maintenance which is to be carried out every 250 hours or 3 months ◆ Replacement of engine oil in the oil pan and engine oil filter element WARNING • Do not rush to replace engine oil as it is heated to a high temperature immediately after the engine has been stopped.

  • Page 164
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Apply oil sparingly to the packing of new oil filter. Clean the filter bed to mount the new oil filter by rotating it clockwise. Tighten it further by rotating approx. 2/3 turns from which the packing surface touch- es the seal surface on the filter bed.
  • Page 165
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Check for air cleaner element / Cleaning WARNING Do not make a cleaning and a replacement of air cleaner while engine is running. CAUTION If the crane is operated in dusty environment, shorten accordingly the time when making inspection and cleaning.
  • Page 166
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Wipe out inside of the body with a piece of clean cloth. Attach a new or the cleaned outside ele- ment. Fit the dust cup and clamp it. Clamp Dust cup Check the air piping for tightness of piping such as in hose clamps.
  • Page 167
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Cleaning of element/Check CAUTION • Do not strike the air cleaner element or hit it against other object when cleaning the cleaner. • Do not use a cleaner which has been damaged in the folds or gasket.
  • Page 168
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Cleaning of fuel filter element with water separator WARNING • Do not rush to start cleaning of fuel filter as it is heated to a high tem- perature immediately after the engine has been stopped. Clean the filter after the oil has cooled down.
  • Page 169
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Throw the cock of fuel filter with water “CLOSE” separator upward to “CLOSE” position. Unfasten the retaining ring to remove the filter case and the element. Cock Wash the element with a diesel fuel and Retaining blow compressed air with a pressure of ring…
  • Page 170
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Check oil quantity in the reduction gears of crawling motor/Filling up WARNING • Do not rush to work as each section of crawling devices is heat- ed to a high temperature immediately after the crane operation. Work after temperature of crawling devices have gone down.
  • Page 171: Inspection And Maintenance Which Is To Be Carried Out Every 500 Hours Or 6 Months

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Inspection and Maintenance which is to be car- ried out every 500 hours or 6 months Carry out “Inspection and Maintenance which is to be carried out every 250 hours or 3 months”, illustrated in the previous section, together with this inspection and maintenance.

  • Page 172
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Throw the cock of fuel filter with water “CLOSE” separator upward to “CLOSE” position. Unfasten the retaining ring to remove the filter case and the element. Cock Wash the filter case with diesel fuel and Retaining fit the new element.
  • Page 173: Inspection And Maintenance Which Is To Be Carried Out Every 1000 Hours Or 12 Months

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Inspection and Maintenance which is to be carried out every 1000 hours or 12 months Carry out “Inspection and Maintenance which is to be carried out every 250/ 500 hours or 3/6 months”, illustrated in previous sections together with this inspection and maintenance.

  • Page 174
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Remove the cover to take out the suc- tion strainer after draining. Cover Remove dust stuck to the strainer and wash it with nonflammable wash oil. Replace the strainer if it is found damaged. Check if there is foreign object depos- ited in the tank and wash inside of the tank with a wash oil.
  • Page 175
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Replacement of line filter element WARNING • Do not rush to start replacement of line filter element as it is heated to a high temperature immediately after the engine has been stopped. Replace the filter element after the oil has cooled down. •…
  • Page 176
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Pour the specified amount of speci- fied oil into the filling port. Capacity of hydraulic oil tank: 19.8gal(75 liters). Fit the filling port plug, then bleed the air in the hydraulic system. Idle the engine at low speed and repeat Filling port extending and retracting each cylinder between positions where it will not come to…
  • Page 177
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Replacement of oil in the reduction gears of crawling motor WARNING • Do not rush to start replacement of oil as it is heated to a high temperature immediately after the engine has been stopped. Replace oil after the oil has cooled down.
  • Page 178
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Tighten the drain plug and fill a speci- fied oil in the filling port. A proper oil quantity is to be confirmed when the oil is filled until it flows out of the oil quantity check port. Put the filling port plug and the oil quantity check port plug and tighten them.
  • Page 179: Non-Regular Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Non-regular maintenance ◆ Check for cooling water quan- tity /Filling up WARNING • Removal of the cap with the engine overheated allows steam and heated water inside to blow out which may cause a skin burn. In order to carry out the ser- vice for cooling system, stop the engine and wait until water…

