Unsupported operand type s for float and float ошибка

I wrote this simple program to calculate one’s BMI. But I am unable to execute it complete. Below is my program,


h = input("Please Enter your height in meters:")
q = raw_input("Do you want to enter your weight in kg or lbs?")

if q=="kg":
         w1 = input("Please Enter your weight in kgs:")
         bmi1 = w1/(h*h) 
         print "Your BMI is", bmi1

         if bmi1 <= 18.5: 
                        print "Your are underweight."
         if bmi1 > 18.5 & bmi1 < 24.9: 
                                     print "Your weight is normal."
         if bmi1 > 25 & bmi1 < 29.9: 
                                   print "Your are overweight"              
         if bmi1 >= 30: 
                      print "Your are obese"                    

if q=="lbs":
          w2 = input("Please Enter your weightin lbs:")
          bmi2 = w2/((h*h)*(39.37*39.37)*703) 
          print "Your BMI is:", bmi2

          if bmi2<= 18.5: 
                        print "Your are underweight."
          if bmi2>18.5 & bmi2<24.9: 
                                  print "Your weight is normal."
          if bmi2>25 & bmi2<29.9: 
                                print "Your are overweight"         
          if bmi2>=30: 
                     print "Your are obese" 


Please Enter your height in meters:1.52
Do you want to enter your weight in kg or lbs?kg
Please Enter your weight in kgs:51
Your BMI is 22.074099723
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "bmi.py", line 11, in <module>
    if bmi1 > 18.5 & bmi1 < 24.9: 
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'float' and 'float'

Where am I going wrong? Anyone just let me know..

Thanks :).

asked Apr 20, 2012 at 12:39

user1345589's user avatar

& is a bitwise operator, I think you were looking for the boolean and.

But notice that Python also supports the following syntax:

if 18.5 < bmi1 < 24.9:
    # ...

Since you seemed to have trobled with indentation this is how your script might look like:

h = raw_input("Please enter your height in meters: ")
h = float(h)
w_unit = raw_input("Do you want to enter your weight in kg or lbs? ")
w = raw_input("Please enter your weight in {}: ".format(w_unit))
w = int(w)
if w_unit == "kg":
    bmi = w / (h*h)
elif w_unit == "lbs":
    bmi = w / ((h*h) * (39.37 * 39.37) * 703)

print "Your BMI is {:.2f}".format(bmi)
if bmi <= 18.5: 
    print "Your are underweight."
elif 18.5 < bmi <= 25: 
    print "Your weight is normal."
elif 25 < bmi < 30: 
    print "Your are overweight"              
elif bmi >= 30:
    print "Your are obese"

There are a couple of slight improvements:

  • The explicit conversion (since in Python 3 the input function behave like raw_input and there’s nothing like the Python 2 input, it might be a good habit to write your input like that)
  • What really changes is the bmi value, so there’s no need to write two times the same thing.

Something left to do, might be wrap the whole script into functions :)

answered Apr 20, 2012 at 12:41

Rik Poggi's user avatar

Rik PoggiRik Poggi

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To fix the TypeError: Unsupported operand type(s) for *: float and decimal.Decimal in Python. I will do the object conversion, use the Decimal module and check the object type. Post details below.

The error happens when you multiply a float object by a decimal object.


from decimal import Decimal

valueFloat = 1.2
decimalObj = Decimal('1.2')
print(valueFloat * decimalObj)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./prog.py", line 5, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'float' and 'decimal.Decimal'

How to solve this error?

Converting float to decimal

To avoid the error, all you need to do is converting the float object to a decimal number.