  • Page 180
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Unfasten the drain cock on the radiator to drain the cooling water. Close the drain cock. Drain cock Wash it with a detergent available on the market. Wash it by following the instructions attached to the detergent you bought. (Run the engine at a speed slightly higher than the idling to raise the water tempera- ture to a level of more than 176ºF(80ºC) and…
  • Page 181
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Stop the engine to adjust the cooling water quantity to a proper level. Reservoir tank Fill the water until it comes to the neck of water supplying port and fill it to “FULL” mark on the reservoir tank. FULL 上限…
  • Page 182
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Inspection and Maintenance of the inside of fuel tank and fuel strainer WARNING • Fuel is highly inflammable. Turn the starter switch OFF and avoid any fire source while the fuel system is being maintained. •…
  • Page 183
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER ◆ Cleaning and Inspection of radiator fin WARNING Wear safety goggles when cleaning it by blowing a compressed air and set the air pressure to a level less than 0.49MPa (71.1psi(5kgf/cm If the fin is clogged with something such as dust and leaves, it prevent the air from flow- ing through to decrease cooling efficiency remarkably which in turn causes the engine…
  • Page 184: Storage

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Storage WARNING • Stop the engine and thoroughly remove dirt and dust stuck on the carrier body. In particular, be sure to remove the dust stuck to the battery, electric wiring, and the members directly affected by engine heat such as muffler as it may cause a fire.

  • Page 185: Fitting Safety Covers

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CARRIER Fitting safety covers WARNING Be sure to fit the safety covers removed during inspection and mainte- nance where they were fitted originally. It is very dangerous because uncovered rotating members and heated parts may cause injury. Maintenance and inspection of engine Carry out the maintenance and inspection of engine according to “Instruction manual for engine”.

  • Page 186
  • Page 187: Maintenance And Inspection Of Crane

    14. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CRANE WARNING • Caution signboard Be sure to hang a “caution signboard” such as on control levers while either maintenance or inspection is being carried out, and do not try operating the crane. • Be sure to replace consumable items according to the replacement criteria.

  • Page 188: Inspection Before Operation

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CRANE Inspection before operation In order to secure safe operation and improve working efficiency, be sure to inspect each part of the crane according to the table as follows: Device Servicing item Device Servicing item Device Servicing item Rotation of hook Tightness of each…

  • Page 189: Cleaning

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CRANE Cleaning Keep the crane clean at any time. Sands and fine dusts may cause an abnormal wear . Do not wash the crane by splashing highly pressurized water to prevent it from entering into the electric system which may cause malfunction of the crane.

  • Page 190: Replacement Of Wire Rope (For Winding-Up)

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CRANE Replacement of wire rope (for winding-up) Wire rope is an expendable article and it will be damaged and its strand wires are broken to allow it to be thinner through a long period of operation. Replace the rope according to following cri- teria.

  • Page 191
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CRANE ◆ How to replace wire ropes Refer to the figure in the left for how to hook the wire ropes for winding -up and for Wire clip where the weight for overwinding alarm is to be mounted.
  • Page 192
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CRANE How to fix wire rope end. (1) When passing the wire rope end through Wire rope end the wire socket, be sure to pass it as indi- 1.57in. (40mm) cated by the arrow mark on the socket. Notch If it is passed from the opposite direction, service life of wire rope shortens as the…
  • Page 193
    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CRANE ◆ How to correct twisted wire ropes Wire ropes tend to turn in untwisting direc- tion when they are under tension. If two or more wire ropes are hooked togeth- er, they tend to be twisted particularly while they are new.
  • Page 194: Replacement Of Expendable Parts

    MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF CRANE Replacement of expendable parts ◆ Replacement of gaskets and seals for each cylinder Although timing of replacement of a part var- ies according to how frequently the crane has been operated, replace gaskets and seals used in each cylinder after every 3 years of opera- tion (period during which crane has not been operated is included) in order to operate the…

  • Page 195: Water Supply And Lubrication To Carrier

    15. WATER SUPPLY AND LUBRICATION TO CARRIER WARNING • Be sure to stop the engine, and store the boom and the outriggers before carrying out filling/replacing lubricant and/or fuel. • A fire source such as smoking cigarette in mouth is strictly prohib- ited.

  • Page 196: List Of Recommended Lubricant

    WATER SUPPLY AND LUBRICATION TO CARRIER List of recommended lubricant 1.Use the engine oils as below: ◆   Depending on atmospheric temperature Classification — 30 — 20 — 10 Rating to be applied (- 22 SAE5W SAE30 Engine oil Diesel engine oil SAE10W of CD class SAE10W — 30…

  • Page 197
    WATER SUPPLY AND LUBRICATION TO CARRIER 5.Hydraulic oil is the same as the oil used in the crane. ◆   6. Use the gear oils for the reduction gears of crawling motor as below: ◆   Use the gear oils SAE#90 GL4 or equivalent. 15-3…
  • Page 198: Filling Water And Lubrication Chart

    WATER SUPPLY AND LUBRICATION TO CARRIER Filling water and lubrication chart Fuel ④ ⑤ ② ③ ① No. of Service interval Where to lubricate Lubricant Tool part Initial: Replace after 100 hours ①Engine 0.9gal(3.4 liters) Engine oil After : Replace every 250 hours Initial : 30 hours, Whenever neces- ② …

  • Page 199: Lubrication To Crane

    16. LUBRICATION TO CRANE WARNING • Do not carry out maintenance and inspection while temperature of hydraulic oil is still high. • Be sure to stop the engine to carry out lubrication. • Temperature if both hydraulic and gear oils is high immediately after crane operation so that accumulated high pressure still remains inside.

  • Page 200: List Of Recommended Lubricant

    LUBRICATION TO CRANE List of recommended lubricant ◆ List of recommended lubricants • Use the UNIC genuine hydraulic oils listed below as hydraulic oil for the crane. Use industrial-type hydraulic oil ISO VG 46 for temperatures above 32̊ F (0 ̊ C ) ISO VG 32 for temperatures below 32̊…

  • Page 201: Lubrication Chart

    LUBRICATION TO CRANE Lubrication chart ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ 5-section boom ① ⑭ ⑬ ⑥ ⑦ ④ ⑨ ⑤ 6-section boom ⑮ ⑱ ⑯ 7-section boom ② ⑮ ⑧ ⑲ ⑰ ③ Service No. of Where to lubricate Lubricant Tool interval part Molybdenum grease Manual appli-…

  • Page 202: Lubrication

    LUBRICATION TO CRANE Lubrication ◆ Replacement of gear oil (Winch reduction gears and Slewing reduction gears) Air enters in and out of the gear case so Winch reduction gears that dirt and moisture are brought in the gear case. (Draining oil) In addition, since hydraulic equipment gradually wears to produce worn particles, replace gear oil 6 months after the start of…

  • Page 203
    LUBRICATION TO CRANE ◆ Lubrication to slewing bear- ◆ Lubrication to wire ropes for ings boom extension The crane employs ball bearings as the slew- Spray the rope grease sufficiently once a ing bearing. month to the wire ropes for boom extension Be sure to lubricate the bearings as insuffi- with the boom fully extended.
  • Page 204
  • Page 205: Major Specifications

    17. MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS URW375C4U(5-section boom) (Speed indicated in the table below is at oil temperature range of 113~131°F(45~55°C), operat- ing with no-load, and at rated pump discharge.) Major specifications Crane capacity 6680 lbs.(3.03t) × 8.0ft(2.5m) (Net rated load) (With outriggers, extended fully) Maximum lift above ground (Hook) 41.3ft(12.6m) Boom to be extended to:…

  • Page 206
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Equipment and construction Boom:5-section, Hexagonal box beam Telescoped by direct pushing of double acting hydraulic cylinder together with by wire rope Boom telescoping (With hydraulic automatic locking device) (2nd & 3rd section : sequential actuation, 4th & 5th sections: simulta- neous actuation) Direct pushing by hydraulic cylinder Boom derricking…
  • Page 207
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Crawling device Crawling Endless rubber crawler Crawler 1ft×2in.×88links (300mm×52.5mm×88links) Length of ground contact 5.74ft (1750mm) Pressure of ground contact 5.12psi (35.7kPa(0.36kgf/cm Crawling speed Forward/Backward: 0~1.8mph (0~3km/h) Hill-climbing ability 23° Rated output 20.4hp (15.2kW)/2500rpm (20.7PS/2500rpm) Model : 3TNV80F-SNFK (Yanmar Co,Ltd) Engine Displacement: 77.2cu.in.
  • Page 208
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Chart of rated load (4-part line hook) RATED LOADS CHART BOOM SECTION WORKING RADIUS(ft) 8.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 18.4 6680 5150 4570 3760 3180 2780 2500 MAXIMUM RATED OUTRIGGERS 6680 5050 4500 3720 2820 2100 1750 HALFWAY EXTENDED LOAD(lbs)
  • Page 209
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Points to notice, Rated load • Rated load showing on the chart is hoisting capacity with the crane set up level and the data are based on actual working radius by incorporating a shift due to deflection of the boom when loaded. In addition, they are based on strength and stability of the crane.
  • Page 210
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS • Operating condition of booms; Boom Boom Boom All booms are completely retracted. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom only is extended. Boom Boom Boom 1+2+3 Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom sections are extended to their extremes.
  • Page 211: Urw376C4U(6-Section Boom)