  • Converting float to the decimal object using the Decimal() function.
  • Multiplying 2 decimal objects will not throw an error.
from decimal import Decimal

valueFloat = 1.2

# Float object converts to decimal.
valueFloat = Decimal(valueFloat)

decimalVar = Decimal(1.2)
print('Multiplication result:', valueFloat * decimalVar)


Multiplication result: 1.439999999999999893418589636

Or you can convert Decimal objects to floats using the float() function and multiply them together.


from decimal import Decimal

valueFloat = 1.2
decimalVar = Decimal(1.2)

# Decimal object converts to float.
decimalVar = float(decimalVar)
print('Multiplication result:', valueFloat * decimalVar)


Multiplication result: 1.44

Using the Decimal Module


  • Import the Decimal module.
  • Implement the decimal object using the Decimal() function from the Decimal module.
  • Perform rounding to 2 digits after the decimal point using the getcontext() function.
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext

firstDecimalFactor = Decimal(1.2)
secondDecimalFactor = Decimal(2.4)

# The getcontext() function rounds the math.
# Get 2 numbers after the decimal point.
getcontext().prec = 2
print('Multiplication result:', firstDecimalFactor * secondDecimalFactor)


Multiplication result: 2.9

When you enclose numbers in single quotes, the results are automatically rounded.


from decimal import Decimal

firstDecimalFactor = Decimal('1.2')
secondDecimalFactor = Decimal('2.4')
print('Multiplication result:', firstDecimalFactor * secondDecimalFactor)


Multiplication result: 2.88

Checking the decimal object

To check if an object is a decimal object, use the isinstance() function or the type() function.


from decimal import Decimal

firstDecimalFactor = Decimal('1.2')

# Use the isinstance() function to check.
print('Here is the decimal object:', isinstance(firstDecimalFactor, Decimal))

# Use the type() function to check.
print('What object is this?', type(firstDecimalFactor))


Here is the decimal object: True
What object is this? <class 'decimal.Decimal'>


The topic TypeError: Unsupported operand type(s) for *: float and decimal.Decimal done. You can use the Decimal module to solve this problem. It is pretty convenient. If you have any comments on the article, please leave a comment below.

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Jason Wilson

My name is Jason Wilson, you can call me Jason. My major is information technology, and I am proficient in C++, Python, and Java. I hope my writings are useful to you while you study programming languages.

Name of the university: HHAU
Major: IT
Programming Languages: C++, Python, Java

  • #1

1)Windows 10
2) Python 3.8
3) 1607019877424.png — нужно вычислить сумму.
Вот код, я только начал изучать Python, поэтому и не знаю, как решить такую задачу.


a=float(input("zadayte a="))
x=float(input("zadayte x="))

4) Ошибка
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: ‘float’ and ‘float’


  • #2

в питоне степень это **


a = float(input("zadayte a="))
x = float(input("zadayte x="))
suma = (a + 1 / x + a + 2 / 2 * x ** 2 + a + 3 / 3 * x ** 3)

но это вашу задачу не решает…


  • #3

в питоне степень это **


a = float(input("zadayte a="))
x = float(input("zadayte x="))
suma = (a + 1 / x + a + 2 / 2 * x ** 2 + a + 3 / 3 * x ** 3)

но это вашу задачу не решает…

Не подскажете, что нужно изменить в коде?


  • #4

добавить переменную ‘n’ и в цикле складывать дроби до значения ‘n’…



  • #5


def go(a, x, n):
    return sum((a + i) / (i * x**i) for i in range(1, n+1))


0 / 0 / 0

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11.05.2013, 17:50. Показов 196940. Ответов 2

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Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

import math
from math import tan, atan, log10, cos , sin
x=input("Введи х")
v= x-tan(2)
print (round(y,3))

Почему то выходит ошибка:

Введи х 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:Python33programzadacha1.py", line 4, in <module>
    v= x-tan(2)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'float'

Что нужно сделать?



141 / 141 / 38

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11.05.2013, 18:08


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взять переводчик и перевести текст ошибки.

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TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'float'

не поддерживаемый оператор -, строка и флоат.
следовательно вы хотите из строки вычесть float число.
следовательно строку надо перевести либо в int, int(x), либо в float -> float(x)



0 / 0 / 1

Регистрация: 25.01.2013

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13.05.2013, 12:57


x=int(input("Введи х"))


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