    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS URW376C4U(6-section boom) (Speed indicated in the table below is at oil temperature range of 113~131°F(45~55°C), operat- ing with no-load, and at rated pump discharge.) Major specifications Crane capacity 6680 lbs.(3.03t) × 8.0ft(2.5m) (Net rated load) (With outriggers, extended fully) Maximum lift above ground (Hook) 48.9ft(14.9m) Boom to be extended to:…

  • Page 212
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Equipment and construction Boom:6-section, Hexagonal box beam Telescoped by direct pushing of double acting hydraulic cylinder together with by wire rope Boom telescoping (With hydraulic automatic locking device) (2nd section : sequential actuation, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th sections: simul- taneous actuation) Direct pushing by hydraulic cylinder Boom derricking…
  • Page 213
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Crawling device Crawling Endless rubber crawler Crawler 1ft×2in.×88links (300mm×52.5mm×88links) Length of ground contact 5.74ft (1750mm) Pressure of ground contact 5.3psi (36.0kPa(0.37kgf/cm Crawling speed Forward/Backward: 0~1.8mph (0~3km/h) Hill-climbing ability 23° Rated output 20.4hp (15.2kW)/2500rpm (20.7PS/2500rpm) Model : 3TNV80F-SNFK (Yanmar Co,Ltd) Engine Displacement: 77.2cu.in.
  • Page 214
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Chart of rated load (4-part line hook) RATED LOADS CHART BOOM SECTION WORKING RADIUS(ft) 8.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 18.6 6680 6680 5150 4570 3760 3180 2780 2420 MAXIMUM RATED OUTRIGGERS 6680 6680 5100 4520 3600 2750 2100 1760 HALFWAY…
  • Page 215
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Chart of rated load (Single line hook) Boom sections extended: ①,①+② Working radius(ft) 10.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 18.9 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 Outriggers extended to maximum Rated 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 Outriggers extended to halfway laod (lbs) 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 1630 1500 1100…
  • Page 216
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Points to notice, Rated load • Rated load showing on the chart is hoisting capacity with the crane set up level and the data are based on actual working radius by incorporating a shift due to deflection of the boom when loaded. In addition, they are based on strength and stability of the crane.
  • Page 217
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS • Operating condition of booms; Boom Boom Boom Boom All booms are completely retracted. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom is extended. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom 1+2+3 Boom is extended to the mark the side plate of Boom Boom Boom…
  • Page 218: Urw505C4U(5-Section Boom)

    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS URW505C4U(5-section boom) (Speed indicated in the table below is at oil temperature range of 113~131°F(45~55°C), operat- ing with no-load, and at rated pump discharge.) Major specifications Crane capacity 6680 lbs.(3.03t) × 11.1ft(3.4m) (Net rated load) (With outriggers, extended fully) Maximum lift above ground (Hook) 45.3ft(13.8m) Boom to be extended to:…

  • Page 219
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Equipment and construction Boom:5-section, Hexagonal box beam Telescoped by direct pushing of double acting hydraulic cylinder together with by wire rope Boom telescoping (With hydraulic automatic locking device) (2nd & 3rd section : sequential actuation, 4th & 5th sections: simulta- neous actuation) Direct pushing by hydraulic cylinder Boom derricking…
  • Page 220
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Crawling device Crawling Endless rubber crawler Crawler 1ft×2in.×88links (300mm×52.5mm×88links) Length of ground contact 5.74ft (1750mm) Pressure of ground contact 6.09psi (42.0kPa(0.43kgf/cm Crawling speed Forward/Backward: 0~1.8mph (0~3km/h) Hill-climbing ability 23° Rated output 20.4hp (15.2kW)/2500rpm (20.7PS/2500rpm) Model : 3TNV80F-SNFK (Yanmar Co,Ltd) Engine Displacement: 77.2cu.in.(1.266cm Fuel Type: Diesel…
  • Page 221
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Chart of rated load (4-part line hook) RATED LOADS BOOM SECTION 1+2+3 WORKING RADIUS(ft) 9.0 10.0 11.1 13.0 15.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.4 RATED LOAD(lbs) 6680 6680 6680 5250 4150 3600 2750 2200 1750 1500 1350 1200…
  • Page 222
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Points to notice, Rated load The rated load is performance when the crane is placed level and is based on an actual working radius including boom deflection under loaded. The rated load is also based on strength and stability of the crane. When each of boom sections being extended is exceeded even slightly, operate it by application of the capacity for the next boom section.
  • Page 223
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS • Operating condition of booms; Boom Boom Boom All booms are completely retracted. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom only is extended. Boom Boom Boom 1+2+3 Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom sections are extended to their extremes. Boom Boom 1+2+3+4…
  • Page 224: Urw506C4U(6-Section Boom)

    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS URW506C4U(6-section boom) (Speed indicated in the table below is at oil temperature range of 113~131°F(45~55°C), operat- ing with no-load, and at rated pump discharge.) Major specifications Crane capacity 5800 lbs.(2.63t) × 12.1ft(3.7m) (Net rated load) (With outriggers, extended fully) Maximum lift above ground (Hook) 49.9ft(15.21m) Boom to be extended to:…

  • Page 225
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Equipment and construction Boom:6-section, Hexagonal box beam Telescoped by direct pushing of double acting hydraulic cylinder together with by wire rope Boom telescoping (With hydraulic automatic locking device) (2nd section : sequential actuation, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th sections: simul- taneous actuation) Direct pushing by hydraulic cylinder Boom derricking…
  • Page 226
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Crawling device Crawling Endless rubber crawler Crawler 1ft.×2in.×88links (300mm×52.5mm×88links) Length of ground contact 5.74ft (1750mm) Pressure of ground contact 6.82psi (47.0kPa(0.48kgf/cm Crawling speed Forward/Backward: 0~1.8mph (0~3km/h) Hill-climbing ability 23° Rated output 20.4hp (15.2kW)/2500rpm (20.7PS/2500rpm) Model : 3TNV80F-SNFK (Yanmar Co,Ltd) Engine Displacement: 77.2cu.in.
  • Page 227
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Chart of rated load (4-part line hook) RATED LOADS BOOM SECTION 1+2+3 WORKING RADIUS(ft) 10. 0 12. 1 13. 0 14. 0 16. 0 18. 0 21. 0 24. 0 28. 0 5800 5800 5410 5000 4280 3820 3220 2790 2270 MAXIMUM…
  • Page 228
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Points to notice, Rated load • Rated load showing on the chart is hoisting capacity with the crane set up level and the data are based on actual working radius by incorporating a shift due to deflection of the boom when loaded. In addition, they are based on strength and stability of the crane.
  • Page 229
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS • How boom-sections are extended Boom Boom Boom Boom All booms are completely retracted. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom section(2) only is extended. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom 1+2+3 Boom sections(2) and (3) extended to a position where the mark on the boom section (3) is visible.
  • Page 230: Urw547C4U(7-Section Boom)

    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS URW547C4U(7-section boom) (Speed indicated in the table below is at oil temperature range of 113~131°F(45~55°C), operat- ing with no-load, and at rated pump discharge.) Major specifications Crane capacity 8920 lbs.(4050kg) × 8.0ft(2.5m) (Net rated load) Maximum lift above ground (Hook) 59.7ft(18.2m) Boom to be extended to: 15.5ft(13.1ft)~25.2ft~34.9ft~44.5ft~54.0ft~59.1ft…

  • Page 231
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Equipment and construction Boom:7-section, Hexagonal box beam Telescoped by direct pushing of double acting hydraulic cylinder together with by wire rope Boom telescoping (With hydraulic automatic locking device) (2nd and 3rd section: sequential actuation, 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th sections: simultaneous actuation) Direct pushing by hydraulic cylinder Boom derricking…
  • Page 232
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Crawling device Crawling Endless rubber crawler Crawler 1ft.×2in.×88links(300mm×52.5mm×88links) Length of ground contact 5.74ft(1750mm) Pressure of ground contact 6.8psi (47.0kPa(0.48kgf/cm Crawling speed Forward/Backward: 0~1.8mph(0~3km/h) Hill-climbing ability 23° Rated output20.4hp(15.2kW)/2500rpm (20.7PS/2500rpm) Model : 3TNV80F-SNFK (Yanmar Co,Ltd) Engine Displacement: 77.2cu.in. (1.266cm Fuel Type: Diesel Crawling Independently driven by hydraulic power…
  • Page 233
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Chart of rated load (4-part line hook) RATED LOADS CHART BOOM SECTION 15.5ft Boom 25.2ft Boom WORKING RADIUS(ft) 8.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 19.0 23.0 24.6 8920 7710 7010 5760 5350 4610 4080 3830 3080 2790 MAXIMUM RATED OUTRIGGERS…
  • Page 234
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Chart of rated load (Single line hook) Boom sections 15.5 ft Boom / 25.2 ft Boom Working radius(ft) 8.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 19.0 23.0 24.9 Outriggers extened to maximum 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 Rated Outriggers extended to halfway 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2000 laod (lbs)
  • Page 235
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Points to notice, Rated load • The net rated load is performance when the crane is placed level and is based on actual working radius including boom deflection under loaded. • ‘Outriggers max ext’ means the state that the inner box is extended to the position where the 2nd mark is visible.
  • Page 236
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS • Operating condition of booms; 13.1ft Boom : 13.1 ft Boom All booms are completely retracted. 15.5ft Boom : 15.5ft Boom means that the boom is extended to a position where the mark on the 2nd boom-section is visible. 15.5 ft Boom 25.2ft Booam : 25.2 ft Boom…
  • Page 237
    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS 44.5 ft Boom 44.5ft Boom : 44.5ft Boom means that the boom is extended to a position where the 2nd mark on the 4th boom-section is visible. 54.0 ft Boom 54.0ft Boom : 54.0ft Boom means that the boom is extended to a position where the 3rd mark on the 4th boom-section is visible.
  • Page 238: Major Specification (Radio Remote Control Device) For Urw370C4U, Urw500C4U, Urw547C4U

    MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Major specification (Radio remote control device) for URW370C4U, URW500C4U, URW547C4U Model RC-500HA-USA, Radio remote control device Radio frequency 458~459 MHz band Transmission output 10 mW Frequency selection Auto-scanning (automatic selection) Service range of radio wave 328ft(100m) min. (when in good conditions with no radio interfer- ence) System structure Combined system of manual and radio remote control operation…

  • Page 239: Mode Indicator Lamp (Control Box)

    18. MODE INDICATOR LAMP (CONTROL BOX) Mode indicator lamp (Control box) The “mode indicator lamp” is mounted in the control box indicating conditions of crane opera- tion and troubles in detail. When the mode indicator lamp” lights, the crane system is working normally. When the mode indicator lamp”…

  • Page 240
    MODE INDICATOR LAMP (CONTROL BOX) Radio Manual control Mode Mode description operation Priority operation mode mode Current control is on low temperature operation mode. Operation can be carried by manual control but not through × ◯ radio remote control. Hook hits against weight for over-winding alarm (over- ̶…
  • Page 241
    MODE INDICATOR LAMP (CONTROL BOX) ◆ Mode indication when crane is in trouble When the mode indicator lamp” is blinking figures larger than [ ] (or [ ] lights), the crane system is in trouble (system trouble indication). If the system trouble indication is found on the mode indicator lamp”, confirm and follow the mode description on the table illustrated below: If the crane becomes impossible to be operated, store the crane by following procedures described in section 12.
  • Page 242
    MODE INDICATOR LAMP (CONTROL BOX) Radio Manual control Mode Mode description operation operation mode mode Manual lever is not at its neutral position when power is turned ON. Do not operate the crane as it is carrying out system diagno- ×…
  • Page 243
    MODE INDICATOR LAMP (CONTROL BOX) ◆ Mode indication when crane is mistakenly operated When prohibited operation or combination of operation which may invites dangerous situations has been carried out, the “mode indicator lamp” will blink corresponding numbers (operation error indication). When the operation error is indicated, the “mode indicator lamp”…
  • Page 244
    MODE INDICATOR LAMP (CONTROL BOX) Mode Description of wrong operation Measures to be taken Either one of operation such as “boom Up”, Detach hook from weight for overwinding “hook Up”, or “boom Extend” (when operated alarm. on para-hook mode) is being carried out while ●When raising boom through radio control de- hook has hit against weight for overwinding vice with hook hit against the weight for over-…
  • Page 245: Measures To Be Taken In An Emergency

    19. MEASURES TO BE TAKEN IN AN EMERGENCY Take measures when the crane does not operate correctly even if the “mode indicator” is indi- cating right. Trouble Possible cause Measures to be taken Crane fails to be operated Batteries in transmitter have been run Replace batteries in transmitter.

  • Page 248
    HEAD OFFICE : Nihonbashi nishikawa Bldg, 5-3, Nihonbashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027, Japan…

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